Rearing The Milk Goat
Rearing The Milk Goat
Rearing The Milk Goat
Rearing the
A simple housing built using locally available
materials is recommended to save on cost.
milk goat
Goat house
dairy cow, dairy goats require good management. canal, provides vitamin A and contains antibodies
Quality feeds should be provided to the lactating which confer immunity against diseases.
Dairy goat breeds goat during the first three months of lactation.
The daily concentrate allowance should be At 3 to 4 weeks of age, provide access to a good
increased during the first 4 to 6 weeks post- starter feed like good quality grass and concentrate.
kidding but not to exceed 0.5 kg. concentrate. Discontinue milk feeding at 3 to 4 months.
Most abortions occur in response to stress Female kids should be given about 1.0 kg of milk
An alpine dairy female
around 90 to 110 days of gestation. daily while male kids should get 1.5 kg. daily.
Breeding management
Such abortions can be reduced by improved Non breeding male kids should be castrated soon
Female goats (does) should be mated at about 12 nutrition and management or by selection of an after birth using rubber rings, or burdizzo.
months of age to kid at 18 months of age. Mating
animal which has nutritional requirements more in
is best done 12 hours after heat is first observed.
line with that provided by the environment.