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Cite This: ACS Cent. Sci. 2018, 4, 153−165

Walking Metals for Remote Functionalization

Heiko Sommer,†,‡ Francisco Juliá-Hernández,‡,§ Ruben Martin,*,§,∥ and Ilan Marek*,†
Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology,
Avinguda dels Països Catalans, 16, 43007 Tarragona, Spain

ICREA, Passeig Lluïs Companys, 23, 08010 Barcelona, Spain

Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology, 32000 Haifa, Israel

ABSTRACT: The distant and selective activation of unreactive

C−H and C−C bonds remains one of the biggest challenges in
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organic chemistry. In recent years, the development of remote

functionalization has received growing interest as it allows for
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the activation of rather challenging C−H and C−C bonds

distant from the initiation point by means of a “metal-walk”.
A “metal-walk” or “chain-walk” is defined by an iterative series of consecutive 1,2- or 1,3-hydride shifts of a metal complex along a
single hydrocarbon chain. With this approach, simple building blocks or mixtures thereof can be transformed into complex
scaffolds in a convergent and unified strategy. A variety of catalytic systems have been developed and refined over the past decade
ranging from late-transition-metal complexes to more sustainable iron- and cobalt-based systems. As the possibilities of this field
are slowly unfolding, this area of research will contribute considerably to provide solutions to yet unmet synthetic challenges.

observation opens a yet unexplored field of research, as simple

I nitiated by the pioneering work of Breslow in the early
1970s for biomimetic transformations1,2 and later used by
Schwarz in gas-phase chemistry,3 the concept of remote f unc-
and readily available hydrocarbon precursors can act as powerful
scaffolds to build up molecular complexity (Figure 1c).
tionalization consists of an indirect activation of a site distant The “metal-walk” via formal olefin migration along the sat-
from the initial functional group (Figure 1a). This distant acti- urated hydrocarbon chain can proceed through a variety of mech-
vation of an “unactivated position” strongly modifies our per- anisms, which are briefly elucidated in the following sections
ception of organic transformations which was mostly concen- along with representative examples.
trated on direct transformation of the chemically most reactive
position. For instance, the concept of activation of carbon− While the field of directed
hydrogen bonds, coined as C−H activation, has the ability to
decorate hydrocarbons of all couleur from simple arenes to
activation of C−H bonds matured
highly functionalized natural products.4−7 To achieve control of considerably in the past 20 years,
the selectivity of these transformations, the inherent direction- the undirected process poses still
ality of the substrate is usually exploited (Figure 1b). This goal significant challenges limiting its
is commonly achieved by utilizing directing groups, present or
preinstalled, or through the undirected activation of particularly
applicability to C−H bonds
reactive C−H bonds. While the field of directed activation of “within reach” of the catalyst.
C−H bonds matured considerably in the past 20 years, the
undirected process still poses significant challenges limiting its Mechanistic Aspects of Olefin Isomerization. Olefin
applicability to C−H bonds “within reach” of the catalyst.8 To isomerization can occur via either 1,2- or 1,3-hydride shift
overcome these limitations, the field of remote functionalization mechanism, and both pathways can potentially compete with
has spurred renewed interest by organic chemists. This concep- each other.9,10 In the 1,2-hydride shift mechanism, the metal−
tually different approach relies on the ability of transition-metal hydride complex undergoes migratory insertion into an olefin,
complexes to undergo rapid olefin isomerization, or “metal- commonly referred to as hydrometalation reaction, giving rise
walk”, preceding a final, yet formal, C−H functionalization. to a well-defined alkyl−metal species (Figure 2a). Subsequent
“Chain-walking, chain-running or metal-walk” has been defined β-hydride elimination furnishes the isomerized olefin π-complex,
as a process in which discrete alkyl−metal species undergo an which undergoes rotation and hydrometalation.
iterative sequence of 1,2- or 1,3-hydride shifts along a single Alternatively, olefin isomerization can occur via a 1,3-hydride
hydrocarbon chain. Thus, the site of functionalization is located shift mechanism through an inner- or outer-sphere mechanism.
at a different position in the molecule allowing the activation of The inner-sphere mechanism requires two vacant orbitals for
C−H bonds beyond reach in classical C−H activation. An this process: one for olefin coordination and the second one for
additional inherent advantage of such “metal-walk” is that the
chemical outcome is usually independent of the position and Received: January 3, 2018
geometry of the initial double bond. This seemingly innocent Published: February 8, 2018

© 2018 American Chemical Society 153 DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00005

ACS Cent. Sci. 2018, 4, 153−165
ACS Central Science Outlook

Figure 1. “Metal-walk” vs classical modes of activation: (a) general concept of remote functionalization; (b) directed C−H activation at close
proximity; (c) metal-walk for remote functionalization.

Figure 2. Mechanistic intricacies of olefin isomerization: (a) 1,2-hydride shift mechanism; (b) 1,3-hydride shift; (c) 1,3-hydride shift with a ligand
acting as a base; (d) 1,3-proton shift.

the C−H allylic activation to occur (Figure 2b). After formation been developed and are discussed in the following with repre-
of the η3-allyl complex, reductive elimination provides the sentative examples.
isomerized olefin−metal complex. The vacant filled orbital can Titanium and Zirconium Complexes. The isomerization
also be replaced by a strategically placed base within the ligand of branched Grignard reagents to linear compounds via the
sphere of the catalyst (Figure 2c). Upon olefin coordination formation of olefin intermediates under titanium or zirconium
and allylic activation, this base can abstract the allylic proton to catalysis has been reported as early as 1961.11,12 But only in the
furnish the η3-allyl complex, which undergoes reductive past two decades have efforts been devoted toward the devel-
elimination to give the isomerized olefin. Finally, some π-acidic opment of protocols that allowed the extension of these findings
transition metals such as cationic silver and palladium com- for the selective isomerization of olefins.13 Most notably,
plexes are able to acidify the allylic position upon olefin coor- Schwartz’s reagent (Cp2Zr(H)Cl)14,15 and Negishi reagent
dination (Figure 2d). Intermolecular deprotonation subse- (Cp2Zr(C4H8))16 exhibit high activity for the isomerization of
quently furnishes the η3-allyl complex, which rapidly undergoes olefins and dienes. These reagents are easily accessible from
protodemetalation resulting in overall olefin migration. Inde- zirconocene dichloride (Cp2ZrCl2) and can be readily prepared
pendent of the mechanism, the directionality of the “chain- in situ. “Chain-walking” of linear olefins occurs under mild
walking” depends on the terminating event as all steps in the conditions whereas hindered substrates typically require higher
isomerization sequence are in rapid equilibrium. Consequently, temperatures. For example, simple fatty alcohols underwent a
a variety of catalytic systems with unique termination steps have sequence comprising olefin isomerization, elimination, and
154 DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00005
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Figure 3. Zr complexes in remote functionalization: (a) zirconium-mediated C−H allylic activation−elimination sequence; (b) migratory
hydrozirconation for enantioselectice copper-catalyzed 1,4-addition reaction; (c) zirconium-mediated allylic C−H bond activation followed by a
selective ring-opening reaction.

electrophilic trapping in the presence of stoichiometric amounts Ruthenium, Rhodium, and Iridium Catalysis. In 1974,
of the Negishi reagent (Figure 3a).17 The in situ formed alkoxy- Wells and co-workers described the isomerization of 1-pentene
zirconocene species serves as a leaving group to yield the required to 2-pentene under homogeneous ruthenium catalysis.21
allylzirconocene. As double bond geometry and position in the Following these initial findings, different research groups inves-
starting material are inconsequential of the reaction outcome, a tigated this transformation in more detail and eventually discov-
convergent synthesis from isomeric mixtures can be realized. ered that internal olefins undergo this transformation as well.
If simple olefins are employed in the presence of Schwartz’s Furthermore, it was also found that α,β-unsaturated carbonyls
reagent, the resulting terminal alkylzirconium species are suitable readily underwent deconjugative isomerization, favoring the for-
reaction partners in asymmetric conjugate additions (Figure 3b).18 mation of enol ethers.22 The isomerization of olefins over a large
Recently it was found that strategically positioned cyclo- number of positions has also been achieved utilizing a bifunctional
propanes offer the possibility to achieve bisfunctionalization of catalyst via the outer-sphere 1,3-hydride shift mechanism. In the
olefins by means of zirconium “chain-walk”, C−C bond cleavage, presence of this “alkene-zipper” catalyst, olefin isomerizations over
and electrophilic trapping.19,20 The transiently formed allyl more than 30 positions became possible (Figure 4a).23 In com-
zirconacyclobutane selectively reacts first with carbonyl electro- bination with an olefin metathesis catalyst (W-1), a tandem olefin
philes at the allylic position. Subsequent electrophilic activation isomerization/metathesis sequence has been applied for the syn-
of the remaining alkylzirconium bond then furnishes the prod- thesis of long-chain olefins (Figure 4b)24 or phenylpropenoids.25
uct (Figure 3c). Although currently stoichiometric amounts of With the finding of Wilkinson and Osborn that PPh3
zirconium reagent have to be employed, these results might modified rhodium catalysts undergo hydroformylation reac-
pave the way for the implementation of a catalytic methodology. tions of terminal olefins,26,27 this field underwent impressive
Furthermore, the development of titanium-based protocols developments in the past 50 years.28 In the past two decades,29
appears desirable under sustainability viewpoints considering catalytic systems have been developed that favor an isomer-
the natural abundance of both elements. ization/hydroformylation sequence, even starting from mix-
tures of olefins, to furnish linear aldehydes and derivatives
“Chain-walking” of linear olefins thereof (Figure 4c).30−32 Furthermore, a rhodium-catalyzed
occurs under mild conditions olefin isomerization/Michael addition sequence has been devel-
oped based on the Rh/BIPHEPHOS system (Figure 5a).33
whereas hindered substrates Based on earlier findings that cationic iridium complexes in the
typically require higher presence of hydrogen readily promote olefin isomerization,34,35
temperatures. a protocol for the tandem isomerization/enantioselective
allylation was developed.36 Under the same reaction conditions,
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ACS Central Science Outlook

Figure 4. Ru and Rh “chain-walking” via olefin isomerization: (a) isomerization of alkenyl alcohols with the alkene zipper catalyst; (b) tandem
Ru-catalyzed isomerization−W-catalyzed olefin metathesis reactions; (c) tandem Rh-catalyzed isomerization−hydroformylation reaction and
functionalization at the terminal position.

Figure 5. Rh or Ir “chain-walk”/C−C bond formation: (a) tandem Rh-catalyzed isomerization−conjugate addition reactions; (b) tandem Ir-catalyzed
isomerization −allylation reactions.

a tandem hydroboration/isomerization/allylation sequence was In 2013, a series of mild iron-catalyzed olefin isomerization/
demonstrated as well (Figure 5b). hydroborations and hydrosilylations of a variety of internal
As can be seen from these examples, the true potential of olefins were reported.40,41 The corresponding iron complexes
long-range olefin isomerization can be unleashed when coupled show similar reactivity although their high sensitivity toward air
with an ensuing coupling reaction. Furthermore, the catalytic and moisture render them particularly difficult to handle.
systems employed demonstrate a reasonable chemoselectivity, Therefore, a protocol for in situ activation of an iron precursor
allowing a variety of tandem reactions to be conducted. has been developed and applied to a tandem dehydrogenation/
Iron Catalysis. Since its disclosure in 1964,37 the iron- isomerization/hydroboration sequence (Figure 6).42
catalyzed olefin isomerization has witnessed renewed interest in Cobalt Catalysis. Prompted by Brookhart’s studies on the
the past decade.38,39 With continuing efforts being made toward hydrosilylation of alkenes with cyclopentadienyl cobalt species,43
more sustainable catalytic systems, iron catalysts offer a promising a Co-catalyzed isomerization/hydroboration of alkenes using
alternative to late transition metals. Although to date only a few pinacolborane (HBPin) with bis(imino)pyridine ligands was
examples on “chain-walking” have been reported, this field will reported (Figure 7a).44 The utilization of aliphatic internal
likely witness important advancements in the upcoming years. olefins resulted in the formation of hydroboration products
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Figure 6. Fe “chain-walking” hydroboration(hydrosilylation) of internal olefins.

Figure 7. Co-catalyzed “chain-walking” hydroboration events: (a) tandem Co-catalyzed isomerization−hydroboration reactions; (b) effect of the Co
catalyst on the regioselectivity of the isomerization; (c) Co-catalyzed isomerization−hydroboration reactions with a N-phosphinoamidinate ligand.

where the BPin residue was invariably located at the terminal site selectivity could be tuned and controlled depending on the
reaction site. The presence of electron-donating amino groups ligand backbone.46 Specifically, terminal olefins decorated with
at the para position of the pyridine ring in the ligand culmi- a pending arene underwent selective C−B bond-forming reac-
nated in more active catalysts (Co-2), which were able to con- tion at the benzylic position with [(PPh3)3CoH(N2)] (Co-3)
vert cis- and/or trans-4-octene into 1-octylboronic ester at room whereas the employment of Co-1 supported by nitrogen donors
temperature with excellent yields and linear selectivity. Labeling gave rise to linear-selective borylation (Figure 7b). The utili-
experiments showed deuterium incorporation at various posi- zation of N-phosphinoamidinate ligands has been shown to be
tions on the aliphatic chain, suggesting a chain-walking migra- particularly suited in cobalt-catalyzed hydroboration of unac-
tion via consecutive β-hydride elimination/olefin reinsertion. tivated olefins via Co-4 (Figure 7c).47 Unlike other nitrogen
The reaction was later extended to more challenging hindered donors, the isomerization/hydroboration was not limited to
tri- and tetrasubstituted alkenes by using redox-active terpyridine HBpin and could be extended to 1,3-dimethyl-1,3-diaza-2-
and α-diimine ligands.45 Later on, it was univocally shown that boracyclopentane or benzo-1,3,2-diazaborolane with equal
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ACS Central Science Outlook

ease.48 The dichotomy exerted by the boron source was further products with excellent site selectivities. Specifically, the utili-
illustrated by the utilization of 2-ethyl-1-butene as counterpart; zation of N-heterocyclic carbenes at 60 °C allowed for an olefin
while HBPin resulted in a mixture of linear alkylboronic esters, isomerization en route to the thermodynamically more stable
clean C−B bond formation at the less-hindered site was styrene prior to C−C bond formation at the benzylic position,
achieved with benzo-1,3,2-diazaborolane. whereas linear selectivity was observed in the absence of
Cobalt complexes have shown a superior performance in N-heterocyclic carbene with tBuCH2MgBr as promoter. While
olefin isomerization/hydrosilylation when compared to precious the role of the ligand still remains unclear, the differences on
metals used for similar means,49,50 and intriguing cooperative both tBuCH2MgBr and CyMgBr are likely attributed to the
effects of well-defined Co(I) catalysts supported by β-diketiminate presence of β-hydrogens in the latter, thus setting the basis for
ligands were described.51,52 In 2014, a dehydrogenative silylation the generation of cobalt hydride species. Recently, the gener-
of alkenes by using bis(imino)pyridine cobalt complexes was ality of cobalt bis(imino)pyridine complexes in chain-walking
discovered, ending up in allylsilanes with the C−Si bond scenarios was extended by showing the viability to conduct
formation occurring exclusively at the terminal reaction site hydroaluminations of internal olefins via an initial isomerization
(Figure 8).53 A sequential site-selective dehydrogenative prior to C−Al bond formation.56
silylation was within reach, offering an opportunity to promote
multiple C−Si bond-forming reactions from simple precursors. A sequential site-selective
Stoichiometric experiments revealed the initial formation of dehydrogenative silylation was
Co−SiR3 active species with concomitant formation of methane within reach, offering an
upon exposure of the cobalt complex Co-1 to R3SiH. Prefer-
ential formation of the allyl- versus vinylsilane was consistent
opportunity to promote multiple
with a preferred β-hydride elimination distal to the bulky tertiary C−Si bond-forming reactions
silyl group. from simple precursors.
The involvement of cobalt catalysts in chain-walking sce-
narios is by no means limited to hydroboration or hydrosilylation Palladium Catalysis. Despite the rapid development of a
reactions. Indeed, C−C bond formations at distal reaction sites range of catalytic systems to induce remote functionalization via
could also be achieved via the intermediacy of cobalt hydride “chain-walking”, this area of research is largely dominated by
species generated by C−H activation54 in the presence of indole palladium-based catalysts. The ready availability of palladium
scaffolds decorated with imine directing groups followed by a complexes, mild reaction conditions, and high functional group
sequence of olefin insertion/β-hydride elimination (Figure 9).55 tolerance are key factors for its popularity. Additionally, most
Subtle changes in the reaction conditions resulted in a regio- palladium (pre)catalysts can easily be handled outside a glove-
divergent scenario with unactivated olefins possessing a pending box, advocating their robustness and user-friendliness. The
arene on the side chain, accessing either linear or branched strong propensity of alkyl−palladium complexes to undergo

Figure 8. Co-catalyzed “chain-walking” hydrosilylation.

Figure 9. Co-catalyzed “chain-walking” via olefin isomerization/C−C bond formation.

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Figure 10. Pd-catalyzed “chain-walking” via C−C bond formations terminated by carbonyl formation: (a) Pd-catalyzed isomerization of alkenyl
alcohols; (b) enantioselective Pd-catalyzed isomerization of alkenols; (c) enantioselective Heck reaction on trisubstituted alkenols; (d) palladium-
catalyzed Heck isomerization as a trigger for selective ring-opening of cyclopropanes; (e) isomerization of unsaturated alcohols promoted by
metal−hydride catalysts.

β-hydride elimination is a well-studied phenomenon in organic olefinic alcohols was disclosed utilizing chiral PyrOx ligands
chemistry with which every practitioner is familiar, and ligands under mild conditions61 (Figure 10b). Such a transformation
favoring this elimination came recently into the focus of research. enables the formation of acyclic quaternary stereocenters in
“Chain-walking” or “chain-running” palladium (and nickel high enantioselectivity, a long-standing challenge in organic
catalysts) had already made their way into polymerization chem- synthesis, from trisubstituted olefins using different coupling
istry but were largely neglected in organic synthesis. The first partners such as diazonium salts, boronic acids, or vinyl triflates
reports on palladium-catalyzed Heck reaction combined with a (Figure 10c).62−71 A similar protocol was found to promote the
metal-walk on ω-alkenols were disclosed in 1976 providing low remote functionalization of olefinic alcohols comprising a
yields of a mixture of products under harsh reaction con- cyclopropane in the side chain with concomitant selective ring
ditions.57−59 These early examples were subsequently extended cleavage (Figure 10d).72 Alternatively, the “chain-walking” can
to the remote functionalization of longer-chain olefinic alcohols also be initiated by an in situ formed palladium hydride,
to yield the corresponding carbonyls (Figure 10a).60 Later, a resulting in an overall long-range redox isomerization of
protocol for the enantioselective remote functionalization of olefinic alcohols.73 Deconjugative redox isomerization starting
159 DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00005
ACS Cent. Sci. 2018, 4, 153−165
ACS Central Science Outlook

Figure 11. Pd-catalyzed “chain-walking” via C−C bond formation by nonterminating carbonyl formation: (a) Pd-catalyzed tandem isomerization−
nucleophilic addition; (b) palladium-catalyzed tandem isomerization−cyclization reactions; (c) Pd-catalyzed isomerization−functionalization via
either an initial C−H activation or oxidative addition reaction.

from α,β-unsaturated carbonyls has been disclosed as well the homo- and copolymerization of ethylene or α-olefins85,86
(Figure 10e).74 as well as the Dupont process for preparing adiponitrile via
Instead of relying on carbonyl formation as the terminating hydrocyanation of butadiene,87 the past years have witnessed an
event, other strategies exploited the increased stability of allylpal- increasing interest in nickel-catalyzed olefin isomerization as a
ladium species opposed to the initial alkylpalladium. Nucleophilic vehicle for remote functionalization. In 2015, a mild chemo-
trapping was accomplished with a variety of carbon and hetero- selective alkene isomerization/hydrosilylation catalyzed by
atom nucleophiles giving rise to remotely bisfunctionalized pro- nickel pincer complexes was reported in which the putative
ducts.75−77 This strategy was also utilized in the total syntheses nickel hydride species were generated upon exposure to both
of pyridine alkaloids (Figure 11a).78 If the substrate contains a metal alkoxides and silanes (Figure 12a).88,89 A significant
strategically positioned olefin, an ensuing cyclization of the improvement was observed with nickel nanoparticles, allowing
palladium intermediate gives rise to various cyclopentane scaf- the scope of these reactions to be extended to tertiary silanes
folds. Although this catalytic system has been extensively utilized such as (EtO)3SiH (Figure 12b). In line with previous findings
in the cycloisomerizations of 1,6-dienes,79,80 this methodology with both iron and cobalt catalysis, redox-active α-diimine
was only recently extended to a tandem sequence of “chain- ligands were found to be competent in nickel-catalyzed hydro-
walking”/cyclization (Figure 11b).81,82 Contrary to the examples silylation reactions. Labeling studies with (EtO)3SiD and
presented above, it has also been shown that the palladium(II) 1-octene resulted in deuterium incorporation at multiple sites
species generated from oxidative insertion can undergo “chain- throughout the alkyl side chain.90 This seemingly innocent
walking” prior to reductive elimination. This strategy was experiment showed the inherent ability of nickel catalysts to
successfully applied to the remote arylation of amino acid deriv- promote an olefin isomerization prior to C−Si bond formation,
atives.83 Later it was demonstrated that a linear selective Negishi- an observation that could further be corroborated by observing
type cross-coupling was also feasible starting from mixtures of linear hydrosilylation with 4-octene as counterpart.
branched alkyl bromides (Figure 11c).84 The first example of a nickel-catalyzed olefin isomerization/
Nickel Catalysis. Prompted by the prospective impact of hydroarylation of alkenes was disclosed via initial C−H func-
nickel catalysts in the Shell higher olefin process (SHOP) for tionalization of heteroarenes containing particularly acidic
160 DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00005
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ACS Central Science Outlook

Figure 12. Ni-catalyzed “chain-walking” hydrosilylations of internal olefins: (a) Ni-pincer complex catalyzed isomerization−silylation reactions;
(b) Ni-nanoparticle catalyzed isomerization−silylation reactions.

Figure 13. Ni-catalyzed “chain-walking” hydroarylation initiated by formal C−H activation: (a) Ni-catalyzed olefin isomerization−hydroarylation of
alkenes; (b) tandem isomerization−hydroarylation reactions using a N-heterocyclic carbene Ni(0) complex.

C−H bonds and N-heterocyclic carbenes as ligand donors Aryl halides can be readily utilized as counterparts in nickel-
(Figure 13a).90 Intriguingly, the presence of AlMe3 inhibited catalyzed olefin isomerization followed by site-selective C−C
olefin isomerization, obtaining linear-selective hydroarylation bond formation. In early 2017, a site-selective catalytic hydro-
products. A related hydroarylation reaction but with electron- arylation of alkenes occurring exclusively at benzylic sp3 C−H
deficient arenes was also reported (Figure 13b).91 Although sites under a Ni/bipyridine regime was reported, using poly-
this reaction formally falls into the category of a classical methylhydrosiloxane (PMHS) both as reducing agent and as
“chain walk”, labeling studies and theoretical calculations left a hydride source (Figure 14a).93 Prompted by a recent report
reasonable doubt about the intermediacy of nickel hydride that used light alkyl bromides as hydride sources via β-hydride
intermediates, arguing against an initial oxidative addition into elimination in nickel-catalyzed hydroamidations of alkynes,94 an
the C−H bond. The authors suggested that the origin of alternative hydroarylation technique with comparable yields and
the linear selectivity arises from the C−C bond-forming reductive selectivities to those observed in their preceding protocol based
elimination rather than the difference in stabilities of the linear on PMHS was subsequently reported (Figure 14b).95 Such a pro-
versus branched alkyl metal complexes. More recently, a site- tocol could be extended to a formal cross-electrophile remote func-
selective linear alkylation of anilides using nickel catalysts and tionalization by using organic halides in lieu of olefin partners.96
aluminum-based Lewis acids was reported with 2-octene as
coupling partner.92 Among the various conceivable
scenarios, including directing
These reactions invariably occur group methodologies, radical-
at the initial sp3 C−halide bond type pathways, or enzymatic
via formal functional group protocols, the ability of a metal to
interconversion, contributing cause a dynamic displacement
to the perception that a throughout a saturated hydro-
nickel-catalyzed “chain-walk” of carbon chain (“chain-walk”) is
unactivated alkyl halides initiated particularly appealing.
by oxidative addition would be
particularly problematic. In the past decade, nickel-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions
of unactivated alkyl halides have matured into robust and
161 DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00005
ACS Cent. Sci. 2018, 4, 153−165
ACS Central Science Outlook

Figure 14. Ni-catalyzed “chain-walking” hydroarylation with aryl halide counterparts: (a) Ni-catalyzed hydroarylation at benzylic sp3 C−H sites;
(b) Ni-catalyzed hydroarylation with aryl bromides.

Figure 15. Ni-catalyzed “chain-walking” for remote carboxylation of hydrocarbons with CO2: (a) Ni-catalyzed remote sp3 C−H carboxylation of
unactivated alkyl bromides; (b) water as an inexpensive hydride source for the remote carboxylation of alkenes.

reliable technologies for introducing saturated hydrocarbon side observed in the presence of stereogenic centers, tacitly sug-
chains into organic backbones.97 These reactions invariably gesting that the nickel catalyst remains bound to the olefin inter-
occur at the initial sp3 C−halide bond via formal functional group mediate throughout the “chain-walk” along the hydrocarbon side
interconversion, contributing to the perception that a nickel- chain.
catalyzed “chain-walk” of unactivated alkyl halides initiated by Subsequently, it has recently been shown that water
oxidative addition would be particularly problematic. In 2017, a typically used as proton sourcecan be harnessed as a safe,
remote sp3 C−H carboxylation of unactivated alkyl bromides inexpensive hydride source in a remote carboxylation at sp3
under atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2) was C−H sites of unrefined mixtures of olefins under atmospheric
designed (Figure 15a).98 Unlike related nickel-catalyzed “chain- pressure of CO2 (Figure 15b).98 Such a method offered an
walking” hydroarylation events,93,94 this transformation oc- opportunity to formally repurpose three renewable chemical
curred selectively at the primary sp3 C−H bond, even in the feedstocks (olefins, CO2, and water) while reducing the chem-
presence of arenes on the side chain, thus offering an oppor- ical footprint of the hydride source in “chain-walking” scenarios
tunity to activate less-reactive reactive sites in the presence of a by using water in lieu of high molecular weight silanes or organ-
priori more reactive ones. A one-pot bromination/carboxylation ometallic reagents.
sequence could be used as a platform for directly converting
alkanes or unrefined mixtures of olefins into fatty acids as single
regioisomers. Site selectivity could be tuned and controlled
The functionalization of distal reaction sites has recently gained
among different sp3 C−H bonds by a subtle thermal modu- considerable momentum in the community. This popularity is
lation in the presence of carbonyl groups on the side chain. largely due to the notion that prefunctionalization is not required
Intriguingly, no significant erosion in enantioselectivity was at the targeted reaction site, thus changing prevailing perceptions
162 DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00005
ACS Cent. Sci. 2018, 4, 153−165
ACS Central Science Outlook

in synthetic organic chemistry when building up molecular Author Contributions

complexity. Among the various conceivable scenarios, including H.S. and F.J.-H. contributed equally to this work.
directing group methodologies, radical-type pathways, or enzy- Notes
matic protocols, the ability of a metal to cause a dynamic dis- The authors declare no competing financial interest.

placement throughout a saturated hydrocarbon chain (“chain-
walk”) is particularly appealing. This interest arises from the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
utilization of simple hydrocarbons as starting precursors, renew-
able feedstocks of utmost relevance for our chemical industry, We thank ICIQ, European Research Council under the Seventh
and the avoidance of directing groups that are not particularly Framework Program of the European Community for the
trivial to modify. The key aspect of “chain-walking” scenarios Israeli PI (ERC Grant Agreement 338912) and MINECO
relies on the utilization of competent organometallic species (CTQ2015-65496-R & Severo Ochoa Accreditation SEV-2013-
that trigger a rapid olefin isomerization prior to the subsequent 0319) for financial support. I.M. is holder of the Sir Michael
C−C or C−heteroatom bond formation at a previously unfunc- and Lady Sobell Academic Chair. H.S. acknowledges the
Max-Planck-Society for a Minerva Fellowship.

tionalized reaction site.
The wealth of recent literature on catalytic “chain-walking”
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