Activity Science

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Activity 3

Solutions, Suspensions, and Cllids


What Do You Think

One way to get different types of materials is to just mix them

together. Lots of different things can happen when materials

In this activity you will:

Explore different ways that

materials can be mixed

are mixed. Each kind of mixture has its own characteristics.

together to make new

Is it easier to separate milk from coffee or milk from

a bowl of cereal?


Test some materials to

determine what kindsof

Record your ideas about this question in your Active

Chemistry log. Be prepared to discuss your responses

with your small group and the class.

mixtures they are.

Determine why certain kinds of

mixtures are manufactured for

commercial use in particular


and a lab apron

hi activity




1. Half-fill six large test tubes with water. Number the

test tubes.

wipe up


a) In your Active Chemistry log, prepare a table for

your observations. You may wish to use a table

similar to the one on the following page.

re to

your teacher

3. Stopper each test tube. Place your

Finger over the stopper and shake

Each for several minutes to make a


Observe each mixture.

4. Consider the following characteristics

Of the mixtures:

.What is the appearance of each

Mixture after the vigorous mixing?

Which ones have visible particles

Suspended in them? Which ones look

Totally uniform (homogeneous)


Which mixtures separate (are

Heterogeneous) after sitting a few

Moments after vigorous mixing?

Which remain mixed?


Shine a laser pointer through

Each mixture. In which mixtures

Is the laser beam clearly visible?

In which mixtures does it pass

Through with little effect?

Never look

2. Add the following materials to the

Test tubes:

Directy ata

Laser beam.


#2-0.5 g sugar

#3-a few drops of milk

#4-0.5 g CuSO, (copper sulfate)

#5-2 mL olive oil

For each mixture place a small

Beaker below a funnel to catch the

Filtrate, as shown in the diagram on

The next page. Pour the contents of

Each test tube into a funnel with

Filter paper. Which mixtures pass

Through? Which leave part behind

On the filter paper?

#6-0.5 g soil

a) Describe each material before


a) Record all your observations in the

Table in your log.

b) Using your data and the

Descriptions of the kinds of

Mixtures in the ChemTalk reading

Section, classify each of the

Mixtures as a solution, colloid, or


5. Discard materials and return all

Equipment as directed by your

Teacher. Clean up your station and

Wash your hands.

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