Management Principle and Application Unit 1 Intro
Management Principle and Application Unit 1 Intro
Management Principle and Application Unit 1 Intro
HomeGuwahati University
Team Treasure Notes April 25, 2022 0
Unit 1: Introduction
1. Define Management.
16. Name the level of management the following posts belong to:
(i) Purchase Manager (ii) Superintendent
Ans: Controlling.
Ans: This principle states that the chain of Superiors ranging from
ultimate authority to the lowest level in the organization. The
communication is to be faster and affective in the line. Under scalar
chain communication should follow through in established chain of
command. However, passing the established line of authority, to
facilitate quick communication, may create a gangplank. But the
gangplank should not be a normal practice as it underlines the
established line of authority.
Unit - 1 Introduction
Unit - 2 Planing
Unit - 3 Organising
Unit - 5 Controlling
Ans: Objectives are the goals or ends toward which the activities of a
business are directed. From the point of view of management,
objectives may be grouped under three heading namely
(i)organisational (ii) social.and (iii) individual.(i)Organisational
objectives: The main purpose of any organisation is to utilise human
and material resources to fulfill its economic objectives. The economic
objectives of a business are survival, profit and growth as discussed
(a) Survival: The basic objective of any business is survival. In order
to survive an organisation must earn enough revenues to cover cost of
(iii) Modern Theory (1950 onward) Each of them are discussed below:
(a) Division of Labor: It is the corner stone among the four elements.
(b) Scalar and Functional Process: They deal with vertical and
horizontal growth of the organization.
However, the points of criticism put forward against this theory are as
(ii) Decision Making Process: Little attention was paid to the decision
making process.
(iv) Human being has diverse motivational pattern and try to fulfill
different types of needs.
(v) Communication is necessary as it conveys the feelings and
sentiments of people who work in the organization.
(a) Environment
(b) Technology
(c) People
(a) Scientific task setting: Taylor suggested that the task of every
worker for every day should be determined through scientific
investigation. Taylor called it "a fair day's work". Every manager must
know in advance the fair day's work for each worker. The day's work
should neither be higher than the average capacity of the workers nor
lower than the capacity of the worker for whom work is determined.
(iii) Time Study: Time study is the process of recording the exact time
taken for doing a job with a view to find out a standard time for doing
the job.
(ix) People get better quality of products. Owners get more profits.
(xi) As a resuit of all the above facts, the society and nation as a whole
is benefited.
Ans: Henry Fayol (1841-1925) was a French mining engineer and chief
executive officer of a coal mine company. He propounded the
administrative or functional theory of management. He first expressed
his views in 1900 at the international mining and metallurgical
congress. Then he presented his theory in a book entitled
Administration Industrially it General in French language in 1915.
Later, it was translated into English as General and Industrial
Management in 1929. Fayol's contribution may be discussed under the
following heads.
Theyare as follows:
(d) Flexible and adaptable principles: Fayol made it clear that the
principles of management are flexible and adaptable to every need.
The managers must be flexible in applying them because these
principles are hardly ever used twice in the same way due to the
changing conditions
(f) Qualities of manager: Fayol also stressed the need for learning
and developing certain skills by managers. According to him a
manager should possess the following qualities:
(i) Physical qualities i.e. good health, vigor and vitality. (ii) Mental
qualities i.e., ability to learn, and to apply the knowledge.(iii) Moral
qualities i.e., energy, firmness to accept responsibility, ability to take
initiative, loyal etc.(iv) Educational qualities i.e., general education and
knowledge ofmatters not belonging to his job. (v) Technical or
professional qualities i.e., ability to perform his job efficiently. (vi)
Experience, i.e. knowledge arising from doing the job over the time.(g)
Management education and training: Fayol realised the need for
management education and training. He strongly pleaded for
introducing management education and training in schools and
universities. He also suggested for conducting organizational "in
house' training programmes... He preferred it over on the job
experience method of learning and training
The principle of division of work states that the total work should be
sub divided into small components/parts and each part of the work
should be allocated to the worker who specializes in that part of the
(ii) The relay assembly test room study: The relay assembly test
room study was conducted to ascertain the factors other than the light
intensity, affecting the productivity. In this study six persons (five girl
assemblers and a layout operator) were placed in a room. In addition,
the researchers put an observer with them in the room. The observer
was to record everything that happened in the room and to maintain
friendly atmosphere therein. The researchers changed working
conditions such as rest periods, length or workdays, refreshments,
temperature, wage rates etc. during the study. In addition, girls were
allowed to talk more freely among themselves. With the introduction
of each change, productivity increased. Then researchers decided to
return to the original conditions of work. They were surprised to note
that productivity continued to rise. Therefore, they concluded that
most likely cause of higher productivity was the change in social
situations on the work group. They also noted that the test room
observer had become de Facto supervisor who created a more relaxed
social environment. Therefore, in order to ascertain the true factors
involved in the productivity, a massive interviewing study programme
was initiated.
(iii) Mass interviewing study: The third study was the mass
interviewing programme. Under this programme over 21,000
employees at the Hawthorne plant were interviewed over a period of
three years. Initially, employees were directly asked about the
supervision, company policies, the work environment i general etc.
But employees often gave guarded and stereo typed answ... Thus, it
became quickly clear that the employees do not want to answer such
(iii) Influence of social groups: The informal social groups within the
work place greatly affect the behaviour and productivity of individual
(ii) Group influence: Workers being social beings, they create groups
which may be different from their official group. In fact, groups are
formed to overcome the shortcomings of formal relationship. So, there
is group. influence in an organisation
(i) Goal setting: The first phase in the MBO process is to define the
organizational objectives. These are determined by the top
management and usually in consultation with other managers. Once
these goals are established, they should be made known to all the
members. In setting objectives, it is necessary to identify "Key-Result
Areas' (KRA).
(vi) Goal setting: The first phase in the MBO process is to define the
organizational objectives. These are determined by the top
management and usually in consultation with other managers. Once
these goals are established, they should be made known to all the
members. In setting objectives, it is necessary to identify "Key-Result
Areas' (KRA).
Ans :Inspite of having the above problems, the MBO may be improved
subject to maintaining the following suggestions.
Ans: Continuous improvement had been around for a long time. And
that simply built on generations of work to improve the way
businesses do things, going back to the Gilbreths and Taylor. But in
1990, a Harvard
Unit - 1 Introduction
Unit - 2 Planing
Unit - 3 Organising
Unit - 5 Controlling