Colours: Colour in Everyday Life
Colours: Colour in Everyday Life
Colours: Colour in Everyday Life
Colours can influence your moods, feelings and emotions. Colours influence your actions and how you respond to people, situations and ideas. Colours can affect us profoundly and in ways that you may not have thought of. Of course, we are surrounded by colour and normally take colours for granted. Learn a little about the meaning of colours and how they affect your personality, your choices and your actions. Learn how you can use the magic of colour for healing, spiritual rituals and in everyday life. Learn how wearing different colours can attract to you love, wealth and happiness.
The primary colours are red, green, and blue, from these colours; every other colour can be made.
Colour in Magic
For Magical Rituals and Spell work special importance is placed upon the meanings of colours. Each colour corresponds with a vibration, with an energy, with an element and with a desired outcome. Getting the colours wrong can at best make a Spell fail and at worst could backfire on the Spell caster or recipient of the Spells manifestation. Coloured candles, the colour of crystal gemstones, the altar cloth and even the colour of clothing worn by the Spell caster are vitally important. I pay particular attention to all my Spells and the colour associations and correspondences related to them. For example in casting Love Spells I will use Pink candles and Pink Rose Quartz crystals. For Money Spells I use Green candles and Green Aventurine crystals. And similarly I use the colour Blue for candles and crystals for Healing and Protection Spells.
A principal colour of Green in an Aura indicates strong home and family orientation and a deep connection to nature. It can show that you are a natural healer in tune with nature and its forces. Read much more about Aura colours in my special Aura Colours Section
Pink represents calmness, gentleness and romantic love. Pink is associated with traditional feminine traits and is very warm, none threatening and compassionate. If you are looking for love and want to attract a soul mate to you, then wear something in the colour pink. Pink is the most attracting of all the colours and at least one shade of pink will be flattering to you whatever your skin tone. Pink attracts attention and interest and allows the viewer of the colour to feel warmth and comfort. Because of this potential lovers will feel comfortable and confident enough to approach you and will not fear refusal. Click on the pink image for much more about the colour meaning of pink.
Purple is seen as a very psychic, mysterious and magical colour. It inspires originanlity, creativity and aids spiritual growth. The colour purple represents royalty and the nobility and is associated with luxury and wealth. This opulent and extravagant colour purple was favoured by the elite in ancient cultures and great effort was made to find natural dyes to dye fabrics to this amazing colour. People with great creativity tend to be drawn to the colour purple such as writers, artists, musicians, psychics and poets. Click on the purple image for much more about the colour meaning of purple.
Indigo represents intuition, perception and concentration. It is the perfect colour for meditative purposes and helps open the third eye. Indigo has a strong energy that can open up the subconscious and allow deep knowledge and psychic abilities to be enhanced. It is ideal for meditation as it allows focus without distraction. Ideas and inspirations can suddenly seem to "come out of the blue" with this colour. Click on the indigo image for much more about the colour meaning of indigo.
Blue is seen as a cool, tranquil colour and because of the blue skies and blue oceans is always a popular colour. Blue is said to be the colour of communication and is connected to the throat Chakra. From the palest baby blue to the richness of midnight blue, the colour blue is a very healing colour. If you are having a job interview, need to make a speech in public or just want someone to really listen to you, then wear something in the colour blue to help you communicate and get your message across. Click on the blue image for much more about the colour meaning of blue.
Green is a wonderful calming, fertile and nurturing colour. Its prevalence in nature makes it very easy on the eye and attractive. Green has always been associated with luck and wealth. In Magic the colour green is used to draw forth good luck and abundance. Green also symbolizes freshness, fertility and growth. If you want to become pregnant make sure you eat plenty of green vegetables, wear the colour green and spend plenty of time in nature amongst green fields and trees. Wear something in the colour green when buying lottery tickets for extra luck. Click on the green image for much more about the colour meaning of green.
Yellow is a very sunny, bright and vibrant colour. Just looking at the colour yellow makes you happy! Of course yellow is a very common colour in nature with many flowers and fruits displaying a variety of hues and shades of this wonderful colour. If you're feeling down, give yourself an instant pick up by treating yourself to a vibrant yellow bunch of flowers, eat some sunny yellow coloured food or wear something in this colour. Wearing yellow gives an instant sunshine glow to the face and makes you look both cheery and youthful. Click on the yellow image for much more about the colour meaning of yellow.
Orange is a very joyous and vibrant colour. Orange represents vitality, enthusiasm and excitement. Orange is a very uplifting and attracting colour. If you suffer low moods, try to eat orange foods such as carrots, oranges and pumpkins, wear orange clothing and get out into the sunshine as much as possible. If you want to attract a man who is adventurous, exciting and energetic, particularly a Sagittarian man, then wear something in the colour orange. To attract a friendly, sociable and fun loving woman, men should wear something in the colour orange. Click on the orange image for much more about the colour meaning of orange.
Red has many meanings. Red symbolizes the emotion of anger. Red indicates both danger and passion. Red is the colour of blood and can shock, repulse and frighten. Red is also the colour of red roses, red hearts and red lips all symbols of passion and love. If you are a man and want to attract a woman who is bold, assertive and knows what she wants and is not afraid to get it then wear red. If you are a woman and looking for a man, particularly an Aries man to pay you some attention then wear red to attract him. Click on the red image for much more about the colour meaning of red.
Brown, like the earth itself is a rich, comforting and sensuous colour. Brown represents groundedness, sensibility and practicality. Brown is not seen as a frivolous or flighty colour and is the preferred colour of both men and women who are practical and like to get things done. It is the colour of the doer rather than the dreamer. If you want to attract a life partner who is loyal, trustworthy, dependable and supportive then wear something in the colour brown to catch their attention. Click on the brown image for much more about the colour meaning of brown.
Gold has a strong, powerful masculine energy to it and is the most alluring of all colours. Gold is very attracting of admirers, boosting confidence and assisting with self esteem. Wearing this colour will help you attract very positive elements into life. Gold symbolise abundant wealth, power, vibrant health and prosperity. Because of this the colour gold is used in Magic rituals and Spell work, particularly around the celebration Sabbats. Gold is considered a very healing and transformative colour. Click on the gold image for much more about the colour meaning of gold.
Silver represents the feminine traits of intuition, compassion and mystery. Silver is associated with the Moon and Moon energy. Because of its strong associations with the Moon it is used in Magic rituals and Spell work, particularly around the full moon phase. Silver draws negative energy from the body and replaces it with vibrant, positive energy. People who are drawn to the colour silver are usually very intuitive, psychic and extremely compassionate. Silver is a very healing colour and promotes self healing and thus spiritual growth. Click on the silver image for much more about the colour meaning of silver.
Black is not strictly a colour as it is the absence of all colour. It absorbs all aspects of light. Black is viewed as a mysterious, secretive and hidden colour and has many negative connotations. Black can be very protective for people suffering from low self esteem, low moods or other mental health issues. They use the colour black to protect them from the outside world and hideaway their true feelings and emotions. Great care should be taken not to use too much of the colour black for clothing and decor as it is very draining and depressing. Black is not strictly a colour as it is the absence of all colour. It absorbs all aspects of light. Although the meaning of black has some negative connotations, it does in fact enhance any positive elements given by other colours. So wearing black with another colour will promote and strengthen the benefits of that colour. For example yellow is a joyful colour anyway, but when worn with black becomes even more joyous and helps you feel happy, positive and optimistic. Black is seen as a protective shield or cloak to hide behind. Teenagers who are unsure about themselves or adults with low self esteem are drawn to the colour black and use it to protect, hide and shield true feelings. Wearing black represents comfort and a protective barrier from the outside world. But wearing too much black can be very depressing and promotes pessimistic thinking. Because of this, it is far better to limit black and to wear a variety of other colours.
Black represents calm, rest and renewal. Just as the black of night offers us sleep and a time to recover, rest and regenerate for the day ahead, black has the same effect in colour healing. The colour black also opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious and is used to induce a deep meditational state. It is used for absorbing negativity, dealing with depression and grief, divination and bringing things to an end. Black represents self-control and resilience.
VIOLET/PURPLE relates to the CROWN chakra which is at the top of the head The related organ to this chakra is the brain and the endocrine gland is the pineal gland. Violet relates to self knowledge/ spiritual awareness. It is the union with your higher self, with spirituality, and your higher consciousness. Violet is the highest colour in the visible spectrum. This colour is known as one of the "cool" colours. It has a very calming effect on us and is, therefore, very helpful for those people experiencing sleep difficulties or stress. However, it can be contra-indicated for those suffering from depressive disorders.
Associated problems
Some of the associated problems relating to the crown chakra are Depression, Parkinson's disease, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, Senile dementia, Alzheimer's , many mental disorders, confusion, dizziness, and even just feeling as if one has a muzzy head.
Feelings of superiority
Flaunt power
Pure idealists
Self sacrificing
INDIGO relates to the BROW chakra or third eye which is in the centre of the forehead The related organs to this chakra are the eyes, lower head and sinuses and the endocrine gland is the pituitary gland. Indigo relates to self responsibility, that is to say, being responsible for one's own life; responsibility to oneself to follow the soul's path and needs and trusting one's own intuition. The ability to see things from a 'higher' viewpoint rather than purely for
satisfaction of the ego or one's material comfort. Intuitive messages are unique to you and are for your own personal
Associated problems
Some of the associated problems relating to the brow chakra are:- tension headache, migraine, visual defects, short-sightedness, long-sightedness, glaucoma, cataracts, catarrh, sinus problems, some ear problems.
Highly intuitive
Sense of unity
Devotion to duty
Practical idealists
Depressed easily
BLUE relates to the Throat Chakra. Associated organs to this chakra are the throat, lungs and the endocrine gland is the thyroid gland. The upper digestive tract can be affected by imbalance in this area. Blue relates to self expression. Speech, communication, the ability to communicate our needs and requirements. Spirit of truth and purpose.
Associated problems
Some associated problems relating to the throat chakra are: Thyroid problems - over active/ under-active; Anorexia nervosa this is a multi-chakra problem, but has a strong connection to the throat chakra; asthma; bronchitis; hearing problems; tinnitus - may also be connected to problems with the brow chakra; problems of the upper digestive tract; mouth ulcers, sore throats, tonsillitis.
GREEN relates to the HEART chakra Associated organs to this chakra are the heart and breasts. The gland is the thymus gland. This chakra relates to love / self love. that is to say the ability to give and take unconditionally. When balanced we are able to give this love and also to love and nurture ourselves, warts and all.
Associated problems
Some associated problems relating to the heart chakra are:- heart diseases, diseases of the Immune system, for example, Aids and ME (myalgia encephalomyelitis, sometimes referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome or post viral syndrome); other problems related to the immune system and allergies, cancer of the breast.
hangs on to possessions
lack of consideration
YELLOW relates to the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra, situated below the ribs The organs to which this chakra relates are the liver, spleen, stomach and small intestine. The endocrine gland is the pancreas. On the psycho-spiritual level, yellow relates to self worth. How we feel about ourselves and how we feel others perceive us. This is the area of the personality, the ego and the intellect and of self confidence.
Associated problems
Some of the associated problems with the solar plexus are:- diabetes, pancreatitis, liver disease, peptic ulcer, Coeliac's disease, gall stones.
broad minded
good humored
feelings of inferiority
over analytical
ORANGE relates to the SACRAL chakra situated in the lower abdomen The organs to which this chakra relates are uterus, large bowel, prostate, ovaries and testes. (In the foetus the testes develop in the lower abdomen, thus linking with the sacral chakra energy, then descending to the scrotum by birth.) The endocrine glands are the ovaries and testes. On the psycho-spiritual level, this chakra relates to self respect. That is to say having the ability to give ourselves the freedom to be ourselves and to respect our own boundaries and requirements and, by the same token, having respect for the boundaries of others. Orange is the colour of creativity and we should give ourselves the space to have creative time just for us.
Associated problems
Some of the associated problems relating to the sacral chakra are:- pre-menstrual syndrome, problems with menstrual flow, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, irritable bowel syndrome, endometriosis, testicular disease, prostatic disease.
Destructive attitudes
RED relates to the BASE chakra situated at the base of the spine The organs to which this chakra relates are the kidneys and bladder .(The kidneys are formed within the pelvis and here they link with the base chakra energy, although prior to birth they rise to the position in the loins with which we are more familiar). The vertebral column, hips and legs are also areas related to this chakra. The endocrine gland to which this colour relates is the adrenal gland. On the psycho-spiritual level, this chakra relates to self awareness. That is to say our awareness of ourselves as human beings and our place on earth. It is the area of survival and relates to our basic human instincts of fight or flight. Red gives us courage and strength. The colour relates to stability and security.
Associated problems
Some problems associated with the base chakra are:- constipation, diarrhea, piles, colitis, Crohn's disease, cold fingers and toes, frequency of urination, hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney stones, impotence, problems with hips, legs and feet.
Pioneering spirit
Fear of progress
Leadership qualities
Strong willed
Brutal/ Aggressive
Self pitying
Quick tempered