DLL 111111 12017-18
DLL 111111 12017-18
DLL 111111 12017-18
GRADES 1 TO 12 Level
Area (MUSIC)
Teaching Dates and Time June 5, 2017 - June 9,2017 Quarter First
B. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of musical elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills.
The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of Southeast Asian Music by correlating musical elements and processes to
our native forms.
D. Performance Standard The learner performs examples of Southeast Asian Music, alone and with others in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm, expression and
F. Learning Competencies/ Correlates Southeast Asian Music, to the lives of the people. Analyzes examples of Indonesian music and describe how the
Objectives (Write the LC code for Explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that musical elements are used..
each) would emulate instruments being studied. Explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that
Explains the distinguishing characteristics of representative would emulate instruments being studied.
Southeast Asian music in relation to history and culture of the Develops musical awareness and creativity in expressing oneself
area/country. while doing the fundamental process in music.
III. Southeast Asian Music Southeast Asian Music Music of Indonesia Music of Indonesia
Subtopic:Elements, Function Subtopic:Elements, Function Subtopic: Vocal and Subtopic: Vocal and
and Process of Music and Process of Music Instrumental Music Instrumental Music
D. Establishing a purpose for the Test Proper The learner will listen to the Before singing, the teacher will
lesson music/song use in different discuss to the learners about the
occasion then they will identify proper way of singing in
the elements and function of preparation for the activity.
the song.
F. Presenting examples/instances The teacher divides the class The teacher will play first an TEACHER ASSISTED
of the new lesson into five (5) groups. Each Indonesian song entitled ACTIVITY:
group will be given 3 minutes Burung Kakatua, then he will
to sing in front of the class be the one first to sing the song
their favorite Filipino folk which serves as guide for the
songs. learners.
H.Discussing new concepts and After the activity, the teacher After singing the learners will INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY 1:
practicing new skills #1 ask the learners to analyze and listen to the musical ensemble In your notebook, write words
find out the musical elements of Indonesia then they will that describe Southeast Asian
used in the song. analyze and find out what music that starts with the letters
musical elements are used. spelling out Southeast Asia.
N. )Finding practical Each group will make or create The learners will sing a song
applications of concepts and their own version of the song from Indonesia and create a Form a rhythmic instrumental
skills in daily living that they chose then they will simple melody featuring ensemble using improvised
sing it and identify the Indonesian tones and vocal instruments or any available
elements, function and in front styles while playing an musical instruments that sound
of the class. improvised instrument that they like instruments from Southeast
create. Asia. You may use metal discs
that sound like gongs, bamboo
flutes, guitars, piano keyboards,
2. Perform the songs again
using the available instruments
in your group.
P. Making generalizations and Each group will make a short The learners will be divided GROUP/PAIR WORK 2:
abstractions about the lesson presentation about the different into four groups. Each group Your class will be divided into
topics assign to them: will have an assign topic to two groups. Each group will be
Group 1 and 2- Functions of report about Indonesian vocal given five minutes to discuss
Music and instrumental music. and share ideas about the
Group 3 and 4- Elements of characteristics of Javanese and
Music Balinese Gamelan.
Group 5- Process of Music
R. Evaluating learning The teacher will check learner’s The teacher evaluates learner’s The teacher evaluates learner’s The teacher evaluates learner’s
answer sheet for assessment. performance by means of a performance by means of a performance by means of a
rubric rubric rubric. (pls. refer on page 41-42
T. Additional activities for
application or remediation
IX.X. REMARKS MAPEH 8 subject is taken only for four times a week with one hour per meeting.
B. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
D.No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
F. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
H.No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
J. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
L. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
N.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of musical elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills.
The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of Southeast Asian Music by correlating musical elements and processes to
our native forms.
B. Performance Standard The learner performs examples of Southeast Asian Music, alone and with others in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm, expression and
C. Learning Competencies/ Analyzes examples of Malaysian music and describe how the Analyzes examples of Singaporean music and describe how the
Objectives (Write the LC code for musical elements are used. musical elements are used..
each) Listens to the music of Malaysia. Explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that
Develops musical awareness and creativity in expressing oneself would emulate instruments being studied.
while singing different songs from Malaysia. Develops musical awareness and creativity in expressing oneself
while doing the fundamental process in music.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages p. 1-51 p. 1-51 p. 1-51 p.1-51
2. Learner’s Material pages p. 1-44 p. 1-44 p. 1-44 p. 1-44
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Test Paper, Speaker, LED TV, HDMI, Laptop, Physical Fitness Test Form (PFTF)
C. Reviewing previous lesson Pre-assessment: Pre- Assessment: Review Proper: Pre- Assessment:
or presenting the new lesson a. The teacher will ask A. Picture Presentation B. Picture Presentation
question to the learners regarding
the difference between vocal and
instrumental music.
D. Establishing a purpose for Vocal Exercise: The teacher will give the Video clip presentation about The teacher will give the
the lesson learner’s time for practice the country of Singapore. learner’s time for practice
before the presentation proper. before the presentation proper.
F. Discussing new concepts The learners will analyze the Practice….practice Practice….practice
and practicing new skills #1 music that they’ve heard by
describing the musical elements
of it.
G. Discussing new concepts “Group Reporting” Practice….practice INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY 2: Practice….practice
and practicing new skills #2 The learners will be divided
into four groups. Each group will
have an assign topic to report
about Malaysian vocal and
instrumental music.
H. Developing mastery Understanding check: Understanding check:
(Leads to Formative Assessment
I. Finding practical The learners will sing a song Presentation proper: The learners will sing a song Presentation proper:
applications of concepts and from Malaysia and create a from Singapore and create a
skills in daily living simple melody featuring simple melody featuring
Malaysian tones and vocal styles Singaporean tones and vocal
while playing an improvised styles while playing an
instrument that they used. improvised instrument that they
J. Making generalizations and L- Chart GROUP/PAIR WORK 1: L- Chart
abstractions about the lesson The learners will write what The learners will write what
they’ve learned about they’ve learned about
Malaysian music. Singaporean music.
V. Evaluating learning The teacher will assess learner’s The teacher evaluates learner’s The teacher evaluates learner’s The teacher evaluates learner’s
presentation by means of a rubric performance by means of a performance by means of a performance by means of a
rubric rubric rubric. (pls. refer on page 41-42
X. Additional activities for
application or remediation
XXIII. REMARKS This is the continuation of my lesson due to broken schedule particularly fusing two sections.
B. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
D.No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
F. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
H.No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
J. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
L. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
N.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: Prepared to: Noted:
Subject Teacher MAPEH-Department Head-Designate Principal II
I. II. OBJECTIVES June 19,2017 June 21,2017 June 22,2017 June 23,2017
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of musical elements and The learner demonstrates understanding of art elements and
processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills. processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and
The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of skills.
Southeast Asian Music by correlating musical elements and The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of the
processes to our native forms. arts of Southeast Asia by correlating the art elements and
processes among culturally diverse Southeast Asian countries.
B. Performance Standard The learner performs examples of Southeast Asian Music, The learner creates an artwork showing the characteristics and
aloneand elements of the arts of Southeast Asia.
with others in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm, expression and Puts up a mini-Southeast Asian art exhibit using their own
style. artwork.
C. Learning Competencies/ Develops musical awareness and creativity in expressing oneself Analyzes art elements (color, line, shape, etc.) and
Objectives (Write the LC code for while doing the fundamental process in music. principles (texture, proportion, emphasis, harmony etc.) in
each) Analyzes examples of Singaporean music and describe how the the production of arts and crafts found in Southeast Asia
musical elements are used.. Determines the effectiveness of artwork by evaluating its
Explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that utilization and combination of art elements and principles.
would emulate instruments being studied.
III. Continuation of Group Summative Test: Arts of Southeast Asian Arts of Southeast Asian
Presentation with regards to Southeast Asian Music: Country Country
Southeast Asian Music Indonesia, Malaysia, Subtopic: Review of Subtopic: Arts of Indonesia
Singapore, Laos ,Vietnam, etc. Elements of Music (Indonesian Batik)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages p. 1-51 p. 1-51 p. 1-51 p.1-51
2. Learner’s Material pages p. 1-44 p. 1-44 p. 1-44 p. 1-44
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Test Paper, Speaker, LED TV, HDMI, Laptop, Physical Fitness Test Form (PFTF)
C. Reviewing previous lesson Practice…practice…practice… Instruction Proper: Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment:
or presenting the new lesson a. What are the different a. What comes first to
elements and principles of a your mind when you hear the
particular artwork? word BATIK?
D. Establishing a purpose for Practice…practice…practice… Test Proper: PRIMING: PRIMING: “Picture Analysis”
the lesson “WORD HUNT” The learner will describe the
different example of Indonesian
E. Presenting Practice…practice…practice… ACTIVITY: ACTIVITY:
examples/instances of the new The teacher will show different The learners will be dividing
lesson artworks, then the learners will into five (5) groups. Each group
identify and describe the will arrange the picture
artistic elements and principles correctly about the procedure
of it. on how to make paper batik.
The first group who finish will
win the game.
F. Discussing new concepts Practice…practice…practice… Do we consider an artwork as “Video Presentation”
and practicing new skills #1 an art if one of the elements The learner will watch a video
and principles were lost? about the process on how to
Justify your answer.. make batik printing in
Indonesia. After watching, they
will analyze the main feature of
this artwork.
G. Discussing new concepts Practice…practice…practice… “Lecturette”
and practicing new skills #2 The teacher will give
information about Indonesian
Batik and how it is being done.
H. Developing mastery Practice…practice…practice…
(Leads to Formative Assessment
I. Finding practical Presentation Proper: The learners will apply the “Paper Batik”
applications of concepts and importance of elements and The learners will create their
skills in daily living principles of art through own design and style of paper
drawing. batik using the different
materials. The learners will
apply the elements and
principles learned.
J. Making generalizations and The learners reflect from their The teacher will present the Self Assessment the way the
abstractions about the lesson experiences after knowing about topic to the class and they will learners do their output
the music of Southeast Asian interact to each other by asking
countries. questions.
Z. Evaluating learning The teacher will assess learner’s The teacher evaluates learner’s The teacher evaluates learner’s The learners will post their
presentation by means of a rubric understanding by means of performance by means of a artwork on the board and they
checking their test papers. rubric will be evaluated using the
(Teacher’s Assessment; Self-
Assessment; Peer Assessment)
BB. Additional activities for
application or remediation
IX. X. REMARKS MAPEH 8 subject is taken only for four times a week with one hour per meeting. Summative test will follow after discussing the entire
lesson in music.
DD. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation.
P. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
R. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
T. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
V.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
X.What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
Z. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
XIII. XIV. OBJECTIVES June 27,2017 June 28,2017 June 29,2017 June 30,2017
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of art elements and The learner demonstrates understanding of art elements and
processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills. processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and
The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of the skills.
arts of Southeast Asia by correlating the art elements and processes The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of the
among culturally diverse Southeast Asian countries. arts of Southeast Asia by correlating the art elements and
processes among culturally diverse Southeast Asian countries.
B. Performance Standard . The learner creates an artwork showing the characteristics and The learner creates an artwork showing the characteristics and
elements of the arts of Southeast Asia. elements of the arts of Southeast Asia.
Puts up a mini-Southeast Asian art exhibit using their own artwork. Puts up a mini-Southeast Asian art exhibit using their own
C. Learning Competencies/ Uses artwork to derive the traditions of specific areas. Correlates the development of crafts in specific areas of a
Objectives (Write the LC code for Reflects on and derives the mood, idea or message country according to functionality, traditional specialized
each) emanating from selected artwork. expertise and availability of resources
Evaluates the effectiveness of mood, idea or message as Uses artwork to derive the traditions of specific areas.
depicted by the visual image in the artwork. Reflects on and derives the mood, idea or message
emanating from selected artwork.
XV. Topic: Arts of Southeast Asia Topic: Arts of Southeast Asia Topic: Southeast Asian Arts Topic: Southeast Asian Arts
Subtopic: Sculpture of Subtopic: Sculpture of Subtopic: Arts and Crafts Subtopic: Arts and Crafts
Southeast Asian Country Southeast Asian Country of Southeast Asian Country of Southeast Asian Country
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages p. 165-228 p. 165-228 p. 165-228 p. 165-228
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Test Paper, Speaker, LED TV, HDMI, Laptop, Physical Fitness Test Form (PFTF)
C. Reviewing previous lesson Review about the different fabric Instruction proper: The learner will cite different Instruction proper:
or presenting the new lesson and fabric design of Southeast arts and crafts in Southeast
Asian country Asian country.
D. Establishing a purpose for Activity: “Find Me” Activity proper: The learner will cite different Activity proper:
the lesson The learner will match the (Soap Carving- Merlion arts and crafts in Southeast (Making of Wayang Kulit
picture with its country of origin Sculpture in Singapore) Asian country. Puppet from Indonesia)
E. Presenting ACTIVITY: “K-W chart” Activity proper: ACTIVITY: Activity proper:
examples/instances of the new The learners will write in a one (Soap Carving- Merlion The learners will identify what (Making of Wayang Kulit
lesson whole sheet of paper about what Sculpture in Singapore) country thus all the arts must Puppet from Indonesia)
they know and what they want to represent and they will write
know with regards to the topic.. their answer on their notebook
F. Discussing new concepts The teacher will show different Activity proper: After answering, the learners (Making of Wayang Kulit
and practicing new skills #1 pictures of sculpture in Southeast (Soap Carving- Merlion will analyze if their answer is Puppet from Indonesia)
Asia then the learners will Sculpture in Singapore) correct by looking on their
compare it in some famous reference and by reading some
sculpture here in the Philippines. information on their books.
G. Discussing new concepts “Lecturette” Activity proper: Group Reporting: Activity proper:
and practicing new skills #2 (Soap Carving- Merlion (Making of Wayang Kulit
Sculpture in Singapore) Puppet from Indonesia)
H. Developing mastery (Making of Wayang Kulit
(Leads to Formative Assessment Puppet from Indonesia)
I. Finding practical The learners will apply what Activity proper: The learners will apply what Activity proper:
applications of concepts and they’ve learned by creating a (Soap Carving- Merlion they’ve learned by creating a (Making of Wayang Kulit
skills in daily living mini sculpture through the use of Sculpture in Singapore) Wayang Kulit Puppet Puppet from Indonesia)
a soap. originated in the country of
Indonesia. Through the use of
the different materials they will
create their own and original
feature of BIMA.
J. Making generalizations and The learners reflect from their L-Chart The learners reflect from their L-Chart
abstractions about the lesson experiences after knowing about experiences after knowing
the different sculpture of about the arts and crafts of
Southeast Asian countries. Southeast Asian countries.
FF.Evaluating learning The teacher will assess learner’s The learners will post their The teacher will assess The learners will post their
output by means of a rubric artwork on the board and they learner’s output by means of a artwork on the board and they
will be evaluated using the rubric will be evaluated using the
rubrics. rubrics.
(Teacher’s Assessment; Self- (Teacher’s Assessment; Self-
Assessment; Peer Assessment) Assessment; Peer Assessment)
HH. Additional activities for
application or remediation
XXI.XXII. REMARKS MAPEH 8 subject is taken only for four times a week with one hour per meeting. Summative test will follow after discussing the entire
lesson in arts.
JJ. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
BB. No. of learners who
require additional activities for
remediation who scored below
DD. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the
FF. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
HH. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
JJ.What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
LL.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
XXV.XXVI. OBJECTIVES July 4,2017 July 5,2017 July 6,2017 July 7,2017
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of the benefits of health-related fitness (HRF) to the family
B. Performance Standard The learner produces a comprehensive and appropriate HRF plan
C. Learning Competencies/ Analyzes art elements Identify the physical activity habits of the family in terms of health related fitness components
Objectives (Write the LC code for (color, line, shape, etc.) and Undertake fitness tests.
each) principles (texture, proportion, Design physical activities that promote cardiovascular and muscular fitness activities to
emphasis, harmony etc.) in the family member
production of arts and crafts
found in Southeast Asia
Determines the effectiveness of
artwork by evaluating its
utilization and combination
of art elements and principles.
XXVII. Summative Test: Health Related Fitness Health Related Fitness Health Related Fitness
Southeast Asian Arts: Components of HRF Components of HRF Components of HRF
Indonesia, Malaysia,
Singapore, Laos ,Vietnam, etc.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages p. 1-5 p. 6-18 p. 18- 20
2. Learner’s Material pages p. 165-228 p. 2-7 p. 9-19 p. 20
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Speaker, Laptop, Physical Fitness Test Form (PFTF)
C. Reviewing previous lesson REVIEW PROPER: Assess the learner’s prior Have them identify and Review the procedures in
or presenting the new lesson knowledge of Health-Related classify the pictures shown conducting the Physical Fitness
Fitness. to them. Test.
D. Establishing a purpose for Test Proper: Ask students to reflect on the The students explain briefly how Do the warm-up exercises on
the lesson effectiveness of doing daily these HRF activities can benefit their own or with their partner.
routines. your family in terms of physical Orient them on the proper
wellness. execution of the tests and
recording of test results.
E. Presenting Students will answer the The teacher demonstrate to the The teacher will demonstrate to
examples/instances of the new question: learners the proper on how to the learner the proper execution
lesson Do you consider yourself as a measure the Height and Weight. of the different physical fitness
physically fit person? Why? test under Health related fitness
F. Discussing new concepts Introduce to your students this Physical Fitness Test: Test Proper
and practicing new skills #1 brain teasing fun game called Height and Weight
“Word Scramble”.
G. Discussing new concepts Ask students to read about the Physical Fitness Test:: Ask the students to record the
and practicing new skills #2 different components of HRF p. The learners will compute for test result on their PFTF.
6-7 of the learners module their BMI and classify it.
H. Developing mastery After the students finish reading, Compute the ff: The teacher will ask some
(Leads to Formative Assessment let them answer the following 1. H=50kg W=1.52 m questions about the different
3) questions p. 7. Ask them to use procedures with regards to a
their worksheet for their answers particular test.
I. Finding practical In this activity, the students will Ask students to review and Activity :
applications of concepts and ask to identify the physical assess their output in “Family
skills in daily living activity habits of their family in Connection” activity, focus on Tough Nut to Crack
terms of health-related fitness the strengths and weaknesses of (p. 20)
components. A table is provided each family member with regard
for them to list down important to health-related fitness. Tell
details that are helpful for them them to take special attention
when they design their family with regard to age and physical
HRF activity plan daily. capacity of their family
members. Let them copy the
following table and do their own
J. Making generalizations and Differentiate the Health-related Assess the strengths and Relate HRF to daily physical
abstractions about the lesson fitness components and relate weaknesses of the family in activities of the family
their importance to family relation to the HRF components
KK.LL. Evaluating learning The teacher evaluates In this activity, the students The teacher evaluates learning
learner’s understanding by reflect on their daily activities performance based from the following:
means of checking their test and write them down on the 1. Cooperation and Teamwork
papers. table. Remind them to give 2. Attitude while performing the test
special attention to activities that
will help improve their HRF and
maximize their body potentials.
NN. Additional activities for After a few minutes, group them Alternative Activity: Target
application or remediation into 5 or 8 and let them discuss Zone
their answers with the group.
Give them time to present their
output in class
XXXIV. REMARKS MAPEH 8 subject is taken only for four times a week with one hour per meeting. Summative test will follow after discussing the entire
lesson in arts.
OO. PP. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
MM.NN. No. of learners who
require additional activities for
remediation who scored below
OO. PP. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson.
QQ. RR. No. of learners who
continue to require remediation
SS. TT.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
UU. VV. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
WW.XX. What innovation or
localized materials did I use/
discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?
H. Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of the benefits of health-related fitness (HRF) to the family
J. Performance Standard
The learner plans HRF activities for the members of the family to attain the desired level of health
related fitness.
L. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Identify the physical activity habits of the family in terms of health related fitness components.
(Write the LC code for each) Performs exercises to enhance cardiovascular fitness.
Design physical activities that promote cardiovascular and muscular fitness activities to family member.
XXXII. Fitness Components, Benefits Fitness Components, Benefits KARATE KARATE
and Testing and Testing Number system Basic Stance in KARATE
Enhancement physical activities Enhancement physical activities Terminology
for HRF component for HRF component Dojo Principles
F. References
10. Teacher’s Guide pages p. 17-18 p.19
12. Learner’s Material pages p.17-18 p.19
14. Textbook pages
16. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
H. Other Learning Resources Speaker, LED TV, HDMI, Laptop, Physical Fitness Test Form (PFTF)
RR. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask students to reflect on the Recapitulation of the topics discussed Review about the different
presenting the new lesson effectiveness of doing daily last meeting. terminologies in KARATE
TT.Establishing a purpose for the lesson Students will answer the The teacher will demonstrate Asking questions regarding the Presenting the importance of the 3
question: the different flexibility exercise importance of KARATE basic stances in KARATE
What are the advantages of being strength exercise,
a physically fit person? cardiovascular endurance
VV. Presenting examples/instances of the The teacher will discuss the Stretching Proper Demonstrate the importance of Dojo Drill 1: Front Stance (Zenkutsudachi)
new lesson value of stretching before Principle
conducting physical activity
XX. Discussing new concepts and The learners will conduct their For this activity the learners Drill 1: Number System Drill 2: Back Stance (Kokotsudachi)
practicing new skills #1 own stretching from head to toe. will look for their partner and
they will check their pulse rate
before and after the activity.
ZZ.Discussing new concepts and practicing Analyzing the importance of After performing, the learners Drill 2: Terminology Drill 3: Kiba dachi
new skills #2 stretching. will assess it and answer the
different questions on page 19.
BBB. Developing mastery Skill refinement 1: Skill Refinement 2:
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
DDD. )Finding practical applications of The learners will perform Activity 9: Work it out Execution of skills with regards in the Execution of skills about the 3 basic of
concepts and skills in daily living different physical activity that p. 23 different terminologies that requires KARATE.
they engage in. execution.
FFF. Making generalizations and After performing all their At this stage the learners will be KWL Chart Combative sports Family journal
abstractions about the lesson physical activity that they given the opportunities to
executed, the learners will write reinforce and deepen your
a narrative report based from the understanding on the importance
of HRF activities and exercise
HHH. Evaluating learning In this activity, the students The teacher evaluates learner’s The teacher evaluates learning The teacher evaluates learning
reflect on their daily activities performance through performance using rubrics. performance using rubrics.
and write them down on the observation while conducting
table. Remind them to give different physical activity
special attention to activities that
will help improve their HRF and
maximize their body potentials.
JJJ. Additional activities for application or
XXXIX. REMARKS MAPEH 8 subject is taken only for four times a week with one hour per meeting.
P. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
R. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
T. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
V. No. of learners who continue to require
X. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
Z. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
BB. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/ discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
LLL. Reviewing previous lesson or Review about the different Review about the different Recapitulation of the topics REVIEW PROPER:
presenting the new lesson stances in KARATE skills already discussed about discussed last meeting.
NNN. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Presenting the importance of the Stretching Proper: Presenting the importance of Test Proper:
2 basic skills of punching in Presenting the importance of the 2 basic skills of punching in
KARATE the 5 basic skills in blockings KARATE
PPP. Presenting examples/instances of the Drill 1: Straight punching Demonstration Proper: Drill 1: Maegeri (Basic
new lesson (Chokuzuki) Age Uke Gedan Barai Positioning)
Uchi Uke Shuto Uke
Soto Uke
RRR. Discussing new concepts and Drill 2: Reverse Punching Skill Refinement 1: Drill 1: Maegeri (Combination)
practicing new skills #1 (Gyakuzuki) Practice…practice
TTT. Discussing new concepts and Skill Refinement 1: Skill Refinement 2: Skill Refinement 1:
practicing new skills #2 Practice……practice
XXX. )Finding practical applications of With their group, the learners The learners will execute the With their group, the learners
concepts and skills in daily living will execute the two basic skills basic skills of blocking in will execute the basic skills of
of punching in KARATE. KARATE kicking in KARATE.
ZZZ. Making generalizations and Combative sports Family journal Classroom Seat work Combative sports Family
abstractions about the lesson L- Chart journal
BBBB. Evaluating learning The teacher evaluates learning The teacher evaluates learning The teacher evaluates learning The teacher evaluates learner’s
performance using rubrics. performance using rubrics. performance using rubrics. understanding by means of
checking their test papers.
DDDD. Additional activities for Cooling down
application or remediation
LI. LII. REMARKS MAPEH 8 subject is taken only for four times a week with one hour per meeting.
DD. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
FF. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
HH. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
JJ. No. of learners who continue to require
LL.Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
NN. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
PP. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/ discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of human and managing sexuality related issues for a healthy life
B. Performance Standard The learner appropriately manages sexuality related issues through responsible and informed decisions.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Discusses sexuality as an important component of one’s personality
(Write the LC code for each) Relate the importance of sexuality to family health
Applies decision making skills in managing sexuality related issues
LVIII. Lesson 1: Lesson 1: Lesson 1:
LIX. CONTENT Gender and Human Sexuality Gender and HumanSexuality Gender and Human Sexuality
Transgender and Transexual Gender Roles and Decision Making
D. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages p. 7-8 p. 7-8
2. Learner’s Material pages p.203-212 p.203-212 p. 209-223
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
N. Other Learning Resources LED TV, HDMI, Laptop
F. Reviewing previous lesson or I.Q Test “Poem Reading” Activity 6: Identifying Gender Review about the leaning of
presenting the new lesson Knowing learners sexual The Wonder of Me Roles (P. 209) Gender role and Decision.
G. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Students will answer the The learners reflect on the The learners will answer the Activity 21: What do you
question: message of the poem by question in a one whole sheet value?
Why do we need to study answering the questions on of paper. P. 221
Human Sexuality? page 202 of their module. P. 211 (Activity 8)
H. Presenting examples/instances of the The teacher will discuss the Ask students awareness about Video Clips presentation about After completing the survey the
new lesson meaning of Sex, Gender, and transgender and transsexual Gender Role and How to be a learners will answer the
Sexuality to the learners. Good Decision Maker question:
What observation can you make
about your values?
I. Discussing new concepts and The learners will watch a video Watching Video about pinoy After watching the learners will Activity 22: Visualize and
practicing new skills #1 clip presentation about the female to male transsexual. write their reflection or share Learn
difference and types of Gender their ideas about the video (page 222)
and Sexuality.
J. Discussing new concepts and Activity 1: My Graffiti! Activity 24: Watch and Relax!
practicing new skills #2 On a one whole sheet of paper This is the opportunity of the
the learners will write quotations, learners to show their
sayings or slogans that describe understanding of gender role on
and reveal their likes, passions the media.
and aspects of their personality.
K. Developing mastery The learners will share their Activity 3: How I and
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) answer to their classmates. Others See Myself
L. Finding practical applications of Activity 2: Critical thinking The learners create a Activity 11: Activity 25: KLA Chart
concepts and skills in daily living Connecting the lesson to current skit showing the Dealing with People (p. 213 (page 223)
issues in our country. importance of Gender
and Human Sexuality
M. Making generalizations and Summarize the day’s discussion L-Chart Activity 12: The learner will summarize the
abstractions about the lesson The learners will write in their given topic by answering the
notebook about what they have How well Do I Know Myself? question on page 224 of their
learned about the topic. module.
N. Evaluating learning The learners will answer the The teacher evaluates Learners The teacher evaluates learner The teacher evaluates learners
questions on page 201 of their performance based from their performance based from their performance based from their
module. presentation output. output
O. Additional activities for application or
LXV. REMARKS MAPEH 8 subject is taken only for four times a week with one hour per meeting.
P. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
Q. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation who
scored below 80%
R. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
S. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
T. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
U. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
V. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of human and managing sexuality related issues for a healthy life
Performance Standard The learner appropriately manages sexuality related issues through responsible and informed decisions.
Learning Competencies/ Objectives (Write Discuss the signs, symtoms and effects of sexually transmitted infections such as HIV/AIDS
the LC code for each) Corrects misconceptions, myths and beliefts about STI’s
Analyzes why abstinence is the most effective method for the prevention of HIV/AID’s and other STI’s
LXXI. Lesson 2: Issues and Problems Lesson 2: Issues and Problems Lesson 2: Issues and Problems Lesson 2: Issues and Problems
Related to Human Sexuality Related to Human Sexuality Related to Human Sexuality Related to Human Sexuality
LXXII. CONTENT Sexually Transmitted HIV/AIDS Abstinence *Republic Act 8504
Infection * Republic Act 7719
Teacher’s Guide pages P. 1-33 P. 1-33 P. 1-33 P. 1-33
Learner’s Material pages P. 224-244 P. 224-244 P. 224-244 P. 224-244
Textbook pages
Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
Other Learning Resources Speaker, LED TV, HDMI, Laptop,
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Review about the past lesson that
the new lesson A. Pre – Assessment B. Pre – Assessment C. Pre – Assessment already discussed.
Establishing a purpose for the lesson What are your Goals? Activity 27: Activity 29: The learners are ask to reflect and
The learners will answer the following “Deal or No Deal” (p. 229 - 230) “ Good Reasons for Abstinence” comment on their level of
questions and fill out the response A. Defining Ap.231 understanding and skills across the
column. (p. 226-227) topics or competencies
Presenting examples/instances of the Let’s Read!! Supplemental readings: The teacher will present to the Supplemental readings:
new lesson The learners will read about STI or the HIV and AiDS learners some information about R.A 8504 and R.A 7719
Sexually Transmitted Infection abstinence.
Discussing new concepts and practicing The learners will answer the two Activity 28: Activity 29: Activity: Lets Appreciate
new skills #1 questions on page 228 of their module “Reducing the risk of HIV” p. 231 “ Good Reasons for Abstinence” The learners will answer the given
B. Some Thoughts on Abstinence questions in connection on what they
p.232 have read.
Discussing new concepts and practicing Knowing about STI’s Activity 31: Activity 30: Activity 39:
new skills #2 “Let’s Think Critically” “Teens Straight Talk” “Check it out” page 240
Developing mastery The learners will answer the given The learners will answer the 5
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) questions based from the topic discuss. questions based from the topic
Finding practical applications of Activity 40 : Activity 41: Activity 44: Activity 42:
concepts and skills in daily living “My Advocacy” p. 240 “Applying Health Knowledge” “Independent Study” “ Thinking Critically p. 241
Making generalizations and abstractions Activity 37: The learners will make a The learners will give their personal The learners will think back on what
about the lesson Just Sa NO! p. 238 generalization on how a person can conclusion about the different quick they’ve learned from this lesson and
acquire HIV/AIDS by following the tips on resisting pressure on page239 reflect on the questions stated on their
table on page 230 of their module. of their module. module pages 242.
Evaluating learning The teacher evaluates learners output The teacher evaluates learners The teacher evaluates learners Output-based
based on a rubric. performance based from their output. performance based from their output. Summative test
Additional activities for application or The learners will answer the given
remediation question (1-10) as remediation. page
25-26 TGs
LXXVIII.REMARKS MAPEH 8 subject is taken only for four times a week with one hour per meeting.
No. of learners who earned 80% in the
No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
No. of learners who continue to require
Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
What innovation or localized materials
did I use/ discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Prepared by: Prepared to: Noted:
Subject Teacher Department Head-Designate Principal II
Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of human and managing
sexuality related issues for a healthy life
Performance Standard The learner appropriately manages sexuality related issues through
responsible and informed decisions.
Learning Competencies/ Objectives (Write Explains the dimensions of Human Sexuality
the LC code for each) Enumerates steps in the prevention and control of STIs
Analyzes the factors that affect ones attitudes and practices related
to sexuality
III. Summative Test Review of the topics discussed First Periodical Examination First Periodical Examination
IV. CONTENT Gender and Human Sexuality in Music, Arts, P.E and Health
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting The learner will be given a ten (10) Review of the different Test Items in
the new lesson minutes review about the topic “Gender their Summative test in preparation
and Human Sexuality” for First Periodical Examination.
Establishing a purpose for the lesson Test Proper Review Proper Test Proper Test Proper
Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
Evaluating learning The teacher evaluates learner’s The teacher assess learners
examination through checking and knowledge by clarifying important
recording learners score. information in every question
Additional activities for application or
IX.X. REMARKS MAPEH 8 subject is taken only for four times a week with one hour per meeting.
No. of learners who earned 80% in the
No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
No. of learners who continue to require
Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
What innovation or localized materials
did I use/ discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of musical elements and processes by synthesizing and
applying prior knowledge and skills
The learners demonstrate understanding of salient features of East Asian music by correlating
musical elements and processes to our native forms.
Performance Standard Performs examples of East Asian music, alone and with others, in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm,
expression and style.
Learning Competencies/ Objectives (Write Explains the distinguishing characteristics of representative East Asian music in relation to
the LC code for each) history and culture of the area
Performs on available instruments from East Asia alone/or with others
Sing songs from East Asia alone/or with others
III. Southeast Asian Music
IV. CONTENT Music of Japan
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Checking of Test Papers of the First Pre- Assessment .Review of the previous topic discuss Review of the previous topic about
the new lesson Periodical Examination The learners will identify the origin of about the Music of Japan. Japanese culture and instruments.
the objects associated with the
following countries
Discussing new concepts and practicing Questions: “Knowing Instrumental Music of Japan The teacher will discuss about the
new skills #1 The learners will answer the given and its Musical Instruments meaning of the song before learner’s
question based from the music that presentation
they’ve heard and the video that
they’ve watch.
Discussing new concepts and practicing Activity 6: “ Song Analysis” The learners will be divided into 4
new skills #2 The learners will sing the yo sen scale groups each group will present
and analyze the song “Sakura” through choral singing the song from
Developing mastery After analyzing, the learners will Each group will be given 10-15
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) answer the given question and identify minutes practice to develop mastery to
the musical elements of the song the song that they sing.
Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of musical elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
The learners demonstrate understanding of salient features of East Asian music by correlating musical elements and processes to our
native forms.
Performance Standard Performs examples of East Asian music, alone and with others, in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm, expression and style.
Learning Competencies/ Objectives Explains the distinguishing characteristics of representative East Asian music in relation to history and culture of the area
(Write the LC code for each) Performs on available instruments from East Asia alone
Sing songs from East Asia alone/or with others
CONTENT Southeast Asian Music FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL SECOND DAY OF SCHOOL Southeast Asian Music
Music of China INTRAMURALS INTRAMURALS Music of China
(August 23,2017) (August 24,2017)
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Activity 1: .Review of the previous topic discuss
the new lesson “ Picture Web” about the Music of China.
Discussing new concepts and practicing Questions: “Knowing Instrumental Music of China
new skills #1 The learners will answer the given and its Musical Instruments
question based from the music that The teacher will discuss about the
they’ve heard and the video that they’ve meaning of the song before the
watch. presentation
Discussing new concepts and practicing Activity 4: “ Song Analysis” The learners will be divided into 4
new skills #2 The learners will sing and analyze the groups each group will present
song “Mo Li Hua” through choral singing the song from
Developing mastery After analyzing, the learners will answer Each group will be given 10-15
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) the given question and identify the minutes practice to develop mastery to
musical elements of the song “Mo Li the song that they are going to sing.
Evaluating learning The teacher evaluates learner’s The teacher evaluates the
performance based from the Rubric for performance of the learners using a
Musicianship rubrics
Additional activities for application or
XX.XXI. REMARKS MAPEH 8 subject is taken only for four times a week with one hour per meeting. August 21, 2017- Ninoy Aquino Day. August 23-
24,2017 School Intramurals.
No. of learners who earned 80% in the
No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
No. of learners who continue to require
Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
What innovation or localized materials
did I use/ discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of musical elements and processes by
synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
The learners demonstrate understanding of salient features of East Asian music by
correlating musical elements and processes to our
native forms.
Performance Standard
Performs examples of East Asian music, alone and with others, in appropriate tone,
pitch, rhythm, expression and style.
Reviewing previous The learner will be Pre- Assessment Activity 5: The learner will be
lesson or presenting given a ten (10) The learners will “Getting to know given a ten (10)
the new lesson minutes practice for identify the origin the Culture” minutes review
their presentation.” of the objects about the “Vocal
associated with and Instrumental
the following Music of Japan,
countries China and Korea”
Establishing a Performance Proper: Activity 1: Music Listening: Test Proper
purpose for the “Graffiti Wall” The learners will
lesson listen to the song
from Korea
entitled “Arirang”
Presenting Activity 2: Activity 6: “ Song
examples/instances Music Listening/ Analysis”
of the new lesson Video The learners will
Presentation about sing and analyze
the music of the song “Arirang”
Korea After analyzing,
the learners will
answer the given
question and
identify the
musical elements
of the song
Discussing new Questions: “Knowing
concepts and The learners Instrumental
practicing new skills will answer the Music of Korea
given question and its Musical
based from the Instruments
music that they’ve Activity 7:
heard and the “Guessing Game”
video that they’ve
Discussing new The learners will
concepts and be divided into 4
practicing new skills groups each group
will present
through choral
singing the song
from Korea.
Developing mastery Each group will be
(Leads to Formative given 10-15
Assessment 3) minutes practice to
develop mastery to
the song that they
are going to sing.
Finding practical Activity 3: “Presentation
applications of Musical Proper”
concepts and skills in Composition
daily living
(page 90-91 LM)
Making Activity 4 Activity 8:
generalizations and The teacher will “ L-Chart: The
abstractions about divide the class learners will write
the lesson
into hthree groups. in a one whole
Each group will sheet of paper
create a musical about what
instrument from they’ve learned in
korea from found the music of
objects in the Korea”
Evaluating learning The teachers will Rubrics for The teachers will The teacher
evaluate learner’s Musicianship evaluate learner’s evaluates learner’s
performance based (page 91) performance based examination
from the given from the given through checking
rubrics in TG. rubrics in TG. and recording
learners score.
Additional activities
for application or
XXXII. REMARKS MAPEH 8 subject is taken only for four times a week with one hour per meeting.
Summative test will be given to the learners to measure their level of understanding
about the Music of Japan ,China and Korea.
No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/ discover
which I wish to
share with other