Physics Formula As
Physics Formula As
Physics Formula As
DA = absolute uncertainty
% Uncertainty 100(DA/A)
A = actual value
Physical Quantities V = vector
Horizontal component Vh = Vcosθ
and Units θ = angle to the horizontal
V = vector
Vertical component Vv = Vsinθ
θ = angle to the horizontal
Ds = change in displacement
Velocity v=Ds/Dt
Dt = change in time
Dv = Change in velocity
Acceleration a = Dv/Dt
Dt = change in time
u = initial velocity
Velocity v = u + at a= acceleration
Kinematics t = time
u = initial velocity
Distance s = (ut + at2)/2 t = time
a= acceleration
v = final velocity
Distance s = (v2 - u2)/2a u = initial velocity
a= acceleration
m = mass
Weight W = mg
g = acceleration due to gravity
m = mass
Momentum r = mv
v = velocity
Dr = change in momentum
Force F = Dr/Dt
Dt = change in time
m = mass
Force F = ma
Dynamics a = acceleration
m1 = mass of object 1
Momentum before a collision r = m 1v
v = velocity
m1 = mass of object 1
v1 = velocity of object 1
Momentum after a collision r = m1v1cosθ + m2v2cosθ m2 = mass of object 2
v2 = velocity of object 2
θ = angle to the horizontal
Topic Subject of Formula Formula Variables
F = force
Moment of a force T = Fd
d = perpendicular distance from the force to the point
m = mass
Density r = m/V
V = volume
F = force
Forces, Density and Pressure p = F/A
A = area
Pressure r = density
Pressure in liquids p = rDhg Dh = change in height (depth)
g = acceleration due to gravity
V = volume of liquid displaced
Upthrust F = Vrg r = density
g = acceleration due to gravity
F = force
Work done W = Fd
d = displacement in the direction of force
F = force
Horizontal component of work done W = Fxcosθ x = displacement
θ = angle to the horizontal
F = force
Vertical component of work done W = Fxsinθ x = displacement
θ = angle to the horizontal
Qout = useful energy output
Work, Energy and Efficiency E = 100(Qout/Qin)
Qin = total energy input
Power m = mass
Change in gravitational potential energy DEp = mgDh g = acceleration due to gravity
Dh = change in height (depth)
m = mass
Kinetic energy Ek = (mv2)/2
v = velocity
W = work done
Power P = W/t
t = time
F = force
Power P = Fv
v = velocity
F = force (load on a spring)
Spring constant k = F/x
x = extension
F = force
Elastic potential energy Ep = (Fx)/2
x = extension
k = spring constant
Deformation of Elastic potential energy Ep = (kx2)/2
x = extension
Solids Stress s = F/A
F = force
A = cross-sectional area of the wire
x = extension
Strain e = x/L
L = original length
s = stress
Young modulus E = s/e
e = strain
Topic Subject of Formula Formula Variables
l = wavelength (distance)
Speed v = l/T
T = time
Frequency f = 1/T T = time
f = frequency
Speed v = fl
l = wavelength (distance)
P = power
Intensity I = P/A
A = area
Waves Intensity I ∝ A2 A = area
fs = source frequency
Observed frequency fo = (fs)/(v±vs) v = velocity of waves
vs = relative velocity of source and observer
I = intensity
Malus' Law I = Iocos2q Io = incident intensity on a polarising filter
q = angle by which filter is rotated
Wavelength of stationary wave l = 2L L = length of column or string
Distance between adjacent nodes D = l/2 l = wavelength
Distance between node and antinode D = l/4 l = wavelength
L = length of vibrating spring
Fundamental frequency f = (1/2L).[√(T/m)] T = tension
m = mass per unit length
a = distance between the slits
Superposition Wavelength l = (ax)/D x = distance between adjacent bright fringes
D = distance from slits to the screen
n = any whole number integer
Path difference (constructive interference) Path difference = nl
l = wavelength
n = any whole number integer
Path difference (destructive interference) Path difference = (n+0.5)l
l = wavelength
n = order of maximum
Wavelength with diffraction grating nl = dsinq d = separation between adjacent lines of grating
q = angle for the nth order of maximum
Topic Subject of Formula Formula Variables
I = current
Charge Q = It
t = time
A = cross-sectional area of the wire
n = number of charge carriers per unit volume
Current I = Anvq
v = average drift velocity
q = charge of each charge carrier
W = work done
Voltage V = W/Q
Q = charge
V = voltage
Power P = VI
Electricity I = current
V = voltage
Resistance R = V/I
I = current
V = voltage
Power P = V2/R
R = resistance
I = current
Power P = I 2R
R = resistance
r = resistivity
Resistance R = rL/A L = length of the wire
A = cross-sectional area of the wire
V = P.D. across terminals of battery
Electromotive force E = V + Ir I = current
r = internal resistance
Total resistance (series) R = R1 + R2 +. . .+ Rn n = number of resistors
Total resistance (parallel) R = [ (1/R1) + (1/R2) +. . .+ (1/Rn) ]-1 n = number of resistors
R1 = resistance of the first resistor
Voltage output from a potential divider Vout = [R1/(R1+R2)]Vin R2 = resistance of the second resistor
D.C. Circuits Vin = input voltage of a power supply
L = length of potentiometer used
Voltage output from a potential divider Vout = (L/L0)Vin L0 = total length of potentiometer
Vin = input voltage of a power supply
Es = E.M.F. of standard cell
E.M.F. of a test cell Et = Es(L1/L2) L1 = length of wire when galvanometer shows zero for test cell
L2 = length of wire when galvanometer shows zero for standard cell