M MM MM MM MM: A tfl-1 tfl-2 T
M MM MM MM MM: A tfl-1 tfl-2 T
M MM MM MM MM: A tfl-1 tfl-2 T
2.1 Concrete
Beam Slab
Compressive strength
at service fc' = 40.0 25.0 [N/mm ]
at initial 80% fc' fc'i = 32.0 [N/mm2]
Allowable stress
Allowable stress at initial ………… (SNI T-02-2005 )
Compressive 0.6 * fc'i = 19.2 [N/mm ]
Tensile 0.25 * Sqrt(fc'i) = 1.4 [N/mm2]
Allowable stress at service ………. (SNI T-02-2005 )
Compressive 0.45 * fc' = 18.0 11.3 [N/mm2]
Tensile 0.5 * Sqrt(fc') = 3.2 2.5 [N/mm ]
Modulus of elasticity
Concrete unit weight wc = 2500.0 2500.0 [kg/m ]
Ec = wc1.5*0.043*sqrt(fc') = 33994.5 26875.0 [N/mm2]
Eci = wc *0.043*sqrt(fci') = 30405.6 [N/mm2]
Concrete flexural tension strength (fr)
f r = 0.7*sqrt(fc') = 4.4 [N/mm2]
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
2 Yb Yb'
Base Line 1
3.3 R e s u m e
[in mm ]
Description Area (mm2) Ya (mm) Yb (mm) Ix (mm4) Wa (mm3) Wb (mm3)
Precast Beam 316750 731 519.3 54962557571 75220826 105836180
Composite Beam [composite] 620329 562 957.7 180516359329 321025225 188491840
[precast] 292 617546713
4.1 Dead Load
a. Precast Beam q1 = Ac precast girder x conc. Precast
q1 = 0.317 x 2.50 = 0.791875 [t/m'] = 7.77 [kN/m']
b. Slab q2 = Ac slab CIP x conc. slab
q2 = 0.384 x 2.50 = 0.96 [t/m'] = 9.41 [kN/m']
c. Deck slab q3 = Ac deck slab x s
q3 = 0.1155 x 2.50 = 0.28875 [t/m'] = 2.83 [kN/m']
d. Asphaltic q4 = Ac asphaltic x s
q4 = 0.09 x 2.20 = 0.2035 [t/m'] = 2.00 [kN/m']
e. Diaphragm p = Vol diaph with 0.15m thickness x diaph
p = 0.26 x 2.40 = 0.62397 [ton'] = 6.12 [kN']
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
[in kN-meter ]
Mid Sec 1-1 Sec 2-2 Sec 3-3 Sec 4-4 Sec 5-5 Sec 6-6
Type Description
span 0.00 6.50 13.50 20.00 20.00 10.00 (m)
DL Precast beam 388.26 0.00 340.69 340.69 0.00 0.00 388.26
Subtotal 388.26 0.00 340.69 340.69 0.00 0.00 388.26
DL Slab 470.69 0.00 413.03 413.03 0.00 0.00 470.69
ADL Asphaltic Layer 99.78 0.00 87.55 87.55 0.00 0.00 99.78
SDL Diaphragm+Deck Slab 141.57 0.00 124.23 124.23 0.00 0.00 141.57
Subtotal 712.04 0.00 624.81 624.81 0.00 0.00 712.04
LL Distribution load 832.50 0.00 730.52 730.52 0.00 0.00 832.50
KEL 634.55 0.00 556.82 556.82 0.00 0.00 634.55
Subtotal 1467.05 0.00 1287.34 1287.34 0.00 0.00 1467.05
Total (DL + LL) 2567.34 0.00 2252.84 2252.84 0.00 0.00 2567.34
Ultimate total 4087.93 0.00 3587.16 3587.16 0.00 0.00 4087.93
Ultimate total = 1,2*(Beam+Diaphragm+Deck Slab)+1,3*Slab+2*Asphaltic+1.8*(LL+I)
Parabolic curve (Average of Strand's position vertically from the bottom of beam ( Value for Y axis ))
Y = A.x + B.x + C
where : A = Constanta : ( (Ymiddle + Yedge)/(L/2) ) A= 0.003451
B = Constanta : ( L x A ) B = -0.070060
C = Average of strand's position when the parabolic curve reach the Y axis
Average of Strand's position vertically from the bottom of beam ( Value for Y axis )
Y = 0.003451 X + -0.07006 X + 0.533333
Cable tendon angle :
tg o = 0.006902 X + -0.07006
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
Average of Strand's position vertically from the bottom of beam ( Value for Y axis )
0 5 10 15 20 25
When the jacking force is applied at the stressing end, the tendon will elongate. The elongation will be resisted by friction
between the strand and its sheating or duct. As the result of this friction, force will be decreased with distance from the jacking
end. The friction is comprised of two effects : curvature friction which is a function of the thendons profile, and wooble friction
which is the result of minor horizontal or vertical deviation form intended profile.
The equation for calculating the loss of prestress due to friction is :
-( + k.x)
Px = Po.e ( AASHTO 1992, Chapt. 9.16.1 )
Where : 80.0%
Px = Prestress force at section distance x from tensile point.
Po = Jacking force ( tensile force at anchor, initial) 75.0%
= friction coefficient
= Change of cable angle from tensile point to x section 70.0%
k = Wobble coefficient
x = Distance from tensile point to x section
Friction and Wooble coeficient for grouting tendon in metal sheating 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00
with Seven Wire Strand : = 0.20
Prestress tendon section
k = 0.003
Anchorage Anchorage
set area set area
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
4 Check Assuming drawn-in (). The displacement of jacking end of tendon should be equal with assumption
= Anchorage set area x Ult. Tensile Stress / Modulus Elasticity of PC Strand
= Aset . Fpu / Es
= equal with assumption (trial)
Table of calculation due anchor set
ten- Nos draw in From left side From right side after anchorage set = % UTS
don strand Mpa/mm mm X (m) Px (% UTS) X (m) Px (% UTS) 0.00 10.15 20.30
0 0.0 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.0% 0.00% 0.0%
0 0.0 0.00000 8.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.0% 0.00% 0.0%
0 0.0 0.00000 8.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.0% 0.00% 0.0%
1 5.0 0.00703 8.00 14.82 68.45% 0.00 0.00% 61.9% 67.49% 67.3%
2 11.0 0.00606 8.00 15.96 69.29% 0.00 0.00% 63.6% 68.08% 68.4%
3 11.0 0.00507 8.00 17.45 70.07% 0.00 0.00% 65.1% 68.52% 69.5%
total 27 0.00584 8.00 16.35 69.45% 0.00 0.00% 63.90% 68.15% 68.63%
70.0% 69.77%
70.0% 69.22%
60.0% 63.90%
55.0% 60.0%
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00
Prestress tendon section Prestress tendon section
c. Elastic Shortening ( ES )
Elastic shortening refers to the shortening of the concrete as the postensioning force is applied.
As the concrete shorterns, the tendon length also shortens, resulting in a loss of prestress.
The following simplified equation to estimate the appropriate amount of prestress loss to attribute to elastic shortening
for member with bonded tendons :
ES = Kes . Es . fcir / Eci
Kes = 0.50 for post-tensioned members when tendon are tensioned in sequential order to the same tension
ES = Elastic modulus of tendon material
Eci = Elastic modulus of the concrete at the time of prestress transfer
fcir = concrete stress at the centre of gravity of prestressing tendons due to prestressing force at transfer and the self weight of
the member at the section of maximum positive moment
so, ES = 46.89 N/mm2, percent actual ES losses = Es/fpu 2.52% equal with losses assumption
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
e. Creep ( CR )
Over time, the compresive stress induced by postensioning causes a shortening of the concrete member. The increase in
strain due to a sustained stress is refered to as creep. Loss of prestress due to a creep is nominally propotional to the net
permanent compresive stressin the concrete. the net permanent compressive stress is the initial compressive stress in the
concrete due to the prestressing minus the tensile stress due to self weight and superimposed deadload moments
CR = Kcr*(Es/Ec)*(fcir-fcds) (ACI 318-95, Chapt. 18.6)
CR = 95.74 N/mm percent actual CR losses = CR/fpu 5.15%
Where :
Kcr = 1.60 (for postensioned member)
fcir = stress at center point prestress force, initial condition
fcir = 14.776 N/mm
Msd = Moment due to all superimposed permanent dead loads applied after prestressing
Msd = 712.04 kN.m
fcds = Stress in a concrete at the cgs of the tendon due to all superimposed dead load
fcds 1 = Msdl.e/I = 3.80 N/mm component of fcd due to load on the plain beam
fcds 2 = Madl.e/Ic = 0.43 N/mm component of fcd due to load on the composite beam
fcds = fcds 1 + fcds 2 = 4.24 N/mm
f. Steel Relaxation ( RE )
Relaxation is defined as a gradual decrease of stress in a material under constant strain. In the case of steel, relaxation is
the result of permanent alteration of the grain structure. The rate of relaxation at any point in time depends on the stress
level in the tendon at that time. Because of other prestress losses, there is a continual reduction of tendon strss; this
causes a reduction in the relaxation rate.
The equation for prestress loss due to relaxation of tendons is :
RE = [ Kre - J*(SH+CR+ES) ] *C (ACI 318-95, Chapt. 18.6)
RE = 18.17 N/mm percent actual RE losses = RE/fpu 0.98%
Where :
Kre = 5000.00 (for 270 grade, low relaxation strand)
J = 0.04 (for 270 grade, low relaxation strand)
C = 0.66 for fpi/fpu = 0.682
69.77% 69.54% 69.22% 68.63%
Long term Losses equotion :
67.25% 67.01% 66.70% 66.11%
0 > x > 10.15
65.63% 65.62%
65.00% 65.38% 65.07% 64.48% 53.63% + 0.42% x
63.90% 64.00%
10.15 > x > 14.82
60.48% 60.24% 59.92% 59.33% 57.88% + 0.35% x x - 10.15
59.75% 59.50% 59.26%
58.85% 58.95% 58.35%
57.88% 14.82 > x > 15.96
54.60% 59.50% -+ 0.21% x x - 14.8165188
15.96 > x > 17.45
50.00% 59.26% -+ 0.21% x x - 15.9583756
0.00 10.15 14.82 15.96 17.45 20.30
17.45 > x > 20.30
Prestress tendon section
58.95% -+ 0.21% x x - 17.4494923
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
M 2 / Wb' [N/mm2] -8.31 0.00 -7.29 -7.29 0.00 0.00 -8.31 stress
Stress at Service slab ( S ) 4.88 0.00 4.28 4.28 0.00 0.00 4.88 11.3
[kg/cm2] top ( T ) 11.88 9.19 11.84 11.31 9.20 9.20 11.88 18.0
bot ( B ) 0.55 8.97 1.38 1.76 8.97 8.97 0.55 -3.2
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
+ =
+ +
P/A = 9.06 MPa M1/Wb = -0.20 MPa M2/Wb'= -8.31 MPa bottom = 0.55 MPa
8.3 Deflection
8.3.1 Chamber due to Prestress Load
Deflection on middle section :
pi= [ee+(5/6)(ec-ee)] x (P. l2 /8 Ec Ix)
P ee pi=
ec P -27.50 mm
where : P= Prestress force
Eci = Modulus Elasticity of Concrete
l/2 l/2
Ixi = Section Inertia
l= length of anchor to anchor
ee = Distance between c.g of strand and
c.g of concrete at end
ec = Distance between c.g of strand and
c.g of concrete at centre
8.3.2 Deflection at initial, erection and service condition (based : PCI handbook 4.6.5 Long-Time Chamber Deflection)
Deflection () on simple span structure : where : q = Uniform Load
q= (5/384)*q*L /Ec Ix) P = Point Load
p= P.l /48 Ec Ix l = Beam Span
Deflection calculation table : Estimating long-time cambers and deflections
Loading Long time cambers and deflection
q (kN/m) P (kN) Release (1) multipliers Erection (2) multipliers Service (3)
1. Due to Prestress force -27.50 1.80 x (1) -49.49 2.20 x (1) -60.49
2. Due to beam weight (DL) 7.77 9.68 1.85 x (1) 17.91 2.40 x (1) 23.23
-17.82 -31.59 -37.26
3. Due to ADL 2.83 3.16 3.00 x (2) 9.47
-28.43 -27.79
4. Due to Composite overtoping 9.41 10.50 2.30 x (2) 24.14
-17.93 -3.65
4. due to asphaltic (SDL) 2.00 0.68
5. due to Live Load = UDL + KEL 16.65 126.91 9.10
Resume of deflection :
1. Deflection at service = -2.97 mm
2. Deflection due to Live Load = 9.10 mm < allow. deflection L/800 = 25 mm OK
3. Total deflection with LL = 6.13 mm, deflection downward
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
Partial Rebar:
fy = 400 MPa
Use 3 Dia.10 mm at tension area
As = 235.62 mm2 b web = 170 mm
d= 1192.0 mm
Partial tension rebar ratio : Rebar in compresion area is neglected due calculation
t = As / (bweb x d ) t = 0.00116 c =
t = t . fy / fc t = 0.019 c =
Low Relaxation strand :
fpu = 1860 MPa
Strand stress ratio fpu / fpy = 0.9 value p = 0.28
dp = 1342.2 mm Aps = 2667.06 mm beff = 1850 mm
Prestress ratio :
p = Aps / (beff x dp ) p = 0.00107408
fps = fpu {1 - p / (p.fpu/fc + d/dp (t-c))) fps = 1800.9 MPa
p = p fps/fc p = 0.07737306
Resume of Steel Index Requirement (SNI Beton 03-2847-2002 pasal 20.8)
p + d/dp (t-c) < 0.36
0.0938949 < 0.306 Under Reinf, Meet With Steel Index Requirement
9.2 Momen Capacity
b. eff
Zone 4 Cc4
Zone 3
Zone 2 Tps = Aps . Fps
a Tps = 4803147.58 N
Zone 1
dp d
strength reduction factor
= 0.8
T = As.fy
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
Mn / Mcr = 1.428 > 1.2 ---- Cracking Capacity requirement is achieve
10.1 Shear calculation based on SNI 03-2847-2002
Alternatif solution to calculated shear on prestress element is use for structure element which have effective prestress above 40%
of ultimate tensile stress
40% Ultimate Tensile Strength = 744 MPa
Effective Prestress = 1076 MPa Effective Prestress > 40% fpu
Section Properties :
Ix = 5.496E+10 mm4 Ixcomp = 1.805E+11 mm4
Yb = 519.31728 mm Ybcomp = 957.7 mm
Ag = 316750 mm2
Load :
Effective prestress Pe = 2871.03 kN
Factored Load : Unfactored Load :
qult DL + ADL = 28.9449 kN/m q DL + ADL = 20.0104 kN/m
qult LL = 29.9700 kN/m q sdl = 1.9955 kN/m
Pult LL = 228.4380 kN q DL + ADL = 22.0059 kN/m
SNI 03-2847-2002 Pasal 11.1 : Shear force on beam is hold a part by concrete and the rest of force is hold by shear steel. Concrete
contribution (vc), is define as shear force when diagonal cracking appear.
Vn = Vc + Vs where : Vn = Nominal Shear force Vu = Ultimate Shear force
Vn = Vu / Vc = Concrete shear contribution = Shear reduction factor
Vs = Shear steel contribution = 0.75
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
Shear Steel Requirement Position
1200.0 Zona 1
1000.0 Zona 2
800.0 Zona 3
600.0 Zona 4
400.0 Vn = Vu/f
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
fy = 400 MPa
Use 2 leg Dia.13 mm
Area horisontal Shear Steel Avh = 265.46 mm2
Horisontal Shear steel Spacing s= 300 mm
Horisontal Shear steel ratio v = 0.442%
Shear horisontal Nominal
Vnh = (1.8 Mpa + 0.6 v. fy) . bv .d
Vnh = 696.00 KN
Requirement for shear horisontal steel :
Vult <Vnh < 350 bv.d
Vult = Ultimate shear due to superimposed DL + LL
Vult = 466.52 kN
Vnh = 522.00 kN RESUME:
3.5 bv d = 851.20 kN Shear horisontal : OK
Minimal Use :
bys = 200 mm Spacing = 1540.04 mm or 4 tweb = 680 mm
Avh = 50 by.s / fy Max. Spacing = 300.00 mm
Avh = 172.375 mm2/m min no. Spacing = 67 @ 2D13 for shear horisontal / span
Resume = additional shear horizontal required
Block Anchor dimension
type a b dia hole Block Area Concrete Area
(mm) (mm) (mm) A (mm2) A1 (mm2) A2 (mm2) sqrt(A2/A1)
7 165 165 51 25182.18 27225 1625000 7.73
12 215 215 63 43107.75 46225 1950000 6.49
19 265 265 84 64683.23 70225 2275000 5.69
SNI 03-2847-2002 Pasal 11.3.2 (Anchorage Zone)
Maximum strand = 11
Anchor Block type = 12 Strand
Load factor = 1.1
Reduction factor () = 1
1. End Bearing
Ultimate Point Load
Pu = min (1.2 x nStrand x Astrand x %JF x fpu , nstrand x Astrand x 96% x fpu)
Pu = 1667.4 kN
End Bearing stress : Nominal concrete comp. :
comp = Pu / A fci = 32.00 Mpa
comp = 38.68 MPa min(2, sqrt(A2/A1)) = 2.0
Nominal fci = x 0.7 x fci x min(2,sqrt (A2/A1))
Nominal fci = 44.80 > comp = 38.68 MPa
ten- Nos Anchor sheath Ult. Point Block End Bearing Nominal
don strand Height hole Load Area Stress comp. fci
( ai ) (Pu) (A) (EBS=Pu/A)
mm kN mm2 Mpa Mpa
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 5 165 51 757.89 25182.18 30.10 44.80 EBS < Nominal Compresion
2 11 215 63 1667.36 43107.75 38.68 44.80 EBS < Nominal Compresion
3 11 215 63 1667.36 43107.75 38.68 44.80 EBS < Nominal Compresion
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PC I H-125cm; L-20.6m; CTC-185cm; Standard SNI; rev 01
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