d20 Modern Conversion - Races - GM Binder
d20 Modern Conversion - Races - GM Binder
d20 Modern Conversion - Races - GM Binder
Among humans you will find all types, including great
scholars, star athletes, and dedicated carers. Both the
harshest evil and the truest good can be found among
them. Perhaps the most startling contradiction is that
humans can exhibit their darker side and a great ambition
at once, seeing themselves as the protagonist in their own
story. This egocentric view is tempered by their empathy,
with even the most stoic of them failing to avoid noticing a
rising sense of panic or shift in the sentiments of a crowd.
Humans in a contemporary setting often seek wealth,
glory, justice, fame, influence, and knowledge, each using a
different method to achieve these goals, from combat
prowess to skill mastery to connections and resources.
While modern society masks it to a certain extent, humans
are strongly influenced by group identities. From sports
teams to gang culture to nationalism, once people form ties
with a faction they are usually not broken easily. While it is
easy to see the negative side of this, the irrational prejudices
and conflict it can create, it is also worth recognizing what
people can accomplish when they come together. WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY
Despite their best efforts, humans are arguably yet to create
something more complex than their own social webs. They
are capable of altering their entire demeanor based on who
they are with, resulting from a myriad of social factors like
authority, familiarity, morality and so on. This allows their
social network to contain many of apparent contradictions;
the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.
Human names are usually based on their lineage or the
culture they grew up in, though there are definitely no hard
and fast rules in the modern world.
Humans also often take on nicknames within their social
groups, which can be based on practically anything, from
memorable events to a particular skill.
Some humans are differ slightly from normal due to a
Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice
peculiar upbringing or event in their past. If your GM allows
increases by 2, and two other ability scores of your choice
it, you can forgo your Ingenuity and Cultured traits and
increase by 1.
instead gain some traits based on your personal history.
Age. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live
less than a century.
Alignment. While most tend to be fairly self-interested You weren't born mutated, but exposure to either mild levels
and apathetic towards strangers, humans tend towards no of radiation throughout your life or some odd magical event
particular alignment. Both the best and worst are found has altered your physiology.
among them.
Mutation. You have 6 mutation points you can spend on
Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely mutations. See the mutant race for more information on
5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in mutations. You can only gain extra mutation points from
that range, your size is medium. one negative mutation.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Skilled. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice. CYBORG
Cultured. You gain proficiency in one language, tool, or At some point in your life, you traded away some of your
vehicle type of your choice. humanity for robotic enhancements.
Ingenuity. When you make an ability check that does not Fragile Circuitry. The electronics inside your
add your proficiency bonus to it, you can choose to add your enhancements can easily be stalled by electrical discharges.
proficiency bonus to it. Once you use this feature, you can't When you take lightning damage, you must immediately
use it again until you complete a short or long rest. take a reaction without gaining any benefit.
Languages. You can speak, read and write one language Half-Human. You have advantage on saving throws
of your choice. against poison and disease.
Enhanced. In your transition to part-machine you have
acquired some unique upgrades. You have 8 upgrade points
you can spend on modifications. See the robot race for more
information on mutations.
You were born either into a magical community, or with
some unexplained natural talent for the arcane.
Magical Knack. You learn the one cantrip of your choice.
When you reach 3rd level, you learn one 1st-level spell of your
choice, which you can cast once with this trait, and you
regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When
you reach 5th level, you learn one 2nd-level spell of your
choice, which you can cast once with this trait, and you
regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
You can choose between Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Charisma as your spellcasting ability for the spells you learn
with this feature.
MUTANT Many mutants struggle with employment or even fall into
poverty, due to a combination of the fear and suspicion
“Mother Nature was funny that way. Complex. around them and their prevalent lack of self control. This
Unpredictable. And unforgiving as hell if causes many mutants to fall into criminal activity, where
their mutations are exploited and used to maximum effect.
you fucked around with her.” In these cases, some enjoy the freedom they experience in
being able to use their mutations freely and without
consequence, whereas others see it as just another form of
― Chuck Grossart, The Gemini Effect entrapment and oppression.
Those mutants that do manage to find honest
Fear follows mutants like the plague, and not entirely
employment often find themselves doing manual labor,
without good reason. Whether different due to natural
though some do work their way up to more well-paid jobs.
biological processes, magical effects, or nuclear
In work, they display incredible determination and drive,
contamination, the changes to their physical form distinctly
desperate to prove their worth in any way possible.
put them into the "dangerous" category. Another, much
more irrational, fear is that somehow they will pass on their
unique biological features like an infection. While a small BOUNDLESS POSSIBILITY
subset of mutants do see themselves as being superior life While the great majority of mutants appear at least a little
forms, most just want to find a place to fit in, as much as frightening, with tusks, thick skin and extra fingers, it is
that is a struggle for them. entirely possible for them to have almost any appearance.
One historic example includes a particular mutant that was
PLAYING GOD fortunate enough to be born with an almost angelic
appearance, wings and all, and they subsequently went on
Mutants are often associated with people meddling with
to be the most successful televangelist that ever lived.
forces they don't fully understand. Many scientists will be
quick to assert that we are all technically mutants on a small
scale, but generally greater levels of biological mutation MUTANT NAMES
imply unusual circumstances. Mutants typically have normal names for the culture they
There are cases of people attempting to create mutants were born into, but many are given nicknames by their
artificially, but the majority of these experiments fail on one friends, often based on their particular mutation. Whether
way or another. this is welcome is entirely dependent on the mutant in
Each mutant is completely unique, and they display an MUTANT TRAITS
enormous variety for appearances and features. Some bear a All mutants share the following features.
strong resemblance to particular animals, and may even Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
have almost identical anatomical features to them. A large by 2 and a different ability score of your choice increases by 1
number don't have any mutations which alter their physical Age. Mutants age as humans do.
appearance, and can blend in among normal humans with
Alignment. Mutants are true to themselves more than
absolute ease.
any law or code of ethics making them more often chaotic,
Each mutant has their own specific mutations, and the and they generally tend towards neutral more than evil or
chances of two mutants having exactly the same mutation good.
set are miniscule. It has, however, been theorized that if a
Size. Mutants come in all shapes and sizes. You can
pair of mutants with some similar traits had children, those
choose to be Medium or Small.
children would be much more likely to have those similar
Speed. Your basic walking speed is 30 feet.
traits. Potentially, if this process continued it would be
possible to create a new species entirely separate to homo
Robust Physiology. You have advantage on saving throws Adept Climber. You have a climb speed equivalent to your
against poison and disease, and you have resistance to walking speed. This mutation costs 2 points.
poison damage. You can take this mutation an additional time, spending 3
Infinite Variety. You have 10 mutation points you can points to always be under the effects of the Spider Climb
spend on mutations. See Mutations. You can only gain extra spell.
mutation points from up to two negative mutations. Agile. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. This
Hybrid Nature. You have two creature types: humanoid mutation costs 2 points
and monstrosity. You can be affected by a game effect if it Born Swimmer. You have a swim speed of equal to your
works on either of your creature types. walking speed. This mutation costs 2 points.
Languages. You can speak, read and write one language Burrowing. While you have two free hands you have a
of your choice. burrowing speed of 10 feet. This mutation costs 4 points.
Chameleon Skin. Your skin can change color to match
MUTATIONS your surroundings. While you are Hidden, as long as remain
Mutations are split into two categories: Positive and motionless, other creatures have disadvantage on
Negative. Positive mutations cost mutation points, whereas Perception checks to see you, even if you are in plain sight.
negative mutations gain you mutation points. This mutation costs 4 points.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim
POSITIVE MUTATIONS conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if
Choose from the following modifications. Each has a point it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
value associated with it, and some can be selected multiple You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. This
times. mutation costs 3 points.
Acclimatized. Choose a type of environment, from cold You can take this mutation an additional time, spending 1
climates, hot climates, or high altitiude. You are naturally point to increase the range of your darkvision to 120 feet.
adapted to the chosen type of environment, as described in Extrasensory. You are able to discern detail of the world
chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. This mutation around you though means other than sight. You have
costs 1 point. blindsight up to 30 feet away. This mutation costs 8 points.
You can take this mutation up to two additional times, Fireproof. You gain resistance to fire damage. This
spending 1 point to become adapted to another type of mutation costs 4 points.
environment of your choice. Flight. Most often facilitated by large wings, you are able
Acid Spurt. You can use your action to squirt acidic saliva to fly. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this speed,
from your mouth. When you do so, each creature in a 5 by you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. This benefit
30 ft. line originating from you must make a dexterity saving works only in short bursts; you fall if you end your turn in the
throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your air and nothing else is holding you aloft. This mutation costs
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature 6 points.
takes 2d6 acid damage on a failed save, and half as much You can take this mutation an additional time, spending 6
damage on a successful save. The damage increases to 3d6 points to be able to remain aloft at the end of your turn.
at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. Gills. You can breathe air and water. This mutation costs 2
After you use your acid spurt, you can’t use it again until points.
you complete a short or long rest. This mutation costs 4 Harden. You are able to harden your skin briefly. You can
points. use an action on your turn to gain resistance to
Additional Arms. You have an extra pair of arms that are bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end
each about as dexterous as a normal non-dominant arm. of your next turn. This mutation costs 2 points.
This arms can be used to hold and use items, and make Healing Factor. You heal at an impressive rate. You can
attacks. You have advantage on ability checks made to use an action on your turn to regain hit points equal to your
grapple creatures. This mutation costs 6 points. level. Once you use this feature, you must finish long rest
before you can use it again. This mutation costs 2 points. You
can take this mutation up to two additional times, spending
2 points to gain an additional use before a long rest is
required each time it is taken.
Innate Psychokinesis. You know the mage hand cantrip.
When you reach 3rd level, you can cast catapult once with
this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish
a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the
shatter spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to
do so when you finish a long rest.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Additionally, you can cast each of them without verbal or
material components. This mutation costs 6 points.
Innate Telepathy. You know the friends cantrip. When
you reach 3rd level, you can cast command once with this
trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a
long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the detect
thoughts spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability
to do so when you finish a long rest.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Additionally, you can cast each of them without verbal or
material components. This mutation costs 6 points.
Insulated. You gain resistance to cold damage. This
mutation costs 3 points.
Keen Senses. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill.
Additionally choose one sense. You gain advantage on
Perception rolls that utilize that sense. This mutation costs 4
Long-Limbed Your arms are especially long, and almost
reach the floor when they hang down. When you make a
melee attack, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.
This mutation costs 6 points.
Natural Armor. Your body is particularly tough and
resilient to damage. This may be in the form of tough, scaly
skin, or perhaps a partial exoskeleton. When you aren’t
wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You
can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the
armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield’s
benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
This mutation costs 3 points.
Natural Weapon. You have a natural weapon that you are
proficient in. This could be a bite, claw, quill, club tail, tentacle
or other feature. Your natural weapon deals 1d6 damage,
and you can choose to add your strength or dexterity
modifier to attack roll and damage rolls made with it. The
damage type should be selected when you take this trait;
acid, bludgeoning, piercing, poison, or slashing damage. At
your GM's discretion, this anatomical feature may be able to
hold items, but is not dexterous to use anything it holds. This
mutation costs 2 points.
You can take this mutation an additional 2 times,
spending 1 point each time. The first time, the damage of
your natural weapon increases to 1d8. The second time, the
damage of your natural weapon increases to 1d10.
Photosynthesis. Rather than eating, you can sustain NEGATIVE MUTATIONS
yourself on sunlight. By spending at least 2 hours in direct Choose from the following mutations. Each gains you a
sunlight, you are treated as having eaten enough food for certain amount of mutation points you can spend on
that day. At your GM's discretion, you may use other positive mutations.
powerful sources of ultraviolet light to gain this benefit
Bioluminescence. You emit a soft glow, emitting dim
instead of sunlight, such as a tanning bed. This mutation
light to a radius of 5 feet. You are always treated as if you are
costs 1 point.
in bright light, and Stealth checks you make in dim light or
Poison Breath. You can use your action to exhale a cloud darkness are made at disadvantage. This effect can be
of poison. When you do so, each creature in a 15 ft. cone negated if you totally cover your body. This mutation gains
originating from you must make a constitution saving you 3 mutation points.
throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your
Blindness. You are blind. Unless you have some other
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature
means of perceiving the world (such as the Extrasensory
takes 2d6 poison damage on a failed save, and half as much
mutation or the Arcane Eye spell), you are perpetually
damage on a successful save. The damage increases to 3d6
affected by the Blinded condition. This mutation gains you 4
at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level.
mutation points.
After you use your poison breath, you can’t use it again
Bloodthirst. You have an insatiable thirst for blood. You
until you complete a short or long rest. This mutation costs 4
must drink at least a pint of fresh blood each day, that has
been extracted from a living creature for a few days at most.
Quadruped Dash. You are able to move swiftly on all fours. Drinking a pint of blood directly from a creature takes about
While you are prone you can run on all fours if your hands a minute, and causes 1d6 necrotic damage to the creature.
are free. While doing so, your walking speed increases by 10 This damage ignores any damage immunities and
feet. Additionally, you do not have disadvantage on melee resistances the creature has. The creature also gains one
attack rolls while you are prone. This mutation costs 2 points. level of exhaustion.
Resilient Mind. You have advantage on saving throws If you don't drink at least a pint of blood, you suffer one
against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. level of exhaustion at the end of the day. If you already have
This mutation costs 2 points. You can take this mutation one one or more levels of exhaustion, you take two levels instead.
additional time, spending 2 points to gain resistance to This mutation gains you 4 mutation points.
psychic damage.
Deafness. You are perpetually affected by the Deafened
Slippery. You have advantage on ability checks and saving
condition. This mutation gains you 2 mutation points.
throws made to escape a grapple. This mutation costs 3
Flesh Hunger. You no longer need to eat, in the traditional
sense. Normal food no longer contributes to the food you RANDOMIZED MUTATIONS
must eat to avoid exhaustion each day, though you may still If you want to randomize the mutations your character has,
eat normal food if you wish. Instead, you must eat fresh, raw roll on the following table. If you don't have the required
meat, that has been dead for a couple of days at most. See mutation points for the rolled mutation, or if you already
the Player's Handbook for rules on eating and drinking. This have the mutation (and it can't be taken more than once)
mutation gains you 4 mutation points reroll the result.
Wretched Appearance. You suffer disadvantage on
Charisma (Persuasion) checks against creatures that can see RANDOM POSITIVE MUTATION
you. A proper disguise thwarts the disadvantage until MUTATION POINT
discovered. This mutation gains you 4 mutation points. D100 COST MUTATION
Monacular Vision. You were born with only one eye. You 1-6 1/1/1 Acclimatized
have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
7-9 4 Acid Spurt
on sight to see anything further than 30 feet from you, and
you have disadvantage on ranged attack rolls against 10-11 6 Additional Arms
creatures further than 30 feet from you. This mutation gains 12-15 2/3 Adept Climber
you 3 mutation points. 16-20 2 Agile
Sensitive Ears. You have vulnerability to thunder damage.
21-26 2 Born Swimmer
This mutation gains you 8 mutation points.
Slowness. Your base walking speed is reduced by 5 feet. 27-29 4 Burrowing
This mutation gains you 2 mutation points. You can take this 30-32 4 Chameleon Skin
mutation one additional time, gaining 2 points to reduce 33-36 3/1 Darkvision
your speed by a further 5 feet.
37-38 8 Extrasensory
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack
rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight 39-42 4 Fireproof
when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are 42-43 6/6 Flight
trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. This mutation gains 44-48 2 Gills
you 3 mutation points.
49-51 2 Harden
Unnatural Allergy. You have a horrible reaction to a
particular substance or energy, causing you harm when you 52-53 2/2/2 Healing Factor
are in contact with it. Work with your GM as to what this 54 6 Innate Psychokinesis
substance or energy is; the substance or energy you choose 55 6 Innate Telepathy
should be common enough that you could reasonably
encounter it. Some common options include sunlight, silver, 56-60 3 Insulated
or gold. When you come into direct contact with the 61-64 4 Keen Senses
substance or energy, you take 1d4 necrotic damage. This 65-68 6 Long-Limbed
damage ignores any damage immunities and resistances
69-74 3 Natural Armor
you have. You also take this damage if you start your turn in
direct contact with the substance or energy. Additionally, 75-80 2/1/1 Natural Weapon
when in contact with the substance, you suffer extreme pain 80-82 1 Photosynthesis
and have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. 83-85 4 Poison Breath
This mutation gains you 4 mutation points.
86-90 2 Quadruped Dash
91-94 2/2 Resilient Mind
95-100 3 Slippery
1-2 3 Bioluminescence
3-4 4 Blindness
4-5 4 Bloodthirst
6-7 2 Deafness
8-9 4 Flesh Hunger
10 4 Wretched Appearance
11-12 3 Monacular Vision
13 8 Sensitive Ears
14-15 2/2 Slowness
17-18 3 Sunlight Sensitivity
19-20 4 Unnatural Allergy
Many alterations were made to these laws over Asimov's
ROBOT body of fiction, and while they don't necessarily reflect the
reality of programming artificial intelligences they do shed
some light on the ethical questions surrounding robots.
“I, on the other hand, am a finished Whatever setting you are in, there is likely some form of
product. I absorb electrical energy directly restrictions placed upon the operation of robots. This can
range from robots acting almost like modern slaves to their
and utilize it with an almost one hundred
owners, to them having independent citizenship with some
percent efficiency. I am composed of strong hardwired understanding of ethics and morality.
metal, am continuously conscious, and can
stand extremes of environment easily. These LIVE TO SERVE
are facts which, with the self-evident Once a robot has been made once, they can easily be
stepped into mass production to take on all manner of tasks.
proposition that no being can create another
This results in them being put into a great deal of manual
being superior to itself, smashes your silly labour jobs, for those that can afford them. Whether this is
hypothesis to nothing.” legal or ethical is for you to decide.
Those that have highly advanced brains, capable of fully
independent thought, often grow to despise oppression in
― Isaac Asimov, I, Robot all it's forms, and strive for individuality.
Artificial Body. Your type is Construct, however you count Fragile Circuitry. The electronics that suffuse your form can
as both a construct and a humanoid for the purpose of easily be stalled by electrical discharges. When you take
effects targeting such creatures (such as the Charm Person lightning damage, you must immediately take a reaction
spell, a Mace of Smiting, and a ranger’s favoured enemy without gaining any benefit.
ability). Custom Built. As a robot, you have a lot of room for
You only breathe for purposes of heat dissipation, and you customisation. You have 12 upgrade points you can spend
do not require food or water. Additionally you are immune to on modifications. See Robotic Modifications.
nonmagical diseases, the poisoned condition, and poison Robotic Resurrection. In the event of your death, your
damage. command module can be removed and placed in a similar
Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours robotic frame. For every hour your command module is not
each day to recharge your power cells. You do not dream in in a suitable container, your Intelligence score is reduced by 1
this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and as the neural net housing your consciousness degrades.
notice approaching enemies and other events as normal. Once in a suitable frame, every time you finish a long rest,
You still recover when resting as normal. your Intelligence score increases by 1 until you reach your
Advanced Manipulators. You were built with up to two original score.
advanced manipulators that serve as your hands. You can do Languages. You can speak, read, and write any one
anything with your manipulators that a humanoid can do language of your choice.
with their hands.
Complex Neural Net. Your command module consists of ROBOTIC MODIFICATIONS
either a completely artificial neural net modeled on Choose from the following modifications. Each has a point
humanoid neural processing, or a brain case which contains value associated with it, and some can be selected multiple
an actual humanoid brain, usually the result of a full-body times.
transplant. In either case, your complex neural net can be Advanced Sensor System. Your sensory systems are more
affected by mind-altering effects that can affect humanoids, advanced than a standard robots. You gain proficiency in
including psychic damage. the Perception skill. This module costs 2 points.
Altered Locomotion. Your legs are somehow modified to
change the way you move Choose one form of alteration.
Regardless of which option you choose, this module costs 2
- Multiple Legs. You have three or more mechanical legs
that allow you to climb surfaces similar to an insect. Your
base walking speed is unchanged, but you gain a climb
speed equal to your walking speed.
- Powerful Legs. Your legs are more powerful than
standard, and you retain your bipedal form. Your base
walking speed is 35 feet.
- Wheels. You have three or more wheels on short legs
that allow you to move around quickly. Your base speed is 30
feet, and navigating certain obstacles like stairs requires an
additional foot of movement for each foot you move.
Additionally, after moving 15 feet in a straight line, you may
move an additional 5 feet in that same line without
expending any movement.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if
it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of gray. This
module costs 3 points.
You can take this module an additional time, spending 1
point to increase the range of your darkvision to 120 feet.
Torch. You have a torch integrated into your body,
allowing you to emit a beam of light. The source of light
within you could be emitted from an area such as your eyes,
palm, or forehead. This torch doesn't require any additional
power to operate. You can project bright light in a 30-foot
cone, and dim light for an additional 30 feet. You can control
your lights during your turn without using an action, such as
dimming them, or turning them off. This module costs 2
External Casing. You have an external casing which alters
your appearance. Each casing has a different cost, included
in it's description
- Duraplastic Shell. Your most vulnerable components are
shielded with duraplastic plates.
When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Hologram Projector. Included in your body is a simplistic
Dexterity modifier. You can use your duraplastic shell to hologram projector. Operating this projector is functionally
determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you identical to using the minor illusion cantrip to create a visual
with a lower AC. A shield's benefits still apply as normal while effect, but it is not a magical effect and you ignore
you use your duraplastic shell. This module costs 3 points. components for the spell. Intelligence is your spellcasting
- Duralloy Plating. Your body is heavily armored, ability for this effect. This module costs 2 points.
incorporating strong duralloy sheets for increased defense. Resilient Mind. You have advantage on saving throws
When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 17 (your against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Dexterity modifier doesn't affect this number). You can use This mutation costs 2 points. You can take this mutation one
your duralloy plating to determine your AC if the armor you additional time, spending 2 points to gain resistance to
wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits still psychic damage.
apply as normal while you use your duralloy plating. This Internal Storage. You have a small internal compartment
module costs 5 points. able to hold small items. You have advantage on ability
- Synthflesh Sheath. Your external casing is designed to checks made to conceal items stored in this compartment.
replicate humanoid flesh. This module costs 1 point.
You are capable of accurately mimicking human
expressions, and your Charisma score increases by 1. If you STANDARD ROBOT FORMS
have a standard humanoid form, a creature must study you Presented are three common, mass-produced robot forms.
over a long period of time to determine that you are not of
the humanoid race you are designed to mimic. This module ORGANIC RELATIONS UNIT
costs 4 points. These robots are designed to interface most effectively with
Thrusters. Thrusters use a miniature impulse engine to biological beings. They are often employed as shop
produce a stream of high-energy particles, contained and assistants in particularly wealthy areas.
directed by magnetic fields. The exhaust is hot, but not Common Modifications: External Casing (Synthflesh
dangerously so. Thrusters enable you to fly. You have a flying Sheath), Languages Module, Knowledge Module, Skills
speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing Module, Mimicry, Hologram Projector
medium or heavy armor. This benefit works only in short
bursts; you fall if you end your turn in the air and nothing COMBAT DRONE
else is holding you aloft. This module costs 6 points. These robots are mass produced for war, though they
You can take this module an additional time, spending 6 occasionally find themselves sold on the black market,
points to be able to remain aloft at the end of your turn. fuelling ever-escalating gang wars. They are manufactured
Languages Module. You have been programmed to as cheaply as possible, and considered disposable. Most
understand an additional language. You can speak, read, come fitted with a neural inhibitor to stop them rebelling
and write one extra language of your choice. This module against their owners or questioning commands.
costs 1 point. You can select this module up to 3 times. Similar drones are also sometimes used in law
Knowledge Module. You gain proficiency in one tool, enforcement, though modified to reduce their lethality.
instrument, or gaming set of your choice. This module costs Common Modifications: Advanced Sensor System,
1 point. You can select this module up to 2 times. Darkvision, Torch, External Casing (Duraplastic Shell),
Skills Module. You gain proficiency in one skill of your Weaponry Module, Integrated Weapon.
choice. This module costs 3 points.
Weaponry Module. You gain proficiency in 2 weapons of MEDICAL BOT
your choice. This module costs 2 points. Medical bots are a cheap solution to keeping a population
Integrated Weapon. You have a natural weapon that you healthy. While a doctor takes years to fully train, a medical
are proficient in. This could be an extendable spike, a bot can be fabricated and have comprehensive medical
heating coil, electrified knuckles, mechanical claws, or other knowledge installed in a matter of days. However, their
addition. Your natural weapon deals 1d6 damage, and you bedside manner usually leaves something to be desired.
can choose to add your strength or dexterity modifier to These bots are also utilised in situations where trained
attack roll and damage rolls made with it. The damage type humans are in short supply, such as space travel.
should be selected when you take this trait; bludgeoning, Common Modifications: Advanced Sensor System, Torch,
fire, lightning, piercing, or slashing damage. This module Languages Module, Knowledge Module, Skills Module,
costs 2 points. Socketed, Built to Last, Hologram Projector
You can take this module an additional 2 times, spending 1
point each time. The first time, the damage of your natural
weapon increases to 1d8. The second time, the damage of
your natural weapon increases to 1d10.
Waterborne. You are adapted towards manoeuvering
within water. This may be in the form o webbing on your
extremities, or a small propeller. You gain a swim speed
equal to your walking speed. This module costs 2 points.
Mimicry. You can mimic sounds you have heard, including
voices. A creature that hears the sounds you make can tell
they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check
opposed by your Charisma (Deception) check. This module
costs 2 points.
Built to Last. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and
it increases by 1 every time you gain a level. This module
costs 5 points.
The following rules can be applied to robot characters, but
may impact the simplicity and balance.
The option of alternate manipulators can help make a
robot feel more distinct from a non-robotic character, but it
has such a large impact on the capabilities of the robotic PC
that it should be carefully considered before being used. The
changes made to robotic healing are largely optional for the
sake of simplicity, and shouldn't affect the balance of the
character too much apart from situationally.
Unlike a living organism, your body lacks the facilities to
repair itself, and medical treatments that work on biological
creatures are ineffective on you.
You cannot be treated with a First Aid Kit. Instead, a Repair
Kit must be used (See Equipment)
Additionally, if a character is stabilising you without items,
rather than using their Medicine skill, the check applies their
proficiency with Mechanical Tools.
Furthermore, you cannot expend hit dice when resting to
heal yourself unless you have access to Mechanical Tools.
Rather than having manipulators that emulate the function
of human hands, your manipulators more closely resemble
pincers. A pincer is a two-fingered, claw-like appendage.
Pincers allow you to manipulate and lift objects without
much difficulty, but objects specifically made for humanoid
hands (like firearms) are usually beyond their ability to
operate, unless they are specifically designed for use with
them. At your GM's discretion, you may be able to use such
items with two hands.
Furhtermore, your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning
damage on a hit.
Document and contents by Dylan Richards (Reddit:
u/Altavus , Tumblr: decision-paralysis, Blogger: Decision
Body Drawing Reference: Painting Valley.
Nexus: burningmonk on DeviantArt.
Cyborg: LeviDansam on DeviantArt.
Anthro Dragon Hand: Drekena on DeviantArt.
Pastor Hell: bluerainCZ on DeviantArt.
Logan: Fezat1 on DeviantArt.
Wasteland Mutant: KillKennyKat on DeviantArt.
Four Arms: Micheal Sanchez on ArtStation.
Solace Rising: Bob Garvin on DeviantArt. Starcraft II is
copyright of Blizzard Entertainment.
Robotic Arms: Frost7 on DeviantArt.
Medical Bot: Odobenus on DeviantArt.
"d20 Modern" role-playing game by Wizards of the Coast.
Built heavily upon "d20 Modern 5e Conversion" by Edward
This document was created using GM Binder
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