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Ridho Bayuaji 1, a), Abdul Karim Yasin 1, b), and Tri Eddy Susanto2,c),
M Sigit Darmawan 1, d)
Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Departement of Research and Product Application, PT. Semen Indonesia (persero) Tbk, Gresik, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Abstract. This paper reviews and explains the potential of more applicable geopolymer binder for use. This method is
called: ³Dry Mixing Method of Geopolymer Binder-Cement Geopolymer´. The mean is that the geopolymer binder is
In the field of civil engineering, geopolymer concrete is practically defined as a concrete mixture comprising a
geopolymer paste (as a binder) and a coarse and fine aggregate (as filler). Generally, the manufacture of geopolymer
binders uses a wet mixing method, which combines the pozzolan material and the alkali activator solution with the
composition of a certain chemical molarity ratio [1].
Geopolymer binder is one of the innovation in replacing the portland cement binder, because it has several
advantages, namely: more environmentally friendly (in the process of making it without releasing CO2 emission
into the atmosphere), high level of workability (easy to flowing or self-leveling), more resistant to chemical attack
(sulphates, acids, and chlorides), and are more resistant to high temperature attack [1,4]. However, in its application
among the public, the geopolymer binder has not been as large as the portland cement binder because it still has
weaknesses, namely: the mix design which involves calculation of chemical composition (alkali activator solution)
and pozzolan materials (scientific understanding of ordinary people is still very limited and need supervision who
understand about geopolymers) [1]. Portland cement binders are easily accepted by the public, because to use them
as a mixture of pasta, mortar, or concrete is very easy (just add water by water to cement ratio concept).
Therefore, the study of the potential of making geopolymer binder by dry mixing method (cement geopolymer)
is expected to be one solution to cover the weakness of the geopolymer binder in order to be more easily accepted
and applied by the public.
Wet mixing method
The wet mixing method is the most commonly used method, wherein the alkali activator used is presented solely
solution form. The NaOH (Natrium Hidroxide) are dissolved according to the desired molar concentration and
Na2SiO3 (Natrium Silicate) is presented in a liquid form, or called water glass [1].
The dry mixing method is a method whereby the alkali activator is milled together with pozzolan materials with
a certain composition, resulting in a fine grain similar to cement, or called geopolymer cement. This geopolymer
cement is simply added water only in the application of its use [7].
For easier understanding of the different wet and dry mixing methods in the process of presenting a geopolymer
binder, look at the following (Fig.1) and (Tab.1):
TABLE 1. The difference from Wet Mixing Method and Dry Mixing Method [1,7]
Wet Mixing Method Dry Mixing Method
The mixing process of all materials is carried out The process of producing a binder (cement geopolymer)
simultaneously at the same time, both the binder and is carried out elsewhere (industry) before mixing is
the filler (The user act as both consumers and carried out (The user act only as consumers).
Mixed design calculations should know the Like Portland cement, mixed design requirements are
characteristics of each materials (such as XRF based on water to cement ratio (w/c ratio).
testing for pozzolan materials) and chemical
composition for the alkali activator to calculate the
optimum composition ratio based on the suggested
molarity ratio in the previous research.
To be able to calculate the design of cement geopolymer mixture, then the most important thing is to understand
the design concept of geopolymer binder mixture of wet mixing method. Consider some important parameters in the
calculation of the wet mixing method, such as: the ratio of pozzolan materials to the alkali activator solution, the
ratio of NaOH to Na2SiO3, and the ratio of the liquid material to the solid material in a geopolymer binder. Later,
through the information, we can perform the conversion calculations to generate parameters in designing a mixture
of geopolymers in a dry form. Here are the steps that the authors propose
Collect data in the form of optimum values of wet mixing method parameters
In the process of converting the most optimum geopolymer mi design results according to the literature that the
author¶s collected, the following in the (Tab.2) is the value of the range or boundaries of the wet mixing method
which can later be converted into the calculation parameters of dry based geopolymer binders.
TABLE 2. The recommended limits in the design of the optimum mixture of the wet mixing method [2,3]
Conversion calculation of design parameters wet mixing method to dry mixing method
With the information in (Tab.2) above, we can convert it to be the recommended range in a dry base format.
Convert the comparison of fly ash to the activator solution, to fly ash to the activator solid
For the ratio of fly ash to the alkali activator solution = 73%:27%, is obtained from a mixture composition of
geopolymer binder with the following content:
TABLE 3. Sample of basic composition of a geopolymer binder wet mixing method [2,3]
Materials Weight Unit
Fly ash 638.2 Kg/m3
68.5 Kg/m3
NaOH Solution
14 Molar
Na2SiO3 Solution 171.1 Kg/m3
To change to dry composition, a specification of the activator is required. The following table 4 and table 5 are
an example of a molarity table of some molar concentrations of NaOH and the chemical composition of Na2SiO3 in
the form of a water glass solution.
Theses calculation steps are the author¶s own thinking, and the results of dry-based calculations have been
applied to make geopolymer cement. However, the detailed performance and method of manufacture of the
geopolymer cement binder can not be shown in this paper. This is because the geopolymer cement has entered the
patent proposal stage to the Directorate General of Intellectual Property- Ministry of Justice and Human Rights-
Republic of Indonesia.
TABLE 4. Details of some concentrations of NaOH molarity [2,3]
Molarity Solid (gr) Water (gr) Solid/Solution Solid/Water
16 444 556 44% 80%
14 404 596 40% 68%
12 361 639 36% 56%
10 314 686 31% 46%
8 262 738 26% 36%
Oxides Content %
SiO2 29.4
Na2O 14.7
H2O (Water) 55.9
With both tables above, we can calculate the weight of NaOH and Na2SiO3 in solid (dry) form, as follows:
ܱܰܽܪሺͳͶܯሻ ൌ ͺǤͷ݇݃ͳ ൈ ͶͶΨʹ ൌ ʹǤ݃ܭሺ݈݀݅ݏሻ
݄ݏܽݕ݈ܨൌ ൌ ͺͷΨ
ሺ͵ͺǤʹ ݃ܭ ʹǤ ݃ܭ ͺͲǤͻ݃ܭሻ
Thus, according to the above converted results, there is a comparison of fly ash to the activator (solid) =
ܱܰܽ ܪൌ ൈ ͳͲͲΨ ൌ ʹͷΨ
ሺʹǤ ݃ܭ ͺͲǤͻ݃ܭሻ
ܰܽଶ ܱܵ݅ଷ ൌ ൈ ͳͲͲΨ ൌ ͷΨ
ሺʹǤ ݃ܭ ͺͲǤͻ݃ܭሻ
Thus, according to the above converted results, the NaOH ratio to Na2SiO3 is present in solid form = 25%:75: or
Like portland cement, the geopolymer cement also requires an important parameter that is the water to cement
ratio (w/c ratio), which is calculated as follows:
ܹܽ݊݅ݐݑ݈ݏܪܱܽܰ݉ݎ݂ݎ݁ݐሺͳͶܯሻ ൌ ͺǤͷ ݃ܭെ ʹǤ ݃ܭൌ ͶͲǤͺ݃ܭ
ܹܽݎ݁ݐ ͳ͵ͳǤͲͲ݃ܭ
ൌ ൌ ͲǤͳͺ
݂݈ ݄ݏܽݕ ݎݐܽݒ݅ݐ݈ܿܽ݀݅ݏ ͵ͺǤʹ ݃ܭ ʹǤ ݃ܭ ͺͲǤͻ݃ܭ
Thus, according to the above converted results, the ratio of water to cement ratio is 0.18
Summarizes the calculation results to be the recommended range of values in the optimum mix design of dry mixing
The final result of the calculation is to produce the recommended range of values in optimum mix design of the
dry mixing method, as ini (Tab.6) below:
TABLE 6. The range of values recommended in a geopolymer binder composition of the dry mixing method
From the explanation of this paper, we got some conclusions about geopolymer binder with dry mixing method,
such as:
1. The dry mixing method is a method whereby the alkali activator is milled together with pozzolan materials
with a certain composition, resulting in a fine grain similar to cement, or called geopolymer cement. The
difference lies in the form and manner of presentation of the binder.
2. The calculation of the composition of the dry mixing method was obtained through the conversion of the
wet mixing method composition.
3. Geopolymer cement binders have mutually exclusive properties of weakness between wet-based
geopolymer binders and portland cement binders, so it has potential as a cement technology that is
Researchers would like to thank the Directorate of Research and Community Service of the Ministry of
Research, Technology and Higher Education, Department of Research and Product Application PT. Semen
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