ERIKS - Techniki Uszczelnien

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ERIKS bv T +31 72 514 15 14 info@eriks.

PO Box 280 F +31 72 515 56 45
NL-1800 BK Alkmaar


Cont en t s


1. Introduction .................................................................................. 3
2. Description and principle of Oil Seals ........................................ 4
3. Construction of Oil Seals ............................................................ 5
4. Common types ........................................................................... 6
5. Common materials ................................................................... 11
6. Shaft materials, seal tolerance and housing ............................ 14
7. Shaft eccentricity and shaft runout .......................................... 15
8. Materials and tolerances of the shaft ....................................... 16
9. Lubrication ................................................................................ 17
10. Oil Seals for higher pressures .................................................. 18
11. Split Oil Seals ............................................................................ 19
12. Assembly of the Oil Seal ........................................................... 21
13. Troubleshooting ........................................................................ 23
14. Conversion table inch / mm ...................................................... 24
15. Table of DIN dimensions ........................................................... 25

Disc laim er


1. Int r oduct ion

ERIKS is known worldwide for its comprehensive range of

seals including O-rings, rotary shaft seals, hydraulic and
pump seals.

Since 1960, ERIKS have developed this range to include the

following product lines:

• NBR Oil Seals in all standard types and sizes

• Viton® Oil Seals type GR and GRST, fully encapsulated
• Oil Seals of rubber/textile construction for heavy duty
• Oil Seals in non standard rubber compounds such as
EPDM, XNBR, HNBR, Silicone, etc...
• ERIKS PTFE lip seals and PS Seals
• Oil Seals for higher pressures: VR Oil Seals
• End caps
• V-seals
• Alpha seals

In this documentation you will find the most relevant technical

information regarding Oil Seals.

ERIKS has 9000 moulds to produce these standard Oil Seals

as well as the production facilities to produce small quantities
of non standard Oil Seals.

We will be pleased to give you the information you need.

You will be surprised by our keen prices!


2. Pr i n c i p l e o f Oi l Se al s

Oil Seals Sealing

A good lubricating oil forms a strong tenacious film on
One of the most frequently used types of seal is the Rotary gears, bearings and shafts and is not easily removed from
Shaft Seal. This is generally used for sealing lubricating oil the pressure bearing surfaces of these. However, where the
or grease in rotary shaft applications. In exceptional cases, shaft extends away from the equipment, this oil film must
it is also used to seal other fluids, gases and powdered or be retained. In Oil Seals, the pressure or radial load exerted
granular solids. For trouble-free operation and optimum by the sealing lip must be sufficient to retain the oil film,
service life of a seal, shafts must have a satisfactory surface whilst not so high that excessive friction losses or wear can
finish, within recommended limits and have no machine occur. Good Oil Seal design is therefore a balance between
lay. Both correct design and material choice are critical if optimum running properties of the material, lip design and
bearings and gears are to be sealed to prevent the leakage integral garter spring.
of lubricating oils and greases and the ingress of penetrating
dust and dirt. Work ing principle
During rotation of the shaft, a hydrodynamic film of lubricant
is produced beneath the sealing lip, the thickness of which
depends on shaft speed, oil temperature, oil viscosity and
the pressure or radial load exerted by the sealing lip on the
shaft. Due to capillary forces and the surface topography of
the shaft, the fluid being sealed forms a meniscus under the
sealing lip and is prevented from leaking. The fluid, the seal
material, the film thickness, the sealing lip geometry and the
surface topography of the shaft are governing factors in the
realisation of these capillary forces. A used seal having a
shiny wear flat with hardening and radial cracking is indicative
that it had operated on a shaft which was too smooth and /or
that the radial load exerted by the lip was too high. A used
seal having a wide wear flat is indicative that it had operated
on a shaft which was too rough, especially if there was no
hardening or radial cracking and could also be associated
with incorrect sealing lip geometry.

oil air
inside outside


3. Con st r uc t i on of t h e oi l seal

DIN 3760/ 3761

DIN 3760/3761 describes the standardisation of design,

dimensions and tolerances of Oil Seals.

DIN Standard 3760 ERIKS TYPE


The most commonly used type is type R. This type has a
carbon steel insert and has rubber outside diameter. The This type is fully covered with rubber on the inside of the
rubber gives a good sealing capability, even when the reinforcing case. ERIKS GR Viton® Oil Seals are of this type
housing is not fully in tolerance. The sealing lip with spring and are tted with a stainless steel garter spring. This type
provides interference on the shaft for effective sealing. The can also be supplied in Nitrile rubber on demand.
outside diameter, with inner metal reinforcement case, allows
press- tting in the housing, with suf cient interference on The garter spring
the rubber to provide static sealing. The sealing element Galvanised steel as standard. Stainless steel, bronze or an
is produced from a high performance Nitrile rubber. This elastomer can be supplied on demand.
in combination with a high quality galvanised steel garter
spring gives the ERIKS Oil Seal an optimum life. In order to
prevent leakages due to a hydrodynamic pumping effect is it seal width
(or range)
necessary that the sealing lip contact area on the sleeve or outside surface

shaft is without any traces of machine lay.

front chamfer

metal insert lining

Metal components
Depending on the application, ERIKS Oil Seals are supplied
back abutment
garter spring
with various types of metal. face

dust lip

The reinforcing case

Carbon steel as standard but stainless steel or brass on
spring groove
ex section
trim face

molded face sealing edge

outside inside


4. Com m on t ypes

Part 1: Construction w ith outside rubber diameter

ERIK S t ype Desc r ipt ion

Smaller sizes only for applications such as needle bearings and grease
Type RZV

Similar application as type RZV, but the outside surface has a ribbed

Rubber outer diameter with a carbon steel insert. Construction is in ac-

Type R
cordance with DIN 3760A and available in both metric and inch sizes.

Type R-RVS Oil Seal with a RVS-304 spring

Type R-O RING Oil Seal with a rubber spring

Ribbed outer rubber surface. With this system the thermal expansion
Type RG
of the housing is absorbed. This is used in automotive applications.

Oil Seal with additional dust lip to prevent damage of sealing lip and to
TYPE RST avoid the ingress of dust, dirt, water etc. into the system. Very com-
monly used in both metric and inch sizes.

Identical application as type RST, but the outside rubber surface has a
ribbed design to absorb thermal expansion of the housing.

Seals pressures to 10 bar (1MPa) depending on the circumstances

Type RST-D because it is more compact than type RST. It is recommended that our
application engineers should be contacted.

The helical spring is encapsulated in the seal. This is important when

the seal has to be moved over almost the full shaft length, preventing
Type RV
both dislodgement of the spring and its contact with the medium to be


ERIK S t ype Desc r ipt ion

R type with two sealing lips, used for sealing two separate media.
Type R-Duo When the requested R-Duo type is not available, two R-types can be
tted back to back.

This type has to be mounted on the shaft, and has the seal lip on the
Type REX outside. It is used in wheel seal applications and is frequently used in

Viton covered seal with completely encapsulated steel insert for high
temperature and chemically aggressive applications; it is supplied with
a stainless steel spring as standard. The Viton® used in the manufac-
ture of Oil Seals is produced by DuPont Performance Elastomers.

Similar to Viton GR, but with an additional dust lip to prevent damage
Type VITON® GRST to the sealing lip and to prevent ingress of dust into the system. It is
supplied with a stainless steel spring as standard.

Oil Seal with a PTFE face bonded to the synthetic rubber element to
Type R-T reduce friction and heat development. Not available from stock. Its ap-
plication is in Formula 1 engines.

Similar to type R-T, but with additional dust lip. Not available from
Type RST-T

Part 2: Construction w it h outside metal sur face

ERIK S t ype Desc r ipt ion

Smaller sizes only for applications such as needle bearings and grease
Type MZV

Metal cased standard Oil Seal with vulcanised sealing lips. This type is
Type M
frequently replaced by type R.

Similar to type M but with additional dust lip. Applications are the same
Type MST
as type RST, when the requested type is not available.

With two sealing lips, for sealing two separate media. Limited stock is
Type M-DUO


ERIK S t ype Desc r ipt ion

Type MEX External sealing type, whereby the metal case is mounted on the shaft.

Totally enclosed metal casing for extra reinforcement, and a vulcanised

Type GV rubber sealing lip. It is widely employed for larger shaft diameters for
example in heavy industry such as roller bearings.

Type GVST Similar to type GV, but with additional dust lip.

Oil Seal with double metal case and assembled rubber sealing lip.
Type GVP Seals low pressures as well. It is available in almost every size from at
least 100 mm inside diameter.

Type GVPST Similar to type GVP, but with additional dust lip.

Special type for sealing valve stems in engines. It is only produced on

Type VSS

Oil Seal commonly used in engines. Press tting of a metal case com-
Type MR
bined with a better internal sealing rubber case.

Type MRST Similar as type MR with additional dust lip.

Oil Seal with a PTFE layer on the sealing lip to reduce friction and heat
Type M-T development. Its application is in Formula 1 engines. Not available from

Similar to type M-T but with additional dust lip. Not available from
Type MST-T


Part 3: Construct ion w ith fabric insert reinforcement

ERIK S t ype Desc r ipt ion

Outside surface with fabric insert reinforcement. Oil Seal without metal
Type WR35 reinforcement. Split Seals also available. These are frequently installed
back to back with a lock-in plate. They are available in NBR and FPM.

Similar to type WR35, but additional grooves on the back side for
Type WR36
optimal grease supply to the sealing lips when back-to-back mounted.

Type WR37 Similar to type WR36, with grooves on the whole contour.

Part 4: Split construct ion “ Split Seals”

ERIK S t ype Desc r ipt ion

Similar to type WR35, but in split construction. Commonly used when

WR35 Split dismantling is time consuming, for example roller bearings in the steel
and paper industry, or marine propeller shafts.

WR36 Split Similar to type WR36, but in split construction.

WR37 Split Similar to type WR37, but in split construction.

Full rubber construction as standard type Oil Seal, with a helical spring.
23 Split
These are only available in a limited number of sizes.


Part 5: diverse produc ts

ERIK S t ype Desc r ipt ion

Stainless steel outer casing and modi ed PTFE lip. Applicable for up
PTFE Lip seal
to 10 bar (1MPa)

Made from modi ed PTFE without metal parts. These can be supplied
Dyna Lip seal with or without a Viton® O-ring on the outside diameter.
Always assemble with lock-in plate.

A seal developed for extreme wear applications. The Oil Seal and
Combi Seal
dust seal are combined in one metal case, ready for use.

Multilip construction with sleeve. Used as wheel seals in excavator

Cassette Seal

End cap is used to seal holes (in for example gear boxes). Assemble
End cap
by press tting, as Oil Seal with a rubber case.

Hard chromed stainless steel sleeves to use on worn shafts. They are
available in almost every shaft diameter from ½” to 8”.


5. Com m on M at er ials

In the standard construction, our Oil Seals are made from oil
and grease resistant rubber based on NBR (Perbunan).

This material has very good running properties and excellent

wear resistance. For high shaft speeds, large radial
tolerances and good chemical resistance a range of other
rubber materials is available.

Choic e of material for Oil Seal

Rubber Type M at er ial Code ISO 1 6 2 9 Heat resist anc e

High wear resistance good running properties NBR -35 °C tot + 100 °C
for general use

Better heat, oil and chemical resistance than NBR
ACM -20 °C tot + 130 °C
It is recommended for use in oil which contains load
bearing additives such as EP gear oils

Viton ®
High level of chemical resistance FPM -30 °C tot + 180 °C
High temperature resistance

Wide temperature range
MVQ -50 °C tot + 150 °C
Commonly used in low temperature applications
Very prone to mechanical damage during tting

Polytetra uoroethylene
Chemical resistant
PTFE -80 °C tot + 200 °C
Low coef cient of friction poor elastic properties not
wear resistant if used by dynamic applications

Recommended for abrasive applications.
Good running properties, due to the impregnated
seal lip. -40 °C tot + 90 °C
Can be used on shafts which have a surface roughness
outside the range for rubber Seals
Not suitable for water.


Max. Temperature (°C) of the sealing medium

Elas- M in. M ot or Hypoid Br ak e
box oil ATF oil Grease Fuel Wat er Logen
t om er t em p. Oil oil uids
NBR -35 100 80 100 80 90 90 70 70 -
ACM -20 130 120 130 120 * * - - -
MVQ -50 150 130 * - * * - - -
FPM -30 180 150 170 150 * 150 100 100 *

- = For these media the elastomer is not resistant

* = Within these groups, there are media which can be sealed by the elastomer in question,
although these media could have a disadvantageous in uence on the elastomer.


The choic e of t he r ight elast om er

Next points are im por tant

1. Under lip temperature caused by friction
2. Shaft speed
3. Temperature of the medium
4. Chemical in uence of the medium
5. Pressure on the seal

The following table may help to determine

the peripheral speed at a given shaft diameter
and rotational speed.

Example: the peripheral speed of a shaft

of 40 mm diameter with a speed of 3000
revolutions per minute is 6.5 metres per second.

peripheral speed
Allow able peripheral speeds and sur fac e speeds
Shaft speeds which may be permitted, related to the
rubber material in the case of non-pressure conditions
(with good lubricating mineral oil and a good ow of
lubricant), is shown in the next gure.
peripheral speed
shaft surface speed

* = Oil will convey the heat better than grease

shaft diameter


6. Sh af t m at er i al s , t o l e r an c e s o f se al s an d h ou si n g

The housing of the Oil Seal

The size of the housing where the Oil Seal has to be pressed
in has to meet certain requirements. The housing has to
be rather smooth (finely machined). Nominal tolerances
according to ISO H8.

Roughness t oler anc e of t he passing

Shaft Ra ≤ 0,6 µm h11
Housing Ra ≤ 6 µm H8

To simplify the assembly, it is recommended that the housing

is lubricated. The housing should have a finish of ca. Ra =
6µm. Oil Seals with a rubber case cannot rust, in contrast to
Oil Seals with metal cases. Moreover, Oil Seals with a rubber
case can seal a lightly damaged housing much better than
metal cased Oils Seals.

To simplify the correct assembly of the Oil Seal, it is

recommended that the housing has a 30° chamfer on t he
front side for a minimum length of 1mm. The Oil Seal, when
mounted, has to fall within the limits of this chamfer. For the
assembly depth, there is a tolerance of -0/0,4mm. The Oil
Seals have an interference fit in the housing, which provides
a good press fit, preventing any leakage.

Exc essive and p er m it t ed ovali t y on t he ou t side di am et er (dat a ac c or din g t o DIN 376 0 )

Outside Diameter Press t Permitted ovality

oil seal (D) R M GV (for all types)

< 50 mm +0,30/+0,15 +0,20/+0,10 +0,20/+0,10 0,25

50 - 80 mm +0,35/+0,20 +0,23/+0,13 +0,23/+0,13 0,35
80 - 120 mm +0,35/+0,20 +0,25/+0,15 +0,25/+0,15 0,5
120 - 180 mm +0,45/+0,25 +0,28/+0,18 +0,28/+0,18 0,65
180 - 300 mm +0,45/+0,25 +0,30/+0,20 +0,30/+0,20 0,8
300 - 500 mm +0,55/+0,30 +0,35/+0,23 +0,35/+0,23 1

The outside diameter should be measured in at least two places, with an angle of 90° between each meas urement.
The mean of both measurements is determined, where the permitted ovality may not be exceeded.


7. Ec c ent r ic i t y and shaf t osc i l l at i on

Eccent ricit y Shaft oscillation

It is obvious that the centre lines of the housing, Oil Seal and When shaft runout is present, seals with a loose garter spring
shaft have to coincide as much as possible. The sealing are preferred to seals with an encapsulated spring. The
element of the Oil Seal will only tolerate a minimum deviation. runout should remain within the limits. “A” represents the
The maximum permitted eccentricity is dependent on the difference between the centre line of the housing bore and
size of the shaft and the type of Oil Seal. In this case, we the centre line of the shaft in the region of the seal line. The
assume static eccentricity, and no shaft runout. two centre lines do not run parallel. The permitted maximum
value of A depends on the rotational speed, the dimensions
ERIKS has special types of Oil Seals, which are suitable of the shaft and the Oil Seal.
for applications with large shaft eccentricity and runout.
Information on all the possibilities is available.

centerline shaft

centerline bore
shaft eccentricity in mm

shaft runout (mm)


shaft diameter till 500 mm shaft velocity

Above diagramm shows the maximum allowable excentricity Above diagramm shows the maximum allowable shaft run out


8. Sh af t m at e r i al s an d t ol e r an c e s

Material Requirements of the shaft

The rubber material of the Oil Seal is much softer than the Even more important than a correct interference fit of the
shaft, but due to friction between the shaft and the seal, it Oil Seal is a perfectly smooth shaft in the region of the seal,
is possible for wear to occur on the contact surface of the particularly if shaft surface speed is high and the medium
shaft. The degree of wear depends on the structure of the to be sealed is under a certain amount of excess pressure.
shaft material. In general, the metal from which the shaft is The surface roughness of the shaft depends on the average
made should have a homogeneous fine granulous structure profile depth Ra of the tool marks caused by the machining
and must have a minimum surface hardness of HRc 45. If process. Oil Seals made of PTFE require, independent of the
the lubrication is doubtful, the medium is contaminated, dirt surface speed, a surface roughness of between 0,1 to 0,2µm,
can enter from the outside and the speed of the shaft is more because PTFE has less wear resistance than rubber seals.
than 4 m/sec, the hardness of the shaft should be a minimum
of HRc 55. In general, shafts of carbon steel or stainless steel For normal circumstances, the shaft in the region of the seal
are most suitable. Surface hardening is recommended. In the must have a surface roughness of approximately:
case of hard chromed shafts, the uniformity of the chrome
plating has to meet very high requirements. In practice, such
surfaces do not meet these optimum requirements. Coated
shafts, for example with chrome oxide (ceramics) have to Ra = 0,4 - 0,8 µm or -
be carefully machined. The coating should not have pores CLa = 8 tot 25 µm or
larger than 0,05 mm. This is also the case for the surface of
Rz = 1,0 tot 4,0 µm and
cast iron with a perlitic structure. In some cases, non-ferrous
metals such as brass MS 58H are used. Ceramic sleeves and Rmax ≤ 6,3 µm
Erisleeves are very useful as too. Erisleeves are used in both
original equipment assembly and repair.

Comment: Plastics are unsuitable due to their poor thermal To summarize, the surface of the shaft in the region of
conductivity. Because of this, underlip heat generation the seal should not have noticeable machining marks.
cannot be readily conducted away, which is not desirable. For pivoting shafts and other difficult or critical sealing
applications, it is recommended that Oil Seals with a helical
groove hydrodynamic pattern, which has a pumping effect,
be used. When grinding and polishing, an axial movement of
the grindstone along the shaft must be avoided in order to
prevent machine lay.


The sealing capacity of an Oil Seal also depends on the

pressure exerted by the sealing lip on the shaft. The degree
of pressure is directly related to the interference and the
dimensional tolerances of Oil Seal and shaft. Interference
is the difference between the shaft diameter and the inside
2 diameter of the sealing lip (d – d1), see figure 10.

Where problems occur and a free running seal is essential,

despite risk to sealing capacity, the shaft diameter may be
reduced as long as at least 1/3rd of the minimum interference
is preserved (d2)

Comment: the shaft in the region of the Oil Seal must have a
dimensional tolerance of h11.


9. Lubric at ion

Oil seals for rotating or reciprocating shafts require a certain Frict ion losses
degree of lubrication of the moving surfaces. Because the sealing principle of Oil Seals relies on the friction
between the sealing lip and shaft with a minimal fluid film,
Oil Seals must never run dry friction losses are inevitable. For a given shaft diameter and
a given speed of rotation, the friction coefficient depends on
When seals are adjacent to bearings, the bearing lubricant the friction of the Oil Seal with respect to the shaft.
will generally provide sufficient lubrication for the seal.
Sealing water as well, most of the time there is enough Determining fac tors are:
lubrication. However, in isolated locations or applications • the characteristics of the Oil Seal and the shaft materials
involving non-lubricating medium, provision should be made • the surface roughness of the shaft
for lubricant to reach the seal. In such case, dual seals • the presence and the characteristics of the lubricating film
frequently provide an answer as the space between the • the pressure of the medium to be sealed
sealing edges can be pre-packed with grease thus allowing • the degree of interference of the sealing lip
a considerable period of operation without further attention. • the operating temperature
In such instances, the Oil Seals should be mounted in such
a way that no pressure build-up can occur when adding the It is difficult to measure precise values. However, the graph
grease. below gives useful information concerning friction losses
of standard Oil Seals used in standard quality oil SAE-30
grease at 100°C on a correctly prepared shaft, after a sho rt time of
running in.

The graph shows the relationship between the power loss,

shaft diameter and shaft speed.
loss of power hp

shaft diameter
The presence of lubrication is important, not only during
operation, but during assembly as well. Never assemble
an Oil Seal dry. Both the shaft and the Oil Seal have to be
lubricated with oil or grease in advance. This eases the
assembly and ensures lubrication from the beginning.

revolutions per minute rpm


If Oil Seals with fixed dust lips are being used, the space
between the sealing lip and the dust lip may also be filled
entirely with grease. The medium to be sealed will dissipate
the heat developed.


10. Oi l Se a l s f o r h i g h e r p r e s s u r e s

An Oil Seal is principally intended for operating under normal

atmospheric conditions. If however the peripheral speed
does not exceed 8 metres per second, the Oil Seal can
cope with a pressure of ca. 0,5 bar. In the case of large shaft
diameters (500 mm,) the permissible pressure which the Oil
Seal may be exposed to is 0,1 bar.

Due to the small size and the strengthened hinge point, Oil
pressure supportring Seal type RST-D can, under favourable circumstances, be
used up to a maximum of 10 bar.

The permissible pressure greatly depends on the operating The metal case of the ERIKS-type GVP is dished under the
conditions such as shaft speed, temperature and lubrication. sealing lip, providing a built in supporting ring (especially for
shaft diameters >80mm).
If the actual pressure exceeds the permissible maximum,
the lip of the Oil Seal is forced against the shaft, resulting in
a higher radial load, a higher level of friction and excessive
wear of shaft and seal. To balance the pressure, Oil Seals can
be provided with a supported sealing lip by using an easily
fabricated metal support ring.

Oil Seals with a supported sealing lip can be used on small

diameter shafts for pressures up to 6 bar if conditions are
favourable (low temperatures, relatively low speed, good

The type RD has an encapsulated metal support ring. This

type is extremely suitable for smaller shaft diameters. This
design is only available on demand.


11. Sp l i t Oi l Se al s

Split Oil Seals are most frequently used in situations were Type R23 split
dismantling is too difficult, such as in the steel industry,
paper industry, heavy excavators or marine propellers shafts. The most common type is ERIKS type R23 split. This type
has a full rubber profile with an encapsulated wave spring.
ERIKS has a w ide variet y of Split Oil Seals This design is available in both metric and inch sizes in NBR
and FPM.

WR35 Split: lock-in plate b

Insert fabric reinforced. Commonly
used when dismantling is very time
consuming, for example roller bear-
ings in the steel and paper industry,
or marine propeller shafts.
WR36 Split:
Similar to type WR35 Split, but with c
more grooves for optimal grease
supply to the sealing lips when
back-to-back mounted.
WR37 Split:
Similar to type WR36 Split, but with
grooves on the whole contour.
Recommended profile dimensions

23 Split:
Full rubber design as standard type
Oil Seal, but with a stainless steel
wave spring. It is available in NBR r ange
and FPM.
Shaft Radial
VR-Split: Axial height Size
diameter height
Full rubber design as standard type
Oil Seal, but with a stainless steel (h1) mm h w c (max.)
garter spring. It is only available in a
75 - 250 mm 12,5 mm 12,5 mm 7,5 mm
limited number of dimensions.
120 - 350
15 mm 15 mm 10 mm
ERIKS Split Seals are available in both NBR and FPM metric 250 - 500
and inch sizes. 20 mm 20 mm 10 mm

Split Seals cannot be mounted like the standard types (DIN), 500 - 1500
25 mm 20 mm 10 mm
by means of press fitting in the housing. Split Seals must be
locked by means of a lock-in plate (see figure).

ERIKS Split Seals R23-split are supplied with an oversize en

are flush mounted. As a result, ERIKS Split Seals type R23-
split, in non-pressure applications, seal reliably on the seam.
In very critical situations we recommend that you lime the
ends with a lime out our Sicomet program.

ERIKS R23-Split Seals are easy to cut and can be tailored to

suit the required size by cutting from a bigger ring.


Type w ith insert fabric reinforcement Type VR split

All the insert fabric reinforcement Oil Seals (general, and Split For the assembly of these Split Seals, it is necessary to
Seals) are supplied with a height size which is 0,5 to 0,6 mm remove the garter spring from the sealing lip and then re-fit it
larger than dimension b. The lock-in plate re-forms the Oil when the seal has been mounted on the shaft.
Seal diametrically which ensures reliable sealing on the shaft
and the housing in service. Comment: Please take into account that with this type of
Split Seal, the seam, when mounted on the shaft, must be at
ERIKS insert fabric reinforcement Oil Seals type WR 35 split, the top (12 O’clock). Moreover, the medium to be sealed must
type WR 36 split and type WR 37 split are moulded and are not be placed above the centre line of the shaft.
provided with a seam. If the desired size is not available in
the list, please contact us. ERIKS has more sizes than listed. ERIKS Split Seals type VR-Split are manufactured completely
Please allow a delivery time of 8 to 16 weeks. from rubber, where the outside of the Oil Seal has a hardness
of 90° Shore “A” and the inside body and the sealin g lip has a
When assembling these Split Seals, it is necessary to remove hardness of is 70° Shore “A”. This design as well t he sealing
the garter spring from the sealing lip and then re-fit it when lip is centred by a helical spring.
the seal has been mounted over the shaft.
ERIKS Split Seals type VR-Split are available in a limited
Comment: Please take into account that with this type of number of sizes. We recommend that you to inform us of your
Split Seal, the seam, when mounted on the shaft, must be at requirements before you choose one of these types of seals.
the top (12 O’clock). Moreover, the medium to be sealed must
not be above the centre line of the shaft.


12 . A s se m b l y o f t h e Oi l Se a l

That the assembly of oil seals has to be done with a lot of During assembly, it is essential to prevent damage to the
care speaks for itself. The Oil Seal, the shaft and the housing oil seal. If the Oil Seal must pass over irregularities such as
have to be clean. Dirt, which may enter the system during screw-thread or splines, the shaft must be covered with oil
assembly between the sealing lip and the shaft, can cause soaked paper, tape, or with a protective socket or mounting
leakage. sleeve made of metal or plastic.

Because the inside diameter of the Oil Seal during assembly The pressing of the Oil Seal into the housing has to be done
has to be stretched, is it necessary that the shaft has a evenly. Preferably, an adapted fitting tool should be used,
chamfer. The angle for the chamfer is approximately 30° to so that the pressure is transferred through the part of the Oil
50°. Seal which is reinforced with metal.

gland installationtool

to round the edge

When a spline on the shaft is present, a mounting sleeve In order for the Oil Seal operate correctly; the sealing lip
must be used to protect the sealing lip. The housing chamfer material has to be compatible with the medium to be sealed.
must have a length of at least 1 mm. The sides have to be To improve the sliding over the shaft, it is required that both
obtused. the shaft and the sealing lip are lubricated with oil or grease.
Oil Seals with a leather sealing lip have to be oil-soaked in


Recommended methods Incorrect methods

O.D. pealing
installation tool
deformed seal

installation tool
O.D. pealing

D +10.00

installation tool

deformed seal housing

dia meter is
to small

installation tool
housing housing

deformed seal

When an Oil Seal with a metal case (ERIKS types M and GV) is Comment: An Oil Seal may not be force into the housing. By
used, it is recommended to apply an Omni t-fastening product. greasing the housing, the assembly will be easier.
Lubrication of the shaft will have a bene cial effect during the
running-in of the seal. When using a rubber hammer, the lubri-
cation must be applied evenly.


13. Tr oubleshoot ing

There are two potential leak paths on an oil seal, i.e. between
the outside diameter of the Oil Seal and the housing (static),
and between the sealing lip and the shaft (dynamic).

In the table below the causes are listed, with a few

recommendations to prevent these problems.

Sym pt om s Cause Rem edy

Outside diameter is smaller than the Replace the Oil Seal, choose the right
Oil Seal rotates with the shaft
housing diameter size
Outside diameter is smaller than the
Oil Seal is moving in an axial direction on housing diameter Replace the Oil Seal, choose the right
the shaft Due to excess pressure the Oil Seal is size
moving axially
The mounted Oil Seal is deformed Inside diameter of the Oil Seal is too small Control the size of the shaft
The case of the Oil Seal is deformed Wrong installation tools has been used Use the right tools
The nishing has not been executed Control the roughness of the housing and
Damaged surface of the Oil Seal properly the presence of a chamfer
Dirt at the in- our outside of the housing Clean all parts before assembly
Insuf cient lubrication Lubricate suf ciently
Damaged sealing lip Construction limits the transport of the Change the construction so that suf cient
lubrication to the sealing lip lubrication reaches the sealing lip
Oil Seal not placed concentric with
Partly damaged sealing lip Centre the seal, use the right tools
regards to the housing
To high temperature, shaft speed, Choose the right rubber compound and
Sealing lip has hardened, is worn out and pressure type of Oil Seal
is torn
Insuf cient lubrication Lubricate suf ciently
Swollen sealing lip Incorrect rubber compound Choose the correct material
Roughness of the shaft is incorrect Control roughness
Scraped sealing lip
Incorrect tools used during assembly Choose correct assembly tool
Incorrect assembly Lubricate before the assembly
Collapsed sealing lip
Too high pressure Choose an Oil Seal for high pressures
Too high pressure
The exible part is torn Choose an Oil Seal for high pressures
Pressure directed at the exible part
Use a mounting sleeve, or make a
Chamfer does not have the correct angle
chamfer on the shaft
Garter spring out the groove Incorrect assembly Take care during the assembly
Choose another design, or use a spring
Grooves not deep enough
with a smaller diameter


14 . Conver si on t ab l e i n c h / m m

0 - 25.400 50.800 76.200 101.600 127.000 152.400 177.800 203.200 228.600

64 0.397 25.797 51.197 76.597 101.997 127.397 152.797 178.197 203.597 228.997
32 0.794 26.194 51.594 76.994 102.394 127.794 153.194 178.594 203.994 229.394
64 1.191 26.591 51.991 77.391 102.791 128.191 153.591 178.991 204.391 229.791
16 1.588 26.988 52.388 77.788 103.188 128.588 153.988 179.388 204.788 230.188
5 1.984 27.384 52.784 78.184 103.584 128.984 154.384 179.784 205.184 230.584
64 3
32 2.381 27.781 53.181 78.581 103.981 129.381 154.781 180.181 205.581 230.981
7 2.778 28.178 53.578 78.978 104.376 129.778 155.178 180.578 205.978 231.778
64 1
8 3.175 28.575 53.975 79.375 104.775 130.175 155.575 180.975 206.375 231.375
9 3.572 28.972 54.372 79.772 105.172 130.572 155.972 181.372 206.772 232.172
64 5
32 3.969 29.369 54.769 80.169 105.569 130.969 156.369 181.769 207.169 232.569
11 4.366 29.766 55.166 80.566 105.966 131.366 156.766 182.166 207.566 232.966
64 3
16 4.763 30.163 55.563 80.963 106.363 131.763 157.163 182.563 207.963 233.363
13 5.159 30.559 55.959 81.359 106.759 132.159 157.559 182.959 208.359 233.759
64 7
32 5.556 30.956 56.356 81.756 107.156 132.556 157.956 183.356 208.756 234.156
15 5.953 31.353 56.753 82.153 107.553 132.953 158.353 183.753 209.153 234.553
64 1
4 6.350 31.750 57.150 82.550 107.950 133.350 158.750 184.150 209.550 234.950
17 6.747 32.147 57.547 82.947 108.347 133.747 159.147 184.547 209.947 235.347
64 9
32 7.144 32.544 57.944 83.344 108.744 134.144 159.544 184.944 210.344 235.744
19 7.541 32.941 58.341 83.741 109.141 134.541 159.941 185.341 210.741 236.141
64 5
16 7.938 33.338 58.738 84.138 109.538 134.938 160.338 185.738 211.138 236.538
21 8.334 33.734 59.134 84.534 109.934 135.334 160.734 186.134 211.534 236.934
64 11
32 8.731 34.131 59.531 84.931 110.331 135.731 161.131 186.531 211.931 237.331
23 9.128 34.528 59.928 85.328 110.728 136.128 161.528 186.928 212.328 237.728
64 3
8 9.525 34.925 60.325 85.725 111.125 136.525 161.925 187.325 212.725 238.125
9.922 35.322 60.722 86.122 111.522 136.922 162.322 187.722 213.122 238.522
32 10.319 35.719 61.119 86.519 111.919 137.319 162.719 188.119 213.519 238.919
27 10.716 36.116 61.516 86.916 112.316 137.716 163.116 188.516 213.916 239.316
64 7
16 11.113 36.513 61.913 87.313 112.713 138.113 163.513 188.913 214.313 239.713
11.509 36.909 62.309 87.709 113.109 138.509 163.909 189.309 214.709 240.109
32 11.906 37.306 62.706 88.106 113.506 138.906 164.306 189.706 215.106 240.506
31 12.303 37.703 63.103 88.503 113.903 139.303 164.703 190.103 215.503 240.903
64 1
2 12.700 38.100 63.500 88.900 114.300 139.700 165.100 190.500 215.900 241.300
13.097 38.497 63.897 89.297 114.697 140.097 165.497 190.897 216.297 241.697
32 13.494 38.894 64.294 89.694 115.094 140.494 165.894 191.294 216.694 242.094
35 13.891 39.291 64.691 90.091 115.491 140.891 166.291 191.691 217.091 242.491
64 9
16 14.288 39.688 65.088 90.488 115.888 141.288 166.688 192.088 217.488 242.888
14.684 40.084 65.484 90.884 116.284 141.684 167.084 192.484 217.884 243.284
32 15.081 40.481 65.881 91.281 116.681 142.081 167A81 192.881 218.281 243.681
39 15.478 40.878 66.278 91.678 117.078 142.478 167.878 193.278 218.678 244.078
64 1
8 15.875 41.275 66.675 92.075 117.475 142.875 168.275 193.675 219.075 244.475
41 16.272 41.672 67.072 92.472 117.872 143.272 168.672 194.072 219472 244.872
64 21
32 16.669 42.069 67.469 92.869 118.269 143.669 169.069 194.469 219869 245.269
43 17.066 42.466 67.866 93.266 118.666 144.066 169.466 194.866 220.266 245.666
64 11
16 17.463 42.863 68.263 93.663 119.063 144.463 169.863 195.263 220.663 246.063
45 17.859 43.259 68.659 94.059 119.459 144.859 170.259 195.659 221.059 246.459
64 23
32 18.256 43.656 69.056 94.456 119.856 145.256 170.656 196.056 221.456 246.856
47 18.653 44.053 69.453 94.853 120.253 145.653 171.053 196.453 221.853 247.253
64 3
4 19.050 44.450 69.850 95.250 120.650 146.050 171.450 196.850 222.250 247.650
49 19.447 44.847 70.247 95.647 121.047 146.447 171.847 197.247 222.647 248.047
64 25
32 19.844 45.244 70.644 96.044 121.444 146.844 172.244 197.644 223.044 248.444
51 20.241 45.641 71.041 96.441 121.841 147.241 172.641 198.041 223.441 248.841
64 13
16 20.638 46.038 71.438 96.838 122.238 147.638 173.038 198.438 223.838 249.238
53 21.034 46.434 71.834 97.234 122.634 148.034 173.434 198.834 224.234 249.634
64 27
32 21.431 46.831 72.231 97.631 123.031 148.431 173.831 199.231 224.631 250.031
55 21.828 47.228 72.628 98.028 123.428 148.828 174.228 199.628 225.028 250.428
64 7
8 22.225 47.625 73.025 98.425 123.825 149.225 174.625 200.025 225.425 250.825
22.622 48.022 73.422 98.822 124.222 149.622 175.022 200.422 225.822 251.222
32 23.019 48.419 73.819 99.219 124.619 150.019 175.419 200.819 226.219 251.619
59 23.416 48.816 74.216 99.616 125.016 150.416 175.816 201.216 226.616 252.016
64 15
16 23.813 49.213 74.613 100.013 125.413 150.813 176.213 201.613 227.013 252.413
61 24.209 49.609 75.009 100.409 125.809 151.209 176.609 202.009 227.409 252.809
64 31
32 24.606 50.006 75.406 100.806 126.206 151.606 177.006 202.406 227.806 253.206
64 25.003 50.403 75.803 101.203 126.603 152.003 177.403 202.803 228.203 253.603


1 5 . Ta b l e o f DI N d i m e n s i o n s d2

shaft diameter shaft diameter shaft diameter

± 0,2 ± 0,2 ± 0,2
16 47 120 12
6 7
22 50 95 125
22 7 52 7 120
22 55 100 125 12
8 7 35
24 47 26
9 22 7 50 105 130 12
52 8 130
22 110 12
10 25 55 140
26 55 115 140 12
62 7 120 150 12
38 55 125 150 12
12 25 7 8
30 62 130 160 12
24 52 135 170 12
14 7 55 140 170
30 7 15
26 62 145 175
40 52 150 180
15 30 7
35 55 8 160 190 15
30 62 170 200
16 7 55 180 210
35 8
42 62 190 220 15
18 7 60 200 230
62 8 210 240
30 45
65 220 250 15
20 35 7
48 62 8 230 260
65 240 270
35 15
50 68 8 250 280
22 40 7
72 260 300
47 20
70 280 320
55 72 8 300 340
25 7 80 320 360
75 340 380
52 20
60 80 8 360 400
85 380 420
28 47 7
85 400 440
52 65 10
90 420 460
90 440 480
42 70 10
30 7 95 460 500
47 20
95 480 520
52 75 10
100 500 540
47 7 80 10
52 110
32 12
45 85 120
47 8 110
52 90 12

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