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Erwin DI Suite Business Glossary Management Guide

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erwin Data Intelligence Suite

Business Glossary Management Guide

Release v10.1
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Legal Notices 2
Contents 5
Managing Business Glossary 7
Using Business Glossary Manager 7
Creating Catalogs 9
Managing Catalogs 11
Creating Business Terms 12
Setting Up Associations for Business Terms 16
Setting Up Additional Details 18
Adding Rich Media 20
Setting Up Collaborations 22
Managing Topics 25
Viewing Workflow Logs 26
Assigning Valid Values 28
Managing Business Terms 30
Moving Business Terms 32
Creating Business Policies 34
Setting Up Associations for Business Policies 37
Setting Up Additional Details 39
Adding Rich Media 41
Setting Up Collaborations 43
Managing Topics 46

Viewing Workflow Logs 47
Managing Business Policies 49
Creating Business Rules 51
Setting Up Associations for Business Rules 54
Adding Documents 56
Viewing Workflow Logs 58
Managing Business Rules 60
Viewing Mind Maps 62
View My Preferences 64
Object Properties 67
Overview 68
Updating Sensitivity in Bulk 68
Updating Sensitivity 69
Selected Asset 69
Associated Assets 72
Grid View 74
Setting Up Stewardship Goals 77
Managing Stewardship Goals 79

Managing Business Glossary
This section walks you through business glossary management.
Business Glossary is managed via Business Glossary Manager. It involves creating, man-
aging, and collaborating on common business vocabulary across the organization. Business
Glossary Manager supports regulatory compliance, data governance, and data stewardship.
It facilitates lineage maps by showing how semantic definitions are related to physical data
dictionaries, data mappings, and data lineages.
For further information on accessing and using the Business Glossary Manager, refer to the
Using Business Glossary Manager topic.

Using Business Glossary Manager

To access the Business Glossary Manager, go to Application Menu > Data Literacy > Busi-
ness Glossary Manager. The Business Glossary Manager dashboard appears:

UI Section Function
1-Browser Use this pane to browse through business asset types. The asset types available

here depend on your Business Glossary Manager settings. You can also create
Pane custom asset types. For more information on creating asset types, refer to the
Configuring Asset Types topic.
Use this pane to browse through your workspace for the selected business asset
type. It displays the available catalogs. Expand catalogs to view the existing busi-
ness glossary assets.
Use this pane to view the summary of the objects under the selected business
3-Sum- asset type. It displays the count of each component.
mary Also, it lets you view business assets based on alphabets, set up views, and
export business glossary summary in the XLSX format.
Use this pane to view more information or work on the selected business asset.
Based on the selection in Glossary Workspace, it displays a list of existing busi-
ness glossary assets.
You can use this pane in two view formats:
Compact View: Displays important information, such as the asset name,
description, status, and available operations in a compact card format
Grid View: Displays all the information and available operations in a tab-
ular format
Managing a business glossary involves the following:
Creating business terms
Managing business terms
Creating business policies
Managing business policies
Creating business rules
Managing business rules
Once, you have created and set up these business glossary assets, you can assign data stew-
ards and set up stewardship goals.

Creating Catalogs
Catalogs are the containers for all the asset types that are created in the
Glossary Workspace. You can group business assets based on your organization's projects,
departments, or functions. Therefore, before creating business assets, you need to create a
catalog. You can also create sub-catalogs to group business assets further.
To create catalogs, follow these steps:
1. Go to Application Menu > Data Literacy > Business Glossary Manager.
2. In the browser pane, click the type of business asset that you want to create.
For example, Business Term. The Workspace switches to the business asset view.

3. In the Workspace pane, right-click the top-level business asset node.

4. Click New Catalog.
The New Catalog page appears.

5. Enter Catalog Name and Catalog Description.

For example:
Catalog Name: Business and Management
Catalog Description: The catalog contains business terms of the organization.

6. Click .
A catalog is created and added to the catalog tree.
Once a catalog is created, you can manage it using the options available on right-clicking
the catalog. Managing catalogs involves:
Creating sub-catalogs
Editing catalogs
Importing or exporting catalogs
Assigning users
Viewing workflows

Managing Catalogs
Managing catalogs involves:
Creating sub-catalogs
Editing catalogs
Importing or exporting catalogs
Assigning users
Viewing workflows
To manage catalogs, follow these steps:
1. Right-click a catalog.
For example, right-clicking a business term catalog displays the corresponding

2. Use the following options:

New Catalog
Use this option to create sub-catalogs and group business assets further.
Edit Catalog
Use this option to update the catalog's name and description.
Import Catalog

Use this option to import existing catalogs. On the Import Business Catalog
page, select the catalog file and click .
Export Catalog
Use this option to export a catalog to a XLSX file. You can later import this file to
your glossary workspace.
Delete Catalog
Use this option to delete a catalog that is no longer required. All business assets
in the catalog are deleted when you delete it.
Assign Users
Use this option to assign users to a catalog based on your organization's pro-
jects, departments, functions, and so on. On the Assign/Unassign Users page,
select or remove users and click .
View Workflow
Use this option to view the workflow assigned to the catalog. The workflow dis-
plays all the stages, users, and roles involved. Also, it shows the flow of inform-
ation and action across all the stages.

Creating Business Terms

Business terms are globally defined terms that represent your business terminology usage.
Using business terms, you can maintain a common business vocabulary across your organ-
ization. You can create business terms in new or existing catalogs. For more information
about catalogs, refer to the Creating Catalogs topic.
To create business terms, follow these steps:
1. Go to Application Menu > Data Literacy > Business Glossary Manager.
2. In the browser pane, click Business Terms.
The Workspace switches to the business terms view.

3. In the Workspace pane, under the Business Terms node, right-click a catalog node.

4. Click New Business Term.

The New Business Term Definition page appears.

5. Enter appropriate values to the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are man-
Refer to the following table for field descriptions.

Field Name Description
Specifies the name of the business term.
Business Term
For example, Account.
Specifies the definition of the business term.
For example: An Account contains data for a party.
Specifies the description about the business term.
Description For example: Account contains data for posting, payments, debt recov-
ery, and taxes.
Specifies the reference notes, if any.
Notes For example: The data for posting, payments, debt recovery, and
taxes was imported from the Account.xlsx file.
Specifies whether the business term is sensitive.
Sensitive Data
Indicator(SDI) Switch Sensitive Data Indicator(SDI) to Yes to mark the business term
as sensitive.
Specifies the SDI classification of the business term.

Sensitive Data For example, PHI.

Indicator (SDI)
This list is enabled when Sensitive Data Indicator (SDI) is switched to
Yes. For more information on configuring SDI classifications, refer to
the Configuring Sensitive Data Indicator Classifications topic.
Specifies the description of the SDI classification.
Sensitive Data
For example: Protected Health Information.
Indicator (SDI)
Description It is enabled when Sensitive Data Indicator(SDI) is switched to Yes. The
field autopopulates based on the SDI classification.
Business Term Drag and drop a picture of business term or click to browse and
Image upload a picture.
Acronym Specifies whether the business term is an acronym.
Data Steward Specifies the name of the data steward responsible for the business

Field Name Description

For example, Jane Doe.

For more information on configuring list of data stewards, refer to the

Configuring Data Stewards topic.

Note: By default, sensitivity fields (Sensitive Data Indicator(SDI), Sensitive Data Indic-
ator (SDI) Classification, and Sensitive Data Indicator (SDI) Description) are enabled
for business terms. For more information on enabling sensitivity fields, refer to the
Configuring Asset Details topic.

6. Click .
A business term is created and added to the catalog.
Based on your workflow assignment settings, the business term may need further
action for review or approval. For more information, refer to the Managing Business
Glossary Workflows topic.
Once the business term is created, you can enrich it further by:
Setting up associations
Setting up additional details
Adding rich media
Setting up collaborations
Viewing workflow logs
Assigning valid values
You can manage a business term using the options available under the Options column on
the Grid View tab. Managing business terms involves:
Editing or deleting business terms
Viewing mind maps
Exporting business terms
Viewing history

Setting Up Associations for Business Terms
By default, you can associate business terms with business assets (business policies and
other business terms) and technical assets (columns, environments, and tables). You can con-
trol the asset types available for association using the Business Glossary Manager settings
page. For more information, refer to the configuration topic.
To set up associations for business terms, follow these steps:

1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .

The business term opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Associations tab.

3. In the asset type (business policies, business terms, columns, environments, and
tables) list, select an asset type to associate with the business term.

4. Click .
The Relationship Associations page appears. Based on the asset type that you select, it

displays a list of available assets.

5. From the list, select assets to associate with your business term.
If you know the asset name, use the Search (partial matches) field to look up for it.
6. Click Save.
The selected assets are associated with the business term and added to the list of asso-
You can define as many associations as required.

Setting Up Additional Details

You can set up custom additional information about a business term to add more context.
To set up additional information, follow these steps:
1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .
The business term opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Additional Details tab and click .

3. Add information to the available user-defined fields.
By default, these fields have generic labels. For example, User Defined 1. For more
information on configuring the UI labels of these fields, refer to the Configuring Lan-
guage Settings topic.

4. Click .
The information you entered is added to the business term.

Adding Rich Media

You can add supporting artifacts, such as text files, audio files, video files, and so on to a
business term.
To add rich media to a business terms, follow these steps:
1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .
The business term opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Rich Media Library tab.

3. Click .
The New Document Form page appears.

4. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are man-
datory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
Field Name Description
Specifies the name of the document being attached to the business
System Docu-
ment Name
For example, Business Term Details.
System Docu- Drag and drop document files or use to select and upload doc-
ment Object ument files.
System Docu- Specifies the document owner's name.
ment Owner For example, John Doe.
Specifies the URL of the document.
Document Link For example, https://drive.google.com/file/l/2sC2_SZIyeFKI7OOn-
Specifies the intended use of the document.
Intended Use
For example: The document is to keep a record of system description
and its data dictionary.
Specifies whether the document requires approval.
Select the Approval Required Flag check box to select the document
Required Flag
Specifies the status of the document.
For example, In Progress. This field is available only when the
Approval Required Flag check box is selected.

5. Click .
The selected rich media file and its description are added to the business term.

Setting Up Collaborations
You can start discussions on business assets or a relevant topic with your team using the Col-
laboration Center. This enables you and your team to work together.
To set up collaborations, follow these steps:

1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .
The business term opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Collaboration Center tab.

3. Click .
The Add Topic page appears.

4. Enter Topic Name and Description.

5. Click .
The User Assignment page appears.
6. Select the users or your team members that you want to collaborate with.

7. Click .
The topic is saved and added to the list of topics in the Collaboration Center. The topic
is also added to the Collaboration Center of the users that you selected earlier.

You can manage a topic using the options available under Topic Options ( ). Managing a
topic involves:
Viewing, editing, or deleting a topic
Assigning users
Managing notifications
Saving topic conversations
Sharing a topic

Managing Topics
Managing topics involves:
Viewing, editing, or deleting a topic
Assigning users
Managing notifications
Saving topic conversations
Sharing a topic
To manage topics, follow these steps:
1. Click the Collaboration Center tab.

2. In the list of topics, on the topic you want to manage, click .

Topic options appear.

3. Use the following options:

View Topic Details
Use this option to look at the topic and its information, such as the creator, the
creation date and time, and the modification date and time.

Edit Topic Details
Use this option to edit the topic name and description to enrich it further.
Assign Users
Use this option to assign multiple users to collaborate with you and contribute
to the topic.
Disable Notification
Use this option to choose whether you are notified whenever the topic is
Save Conversation as Text
Use this option to save topic conversations to a text file. This option downloads a
text file with the conversation, authors, and time stamp.
Send Topic as Email
Use this option to send the topic and its conversations in an email. Clicking Send
Topic as Email opens an email recipient list, where you can select one or mul-
tiple recipients. Click to send an email to the selected recipients.
Delete Topic
Use this option to delete a topic that is no longer required.

Viewing Workflow Logs

You can view the flow of actions of the workflow assigned to a business term. Along with
other information, the workflow log displays the current state of the business term in the
To view workflow log, follow these steps:

1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .

The business term opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Workflow Log tab.
By default, it displays only the stages of the workflow and highlights the current stage.
Use the following options to view more information:
Expand Users & Roles

Use this option to display users and roles associated with each workflow stage.
You can choose to hide users or roles using the Collapse Users and Collapse
Roles options.

Log Summary

Use this pane to view the log of the actions performed.

You can export the workflow log summary in XLSX format. Click to export the sum-

Assigning Valid Values

You can associate valid values (published codesets) to a business term. This enables you to
maintain standard codes for business terms across the organization.
To assign valid values, follow these steps:
1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .
The business term opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Valid Values tab.

3. Click Assign/Remove Codesets.

The Published Codesets page appears.

4. Select codesets.
5. Click Save.
The selected codesets are associated with the business term and are added to the
Valid Values list.
To export the valid values list, click Export to Excel.

Managing Business Terms

Managing business terms involves:
Editing or deleting business terms
Viewing mind maps
Viewing history
To manage business terms, follow these steps:
1. Click the Grid View tab.

2. Use the following options available under the Options column:

View Mind Map ( )

Use this option to view a business term's mind map. A mind map displays the
pictorial representation of the business term, its associations, relationships, sens-
itivity, and so on.

Use the following options to work on the mind map:
Expand (+) : By default, a mind map is displayed up to the first level. To drill it
down further, hover on a node and click the plus (+) icon or right-click a node
and the click Expand Asset Level.
Export: To save the mind map to XLSX format or as an image, use Export.
Object Properties: To view the properties of an object in the mind map, select
the object in the diagram. The Object Properties section displays the properties
of the selected object.
For more information on mind maps, refer to the Viewing Mind Maps topic.

Edit Business Term ( )

Use this option to enrich a business term by defining associations, attaching rich
media, and so on.

Delete Business Term ( )

Use this option to delete a business term that is no longer required.
View History ( )
Use this option to view all the actions performed on a business term since it was
created. Alternatively, on the Edit Business Term page, click the History tab.

Moving Business Terms
You can move business terms from one catalog to another. You can also preserve catalog
hierarchy while moving business terms.
To move business terms, follow these steps:
1. In the Workspace pane, under the Business Terms node, click the required catalog.
By default, the Compact View tab appears.

2. Click the Grid View tab.

The list of business terms in the catalog appears.

3. Select the required rows or use the check box at top to select all the rows.
4. Click Move.

The Move Assets page appears.

5. In the Catalog Assets pane, select a destination catalog.

6. In the Move Assets Options pane, use the following options:
Skip Existing Assets
Use this option to skip existing assets and move new business terms in the des-
tination catalog.
Override Existing Assets
Use this option to replace any existing business terms in the destination catalog.
Preserve Catalog Hierarchy
Switch Preserve Catalog Hierarchy to Yes to enable options for preserving cata-
log hierarchy.
Selected Catalog only: Use this option to move only the selected source catalog
under the destination catalog.
Selected Catalog and Sub Catalogs: Use this option to move the source catalog
and its sub-catalogs under the destination catalog.

Selected Catalog + Sub Catalogs + Parent Catalogs: Use this option to move
the source catalog, its sub-catalogs, and its parent catalogs under the des-
tination catalog.
Include Root Catalog: This option is enabled only when you select the Selected
Catalog + Sub Catalogs + Parent Catalogs option. Use this option to move the
root catalog of the source catalog under the destination catalog.
7. Click Move.
The business term is moved to the selected catalog.

Creating Business Policies

Business policies are globally defined set of enterprise-level principles. Using business
policies, you can maintain business standards across your organization. You can create busi-
ness policies in new or existing catalogs. For more information about catalogs, refer to the
Creating Catalogs topic.
To create business policies, follow these steps:
1. Go to Application Menu > Data Literacy > Business Glossary Manager.
2. In the browser pane, click Business Policies.
The Glossary Workspace switches to the business policies view.
3. In the Workspace pane, under the Business Policies node, right-click a catalog node.

4. Click Add Business Policy.
The New Business Policy page appears.

5. Enter appropriate values to the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are man-
Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
Field Name Description
Specifies the business policy of the organization.
Business Policy
For example: Change of Address.
Specifies the definition of the business policy.
Definition For example: This policy documents the rules for change of cus-
tomer's address.
Specifies whether the business policy is sensitive.
Sensitive Data
Switch Sensitive Data Indicator(SDI) to Yes to mark the business
policy as sensitive.
Specifies the SDI classification of the business policy.
Sensitive Data
For example, PHI.
Indicator (SDI)
Classification This list is enabled when Sensitive Data Indicator(SDI) is switched to
Yes. For more information on configuring SDI classifications, refer to

Field Name Description
the Configuring Sensitive Data Indicator Classifications topic.
Specifies the description of the SDI classification.
Sensitive Data
For example: Protected Health Information.
Indicator (SDI)
Description It is enabled when Sensitive Data Indicator (SDI) is switched to Yes.
The field autopopulates based on the SDI classification.
Note: By default, sensitivity fields (Sensitive Data Indicator(SDI), Sensitive Data Indic-
ator (SDI) Classification, and Sensitive Data Indicator (SDI) Description) are not
enabled for business policies. You can enable them in the Business Glossary Manager
Settings. For more information on enabling sensitivity fields, refer to the Configuring
Asset Details topic.

6. Click .
A business policy is created and added to the catalog.
Once the business policy is created, you can enrich it further by:
Setting up associations
Setting up additional information
Adding rich media
Setting up collaborations
Viewing workflow logs
You can manage a business policy using the options available in the Options column in the
business policy row. Managing business policy involves:
Viewing, editing, or deleting business policies
Viewing mind maps
Viewing history

Setting Up Associations for Business Policies
By default, you can associate business policies with business assets (business rules and busi-
ness terms) and technical assets (columns). You can control the asset types available for
association using the Business Glossary Manager settings page. For more information, refer
to the configuration topic.
To set up associations for business policies, follow these steps:

1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .

The business policy opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Associations tab.

3. In the asset type (business rules, business terms, and columns) list, select the asset
type to associate with the business policy.

4. Click .
The Relationship Associations page appears. Based on the asset type that you select, it

displays a list of available business rules, business terms, or columns.

5. From the list, select assets to associate with your business policy.
If you know the asset name, use the Search (partial matches) field to look up for it.
6. Click Save.
The selected assets are associated with the business policy and added to the list of
associations for an asset type.
You can define as many associations as required.

Setting Up Additional Details

You can set up custom additional information about a business policy to add more context.
To set up additional information, follow these steps:
1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click
The business policy opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Additional Information tab and click .

3. Add information to the available user-defined fields.

By default, these fields have generic labels. For example, User Defined 1. For more

information on configuring the UI labels of these fields, refer to the Configuring Lan-
guage Settings topic.

4. Click .
The information you entered is added to the business policy.

Adding Rich Media

You can add supporting artifacts, such as text files, audio files, video files, and so on to a
business policy.
To add rich media to a business policy, follow these steps:
1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .
The business policy opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Rich Media Library tab.

3. Click .
The New Document Form page appears.
4. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are man-
datory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
Field Name Description
Specifies the name of the document being attached to the business
System Docu-
ment Name
For example, Business Policy Details.
System Docu- Drag and drop document files or use to select and upload doc-
ment Object ument files.
System Docu- Specifies the document owner's name.
ment Owner For example, John Doe.
Specifies the URL of the document.
Document Link For example, https://drive.google.com/file/l/2sC2_SZIyeFKI7OOn-
Intended Use Specifies the intended use of the document.

Field Name Description
For example: The document is to keep a record of system description
and its data dictionary.
Specifies whether the document requires approval.
Select the Approval Required Flag check box to select the document
Required Flag
Specifies the status of the document.
For example, In Progress. This field is available only when the
Approval Required Flag check box is selected.

5. Click .
The selected rich media file and its description are added to the business policy.

Setting Up Collaborations
You can start discussions on business assets or a relevant topic with your team using the Col-
laboration Center. This enables you and your team to work together.
To set up collaborations, follow these steps:

1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .

The business policy opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Collaboration Center tab.

3. Click .
The Add Topic page appears.

4. Enter Topic Name and Description.

5. Click .
The User Assignment page appears.
6. Select the users or your team members that you want to collaborate with.

7. Click .
The topic is saved and added to the list of topics in the Collaboration Center. The topic
is also added to the Collaboration Center of the users that you selected earlier.

You can manage a topic using the options available under Topic Options ( ). Managing a
topic involves:
Viewing, editing, or deleting a topic
Assigning users
Managing notifications
Saving topic conversations
Sharing a topic

Managing Topics
Managing topics involves:
Viewing, editing, or deleting a topic
Assigning users
Managing notifications
Saving topic conversations
Sharing a topic
To manage topics, follow these steps:
1. Click the Collaboration Center tab.

2. In the list of topics, against the topic you want to manage, click .
Topic options appear.

3. Use the following options:

View Topic Details

Use this option to look at the topic and its information, such as the creator, the
creation date and time, and the modification date and time.
Edit Topic Details
Use this option to edit the topic name and description to enrich it further.
Assign Users
Use this option to assign multiple users to collaborate with you and contribute
to the topic.
Disable Notification
Use this option to choose whether you are notified whenever the topic is
Save Conversation as Text
Use this option to save topic conversations to a text file. Using this option down-
loads a text file with the conversation, authors, and time stamp.
Send Topic as Email
Use this option to send the topic and its conversations in an email. Clicking Send
Topic as Email opens an email recipient list, where you can select one or mul-
tiple recipients. Click to send an email to the selected recipients.
Delete Topic
Use this option to delete a topic that is no longer required.

Viewing Workflow Logs

You can view the flow of actions of the workflow assigned to a business policy. Along with
other information, the workflow log displays the current state of the business policy in the
To view workflow log, follow these steps:
1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .
The business policy opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Workflow Log tab.
By default, it displays only the stages of the workflow and highlights the current stage.
Use the following options to view more information:
Expand Users & Roles

Use this option to display users and roles associated with each workflow stage.
You can choose to hide users or roles using the Collapse Users and Collapse
Roles options.

Log Summary

Use this pane to view the log of the actions performed.

You can export the workflow log summary in XLSX format. Click to export the sum-

Managing Business Policies

Managing business policies involves:
Editing or deleting business policies
Viewing mind maps
Exporting business policies
Viewing history
To manage business policies, follow these steps:

1. Click the Grid View tab.

2. Use the following options available under the Options column:

View Mind Map ( )

Use this option to view a business policy's mind map. A mind map displays the
pictorial representation of the business policy, its associations, relationships,
sensitivity, and so on.

Use the following options to work on the mind map:

Expand (+): By default, a mind map is displayed up to the first level. To drill it
down further, hover on a node and click the plus (+) icon or right-click a node
and the click Expand Asset Level.
Export: To save the mind map to XLSX format or as an image, use Export.
Object Properties: To view the properties of an object in the mind map, select
the object in the diagram. The Object Properties section displays the properties
of the selected object.
For more information on working on a mind map, refer to the Viewing Mind
Maps topic.

Edit Business Policy ( )

Use this option to enrich a business policy by defining associations, attaching
rich media, and so on.

Delete Business Policy ( )

Use this option to delete a business policy that is no longer required.
View History ( )
Use this option to view all the actions performed on a business policy since it
was created. Alternatively, on the Edit Business Policy page, click the History

Creating Business Rules

Business rules define a set of protocols to be followed in an organization. You can create
business rules in new or existing catalogs. For more information about catalogs, refer to the
Creating Catalogs topic.
To create business rules, follow these steps:
1. Go to Application Menu > Data Literacy > Business Glossary Manager.
2. In the browser pane, click Business Rules.
The Workspace switches to the business rules view.

3. In the Workspace pane, under the Business Rules node, right-click a catalog node.

4. Click Add Business Rule.

The New Business Rule page appears.

5. Enter appropriate values to the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are man-
Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
Field Name Description
Business Rule Specifies the business rule of the organization.

Field Name Description
For example: Customer date of birth should be a valid date.
Specifies the definition of the business rule.
Definition For example: A customer's date of birth should be a valid date as per
the US format.
Specifies whether the business rule is sensitive.
Sensitive Data
Switch Sensitive Data Indicator(SDI) to Yes to mark the business rule
as sensitive.
Specifies the SDI classification of the business rule.
Sensitive Data For example, PHI.
Indicator (SDI) This list is enabled when Sensitive Data Indicator(SDI) is switched to
Classification Yes. For more information on configuring SDI classifications, refer to
the Configuring Sensitive Data Indicator Classifications topic.
Specifies the description of the SDI classification.
Sensitive Data
For example: Protected Health Information.
Indicator (SDI)
Description It is enabled when Sensitive Data Indicator(SDI) is switched to Yes. The
field autopopulates based on the SDI classification.
Note: By default, sensitivity fields (Sensitive Data Indicator(SDI), Sensitive Data Indic-
ator (SDI) Classification, and Sensitive Data Indicator (SDI) Description) are not
enabled for business rules. You can enable them in the Business Glossary Manager Set-
tings. For more information on enabling sensitivity fields, refer to the Configuring
Asset Details topic.

6. Click .
A business rule is created and added to the catalog.
Once the business rule is created, you can enrich it further by:
Setting up associations
Attaching documents
Viewing workflow logs
You can manage a business rule using the options available under the Options column on
the Grid View tab. Managing business rules involves:

Viewing, editing, or deleting business rules
Viewing mind maps
Viewing history

Setting Up Associations for Business Rules

By default, you can associate business rules with business assets (business policies). You can
control the asset types available for association using the Business Glossary Manager set-
tings page. For more information, refer to the configuration topic.
To set up associations for business rules, follow these steps:
1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .
The business rule opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Associations tab.

3. In the asset type list, select an asset type to associate with the business rule.

4. Click .
The Relationship Associations page appears. Based on the asset type that you select, it
displays a list of available assets.

5. From the list, select assets to associate with your business rule.
If you know the asset name, use the Search (partial matches) field to look up for it.
6. Click Save.
The selected objects are associated with the business rule and added to the list of asso-
You can define as many associations as required.

Adding Documents
You can add supporting documents in the Word, Text, or PDF formats to a business rule.
To add documents to a business rule, follow these steps:
1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .
The business rule opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Documents tab.

3. Click .
The New Document Form page appears.

4. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are man-
datory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.

Field Name Description
Specifies the name of the document being attached to the business
System Docu-
ment Name
For example, Business Rule Details.
System Docu- Drag and drop document files or use to select and upload doc-
ment Object ument files.
System Docu- Specifies the document owner's name.
ment Owner For example, John Doe.
Specifies the URL of the document.
Document Link For example, https://drive.google.com/file/l/2sC2_SZIyeFKI7OOn-
Specifies the intended use of the document.
Intended Use
For example: The document is to keep a record of system description
and its data dictionary.
Specifies whether the document requires approval.
Select the Approval Required Flag check box to select the document
Required Flag
Specifies the status of the document.
For example, In Progress. This field is available only when the
Approval Required Flag check box is selected.

5. Click .
The selected document and its description are added to the business rule.

Viewing Workflow Logs

You can view the flow of actions of the workflow assigned to a business rule. Along with
other information, the workflow log displays the current state of the business rule in the
To view workflow log, follow these steps:

1. On the Grid View tab, under the Options column, click .
The business rule opens in edit mode.

2. Click the Workflow Log tab.

By default, it displays only the stages of the workflow and highlights the current stage.
Use the following options to view more information:
Expand Users & Roles

Use this option to display users and roles associated with each workflow stage.
You can choose to hide users or roles using the Collapse Users and Collapse
Roles options.

Log Summary

Use this pane to view the log of the actions performed.

You can export the workflow log summary in XLSX format. Click to export the sum-

Managing Business Rules

Managing business rules involves:
Editing or deleting business rules
Viewing mind maps
Viewing history
To manage business rules, follow these steps:

1. Click the Grid View tab.

2. Use the following options:

View Mind Map ( )

Use this option to view a business term's mind map. A mind map displays the
pictorial representation of the business rule, its associations, relationships, sens-
itivity, and so on.

Use the following options to work on the mind map:

Expand (+): By default, a mind map is displayed up to the first level. To drill it
down further, hover on a node and click the plus (+) icon or right-click a node
and the click Expand Asset Level.
Export: To save the mind map to XLSX format or as an image, use Export.
Object Properties: To view the properties of an object in the mind map, select
the object in the diagram. The Object Properties section displays the properties
of the selected object.
For more information on working on a mind map, refer to the Viewing Mind
Maps topic.

Edit Business Rule ( )

Use this option to enrich a business rule by defining associations, attaching doc-
uments, and so on.

Delete Business Rule ( )

Use this option to delete a business rule that is no longer required.
View History ( )
Use this option to view all the actions performed on a business rule since it was
created. Alternatively, on the Edit Business Rule page, click the History tab.

Viewing Mind Maps

A mind map displays the pictorial representation of a business asset and its association with
other assets. On a mind map, associated technical assets appear on the left side and asso-
ciated business assets appear on the right side of the business asset. You can select an asset
on a mind map and view its properties, association statistics, and sensitivity under the
Object Properties pane.
To view mind maps, follow these steps.
1. In the browser pane, click <Business_Asset_Name>.
The Workspace switches to the business asset view. For example, if you click Business
Terms in the browser pane, the Workspace switches to the Business Terms view.
2. In the Workspace pane, click the required catalog.

3. Under <Business_Asset> Summary, click for the required business asset.
The Mind Map page appears.

4. Use the following options to work on the mind map:
Expand Asset Level
Use this option to expand the mind map at asset level. Hover on a node and
click the plus (+) icon or right-click a node, and then click Expand Asset Level.
Reload Mind Map Diagram ( )
Use this option to reload the mind map.
Expand All
Use this option to expand the mind map to view the associated technical and
business assets.
Collapse All
Use this option to collapse the expanded nodes and restore the mind map to its
original form.
Hover over Export and use the following options:
Mind Map - Excel Report: Use this option to download the mind map report in
the .xlsx format. Ensure that you expand the mind map before downloading the
Sensitivity Details - Excel Report: Use this option to download the sensitivity
report of all associated assets in the .xlsx format. This report includes sensitive
data indicator (SDI), SDI classification, and SDI description of the associated
Mind Map - Image: Use this option to download the mind map as an image, in
.jpg format. Ensure that you expand the mind map before downloading the
mind map image.

View My Preferences
You can set your preferences to view the mind map according to your requirements.
Expand the View My Preferences pane and use the following options:
Asset Hierarchy Background

Select the Gray Background check box to display gray colored background for the
asset hierarchy nodes. For example, the following mind map displays nodes in the hier-
archy with a gray-colored background.

Relationship Options
Use the following options to configure relationship options:
Include Relationships: Use this option to display relationships between the
assets on the mind map.
Switch to Enterprise Relationship configuration: Use this option to apply the
selected line color and type configured in the Business Glossary Manager Set-
For example, in the following mind map, the relationship (is associated with)
and the line color as set in Business Glossary Manager Settings appear on the
mind map.

View Logical Names

Use the following options to view logical and expanded logical names of tables and
columns on the mind map:

Logical Names: Use this option to view logical names of tables and columns on
the mind map.
Expanded Logical Names: Use this option to view expanded logical names of
tables and columns on the mind map.
You can configure logical names and expanded logical names of tables and
columns in the Metadata Manager.
For example, the following mind map displays logical names and expanded
logical names.

View Sensitivity
Use the following options to view sensitivity details of the assets on the mind map:
Sensitivity Data Indicator(Y/N): Use this option to view the sensitive assets on
the mind map.
Sensitive Data Classification: Use this option to view the sensitive data clas-
sification of the assets on the mind map.

For example, the following mind map displays the sensitive data indicator as
sensitive ( ) and sensitive data classification as Confidential.

For more information on updating sensitivity of assets in a mind map, refer to

the Updating Sensitivity topic.

To filter the components of mind map, expand the Filter pane and use the following
By Asset Type: Use this option to filter in the required asset types in the mind
By Relationship: Use this option to filter in the required assets in the mind map
based on relationship.
For example, if you select only Column for By Asset Type and is associated with
for By Relationship, then only associated columns with is associated with rela-
tionship are shown in the mind map.

Object Properties
Click an asset on mind map and view its properties with association statistics and sens-
itivity. Asset properties differ for technical and business assets.

Expand this pane to open a pan view of the mind map. You can slide the purple box to
navigate across the mind map.

Updating Sensitivity in Bulk

Updating sensitivity involves marking business assets sensitive with an appropriate sensitive
data indicator classification. Although you can set up sensitivity of a business asset while cre-
ating it, you can also update sensitivity of assets in bulk using:
Mind map: Use this option when you want to update sensitivity of associated business
and technical assets.
Grid view: Use this option when you want to update sensitivity of an asset type.

Before updating sensitivity of business assets, ensure that you enable sensitivity for the asset
type. For more information on enabling sensitivity for an asset type, refer to the Configuring
Asset Details topic.
You can configure the email notifications to be sent whenever sensitivity is updated in bulk.
For more information on configuring the notification, refer to the Configuring Sensitivity
Update Notifications topic.

Updating Sensitivity
You can update sensitivity of an asset and its associated assets in bulk through a mind map.
Associated assets are of two types, technical and business assets. Technical assets refer to
columns, tables, environments, and systems. Business assets refer to business terms, busi-
ness policies, business rules, and other business assets defined in the Business Glossary Man-
ager Settings.

Selected Asset
You can update sensitivity of an asset individually through a mind map.
To update sensitivity of an asset, follow these steps:
1. On the mind map, click Expand All.
The mind map appears in its expanded form.

2. Right-click the required asset.

The options available for the asset appear.

3. Click Selected Asset Only.
The Sensitive Data Classification - Mind Map page appears.
Note: The Auto Update Sensitivity For field does not appear for business assets.

4. Enter or select appropriate values in the fields. Refer to the following table for field

Field Name Description
Sensitive Data Specifies whether the selected asset is sensitive.
Indicator (SDI) Switch Sensitive Data Indicator (SDI) Flag to YES to mark the asset
Flag as sensitive.
Specifies the SDI classification of the selected asset.
Sensitive Data For example, PHI.
Indicator (SDI) This list is enabled when Sensitive Data Indicator (SDI) Flag is
Classification switched to YES. For more information on configuring SDI clas-
sifications, refer to the Configuring Sensitivity Classifications topic.
Specifies the description of the SDI classification.
Sensitive Data
For example: Protected Health Information.
Indicator (SDI)
Description It is enabled when Sensitive Data Indicator (SDI) Flag is switched to
YES. The field autopopulates based on the SDI classification.
Specifies whether sensitivity is applicable to:
Unclassified only: Use this option to apply sensitivity to assets
that are not marked sensitive.
Asset Update
Options All Classified Only: Use this option to apply sensitivity to assets
that are marked sensitive.
All Classified And Unclassified: Use this option to apply sens-
itivity to both the types of assets, sensitive or not sensitive.
Specifies whether sensitivity is applicable to:
System(s): Switch this option to Yes to apply sensitivity to all
the systems containing the assets.
Auto Update
Sensitivity For Environment(s): Switch this option to YES to apply sensitivity to
all the environments containing the assets.
Table(s): Switch this option to apply sensitivity to the tables con-
taining the assets.
5. Click Update.
The sensitivity of the assets is updated based on the options you selected.

Associated Assets
You can update sensitivity of associated assets in bulk through a mind map.
To update sensitivity of associated assets through mind maps, follow these steps:
1. On the mind map, right-click the required asset.
The options available for the asset appear.

2. Click any one of the following:

All Associated Business Assets: Use this option to update sensitivity of asso-
ciated business assets.
All Associated Technical Assets: Use this option to update sensitivity of asso-
ciated technical assets.
All Associated Assets: Use this option to update sensitivity of associated busi-
ness and technical assets.
For example, if you click All Associated Technical Assets, a list of all associated tech-
nical assets appear.

3. Select the required assets and click Next.
The Selected Records page appears. You can verify the selected assets and clear the
check box if required.

4. Click Next.
Note: The Auto Update Sensitivity For section does not appear for business assets.

5. Enter or select appropriate values in the fields. Refer to the table above for field
6. Click Update.
The sensitivity of the assets is updated based on the options you selected.

Grid View
You can view list of business assets under the Compact View and Grid View tab. In the Grid
View tab, you can update sensitivity of business assets in bulk.
To update sensitivity of business assets, follow these steps:
1. In the browser pane, click a <Business_Asset_Name>.
The Workspace switches to the business assets view. For example, if you click Business
Terms in the browser pane, the Workspace switches to the business terms view.

2. Under <Business_Asset> Summary, click the Grid View tab.
The grid view for the business asset appears. For example, in the following image the
grid view for Business Terms appears.

3. Select the required business assets.

You can use the check box at the top to select all the business assets.
4. Click Update Sensitivity.
The following page appears.

5. Enter or select appropriate values in the fields. Refer to the following table for field
Field Name Description
Sensitive Data Specifies whether the selected assets are sensitive.
Indicator (SDI) Switch Sensitive Data Indicator (SDI) Flag to YES to mark the assets
Flag as sensitive.
Specifies the SDI classification of the selected assets.
Sensitive Data For example, PHI.
Indicator (SDI) This list is enabled when Sensitive Data Indicator (SDI) Flag is
Classification switched to YES. For more information on configuring SDI clas-
sifications, refer to the Configuring Sensitivity Classifications topic.
Sensitive Data Specifies the description of the SDI classification.
Indicator (SDI) For example: Protected Health Information.
Description It is enabled when Sensitive Data Indicator (SDI) Flag is switched to

Field Name Description
YES. The field autopopulates based on the SDI classification.
Specifies whether sensitivity is applicable to:
Unclassified only: Use this option to apply sensitivity to assets
that are not marked sensitive.
Asset Update
Options All Classified Only: Use this option to apply sensitivity to assets
that are marked sensitive.
All Classified And Unclassified: Use this option to apply sens-
itivity to both the types of assets, sensitive or not sensitive.
6. Click Update.
The sensitivity of the business assets is updated.

Setting Up Stewardship Goals

Data stewards initiate and facilitate collaboration to use organization's data to its capability.
They protect data from misuse and are also responsible for ethical data management. Ste-
wardship goals help data stewards to collaborate and protect data better.
To set up stewardship goals, follow these steps:
1. Go to Application Menu > Data Literacy > Business Glossary Manager.
2. In the browser pane, click Stewardship Goals.
The Workspace switches to the stewardship goals view.

3. In Glossary Workspace, click Stewardship Goals > Documents Library.

4. Click .
The New Document Form page appears.

5. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are man-
datory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
Field Name Description
System Docu- Specifies the name of the stewardship goals document.

Field Name Description
ment Name For example, ABCL Goal Details.
System Docu- Drag and drop document files or use to select and upload doc-
ment Object ument files.
System Docu- Specifies the document owner's name.
ment Owner For example, John Doe.
Specifies the URL of the document.
Document Link For example, https://drive.google.com/file/l/2sC2_SZIyeFKI7OOn-
Specifies the intended use of the document.
Intended Use
For example: The document is to keep a record of system description
and its data dictionary.
Specifies whether the document requires approval.
Select the Approval Required Flag check box to select the document
Required Flag
Specifies the status of the document.
For example, In Progress. This field is available only when the
Approval Required Flag check box is selected.

6. Click .
The selected stewardship goals document and its description are added to the stew-
ardship goals set.
Once a stewardship goals document is set up, you can manage it using the options available
for each goal document. Managing stewardship goals document involves viewing, editing,
and deleting it.

Managing Stewardship Goals

Managing stewardship goals document involves viewing, editing, and deleting it.
To manage stewardship goals document, follow these steps:

1. Go to the list of documents in your Documents Library.

2. Scroll to the right of the list to access and use the following options:
Use this option to view the stewardship goals document within the Business
Glossary Manager in the preview mode.
Use this option to update document properties, such as owner, link, description,
approval requirement, and status.
Use this option to delete a document that is no longer required.


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