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This module explains some of the details about the work in which various Electrical Engineering
specialties engage.
1. To expose the readers to the type of work Electrical Engineers do.
2. To give the readers an idea about the courses the students would require to take to pursue a
degree in Electrical Engineering.
3. To explain about the career opportunities for Electrical Engineers.
The Summer Institute for Engineering and Technology Education, University of Arkansas 1995. All rights reserved.
Electrical Engineering implies electricity, which has flowed into every aspect of our lives.
Electricity supplies power to run appliances, heavy machinery, and lights. Electricity also
encompasses communications such as the telephone, radio, and television and other consumer
electronic devices. And, of course, electronics is changing everything around us every day,
through such pervasive devices as hand-held calculators, computers, and controllers that help
operate automobiles, airplanes, and homes. Electrical Engineering is the largest engineering
William Gilbert, an english scientist, characterized magnetism and static electricity around the
year 1600, and Alexander Volta discovered that an electric current could be made to flow in
1800. In the mid-1800s, a variety of European scientists had established the general rules
governing electricity, and, ultimately, theories involving electricity and magnetism were joined
under a concept called electromagnetism (James Clerk Maxwell's discovery). Thomas Edison
developed many useful items such as the light bulb.
Electrical Engineers are involved in a broad array of manufacturing systems, machines,
communications networks, and transportation vehicles. It is hard to think of a machine or
appliance without a microchip in it somewhere. The oldest version of electrical engineering, the
generation of power, is still a large field, but its size is dwarfed by the other specialties involving
Listed below are the various fields of Electrical Engineering:
• Circuits and Devices: This includes microchips, the larger circuits that microchips are wired
into, lasers and electrooptics, and related solid-state devices.
• Industrial Applications: This covers the manufacturing applications of electronics, such as
insulation devices, instrumentation and measurement, and electronic devices that control
• Communications Technology: The fields included here are those most familiar to the
general consumer: broadcast electronics, consumer electronics (radios, TV), communication
devices (telephones, radio), and similar devices in automobiles.
• Electromagnetics and Radiation: This represents the more advanced realms of
communications, such as those used for detecting aircraft. Subgroups include antennas and
signal propagation, magnetics, microwaves, and nuclear and plasma sciences.
• Computers: This area includes computer-hardware and data storage, networks, and
electronics for everything from hand-held calculators to supercomputers.
• Engineering and the Human Environment: This discipline includes engineering
management, education, professional communication, and the social implications of
The Summer Institute for Engineering and Technology Education, University of Arkansas 1995. All rights reserved.
• Power Engineering: These are the engineers at utility stations and those who design,
construct, and maintain the generators and transmission systems.
• Signals and Applications: More types of advanced electronic transmission and detection are
covered here, including acoustics, speech and signal processing, remote sensing, ultrasonics,
and aerospace systems.
• Systems and Control: Electronics are capable of controlling electrical and mechanical
devices, even as electricity provides the power. Robotics, industrial automation systems,
information theory, and engineering medicine are some of the subgroups of this division.
Some of the typical job titles are:
Circuit designer : Whether it is a microcircuit etched on a silicon chip, or a circuit board on a
piece of green plastic, these designers apply engineering principles to building circuits that will
accomplish the desired objective. Circuit design is one of the most active areas for automated
computer design.
Communications engineer : Most of the mass-market, long-distance communication networks
such as telephones, radio, television, and cable television rely on these engineers to develop the
best ways to send and receive the communications signal. Signal fidelity and immunity to
electronic "noise" are constant goals.
Control engineer : The ability of computers and electronic devices to provide automatic control
of appliances, machines, and manufacturing processes is generating high job demand for these
specialists. One of the most dramatic possibilities is the use of artificial-intelligence computer
programming to make processes "think".
Robotics engineer : Robotics suffered a downturn in business growth during the 1980s from
which it is still recovering. But the long-term future is still bright. Robotics and control engineers
share many of the same goals.
Power systems engineer : The design and operation of modern utility plants is extremely
complex, more so when nuclear energy is involved. A widening gap between the capacity of
newly built power plants and the demand for electricity is expected to generate high job growth
for power engineers during the 1990s.
Electrical/Electronics engineering requires the most mathematical knowledge of the engineering
disciplnes. Whereas most other engineers are limited by the materials they use (concrete for
bridges, steel for boilers), electrical/electronics engineers can work with circuits made of a great
variety of materials, which can achieve a wide range of effects. Students of this field are not
required to take more math courses than most other engineers, but many of them do in order to
improve their proficiency.
The typical courses for an undergraduate, beyond the normal requirements for all engineering
students, follow two tracks: one for electrical and computer engineering and one for computer
science/computer engineering. Course topics for electrical/computer engineers include:
• electromagnetic fields
The Summer Institute for Engineering and Technology Education, University of Arkansas 1995. All rights reserved.
• circuit design
• logic circuits
• computer architecture
• energy conversion
For the computer science/computer engineering major, the courses include more computer
• computer hardware
• software engineering
• operating systems
• communications
A wide variety of technical electives exist in the many specialty areas of electrical/electronics
Electrical Engineers have a wide range of career options to choose from. The electrical
engineering provides entry into nearly every type of manufacturing business, government,
research, or other types of organizations.
1. Opportunities in Engineering Careers by Nicholas Basta; published by VGM Career
Horizons (VGM opportunities series).
2. Introductory Experiments in Digital Electronics by Peter R. Rony, David G. Larsen, and
Jonathan A. Titus; published by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.
3. Experimentation with Digital Electronics by John A. Dempsey; published by Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co.
4. Energy, Electricity and Electronics - Applied Activities by Rex Miller and Fred W.
Culpepper, Jr.; published by Mcknight & Mcknight publishing company.
5. Electrical Projects for the School and Home Workshop by Walter B. Ford; published by The
Bruce Publishing company.
6. Basic Electricity/Electronics - Motors & Generators - How they work by Training &
Retraining, Inc.; published by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.
7. Industrial Electronics - Devices, Circuits and Applications by Edward F. Driscoll; published
by American Technical Society.
The Summer Institute for Engineering and Technology Education, University of Arkansas 1995. All rights reserved.
The Summer Institute for Engineering and Technology Education, University of Arkansas 1995. All rights reserved.