Accountancy Project Book - 47th
Accountancy Project Book - 47th
Accountancy Project Book - 47th
As per the Latest Syllabus & guidelines Issued by CBSE for Project Work in Accounting
M.Com., B.Ed, Doctorate in Commerce
I am feeling great pleasure in putting the Accountancy Project Workbook for
class XII in the hands of Honorable Academic Community. The main
purpose of writing this project workbook is to provide the practical
knowledge of accounting to the students. I am confident that this project
workbook will be certainly helpful to the students and the teaching
I am extremely grateful to the entire team of Vishvas Publications for CBSE Guidelines 6 8
providing wings to my ideas. Part-B :
I would also like to thank to the students, teachers, lecturers and Chartered Financial Statement Analysis
Accountants across the country for appreciating my work in the field of PROJECT 1 9 32
Part-A : Comprehensive Problem
Why this project workbook is valuable for the students?
Part-B : Project on Segement Analysis
They will learn the meaning of project work and how to prepare a
Part-C : Cash Flow Statement
good project?
They will understand the value of project work in their real life. PROJECT 2 33 52
They will learn that how to identify, collect, and analyse the financial Part-A : Comprehensive Problem
data for the project work. Part-B : Project on Segement Analysis
They will understand the concept of Analysis and Interpretation. Part-C : Cash Flow Statement
They will understand the concept of Cash Flow Statement.
Computerized Accounting (Part-C)
They will understand the concept of Ratio Analysis.
This project workbook is designed as per the latest syllabus issued by Project 3 53 55
C.B.S.E. Payroll Mate Software
In this book Four Solved Sample Projects have been given to assist the
students to develop a good project. Project 4 56 61
Topics covered under this project work are : Easy Accounts
1. Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements. Viva Questions (Part B) 62 66
2. Ratio Analysis Viva Questions (Part C) 67 68
3. Cash Flow Statement
Students and teachers may directly contact to the Author to clear their
doubts or for any suggestion for the improvement.
Vinod Kumar (Accountancy Guru) Author E-mail : [email protected]
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This is to certify that this Accountancy Project Workbook belongs to
Name ......................................................................................................................
The Projects recorded in this Project Workbook have been done by the candidate in
the school and the signatures affixed on recorded projects are genuine.
Mr/Mrs................................................ my Accountancy
Name of Project................................................................
Name of Student..............................................................
School Name....................................................................
5 Project–1
The Board has introduced Project Work in Accounting for Class-XII in the Optional Part B :
'Financial Statement Analysis'. It is expected that the Project Work will help the students in
developing the skills to comprehend, analyse and interpret accounting data of the business firms
and make it meaningful for taking business decisions.
l To enable a student to complete the accounting process in real life business situations and
apply the tools of analysis as per the syllabus for a comprehensive project.
l To develop the competence of reading accounting data from quarterly or half yearly or annual
reports of business firms and interpreting the information on the basis of given guidelines to
present the desirable information in required format in the Project File for Specific Projects.
Guidelines for Teachers
During the academic session the students will work on at least three types of projects out of which
one will be of Comprehensive nature. The comprehensive project will involve the students from the
initial stage of accounting to the preparation and analysis of financial statements. The data
provided or the Project Statement will be as close to the real life situations as possible. The project
statement should cover all important aspects like investments, financing, operating, adjustments
to final accounts, etc. in a condensed form. The situations given in these problems will require a
student to derive meaningful conclusion for taking decisions for the purposes of investment,
expansion, financing, etc.
Two projects will be of specific nature using atleast one tool of analysis in each. The data for these
will be drawn mainly from quarterly or half yearly or annual reports of corporate sector. Students
will analyze the information given in the financial statements as follows:
(a) Performance of Segments keeping in mind their three parameters Revenue, Net Profit and
Capital Employed of companies on quarterly or half yearly or annual basis. This is widely
published and reported by the companies. It can be picked up either from the newspapers or
from the websites of the companies.
(b) Comparison of Revenue, Net Profit and Earning Per Share (EPS) on quarterly or half yearly or
annual basis with the help of comparative or common size statements. The Projects given in
these guidelines are on sample areas of business activities like Segment Reporting, etc. The
teachers and students are free to explore more such areas of business activities for specific
There are four tools of analysis given in the syllabus for the analysis of Financial Statements,
namely (i) Comparative Statement, (ii) Common Size Statements, (iii) Ratios and (iv) Cash Flow
Statement. Any one or more of these tools are to be used to derive conclusions. No project is to
be prepared on the tools, but these tools are to be used to achieve the object of the project. For
instance, there will not be any project on the 'Ratios' as such, but ratios will be used in the
development of the project to reach a conclusion.
7 Project–1
l To give them exposure to analyse the financial statements of business firms and help them to
derive meaningful information and conclusions therefrom.
l To know how effectively the students can derive conclusions and express them.
Complete Accounting & Inventory Package
This is an accounts software with Inventory management and has rich set of features. Data entry is easy
and there is no need for accounts knowledge to use the package.
Features: The user interface is easy to
use. Even complete beginners can get
productive very quickly. It is able to
manage its functions through several
modules that are named company,
Suppliers, Customers, Accounts,
Payroll, Job Work, Utilities, Accounts
Reports and Inventory Reports. Some of
the company wide features supported
include creation of unlimited number of
companies, all the interactive screen are
controlled by user rights, so that only
appropriate accesses take place. Year-
end processes are done automatically
without interrupting normal processing
of the businesses. Data can be exported
in Excel mode from all the operating modules. Stock maintenance features include unlimited items that
can be created. All product and/or services prices can be changed at one place. You get low stock alert as
the application powers up. Kit master preparation, kit production maintenance, daily stock usage entry
etc., are maintained.
Employee wages report keyed to their
production rate are made available. In
the inventory functions, purchase order
mechanisms are included. All the
applicable taxes are managed.
Payments are also tracked. Statements
related to suppliers and their
outstanding bill amounts are available.
It manages customer related functions
easily. These include customer name,
contact details, sales bills, agency
commission and taxes applicable, bills
printing, monthly statements of all
sales to a customer etc., are available.
All the account functions are taken care
of that include the general ledger and
any number of other ledgers. Accounts
management and year end account book preparations are handled too. Payroll preparation, job work and
various return preparations are included in the package.
Company Features
Unlimited number of Company Creation
Company & Particular Year Deletion Option
Any number of User Account Creation
User Rights in each and every screen activity
57 Project–4
Unit Master - Create own unit of measurements Multi Calendar create option
Automatic Year end process - No need manual Reminder facility in main screen to follow some
interruption jobs without fail using schedule manager
Excel export facility in all screen Budget Screen for creating pre-budget in
Dos mode print in most screen business
Back-up facility Cost Centre Screen for using in expense, daily
item usage entry screen
59 Project–4
Customer Monthly Balance Statement - Agent company. For example computer service for
wise, Line wise, Customer Place wise List with AMC - Annual Maintenance Contract, Warranty
their pending Bill Details (In Excel, Dos Mode based monthly/yearly service
print format) Client's forthcoming service list report for
particular period to maintain service perfectly
Customer Bill to Bill Receipt Entry
Reminder for Service Contract Ending to renew
Customer Pending Bill Due days list - the service
30/60/90 Days Format Display
In Sales Bill, adding Agent Commission in
Customer Price Group facility Journal made optional
All Customer list with address, Total Sales of Inventory Voucher Type System - By this option
year, their current balance in every inventory screen, you can filter
Customer Call Register added for registering displaying Items list by Item Code
customer call for complaints, material 3 type of Sales Bill type - Material Bill, Service
requirement and other customer related entry Bill, Rental Bill
New Material Rental Bill Screen added for 3 types of Sales Bill prefix
lending the material like computer, machinery
No of Bill Payment Due Days option for
etc. You can give material rent for particular
Customer/Supplier and applied in
period from this screen
Sales/Purchase Bill
New Service Contract Screen for Service based
61 Project–4