Cattle Production.
Cattle Production.
Cattle Production.
RAISING OF THE YOUNG STOCK Advantages/ reasons/ of feeding
a) Feeding of calves calves on colostrum.
• Ensure the calf suckles within the first 8 1. It is highly digestible making it
hours of birth. suitable for the digestive system of
• This is because within this time the the calf which is not fully developed.
digestive system is not fully developed 2. It is highly nutritious and contains
hence colostrum is fully absorbed. vitamins for growth and disease
• Feed the calf on colostrum within the resistance.
first 4-6 days. 3. It has antibodies that enable the calf
• Introduce the feeding of whole milk to resist early disease infection.
after the fourth day. 4. It has laxative effect i.e. it is good in
• Feed the calf with warm milk at regular cleaning the bowels of the calf.
intervals. 5. It is highly palatable.
• Introduce palatable dry feeds after the
third week.
• Provide mineral supplements/licks.
• Any change in feed should be gradual.