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Abstract. The axial wavelengths and azimuthal mode structures of a cylindrical helicon
plasma source have been investigated over a broad range of input conditions (pressure
1–16 µbar, field 0–450 G, rf power 0–2500 W @ 13.56 MHz) in an argon plasma. Several
distinct modes of operation, separated by discontinuous jumps, have been identified:
an electrostatic mode, an m = 0 wave mode and three m = 1 helicon wave modes.
Two different types of mode jump have also been identified. A cavity mode transition has
been identified in which a mode jump occurs when the wavelength of standing waves
governed by the length of the plasma vessel leads to a node in the wave field at the centre of
the antenna. A radial mode transition has also been identified in which the favourable
condition that the axial wavelength should be equal to twice the length of the antenna for
efficient coupling of the rf power is maintained at high powers by the plasma making a
transition from the first to the second radial mode. A procedure based on these observations
is suggested for predicting where mode transitions are likely to occur within the parameter
space of a helicon source.
1. Introduction
Helicon wave modes
Figure 5. (a) Theoretical polar plots showing the amplitude of the azimuthal field as a function of the azimuthal angle. (b) Theoretical plots
of the helicon wave field structure for n = 1 and n = 2 radial modes.
from the antenna so that wavelength determinations can be The radial profiles of the wave magnetic field components
made on the travelling waves by noting the change in phase of of a helicon wave in a uniform plasma for n = 1 and 2 are
the signals. The coils normally are mounted with two coils shown in figure 5(b) [7].
horizontal and two vertical. However, they can be rotated
by 45◦ as required to give further data points around the 3.1. Inductive mode, H0
circumference of the vessel. Figure 4 shows the location of
the coils and also the direction of the initial rf field imposed The inductive mode, H0, has been explored experimentally
by the antenna which is a maximum at approximately 45◦ to in argon over the following range of conditions:
the vertical. pressure: 1–100 µbar
RF power: 300–1200 W
3. Investigation of the structure of the wave fields magnetic field: <150 G.
In this mode the plasma does not extend significantly beyond
Various mode structures, (m, n), can be identified depending the field coils and visually appears to have a rather flat to
upon which of the spatial co-ordinates (r, θ, z) is being slightly hollow radial structure with its highest luminosity in
considered and are characterized by an azimuthal mode the immediate vicinity of the antenna. The number density is
number m and radial mode number n. Different azimuthal ∼1018 m−3 and increases linearly with applied power. The
mode patterns can be represented on a polar plot, as in signals picked up by the Bθ coils show that at any time the
figure 5(a), showing the wave amplitude as a function of θ. signals from all four coils are essentially in phase with each
This figure shows a set of theoretical polar plots for different other with an almost circular radial pattern. This behaviour
values of m in which the amplitude Aθ of the azimuthal is characteristic of an m = 0 wave mode. A spatial Fourier
magnetic field Bθ is plotted radially as a function of the transform of the data confirms this observation and shows
azimuthal angle θ, with Aθ = 0 placed at half the radius. that the m = 0 mode is dominant although a significant
Each plot is made at time t = 0. For travelling waves at amount of m = 1 mode is also present (∼25% of the m = 0
other times the plot rotates at the frequency of the applied rf mode). The dominance of the m = 0 mode is somewhat
signal. surprising as it is difficult to see how such a mode could be
The radial modes of the helicon wave are defined by the launched by the type of antenna used in these experiments.
boundary condition that the radial field Br = 0 at the wall. However, m = 0 modes have also been observed in other
J P Rayner and A D Cheetham
experiments employing the m = ±1 symmetric Nagoya type The mode exhibits an intense blue core with a radius ∼60%
III antenna [8]. It therefore appears that some other coupling of the vessel radius. Number densities are typically a factor
mechanism may be in operation which can excite the m = 0 of two or three higher than for the HII mode. Wave field
mode from antennas whose geometry should preclude this measurements show that the m = 1 component of the
possibility. travelling wave is still dominant.
Movement of the pick-up coils by 75 mm from position A
to B in figure 3 introduced no discernible change in the phase 4. Wavelength theory
of the signals with respect to the antenna current reference,
as is consistent with the existence of an m = 0 wave. This The many modes of operation identified above, the existence
mode, however, is not fully understood and is the subject of of the three input parameters of pressure, field and power
continuing work. and a variety of geometries make it difficult to make
generalizations about the behaviour of the source. This
3.2. Helicon mode, HI section, therefore, seeks to cast the dispersion relation for
helicon waves into a non-dimensional form in order to obtain
This mode has been explored over the following range of appropriate non-dimensional numbers that can be used to
conditions: characterize the different regimes of operation.
pressure: 1–3 µbar Helicon waves in a uniform cylindrical plasma of radius
RF power: 400–1200 W a subjected to an axial magnetic field B0 , can be represented
magnetic field: 150–450 G. by a dispersion relation of the form ([9] p 437):
In this mode the plasma has a well defined blue core
eµ0 n0 ω
indicative of a significant population of Ar II, and extends kkz = (1)
over the length of the plasma vessel. Number densities B0
are typically a factor of two higher than for the H0 mode where n0 is the electron number density, ω is the applied
and increase linearly with power. However, as figure 1 rf angular frequency, kz is the axial wavenumber, k is the
shows, there is evidence of instability at an input power of magnitude of the total wave-vector given by
about 900 W, possibly indicative of an attempted transition
to another mode. The pick-up coils show that the mode k = (k⊥
+ kz2 ) 2 (2)
pattern is rotating in time consistent with an m = +1
wave. The spatial Fourier transform shows that the m = and k⊥ is the radial wavenumber.
1 mode is dominant with some evidence of an m = 3 If (1) is non-dimensionalized using the plasma vessel
mode (∼20% of the m = 1 mode). Movement of radius a then:
the pick-up coils from A to B led to significant phase (ka)(kz a) = Q (3)
changes, indicating a travelling wave, and from which the where
wavelength measurements to be presented in section 5 were eµ0 n0 ωa 2
Q= . (4)
made. B0
It is found that Q is a useful dimensionless number for
3.3. Helicon mode, HII characterizing helicon waves.
If k⊥ a = β is the non-dimensional radial wavevector,
This mode exists above pressures of 5 µbar for an input power
then from (2) and (3):
of 0.5 kW increasing to 1.0 kW as the pressure decreases to
2 µbar. This mode exhibits a more diffuse blue core than the 1/2
β Q2 1/2
HI mode, and number densities ∼4 × 1018 m−3 . This mode kz a = 1+4 4 −1 (5)
2 β
has been explored over the following range of conditions:
pressure: 2–16 µbar and 1/2
RF power: 500–2200 W kz 1 β4 β2
= +4 − . (6)
magnetic field: 350–450 G. k 2 Q2 Q
Phase measurements and the Fourier transform again indicate The wavenumbers k, kz and k⊥ are linked by an equation of
that a travelling wave dominated by the m = 1 mode is the form:
present although its amplitude is somewhat smaller than for kz
mJm (k⊥ a) + aJm (k⊥ a) = 0 (7)
the HI mode. k
where Jm is a Bessel function of order m and Jm (k⊥ a) is the
3.4. Helicon mode HIII derivative with respect to r of Jm (k⊥ r) evaluated at r = a.
Substitution of (6) into (7) yields an equation for the non-
This mode exists above rf power levels of 1.1 kW for a dimensional radial wavevector, β, of the form:
pressure of 8 µbar, increasing to 2.1 kW as the pressure
decreases to 2 µbar. Typical densities are ∼(8–10) × 21
β β4 β2 d
1018 m−3 . The mode has been explored over the range: mJm (β) + +4 − Jm (β) = 0. (8)
2 Q2 Q dβ
pressure: 2–8 µbar
RF power: 1.1–2.5 kW For a given value of m, equation (8) can be solved numerically
magnetic field: 200–400 G. for β as a function of Q. These results can then be substituted
Helicon wave modes
J P Rayner and A D Cheetham
Helicon wave modes
Figure 8. Allowed and unfavourable regions of operation of the PR-1 source for (m, n) = (1, 1) helicon waves.
Figure 9. Langmuir probe current against magnetic field for Figure 10. Experimental wavelengths for the HI, HII and HIII
800 W net power to the plasma. The line represents the best fit to modes as a function of ion current to the Langmuir probe compared
the data in the linear region. with theoretical wavelengths for the (1, 1) and (1, 2) modes.
J P Rayner and A D Cheetham
8. Conclusions
Helicon wave modes
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