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Heat Good & Poor Conductors

Heat conductors (good conductor of heat) allows the heat to flow through them easily, whereas poor conductor of heat do not allow
heat to flow through them easily and slows down heat gain/ loss more

The pan handle is a poor conductor

of heat and does not conduct heat
very well.
Water is heated in the pan by convection. The hot
water rises while the cooler soup falls to take the Heat energy from the stove is transferred
hotter water’s place. to the pan which is a heat conductor by
Heat Conductors
Metals are better conductors because they contain free electrons. They move
through the metal easily and gain kinetic energy from collisions with hot atoms
and pass on the energy when they collide with cold atoms, transferring the heat
more quickly.
Different metals differ in conducting the heat as they have different conductive
properties which is determined by the coefficient of heat conduction (W/(m2K).

Poor Conductors Of Heat

Materials such as wood, glass, paper, rubber and air are classified as poor
conductors because they offer very large resistance to the flow of heat
current. The electrons in poor conductors are tightly bounded to the atom.

The smaller the value of thermal conductivity, the higher the heat resistance; how
effectively it resists heat flowing through it.

As heat cannot pass through these poor conductors easily, it is not easily lost through
conduction or convection.

Some usages of Heat Good + Poor Conductors

Metals Cooking utensils, kettles, saucepans and boilers are usually made of When a color (colored fabric) absorbs
aluminum or stainless steel where direct heating (conduction) is involved. light, it turns the light into thermal
energy (heat). The more light a color
absorbs, the more thermal energy it
Wool Woolen clothes are not actually warm. They trap air and do not allow heat produces. Black fabric absorbs all
to conduct away or to escape out and thus keep our body warm. colors of light and is therefore warmer
than white fabric which reflects all
Air In cold countries, air is used in making the insulating glass windows. The colors.
insulating glass window is made by two glass sheets and leaving a space
between them to prevent the leakage of heat.
Clay / Mud •Building materials do not permit heat and cold to pass through the walls of
bricks. They keep the houses warm in winter and cool in summer.

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