Aztec Api++ Manuel in English
Aztec Api++ Manuel in English
Aztec Api++ Manuel in English
Aztec Informatica®
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10 Load graphic input ................................................ .................................................. ........ 82 10.1 Menu and command
bar Phases ................................. ................................................. 82 10.2 Insert / Edit menu and command
bar................................................................ .............. 82 10.3 Tools menu and command
bar ................................ ................................................ 83 10.4 Menu pop-
ups ................................................ .................................................. ............... 84 10.5 Definition of distributed
loads................................ .................................................. ......... 85 10.5.1 Distributed load graphic
input ................................. ........................................... 85 10.5.2 Distributed load
generation .................................................. ........................... 85 10.6 Definition of concentrated
loads .................... .................................................. ............... 86 10.6.1 Concentrated load graphic
input................................. ................................................ 86 10.6.2 Concentrated load
generation ................................................................. ........................... 87 10.7 Definition of Load
Line .................... .................................................. ...................... 88 Load line graphic
10.7.1 input ...................... .................................................. ........ 88 10.8 Definition of pillar
loads................................................. .................................................. ...... 90 Column load graphic
10.8.1 input................................................. ........................................... 90 10.9 Definition of beam distributed
load ... .................................................. .......................... 91 Beam distributed load graphic
10.9.1 input ................................. ................................................. 91 10.10 Plinth load
definition ................................................................ ................................................. 93 10.10.1 Plinth load graphic
input................................................................ .......................................... 93
11 Model Menu ................................................. .................................................. ................. 94
11.1 Data check ................................................. .................................................. ................... 94
11.2 Plate model options................................................................ .................................................. .. 94 11.3 Mesh
generation options ................................................ ................................................ 95 11.4 Check
mesh ................................................ .................................................. .............. 96
16.1 Object selection ................................................. .................................................. ...... 144 16.2 Menu and
command bar Views ................................... ............................................ 144
16.3 Menu and tool command bar ................................................................ ................................ 145
Results................. .................................................. ......... 154 16.9 Displaying bending and shear stresses/membrane
stresses ................ 155 16.10 Displaying required reinforcements ........ .................................................. ..................
156 16.11 Viewing commitment ................................ .................................................. ............. 157 16.11.1 Commitment
Bernoulli beam................................ ........................................... 204 22.2 The elements used in the API++
program. .................................................. ........... 207
23 Mesh Generation................................................................. .................................................. ........ 209
23.2 Unstructured triangular mesh generator................................................................ ................. 211 23.3 Classic mesh
generator ................................ .................................................. ........... 212 23.4 Polygon mesh
(2006) ................................... .................................................. .... 233 27.6 Bearing capacity in the presence of
aquifer .......................................... ................................ 234
28 Limit load of foundation piles ................................................ ....................................... 236 28.1 Determination of load-
bearing capacity ..... .................................................. ............. 236 28.2 Peak load-bearing
capacity................................................ .................................................. ........ 237 28.3 Calculation of the coefficients Nc
and Nq ................................. ............................................. 238 28.3.1
Terzaghi .................................................. .................................................. ....... 238 28.3.2
Meyerhof................................................ .................................................. .................. 238 28.3.3
Hansen................................. .................................................. ................................ 239 28.3.4
Vesic ............. .................................................. ................................................. 239 28.3.5
Berezantzev................................................ .................................................. ..... 240 28.3.6 Berezantzev
reduced................................................ .................................................. .240
28.4 Bearing capacity according to Bustamante – Doix (micropiles) .......................................... 241 28.5 Bearing
capacity for lateral resistance ................................................................ ..................... 245 28.6 Bearing capacity for
horizontal loads........................ ................................................ 247 28.6.1 Soil limit
resistance ................................................................ ............................. 247 28.6.2 Limit resistance of the
pile............. .................................................. .................. 248 28.7 Calculation of foundation pile
settlements .......................... ................................................ 249 28.7. 1 Finite Element Method
(FEM) .......................................................... ....................... 249 28.8 Terrain
modeling........................ .................................................. .................... 250 28.8.1 Finite element
analysis ...................... .................................................. ........... 250
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1 Introduction
The API++ program is dedicated to the analysis and calculation of foundation slabs (on piles and ribbed), of
elevated plates, slabs, plinths (on piles, plinth gratings and isolated plinths), foundation beam gratings (also on piles) and
using the finite element technique (FEM) which does not require additional modules. The data input
(geometry, loads, constraints, piles, etc.) occurs in both graphic and numerical mode.
It is possible to insert distributed loads, load lines, beam loads, plinth loads and concentrated loads
Furthermore, it is possible to insert the position and size of pillars with the relative reliefs or constraints
In the case of foundation slabs and plinths founded on piles, the stratigraphy of the soil must be defined. For the analysis
of foundation slabs and surface plinths, the alla model is adopted for the soil
Winkler. The mesh for finite element analysis is automatically generated by the program
a convenient graphic environment which provides multiple functions such as single selection,
For slabs and plinths founded on piles it is possible to use the following typologies: reinforced concrete piles with
rods and brackets, drilled or fixed; RC micropiles with tubular reinforcement, drilled or driven; with generic section in steel,
drilled or driven.
The stratigraphy of the soil is described by stratigraphic columns. Layers may present
horizontal or even inclined position but cannot intersect below the superstructure.
The water table can be taken into account by defining its share with respect to the laying surface
Once the distribution has been carried out, depending on the stiffness and position of the poles and
soil characteristics, each pile is analyzed using a non-linear analysis in step with
API also allows you to set a series of parameters, at the Analysis Options level, which
ÿ the lift calculation that can be performed with Terzaghi, Berezantzev, Berezantzev
reduced, Meyerhof, Hansen or Vesic. In addition to the method for calculating lift, it is left
the User has the possibility to set the directly connected vertical pressure trend
depth and then constant or Geostatics up to Zc level and then constant. The settings
on the pressure trend are used for peak lift, but can be used
ÿ the law of variation of the Winkler constant with depth, which can be assumed from
ÿ the soil failure criterion for the analysis of the pile subjected to horizontal forces (non-analysis
linear) can be kinematic (breaking due to limit displacement definable by the User) or
static type (breakage upon reaching the limit pressure). In this second case the User
can select the law that defines the limiting pressure with depth: limiting pressure
constant, variable limit pressure with binomial law, limit pressure coinciding with the
passive pressure (Broms), or limit pressure defined by the Brinch-Hansen relation; The
ÿ the method for calculating the settlement of the piling which can be chosen from Finite Elements.
API carries out the design of the reinforcements for both the piles and the superstructure.
The design and verification of the sections can be carried out according to the Tension method
When the analysis starts, the API performs a complete check of the data provided and reports, if necessary, with
At the end of the analysis, in the integrated graphical environment, it is possible to view all the results.
ÿ displacement diagrams;
ÿ the distribution of forces on the individual piles and with a simple click of the mouse it is possible to read them
ÿ the diagrams of the limit stresses on the piles (Moment, Shear, Normal stress, Pressures on the
ÿ the diagrams of the operating stresses on the piles (Moment, Shear, Normal stress, Pressures
ÿ the reinforcements of each individual pile of the piling and related tension diagrams in the materials.
graphically. For each pole it is possible to change the number and diameter of the longitudinal irons, the
pitch and diameter of the brackets. For every change made, API re-runs the checks in real time
of the sections and immediately reports any exceeding of the regulatory limits or voltages
in materials.
API allows you to generate a complete calculation report in RTF format directly
in the editor and arrangement. The selected modules will be reported as well as the
general settings (character settings, text and title alignment, etc.) in order to
obtain an almost definitive report. API allows you to obtain the calculation, both metric and
economic, of the analyzed work.
Each displayed design can be printed on any Windows®-controlled device,
after setting scale, characters, captions, etc.
Printing is managed using the preview or graphic layout function.
Export to DXF, BMP, WMF, JPEG format is also possible.
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API++, distributed on DVD, is accompanied by a USB hardware key that must be inserted into the
To install, you need to insert the DVD into the player; if the system option is active
Automatic insertion notification, the DVD starts automatically, otherwise you have to launch the
program via the Start.exe file on the DVD. In the installation suite only the
licensed program buttons. To start the installation procedure, click on the relevant button.
API++ is installed in the C:\Aztec\APIPP18 folder, defined by default, or in the specified folder
by the User. All the files needed to run the program are recorded in the
Once the installation is complete, the Aztec Informatica menu item is created in the Programs menu
and the suite's Aztec icon on the Desktop. To start the program, you need to double-click
on the Aztec icon to launch the suite within which the API 18.0 button is located.
On the DVD there are also demo versions of all the programs which can be accessed from the [DEMO] button on the main
performed directly from DVD without installing any files on the hard disk.
API++ is an extremely interactive program; the API++ working environment has the interface and the
3.1 Environment
When the program is activated, a window like the one in the figure opens, in which it is
There is a main menu on the first line of the screen, which can be accessed via the keyboard or
of commands).
The methods of accessing the menus and the various types of tables are described in detail below
By simultaneously pressing [SHIFT ÿ] and the left mouse button anywhere on the
The command bar contains a series of buttons that are equivalent to commands
The figure shows the command bar with an explanation of the buttons on it.
Ground Stratigraphy
Materials Plate/stall
Beams Plinths
Graphic input
Loaded inputs
Template graphics
Results graphics
4 File menu
In this chapter all the commands present in the File menu item will be explained
These are all necessary commands for writing and reading data to disk.
– File reading options, allows you to set options for previously reading files
analyzed (reading of data and/or results only);
– Exit, allows you to exit the program.
4.1 New
Through the New command you communicate to API that you want to start a new job. The program
asks if you want to save the current data.
4.2 Open
Using this command it is possible to load a previously saved file.
The default extension of API data files is pia.
The procedure is the standard one in the Windows environment: the opened window presents the list of
folders and the list of files present in the selected folder.
If you are already working on a job and the data has not been saved to disk, when asked
When opening a file, a window appears asking if you want to save the current data. When
a file is loaded, API immediately opens the graphic display window.
4.3 Save
Using this command it is possible to save the input data in a file on disk.
The procedure is the standard one in the Windows environment: the opened window presents the list of
folders and the list of files present in the selected folder.
The data recording procedure is also automatically called by the program
Exit request from the program itself if the data has not been saved.
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4.4 Import
The command allows access to the Import MasterSap® (AMV), Import
STACEC and Import text files that allow you to acquire the stresses obtained in
foundation from the related structural calculations.
The command allows you to acquire data from text files according to the following specifications
<number of pillars>
<number of combinations>
<unit of measurement of forces>
<unit of measurement of lengths>
<pillar index> <x coordinate> <y coordinate>
if we also want to import combination and earthquake type:
<combination type> <earthquake x> <earthquake y>
Combination type specifications: SLU, SLV, SLEQ, SLER, SLEF, SLD.
If the type of combination is also present, the file must be composed as follows:
1 460.0 217.0
2 460.0 355.0
SLU 0.0 0.0
SLER 0.0 0.0
SLEF 0.0 0.0
SLD 0.3 0.0
1 -737 1 -684 1 -728 1 -675 539 58998 -251700 -312100 0
1 479 44740 -226700 -296800 0
2 529 56871 -250500 -308500 0
34 468 42613 -225500 -293300 0
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<number of pillars>
<number of combinations>
<unit of measurement of forces>
<unit of measurement of lengths>
<pillar index><x coordinate><y coordinate><combination index><N><Mx><My><Tx><Ty>
Important: If there is a null combination (row with zero loads), as in the previous example,
it must be inserted in any case.
The choice of the Import Format and the sign conventions for the loads is made via the
Import window.
4.6 Exit
Using this command it is possible to exit the program. If the data has not been saved,
the request to save them appears.
5 Conventions
5.1 Loads
N, Fv Vertical force in positive Z direction downwards
Fx Horizontal force in the positive X direction in the direction of increasing
Fy Horizontal force in positive Y direction in the direction of increasing Y
Mx Moment with vector axis parallel to the positive X axis counterclockwise (figure 1)
My Moment with vector axis parallel to the positive counterclockwise Y axis (figure 2)
5.2 Stresses
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Mx Bending moment
My Y bending moment with vector axis parallel to the X axis (positive if it strains the lower fibers)
6 Data Menu
6.2 Typology
It is possible in the Type window from the entry of the same name
Data menu. In the window you tell the program which one
type of foundation that needs to be analyzed.
The program gives you the possibility to choose between:
– Elevated structure;
– Foundation structure;
– Slab.
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6.3 Regulations
It is possible to access the Regulations window by clicking on the item of the same name in the Data menu.
Depending on the selected regulation, a series of panels are activated that allow you to define
a series of parameters.
If the chosen regulation is DM 1988 + DM 1996 Admissible voltages, the panels are activated
Superficial foundation and piles, in which it is possible to set the coeffs. safety at limit load,
sliding and tipping and safety factors for tip, lateral and transversal lift.
If the chosen regulation is DM 1988 + DM 1996 Limit state in addition to the panels discussed before, yes
activates the DM96 Actions panel in which you can set the coeffs. partial on the shares
If the chosen regulation is the 2008 Regulations or the 2018 Regulations, the Actions panels are activated,
Geotechnical parameters, superficial foundation, piles and ductility classes in which it is possible
setting up:
– in Shares, the coefficients. partial on permanent, permanent non-structural, variable and variable actions
by favorable and unfavorable traffic;
– in Geotechnical parameters, the coeff. partials on the resistances (tan f, c' cu);
– in superficial foundation, the coeffs. safety devices to be applied to the characteristic resistors
– in Pali, the coeff. safety to be applied to the characteristic resistances of the piles (bearing capacity).
– in Ductility classes it is possible to define the ductility class of the superstructure and the related factors
overstrength required by the regulations.
In the Other panel you can set data for existing objects.
By clicking on the <Set coefficients> button all the coefficients are set. of the legislation
6.4 Materials
The Materials window can be accessed from the item of the same name in the Data menu or from
button on the command bar. The window shows the list of defined materials
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It is possible to define:
Material concrete
[F1 / L13];
– Cubic characteristic resistance of
expressed in [P1]
– Elastic modulus E, expressed in [P1];
– Poisson's ratio
– Homogenization coefficient.
section confinement.
– Type of steel
By clicking on the [Edit] button next to the steel type selector, you can access the
Steel material definition window to be able to define its characteristics.
Each material can be associated with a color.
The Steel Material Definition window can be accessed by clicking on the [Edit] button located at
right of the Steel Type selector in the Material window.
In this window you enter the values of the resistance characteristics of the steel used.
In particular, it is possible to define:
– Material name;
– Allowable voltage, expressed in [P1];
– Characteristic yield stress, expressed in [P1];
– Characteristic breakdown voltage, expressed in [P1];
6.5 Land
It is possible to access the Land Description window from the item of the same name in the Data menu or from
button on the command bar. The window is active only for plates, plinths and trellises
foundation beams. The list shows the resistance parameters of the defined soils.
Through the [Add], [Edit] and [Delete] buttons, it is possible to respectively add a
new terrain and modify or delete existing terrain.
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By clicking on the [Add] and [Edit] buttons you can access the Definition window
The Land Definition No. ... window can be accessed by clicking on the [Add] and [Edit] buttons in the
In the Resistance Parameters section it is possible to define the data for calculating the lift of the
from the program for sliding verification (for shallow foundations [ A × ca ]) and for the
calculation of the lateral bearing capacity (for the piles [ A × ca ]). The program depending on the position of the
soil compared to that of the foundation automatically recognizes which parameter
resistance to use.
The strength rates for the creep test ([ N × tan (ÿ) ] and [ A × ca ]) and for the calculation
of the lateral bearing capacity of the piles ([ ks × ÿv × tan (ÿ) ] and [ A × ca ]) are added.
The buttons [C] that appear alongside the fields relating to the ground-pole friction angle ed
upon adhesion they allow the automatic calculation of the value equal to 2/3 of the angle respectively
The Average and Minimum resistance parameters are necessary for the calculation of the characteristic lifts
For the calculation of micropiles, if the Bustamante-Doix method is used, it is possible to define:
In the Deformability Parameters section it is possible to define the data for calculating settlements,
when using the interaction method as a calculation model between soil and foundation. For the
settlement calculation, the program implements three alternative methods: the elastic method, the oedometric method in the two
variants that use the oedometric module and the oedometric curve (or method
non-linear oedometric).
The data to enter if you want to use the elastic method are:
– Poisson's ratio.
The only data to enter if you want to use the oedometric method in the variant that uses the
It may happen that the oedometric curve, and therefore the method, is not known for all defined terrains
oedometric (which uses the oedometric curve) can also be used in a mixed way. In
essentially, if the oedometric module has been determined for one soil and the curve for another soil
oedometric, we can define the parameters relating to the two methods (for the terrain where the
only the oedometric module is defined only the oedometric module vice versa for the soils where it is
knows the oedometric curve, only the data relating to the curve are defined) and the program will use the
one or the other depending on the layer in which failure is being assessed.
Each soil can be assigned a color and a fill which will be shown in the graphics.
The recompression ratio (RR) is not the same as the recompression index (cr). The law that binds i
The compression ratio (CR) is not the same as the compression index (cc). The law that links the two parameters is: CR =
cc / ( 1 + e0 );
6.6 Stratigraphy
It is possible to the Stratigraphy window from the item of the same name in the Data menu or from the button present
on the command bar. The window is active only for foundation beam plates, plinths and lattices.
The stratigraphy of the soil is described by stratigraphic columns. Layers may present
horizontal or even inclined position but they cannot intersect below the foundation.
– Plan position of the three survey points (X, Y), expressed in [L1];
– Height at which the layer separation was identified in the three points (Z1, Z2, Z3), expressed
in [L1];
– Type of terrain to be assigned to the selected layer (chosen from the previously defined terrains);
From the Details column or from the <Layer Details> button you access the Layer Details window
allows you to set the following parameters necessary in the calculation of the piles:
– Coefficient of lateral ground thrust (ks), used in the calculation of the lateral bearing capacity of the
– Coefficient of lateral expansion of the injected section (debulking coefficient). The coefficient
of lateral expansion multiplies the diameter of the hole to obtain the actual calculation for the
lift: Deff=a*D where D is the perforation diameter and a is the expansion coefficient
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rectangular and superficial) to take into account the resistance of the lateral surfaces in the calculation of the
By clicking on the C button (which stands for calculate) it is possible to automatically calculate the constant of
Horizontal winkler on the pole. Different bibliography formulas have been implemented for each of them
• data that serve only to determine the stiffness, present only in the table
• data that are used for other calculations already present in the program. In this case the
program automatically loads these values.
It is possible to access the Roof window from the item of the same name in the Data menu. The window is active only for
It is possible to access the List of beam types window via the item of the same name in the Data or menu
from the button on the command bar.
The window contains the list of defined beam types. The buttons at the bottom of the window allow you to
define new types of beams or to modify or delete them
existing typologies.
You can access the Beam Definition window by clicking on the [Add] or [Edit] buttons
of the List of beam types window
In the window you can define:
– if it is an existing element;
– the base (B) and the height (H) of the beam (core
of the beam if the beam is an inverted T),
expressed in [L2];
– if the beam is an inverted T it is possible to define
also base (Ba) and height (Ha) of the wing,
expressed in [L2];
– the type of material, chosen among the materials
The program does not allow you to define the fixed wire between the beam and the plinth, so what comes
displayed is always the second of the diagrams (plinth extrados with beam intrados).
The data that makes the difference (in the calculation model) between one scheme and another is the constraint between the plinth
and beam (fitting or support), and the behavior of the beam (Winkler beam, beam as
A beam embedded in the plinth is most likely made with the first of the schemes
(extrados plinth with extrados beam), a beam resting on the plinth most likely
it is created with the second of the schemes (extrados plinth with intrados beam).
From the <Reinforcement specifications> button you access the window for setting the project parameters
of armour.
Corso Umberto, 43 – 87059 Casali del Manco – Loc. Casole Bruzio (CS) - tel/fax (0984) 432617 ra
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In this window you can set the specifications for the beam reinforcement design.
The window is divided into three sections: Longitudinal bars, Specifications and Brackets.
expressed in diameters;
You can tell the program to refer to the Regulations (Circular April 1997 nr. 97) by activating the Circular Reinforcement
It should be noted that ministerial circular 65/97 imposes minimums both in the tense zone and in the zone
= 1.4
ÿ min
where fyk is the characteristic yield stress of the steel used expressed in N/mm2.
For example, for a FeB44K steel fyk=440 N/mm2 and therefore the minimum percentage is in the
– Uniforms upper and lower irons, allows you to extend the irons across the entire beam even if it is
only necessary in some areas.
– Length for joining the sections, expressed as a function of the height of the section.
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– If we are analyzing the structure with the NTC 2008 – NTC 2018 it is possible to choose the limits
on the brackets between the seismic zone and the non-seismic zone.
– the cotg ÿ, which can be defined or calculated automatically by the software to optimize the
For beams defined as curb, the calculation of the reinforcement follows what is reported in the NTC
It is possible to access the Plinth Geometry window by clicking on the [Add] or [Edit] buttons
of the Plinth Types window.
– the shape of the plinth, it is possible to choose between the predefined shapes: rectangular, circular,
triangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, nut-shaped;
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– the dimensions of the plinth: the base, the height, the collar (imprint of the pillar inserted into the plinth),
the eccentricity of the collar with respect to the center of gravity is possible if the plinth contains two pillars
activate the presence of the second collar with dimensions and position, geometry of the lean,
expressed in [L1];
– the material with which the plinth will be made
From the button next to the <dice> type you access the window to define the number and the
geometry of the nuts that make up the plinth.
The base is excluded from the list of nuts, which is always defined by the general dimensions (Bx e
By) and the height indicated with Hb.
From the Glass selectors it is possible to choose the type of glass to associate with the collars of
The Set load application point height check allows you to indicate the application height
of the load above the plinth, expressed in [L1]. Horizontal loads are always applied
to the extrados of the plinth, but if for some reason you need to have a point of
application different from the extrados of the plinth by defining the height of a value other than zero
Punching check nut index, active only if the plinth shape is a nut, allows you to
define the nut (and therefore the load footprint area) that the program must use in the verification a
punching. If you do not define this parameter (leave the value zero) the verification a
punching on the plinth is performed using the dimensions of the collar, alternatively defining
a die index (other than zero) in punching verification the indentation area is used
of the indicated nut.
From the <Reinforcement specifications> button you access the window for setting the project parameters
of armour.
In this window you can set the specifications for the design of the plinth reinforcements.
The window is divided into two sections: Reinforcement parameters and Cutting/Punching
in [L3];
Length of anchoring
linear meter;
Minimum number of upper bars per
linear meter;
– Percentage thickening
Furthermore, it is possible to set the type of shape to be placed as longitudinal bars in the plinth.
The choice can be made between two choices: Straight irons or Straight irons + stirrups.
The Cutting/Punching section proposes the same specifications that will be illustrated for the
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It is possible to access the List of pole types window from the item of the same name in the Data menu
menu item is active for foundation structures.
The window contains the list of defined pole types. The buttons in the lower part of the window allow you to
define new types or to modify or delete existing types.
In the window you can set the common characteristics of the foundation piles. In particular it is
can set:
– the description, identifier of the type;
– if it exists;
– the geometry chosen between circular reinforced concrete poles
– the type of lift to consider when calculating the lift. It is possible to choose between lift
lateral (by activating this check, the rate of
ground lift due to lateral resistance-friction), tip lift (by activating this check you
considers the bearing capacity of the ground at the tip in the calculation of the vertical limit load) o
– uses the Bustamante-Doix method for calculating micropiles, allowing you to opt for a different method from
the one chosen for the calculation of the bearing capacity in the presence of piles and micropiles in the same system
In the window you set the data for the pile reinforcement project:
reinforced poles
– tubular external diameter, [L3]
– tubular thickness, [L3].
It is possible to access the List of glass types window via the menu item of the same name
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The window contains the list of defined glass types. The buttons at the bottom
of the window, allow you to define new types of glasses or to modify or delete them
existing typologies.
– if it exists;
– the dimensions in plan, the height and the thicknesses at the base and top, expressed in [L1];
- the material
is thick
It is possible to set:
ÿ concrete cover, expressed in [L2];
– L2, second unit of measurement for lengths, the default value is centimeters;
– L3, third unit of measurement for lengths, the default value is millimeters;
– F1, first unit of measurement for forces, the default value is kilograms;
– F2, second unit of measurement for forces, the default value is tons;
– P1, first unit of measurement for pressures, the default value is Kg/ cm2;
– P2, second unit of measurement for pressures, the default value is Kg/ m2;
– Area, [L22 ].
7 Geometry menu
The menu allows access to the main windows for entering essential geometric data
for the description of the structure. The figure shows the menu items that will be better specified later.
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7.2 Plate
It is possible to access the Plate definition window via the menu item of the same name
Geometry or from the Graphic Input window when the Plate phase is active.
– a table with the list of polygons that define the plate. The first polygon defines the
outermost contour while the subsequent polygons define the internal holes;
– the material that constitutes it, chosen from the defined materials;
– the amount of the Winkler constant to be used on the plate, with a value between zero and one;
– if it exists;
– arrangement of beams.
To define/modify the plate polygons you can access the Definition window
The Plinth List window can be accessed from the Geometry menu item of the same name or from
graphic input window. The menu item is not present if the type of structure is not of
The window contains the list of plinths inserted with the salient characteristics of the plinth indicated
(position and installation plane expressed in [L1], typology). By clicking on the [Add], [Modify] and [Delete]
buttons you can respectively add a new plinth or modify and delete a
existing plinth. When adding or modifying the plinth, the Insert window opens
Plinth in which it is possible to define the position of the plinth.
The last column in the list is the PALI column. By clicking inside the cell relating to the plinth i
th it is possible to access the Pile List window of the selected plinth from which it is possible
define the plinth piles.
It is possible to access the Plinth Insertion window by clicking on the [Add] or [Modify] buttons
of the Plinth List window or from the Graphic Input window when you are in the phase
insert/edit plinth and click inside the drawing area.
When the modification involves multiple plinths, checks are also displayed in the table
allow modification of only the selected properties.
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The Beam List window can be accessed from the Geometry menu item of the same name or from
graphic input window. The menu item is not active when the type of structure to be analyzed
it's a slab.
The beam can be used in the program as a support beam for an elevated plate,
The window contains a list of the defined beams with indicated: the position expressed in [L1], the
length expressed in [L1], the installation plan, the type attributed. By clicking on the button
modify and delete an existing beam. When you add or modify a beam it comes
the Beam Definition window is opened in which it is possible to define the position and geometry of the
You can access the Beam Definition window by clicking on the [Add] or [Edit] buttons
of the Beam List window or from the Graphic Input window when you are in the insertion phase -
of drawing.
In the window you can define:
– the type of beam chosen from the types
It is possible to access the Modify beam length window by clicking on the [Modify] buttons
of the Insert/Edit Beam window.
The permitted modifications may concern: the extension of the ends while leaving the
direction of the beam or the length and/or rotation leaving one of the two points of the beam unchanged
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From this window it is possible to define the arrangement and geometry of the poles to be positioned under the
slabs, plinths and foundation beam trellises.
The same window can also be opened by clicking on the button contained in the cell
POLES column of the Plinth List table.
In particular, the table contains:
– the pole index;
– the position in the plan (abscissa X and ordinate Y), expressed in [L1];
– the diameter of the pile, expressed in [L2];
– the length of the pole, expressed in [L1].
– the typology adopted
If the table is called from the List of plinths, only the plinth posts are listed in the table
selected, and the coordinates are referred to the local reference system at the plinth (centre of gravity).
Poles can also be imported automatically from a text file. The file must have the
characteristics of the format shown below:
Number of poles
0.5 0.2
2.5 1.2
3.6 1.2
4.5 0.2
5.2 2.5
2.5 2.5
Number of poles
Unit of measurement of lengths in which the positions and dimensions of the pole will be expressed
Abscissa [TAB] Ordinate [TAB] Diameter [TAB] Length of the first pole
Abscissa [TAB] Ordinate [TAB] Diameter [TAB] Length of the second pole
50 20 40 1000.0
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It is possible to access the Pole Definition window by clicking on the [Add] or [Edit] buttons
of the Post List window.
In the table it is possible to define:
The ultimate moment can be obtained as the product of the yield stress of the steel
used for the pile multiplied by the resistance modulus of the section.
The insertion of the poles can also take place through the graphic input procedures or via
automatic generation.
The Pillar List window can be accessed from the Geometry o menu item of the same name
from the graphic input window.
By clicking on the [Add], [Modify] and [Delete] buttons you can respectively add
a new pillar or edit and delete an existing pillar. When adding or editing
In the pillar, the pillar definition window opens in which you can define the position
expressed in [L1];
expressed in [L2];
The Thickness list window can be accessed from the Geometry o menu item of the same name
from the graphic input window. The menu item is active for foundation audiences.
The window contains a list of the inserted thicknesses with the characteristics indicated (position,
thickness and colour).
By clicking on the [Add], [Edit] and [Delete] buttons you can respectively add
a new thickness or edit and delete an existing thickness. When you add or change the thickness, the Thickness
Definition window opens where you can define
position, thickness and color.
it is possible to access the Polygon Coordinates window and define the geometry in the plan by points;
– the thickness, expressed in [L2];
– the color associated with the current thickness. Each thickness can be associated with a color
different. Equal thicknesses will have equal colors.
Furthermore, the window contains buttons:
Extend to the entire foundation, allows you to extend the thickness to the entire plate. At the click
of the button the lower left point and upper right point fields are displayed
automatically updated with the coordinates of the points that define the footprint
maximum of the foundation.
Generate polygon, allows you to automatically generate (through the definition of a few
parameters) a polygonal area with constant thickness (polygon with a greater number of points
or equal to 3 or circular). Clicking on this button opens the Generate window
polygon in which it is possible to set the parameters for automatic generation.
If overlapping thickness fields are defined, the last thickness defined will be considered in the overlap zone.
You can access the Winkler Constant List window from the menu item of the same name
Geometry or from the graphic input window. The menu item is active for slabs, plinths and trellises
foundation beams.
The window contains a list of the inserted thicknesses with the characteristics indicated (position, Winkler
constant and color).
The definition of the vertical Winkler constant is necessary for shallow foundations (not
founded on piles) and for the analysis of mixed foundations (whose load-bearing capacity is attributed partially
to the surface foundation and piles). The program allows you to define different fields having
different Winkler constants.
By clicking on the [Add], [Modify] and [Delete] buttons you can respectively add
a new zone or modify and delete an existing zone with constant Winkler constant.
When you add or modify the Winkler constant the Definition window opens
Winkler constant in which it is possible to define position, Winkler constant and color.
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You can access the Winkler Constant Definition window by clicking on the buttons
[Add] or [Edit] of the Winkler Constant List window.
In the window you can define:
– if the plan shape of the Winkler constant is shape
rectangular with sides parallel to the principal X and Y directions,
just define the abscissa and ordinate of the lower left point
and the upper right point of the rectangle, expressed in
– if the plan shape of the Winkler constant is shape
irregular, by clicking on the [Polygon coordinates
>>] you can access the Coordinates window
polygon and define the geometry in the plan by points;
– the vertical surface Winkler constant ed
horizontal (which will be taken into consideration based on
settings in the interaction model), expressed in
[kg/cm2 /cm] ;
– the color associated with the current thickness. For each Winkler constant it is possible to associate a
different color. Areas with the same Winkler constant will have the same colors.
Furthermore, the window contains buttons:
Extend to the entire foundation, allows you to extend the Wikler constant to the entire plate.
When the button is clicked, the lower left point and upper right point fields
are automatically updated with the coordinates of the points they define
the maximum footprint of the foundation.
Generate polygon, allows you to automatically generate (through the definition of a few
parameters) a polygonal area with constant Winkler constant (polygon with number of points
greater than or equal to 3 or circular). Clicking on this button opens the window
Generate polygon in which you can set the parameters for generation
If overlapping Winkler constant fields are defined, they will be in the overlap zone
considered the last defined Winkler constant.
Ex_1. A 10m
which is defined as a rectangular area 5m X 5m with Winkler's constant 5.0 kg/cm2/cm
will determine a stiffness of the installation surface which on the contour of the 5m x 5m area will have a stiffness of
add a new one
constraint or modify
and delete a
constraint existing.
modify a constraint the Nodal Constraint Definition window opens where you can
define position, type of constraint and, for elastic constraints, stiffnesses.
It is possible to access the Nodal Constraint Definition window by clicking on the [Add] or buttons
[Edit] of the Nodal Constraint List window.
In the window you can define:
– the position of the constraint (abscissa e
ordinate), expressed in [L1];
– the type of constraint:
• constraint on vertical translation;
• constraint on rotation around the X axis;
• constraint on rotation around the Y axis;
• constraint on translation in the X direction;
• constraint on translation in the Y direction.
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The stiffness value is shown next to the type of constraint. The rigidity of the constraints to
translation are expressed in [F1 / L2], while the stiffnesses of the rotation constraints are expressed in
[F1 / ° ].
If you leave the value zero in the stiffness fields, the constraints will be considered rigid.
The Continuous constraints list window can be accessed from the menu item of the same name
Geometry or from the graphic input window. The menu item is not active if the structure from
analyze consists of plinths or lattices of foundation beams and for the elevation lattices.
The window lists all the defined line constraints with position and characteristics of the lines
By clicking on the [Add], [Modify] and [Delete] buttons you can respectively add
a new constraint or edit and delete an existing line constraint. When you add or yes
edit a line constraint the Line Constraint Definition window opens in which it is
It is possible to define position, type of constraint and, for elastic line constraints, the stiffnesses.
You can access the Line Constraint Definition window by clicking on the [Add] or buttons
• constraint on rotation around the axis
The stiffness value is shown next to the type of constraint. The rigidity of the constraints to
translation are expressed in [F1 / L2], while the stiffnesses of the rotation constraints are expressed in [F1 / ° ].
If you leave the value zero in the stiffness fields, the constraints will be considered rigid.
8 Graphic input
The insertion of geometric data (plate outline, piles, pillars, plinths, beams, constraints, etc.) can
can also be done graphically in a dedicated window, displayed under the Graphic input item
The graphic input window consists of a central part (with a white background) where the
input operations of the various objects and three bars arranged on the perimeter of the window (top, a
right and bottom) which allow you to manage the input and drawing phases. In an equivalent way the
functions that can be activated via the buttons on the aforementioned bars can be activated by the relevant ones
menu (in the Phases menu the functions of the upper bar can be activated, in the menu
Insert/Edit functions can be activated in the right bar and in the Tools menu
buttons will appear in the graphic input window that allow you to select the element
which must be entered.
It is possible to insert poles, beams, pillars, constraints, Winkler's constant and thicknesses only after having inserted
Activate the insertion phase. The procedure to follow is: press the button, bring the
Activate the automatic generation phase. This option is active for the insertion of: outline
Allows you to view the window containing the list of elements inserted in the phase
Activates the movement phase of the elements identified with a point or a line (vertex
plate, constraint, thickness vertices, beam, Winkler constant vertex, pillar, beam): it brings the
mouse pointer on the object to be moved and left-click and hold
pressed, drag it to the new position and release it. The coordinates of the
movement are shown on the bottom bar.
Activates the movement phase of the elements identified with a surface (polygon of the
plate, polygon that defines the thickness, polygon that defines the Winkler constant): yes
move the mouse pointer over the object to be moved and click with the left button and,
by keeping it pressed, you drag it to the new position and release it. The coordinates
of the movement are shown on the lower bar.
The button, active only in the phase of defining the outline of the plate, activates the phase
break side. The procedure to follow is: press the button, move the mouse pointer
on the side to be divided and left-click.
Delete the selected items. It is equivalent to clicking the [Delete] key on the keyboard.
Copy and translate. The button displays the window that allows you to copy and/or translate the elements
selected objects
Activates the object query phase. The procedure to follow is: press the e button
move the mouse pointer to the question point. In the browse table
(Explore objects) the characteristics of the queried object will be reported Copy and translate
selected items
Activates the single object selection phase. The selection is made by clicking with the mouse
on the object that is to be selected.
Activates the multiple object selection phase, in a rectangular area (box). The selection
occurs by moving the mouse pointer to the position of the first vertex of the rectangle
selection, then click and drag to the position of the second vertex and release the
mouse all the objects, belonging to the family of the currently chosen one, which will be
contained in the drawn area will be selected.
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Activates the multiple object selection phase, in the polygonal area. The selection takes place
describing a polygon with the mouse, of which the last two sides intersect. At the
closure of the polygon all the elements that are currently part of the object's family
chosen will be selected.
Inside the Graphic Input window, clicking with the right mouse button displays a menu that allows
quick access to some functions.
The display of the window precludes the graphical insertion of the contour.
When inserting the outline graphic, by clicking on the generate button on the bar
Insert/Modify, the window that allows you to automatically define the geometry is displayed
of the contours.
It is possible to choose:
– Rectangular shape;
– Circular shape;
– Polygonal shape.
Depending on the form chosen, it is possible to define:
– number of sides
If the plinths are connected by beams, selecting the Generate beams check will be created accordingly
automatic also the connection beams. In this case it is possible to define the type from
associate with the inserted beams.
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– Transform plinths into pillars. This function allows you to transform plinths into pillars
transferring to these all the loads that were originally applied to the plinths (these come
eliminated). Following this operation, a plate must be built that incorporates the
pillars otherwise the loads are eliminated during the construction of the model.
– Transforms plinths into concentrated loads. This function allows you to transform plinths into
concentrated loads, eliminating the plinths. Following this operation it will have to be built
a plate that incorporates the loads that would otherwise be eliminated during the construction phase of the
To move, delete and modify the inserted constraint, use the relevant buttons on the toolbar
The drawing is managed using the buttons on the lower horizontal bar
During the graphic insertion of the constraints, by clicking on the generate button on the toolbar
Insertion/Modification, the window that allows you to automatically define the position is displayed
of constraints.
(Generation on circumference).
Through the beam intersection, contour vertices and beam ends checks, the program is communicated
bring the mouse pointer to the initial insertion position and click, move the pointer
mouse to the final position and click. While moving, the track of the will be displayed
The Continuous Constraint window appears, where you define the type of constraint.
To move, delete and modify the inserted constraint, use the relevant buttons on the toolbar
The drawing is managed using the buttons on the lower horizontal bar
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To move, delete and modify the inserted thickness, use the relevant buttons on the toolbar
The drawing is managed using the buttons on the lower horizontal bar
To move, delete and modify the inserted element, use the relevant buttons on the bar
The drawing is managed using the buttons on the lower horizontal bar.
3. move the mouse pointer to the insertion position and click. The is displayed
Pole window.
To move, delete and modify the inserted pole, use the relevant buttons on the toolbar
The drawing is managed using the buttons on the lower horizontal bar.
When graphically inserting the poles, by clicking on the generate button in the graphic input window, it is
the window that allows you to automatically define the position of the poles is displayed.
– Number of poles.
– Number of poles
By checking Beam Intersection you tell the program to insert poles into those too
notable points.
In the Pile Geometry section, the characteristics of the generated piles are defined.
– The type of pole to use
For circular posts in ca
– Pile diameter, expressed in the unit [L2]
– Length of poles, expressed in units [L1]
To move, delete and modify the inserted pillar, use the relevant buttons on the bar
The drawing is managed using the buttons on the lower horizontal bar.
When graphically inserting the pillars, click on the generate button in the graphics window
input, the window that allows you to automatically define the position of the pillars is displayed.
It is possible to generate pillars on a grid (Generation on grid) or on a circumference (Generation on
– Number of pillars.
Activating the Beam intersection check tells the program to generate the pillars at the points
notable defined by the intersection of the beams.
From the Glass selector the program is informed that the generated pillars are placed in the
3. move the mouse pointer to the first point and click with the left button. At this point yes
move the pointer to the second point and click again. The insertion is made evident by the
trace of the beam that follows the movements of the mouse pointer. The inserted connection beam has the characteristics
To move, delete and modify the inserted beam, use the relevant buttons on the toolbar
The drawing is managed using the buttons on the lower horizontal bar
When graphically inserting the beams, by clicking on the generate button in the graphics window
input, the window that allows you to automatically define the position of the beams is displayed.
It is possible to generate beams in the horizontal direction (coinciding with the X axis), vertical direction
specifications below:
in unit [L1];
– Type
Through the checks Generate beam end constraints and Generate beam intersection constraints you communicate the
The window appears when you click the Grid/Snap button on the toolbar
or when you select the Grid/Snap item from the Tools menu.
The window allows you to:
Activate grid drawing;
in [L1];
activate/deactivate snapping to notable points;
object snap tolerances on points e
selection distance tolerance, expressed in [L1],
with beams, delete constraints with beams, drag piles with plinths,
delete posts with plinths and drag beams with plinths) and set
9 Loads Menu
for inserting the loads acting on the structure. The figure shows the
The Load Management item present in all windows allows access to a menu for the
The Distributed Loads grid is accessed from the Loads menu item of the same name or from the input window
load graph.
The table shows the main characteristics of the distributed loads that can be applied in a
To add new loads and modify existing loads, just click on respectively
possible to define:
Xis Abscissa of the lower left point of the load area with respect to the system [L1]
global reference;
Yis Ordinate of the lower left point of the loading area with respect to the system [L1]
global reference;
Xsd Abscissa of the upper right point of the load area with respect to the system [L1]
global reference;
Ysd Ordinate of the upper right point of the load area with respect to the system [L1]
global reference;
facing downwards;
Qz2 Vertical component 2 in correspondence with the load area, positive if [F1] / [L1]2
facing downwards;
Qz3 Vertical component 3 in correspondence with the load area, positive if [F1] / [L1]2
facing downwards;
Qx Component of the load in the (X,Y) plane. The load per unit area has the [F1] / [L1]2
direction and the direction of the X axis of the reference system of Cartesian axes
Qy Component of the load in the plane (X, Y) The load per unit area has the [F1] / [L1]2
direction and the direction of the Y axis of the reference system of Cartesian axes
The component corresponding to the fourth point that delimits the load area is calculated in
Below is the convention of the signs of the components (Qz1, Qz2, Qz3, Qz4, Qx, Qy) of
distributed load.
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The load components (Qz1, Qz2, Qz3, Qz4, Qx, Qy) are relative to the reference system
To delete an existing load, you need to highlight the row of the load to be deleted and then
press the [Delete] button.
Using the [<<] and [>>] buttons you can scroll and define multiple load conditions.
The table displays the characteristics of concentrated loads that can be applied in a
Mx Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector Mx has the [F1] x [L1]
direction and direction of the X axis of a reference system of axes
My Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector My has the [F1] x [L1]
direction and direction of the Y axis of a reference system of axes
Fx Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fx has the direction [F1]
and the direction of the X axis of a reference system of Cartesian axes.
Fy Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fy has the direction [F1]
and the direction of the Y axis of a reference system of Cartesian axes.
Using the [<<] and [>>] buttons you can scroll and define the load conditions.
To add new loads and delete an existing load, just click on respectively
The load components (Fz, Mx, My, Fx, Fy) are relative to the global reference system.
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The table displays the load line characteristics that can be applied in one
any position on the audience. The quantities shown in the window are:
No Load line order number
Xi, Yi Initial abscissa and ordinate of the load line; [L1]
Xf, Yf Abscissa and final ordinate of the load line; [L1]
Fz Value of the vertical component of the load, positive if facing towards [F1] / [L1]
the bass.
Mx Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector ([F1] x [L1]) / [L1]
Mx has the direction and direction of the X axis of a reference system
of Cartesian axes.
My Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector ([F1] x [L1]) / [L1]
Fx Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fx has the [F1] / [L1]
direction and direction of the X axis of a reference system of axes
Fy Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fy has the [F1] / [L1]
direction and direction of the Y axis of a reference system of axes
Using the [<<] and [>>] buttons you can scroll and define the load conditions.
To add new loads and delete an existing load, just click on respectively
Below is the convention of the signs of the components (Fz, Mx, My, Fx, Fy) of the line
The load components (Fz, Mx, My, Fx, Fy) of the load line refer to the unit of length
of the line.
The load components (Fz, Mx, My, Fx, Fy) are relative to the global reference system.
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The Column Loads grid is accessed from the Loads menu item of the same name or from the input window
load graph.
Mx Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector Mx [F1] x [L1]
has the direction and direction of the X axis of a reference system of axes
My Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector My [F1] x [L1]
has the direction and direction of the Y axis of a reference system of axes
Fx Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fx has the [F1]
direction and direction of the X axis of a reference system of axes
Fy Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fy has the [F1]
direction and direction of the Y axis of a reference system of axes
Using the [<<] and [>>] buttons you can scroll and define the load conditions.
To add new loads and delete an existing load, just click on respectively
The load components (Fz, Mx, My, Fx, Fy) are relative to the global reference system.
The List of beam loads grid can be accessed from the item of the same name in the Loads menu or from the window
The table displays the characteristics of the linear loads on the beams that can be applied in one
any position on the beam itself. The quantities shown in the window are:
No Beam load order number;
Xi, Xf Initial and final abscissa of the load on the beam in the reference system [L1]
(fz)i, (fz)f Vertical load at the initial and final abscissa, positive if pointing downwards. [F1] / [L1]
(fx)i, (fx)f Load parallel to the beam axis at the initial abscissa and [F1] / [L1]
the final. The load has direction x in the local reference system of the beam e
(fy)i, (fy)f Load orthogonal to the beam axis at the initial abscissa [F1] / [L1]
and final. The load has a y direction in the local reference system of the beam e
Using the [<<] and [>>] buttons you can scroll and define the load conditions.
To add new loads and delete an existing load, just click on respectively
Below is the convention of the signs of the components (fz, fx, fy) of the beam load.
The load components (fz, fx, fy) of the beam load are referred to the unit length of the beam
The load components (fz, fx, fy) are relative to the local reference system of the beam with axis
x in the direction of the beam and positive direction from i to f and y axis orthogonal to x to form
a Cartesian system.
Through the “Load management” menu, present in the concentrated load management tables,
pillars and plinths, it is possible to directly import the loads onto the foundation using the formats already
generation of combinations.
- the name. The default program assigns the name "Condition" followed by an index;
– the Type, to be chosen between permanent, permanent non-structural, variable and variable due to traffic;
– the Group Index. For variable and variable traffic conditions it is possible to attribute this
index that allows you to manage non-concomitant load conditions. The conditions they have
group index other than zero can be combined with all conditions that have the same
index and with conditions that have index zero. Conditions with a zero group index can
– the coeffs. of combination (Y0, Y1 and Y2), chosen from those that can be defined
manually or imported automatically by clicking on the Import button which displays the
window below.
Loads are defined by the User by conditions. They can be in any load condition
inserted distributed loads concentrated loads unloaded pillars, etc.. A load condition
in practice it represents one or more loads that can be treated as a whole (they can for example
example be present or not in a load combination) or be defined as permanent
or variables (accidental according to the traditional wording in use in Italy).
The loads defined in the various conditions will be taken into account in the analysis only if they are inserted
in load combinations. A load combination is the "sum" of multiple load conditions: the
load conditions inserted in the same combination will act simultaneously (possibly
with different participation coefficient).
The Load combinations window can be accessed from the Loads or menu item of the same name
via the button on the command bar. In this window you define the
load combinations, choosing the load conditions that belong to each one
of them. All user-defined load conditions are shown in the Conditions column
Clicking on the Combination Management item displays a menu containing the following
The Sisma
current combination.
The spell-ups to the right of the Combination No. edit allow you to scroll through the defined combinations.
The selected combination becomes the active one.
Deleting a condition from the combination occurs via the [<<Remove] button.
The condition that will be eliminated is the one selected in the Combinations no. column.
The definition of the participation coefficients occurs via the [Participation] button.
The window allows you to define a series of parameters for the automatic generation of
load combinations.
1) Elementary conditions
The defined conditions are appropriately combined depending on the type (permanent or
variable), the regulations set and the options activated.
2) Conditions as combinations
By activating this option you inform the program that the load combinations coincide with
the loading conditions. This is the case in which in the conditions we have inserted (also through
import from external file) the structure drains already appropriately combined.
It is necessary to add to these combinations only the weight of the foundation itself, the generation
automatic takes care of this.
If this option is not set, the generation method is combinatorial: if nv is the number
of the accidental load conditions the combinatorial method generates 2nv-1 +1 load combinations
For example, having defined 3 variable (or accidental) conditions V1, V2, V3 (with coefficients of
participation equal to ÿ1, ÿ2, ÿ3), and a permanent condition P0 (participation coefficient
ÿ0P1 + ÿ1V1 + ÿ2V2 + ÿ3V3
ÿ0P1 + ÿ 1V1 + ÿ2V2
ÿ0P1 + ÿ1V1 + ÿ3V3
ÿ0P1 + ÿ 2V2 + ÿ3V3
ÿ0P1 + ÿ1V1
ÿ0P1 + ÿ 2V2
ÿ0P1 + ÿ 3V3
If you set option 4 if nv is the number of accidental load conditions you have 2*nv
load combinations (static).
For example, having defined 2 variable (or accidental) conditions V1, V2 and one condition
permanent P1 we will have the following 4 combinations:
Combination 1
P1G ÿ + ÿ + QV1
ÿ Qÿ0V2
ÿ G+P1ÿ QV2
+ ÿ Qÿ0V1
Combination 2
ÿ G+P1
ÿ +QV2
ÿ Qÿ0V1
If you set option 5 if nv is the number of accidental load conditions you have:
1 quasi-permanent load combination.
For example, having defined 2 variable (or accidental) conditions V1, V2 and one condition
permanent P1 we will have:
ÿ Qÿ2V1 Qÿ2V2
almost permanent
+ P1
ÿ Qÿ1V1 Qÿ2V2
+ P1
ÿ Qÿ1V2 Qÿ2V1
ÿ + ÿ QV1 Qÿ0V2
ÿ G P1 + ÿQV2 + Qÿ0V1
By activating the generation by limit states (ultimate or operational) the participation coefficient
attributed to the condition is the product of the partial safety coefficient by the coefficient of
combination, defined in the Safety Coefficients table.
Number of combinations actually generated
The number of combinations generated depends on the number of variable (accidental) conditions and the
request for generation of seismic combinations. It also depends on the regulations set e
from the set design method. In the case in which we set the earthquake X and the earthquake Y the number
of the generated combinations is multiplied by five.
In fact, if nc is the number of static combinations generated, we will have:
permanent, etc.).
The horizontal Sisma X and Sisma columns
define a combination.
In the lower part of the window there is a further list containing the list of
The [Delete condition] button allows you to delete the condition from the current combination
The window contains two tables. The first shows the list of combinations defined while
the second shows the results of the five load components (Fz, Fx, Fy, Mx and My)
of the combination. Of the combination, the sum of only the defined loads (affected by the participation coefficients)
is reported.
The contribution of the own weight and any other loads that can be assessed in the calculation phase is missing
The insertion of loads (concentrated, distributed, pillar loads, etc.) can also take place
graphically in a dedicated window, displayed from the Load Input item of the Graphics menu or from
Activates the phase of moving the elements identified with a point or a line: the
mouse pointer on the object to be moved and left-click and hold
pressed, drag it to the new position and release it. The coordinates of the
movement are shown on the bottom bar.
Allows you to view the window containing the list of elements inserted in the phase
Activates the single object selection phase. The selection is made by clicking with the mouse
on the object that is to be selected.
Activates the multiple object selection phase, in a rectangular area (box). The selection
occurs by moving the mouse pointer to the position of the first vertex of the rectangle
selection, then click and drag to the position of the second vertex and release the
mouse all the objects, belonging to the family of the currently chosen one, which will be
contained in the drawn area will be selected.
Activates the multiple object selection phase, in the polygonal area. The selection takes place
describing a polygon with the mouse, of which the last two sides intersect. At the
closure of the polygon all the elements that are currently part of the object's family
chosen, they will be selected.
Selection of all items displayed in the current stage.
Delete the selected items. It is equivalent to clicking the [Delete] key on the keyboard.
Activates the object query phase. The procedure to follow is: press the e button
move the mouse pointer to the question point. The characteristics of the queried object will be shown
in the exploration table (Explore objects).
To define and scroll through the load conditions, use the buttons on the bar below.
load graph input. The voices allow you to quickly activate some functions.
The Copy loads command allows you to copy all the loads of the active phase
of the current condition in the same or other conditions.
The Undo command allows you to undo the latest operations performed.
The delete condition loads item allows you to delete all the loads of the current condition,
From the list item, the <Loads> window is displayed which shows all the loads inserted with the relevant ones
associated condition. The delete button allows you to delete the loads.
During the graphic insertion of the distributed loads, by clicking on the generate button in the window
load input, the window that allows you to automatically define the position of the loads is displayed
the resultant of the load in terms of normal stress, shears in the X and Y directions and moments with
Insert/Edit bar;
The load components (Fz, Mx, My, Fx, Fy) are relative to the global reference system.
Fz Value of the vertical component of the load, positive if facing downwards. [F1]
Mx Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector Mx has [F1] x [L1]
direction and direction of the X axis of a reference system of Cartesian axes.
My Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector My has [F1] x [L1]
direction and direction of the Y axis of a reference system of Cartesian axes.
Fx Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fx has the direction ed [F1]
the direction of the X axis of a reference system of Cartesian axes.
Fy Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fy has the direction ed [F1]
the direction of the Y axis of a reference system of Cartesian axes.
During the graphic insertion phase of the concentrated loads, by clicking on the generate button, it is displayed
the window that allows you to automatically define the position and extent of concentrated loads.
in unit [L1];
in unit [L1];
in unit [L1];
The generation creates a series of loads of equal magnitude that originate at the starting point e
– Number of loads.
The generation creates a series of loads of equal magnitude that develop on a circumference if
the Apply as resulting option is disabled; while it creates a series of loads of different magnitude if
In this case the program transforms the moments into normal tensile and compressive stresses
– the abscissa of the first load with respect to the local reference system of the beam, expressed in [L1];
– the load components in terms of normal stress, shears in the X and Y directions and moments with
The generation will create a series of equal loads originating at the starting point e
The load components (Fz, Mx, My, Fx, Fy) of the load line refer to the unit of length
of the line.
The load components (Fz, Mx, My, Fx, Fy) are relative to the global reference system.
Mx Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector ([F1] x [L1]) / [L1]
Mx has the direction and direction of the X axis of a reference system
of Cartesian axes.
My Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector ([F1] x [L1]) / [L1]
Fx Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fx has the [F1] / [L1]
direction and direction of the X axis of a reference system of axes
Fy Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fy has the [F1] / [L1]
direction and direction of the Y axis of a reference system of axes
Below is the convention of the signs of the components (Fz, Mx, My, Fx, Fy) of the line
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The load components (Fz, Mx, My, Fx, Fy) are relative to the global reference system.
My Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector My has [F1] x [L1]
Fx Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fx has the direction ed [F1]
Fy Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fy has the direction ed [F1]
the direction of the Y axis of a reference system of Cartesian axes.
Insert/Edit bar;
The load components (fz, fx, fy) of the beam load are referred to the unit length of the beam
The load components (fz, fx, fy) are relative to the local reference system of the beam with axis
x in the direction of the beam and positive direction from i to f and y axis orthogonal to x to form
a Cartesian system.
Xi, Xf Initial and final abscissa of the load on the beam in the reference system [L1]
(fz)i, (fz)f Vertical load at the initial and final abscissa, positive if pointing downwards. [F1] / [L1]
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(fx)i, (fx)f Load parallel to the beam axis at the initial abscissa and [F1] / [L1]
the final. The load has direction x in the local reference system of the beam e
(fy)i, (fy)f Load orthogonal to the beam axis at the initial abscissa [F1] / [L1]
and final. The load has a y direction in the local reference system of the beam e
Below is the convention of the signs of the components (fz, fx, fy) of the beam load.
The load components (Fz, Mx, My, Fx, Fy) are relative to the global reference system.
Mx, My Value of the moment component of the load. The moment vector Mx [F1] x [L1]
has the direction and direction of the X axis of a reference system of axes
Cartesians. The moment vector My has the direction and direction of the Y axis
of a reference system of Cartesian axes.
Fx, Fy Value of the horizontal component of the load. The vector Fx has the [F1]
direction and direction of the X axis of a reference system of axes
Cartesians. The vector Fy has the direction and direction of the Y axis of a
reference system of Cartesian axes.
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11 Model Menu
The menu contains the commands necessary for setup, generation and operations
Mesh view.
When mesh generation starts, the program automatically launches the Options window
mesh generation, which allows you to define the type of mesh to generate, the number of elements and the
mesh thickening factors for slab structures.
The menu item allows you to start a data consistency check phase before moving on
to model generation
11.2 Plate model options
The FEM analysis options window can be accessed from the item of the same name in the Model menu. There
menu item is active only when calculating a plate for plate analysis.
For the description of the elements mentioned, please refer to the theoretical references.
the type of mesh. Choice can
– the number of elements in the X direction e
26, Y = 16);
– size reduction factors
in correspondence with concave edges;
around internal polygons;
in correspondence with concentrated loads;
in correspondence with the constraints and poles;
along the axis of the beams.
the following are reported: the number of elements and the number
For the plinths the program always adopts an element with shearing deformability.
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After the generation of the model it is possible to start a further check phase that reports
Leaving the number of elements unchanged and changing the dimensions of the elements along the axis
along the axis of the beams 1.00 m along the axis of the beams 0.50 m
By changing the number of elements (from 5 × 5 to 10 × 10) and leaving the dimensions of the elements unchanged
12 Graphics Model
The Model Graphics window can be accessed from the Graphics menu item of the same name or from the button
command bar .
The mesh is automatically generated by the program based on the entities inserted (loads,
constraints, poles, etc), and the number of elements (in the X and Y direction) that the user can set in the
If you constrain the nodes of the mesh and then regenerate the mesh itself, it will no longer be present on the nodes
no constraints. The same goes for the other elements (nodal loads, element loads, etc).
The mesh is reset when, from the numeric input windows or from the graphic input window
geometry and loads, insert, modify or delete geometry, poles, pillars, beams, constraints,
thicknesses, Winkler constant, concentrated loads and distributed loads.
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Activates the single object selection phase. The selection occurs by clicking with the mouse on the
object that must be selected.
Activates the multiple object selection phase, in a rectangular area (box). The selection
occurs by moving the mouse pointer to the position of the first vertex of the rectangle
selection, then click and drag to the position of the second vertex and when you release the mouse
all the objects, belonging to the family of the one currently chosen, which will be
contained in the drawn area will be selected.
Activates the multiple object selection phase, in the polygonal area. The selection takes place
describing a polygon with the mouse, of which the last two sides intersect. When the polygon is
closed, all the elements that are currently part of the object's family
chosen, they will be selected.
Selection of all items displayed in the current stage.
Allows you to view the window containing the list of elements and nodes present
Once the objects (nodes or elements) have been selected, by clicking on the Edit button you can open the
related window and edit the selected entities.
Loads on nodes and elements are defined by conditions. To scroll and define the conditions you can use the
buttons (Previous and next condition) on the
bottom bar.
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– Number nodes allows you to view the mesh nodes and number them.
– Number elements allows you to view the elements of the mesh and number them.
– Highlight node / element, allows you to highlight the indicated object.
– Copy loads allows you to copy the selected loads and copy them to another condition.
13 Analysis Menu
– Lift method, it is possible to choose between the methods of: Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Hansen, Vesic and
– Average criterion to determine the characteristics of the equivalent soil. The program
allows you to choose between Arithmetic, Weighted and Meyerhof average .
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between Meyerhof and Bowles or not to take eccentric loads into account.
– Reduction due to local failure or punching of the ground according to Terzaghi, Vesic.
– Considers the form factors even in the presence of an inclined load allows you to evaluate the
bearing capacity of the foundation soil considering both the shape and inclination factors of the
load. In some reference texts, it is suggested to neglect the form factors of the
In the lower part of the Lift Options window you can define the parameters for the calculation
of the mixed foundation. The NTC 2008 and NTC 2018 regulations introduce the concept of foundation
mixed (foundation whose resistance is delegated to the ground on which the foundation rests and to the
piles/micropiles). The scenarios envisaged by the standards include two possible configurations:
case the load-bearing capacity must be guaranteed by the foundation alone (no piles) while in the second case the
bearing capacity is the sum of the two contributions (soil and piles).
In the program to make the foundation work as a mixed foundation it is enough to define a constant
of Winkler subgrade (under the foundation) and the piles must be present.
– Mixed foundation calculation, allows you to tell the program whether the mixed foundation should be
considered for vertical loads only (NTC 2018 – Ministerial Decree 17 January 2018) or also for loads
use only to indicate whether the interaction can be considered significant (i.e. whether the load transmitted
– Perform checks…, allows you to choose whether the load-bearing capacity is entrusted to the foundation alone
superficial (the piles must be considered as reducing settlement) or if the bearing capacity is
In the case of insignificant interaction it would be advisable to delegate all the resistance to the poles,
The 2018 NTCs talk about mixed foundations in paragraphs and
For the rolling verification it is possible to take passive push participation into account,
Infinitely rigid plate. The stiffness of the plate is automatically determined
by the program based on the characteristics of the material and the thickness of the plate.
Activating this option infinitely amplifies the basic stiffness. This option served for
maintain compatibility of results with the program that gave rise to API++ (SPA);
– Averaged nodal stress values. In the
of solicitation);
Superstructure stiffness factor. The stiffness of the superstructure comes
determined as D × (1+fR) where fR is the set factor and D is the bending stiffness of the
if there are beams it is possible to activate the torsional stiffness of the beams and if the beams
Square plate with a side of 3.00 m and thickness varying from 0.25 to 1.00 m subjected to stress
If infinitely rigid behavior is considered, the plate does not deform whatever it is
the thickness. If, however, the real stiffness of the elements that make up the plate is taken into account, it tends to deform less
Deformable plate
The strong deformability of elements of modest thickness, if the infinite plate option is active
rigid, has repercussions on the reinforcements which have the task of making the structure infinitely rigid.
Therefore, by activating this option what you obtain is a greater amount of armor.
It is possible to access the Plinth Analysis Options window from the item of the same name in the Analysis menu. There
passive resistance offered by the backing soil to the base of the plinth, the resistance contribution
– Loads applied to the head of the glass, allows you to communicate to the program which loads
inserted on the plinth refer to the head of the glass and not to the extrados of the plinth base.
– The contribution of the resistance of the lateral surfaces in the sliding test. This option is active for rectangular plinths and
– if we consider the torsional stiffness of the beams, the beam, due to the constraint, will come
solicited by a torque which will, in turn, transfer to the right plinth as a moment;
– if the torsional stiffness of the beams is not considered, the beam does not transfer anything and the two plinths are not
In the example, both the effect of the moment, applied on the left plinth, and of the weight were considered
own, therefore in the drawing you can also notice the bending effects due to the own weights alone.
Model response if you ACTIVATE the Model answer if you DO NOT ACTIVATE the
If the stiffness increase factor is not activated, the result is: lower stresses distributed over a larger surface, and widespread
If you activate the stiffness increase factor you have: higher stresses distributed over one
less large surface area, and armor localized only in the rigid section.
The Interaction Analysis Options window can be accessed from the Analysis menu item of the same name.
Calculated by the program or set. If the choice is set the value used in the model
all combinations. In the first case the stiffness is calculated for each calculation combination
while in the second an average stiffness is calculated which is used for all
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– the radius of influence of the load of the loads in the evaluation of the stiffness of the
foundation. The choice can be made between a radius defined by the User and the entire foundation;
– for plinth foundations, by activating the use plinth center value option, only one is evaluated
value of the stiffness of the foundation (at the center of the plinth) which is considered representative of the whole
– tolerance in the solution
To define the data associated with these methods, consult the chapter on data description
of the land;
the depth for calculating settlements. The choice
can be carried out between automatic and assigned equal to ...
defined by the User. If you choose “automatic”, it is the program
which identifies the depth beyond which an increase of
tensions due to the load is no longer significant and the calculation of
subsidence is done to that depth. If you choose
“assigned to …”, it is the User who defines as far as he wants
calculate the settlement. A choice of this type can be
done when the depth of the rigid layer is known;
the maximum subdivision thickness of each layer
Winkler constant. In this section the trend of the Winkler constant is chosen
horizontal of the terrain with depth. This choice can be made between the following categories:
Layer, by selecting this item you tell the program to use the value of the
Constant, selecting this item tells the program to use the value of
Winkler constant constant with depth (the field to enter the value is activated
Binomial, selecting this item tells the program to use the value of
Winkler constant variable with depth according to the law expressed by the relation:
kh = A + B × z
in which the depth z is expressed in [L1], the coeff. A represents the value of the constant for z =
0 (head of the pole), while the value of n depends on the type of law one intends to assume. To
example, if you want to assume a law of linear variation you set n = 1, while if you want
to set a square root variation law is to set the value n = 0.5. If you wanted
set a law of linear variation such that it has a value of 1 in correspondence with
surface and a value of 5 at a depth of 10 meters the following values should be set: A = 1; B
= 0.4; n = 1.
Failure criterion of the pile-soil system, for the analysis of the pile subjected to horizontal forces. THE
failure criteria can also be more than one. API performs a nonlinear analysis of the system
ground-pole. The springs that pattern the ground are not considered infinitely elastic
but with elastoplastic behavior: they react up to a certain limit beyond which
limit shift that the User can set in the appropriate input field. Such a shift
determined limit pressure; once this limit value has been exceeded, the land does not offer a further increase in value
resistence. Using the [Define>>] button you access the Limit pressure definition window
which allows you to define the trend of the limit pressure. In API you can differentiate the
method of calculating the limit pressure for each individual layer by activating the item <Different for each
Infinitely elastic pole, in the analysis of the pole subjected to horizontal forces the program puts in
I take into account both the breaking of the ground and the plasticization of the pole. By activating this
option you can tell the program to consider the pole infinitely elastic.
the calculation of the transverse lift by applying the coefficients ÿÿ and ÿ4 on the soil parameters.
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As regards the calculation of settlements, it is possible to set the limit displacements due to friction
lateral and at the tip which respectively mobilize lateral lift and lift at the tip of the pile,
expressed in [L2]. This data is necessary for the calculation of the vertical load-settlement curve
of the pole.
The distribution check on piles with moment allows the transfer of moment stresses
from the foundation to the top of the piles. The option should be used in particular for foundations
single pile or with aligned piles. If you choose <Automatic> and there are aligned poles at the same time
In this section the safety coefficients on the pole materials are defined
If you wanted to consider the soil with infinitely elastic behavior, you would have to
turn off both the limit shift option and the limit pressure option.
It is possible to access the Vertical pressure trend window by clicking on the [Set] button
The data that can be set in the window concern the calculation of lateral lift and
Geostatic pressure. Vertical pressure increases with depth according to the law
linear ÿv = ÿ ·z where ÿ is the weight per unit volume of the soil and Z is the depth with respect to the surface
Geostatic pressure up to
m… and then constant. The pressure
vertical grows with depth
depth according to the law ÿv = ÿ·z up to depth Z = Zc. For greater depths the
vertical pressure remains constant and equal to ÿc. By setting this option the program
if it is activated, the set geostatic pressure trend is also considered valid for the
calculation of the lateral bearing capacity of the pile, otherwise for the calculation of the lateral bearing capacity it comes
assumed a trend for the vertical pressure, with the trend of the geostatic pressure.
In fact, some authors maintain that the vertical pressure does not grow indefinitely, but is reached
a certain depth Zc it remains constant. The Zc value depends on the friction angle of the
soil, the diameter and length of the pole.
It is possible to access the Limit pressure definition window by clicking on the [Set >>] button
next to the pile-soil failure criterion at limit pressure of the Pile Analysis Options window.
The data that can be set in the window concern the variability of the limit pressure along the
pole stem.
It is possible to set, for the horizontal limit pressure, one of the following options:
– Constant limit pressure
variable with depth according to the law Plimit = A + B · zn . Activating this option is
It is possible to set the coefficients A, B and n for the definition of the variability law. The depth
z with respect to the ground level is expressed in [L1] while the limit pressure is expressed in [P1].
– Brinch-Hansen: when this option is activated the program considers it as pressure
limit that proposed by Brinch-Hansen Plimit = q Kpq + c Kpc In this expression q represents the vertical pressure at the
generic depth Z and c the cohesion. The factors Kpq and Kpc depend
by the ground friction angle and the Z/D ratio (D diameter of the pile).
– Passive pressure: when you activate this option the program considers it as
limit pressure the passive pressure multiplied by a given Multiplier. For example
In the case of inconsistent soils, Broms assumes a limit pressure trend equal to
– Constant in the layer, hypothesizes the trend of the constant limit resistance in the layer. The value
required is the undrained cohesion multiplier. This could be the case with a pole
The Earthquake Options window can be accessed from the item of the same name in the Analysis menu. The data are
function of the chosen regulation.
If it is set as a calculation regulation, the Ministerial Decree 1988 + Ministerial Decree 1996 must be defined:
the seismic intensity coefficient, expressed in percent (%), depending on the category
It is possible to insert an amplification coefficient for the seismic action. The value varies between 1.0 and 1.4.
If you set it as NTC 2008 or NTC 2018, the following can be defined
ground acceleration (ag),
the seismic action is increased by a certain coefficient. The program reports the aforementioned coefficient according to the
be modified by the User as it is the rule that tells us how it must be evaluated;
the Topographic Amplification Coefficient (ST). It is an amplifying coefficient for works
important erected near slopes with an inclination greater than 15° and a difference in height greater than 30
The values of ag, F0 and T*C must be defined both for the ultimate limit state (ULS) analysis and at the
exercise (SLE).
The program automatically evaluates the coeff. of horizontal seismic intensity both at ULS and SLE
as a product of:
kh = ag/ g × SS × ST
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The Technical Construction Regulations provide for four limit states, two of which are ultimate limit states
(collapse limit state (SLC) and life-saving limit state (SLV)), the other two were
serviceability limit (damage limit state (SLD) and serviceability limit state (SLO)).
Depending on the limit states used in the calculation of the superstructure we can define the values of ag,
Let's assume we are planning the foundation of a structure in the city of Cosenza.
TR adj F0 T*C
The 1988/1996 seismic legislation divides the national territory into four operational zones
of the ground acceleration predicted by the design earthquake. Each zone is characterized by the degree of
seismicity S.
The seismic intensity coefficient C (which represents the rate of acceleration due to gravity) is related
C = ( S - 2 ) / 100
THE 12 10%
II 9 7%
III 6 4%
IV 0 0%
14 Armor Menu
The Armature menu allows you to call up windows that allow you to set specifications for
the design of the reinforcement of the elements of the analyzed structure.. .
Reinforcement direction (inclination of the reinforcements with respect to the horizontal direction), expressed
in [°];
In the Lower Reinforcement Specifications and Upper Reinforcement Specifications sections you can set the
– end of section options of the designed irons. The options made available are:
– extend the bars up to the edge if they end at a distance less than m…;
– iron extension to the upper or lower edge with a 45° shaped section);
or the cotg q, which can be defined or calculated automatically by the software to optimize the shear-
compression and shear-traction resistance values.
for Punching it is possible to define:
or the type of armor chosen between vertical stitching and bent bars;
o for bent bars it is possible to choose the shaping angle, between 30°, 45° and 60°;
or the distance of the first set of seams from the pillar, expressed as a percentage of the height
or the maximum radial distance between two sets of stitching, expressed as a percentage of the height
or the maximum distance of the seam arms around the first perimeter, expressed as
percentage of useful height;
or the maximum distance of the arms of the seams around the i-th perimeter, expressed as
percentage of useful height;
or the distance of the last set of reinforcements from the verification perimeter along which shear reinforcement is no longer
necessary, expressed as a percentage of the useful height.
o Directional reinforcement arrangement…, allows you to choose the positioning scheme of the punching bars. The choice can
be made between: according to the X and Y axes, Radial and circumference and standard. The three provisions
correspond to the diagrams below:
The options for the design of the plinth reinforcements can be defined for each individual type.
The window shows the list of all the defined plinth types.
By clicking on the <Reinforcement specifications> button you access the window described in the chapter
relating to the plinth type definition.
The options for the design of the plinth reinforcements can be defined for each individual type.
The window shows the list of all the defined plinth types.
By clicking on the <Reinforcement specifications> button you access the window described in the chapter
relating to the beam type definition.
In this window it is possible to set the specifications for the design/verification of the pile reinforcements.
The Glass Armature Options window can be called from the Armature menu item of the same name.
In this window you can set specifications for the armor design
in [L3];
The verification of the glasses is carried out with the CNR 10025/84 regulation. This legislation provides
as resistant armor the vertical armor arranged in the corner pillars of the glass and the
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horizontal brackets arranged above and below. The maximum air gap definable in this
following parameters:
divided the cubic characteristic strength of the concrete to give the strength of
In the <Domain Construction> section , you can choose how to determine the status of
• constant N/M ratio, allows you to determine the ultimate stress by increasing the
N/M ratio in a constant way (in this case the ultimate moment is different in each section
• Constant normal stress, allows you to determine the ultimate moment by keeping it constant
In particular, the program carries out cracking verification and voltage peak verification
The table shows common data and specific data for the two checks.
Hardened, untempered steels of any diameter and size belong to this group
cold work-hardened steels subject to permanent tensions - greater than 390 N/mm2. Little armor
sensitive. Other armor and adequately protected armor belong to this group.
ÿ Crack opening limit values used in cracking checks in the various limit states,
expressed in units of measurement [L3]. Furthermore, you can indicate whether to adopt a limit for the verification as well
with the rare SLE combination (limit not foreseen by the 2008/2018 NTC);
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ÿ The crack opening calculation method chosen from: Ministerial Circular 252 (15/1096),
EC2. and NTC2018-Circular 7
ÿ The type of armor chosen between improved and non-improved adhesion armour;
– Calculation of cracking moment. You can choose between Crack formation and Crack opening
cracks. The first option involves a reduction in the second normal tensile stress
of exercise.
Through this item it is possible to arrange the weaves based on the minimum number of irons set
Through these commands the design and/or verification phase of the reinforcements is started if already available
15 Results Menu
The Results menu allows you to recall the windows of the results obtained from the analysis.
It is possible to access the Analysis Results window by calling it from the menu item of the same name
Results and is opened automatically by the program at the end of the analysis.
The window is divided into two sections, Vertical Load Analysis and Horizontal Load Analysis.
The following results are reported in the Vertical Load Analysis section:
ÿ constraint reactions (if there are point or line constraints), expressed in [F1];
ÿ maximum and minimum displacements, expressed in [L2] and positions where these results were obtained,
expressed in [L2];
ÿ maximum and minimum moment stresses with vector axis in the X and Y direction, expressed in [F1
× L1] and positions where these results were obtained, expressed in [L2].
By clicking on the [Details >>] button you can access the Overall Results window in which
synthetic results are reported on the maximum and minimum stresses with the indicated
combination that generated that result.
In the Horizontal Load Analysis section the following results are reported in the X and Y directions:
If foundation piles are present, the maximum cut e is also reported in the calculation model
minimum agent on the poles, with the poles subject to such actions indicated.
Soil-foundation friction angle (ÿ) and soil-foundation adhesion (ca) are relative to the soil
It is possible to access the Overall Results window by calling it from the [Details] button
from the Analysis Results window.
ÿ the index of the combination that determined the value is also shown in brackets
maximum and minimum (displacements and moments).
The window is divided into four panels Loads, Lift, Scroll and Displacements.
• the design load-bearing capacity of the
• maximum, average and minimum pressure transferred from the foundation to the ground, expressed in
expressed in [F1];
• the frictional resistance of the soil
expressed in [F1];
• the contribution of the passive thrust
expressed in [F1];
• the resistance of the piles if necessary
It is possible to access the Plinth Results window by calling it from the menu item of the same name
The window is divided into two sections, Distribution Loads and Applied Loads. In both
sections a table is shown in which the resulting loads are listed respectively
from the distribution (loads on the lower base of the "intrados" plinth) and the applied loads (loads on the
upper base of the “extrados” plinth).
ÿ Moment with vector axis X (Mx) and Y (My), expressed in [F1 × L1].
Using the [ÿ] and [ÿ] buttons, shown in the lower part of the window, it is possible to scroll the
results on the plinths of all the combinations analyzed.
By clicking on the [Details] button you can access the Plinth Details window in which
additional information on the results of the plinths is reported.
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For an isolated plinth on which a shear moment and a normal stress act in the loads
The window is divided into three panels Lifting, Sliding and Tipping.
• Qd, design lift expressed in [F1]. Ultimate lift divided by the safety factor
expected for the type of combination being analyzed;
• rt, percentage of vertical loads discharge onto the ground. This value is less than 1 in the case of
mixed foundation, equal to 1 if the plinth is superficial, equal to zero in the case of a plinth on piles and
not mixed foundation.
Ru, ultimate resistance to sliding of the foundation soil, expressed in [F1]; • Rup, ultimate
• Rd, design resistance to sliding, expressed in [F1]. Ultimate resistance divided by the
safety factor expected for the type of combination being analysed;
• FSmin, minimum safety factor calculated between all the combinations analyzed and the
combination in which it occurred
• FSmin, minimum safety factor calculated between all the combinations analyzed and the
combination in which it occurred.
The characteristics of the equivalent layer are shown in the lower part of the window:
The minimum and maximum pressure transferred from the foundation to the ground, expressed in [P1].
It is possible to access the Beam Results window by calling it from the menu item of the same name
Results and is opened automatically by the program at the end of the analysis when you
a foundation with beams is analyzed.
The window is divided into three panels Loads, Lift and Grid Results.
ÿ Qd, design lift, expressed in [F1]. Ultimate lift divided by the safety factor
expected for the type of combination being analyzed;
ÿ Rup, ultimate bearing capacity for horizontal loads of any piles present, expressed in [F1];
ÿ Rd, design lift, expressed in [F1]. Ultimate strength divided by the safety factor
expected for the type of combination being analyzed;
Using the [<< Combination] and [Combination >>] buttons, shown at the bottom of the
window, you can scroll through the results of all analyzed combinations.
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It is possible to access the Results window for geotechnical pile checks via the item of the same name
of the menu.
The columns containing the safety factors show one of the values in bold. This indicates
the pole with the worst checks.
The red color indicates the unmet verification while the black color indicates the satisfied verification.
The panel at the bottom of the window contains some information relating to the efficiency of the
palisade. In particular: the sum of the lateral lift, the group lateral lift and
the efficiency of the piling. These lift values are obtained with the characteristic parameters of the
The group lateral bearing capacity is evaluated on a pole whose perimeter is evaluated on the plus perimeter
outside of the piling.
The window is divided into three panels Overhead Reliefs, Bearing and Settlements and Reinforcement.
The overhead reliefs panel shows the overhead reliefs for each pile:
ÿ Mx, moment with vector axis the X axis, expressed in [F1 L1];
ÿ My, moment with vector axis the Y axis, expressed in [F1 L1];
ÿ Ppmin, characteristic peak lift obtained with the minimum parameters, expressed in [F1];
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ÿ Plmin, characteristic lateral lift obtained with the minimum parameters, expressed in [F1];
ÿ Ppmed, characteristic peak lift obtained with the average parameters, expressed in [F1];
ÿ Plmed, characteristic lateral lift obtained with the average parameters, expressed in [F1];
In the Settlements and Reinforcement panel the following is reported for each pile:
extension of the first section (initial and final height), expressed in [L1];
ÿ z, extension of the second section (initial and final height), expressed in [L1].
The window is divided into four panels Walls transverse to the stress plane, Walls
parallel to the stress plane, Horizontal Reinforcement and Vertical Reinforcement.
Using the [ÿ] and [ÿ] buttons, shown in the lower part of the window, it is possible to scroll the
results of all analyzed combinations.
It is possible to access the Movement Results window by calling it from the entry of the same name
Results menu and is automatically opened by the program at the end of the analysis.
The window contains a table which shows the support reactions for each constrained node:
The window contains two tables: one summary and the other detailed.
• pos, position of the section in which the largest crack was measured;
• wlim, limit width of the crack, expressed in [L3]. This value is indicated by
regulations and is set in the SLE verification options window.
The punching check is carried out according to the indications contained in the standard
Eurocode 2
The window is divided into two areas: a table containing the checks performed and a panel
which contains details on the checks.
The table shows:
• OP, the object that is punched;
• P, the object that punches;
• VEd,i, shear stress on the perimeter of the punching object, expressed in [P1];
• VRd,max, design value of the maximum shear-punching resistance, expressed in
• VEd,f, shear stress on the verification perimeter u1, expressed in [P1];
• VRd,cf, design value of shear-punching resistance without reinforcement on
verification perimeter u1, expressed in [P1];
• VRd,cs, design value of shear-punching resistance with reinforcement, expressed in
• FS, Safety factor (lower of the ratios VRd,max/VEd,i, VRd,cf/VEd,fe
• dpc and duc, distance of the first and last seam from the face of the pillar, expressed in
• nsc, stitching serial number;
DM 96
16 Results graphics
The output of the results (stresses, settlements, reinforcement, engagement of materials, etc.) occurs in a
dedicated graphics window, displayed from the View item in the Graphics menu or from the button
The results graphics window consists of a central part (with a white background) where they come
reported the different results and by three bars arranged on the perimeter of the window (on the right, at the bottom and in
high) that allow you to manage the results views and the drawing.
One of the most interesting features of API is certainly the management of the graphical environment. Yes
it is a streamlined, fast and powerful tool that allows the designer to "see" all the
The bar above allows you to activate/deactivate the view of individual objects using the buttons
described below:
They allow you to scroll through objects of the same family as the active one
appropriately dimensioned with any elements present: poles, pillars, beams, etc..
Stratigraphy. Activates the display of the defined stratigraphy (probing points, columns
Poles. Activates the display of the results on the piles (stresses, exercise and limit diagrams, load-settlement
Sagging and tension. Activates the display of results on settlements and tensions
(Horizontal and vertical tension bulb, tensions along a vertical direction and
Nodal shifts. Activates the display of the movements of the audience (displacements
Armor list. Activate the display of the reinforcements of the audience or the plinths and yes
Required armor area. Activates the display of diagrams relating to the reinforcement area
modification, etc.).
– activate pan (dynamic movement). This function is activated automatically when you
click with the central mouse button and, keeping the button pressed, moves the mouse;
– set characters;
– export the current drawing in DXF, WMF, BMP and JPG format
Using the buttons above it is possible to scroll through the analyzed combinations.
1. Copy image, allows you to copy the active drawing into any other document;
3. Layout drawing, inserts the active drawing into the graphic layout machine;
5. Legend, allows you to set the legend that shows the colors of the displayed map;
8. Sections, displays the window containing the list of cross sections inserted into the drawing
of the beam reinforcement
9. Select group view, allows you to activate the display of only the desired groups. For
To carry out the operation, select the groups using the mouse and then finish with the ENTER key
10. Stall glass detail, allows you to view the reinforcement detail window
When the Stratigraphy button is selected, the bar that allows you to
Survey points. Allows you to view the location of the survey points in the plan
Work. The survey points are the same used for the definition of the stratigraphy.
Section in the X and Y direction. They allow you to perform a section in a vertical plane
X and Y direction of the stratigraphy and foundation. To be able to execute the section, it is activated
the view and click inside the work plane. Upon clicking, the section with the is displayed
description of the intersected land and, if the section intercepts the foundation, it is displayed
When the Poles button is selected, the Poles Results bar appears, allowing you to
select the following views:
Allows you to view the distribution of horizontal forces on the plan on the individual piles
foundation. The poles are colored according to the discharges to which they are subject. Poles can
be questioned.
Clicking with the mouse on a pole displays the Pole nr... window which reports:
– Pole diameter (D), expressed in [L2];
– Pole length (L), expressed in [L1];
– Head moments in the X and Y direction (Mx, My), expressed in [F1xL1];
– Head cut in X and Y direction (Tx, Ty), expressed in
– Normal effort in the head (N), expressed in [F1];
– Lateral lift (Pl), expressed in [F1]. If the legislation
choice is the NTC 2008 or NTC 2018 the lateral bearings
shown in the table are two: average lateral lift
(Pl_med) and minimum (Pl_min);
– Peak lift (Pp) expressed in [F1]. If the chosen regulation is NTC 2008 or NTC 2018 le
There are two peak lifts reported in the table: average peak lift (Pp_med) and minimum
– Weight of the pile (Wp), expressed in [F1];
– Allowable lift (Pa), expressed in [F1]. If the chosen regulation is NTC 2008 or NTC 2018
the lift indicated is the design lift (Pd);
– Cutting in limit conditions at the head (Tu), expressed in [F1].
It allows you to view Moment, Shear, Normal Effort, Ground Pressure and Displacements
in limit conditions of the pile. To select a pole just click in its vicinity with the
left mouse button.
By clicking with the left mouse button inside the diagrams, a window appears
which shows the characteristics of the current section:
– ordinate along the pole shaft (Y), expressed in [L2];
– the limit moment (Mr), expressed in [F1xL1];
– the limit cut (Tr), expressed in [F1];
– the limit normal stress (Nr), expressed in [F1];
– the limit horizontal displacement (ur), expressed in [L2];
– the limit pressure on the ground (pr), expressed in [P1].
It allows you to view Moment, Shear, Normal Effort, Ground Pressure and Displacements
under operating conditions of the pole. To select a pole just click on it next to the
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By clicking with the left mouse button inside the diagrams, a window appears
It is possible to modify the graphic settings of the limit and exercise diagrams using the
It allows you to view the vertical and horizontal load-settlement diagram of the pile.
The diagram presents the value of the settlement on the abscissa and the value of the load on the ordinate.
expressed in [L2];
– the rotation, expressed in [°].
By clicking on the button you can choose whether to dimension all points and the scale of
It allows you to view the pile reinforcements with the related stress diagrams
moment and shear, limit and exercise.
Cut. The program allows cutting the longitudinal reinforcement of the pile, in order to
differentiate the armor itself into two sections. The cutting point is entered by the User in such a way
graphic or through the Modify pile reinforcement window. Selected the button, the
program is prepared to cut the pole reinforcement. To carry out the
cutting you need to move the mouse pointer to the cutting position and click. The
program will insert a point (highlighted by a red square) and will break it
the dimension line appropriately and to insert the cross section relating to the new one
treatment. The cutting point can be changed graphically by dragging with the
mouse, or numerically.
To graphically delete the cutting point, simply move the point itself outside
of the length of the pole. The program will automatically delete the
cross section that is not of interest.
The inserted cross sections can be moved, within the area of interest,
simply by placing the mouse pointer near the section to be moved,
by clicking with the left mouse button and holding it down, move to the new one
With the same graphical procedure it is possible to move: the stress diagrams, the
commitment diagram, the longitudinal section of the pile, the row characteristics table.
Information. When the button is clicked, the program displays the Edit Reinforcement window
pole/Pole information which allows you to modify the pole rods or obtain information on the
selected pole. The description of the window is reported in the following paragraphs.
Pole reinforcement graphic options. When the button is clicked, the program displays the window
Pole graphics options that allows you to set the diagrams and scales represented.
Domain breaking. After activating the button, clicking along the shaft of the pole comes
the MN diagram relating to the chosen point is displayed. If you press the Shift key when clicking,
the moment-curvature diagram is also displayed.
The two buttons allow you to view the pressure-bending, shear and cracking checks in tabular form.
To scroll through the graphic results relating to the views listed above you can use the buttons below
The window displayed by the button allows you to set some parameters for the
display of limit and operating diagrams of the active pile.
The Edit Post Reinforcement window appears when the button is selected
Command bar information Post results and when the posts are in ca
ÿ Number of irons;
The Pole Information window appears when the Information button is selected
of the Pile Results command bar and when the piles are with tubular or generic reinforcement.
on the pole.
– cross-section display;
When the Releases and Tensions button is selected, the command bar is displayed
initially displayed on the notable points of the foundation (contour points and at the points of
unloading of the pillars for a slab foundation, in the center of gravity of the plinths, the point of
If you want to know the failure in other points, in addition to the points proposed by the program, by clicking
on the button the calculation phase of the settlement at the mouse click point is activated.
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By confirming the position in the table shown, the program adds a new one to the calculated points
If you instead want to view the list of points in which the settlements have been calculated, by clicking on
button it is possible to recall the Settlements window in which the list of points is shown
(abscissa and ordinate, expressed in [L1]) in which the settlements, the value of the settlement and
the index of the element to which it refers (pillar, beam, plinth, etc.).
Horizontal tension bulb. Allows you to view the voltage trend (bulb
of tensions) in a horizontal plane parallel to the installation surface. By activating the sight, it comes
a section of the foundation and stratigraphic profile is displayed together with a message
which invites us to identify with the mouse the level below the foundation where we can find out
the tension state.
Vertical tension bulb. Allows you to view the voltage trend (bulb of
tensions) in a vertical plane. By activating the view, the floor plan of the building is displayed
foundation along with a message inviting you to locate with the mouse pointer
two points and the direction of the vertical plane where the stress state is known.
Stresses along a vertical direction. Allows you to view the voltage trend
along a vertical axis. By activating the view, the foundation plan is displayed
together with a message inviting you to locate a point below the with the mouse
foundation where to know the state of tension.
The drawing represents: the stratigraphic trend and, in a panel with a blue background, veins
represented the trend of the geostatic tensions v0 (green line), of the overpressures
(red line) and the overall voltages v (yellow colored diagram).
Clicking inside the diagram displays the
Stress state window which shows:
– the query ordinate, expressed in [L1];
– the geostatic tension ÿv0, expressed in [P1];
– the overpressure voltages ÿÿ, expressed in [P1];
– the overall voltage ÿv, expressed in [P1].
If you want to know the stress state along a vertical parallel to the one identified, that's it
click to the right or left at the bottom of the voltage diagram representation, and the
program automatically updates the drawing.
Stresses along a horizontal direction. Allows you to view the voltage trend
along a horizontal axis. By activating the view, the foundation plan is displayed
together with a message inviting you to locate two points with the mouse pointer and the
direction of the vertical plane where the stress state is known.
In the drawing, the trend of the voltages is represented in a panel with a blue background
overall ÿv (diagram highlighted in yellow).
Clicking inside the diagram displays the Stress State window in which
are reported:
– the query abscissa, expressed in [L1];
– the overpressure voltages ÿÿ, expressed in [P1];
If you want to know the stress state along another horizontal parallel to the one identified,
just click above or below the voltage diagram representation, and the
program automatically updates the drawing.
Ground pressures. Allows you to view the pressure trend on the surface
foundation. By activating the view, the foundation plan with a map is displayed
color representative of the present tension state.
Clicking in the drawing displays the Ground Pressures window which shows:
– the identified element (beam, plinth, etc.) and the index;
– the number of the calculation model node and its position
(abscissa and ordinate, expressed in [L1]);
– the pressure at the foundation surface at that point, expressed
in [P1];
– the stiffness of the foundation soil (Winkler's constant), expressed in [P1 / L2]. If the calculation is
been performed with the interaction model (Winkler's constant is a result of the analysis) and is
variable point by point while, if the calculation was performed with the Winkler model (the
The views on the movements can be activated either from the Views menu or from the button on the
Views command bar.
foundation the Winkler model, the vertical displacements of the plate coincide with i
ground settlements while, if the interaction model is used, the displacements of the
foundation in one point may not coincide with the ground settlements).
Plinth with resulting vertical loads N = 131500 kg and moment M = 180000 kgm.
The plinth, due to the load, tends to collapse, lifting on one side (white band in the
diagram of the vertical displacements of the plate) while the settlements (the lowerings) of the
By clicking with the left mouse button inside the diagrams, the window is displayed
Nodal movements in which the following information is reported:
– Index of the calculation model node;
– the pressure at the foundation level, expressed in [P1], if the calculation is for a foundation;
– the unloading at the head of the pile (Npole), expressed in [F1], if the queried node is common to the head of
a pole;
– the constraint reaction (R), expressed in [F1], if the queried node is constrained.
Deformed in the XY plane.
By clicking with the left mouse button inside the diagrams, the window is displayed
Nodal stresses in which the following information is reported:
– Node identifier;
– Abscissa and Ordinate of the node (X and Y), expressed in [L1];
– Moments in the X and Y directions (Mx, My, Mxy),
expressed in [F1 x L1];
– If the element used for the plate calculation is a
shear deformability, cuts in the X and Y directions
(Tx, Ty), expressed in [F1];
When the Required Reinforcement button is selected, the command bar appears
which allows you to select the following views:
– the area of reinforcement required at the upper edge per meter (Area
two values are reported: the first is the total reinforcement per metre
– the area of reinforcement required at the edge less than one meter (Area
two values are reported: the first is the total reinforcement per metre
– the positive (Mp) and negative (Mn) moments used for the structural bending verification
– the positive (Np) and negative (Nn) normal stress used for the structural verification a
– the positive (Tp) and negative (Tn) shear used for the structural shear verification of the section,
expressed in [F1].
The calculation nodal stresses are different from the stresses used for verification
structural. The reason for the difference is to be found in the procedure for calculating the stresses
of project. These stresses are evaluated starting from the nodal stresses, evaluated in
trait of competence in a number of variable sections depending on the geometry and variability
of stresses.
Commitment to pressure-bending.
Cut commitment
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Check punching.
Check glasses.
Values commitment. Allows you to open, once you have selected the object you want to see
detail, the window in which the numerical values of the checks are shown.
– the shear absorbed by the shear reinforcement (shaped or stirrups), expressed in [F1].
In the “Cup checks” and “Punching check” views , when you click on the object they appear
the following windows appear:
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Normal effort.
When the Beam Reinforcements button is selected, the foundation plan is displayed
with all the beams colored according to the selected view:
pressure-flexion commitment
shear commitment
By viewing the single beam (via the query object button ) the drawing is composed
The command bar on the right allows you to perform the following operations:
List of irons. Clicking the button displays the List of beam bars table, which shows the list of
needles with relative length, diameter and number of rods. The description of the window is reported in the
following paragraphs.
New silhouette. Clicking the button displays the Shape Insertion table which allows you to
insert new bars into the beam. The description of the window is given in the paragraphs
Edit iron. After selecting a club, clicking the button displays the Bar table
n° .- Beam n° which allows the numerical modification of the selected shape. The description
Edit brackets. Clicking the button displays the Stirrup Sections - Beam No. table that allows
to modify the bracket sections designed for the beam. The window description comes
Clear iron. After selecting a club, if you press this button or the [Delete] key
Size iron. Once the button is selected, the program prepares to carry out the cutting of the
Shape. To make the cut you need to move the mouse pointer to the position
cut and click. Once the cut has been made, the list will contain the two rows generated.
Move iron. Once the button is selected, the program prepares to carry out the procedure
mouse on the iron to be moved, press the left mouse button and, keeping the button pressed,
move the iron to the new position. When the button is released the iron takes on the new one
The combination of the left mouse button + [Shift] key on the keyboard allows you to move the
Sections. Allows you to insert cross sections of the beam simply by clicking
along the longitudinal section. The sections show the reinforcements present and can be
moved graphically by dragging with the mouse. The <Sections> item of the pop-up
allows you to access the window for manipulating the sections present
Checks. Allows you to view the table containing the numerical values of the checks
Checks. Allows you to view the tables containing the numerical values respectively
of crack checks
All operations that make changes to the armor lead the program to carry out
again the checks of all the calculation sections of the beam, and any exceedances
tensions in the materials are immediately indicated on the engagement diagram displayed.
The List of beam No. rods window can be accessed by clicking on the List of rods button on the toolbar
of the Beam reinforcement commands. The table contains the following information:
– Iron type (long upper, long lower, shaped upper or shaped lower);
– Length of the bar, expressed in [L2];
– Number of irons (or bars);
– Diameter of the bars, expressed in [L3].
If one of the clubs in the list is selected
The Shape Insertion window can be accessed by clicking on the New Shape button
Beam reinforcement command bar.
– shaping abscissa, for lower shaped and upper shaped irons, expressed in
The squares are automatically set by the program to the value set in the
Beam reinforcement options. If you need to change the geometry of the brackets, later
having inserted the new shape, you can modify them by following the modification procedure described
in the next paragraph.
The Edit Bar No. - Beam No. window can be accessed by clicking on the Edit Bar No. button
command bar Beam reinforcement, after selecting the iron with the mouse. From the window it is
It is possible to define the geometry of the iron to be modified. In the window you can set:
– number of rods;
– diameter, expressed in [L3];
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The Stirrup Sections - Beam No. window can be accessed by clicking on the Edit stirrups button
Beam reinforcement command bar. From the table it is possible to define the arrangement of the brackets.
– initial (Xi) and final (Xf) abscissa of the section, expressed in [L2];
expressed in [L2];
– diameter of brackets,
expressed in [L3].
The window is displayed by clicking on the Dimensions button on the Tools command bar or
by clicking on the item of the same name in the Tools menu when you are in the Beam Reinforcements view.
It is possible to define:
The views on the plates and plinths reinforcements can be activated by the button on the
Views command bar.
If plinths and plate are present at the same time, the are displayed in the assembly view
reinforcements only in plan. The complete list of items is displayed in the single object view
reinforcements, For the plinths, the detail view includes not only the plan but also a view with the two
sections (X and Y), including any glass present. The displayed sections can be moved in the window by dragging with
the mouse.
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When the single object is selected, the command bar that allows it is displayed
New silhouette. Clicking the button displays the New club table
allows you to insert new irons into the soleplate. The description of the window is shown in
following paragraphs.
Edit iron. After selecting a club, clicking on the button displays the table
Edit group which allows you to edit the single club or the selected group. There
Clear iron. After selecting a club (or a group), if you press this button
or the [Delete] key on the keyboard, the club (or group) is deleted and the list is updated
distinct. Alternatively you can select the Delete rows item from the pop-up menu. There
List of irons. Clicking the button displays the Plate Iron List table, which displays the list
of the irons with relative position, direction, type, length, diameter and number of rods. There
Section. Clicking the button activates the plate section phase, which allows you to carry out operations
cross sections of the plate. The button is not active for footing foundations. For
To carry out the section, just move the mouse to the point to be sectioned and click the button
A single click of the mouse allows you to carry out the section in the X direction while, the
The combination of Shift key on the keyboard + mouse click allows you to make the section in
Y direction.
Armor graphics options. Clicking the button displays the Options window
armor that allows you to set/modify the view of the bars. The description of the
The New bar window can be accessed by clicking on the New shape button on the toolbar
Plate armor commands. From the window it is possible to insert new shapes into the reinforcement list
proposed by the program. In the window you can set the specifications of the group to insert:
– Number of rows or pitch;
knitting needles.
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The window is divided into three panels, not visible at the same time: Bending, Cutting and
Tensions. Depending on the selected combination, one or more panels are shown.
If the combination is at ULS and limit state verification has been requested, two are activated
If the combination is at ULS and the tension check has been requested (only for the foundation
surface) two panels are activated: Tensions and Shear.
The Tensions panel contains:
• the section identifier;
• Afi, area of the lower irons, expressed in [L2^2];
• Afs, area of the upper bars, expressed in [L2^2];
• sc, compressive stress in the concrete, expressed in [P1];
• tc, shear stress in the concrete, expressed in [P1]. This value is not present if you check it
is conducted with the NTC 2008 or NTC 2018 as the shear verification is always a
verification at the ultimate limit state.
If the combination is tensional, only the Tensions panel is activated whose content is the one seen
In the view of the stall reinforcements, by activating the item <Stand glass detail> in the pop-up
menu, it is possible to display the window showing a detailed plan and section view
of the armor of the chosen glass.
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The buttons on the bar allow you to scroll through the glasses present.
The graphic layout designer is displayed by the Layout button on the horizontal bar
of the graphics window.
The layout of the selected drawings is performed automatically when the window is opened
in question. This operation controls the size of the drawings.
It is possible to position the drawings on the sheet by dragging with the mouse.
The upper horizontal bar contains commands for centering drawings, setting the scale and
start printing.
selection of the single drawing, and movement by dragging with the mouse
activate/deactivate snapping;
returns the current page. The two buttons allow you to scroll through the pages.
By clicking with the right mouse button on the window, a menu containing the
following items:
ÿ Paste, allows you to paste the previously cut drawing onto the current page
layout drawings.
You can insert multiple captions for each drawing displayed in the graphics environment. To access
in the window shown in the figure, click on the Insert caption button on the image bar
The grid, displayed from the Caption List item in the pop-up menu, allows you to insert a
ÿ In the View column, through the combo-box present, you select the drawing to which to attribute the
ÿ In the Text column, enter the text that will appear on the drawing.
ÿ The X and Y columns allow you to define the position of the caption on the drawing.
ÿ The A(°) column allows you to define the rotation angle of the inserted text.
ÿ In the Font column you choose the character with which to write the caption.
In addition to changing the X and Y coordinates, the captions can be moved on the drawing
by dragging with the mouse.
To deactivate a single caption, select the item in the combo box of the corresponding row
testdodascalia_COMB The caption contains the number of the combination to which the
drawing refers.
Testdodascalia_SCALA The scale defined for the drawing is inserted in the caption.
displaying the drawing relating to the moment for combination 5, if we type the text
In the window it is possible to set the drawing representation options. Most of the
• optimal zoom change view, if active allows you to center the entire drawing when changing the view
• object color by: section, type, material and Winkler constant, allows you to
represent the structure according to the colors assigned to the various objects so that they can
easily control.
In the window it is possible to define the characteristics of the dimensions of the plate and plinth structures:
• define the distance of the total horizontal and vertical dimensions from the plan, expressed in [L2];
• define the distance of the partial horizontal and vertical dimensions from the plan, expressed in [L2].
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17 3D graphics
In API++ there is an additional graphics window with a three-dimensional view of all the inserted objects.
In this window you can view the geometry of the structure you are analyzing, with
related results.
The window consists of a central part where the various results are reported and two bars
arranged on the perimeter of the window (bottom and top) which allow you to manage the views of the
results and design.
One of the most interesting features of API is certainly the management of the graphical environment. Yes
it is a streamlined, fast and powerful tool that allows the designer to "see" all the
choices made and quickly “navigate” among the analysis results.
Top bar
Bottom bar
18 Report Menu
From the commands in this menu it is possible to generate the calculation report.
The program generates the calculation report in RTF format and allows you to edit it using an editor
external detected automatically by the program.
From this menu it is possible to access the window for entering the unit prices which will allow the
plan to carry out the estimated metric calculation of the planned work.
The Generate calculation report window can be accessed from the menu item of the same name
Report or from the accelerator button on the command bar.
In the window, available to the User, there are various generation options
calculation report. Each option represents a module in the relationship.
In particular it is possible to set:
– General data (name of the project, company, designer,
– the relevant regulations;
– theoretical references on analysis methods;
– the problem data (geometry of the foundation,
soils, stratigraphy, loads, calculation combinations,
– the combinations to print by clicking on the button
[Combinations to print] can be selected
the combinations for which to print the results;
– the Results on the nodes and elements, by clicking on
[Opt.] button nodes/elements] it is possible to set whether
and which results to print (displacements, stresses,
– Plate Results;
For each object to be printed it is possible to set a series of options in the relevant windows.
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The [File Select] button allows you to select the saving path and the file name in which
you want to generate the calculation report. The file selection procedure is the same as the
19 Window Menu
– Tile, with which modeless windows are arranged side by side and resized
20 Help Menu
API is equipped with a powerful Help system that provides information on operating aspects
of the program, on the theoretical aspects of the analysis methods. It also provides information for
conversion of the quantities used in the program between the various units of measurement and information
on errors that, if necessary, are detected during the analysis of the problem.
The menu in question contains the commands to access some of the parts of the help system.
The menu, once activated, appears as in the figure and the items in it concern:
– Conversions, this command calls the Unit of measurement conversion application, which
Once Help has been activated, you can "navigate" the guide using the appropriate hyperlinks
API++ uses the finite element method to calculate plates, plinths and lattices. Inside the
software, various elements suitable for the purpose have therefore been implemented. The elements used are plate
elements for the analysis of plates loaded in their own plane, plate elements for the analysis of plates
loaded orthogonally to the mid-plane, beam elements for the analysis of lattices and ribbed plates,
spring elements for the simulation of foundation soil interaction.
We will briefly describe in this chapter some basic concepts of the finite element method.
The finite element method (FEM) developed starting from the end of the 1950s
It currently represents the most widespread method in the field of both continuum and problem analysis
static and dynamic in linear and non-linear fields.
We leave aside the theoretical aspects of the problem, for which we refer to the vast specialized literature (see
In short, the method divides the continuous medium into many subdomains (called elements) connected to each other
through knots.
For the analysis of flat states (plate and slab) the elements will have a triangular or quadrangular shape. The nodes
coincide with the vertices of the element (vertex nodes) for the simplest elements. Exist
furthermore several elements in which in addition to the vertex nodes we have nodes arranged in correspondence with the
centerline of the sides (side nodes) or even within the element itself.
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In the approach to displacements, based on the principle of minimum total potential energy, the
movement within the elements is interpolated via the values of the nodal displacements (which
represent the unknowns of the problem) using appropriate N-form functions
u(x,y)=ÿ Ni ui =N1u1+N2u2+N3u3+…+Nnun
v(x,y)=ÿ Ni vi=N1v1+N2v2+N3v3+…+Nnvn
where the summation is intended to be extended to all the nodes of the element and ui and vi represent the value
of the displacement in the i-th node.
In matrix form
u={u(x,y),v(x,y)}= Nue
The deformation ÿ={ÿx, ÿy, ÿxy} is linked to the displacements u(x,y) and v(x,y) by the relation
ÿ ÿ /ux ÿÿ
ÿ = ÿ ÿ / ÿ vy
ÿ ÿÿ
uyvx ÿÿÿ
ÿÿ ÿN/ ux
ÿ = ÿÿ /Nÿ vy
ÿ ÿ ÿNÿ uy
iiÿÿ /N
ÿ +vx
ÿÿÿ ii /ÿ
ÿ u 1ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ u2 ÿ
ÿ ÿ
0 No 0 No2 . . 0 Nony,
ÿ ÿ
ÿ 1
year, y, ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ 1
1x, 2, y 2, x . . NNny, nx,
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
un ÿ
vn ÿ ÿ
Indicating with B the matrix of the derivatives of the shape functions and with u the vector of the displacements
nodals we therefore have the following relationship which expresses the deformation as a function of
nodal shifts
ÿ = Ox
The stress state inside the element ÿe={ÿx, ÿy, ÿxy} is obtained from the deformations by means of
Plane tensions
ÿ ÿ
1 ÿ 0
ÿ ÿ
D = ÿ ÿ 10 ÿ
1 ÿ
ÿ ÿ 1 ÿ
ÿ ÿ
00 ÿ
ÿ 2 ÿ
Plane deformations
ÿ ÿ ÿ
1 0
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
And (1 )
ÿ ÿ
D = ÿ
1 0 ÿ
(1 + ÿÿ )(1 2 ) ÿ ÿ
1 ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
0 0
ÿ ÿ
ÿ )ÿ
ÿe= Dÿ = BTwo
Among all kinematically compatible displacement fields the solution to the elastic problem is
the one that minimizes the total potential energy functional defined as
1 T T T
ub (ÿu)uf dV dV ÿ = ÿ Dÿ ÿ dS
2 ÿÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿÿ
Where b represent the volume forces acting on the R domain and f the forces acting on the ÿR boundary.
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Substituting the expressions for u and ÿ previously obtained and minimizing the functional ÿ
and ÿ
p = N bÿ + N f dV
ÿ ÿÿ
Once the stiffness matrix of each element has been constructed, it is possible to construct the stiffness matrix of the whole
structure through the assembly operation. The same applies to the global load vector.
Therefore the assembly operation will lead to the global system which can be written in the form
Once u is known, it is possible to obtain for each element the local vector of displacements u and therefore la
deformation and stress state.
Isoparametric formulation
The formulation of shape functions in orthogonal xy coordinates is possible only for the
rectangular shaped elements. In the case of generic quadrangular shapes, an element is used
of reference in an orthogonal coordinate system ÿÿ and a mapping system that projects the
real xy coordinates in the reference system ÿÿ. In this system the element is a square with a side
equal to 2 (-1=<ÿ<=1; -1=<ÿ<=1). The shape functions of the element will be expressed in the ÿÿ system. The
The price to pay for the simplification thus introduced is greater difficulty in managing
Indicate with (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3), (x4,y4) the coordinates of the vertices of the element in the system of
global reference XY the generic coordinates of a point inside the element are expressed as
x=N1x1+N2x2+ N3x3+N4x4;
y=N1y1+N2y2+ N3y3+N4y4;
No =ÿÿ
(1 ÿ)(1 ÿ) 4
No ÿ 214(1 ÿ)(1 ÿ) = +
No 1 = +(1+ ÿ)(1
3 4 1ÿ)=
No (1 ÿ)(1 ÿ)
The same functions are used for interpolation of movements (hence the name of element
The derivative of a generic function f=f(ÿ,ÿ) with respect to x and y is not directly available and therefore
it is necessary to obtain the Jacobian of the transformation and work with the inverse.
x1 y 1 ÿ
ÿ x, ÿ y, ÿ ÿÿÿ=ÿ NNNN
1,ÿ 3, 4, 2, ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿÿÿ x2 y 2 ÿ JJ11ÿ ÿ 12 ÿ
J = ÿ ÿÿ
1, ÿ ÿ ÿ 3, 2,
4,ÿ x 3 y 3 JJ21 22 ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ x, ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿÿÿ
x 4 y 4
ÿ f ,ÿ ÿ ÿ f ,x ÿ
= J
ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ f ÿ ,ÿ ÿ
f ÿ ,y ÿ
ÿf ,x ÿ ÿ f ,ÿ ÿ
= J -1
ÿ ÿ
ÿ f ÿ, y ÿ
ÿ f ÿ ,ÿ ÿ
J is generally a function of x and y except for rectangular elements and parallelograms (in this case
The 8-node quadrilateral has four nodes at the vertices and 4 nodes on the sides
The interpolation functions (incomplete quadratic) for the displacements are as follows:
Side knots
1 2
No =ÿ
(1 ÿ )(1 ÿ)
6 1=+4
(11ÿ)(1 ÿ )
No = +
7 (1- ÿ )(1 ÿ) 4
1 2
No =ÿ
(1 ÿ)(1- ÿ )
Vertex nodes
1 1 1 (1 ÿ)(1 ÿ) -
No = ÿÿ
N -5 N8
1 1 1 (1 ÿ)(1 ÿ) -
No = + ÿ
N -5 N6
4 2 2 1 1 1 (1 ÿ)(1 ÿ) -
No = ++ N -6 N7
4 2 2 1 1 (1 ÿ)(1 ÿ) -
4 1=ÿ+4 N -7 N8
Note that the shape functions related to the vertex nodes are the bilinear functions of the element
“correct” bilinear with the contributions of the functions relating to the adjacent side nodes.
In addition to the 8-node element, the 9-node element is very widespread, which in addition to the side nodes has a
This element has a higher accuracy than the 8-node element especially in the case of
distorted elements. This is due to the fact that the introduction of the central node makes the functions of
The displacement interpolation functions are linear functions in the ÿ and ÿ coordinates
The deformation is therefore constant. The element is a node in the literature as Constant Strain Triangle.
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the shape functions for the vertex nodes and the edge nodes are the following quadratic functions. The
deformations have a linear trend. The element is known in the literature as LST (Linear Strange
independently. However, these elements suffered from the problem of cutting locking, i.e. the
displacements are much smaller than the exact solution as the thickness decreases. To solve that
problem, techniques such as reduced and/or selective integration of the stiffness matrix were used. But
If this way of proceeding partially solved the locking problem, it introduced other problems such as
presence of spurious modes.
One of the remedies that has subsequently been resorted to with greater success is that of interpolation in mode
the shear strain field within the element is independent (assumed shear strains). To
For example, the T1 element developed by Hughes and Tezduyar in 1981 used this technique which was
increasingly refined. A different technique is to use mixed elements in which in addition to
interpolating the displacement field independently interpolates the voltage field.
Starting from the 90s, even if the premises are earlier, we began to use the
so-called linked interpolation obtaining elements that certainly have good performance
although implementation is not always easy.
In linked interpolation the displacements and rotations are still interpolated independently
but the movements are then linked to the rotations.
In the following we will briefly describe the Mindlin plate model and some of the elements used in it
API++. For further details you can refer to the texts and publications reported in
bibliography of this chapter.
Hypothesis: once the deformation has occurred, the sections remain flat and the normal remains at the middle plane of the plate
We indicate with ÿx and ÿy the rotations around the coordinate axes x and y (positive anticlockwise) and with w the
displacement of the midplane (positive upwards). We also denote by u and v the displacements of the
mean plane in the direction of the x and y axes.
The displacement (u, v, w) at each point of the plate is expressed by the following relations:
w(x,y)= w =w
In the previous expression we introduced the variables ÿx and ÿy which represent the rotations in
direction of the x and y coordinate axes. In the literature, both the variables ÿ and le are used interchangeably
ÿx = -ÿy and ÿy = ÿx
ÿx=du/dx = -w,xx z
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ÿy=dv/dy = w,yy z
ÿxy=du/dy+dv/dx = w,xy+w,xy
Strain energy
ÿ = ½ fÿÿdV = ½ fÿDÿdV
Where D is the elastic matrix of the material expressed (plane stress hypothesis) by
ÿÿ ÿÿ
1 ÿ 0
D = ÿ 101
1 ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿÿÿÿ 2 ÿÿÿÿ
By imposing the minimum condition we obtain the differential equation of the plate
ÿ2ÿw+ 2w 2w
ÿ = q
ÿ 2x _ ÿy 2 + ÿÿ xy
Where q represents the load per unit area and w the displacement in the direction orthogonal to the plane
plate middle (sag)
Hypothesis: flat sections, the normal to the section is no longer orthogonal to the normal to the average plane
These are elements with continuity class C0. The movements and rotations are interpolated in this way
independent of each other.
ÿ y = N1 ÿ y 1 +N2 ÿ y 2 +..Nn ÿ y n
Where ÿxi and ÿyi represent the rotations of the i-th node of the element
The rotations of the Mindlin plates are expressed as a function of the displacement and rotations according to the
x y
ÿ x = dw/dx- ÿ ÿ y = dw/dy- ÿ
x y
ÿ y =-dw/dx + ÿ ÿ x = dw/dy- ÿ
Where ÿ represents the sliding of the section due to the shear deformability.
In the case of the Kirchhoff plate the slip term is zero and we have the coincidence between the
rotation of the section ÿ and the rotation of the axis line dw/dx and dw/dy.
21.4.3 DKT element (Discrete Kirchoff Triangle) and DKQ element (Discrete
Kirchoff Quadrilateral)
The development of the DKT and DKQ elements is similar to the development of a Mindlin element. We start from one
independent interpolation for displacements and nodal rotations, then imposing cancellation
of the shear deformability in certain positions.
Therefore, elements are obtained which, despite using a Mindlin-style formulation, do not hold up
account of shear deformability.
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We will refer below to the triangular element DKT as the element DKQ is obtained with a
similar procedure.
We start from the 6-node triangular element (8 nodes for the DKQ) with quadratic interpolation of the
rotations starting from the nodal values.
ÿ x = N1 ÿ x 1 +N2 ÿ x2 +N3 ÿ x 3+N4 ÿ x 4+N5 ÿ x 5+N6 ÿ x6
The Ni interpolation functions are the complete quadratic ones of the LST element reported in
previous paragraph (refer to the same paragraph also for the numbering of the nodes).
The transverse displacement w is only interpolated along the sides of the element using functions
l ÿ ÿ w ÿw ÿ
w = 1 2 3ÿ4+ ssw i 3
) 4 1 (2 33 ++ÿ ssw
1+i ) + the
2s ÿÿ
s 1) + +( s 1)
There ÿ 1)
(8 (ÿ
ÿ ti ÿt
i +1 ÿÿ
Where s is the dimensionless curvilinear abscissa along the i-th side with origin at the midpoint of the side e
dw/dt is the derivative of the displacement in the direction tangential to the side.
ÿ The rotation normal to the sides varies linearly along the sides themselves;
ÿ The rotations are expressed as a function of the displacements wi and the derivatives wxi, wyi of the nodes di
By applying all the above constraints, a stiffness matrix of the element of size 9x9 ed is obtained
the degrees of freedom of the element remain only translations and rotations of the vertex nodes.
For further details you can refer to the bibliography.
The DKT element is considered one of the best elements for calculating plates and is always
taken as reference for plate element testing.
The DKMT and DKMQ elements belong to the same family as the DKT and DKQ elements which a
unlike the former, they take into account the shear deformability. Therefore it is possible to analyze plates
thick in which the shear deformability is not negligible.
In the development of these elements, particular attention is paid to avoiding the locking phenomenon
cutting (the solution obtained in the case of thin plates is too "rigid") through interpolations
ÿ b =z ÿ
ÿ =
ÿ x,x ÿ y,y (ÿ x, y + ÿ y,x
ÿ = ÿÿ xz ÿ yz
ÿ +w
,x ÿx w, y + ÿ y ÿ
The constitutive equations are expressed for moment and shear by the following relations
ÿM ÿ ÿ ÿ
x ÿ x
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
M = H
ÿ ÿ y
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ xy ÿ ÿ ÿ xy ÿ
ÿT x ÿ ÿÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
=H ÿ
T ÿ
ÿ y ÿ ÿÿ yz ÿÿ
ÿ ÿ
1 ÿ 0
3 ÿ
= ÿ ÿ 1 0 ÿ
Hb 2
ÿ ) ÿ 1 ÿ
00 (1
ÿ )
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ kGh 0 ÿ
ÿ 0 kGh ÿ
ÿ ÿ
h plate thickness
k shear factor (k=5/6)
ÿ xz ÿ yz
independent shear strain field (assumed shear strains)
3 6
= No ÿ xi + PC ÿ ÿ sk
ÿ x ÿÿ the kk
=1 k=4
3 6
= N +ÿi yi PS ÿ ÿ sk
ÿ y ÿÿ kk
=1 k=4
with ÿ=1-ÿ-ÿ
ÿxi, ÿyi are the nodal values of the rotations in the vertex nodes while ÿÿsk represents the increase of
ÿ = Bb ÿ A + Bbÿÿ ÿ ÿ n
y 32 0 0 ÿ
y 31 00 ÿ
y 21 0 ÿ
1 ÿ
Bb =
0 0 x 32 00 x 13 0 0 x 21
2 TO And
ÿ ÿ
0 x 32 ÿ
y 32 0 x 13 ÿ
y 31 0 x 21 ÿ
y 21 ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ( P ky,ÿP y13C + ÿ
k ,ÿ 21 ) k
B bÿ = =
ÿ ÿ
+ ÿ
ÿ ( P kx,ÿP x13CP y Pk ,ÿy S 21 ) k ( k ,ÿ k ,ÿ 21 ) kÿ
ÿ ÿ
A = ÿw1 ÿ x1 ÿ y1 w2 ÿ x2 ÿ y2 w3 ÿ x3 ÿ y3ÿ
ÿ ÿ n = ÿÿ ÿ s4 ÿÿ s5
ÿ ÿ s6 ÿ
shear strains)
Ck=cos k=xji/Lk
Sk=sin k=yji/Lk
Considering the local coordinate system sn (see figure) the constitutive equations for the
shear deformation along the k-th side can be expressed as
ÿ =
D s
Having indicated with Ts the tangential force along the k-th side.
Ts = Ms,s + Mns,n
MDour = b ( ÿ left, + ÿ our, )
Using the previous expressions you can get the following expression
D b ÿ 1 ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ = ÿ + ÿÿ + (ÿ + ÿ )
sz ÿ
yes, yes n,ns s, nn n,ns ÿ
D s ÿ 2 ÿ
Assuming along the generic k-th side a linear variation for the rotation ÿn and a variation
ÿ s ÿ s
ÿ n
1 ÿ no ÿ
L k ÿ+ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ Lk
ÿ s ÿ s s ÿ s ÿ
ÿ s
ÿ 1 ÿ
ÿ Yes
+ ÿ sj
+ 4 ÿ 1 ÿ
ÿ sk
ÿ Lk ÿ ÿ
Lk Lk ÿ ÿ
L k ÿÿÿ ÿ
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we obtain
D b 2
= = ÿ ÿ 3 ÿ k skÿ
ÿ szk ÿ ,
yes ss
D s
D b 12 2 h
= =
ÿ k 2 2
k (1 ÿ ) Lk
The components of the shear deformation of the sides k and m can be expressed as a function of
ÿ szk ÿ
ÿ CSk k ÿÿÿ
ÿ xzi ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿÿ
ÿ szm ÿ ÿÿ
ÿÿ m ÿ
ÿ yzi ÿ ÿÿ
and reversing
ÿ xzi ÿ
1 ÿ Sm ÿ
S k ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ szk ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
CCm k
ÿ ÿÿ
ÿ yzi ÿ ÿÿ
ÿÿ ÿ ÿ szm ÿ ÿÿ
= CSCS ÿ
Ai con km mk
It is therefore possible to obtain the expressions of the nodal shear deformations as functions of
Corso Umberto, 43 – 87059 Casali del Manco – Loc. Casole Bruzio (CS) - tel/fax (0984) 432617 ra
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ÿ xz 1
ÿ/ SA ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
6 1 0 ÿ
SA4 / 1 ÿÿ
CA6 / 1 0 CA4 / 1
1 yz
ÿ 4 sz
ÿ 2xz
5 /
SASA 2 4 / 2 0 ÿÿÿ
ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿ sz 5 ÿ
ÿ 5
/ 2
4 / 2 0
2 yz ÿÿÿ
ÿ sz 6
ÿ xz 3
0 ÿ
6 /
SASA 3 5
/ 3
ÿ ÿÿÿ
0 CA6 / 3
CA5 / 3
3 yz ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
The shear deformation on the element is interpolated independently as a function of the values
ÿ xzi
= =
ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ xz
ÿ Nÿ the ÿ ÿ
ÿÿ xz
ÿ=1 the
ÿ yzi
ÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿÿ
ÿ ÿ
= ÿ =
ÿÿ ÿ ÿ
xz No
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿnÿ
ÿ ÿ xz ÿ
ÿÿ Sÿ
6 S5 ÿ ÿ S
4 S6 ÿ ÿ S
5 S4 ÿÿ ÿÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿÿÿ
1 TO
2 A2 TO
No = ÿ ÿ ÿÿÿ ÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿ
ÿÿ Cÿ
C6 ÿ ÿ Cÿ
6 C4 ÿ ÿ Cÿ
4 C5 ÿÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
1 TO
2 TO
1 TO
ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ
ÿ sz 4
ÿ n ÿ ÿ 5 sz ÿ
ÿ sz 6
In the DKMT element the vector ÿn is expressed as a function of the variables ÿÿsk using the equations
constitutive and the equilibrium equations along the sides of the element obtaining the expression for ÿ
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ÿÿ ÿ
= = B
ÿ ÿ
ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ sÿ ÿ ÿÿ n ÿ
ÿ yz ÿÿ
ÿÿ S5 S6 ÿ ÿ S6 S4 ÿ ÿ S4 S5 ÿ ÿ
ÿÿ 4 ÿ ÿ
ÿÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
6 ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
= ÿ 2 1 ÿ ÿ 3 2 ÿ ÿ 1 3 ÿ
B sÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
3 ÿ
ÿC 6 C5 ÿ ÿ C4 C 6 ÿ ÿC 5
C4 ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿÿ 4 ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ5
ÿ ÿ
ÿÿ ÿ
6 ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ 1 2 ÿ ÿ 2 3 ÿ ÿ 3 1 ÿ ÿ
By applying the modified Hu-Washizu functional we obtain constraint equations on the three sides
ÿ Ts ÿ ÿ
ÿ ds = 0k 4,5,6 = ÿ = +w ÿ
ÿ ( sz sz ) sz ,s s
ds = 0
ÿ (ÿ sz ÿ sz )
ÿÿ s ÿ ÿ CSk k ÿ ÿÿ x ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ nijÿ ÿ
k k ÿ ÿÿ y ÿ
, ij,
L k L k 2
= 0
ÿ + wwji
( CSk ÿxi +
k yi ÿ )+ ( C k ÿxj + kSyj ÿ )+ L k (1 + ÿ k )ÿ ÿ sk
2 2 3
By applying this last relationship along the 3 sides the (hierarchical) variables ÿÿsk can be expressed
ÿ =ÿ n ÿ ÿ
AUn ÿÿ n ÿ
ÿ nÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ wÿ
ÿ L 4 (1 + ÿ 4 ) 0 0 ÿ
= ÿ
ÿ ÿÿ ÿ
0 5 (1 + ÿ 5 ) 0
3 ÿ ÿ
0 0 L 6 (1
+ÿ 6)ÿ
ÿ ÿ
x 21 ÿ
y 21
x 21 ÿ
y 21 ÿ
1 ÿ
1 0 0 0
2 2 2 2 ÿ
x 32 x 32
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
= y 32 y 32
ÿ 0 0 0 1 ÿ
1 ÿ
2 2 2 2 ÿ
x 13 ÿ
y 13
x 13 ÿ
y 13 ÿ
1 0 0 0 1
ÿ 2 2 2 2 ÿ
Substituting the expression for ÿÿn into the expression for the curvatures ÿ we obtain
= BU
ÿÿÿ ÿ b ÿÿ nÿ
ÿ bÿ ÿ bÿ ÿ+ÿ b ÿÿ ÿÿ nÿ
Substituting the expression for ÿÿn into the expression for the deformability cut ÿ is obtained
= BU
ÿÿ ÿ ÿ s ÿÿ ÿ n
= BA
ÿÿ Bs ÿ sÿ ÿ ÿÿ nÿ
Once the matrices Bb and Bs are known, it is possible to obtain the stiffness matrix of the element
b ÿ b bb s
ÿ s s s
And And
KKK= + b s
Once the system has been solved and the nodal displacements Un have been obtained, it is possible to obtain the moments and cuts
ÿ M x ÿ
= = HB
ÿ ÿ
ÿM ÿ ÿ M
y ÿ ÿ b ÿÿ b (ÿ, ÿ
) ÿÿUÿ n
M ÿ
ÿ xy ÿ
ÿ Tx ÿ
= = HB
ÿTÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ s ÿÿ s (ÿ, ÿ) ÿÿUnÿ
ÿ y ÿ
The development of the DKMQ quadrilateral element follows the scheme of the DKMT element. For adults
The API++ solver implements the 2-node spatial beam element with 12 overall degrees of freedom.
In fact, for each node we have 6 movement components:
The transverse displacements of the longitudinal axis of the beam are therefore represented by v and w.
The deformation characteristics of the element are:
ÿu ÿÿ x ÿÿ y ÿÿ z
ÿ x = ÿ =x ÿ= ÿ =z
y [TO]
ÿx ÿx ÿx ÿx
In API++ it is possible to use both the Bernoulli-Euler beam element (without shear deformability)
than the Timoshenko beam element (with shear deformability).
In both theories the cross section of the beam remains flat after deformation; but
while in the Bernoulli beam it remains orthogonal to the axis of the beam even during deformation
occurred in the Timoshenko beam, this orthogonality is lost due to angular sliding
related to cutting.
As is known, in the Bernoulli beam the rotations ÿ are not independent variables but are derived
ÿw ÿv
ÿ =ÿ
ÿ =
y z
ÿx ÿx [B]
where x is the abscissa along the axis of the beam. In the Timoshenko beam, however, the rotations are variable
independent but linked to the transversal displacement by the following relationship
ÿw ÿv
+ =ÿ ÿ =
ÿ ÿ
y z z y
ÿx ÿx [C]
where ÿy and ÿz represent the angular slip (shear deformability) in the y and z directions
The relations [C] degenerate into the relations [B] when the shear deformabilities are negligible (ÿy =
ÿz ÿ 0) which happens for slender beams (span/section height ratio > 5).
For the Bernoulli beam, therefore, the expression of the curvatures as functions of the A and B is obtained
ÿ Torque Mt = GJtXx
ÿ Iy and Iz moments of inertia of the cross section of the beam around the local x and y axes,
ÿ A cross-sectional area
For the Timoshenko beam the following relations apply for the Ty and Tz cuts
Ty = GA ÿy/ky
Tz = GA ÿz/kz
where ky and kz are the shear factors of the section (5/6 for the rectangular section).
In the Bernoulli beam the cuts are obtained from the associated moments using equilibrium equations.
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For the Bernoulli beam, cubic interpolation functions are assumed for the displacements
We indicate with u1, v1, w1, ÿ1x, ÿ1y, ÿ1z the nodal displacements corresponding to the first node of the
beam (local system) and with u2, v2, w2, ÿ2x, ÿ2y, ÿ2z the displacements corresponding to the second
beam node.
Assuming an isoparametric coordinate system with origin at the midpoint of the beam element
ÿ = (x2-x1)/Le/2 -1 Oÿ O1
1 3
Now 1 = (2 3ÿ 4
+ ÿÿ )
1 3
Now 2 = + ÿ (2 3 ÿ ÿ )
L 3
Noÿ 1 =
(1 2 ÿÿÿ + ÿ ÿ )
L And 2 3
Noÿ 2 = ÿ ÿ + +( 1 ÿÿ ÿ )
Where Nw are the shape functions relating to the nodal displacements and Nÿ are the shape functions
relating to nodal rotations.
We have a similar expression for the transversal displacement v (except for some signs on the
functions Nÿ)
The rotations at the generic abscissa ÿ are obtained by derivation of the functions v(ÿ) and w(ÿ) and from these
for further derivations the curvatures are obtained. Therefore the rotations are quadratic functions of
Axial displacements and rotation around the x axis are interpolated as a function of the nodal values
u(ÿ)=1/2(1-ÿ) uÿ+1/2(1+ÿ) u2
Once the interpolation functions of the displacements are known, the relations between them are obtained by derivation
the deformations at nodal displacements (matrix B). The elastic matrix of the section is defined
ÿ IT'S AT 00 ÿ
D = 0 0
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ 0
ÿ 0 ÿ
For convenience, we report the nodal displacements of the element related to the Ke matrix
u1, v1, w1, ÿx1, ÿy1, ÿz1 u2, v2, w2, ÿx2, ÿy2, ÿz2
eg Nqdx
Having indicated with N the vector containing the shape functions of the element's displacements.
Once the stiffness matrix and the nodal load vector of the single element have been determined, these
they must be assembled in the global matrix KG and in the global nodal loads vector p. Therefore let it be the
matrix Ke and vector pe must be reported in the global reference system.
The rotation matrix T (12x12) is defined by the following expression:
ÿÿ ÿ000ÿ0
ÿ ÿ ÿÿ0
T = ÿ
0ÿÿ0 ÿ
Since ÿ is the matrix obtained from the product of the directing cosines of the local and global axes
' ' '
ÿÿ eeee
1 1 1 2 ee1 3 ÿÿ
and the 0 terms of the matrix T represent zero submatrices of order 3x3.
Therefore the stiffness matrix and the load vector in the global system will be expressed as
pTp AND And
Through the assembly process extended to all the elements of the model, the
global stiffness matrix of the KG system and the nodal load vector p.
The resolution of the system where u is the vector of all nodal displacements
K up G
Plate elements and plate elements are implemented in the API++ program.
ÿ beam element
The implemented plate elements are triangular and quadrangular elements with and without deformability
Mindlin Triangle with shear deformability) ÿ DKMQ element (Discrete Kirchhoff-Mindlin Quadrilateral with shear
When you set the “Triangular elements” option in mesh generation, API++ will use i
following elements:
ÿ DKT element (plate) + CST element (plate) if shear deformability has not been set
ÿ DKMT element (plate) + CST element (plate) if shear deformability has been set
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However, if you have set the “Quadrangular Elements” option, the following elements will be used:
ÿ element DKQ (plate) + element Q4 (plate) if shear deformability has not been set
ÿ DKMQ element (plate) + Q4 element (plate) if shear deformability has been set
In this second case (quadrangular elements) it may be that the mesh generator has generated both quadrangular and triangular
The higher-order plate elements LST and Q8 can only be used for plate-type analysis
23 Mesh Generation
In the finite element analysis of a structure the continuum is discretized into elements of various shapes
connected to each other at the nodes. In the analysis of two-dimensional structures such as plates and slabs, the elements
only vertex nodes or vertex and edge nodes; the latter are usually positioned in the middle of the
The procedure for dividing the continuum into elements is called mesh generation and represents the first step for the finite
In the literature there are several methods for generating a mesh of elements on a region of
any shape.
The most well-known method is certainly based on the Delaunay triangulation technique which allows you to obtain meshes of
triangular elements. With this method the mesh obtained is optimized in the sense that
among all the possible triangulations, the Delaunay one minimizes the maximum angle and maximizes the
minimum angle thus generating elements that have the lowest distortion ratio.
The best-known method for generating meshes of quadrangular elements is based on the technique defined as the advancing
front method.
Several methods have recently been developed in the generation of meshes of quadrangular elements (i
so-called indirect methods) which generate a mesh of quadrangular elements starting from a mesh of
triangular elements.
A further methodology for generating quadrangular meshes consists in the decomposition of the
original polygon into simpler polygons and then adopt one on each of the polygons thus obtained
There are several mesh generators available in the API++ program which will be described below.
Remember that the mesh generator must take into account all the geometry of the structure; therefore
nodes will be inserted in correspondence with concentrated loads, constraints, poles and pillars; they will have to
zones having equal properties such as thicknesses and constant subgrade must be precisely delimited
and distributed loads; and nodes must be inserted along the beams, load lines, constraint lines.
It is therefore necessary to pay attention when entering all these properties so as not to create errors
conditions of excessive complexity. In this case the generator may not be able to
We will describe below the mesh generators present in the API++ program
The generated mesh will be made up of triangular, quadrangular elements or both. If you have chosen a
triangular shaped element (FEM Analysis Options) the mesh will be made up of triangular elements.
If, on the other hand, a quadrangular element has been selected, the mesh will be made up of elements
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quadrangular or by quadrangular and triangular elements (especially near the edges of the
region). The mesh is generated on an orthogonal mesh of points therefore the rectangular elements
they will generally be very regular except in the edge areas.
This type of generator gives good results (such as quality of elements) on regions of regular shapes and
irregular, even multi-connected.
It was designed for regular geometries and quadrangular elements. Does not mesh multi-connected regions. It can only be used
generated on the contour of triangular elements. Elements are generated on a mesh grid
We have seen which plate-plate elements are used in API++. We will describe in this chapter the
soil modeling for the foundation plate.
The ground is modeled with a series of non-traction Winkler springs. The latter
this aspect is fundamental in order to take into account any overturning phenomena. In any case
not eliminating the tension springs would result in distorted results both in terms of displacement and
stresses. Once the mesh has been generated, the modeler places the
model a vertical spring that opposes the vertical movements of the audience and a spring
horizontal which opposes horizontal movements (sliding on the laying surface).
Naturally it is not necessary to define constraints that oppose the horizontal translation since
the constraints are provided, more correctly, by the horizontal springs spread at the foundation interface
The stiffness of the vertical spring is proportional to the background constant defined by the User in
point considered and its area of competence:
k mw
= k Ac
The area of competence depends on the mesh generated and the shape of the element used (triangular or
For the horizontal spring, a stiffness equal to a portion of the vertical spring correlated to the soil-foundation
friction angle is assumed.
The vertical and horizontal stiffnesses of the springs are then assembled into the stiffness matrix
global system at the appropriate degrees of freedom.
The elimination of tension springs involves an iterative calculation of the resulting solution
appropriately carried out by the program until all possible tension springs have been removed
eliminate. Based on some convergence meters the program decides whether to proceed
possibly to a reassembly of the system's stiffness matrix.
Recall that the traditional Winkler model is an extremely simple and fast model that
However, it fails to fully capture some typical behaviors of a foundation. The most example
simple concerns the case of a foundation loaded with a uniform distributed load. The model at
Winkler returns a uniform displacement (equal to w=p/k) for the entire plate to which they correspond
zero stresses (moments and shears). This result is clearly incorrect because even with loads
uniformly distributed the plate tends to bend more at the center
resulting in it being subject to moments and cuts.
What has been said is valid if you decide to proceed with a traditional Winkler analysis.
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API++ allows you to calculate a foundation slab using the interaction model
which allows you to calculate the interaction between the bed and the ground more correctly using i
deformability parameters of the soil itself (edometer modulus, elastic modulus, slopes of the
oedometric curve). The implemented method is a variant of the Koenig and Sherif method known in
If a load is applied to the surface of the installation surface, this load influences the failure of any
foundation point. Indicating with wi the failure at point i (of the laying surface)
wi P /r
=ÿ j ij
Where Pj is the generic load at node j and rij is a coefficient (stiffness) that relates the
load at j with settlement at i. This coefficient depends on the distance between node i and node j beyond
w = Fp
Having indicated with w the vector of ground settlements at any point of the foundation, p il
vector of the loads acting on it and with F the flexibility matrix. We must also impose the
congruence between the ground settlements at a generic point Q(x,y) and the plate displacements.
The overall stiffness matrix of the system will be given by the sum of the stiffness matrix of the
plate KP and from the soil stiffness matrix KT obtained by inversion of the matrix
flexibility F
therefore, if the vector of nodal loads, p, acting on the slab is known, it is possible to derive the solution in terms
Once the displacements are known, it is possible to obtain the stresses in the structural elements.
In the interaction model the background constant turns out to be not a data point of the problem but a
result of the analysis. In fact, once the system has been solved, the displacements and pressures at each point of the foundation
plate are known, the subgrade constant can be determined as the ratio between
From a computational point of view, the procedure described above is very expensive as the
flexibility matrix F and its inverse (KT) are full (non-banded) matrices and therefore
they destroy the banded nature of the structural matrix by requiring machine memory commitment
very high and significantly longer calculation times.
To overcome these obstacles, Aztec Informatica has developed an ad hoc solver that manages to
solve the aforementioned system in extremely rapid and certainly acceptable times for the designer.
Q=10000.0 Kg/m2
S=50 cm
displacements (q=kw)
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Q=10000.0 Kg/m2
S=50 cm
Pressure diagram
(interaction model)
pressures is influenced by
Another far from negligible advantage of the interaction model is its ability to
consider the influence of the stratigraphy on the settlements of the slab (assigning its own values to each layer
deformability characteristics). Winkler's model is absolutely incapable of taking into account the
variability of the layers arranged under the foundation. Furthermore, the model holds up, albeit approximately
account of the inclination of the layers placed under the laying surface.
In the interaction model, foundations close to each other influence each other because of tensions
induced by the first also influence the failure of the second and vice versa.
For example, let's consider two plinths A and B placed at a certain distance and we load only plinth A.
In the Winkler model, plinth B does not fail because it is unloaded. In the interaction model
plinth B will however suffer failures caused by the tensions induced underground by plinth A.
In the interaction model it is necessary to calculate stresses and settlements within the half-space. In API++ you can use one of the
ÿ Boussinesq
ÿ Westergaad
ÿ Frohlich
ÿ Linear oedometric method; Eed = constant for the layer considered independent of the state
ÿ Non-linear oedometric method; the deformability of the soil for each layer is defined by
The deformability in the generic point depends on the stress state in the point itself as well as on the
tensional history.
25 Calculation of voltages
The determination of the state of tension induced in the ground by a load applied to the surface is performed with the hypothesis
The influence of the hypotheses underlying the various formulas used to determine the stresses
induced, has been investigated and it can be assumed that in the majority of practical cases, vertical tensions
induced can be estimated with the Boussinesq theory with a reliability of 20%.
The voltages calculated with the various methods listed are to be understood as total voltages. In light of
establish the value of the overpressure of the interstitial water produced by their application
In the Boussinesq solution the tensions induced in the subsoil due to the effect of a concentrated load P
placed on the boundary of the half-space, are expressed by the following relations:
ÿ P represents the vertical load applied on the surface of the ground level (coordinate 0,0,0)
ÿ z ordinate of the point where you want to calculate the voltage induced by the load
ÿ r distance (on the horizontal plane) between the application point of P and the calculation point
ÿ R is the Cartesian distance between the point between the application point of P and the calculation point
these expressions to obtain the influence of the load at the desired half-space point.
Frohlich's theory evaluates the increase in tension in the subsurface, abandoning the module hypothesis
E = const. with the depth z. In 1936, following experimental tests on inconsistent terrain, he provided the expressions for the
concentrated P. In the expressions, to take into account the real propagation effects a appears
arbitrary exponent ÿ, called Concentration Factor, which generally takes values from 2 to 6.
The vertical tension in a generic point of the half-space takes on the expression
ÿ +2
vP so ÿ
= so
ÿ =ÿ P
2 2
2ÿ r 2ÿ z
Poisson. The Cartesian triple is assumed to be the one originating at the load point and the point at which one wishes to know the
induced voltage is indicated with P (x, y, z). The increase in vertical tension
Q to
qv = 2
2 ÿz (ar/z+ ( ))3/2
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ÿ r, is the distance between the intersection point of the vertical for the load point and the horizontal plane a
a = (1- 2)/(2-ÿ 2) ÿ
ÿ Poisson's ratio
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26 Calculation of settlements
Foundation settlements take on a certain importance linked to the relevance of the work to be carried out
realize. There are several methods existing in the literature for calculating settlements.
An observation to make on the calculation of settlements is that the value that is determined with
whatever method is applied, it is to be understood only as the best estimate of the deformations suffered by the
terrain to be expected when applying loads.
The settlement, meaning that in the vertical direction, is made up of different components, made up of rolling
movements and relative sliding between the granules, which causes the
the void index, and by the breaking of the granules which modifies the structure of the material. Only one
a very small fraction of the failure is elastic in nature, recovered if the load is removed.
Even if the elastic fraction is very small, the soil, in the settlement calculation, is treated as
pseudoelastic material characterized by the parameters Es, G', ÿ and ks. Experience has shown that
such a hypothesis allows us to obtain more than satisfactory settlement values.
Immediate settlement analysis is performed for all fine-grained soils with degree of saturation
< 90% and for coarse-grained ones with a high permeability coefficient.
Consolidation settlement analysis is used for all saturated or nearly saturated fine-grained soils.
Please remember that the consolidation process represents the gradual expulsion of water from the area
affected by induced overpressures (tension bulb), i.e. the gradual dissipation of
neutral overpressures, the increase in effective tensions and the decrease in soil porosity.
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ÿ z the
i1 AND
and of
ÿ ÿÿ is the tension induced in the soil, at depth z, by the contact pressure of the foundation;
ÿ Eed is the elastic modulus determined through the oedometric test and relating to the i-th layer;
ÿ ÿz represents the thickness of the i-th layer into which the compressible layer has been divided and per
whose elastic modulus is known.
The method based on the oedometric curve (non-linear oedometric method), is implemented
following the following expression:
' '
ÿ ÿ ÿ +ÿ ÿ ÿ
p v0 v
ÿ HH
= RR log
0 ÿ
ÿ ' + CR log ' ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ v0 p ÿ
If, however, the soil is normally consolidated ( ÿ'vo = ÿ'p ) the expression for calculating the settlement
ÿ +ÿ ÿ
v0 v
HH CR log
0 ' .
The compressible layer can be set by the User, if known (knowledge of the depth of the
rigid bedrock layer), or you can have the program calculate it.
The oedometric method is the classic procedure for calculating settlements in fine-grained soils,
proposed by Terzaghi.
Please remember that the oedometric hypothesis is verified with a better approximation the smaller it is
the value of the ratio between the thickness of the compressible layer and the plan size of the
However, the method has excellent approximation even in the cases of deformable layers
great thickness.
In the hypothesis that the ground can be assimilated to an elastic medium, the failure of can be obtained
a point on the surface by integrating the vertical deformation. The expression for calculating the
failure (w1) is as follows:
ÿ ÿ
w1 = ÿ z
i1 AND
ÿ ÿÿ is the tension induced in the soil, at depth z, by the contact pressure of the foundation;
ÿ E is the elastic modulus of the soil constituting the i-th layer;
ÿ ÿz represents the thickness of the i-th layer into which the compressible layer has been divided and per
whose elastic modulus is known.
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The foundation soil of any structure must be able to withstand the load placed on it
limit shear resistance (ultimate load or limit load) of a shallow foundation. They will come
proposed the solutions obtained by various authors (Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Hansen, Vesic, Cascone 2006)
All the proposed formulas have a trinomial form in which each term is linked to cohesion,
to the friction angle and specific weight. They differ in the introduction of corrective factors for
take into account the depth of the foundation, the eccentricity and inclination of the load, etc.
ÿc cohesion
ÿ approx adhesion along the base of the foundation (approx c)
ÿÿ friction angle
The ultimate load provided by the various formulas is a unit ultimate load (Force/Area Unit). The load
Q limit q B'
last L'
where B and L are the width and length of the foundation and eB, eL are the eccentricities of the
In this regard, the program allows you to ignore the reduction in the size of the
foundation or to take it into account according to the Meyerhof criterion. These settings come
Corso Umberto, 43 – 87059 Casali del Manco – Loc. Casole Bruzio (CS) - tel/fax (0984) 432617 ra
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And And
R eB
= 1- 2 R 1-
eL 2
and in the case of inconsistent soils.
And B And L
R eB =1 - R eL =1 -
The coefficients described must be introduced only if 0 < eB/B < 0.3 and 0 < eL/L < 0.3.
According to the Meyerhof criterion, in the case of eccentric loading, in all the formulas used (term Nÿ and
correction coefficients) the small dimensions must be considered: B' = B - 2 eB and L' = L - 2 eL.
The Hansen and Vesic formulas give values of the ultimate load that are very similar to each other. It's up to you
however, it is up to the designer to choose the formula he deems most suitable based on personal experience. Different
However, the authors recommend Hansen 's formula which allows you to take into account all those factors
occur very often in the calculation of a shallow foundation (inclined and eccentric load,
inclined foundation, etc).
Among all the coefficients N present in the bearing capacity formulas, Nÿ is the one characterized by the widest
variability of values. This term does not make a significant contribution to qult, so it can
use any reasonable value.
These observations regarding the area of use of the are reported in the texts reported in the bibliography
bearing capacity formulas.
The Terzaghi formula can be used when there are markedly cohesive soils in the case of D/B <= 1 or for a quick
estimate of quantities to be compared with estimates otherwise obtained.
Hansen, Meyerhof, Vesic are applicable in most practical cases, and the choice of method
is influenced by the User's preference or familiarity with a particular formula.
Hansen, Vesic, Brinch-Hansen for inclined foundations, sloping or in the case D/B > 1.
Another relevant aspect is the presence of the aquifer. In the calculation of the bearing capacity, the effective volume
weight (ÿ' = ÿsat - ÿw) of the soil is considered and this appears both in the overload term
using in terms of self-weight may be slightly more complex. In many cases such
term can be neglected obtaining a solution in favor of security, since its contribution
it is not substantial.
For the calculation of the bearing capacity carried out according to the instructions of the NTC 2008 – NTC 2018, the
ÿ + EPd
Vsd FRd
Terzaghi proposed the following expression for calculating the bearing capacity of a foundation
= + + 0.5
q last
cN s qN BN
ccs q ÿ ÿ ÿ
750 ( . ÿÿ - ÿ / )2 tan ÿ
tan ÿ K ÿ
( And
) ÿ pÿ
N = Noÿ = ÿ
ÿ1 ÿ
ÿ ÿ
The form factors sc and sÿ, which appear in the expression of qult, depend on the form of the
foundation. In particular they are worth 1 for ribbon-shaped or elongated rectangular foundations, they are valid
1.3 and 0.8 respectively for square foundations and are respectively 1.3 and 0.6 for foundations
As regards the value of Nÿ, it depends on the factor Kpÿ which Terzaghi has not left
provided by Terzaghi, expressions taken from other authors (Vesic, Spangler and Handy).
Terzaghi's formula is valid for superficial foundations with D ÿ B and does not take into account the possible
slope of the foundation and eccentricity and inclination of the load.
In the case of stratified soil the physical and mechanical parameters which are involved in the formula are
referring to an "equivalent macrolayer" with characteristics that are calculated by the program
according to the method set by the User in the Equivalent layer section of the Options window
Meyerhof proposes the following expressions for calculating the bearing capacity:
Vertical load
= + + 0.5
q last
cN sd qN sd
cccB qqq ÿ N sd
ÿ ÿ ÿ
Inclined load
= + + 0.5
q last
cN id qN idccc
B qqq ÿ N id
ÿÿ ÿ
where dc, dq, dÿ, are the depth factors, sc, sq, sÿ, are the shape factors and ic, iq, iÿ, are the
load inclination.
Form factors
For ÿ = 0 B
=1 s =1
2 Kp =1+ 0. sc sq ÿ
For ÿ > 0 B B B
L 2 Kp =1+ 0. sc L 1 Kp =1+ 0. sq ÿ 1 Kp =1+ 0.
Depth factors
For ÿ = 0 D
dc = 1+ 0. d =1 d =1
2 Kp q ÿ
For ÿ > 0 D D D
dc = 1+ 0. d
2 Kp dq 1 Kp =1+ 0. ÿ 1 Kp =1+ 0.
or or
For ÿ = 0 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ1ÿ the
the =0
q ÿÿ1 ÿ
ÿÿ ÿÿ
ÿ 90 ÿ ÿ 90 ÿ
or or 2
For ÿ > 0 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ1ÿ the
ÿÿ1 ÿ
ÿÿ ÿÿ
ÿ 90 ÿ ÿ 90 ÿ ÿÿÿ ÿ ÿÿÿ
In expressions of inclination factors, ÿ represents the angle that the line of action of the load
shape with the vertical.
The values of qult, which are obtained from the Meyerhof formula, are comparable to those obtained
via the Terzaghi formula for low values of the D/B ratio. The difference becomes more pronounced when the D/B ratio becomes
Hansen's expressions for calculating the bearing capacity differ depending on whether one is at the
General case
q last
= cN sdigbcccccc
+ qN sdigb + 0.5Bÿÿ digb
qqqqqq ÿÿÿÿÿ
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where dc, dq, dÿ, are depth factors, sc, sq, sÿ, are the shape factors, ic, iq, iÿ, are the
load inclination, bc, bq, bÿ, are the inclination factors of the laying surface and gc, gq, gÿ, are factors
which take into account the fact that the foundation rests on sloping ground.
Let us now see how the various factors that appear in the expression of the ultimate load are expressed.
Form factors
For ÿ = 0 B
--- ---
sc = 0.2
For ÿ > 0 No B B B
s c = 1+ tan ÿ s ÿ =1ÿ 0.4
1 sq = +
Noc L L L
Depth factors
For ÿ > 0 d c = 1+ 0.4 k d =1+ 2tan d =1
q ÿ ( 1ÿleft ÿ )k ÿ
self ÿ1 self ÿ 1
Let V and H indicate the load components perpendicular and parallel to the base e respectively
with Af the effective area of the foundation obtained as Af = B' x L' (B' and L' are related to the dimensions
effective of the foundation B, L and to the eccentricity of the load eB, eL from the relations B' = B - 2 andB L' = L - 2
eL) and with ÿ the inclination angle of the foundation expressed in degrees (ÿ = 0 for horizontal foundation).
For ÿ = 0
1ÿ H ÿ
=ÿÿ ÿ
1 1 ÿ
--- ---
2 ÿ
At c ÿ
ÿ does ÿ
5 5
For ÿ > 0 1 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
q 0.5 H 0.7 H
=ÿ ÿ
1 ÿ =ÿ ÿ
1 ÿ
For ÿ = 0 No 1
VA+c VA+c
cot ÿ ÿ ÿ
cot ÿ ÿ
ÿ does ÿ ÿ does ÿ
For ÿ > 0 5
ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
0.7 ÿ
H ÿ
For ÿ > 0
ÿ ÿ
1 ÿ
ÿ 0.5 H ÿ ÿ
=ÿ ÿ
1 ÿ the
ÿ ÿ
No q ÿ
1 q ÿ
VA+ c cot ÿ ÿ
VA+c cot ÿ
ÿ does ÿ ÿ
does ÿ
ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
For ÿ = 0 or
ÿ --- ---
bc =
For ÿ > 0 or
Indicating the steepness of the slope with ÿ, the g factors are obtained from the following expressions:
For ÿ = 0
ÿ or
--- ---
gc =
For ÿ > 0 or
gc =ÿ
1 ( gq = 1ÿ 0.5 tan ÿ )5 g ÿ = 1ÿ
( 0.5 tan ÿ )5
In order to apply the Hansen formula , the following conditions must be met:
H ÿV tan ÿ + A ago
c ÿ ÿ ÿ ii , ÿ 0 ÿ + ÿ ÿ 90
q ÿ
In the case of stratified soil, the physical and mechanical parameters, which intervene in the formula, are
referring to an "equivalent macrolayer" with characteristics that are calculated by the program
according to the method set by the User in the Equivalent layer section of the Options window
In the case of eccentric loading, the value of the bearing capacity thus determined can be multiplied
for the Bowles correction coefficients , or the reduced base B' can appear in the term Nÿ and in the
expressions of the correction coefficients can be considered the reduced dimensions B' and L' as
suggests Meyerhof. These settings are made by the User in the Analysis Options window.
only the factor Nÿ and the expression of some coefficients. We report all the expressions in full
referring to what is said in the section relating to the Hansen method for any limitations e
General case
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q last cccccc
+ digb
qN sdigb Bs qqqqqq
+ 0.5 ÿ
ÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿ
c c c c
= ÿ1)ctg ÿ
Nc (N = K
ÿ news
ÿ No ÿ
q Nq and p ÿ = 2(Nq +1)tg
Form factors
Depth factors
For ÿ = 0 d c = 0.4k --- ---
For ÿ = 0 mH
i c= --- ---
For ÿ > 0 ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ
m+ 1
1 ÿ
q H H
=ÿ ÿ
1 ÿ
=ÿ ÿ
1 ÿ
No q 1 q
VA+c ctg ÿ ÿ ÿ
VA+c ctg ÿ ÿ
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
ÿ does ÿ does
By indicating with ÿ the slope of the foundation laying surface, the b factors are obtained from
following expressions:
For ÿ = 0 ÿ
bc = --- ---
For ÿ > 0 or
ÿ bÿ = 1ÿ
bc 1 ( bq = 1ÿ ÿ tan ÿ ( ÿ tan ÿ
)2 )2
Indicating the steepness of the slope with ÿ, the g factors are obtained from the following expressions:
For ÿ = 0 or
= ÿ --- ---
For ÿ > 0 or
1 g q = 1ÿ
( tan ÿ )2 gÿ =ÿ
(1 tan ÿ )2
In the case of stratified soil, the physical and mechanical parameters involved in the formula are
referring to an "equivalent macrolayer" with characteristics that are calculated by the program
according to the method set by the User in the Equivalent layer section of the Options window
In the case of eccentric loading, the value of the bearing capacity thus determined can be multiplied
for the Bowles correction coefficients, or the reduced base B' can appear in the term Nÿ and in the
expressions of the correction coefficients can be considered the reduced dimensions B' and L' as Meyerhof
suggests. These settings are made by the User in the Analysis Options window.
Two correction factors have been proposed, both of which must be multiplied by the
coefficient Nÿ obtained from the static field analysis:
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eÿi = (1-0.7*khi)
Khi can be defined as “the ratio between the vertical and horizontal components of the transmitted loads
In the case of foundation soil with a water table, API++ performs the calculation of the limit load according to
this procedure.
The height of the breaking wedge is determined. If the lift calculation method is that of Terzaghi, the height of the wedge is given
If the height of the rupture wedge determined in this way is lower than the level of the water table, this does not
is taken into account and the bearing capacity calculation is performed normally.
In the event that the height of the breaking wedge is greater than the level of the water table, the procedure
followed is as follows:
ÿ the bearing capacity qult is determined using the parameters of the soil layer above the
aquifer with one of the exposed methods. With this operation it was assumed that the breaking wedge
has a height equal to the distance between the base of the foundation and the level of the pitch;
ÿ assuming that the failure occurs by punching, according to a limited failure surface
from the perimeter of the base and, taking into account the additional contribution q due to the thickness layer
d1, q'ult is calculated for the bottom layer using these parameters.
ÿ the values qult and q'ult are compared, assuming the lesser of the two as the ultimate load of the foundation.
where q”ult is the bearing capacity of the layer below the water table, calculated using one of the methods described but using
the width of the foundation B, the contribution of the overload q = ÿ d1, the cohesion ce
the friction angle ÿ of the layer under the water table; p is the perimeter of the punching surface; Pv is the
total vertical thrust from the base of the foundation to the layer below the water table; Ks is the thrust coefficient
lateral of the ground, between [ tan2 (45° - ÿ/2) and tan2 (45° + ÿ/2) ], or taken equal to K0; tan ÿ is the friction coefficient along
of the stresses linked to the cohesion acting on the perimeter surface of the punched area; Af is the area
of the foundation; d1 distance between the base of the foundation and the layer under the water table.
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When the bearing capacity of the foundation soil is insufficient to guarantee stability or stability
functionality of a structure, the pole technique is used; these allow the discharge of the structure itself to be transferred towards
better mechanics. Foundation piles are also used when strong forces must be absorbed
The piles are differentiated based on the execution methods: driven piles (made without removal of soil) and bored piles (with
conventionally, large diameter piles (D > 80 cm) small and medium diameter piles (20 cm < D <
80 cm) and micropiles (D < 20 cm). The latter are widely used in the field of foundations and
Once the type of piles to be adopted for a foundation has been established, the section must be calculated based on the loads
that the structure transmits, to the type of pole adopted, to the characteristics of the terrain crossed. It's necessary
then determine the bearing capacity of the pile at both axial and transverse loads.
To analyze the load-bearing capacity of the piles, it is necessary to determine some characteristics of the soil
which you are going to operate on. In particular, it is necessary to know the friction angle ÿ and the cohesion c. For poles
subjected to transverse loads it is necessary to know the lateral reaction modulus or the elastic modulus
The bearing capacity of a pile is usually evaluated as the sum of two contributions: base load
(or tip) and carried by lateral friction along the stem. That is, the expression is assumed to be valid:
QT = QP + QL - WP
The two components QP and QL are calculated independently of each other. It turns out to be very difficult,
except in a few situations, establish how much of the load is absorbed by lateral friction and how much
The permissible load of the pile QA is obtained from the bearing capacity of the pile by applying the safety coefficient of the
bearing capacity at the tip ÿP and the safety coefficient of the bearing capacity due to lateral friction
Compressed pole
=+ÿ W
ÿ P ÿ L
Tense pole
L +
= QW
ÿ L
Q P= A cNP +( q c bNq )
where AP is the effective bearing area of the pile tip, c is the cohesion, qb is the earth pressure
to the height of the pile tip and the coefficients Nc and Nq are the coefficients of the capacity formulas
carrier corrected to account for depth effects.
Nc and Nq depend both on the geometry of the pile and on the characteristics of the ground: friction angle
and cohesion (ÿ ec).
In the literature it is possible to find different formulas for calculating the values of Nc and Nq.
For clay piles in undrained conditions (ÿ=0, c = cu) the proposed value is generally assumed for Nc
by Skempton equal to 9 (value at the tip of the pole) while Nq=1. Several authors
have proposed other values for the Nc factor but in general the variations are quite limited.
The case of the factor Nq is different, for which different authors propose values that are often very high
discordant with each other.
In particular, from tests carried out on piles made in non-cohesive soils, it was seen that the variation
of the tip resistance does not increase linearly with depth, but reaches a certain value
it remains almost constant.
This phenomenon was explained by Vesic by taking into account an "arc effect" which manifests itself in
proximity to the pole.
A simple way to account for the fact that tip resistance cannot grow
indefinitely, is to consider the vertical pressure diagram at the pole
appropriately modified.
In particular, it is assumed that the vertical pressure ÿv grows linearly (geostatic pressure) up
to a certain depth zc ( ÿv = ÿc ); once this depth is exceeded, the value of the vertical pressure decreases
keeps constant and equal to ÿc: in practice a bilateral diagram is assumed for the trend of the
vertical pressure at the pole.
The value of zc (also called critical depth) depends on the diameter of the pile, D, on the technology
construction (driven or bored pile) from the ground friction angle ÿ.
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value of the friction angle before the installation of the pile, ÿ', according to
following reports
For the same diameter, the degree of densification of the soil (density
relative Dr) and the tip resistance increases as the density increases.
In the next section we will describe the relations for the determination of Nc and Nq according to the various
28.3.1 Terzaghi
(0.75 ÿ ÿ / 2)tan ÿ
= )
Bearing capacity factors Nc = (Nq ÿ1)cotÿ Nq 2
( 2 cos (45 / 2)+ ÿ
28.3.2 Meyerhof
ÿ tanÿ
Bearing capacity factors N ek =
Nc = (Nq ÿ1)cotÿ q p
For ÿ = 0 dc 2 Kp =1+ 0. d =1
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for ÿ > 0 dc 2 Kp =1+ 0. dq 1 Kp =1+ 0. D
c cNc N = d qNq
q N=d
28.3.3 Hansen
for ÿ > 0 d c = 1+ 0.4k d ÿ(
=1+ 2tan 1ÿsyn ÿ) k
c cNc N = d q qNq N = d
28.3.4 Vesic
for ÿ > 0 d c = 1+ 0.4k dq ÿ(
=1+ 2tan 1ÿsyn ÿ) k
c cNc N = d qNq
q ÿ =d
28.3.5 Berezantzev
calculation of Nq are:
ÿ ÿ
+ 40
ÿ =
ÿ = ÿ ÿ3
reduced, depending on the L/D ratio, between the length and diameter
calculation of Nq are:
ÿ + 40
ÿ =
ÿ = ÿ ÿ3
In the case of valved micropiles, API provides the user with the possibility of carrying out the calculation
of the pile's bearing capacity according to the recommendations published by Bustamante and Doix in 1985.
These recommendations are the basis of the regulations in force in France (both for the calculation of micropiles and
lim p
of the tie rods) and require knowledge of the limit pressure determined with the pressure gauge
In the case of micropiles installed in sandy soils, the following relationships can be hypothesized between the
d in d
diameter of the injected area and that of drilling perfect :
d ÿin1.5 d
(repeated injections)
d ÿin 1.15 d
(single injection)
The value of the tangential tension in the injected section can be assumed to be equal to on average
f ÿs plim 10 .
The value of the limit pressure can be correlated to the results of the penetrometric tests via the
following relationships:
p limit
NoSPT 1 qc
ÿ ÿ
p to
2 10 p to
p to qc
in which is the reference atmospheric pressure e is the pressure at the tip.
d ÿin1.5 ÿ 2.0 d
(repeated injections)
d ÿin1.2 d
(single injection).
The limiting tangential stress is given by the following expressions (the values are expressed in N/mm2):
p ÿlimit
10 c u.
In the case of micropiles installed in marl, the following indicative values of the diameter in the area are obtained
d ÿin1.5 d
(repeated injections)
d ÿin 1.15 d
(single injection).
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The limiting tangential stress can be estimated with the following expressions:
and to estimate the limit pressure the following relationship can be used:
p limit
NoSPT 1 qc
ÿ ÿ
2 .
p to
10 p to
L in
Ultimately the lift due to lateral friction, called the length of the injected section is equal to:
in L
= ÿ + ÿ
QL ÿ0 df perfect
right s ÿLL
ÿ df inright
s .
The graphs of the lateral pressure as a function of the limit pressure (Plim) or the number of strokes of the
Peak resistance
As regards tip resistance, the authors Bustamante and Doix recommend hiring
for the same a percentage of the lateral resistance. This percentage can be equal to 15%.
The lateral bearing capacity is given by the integral extended to the entire lateral surface of the tension pile
QL ÿ = ÿ to
ÿ to = ca + ÿ h news
where ca is the pile-soil adhesion, ÿ is the pile-soil friction angle, and ÿh is the horizontal tension at
generic depth z. The horizontal tension ÿh is related to the vertical pressure ÿv via a
ÿh = Ks ÿv
ultimately, indicating the perimeter with C and the length of the pole with L we have:
QCL (c=Kÿ tg ) dz to
+ s
ÿ v ÿ
Ca adhesion, which occurs only in clayey media, is a portion of the cohesion and depends on many
In the case of cohesive soils in undrained conditions (c = cU), the ca/cu ratio is the greater the
the lower the value of cohesion cu. For cu values lower than 5 T/m2 it can be assumed ca = cU e per
higher values of cohesion can be assumed for ca a rate of cohesion cu between 0.8
and 0.2.
The value of the pole-soil friction angle also depends on the type of pole and the methods of
realization. Several authors recommend taking values of ÿ = ÿ for concrete piles and values
slightly lower (2/3 ÿ 3/4 ÿ) for steel poles.
The value of Ks (thrust coefficient) essentially depends on the type of soil and its state
densification and the technology used.
For soft clay piles Burland suggests the value of the resting thrust coefficient Ko = 1 - sinÿ as the lower
limit for Ks. Conversely, for overconsolidated clays the value is suggested:
Several other authors, based on experimental results, recommend Ks values varying between 0.5 (pile in
steel in loose soil) and 3 (concrete pile driven into place in dense soil).
For sand piles some authors (Vesic) believe that the lateral resistance increases up to a certain level
depth after which it remains constant. This depth (zc) depends on the diameter of the pile and the
state of densification of the sand.
The value of Ks for driven piles can vary from a value close to Kp, at the top, to lower values
at Ko near the tip. For bored piles we have significantly lower Ks values.
A separate consideration must be made for micropiles. The execution methods of a micropile (injection
pressure of cement mortar) are such as to create a strong compaction of the surrounding soil
with debulking of the lateral surface which in some cases leads to a notable increase in the
theoretical surface. You can certainly use a value of ÿ = ÿ and values of Ks greater than unity.
It is clear, from what has been said so far, that the determination of the bearing capacity of a pile is not
simple, taking into account all the uncertainties relating to the behavior of the soils and their
In many cases, for pilings of a certain importance, direct load tests are used to detect the
sagging load curve and directly determining the limit load. This is the best method but
more expensive.
For driven piles there are other calculation methods (the so-called dynamic formulas) for which we refer to
specialist texts.
The limit resistance of the soil represents the limit value of resistance that the soil can exert
when the pile is subjected to a horizontal load. The limiting resistance pu = pu(z) depends on the
characteristics of the soil and the geometry of the pile. In purely cohesive soils (c = cU, ÿ=0) the
resistance increases from zero at the top to a limit value at one
depth equal to approximately 3 diameters. The limit value in this case varies between 8 and 12 cU.
In the case of soils with friction and cohesion, the limiting resistance at a generic depth z can
be represented by the relationship (Brinch Hansen)
Pu = qKpq+cKpc
D pole diameter
q geostatic pressure at depth z
c cohesion at depth z
Kpq, Kpc coefficients function of the ground friction angle ÿ and the z/D ratio
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Broms performed the analysis considering the case of both a fixed pole and a free pole
Broms assumes in this case, a zero resistance diagram up to a depth equal to [ 1.5 D ]
In the case of loose soils, Broms assumes that the lateral resistance varies with depth
from the value [ 0 ] (at the top) up to the value [ 3 ÿV kP D ] (at the base) kP being the resistance coefficient
The pole is modeled as a beam with a circular section with elastoplastic behavior
The ultimate moment of the pile, Mu, depends on the amount of reinforcement present in the section. Cutting
the latter is determined with an incremental elastic-plastic process: the pile, considered immersed
in the ground, is subjected to an increasing system of actions, composed of a horizontal force and
one moment. The limit value of the shear, Tu, of the pile is drawn either by reaching the moment
Once the lateral and tip bearing capacity of the pile has been determined, it is discretized into 100 typical elements
beam having area and inertia corresponding to the cross section of the pole and length equal to le.
Furthermore, a series of coaxial springs (one for each element) are arranged along the shaft of the pole
to the pole itself, having appropriate stiffness. A further spring is placed at the base of the pole. The
the aforementioned springs have an elastoplastic behavior. In particular, the springs along the shaft will be able to
react linearly until the pressure in correspondence with them reaches the
limit value of pole-soil adhesion. Once this value is reached the springs will no longer be in place
capable of providing additional resistance. The spring located at the base of the pole will instead have a resistance
limit equal to the tip bearing capacity of the pile itself.
To determine the stiffness of the springs, the limit displacements are considered ÿ Yl e ÿ YP
( cK+ ÿ hs tan ÿ ÿ) Dl
RL =
to And
ÿ YL
In this expression ca is the pole adhesion to the ground, ÿ h is the horizontal pressure at depth z, ÿ è
the angle of friction between the pile and the ground, Ks is the thrust coefficient and D is the diameter of the pile.
Indicating with Qp the lift at the tip of the pole, the stiffness of the spring located at the base of the same
is given by:
R =
The solution process is, naturally, iterative: starting from an initial load N0 yes
determine the axial displacements and therefore the reactions of the springs. The spring reaction will have to
be corrected to take into account any plasticization while respecting the equilibrium equations for
each loading step. The initial load will then be increased by an appropriate step and the load will be repeated
method. The iterative process ends when all the springs are plasticized.
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The most common models for schematizing the terrain are the continuous elastic model and the Winkler model.
The elastic continuum model schematizes the soil as a homogeneous and isotropic medium
characterized by the elastic modulus E and the Poisson modulus ÿ. The determination of these parameters
collect them).
In Winkler's model the ground is schematized as a series of elastic springs independent of each other
They. The springs that schematize the ground are characterized by an elastic stiffness constant, Kh, expressed in Kg/
cm²/cm which represents the pressure (in Kg/cm²) that must be applied
to obtain the displacement of 1 cm. The determination of this constant can be done either by
For example, in the case of cohesive soils in undrained conditions Kh takes on a constant value with la
depth while in the case of inconsistent soils the variation of Kh is linear (increasing with the
Kh(z) = A + Bzn
API++ uses the Winkler model for the analysis of transversely loaded piles.
The pole is divided into a certain number of beam-type elements having an area and inertia equal to that
of the cross section of the pile. At each node the separation between the various elements is
Indicating with dye the length of the influence section of the spring, with D the diameter of the spring pole
Km=dye x D x Kh
In the finite element method it is necessary to discretize the particular problem. In this specific case the pole
is divided into a certain number of elements of equal length. Each element is characterized by
a section having area and inertia coinciding with that of the pole.
The ground is schematized as a series of horizontal springs that react to movements in the
two verses. The axial stiffness of the single spring is proportional to the horizontal Winkler constant
of the ground, the diameter of the pile and the length of the element. The spring, however, is not seen as
an infinitely elastic element but as an element with elastoplastic type behavior
perfect (bilateral stress-strain diagram).
It presents an increasing resistance as the displacements increase until the magnitude of the
displacements remains below a certain limit displacement (Xmax.) or until
the limit pressure value is reached. Once this limit is exceeded there is no increase in resistance.
It is clear that by engaging in behavior of this type we are entering into a typical problem
linear that can only be resolved by step analysis.
This modeling has the notable advantage of being able to schematize all those behaviors
identified by Broms and which would be impossible to treat in a numerical model. In particular it turns out
automatically analyze cases in which there is insufficient bearing capacity not due to breakage of the pole but due to breakage of the
The calculation and arrangement of the reinforcements of plate-calculated structures is more complex than the
calculation of the reinforcement of a beam due to the state of multi-axial stress that is generated in the structural element. In fact,
• MX bending moments
• MY bending moments
• MXY torques
• NX membrane action
• NY membrane action
Furthermore, while the beam, by definition, is characterized by a direction that coincides with the direction
In theory we should arrange the armatures according to the main directions which, of course, vary from
point to point. In design practice, a more intuitive method is used which simplifies the process
• Two reinforcement directions are set orthogonal to each other (ÿ and ÿ=ÿ+90°).
• The plate is ideally divided into two families of beams arranged in the ÿ and in directions
direction ÿ.
• Starting from the punctual stresses obtained from the FEM analysis, the stresses of
• With these stresses, the areas of reinforcement necessary to absorb the stresses are calculated and yes
We will see the details of the various points set out above.
The reinforcement directions are set based on the particular case analyzed. From the moment diagram
principals (maximums and minimums) it is possible to identify which reinforcement directions are
it would be better to choose from a mechanical point of view. The choice of warping angle is very often
For example, on a square plate the most immediate and simple choice is to fix the reinforcement directions parallel to the sides
installation of the irons. If you wanted to follow the trend of the main stress directions
we should have armor both parallel to the sides and armor arranged along the diagonals.
The situation becomes more complicated when you have plates with a non-simple shape. In that case try to
identifying directions is not at all easy. Therefore the choice of direction must be
Once the reinforcement directions have been chosen (Reinforcement menu->Plate Reinforcement Options) ÿ and ÿ=ÿ+90° yes
divides the plate into many ideal beams according to the directions ÿ and ÿ. The width of such beams comes
assumed equal to Bt=1 meter (approximately). Since it is possible to analyze plates of generic shape this
width is indicative only. In fact, any recesses or inclined sides can lead to variations
In the case of the rectangular plate in the figure, for example, the ideal beams have a constant width Bt.
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While in the next figure there are ideal beams with variable width. Give simple examples below
Once the ideal beams have been identified, a series of sections are established lengthwise
At this point the problem arises of determining the calculation stresses for each section (of each
ideal beam).
+ takes 5 points
sampling points.
In the calculation of bending reinforcement
the values of the maximum and minimum principal moments projected in the direction of are used
armor. This means that the amount of reinforcement to be placed is determined not only by the moments
Starting from the areas of reinforcement necessary for each section of each ideal beam, the
iron shapes for each beam. In this phase the program also arranges the minimum reinforcements
In this phase of layout of the shapes API++ is able to recognize variations in thickness
along the ideal beam, variations in its width, exceeding the length of the bars,
At the end of this process API++ returns the shapes of all the irons of the plate in both directions
If you activate the Out of Mesh option they are only displayed
From the window you can select both the direction and the
Armor Options.
The following values were assumed for the allowable concrete stresses, in line with the Regulations:
R bk ÿ
150 2
ÿ approx
= +60 Kg/cm
' R bk ÿ
150 2
ÿ co = +4 Kg/cm
" R bk ÿ
150 2
ÿ co = +14 Kg/cm
The absorption of the sliding effort was entrusted to the profiles. Tangential tension comes
ÿ =
0.85 bh
where T is the cut in the section considered, b and h represent the base and the useful height of the
The necessary shaped area is determined by considering the sliding effort between the sections
where the tangential stress ÿ'co is exceeded. The arrangement in the design phase is done in such a way
such that in each section where the limit value ÿ'co is exceeded the appropriate quantity of is placed
armor. Thus the sliding stress is absorbed both globally and locally. Vice versa
when modifying the reinforcements, only the quantity of shear reinforcement is checked
sufficient to absorb the global sliding stress in the section where these reinforcements are necessary.
In addition to the brackets, if necessary, shaped parts are arranged to absorb the residual part of the
sliding effort.
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30.2 Theoretical references on verification with the ultimate limit state method
A "limit state" is defined as any state of insufficiency of the structure, that is, any situation starting from
which the structure, or one of its parts, ceases to perform the function for which it was intended and for the
The ultimate limit states are linked to the maximum load-bearing capacity of the structure; in other words the
The safety verification of a structure, conducted using the semi-probabilistic state method
ultimate limit, consists in comparing the calculation stresses with those compatible with the state
ultimate limit. The semi-probabilistic method requires that i be used for actions and resistances
their characteristic values.
The calculation values are the values to be assumed in the design of the structures to cover the probability
of execution and evaluation errors, as well as the approximations and imperfections of the methods
Let us now delve into the merits of limit states for normal stresses.
The ultimate limit states for stresses that generate normal stresses are those resulting from
hypothesis that:
- the sections remain flat until failure; the deformation diagram in the section is preserved
Furthermore, the constitutive bonds specified below are assumed for the materials.
(see figure).
of the ordinates; the horizontal tangent, extended until the ultimate deformation, constitutes the second
Indicate with Rc* the calculation resistance, with ÿck the deformation at the point of
separation between the elastic-plastic behavior and the perfectly plastic one, and with ÿcu the ultimate deformation of the
* 2
2R c ÿ ÿ c ÿ
ÿ = ÿ c - ÿ c ÿ ck
ÿ ÿ
for 0 ÿ ÿ
ÿ ck
2 ÿ ck
ÿ ÿ
ÿ = R ÿ ck ÿ ÿÿ ÿ cu
c c For c
* 0 .85 0 83
ÿ . ÿ R bk
R =
where Rbk is the characteristic resistance relating to cubic shaped specimens, 0.83 is a reduction coefficient
which allows the transition to the prismatic characteristic resistance, 0.85 is a reduction coefficient which
takes into account the possible effect on the resistance of a long duration of the load.
For ultimate limit states the regulations attribute the value to the coefficient ÿc: ÿc = 1.6.
The other characteristic quantities used in the formulas have the following values:
elastic-perfectly plastic a
limited deformation and tensile deformation
than compression.
yield characteristic a
The standards prescribe the value for the limit deformation of steel:
ÿup = 1%
For all types of steel the elastic modulus at the origin is assumed to be equal to:
Ex = 2,100,000 Kg/cm2
The constitutive link (or calculation diagram) is therefore defined by the following relations:
ÿ = ÿ s ÿ s ÿ
s for 0 ÿ ÿ sy
ÿ = R ÿ ÿÿÿ ÿ on
s s For sy s
where ÿsy = Rs / Ex.
The diagram for concrete can be the rectangle parabola diagram traditionally used in section verification, or a similar diagram that takes
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In this diagram ÿ cu2 represents the ultimate deformation of the concrete, ÿ c2 represents the deformation
at yield point, fck represents the characteristic cylindrical resistance and fcd the design resistance
expressed as
fcd=fck/ ÿ c
with ÿ c safety coefficient on the resistance of the material. The following values are assumed for the
2 ÿ
ÿ c ÿ ÿ c2
f CD
For (TO)
ÿ ÿ ÿ
c2 ÿ c2 ÿ ÿ
ÿ c =f CD For ÿ c2
ÿ ÿ c ÿ ÿ cu 2
To take into account the beneficial effect of the confinement exerted by the stirrups on the concrete core
it is possible to use a similar diagram with correct ordinates, using factors that take into account
of the confinement effect. This correction factor therefore depends on the arrangement of the brackets
present on the structural element (diameter and pitch). The formulation proposed by Kent and Park
ÿ yes
f yk
K = +1
f c
ÿs ratio between the volume of the stirrups and the volume of the encircled concrete
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For example, if we consider a pole with a circular section D=50 cm made of concrete
class C20/25 and reinforced with ÿ16 irons and ÿ10 brackets (B450C type steel) we obtain the following values of
A rectangle parabola diagram is therefore assumed with ordinates increased by the factor K.
Indicative values of the friction angle ÿ
Compact gravel 35 35
Loose gravel 34 35
Compact sand 35 45
Loose sand 25 35
Sandy marl 22 29
Fatty marl 16 22
Greasy clay 0 30
Sandy clay 16 28
Silt 20 27
Shale shale 15 30
Limestone 35 50
Quartzite 50 60
Marble 35 50
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31 Bibliography
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Crisfield MA – Finite Elements and Solution Procedures for Structural Analysis – Pineridge Press,
TJR Hughes – The Finite Element Method – Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis –
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JL Batoz – An explicit formulation for an efficient triangular plate bending element - International
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JL Batoz, Ben M. Tahar – Evaluation of a new thin plate quadrilateral element - International Journal
for Numerical Methods in Engineering vol. 18, 1982
Irwan Katili - A new discrete Kirchhoff-Mindlin element based on Mindlin-Reissner plate theory and
assumed shear strain field – Part I : An extended DKT element for thick-plate bending analysis -
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering vol. 36, 1993
Irwan Katili - A new discrete Kirchhoff-Mindlin element based on Mindlin-Reissner plate theory and
assumed shear strain field – Part II : An extended DKQ element for thick-plate bending analysis -
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KJ Bathe, E. Dvorkin – A four node plate bending element based on Mindlin/Reissner plate theory
and a Mixed interpolation - International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering vol. 21, 1985
TJR Hughes, TE Tezduyar - Finite Elements based upon Mindlin plate theory with particular
reference to the four-node bilinear isoparametric element - Journal of Applied Mechanics, vol. 48 –
31.3 General
POULOS HG & DAVIS EH (1980) - Pile Foundation Analysis and Design. John Wiley & Sons.
LAMBE WL, WHITMAN RV (1979) – Soil Mechanics. John Wiley & Sons.
TERZAGHI K. & PECK RB (1967) - Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. John Wiley & Sons.
CNR 10025/84 – Instructions for the design, execution and control of prefabricated structures in
Corso Umberto I, 43 - 87059 Casali del Manco – Loc. Casole Bruzio (CS)
Tel. (0984)432617, 438325 - Fax (0984)432617 [email protected]