Levodopa 4
Levodopa 4
Levodopa 4
Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center, Henry Ford Hospital, West Bloomfield, Michigan; and the Department of Neurology,
Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, USA
ABSTRACT: For all its imperfections at treating continuing challenge for better understanding of its
Parkinson’s disease (PD), orally-administered levodopa pharmacology. The pharmacokinetics of L-dopa tend to
(L-dopa) can be regarded as the “platinum” standard of predict some of problems that can emerge during chronic
PD therapeutics for its impact on disability and discom- therapy, which can be linked with its irregular uptake and
fort and its cost-effectiveness. The past half-century has marked dose-by-dose variability in plasma concentra-
confirmed that the typical L-dopa–treated patient gains tions. Several new pharmaceutical approaches are tar-
improvement for most Parkinsonian features, presumably geted at the unique physiology of L-dopa uptake and are
by conversion of this amino acid into dopamine in the likely to improve the consistency of its anti-Parkinsonian
striatum. However, fundamental questions remain as to effect. VC 2014 International Parkinson and Movement
its full mechanism of action and how adverse reactions Disorder Society
evolve. Various aspects of clinical phenomenology asso-
ciated with chronic L-dopa use (such as dyskinesias and K e y W o r d s : levodopa; carbidopa; pharmacoki-
the long-duration anti-Parkinsonian response) present a netics; pharmacodynamics; Parkinson’s disease
Neither obsolete nor ideal as a medication, levo-3,4- long-term benefit with the regular use of L-dopa. Past
dihydroxy-phenylalanine (levodopa [L-dopa]) is now concerns about toxicity or other considerations for
celebrating a half-century of service to Parkinson’s dis- avoiding L-dopa have been largely put to rest.3 L-dopa
ease (PD) patients. It also faces an ongoing challenge is commonly regarded as the “gold standard” of PD
to re-invigorate itself by new formulations improving therapy (but probably deserves an upgrade to
on dose-by-dose motor fluctuations and other thera- “platinum”!), reflecting its therapeutic superiority to
peutic limitations. After L-dopa’s arrival into the ther- all other anti-Parkinsonian treatments (including drugs
apeutic arena,1,2 which followed several years of false more potent in dopaminergic properties). Given its
starts, this amino acid radically transformed the image overall impact on disability, quality of life, and lon-
of PD away from a disorder of inevitable discomfort gevity, L-dopa stands out as one of the most cost-
and disability. Today, most patients with PD achieve effective medications ever to have been developed.
Patients averse to medication can also take some com-
------------------------------------------------------------ fort in knowing that L-dopa is a “natural” substance,
*Correspondence to: Peter A. LeWitt, MD, MMedSc, Parkinson’s Dis-
ease and Movement Disorders Center, Henry Ford Hospital—West found as a normal intermediate in human metabolism
Bloomfield, 6777 West Maple Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322 USA, and present in some foods.
E-mail: [email protected]
L-dopa’s potential for treating Parkinsonism became
Funding agencies: This study was supported by a gift from MAC Valves
known by the rapid reversal of hypokinesia it accom-
plished in the reserpinized rabbit.4 With this information,
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: Nothing to report.
Full financial disclosures and author roles may be found in the online ver- a strategy for enhancing striatal dopaminergic neuro-
sion of this article. transmission became an obvious priority.5 This goal
Received: 23 September 2014; Revised: 9 October 2014; Accepted: could not be achieved by dopamine, because this mole-
16 October 2014 cule’s electrical charge prevents its movement across the
Published online 00 Month 2014 in Wiley Online Library
blood–brain barrier. However, an alternative approach
(wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/mds.26082 was to use L-dopa as dopamine’s immediate precursor,6,7
because it could transfer into the brain via a mechanism of intact noradrenergic innervation.10 The implication
of facilitated amino acid transport. Though only a small for PD therapeutics may be that effective L-dopa therapy
fraction of a systemically-administered dose of L-dopa will need an additional restoration of norepinephrine
enters the brain, this quantity proved to be sufficient for innervation for completely reversing motor and other
restoring striatal dopaminergic neurotransmission. deficits.11
L-dopa’s symptomatic control of parkinsonism was soon Another consideration for inquiry into the complex-
joined by another pharmacological milestone, the devel- ity of PD treatments is that clinical responses to L-
opment of peripherally-acting decarboxylase inhibitors. dopa may be intermingled with ongoing compensatory
With these compounds (benserazide and carbidopa changes within the nigrostriatal pathway. At the ear-
[CD]), L-dopa’s systemic diversion to dopamine could be liest stages of PD, for example, the remaining popula-
blocked, thereby enhancing its CNS bioavailability, toler- tion of dopaminergic neurons is thought to be
ability, and clinical effectiveness.8 upregulated in synthesis, vesicular packaging, release,
The therapeutic concepts behind L-dopa treatment and nerve terminal uptake of dopamine, as was
might seem obvious, though managing PD with L-dopa observed in experimental models of Parkinsonism.12
can be, at times, a frustrating exercise. Its pharm- Hence, over time, a changing response to L-dopa
acology has been extensively investigated in over 5 might be attributable to either a decline in the com-
decades of research, but much more remains to be pensatory responses or to further loss of nigrostriatal
learned. In this article, some of the major accomplish- projections (or both).
ments and challenges still facing L-dopa therapeutics A half-century of investigating L-dopa neurochemis-
are reviewed in the context of its pharmacodynamics
try has also expanded the identity of this molecule
and pharmacokinetics.
beyond just a transient intermediate in the pathway of
catecholamine synthesis. Because L-dopa is not repre-
L-dopa Therapy: More Than a sented by a nucleic acid triplet codon, it lacks func-
Dopamine Precursor tional roles related to incorporation into protein.
However, several unique physiologic actions have
In 1970, at a time of great enthusiasm for the revo- been identified. One is that L-dopa serves directly as a
lutionary change in PD therapeutics, one of the pio- Ca11-dependent “classic” neurotransmitter. This
neers of L-dopa therapy, Oleh Hornykiewicz, sounded property has been observed in several brain regions
a note of concern about L-dopa that proved to be (including the CA1 hippocampus, the hypothalamic
extremely prescient: supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, and the tractus
. . .if L-dopa works in parkinsonism by replenishing solitarii).13 L-dopa also acts at other central nervous
the missing dopamine in the striatum, then L-dopa is system sites and with neuromodulatory properties dif-
quite obviously the most natural substance we can fering from those of dopamine.14 Among these is
have for treating what I should like to call “the stria- dose-related down-regulation of the enzyme that cata-
tal dopamine deficiency syndrome.” However, it is lyzes its conversion to dopamine, L-aromatic amino
quite clear to me as a pharmacologist that, whatever acid decarboxylase (L-AAAD).15
the mode and site of its action, L-dopa is far from Another important aspect of L-dopa pharmacology
being perfect as a drug.”9 has to do with its nonenzymatic conversion to several
His early recognition of L-dopa’s limitations has been biologically-active compounds. Among these are 2,4,5-
borne out in everyday experiences by many PD patients
trihydroxyphenylalanine (TOPA) and TOPA-quinone,
who, within a few years of starting treatment, experi-
each arising spontaneously from L-dopa in physiologi-
ence inconsistencies in its benefits. A starting point for
cal solutions.16 In addition to their excitotoxic proper-
understanding the problems associated with L-dopa ther-
ties (which can pose a threat to the survival of
apy is to shift the focus of inquiry beyond the actions of
dopaminergic neurons), these compounds may actually
dopamine created by L-dopa. The pathophysiology of
PD involves far more than a selective loss of striatal function as an integral component of normal L-dopa
dopaminergic signaling. Several neurotransmitter sys- pharmacology. This possibility has been explored in
tems—among them, the other monoamine neurotrans- brain slice research demonstrating the production of
mitters along with a number of compounds engaged in TOPA and TOPA-quinone immediately after L-dopa
neurotransmission and neuromodulation—also undergo administration.17 These compounds initiated various
substantial depletion and altered functioning in the PD neuronal responses in dopaminergic pathways (among
brain. Combined interplay of these signaling compo- them increased neuronal firing, inward current flux,
nents results in the unique motor and behavioral features and membrane depolarization) that were not attribut-
of PD. For example, besides L-dopa, restoring motor able to and preceded the other effects generated by
function in an experimental model of Parkinsonism (the dopamine synthesis. As an indication of their excito-
dopamine-depleted rat) requires the additional presence toxic mechanism, the actions induced by TOPA and
TOPA-quinone could be blocked by administration of dosage block less than half of systemic COMT activ-
a glutamate antagonist.17 L-dopa also can react non- ity. Drugs inhibiting systemic L-AAAD activity outside
enzymatically to produce a conjugate with cysteine, 5-S- of the CNS are also limited in the extent of their
cysteinyldopa. 5-Cysteinyldopa is a substrate for under- actions. Although co-administration of CD or bensera-
going decarboxylation to form 5-S-cysteinyldopamine, a zide can markedly decrease the systemic conversion of
pharmacologically-active compound that imparts oxida- L-dopa to dopamine, neither drug accomplishes full
tive stress in dopaminergic neurons, where it also can inhibition when dosed at the conventional daily intake
promote the aggregation of alpha-synuclein.18 These and of 75 to 100 mg.8 Supplemental CD can enhance or
other studies highlighting the complexity of L-dopa’s accomplish further decarboxylase inhibition and, con-
neuropharmacology indicate that we have a lot more to sequently, increased L-dopa bioavailability.24 Like
learn about the actions of this drug in the PD brain. COMT inhibition, this approach to diminishing the
Understanding clinical phenomena associated with first-pass metabolism of LD can provide some clinical
L-dopa such as dyskinesias and dose-by-dose fluctuations
improvement, although generally not enough to abol-
ish motor fluctuations with immediate-release (IR)
also may benefit from recognition that this amino acid
L-dopa therapy. Human experiments testing an
behaves as more than just a dopamine precursor.
increased dosage of supplemental CD or benserazide
have shown the inability of these drugs to achieve full
inhibition of L-AAAD activity.25,26
The Challenge for L-dopa Transport
to the Brain
Enhancing Striatal Dopamine With
L-dopa has a complicated path to travel in its gastro- L-dopa
intestinal uptake and transfer to its site of action in
the brain. The facilitated absorption of L-neutral The unique role played by exogenously administered
amino acids such as L-dopa occurs in only a relatively L-dopa in generating dopamine arises from its entry
short territory of the duodenum and the proximal jeju- into the synthetic pathway past the physiological regu-
num. L-dopa transportation uses sodium-dependent latory step for dopamine synthesis, tyrosine hydroxy-
L-neutral amino acid carrier system that is situated in lase. Even in advanced disease, when the PD brain has
the gut wall and at the blood–brain barrier. At both lost most of its dopaminergic projections from sub-
locations, L-dopa competes for uptake with other stantia nigra to striatum, most investigations have
L-neutral amino acids derived from the breakdown of found sufficient L-AAAD activity remains for achiev-
protein and other dietary sources of amino acids.19,20 ing rapid and thorough conversion of L-dopa to dopa-
Most of the load of orally-administered L-dopa is mine. Where this enzymatic activity resides has been a
cleared by first-pass hepatic metabolism or by distribu- longstanding question. In the absence of dopaminergic
tion to skeletal muscle. Unless a catecholamine-O- nerve terminals, the generation of striatal dopamine
methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitor has been used, a from L-dopa might occur by means of L-AAAD
large fraction of an administered L-dopa dose under- located in striatal serotonergic nerve terminals27; alter-
goes conversion to 3-O-methyldopa (as well as small natively, enzymatic activity in various striatal inter-
amounts of 4-O-methyldopa). These compounds, neurons or even in glia might be responsible.28
which accumulate in the bloodstream to higher con- The adequacy of remaining striatal L-AAAD activity
centrations than those of typical L-dopa levels, also in advanced PD has been questioned as to a target for
can also compete with the uptake of L-dopa. Although improving L-dopa responsiveness when its clinical
3-O-methyldopa has been generally regarded as meta- effect seems to be on the decline. One line of investi-
bolically inert, some studies have shown it has gation has proposed improving the effectiveness of
pharmacological activity at even neurotoxicity.21 L-dopa by augmenting the synthesis of L-AAAD in
Blocking the metabolism of L-dopa as it travels striatum by means of a gene therapy intervention.
from gut to brain has had practical applications for Application of this approach in a proof of concept
improving clinical responses. Catecholamine-O- study in PD demonstrated the practicality of using
methyltransferase inhibition with entacapone or tolca- viral vector gene delivery to enhance L-AAAD activ-
pone results in an extension of anti-Parkinsonian ity.29 In these studies (which are in ongoing clinical
effect by approximately 20 to 30 minutes for each research), the initial findings showed improved consis-
L-dopa dose. Each of these drugs at conventional dos- tency of L-dopa clinical effect together with the dem-
age results in an approximately one-third increase of onstration of increased enzymatic activity by PET scan
L-dopa area-under the-time-plasma-concentration studies.30 Together with genes also for generating
curve (AUC).22 Although the COMT inhibitors offer tyrosine hydroxylase and its cofactor, introducing a
some useful extension of clinical effect against gene for augmenting L-AAAD synthesis into PD puta-
wearing-off responses, these drugs at conventional men has also been an intervention for a recent proof-
of-concept study, which showed that endogenous syn- administration of L-dopa and results from oral admin-
thesis of dopamine can be enhanced.31 istration of both IR and sustained-release formula-
The therapeutic concept underlying the use of mono- tions.36 In healthy volunteers, this study demonstrated
amine oxidase type-B (MAO-B) inhibitors is for the rapid plasma clearance of L-dopa. Maximal con-
extending the clinical actions from each dose of L-dopa centration (Cmax) after two CD-L-dopa 25-100 IR tab-
by retarding breakdown of the dopamine it produces. lets was 1.39 6 0.34 mg/mL for L-dopa and 165 6 77
This effect has been substantiated from extensive clini- ng/mL for CD (which was absorbed more slowly than
cal experience with MAO-B inhibitors that are mar- L-dopa). For L-dopa, AUC was 3.69 6 0.74 mg h
FIG. 1. Pharmacokinetics of L-dopa (left panel) and carbidopa (right panel) in 16 fasted healthy young volunteers. Data are mean plasma concentra-
tions (61 standard deviation) after oral administration of immediate-release CD-L-dopa 25-100 mg (2 tablets). Data taken from Yeh and colleagues
(Fig. 1).36
sex-related differences attributable to body weight. L-dopa pharmacokinetics include increased values of
The mean L-dopa Tmax did not differ between men Cmax and AUC as correlates of both low body mass
and women, however.46 Some of the major influences and increased age.56,57
on pharmacokinetic parameters are likely related to For most patients experiencing dose-by-dose fluctua-
the stomach’s ability for efficient transfer of the drug tions, monitoring of their plasma L-dopa concentration
to the absorptive surfaces of the duodenum and proxi- provides a close correlate of the observed anti-
mal jejunum. In general, this function is delayed in PD parkinsonian effect. Several studies have used timed
patients as compared with healthy controls.47,48 Gas- motor tasks as surrogates of parkinsonism (such as
tric emptying is further slowed by an effect conferred timed walking and finger tapping) to demonstrate
by L-dopa itself.49 pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic relation-
Some investigations have reported that gastric Heli- ships.38,44,45 In these circumstances, a typical L-dopa
cobacter pylori infection is a factor contributing to plasma concentration for initiating reversal of parkin-
motor fluctuations, and that improvement in consis- sonism effect is in the range of 0.8 to 1.1 mg/mL (4.1-
tency of L-dopa effect occurs once the infection is 5.6 mM). With administration of IR L-dopa (together
eradicated.50,51 However, a recent study of L-dopa with adequate dosage of decarboxylase inhibitor), the
pharmacokinetics in PD patients both with and with- duration over which the drug’s plasma concentration
out Helicobacter pylori infection does not confirm exceeds the “on” threshold is close to that of the
that disposition of L-dopa is necessarily changed by clearance half-life of IR CD-L-dopa— typically,
presence of the infection.52 Another factor interfering approximately 3 hours. The onset of clinical effect is
with L-dopa uptake and associated with motor fluctua- not exactly coincident with the timing of changes in
tions is bacterial overgrowth occurring in the small plasma L-dopa concentration; a hysteresis function has
intestine. After antibiotic treatment to restrict bacterial been demonstrated in which anti-parkinsonian actions
growth in the small intestine, motor fluctuations can lag by approximately 15 minutes.38 The prediction of
improve.53 clinical effects from measurements of plasma L-dopa
Gastric “housekeeping” function can be influenced concentration (such as timed hand tapping or walking)
by everyday experiences that can alter stomach empty- fit best to nonlinear modeling of the pharmacokinetic
ing, such as pH change by administration of antacids data.58,59 Correlations between Tmax and motor
or proton pump inhibitors. Intake of iron or other responses can vary greatly, as can the timing of onset
divalent metals (which chelate L-dopa) also can inter- of observed beneficial effects. For example, in one
fere with L-dopa uptake. Dietary factors such as fat study of IR CD-L-dopa (Fig. 2),60 the Tmax for maxi-
and L-neutral amino acid content contribute to mal improvement in timed hand tapping was 2.3 6 0.9
decreased L-dopa bioavailability and lower Cmax while hours, whereas the Tmax for global motor improve-
increasing Tmax.54,55 Other influences on orally-dosed ment was 1.1 6 0.6 hours.60
replacement therapy, as has been hypothesized for the provides reliable consistency of therapeutic concen-
development of L-dopa–induced dyskinesias.68 trations of L-dopa.33,34 There is a promising future
Another explanation for what might constitute the for improving L-dopa therapy with products currently
LDR arises from the realm of learning theory, with under development. These options include a new
demonstration that L-dopa therapy leads to enhanced sustained-release oral CD–L-dopa formulation,71 two
capability for integrating “chunks” of information L-dopa pro-drugs, two gastric-retentive slow-
into more sustained sequences.69 release L-dopa formulations,74,75 an inhaled L-dopa
Among the highlights of L-dopa pharmacokinetic- delivery system,76 and a subcutaneous infusion system
pharmacodynamic research is a detailed analysis of using solubilized CD and L-dopa.77 These products
extensive pharmacokinetic data from standardized will join intestinally infused CD–L-dopa gel, a formu-
2-hour intravenous L-dopa infusions (at 1 mg/kg body lation currently marketed in Europe and elsewhere,
weight per hour).43 The goal of this datamining was and currently awaiting US regulatory approval.
to understand within-subject variability in L-dopa Although this L-dopa formulation offers fine control
plasma concentrations. From analysis of data from of plasma L-dopa concentration,33 drug administra-
multiple L-dopa infusions, conducted repeatedly during tion by means of a tube through the stomach wall is
intervals of 4 years,44 the authors found that two- not a practical treatment option for most patients
compartment rather than one-compartment models experiencing motor fluctuations.
tended to fit the pharmacokinetic data better. They The unmet needs of L-dopa therapeutics call for a
concluded that a large fraction of between-subject var- more detailed understanding of how this drug works.
iability in plasma L-dopa concentration could be The relative contributions of daily L-dopa intake, dura-
explained by body weight. Also, the variability in pre- tion of drug exposure, and severity of parkinsonian
dicted peak plasma L-dopa concentrations could be features has been difficult to tease out in explaining
largely explained by variation in L-dopa’s central com- the development of dose-by-dose fluctuations (i.e., loss
partment volume in the two-compartment model. The of the LDR) and dyskinesias. A recent study that com-
authors summarized their analysis of L-dopa pharma- pared outcomes from starting L-dopa in Ghanaian and
cokinetic parameters and within-subject variability Italian PD patients observed that motor fluctuations
(using data from as many as 10 pharmacokinetic stud- and dyskinesias did not develop as correlates of L-dopa
ies conducted in the same individuals) with the conclu- use duration but, rather, in association with the extent
sion that these results could not be explained by either of disease progression.78 The message from this study
a systematic (predictable) change in association with (as from several other investigations3) is that, in mild
the increasing years or parkinsonism, or else random PD, delaying the start of L-dopa is unwarranted as a
occurrence. A prior study of these pharmacokinetic means for better long-term benefits from this drug.
findings showed no change over the first 4 years of Some of the most pressing questions for improving PD
L-dopa treatment as an explanation for the evolution
outcomes include how the initial “honeymoon period”
of motor fluctuations.44 of L-dopa therapy can be sustained, and how to avoid
the development of dyskinesias. Fortunately, there is
no shortage of curiosity among researchers for advanc-
Conclusions ing today’s knowledge about L-dopa’s pharmacology
into future treatment for PD.
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