Brochure Grief - Ingrid Auer - Angels Essences

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(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.


any people experience illness, death and grief purely in medical terms: Illnesses are to be fought against, death and grief suppressed. More and more people realise that these periods of life have a highly spiritual background and offer an opportunity for the relatives, and the people affected, to learn and develop. For those who dont want to approach illness, death and grief with medicines, the spiritual world has provided highly useful aids. Angel Symbols, Angel Essences and Angel Oils. It is up to you to make use of these resources.

For further information see: Engel begleiten durch Krankheit, Tod und Trauer by Ingrid Auer, ISBN 978-3-9502151-3-7

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.



Holistically orientated people assume that a weakening of meridians, aura and chakras can lead to physical problems. To strengthen the subtle energies, for example, Angel Essences and Oils can be of help.

Personal boundary People suffering from ill health, are especially vulnerable to energy losses and energetic burdens. They need some protection for the aura and subtle energies for the energetic layers of their bodies. _ Angel Aura Essence Personal energetic boundary Fears and depressive disorders can be side effects of illness and may delay or even block the healing process. A strengthening of the subtle body can have a positive effect on the general well being. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 22 Doriel _ Angel Aura Essence Erzengel Jophiel Calming Sorrows, sleep disorders, inner restlessness can also delay the healing process. In the subtle area mainly the mental body is affected. _ Angel Combi Essence No. 39 Raniel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Michael Chakras are energy centres in the body which are closely connected with the organs. They supply these with subtle energies. If the chakras are blocked, weakened or damaged, they can be cleared, stabilized and sealed with Angel Essences or Oils. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 12 Haziel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Gabriel

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.


Loss of energy When power, energy and vitality are reduced after a long illness, operation or birth, you can supply your subtle body with new energies. _ Angel Essence No. 47 Archangel Uriel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Uriel or _ Master Aura Essence Pallas Athene Detoxification After vaccinations, taking medicines, infusions and anaesthetics subtle blockages and contaminations remain in the aura. For energetic cleansing the following Essences are suitable: _ Angel Combi Essence No. 04 Aniel _ Angel Aura Essence Energetic cleansing Relaxation Illnesses and operations can be the result of emotional tensions. For relaxing and keeping calm: _ Angel Combi Essence No. 39 Raniel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Michael Immune system The physical immune system can be strongly influenced energetically by emotional burdens. The following angel energies can be helpful for aura and chakras in a state of exhaustion, stress and listlessness. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 07 Carmiel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Raphael Transformation of karma for all kinds of illnesses which are rooted in the karmic area. Disabilities can relate to karmic topics. Stagnating healing processes are often related to karmic burdens. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 25 Cithael _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Zadkielor _ Master Aura Essence Saint Germain

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.


Physical emergencies Subtle energies for emergencies, illnesses, accidents and long-lasting, exhausting and recurrent illnesses: _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 01 Lariel Physical Angel Emergency Essence/Emer gency Oil _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Raphael Building up power If power, energy and vitality have been lost after a long illness, operation or birth, you can supply the sublte body with new energies. _ Angel Essence No. 47 Archangel Uriel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Urielor _ Master Aura Essence Pallas Athene Meridians Each meridian is energetically connected with a certain organ. In times of stress meridians, and therefore also organs, can be weakened. Special angel energies for strengthening and stabilization of meridians are: _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 13 Yeliel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Gabriel Muscles Over-ambition, stress and periods of tension and emotional strain can lead to physical tensions which are expressed through the muscles. For masseurs. _ AngelCombiEssence/Oil No. 58 Erael _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Michael Dispiritedness A positive, optimistic attitude to life is essential for the healing process. _ Angel Essence No. 01/Angel for Faith and Trust or _ Angel Essence No. 30/Angel for Courage and Perseverance _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Uriel

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.


Anaesthetics Energetic help with fear of anaesthetics and the resultant feeling of helplessness, as well as protection and cleansing of the aura during anaesthetics. Prevents both the soul from leaving the body and external energetic occupation. Use several days before and after an operation. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 32 Sorihael _ Angel Aura Essences Personal energetic boundary Operation Operations, births and serious illnesses need some support also on the subtle level. Fear of medical interventions and hospital stays can weaken the energy balance of the body. _ Angel Combi Oil No. 33 Curiel _Angel Aura Essence Archangel Uriel Organs Angelic aids can clear energy blockages which are jointly responsible for too much or too little energy in organs. It is also important to dissolve old dogmas, beliefs and patterns which are related to the organs and are imprinted in the mental body. For healing practitioners. _ Angel Combi Oil No. 14 Corael (bladder, large intestine, small intestine, uterus, heart, liver, lung, stomach, spleen, kidney) _ Angel Combi Oil No. 38 Luciel (duodenum, pancreas, thyroid, prostate, uterus, pituitary, thymus, adrenal glands) _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Chamuel Cleansing To clear aura, chakras, morphogenetic field, objects and rooms from stressful emotions, negative energies, external energies and clinging souls. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 24 Sorael _ Angel Aura Essence Energetic Cleansingor _ Master Aura Essence Serapis Bey

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.


Transformation of karma for all kinds of illnesses which are rooted in the karmic area. Disabilities can also be related to karmic topics. In stagnating healing processes karma burdens should not be disregarded. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 25 Cithael _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Zadkielor _ Master Aura Essence Saint Germain Emotional emergency Energetic aid in situations of fear, panic and hysteria, after suffering from fright or shock. To stabilize aura and chakras. Can prevent the soul from leaving the body. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 02 Nanael (Emotional Angel emergency drops/emergency Oil) _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Uriel or _ Master Aura Essence El Morya Radiation exposure After longer and recurring radiation exposure through technical or medical appliances, the aura should be thoroughly cleansed. The use of the following Aura Essences is also recommended after examinations or operations: _ Angel Aura Essence Angel Sonael Therapy resistance Energy blockages in the subtle body can be directly related to blockages in the healing process, lacking will to recover and therapy resistance. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 43 Loriel/The 7 helpers in need _ Angel Aura Essence Angel Meditation Virus and bacteria Subtle energetic help for people who are often ill or suffer from permanent infections and have to deal with viruses and bacteria. Can be connected to overestimation of ones own capabilities, overstress and personal boundary problems. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 11 Lunael _ Angel Aura Essence Energetic Cleansing

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.



Personal energetic boundary Dying people are especially vulnerable to energy losses and energetic burdens, as their bodies are normally (seriously) weakened. They need some protection for the aura and energetic support for the transition to death. _ Angel Combi Essence Personal energetic boundary Fears and depressive disorders often attend dying people, especially after a long, painful, protracted and incurable illness. Energetic support also with fear of death and the question of life after death. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 22 Doriel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Jophiel Calming Energetic strengthening of the mind after disturbing thoughts, sleep disorders and inner restlessness. _ Angel Combi Essence No. 39 Raniel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Michael or _ Master Aura Essence El Morya Depressions can be caused by long-lasting fears or depressive behaviour pattern. _ Angel Combi Essence No. 45 Zariel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Jophiel Decisions At the beginning of the dying process the soul has still got the chance to decide for life or death. _ Angel Essence No. 26 Angel for Renewal and Development _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Urielor _ Angel Essence No. 04 Angel for Purity and Clarity _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Michael

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.


Mercy Angels of Mercy can play an important role for the dying person, for example in periods of slow and painful deaths. If these angels are allowed to intervene in your life-plan and therefore the karma in accordance with the Higher Self the suffering can possibly be eased. _ Angel Essence No. 39 Angel for Divine Grace _ Angel Aura Essence Angel Meditation Karma One of the many possibilities to solve karma is through illness and pain. For solving and transforming karma faster (the Karma Angels and the Higher Self of the dying person make the decision) there are the following angelic aids: _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 25 Cithael _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Zadkiel Physical emergencies Energetic aids in emergencies, illnesses, accidents and long and wearing, recurring illnesses. To stabalize the energy body. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 01 Lariel (=Physical Emergency drops/Oil) _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Raphael or _ Master Aura Essence Djwal Khul Building up strength Dying is similar to birth an exhausting process. Especially after a preceding long and serious illness. _ Angel Essence No. 47 Archangel Uriel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Urielor _ Master Aura Essence Pallas Athene Letting go Dying can be a long process for the ones who cant and dont want to let go of life, people or material things. At the same time this Essence should be taken by the relatives to support the energetic switching off. _ Angel Essence No. 36 Angel for Letting Go _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Gabriel or _ Master Aura Essence Maria

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.


Panic During the dying process some people panic, as the situation is unfamiliar and maybe frightening. To sooth and calm down the dying and the relations (also look Letting Go) _ Angel Combi Essence No. 41 Panic _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Michael or _ Master Aura Essence El Morya Cleansing For the energetic cleansing of the rooms of sick and dying people. _ Angel Aura Essence Energetic Cleansing or _ Master Aura Essence Serapis Bey Resignation and Dispiritedness The dying process can be just as energy-sapping as a difficult birth. The dying person is about to enter a new stage. (see Fears) _ Angel Essence No. 30 Angel for Courage and Perseverance _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Uriel or _ Master Aura Essence Pallas Athene Dying process This process can last for hours and days, or sometimes even for weeks. The Angel Essences can be of help in this transitional situation for the dying and for their relatives and attendants. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 59 Ismael _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Michael or _ Master Aura Essence Sananda Forgiving The questions of guilt, atonement, forgiving and forgetting are central topics for many people during the dying process. If they are not solved, they can mean strong blockages and obstacles in the transition. The following Essences can also be used by relatives as support and backup! _ Angel Essence No. 48: Archangel Zadkiel _ Angel Essence Essence Archangel Zadkiel or _ Master Essence Essence Staint Germain

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.



Miscarriage, abortion might have happened years ago and still the persons concerned are unable to cope with it. Feelings of guilt, reproach, doubt, sadness, depression and fear of a repeated loss can be the result of miscarriages or abortions. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 35 Aliel _ Angel Essence Essence Archangel Zadkiel or _ Master Essence Essence Maria Fears the fear of not being able to manage the new situation, fear of financial problems, fear of loneliness and fear of going on with your life often accompany mourners, especially shortly after the moment of death. _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 22 Doriel _ Angel Essence Essence Archangel Jophiel _ Master Essence Essence El Morya Calming Energetic help with torturing thoughts, sleep disorders, nightmares and inner restlessness. _ Angel Combi Essence No 39 Raniel _ Angel Essence Essence Archangel Michael or _ Master Essence Essence El Morya Depressions See also Fears or _ Angel Combi Essence No. 45 Zariel _ Angel Essence Essence Archangel Jophiel _ Master Essence Essence El Morya

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.


Building up strength Energetic help for people who have been energetically and physically (seriously) weakened by the care and attendance on ill and dying people. _ Angel Essence No. 05 Angel for Power and Strength _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Uriel or _ Master Aura Essence Pallas Athene Letting Go Some mourners not knowing or even wanting this keep the dead earth-bound, because they can emotionally hardly let go. Although letting go is an essential part of the mourning and healing process. _ Angel Essence No. 36 Angel for Letting Go _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Gabriel or _ Engel Master Essence Lady Nada Panic After the death of a relative, some people panic because they feel unable to cope with the new situation. _ Angel Combi Essence No. 41 Panic _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Michael or _ Master Aura Essence El Morya Cleansing To cleanse the rooms of sick and dying people energetically. Clothes, jewellery and personal items of the dead should be sprayed with the Angel Aura Essence Energetic cleansing several times, before they are handed over to other people. Otherwise they take the energetic burdens of illness and death into their aura! These energies might remain on things for years, unless they are cleansed! _ Angel Aura Essence Energetic cleansing or _ Master Aura Essence Serapis Bey _ Master Aura Essence Djwal Khul Building up strength Dying is similarly to birth an exhausting process. Especially following a long and serious illness. _ Angel Essence No. 47: Archangel Uriel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Uriel

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.


Resignation and hopelessness The mourners are confronted with a new stage of life which is often just too much for them. Finding a new direction in life often takes strength, courage and perseverance. _ Angel Essence No. 30 Angel for Courage and Perseverance _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Uriel or _ Master Aura Essence Maha Cohan Emotional emergencies To soothe the subtle bodies in situations of fear, panic and hysteria; for the time before the funeral and the mourning period. Can help to find your inner centre again. Very effective in combination with Angel Essence No. 48 Archangel Zadkiel (also see Coping with Grief). _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Uriel or _ Master Aura Essence El Morya Stagnation in the mourning process Mourning takes its time. It depends on the person, whether it takes months or years. For strong energetic mourning blockages and lacking will to cope with grief, the following Angel Essences/Oils can be very helpful: _ Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 43 Loriel/The 7 Helpers in Need _ Angel Aura Essence Angel Meditation or _ Master Aura Essence Kwan Yin Coping with Grief Mourning is one of the most important processes in human life. If grief is suppressed and not lived, it can lead to mental and physical illnesses and depressions. Very effective in combination with Angel Combi Essence/Oil No. 02 Nanael (=Emotional Angel Rescue drops/ Rescue Oil): _ Angel Essence No. 48 Archangel Zadkiel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Zadkiel Forgiving The questions of guilt, atonement, forgiving and forgetting are central topics for many people during the dying process. If they are not solved, they can mean strong blockages and obstacles in the transition. The followig Essences can also be used by relatives as support and backup! _ Angel Essence No. 48 Archangel Zadkiel _ Angel Aura Essence Archangel Zadkiel or _ Master Aura Essence Saint Germain

(c) 2011 Ingrid Auer. All rights reserved. Angel Symbols and Angel Essences neither replace doctors, medicines nor medical treatments.

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