Pecr Cubay

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History of First AidThe term “first aid” is now an accepted part of everyday language, and there is no
doubt that it encompasses the help and assistance given to sick and injured people, but where did the
term “first aid” originate and who were the original “first aiders”.

Prehistoric man, by necessity developed methods to treat the illnesses and injuries that befell him. It
probably didn’t take long for them to realize in most cases that plugging anopen wound would
eventually stop bleeding, or by lashing a tree branch to a broken leg would allow the casualty to hobble
around and would help healing.

The first recorded history of first aid dates to 1099, when a religious order of knights trained to
administer medical treatment was formed. The Order of St John –to which the modern day St John
Ambulance organization traces its roots- specialized in the treatment of battlefield injuries during the
crusades and are the first recorded example of people trained to administer first aid. In 1792, the French
Army Surgeon General, formed the first official army medical corps. People were trained and equipped
for working away from the field hospitals.

Their task was to administer first aid on the battlefield and where necessary remove the casualty to the
field hospital by carrying them or on carts.During the 1860’s the first Geneva Convention and the
International Red Cross came into being to protect and deal with sick and injured soldiers on the
battlefield. Both resulted from the work begun by Henry Dunant, a Swiss man, who had witnessed
soldiers of both sides, being left to die with horrific injuries during the Battle of Solferino in 1859.

A short time later, an army surgeon first came up with the idea of training civilians in what was termed
“pre-medical treatment”. The late 1800’s saw drastic changes with the formations of what we now know
as the modern day British Red Cross (1870) and St John Ambulance (1877). In 1878, the term “first aid”
first appeared in Britain and is thought to be derived from “first treatment” and “National Aid”. Thus the
history of first aid was born


The PRC was established in 1947, with roots in the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule. It
was initially involved only in the provision of blood and short-term palliatives as well as participation in
disaster-related activities but they now focus on a wider array of humanitarian services.At present, the
PRC provides six major services: National Blood Services, Disaster Management Services, Safety Services,
Health Services, Welfare Services and Red Cross Youth.[1] The National Headquarters of the PRC is
located at 37 EDSA corner Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila.

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