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Achieved the goal of fifty years working in the industry of Refrigeration

and Air Conditioning, Castel Quality Range of Products is well known
and highly appreciated all over the world. Quality is the main issue of
our Company and it has a special priority, in every step, all along the
production cycle. UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, issued by ICIM, certifies
the Quality System of the Factory. Moreover Castel Products count
a number of certifications in conformity with EEC Directives and with
European and American Quality Approval.
We produce on high tech machinery and updated automatic production
lines, operating in conformity with the safety and environment standards
currently enforced.
Castel offers to the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Market and to
the Manufacturers fully tested products suitable with HCFC and HFC
Refrigerants currently used in the Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Safety devices
July 2011

Safety devices









All the products illustrated in this Handbook are submitted, one by e weights of the items listed in this Handbook include packaging.
one, to tightness tests besides to functional tests. Allowable external
leakage, measurable during the test, agrees to the definition given in
Par. 9.4 of EN 12284 : 2003 Standard: GUARANTEE

“During the test, no bubbles shall form over a period of at least one All Castel products are covered by a 12 – months warranty. is warranty
minute when the specimen is immersed in water with low surface covers all products or parts thereof that turn out to be defective within
tension, …”. the warranty period. In this case, at his own expenses, the customer
shall return the defective item with a detailed description of the claimed
defects. e warranty doesn’t apply if the defect of Castel products
PRESSURE CONTAINMENT are due to mistakes either by customer or by third parties such wrong
installations, use contrary to Castel indications, tampering. In case of
All the products illustrated in this Handbook, if submitted to hydrostatic defects of its own products, Castel will only replace the defective goods
test, guarantee a pressure strength at least equal to 1,43 x PS in and will not refund damages of any kind.
compliance with the Directive 97/23/EC. e technical data shown on this catalogue are indicative. Castel
All the products illustrated in this Handbook, if submitted to burst test, reserves the right to modify the same at any time without any previous
guarantee a pressure strength at least equal to 3 x PS according to EN notice.
378-2 : 2008 Standard. e products listed in this handbook are protected according to the law.

Safety devices

For this reason, during relief, a gas leak occurs through this orifice.
Utilized material: EN 12420-CW617N brass.

Disc: obtained through bar machining and equipped with gasket, it

ensures the required sealing degree on the valve seat. e gasket is
made in P.T.F.E. (Polytetrafluorethylene), a material that, during valve
estimated service life, maintains a good strength and does not cause
the disc to stick on the seat. e disc is properly guided in the body and
the guide action can never fail; there are no glands or retaining rings that
hamper the movement thereof.
Utilized material: EN 12164-CW614N brass.

Spring: it opposes the pressure and the fluid dynamic actions and
always ensures valve re-closing after pressure relief. e spring coils,
when the disc has reached the lift corresponding to the state of relief at
full flow rate, are spaced apart by at least half the wire diameter and, in
any case, by not less than 2 mm. e disc is equipped with a mechanic
lock and when it attains it, the spring set does not exceed 85% of the
total set.
Utilized material: DIN 17223-1 steel for springs.

Setting system: hexagonal head, threaded ring nut to be screwed inside

the body top by compressing the spring below. On setting completion,
the position attained by the ring nut is maintained unchanged laying, in
the threaded coupling, a bonding agent with high mechanic strength and
low viscosity features to make penetration thereof easier. e setting
system is protected against subsequent unauthorized interventions by
means of a cap nut that is screwed outside the body and is sealed with
lead to it.


Valves series 3030 are safety devices according to the definition given TABLE 1: General Characteristics of valves 3030
in Article 1, Point 2.1.3, 2nd dash of 97/23/EC Directive and are the Catalogue Number 3030/44C 3030/66C 3030/88C
subject of Article 3, Point 1.4 of aforesaid Directive.
e valves above mentioned are standard type, unbalanced, direct- Inlet male 1/2” NPT 3/4” NPT 1” NPT
loaded safety valves. Valve opening is produced by the thrust the fluid Outlet male 3/4” G 3/4” G 1.1/4” G
under pressure exerts on the disc, when said thrust exceeds, under
setting conditions, the opposing force of the spring acting on the disc. Inlet connection wrench
21/30 32/45 50/65
torque (min/max) [Nm]
Valves are identified by means of:
- a model number formed of an alphanumerical coding that includes: Flow Diameter [mm] 12 12 19.5
- in the first part the family identification (e.g. 3030/44C)
Flow Section [mm ] 2
113 113 298
- in the second part the setting pressure, expressed in bars, multiplied
by 10 (e.g. 140) Lift [mm] 4.1 4.1 6.8
- an alphanumerical serial number.
Discharge Coefficient "Kd" 0.90 0.90 0.83


TS [°C] - 50 / + 150
Body: squared, obtained through die forging and subsequent machining.
It houses the following elements: Set Pressure Range [bar] 8 / 50
- the nozzle with flat sealing seat
Overpressure 5 % of set pressure
- the disc guide
- the setting spring holder Blowdown 15 % of set pressure
- the threaded seat of the setting adjusting ring nut
Risk Category according
In the body, above the disc guide, a small pressure relief hole is provided IV
to PED
through which the spring holder is put into contact with the atmosphere.

Safety devices

Use: protection against possible overpressures of the apparatuses SIZING OF SAFETY VALVES DESIGNED TO DISCHARGE GAS OR
listed below, with regard to the operating conditions for which they VAPOUR AT CRITICAL FLOW
have been designed: (REF. . EN ISO 4126-1: 2004 AND EN 13136 : 2001/A1:2005)
- Refrigerating system and heat pump components, for instance:
condensers, liquid receivers, evaporators, liquid accumulators, positive
displacement compressor discharge, heat exchangers, oil separators, Critical flow occurs when the backpressure pb (the pressure existing
piping. immediately at the outlet of a safety valve) is below or equal to the
(reference: EN 378-2:2008 Standard) critical pressure:
- Simple pressure vessels  k 
(reference: 87/404/ EEC Directive)  
2  k 1
pb  p o [bar ass]
Fluids: the valves can be used with: k1
- Refrigerant fluids, in the physical state of gas or vapour, belonging to
Group 2 according to the definitions of 97/23/EC Directive, Article 9,
Point 2.2 (with reference to 67/548/EEC Directive of June 27th, 1967). with:
- Air and nitrogen (reference: 87/404/EEC Directive) - po = actual relieving pressure, upstream the safety valve; it’s equal to
the set pressure plus overpressure. at is a pressure increase over set
MARKING pressure at which the disc has its total lift. [bar abs]
- k = isentropic exponent of gas or vapour, based on the actual flowing
In conformity with the provisions of Article 15 of 97/23/EC Directive, the conditions at the safety valve inlet
EC marking and the identification number of the notified body involved If k is unknown or anyway difficult to establish it’s possible to suppose:
in the production control phase are reported on the valve body.
Still on the body, the following information is indicated:
- Manufacturer’s mark, address and manufacture country p critica  0,5  p o [bar ass]
- Valve model
- Flow section
- Kd discharge coefficient A safety valve, which discharges to atmosphere, works in critical flow.
- Indication of flow direction
- Max allowable pressure e safety valves designed to discharge gas or vapour at critical flow
- Allowable temperature range must be sized as follow:
- Set pressure
- Production date
- Serial number Q md vo
A c  3,469   [mm2]
C  0,9  K d po

97/23/EC Directive requires that pressure equipment, in which with:

permissible limits are reasonably likely to be exceeded, shall be fitted - Ac = minimum flow area of safety valve [mm2]
with suitable protection devices, for instance safety devices such as - Qmd = minimum required discharge capacity, of refrigerant, of safety
safety valves. Such devices shall prevent pressure from permanently valve [kg/h]
exceeding the max allowable pressure PS of the equipment they - Kd = certified coefficient of discharge
protect. In any case, a short pressure peak limited to 10% of admissible - po = actual relieving pressure, upstream the safety valve, see definition
maximum pressure is permitted. above. [bar abs]
As to the selection and sizing of the suitable protection device, users - vo = specific volume of gas or vapour at relieving conditions po e To,
shall refer to the specific product and sector standards. meaning with To fluid temperature at valve inlet, settled by the user or
EN ISO 4126-1: 2004 Standard: “Safety devices for protection against by the designer. [m3/kg]
excessive pressure – Part 1: Safety valves”, harmonized with 97/23/EC - C = function of isentropic coefficient k calculated from:
Directive, specifies general requirements for safety valves irrespective k  1
of the fluid for which they are designed. 2 k 1
EN 378-2 : 2008 Standard “Refrigerating systems and heat pumps – C  3,948  k 
safety and environmental requirements – Part 2: Design, construction, k1
testing, marking and documentation”, harmonized with 97/23/EC
Directive, provides a general outline of the protection devices to be for this calculation the value of k shall be as measured at 25 °C. (Section
adopted in refrigerating systems and their features (par. 6.2.5). It also 7.2.3, EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard).
indicates the criteria for the selection of the device suitable to the type Values of k and calculated values of C for all the refrigerants are given in
and sizes of the system component to be protected (par. 6.2.6). table A.1 of the aforesaid Standard. Following we show the values of k
EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard “ Refrigerating systems and heat and C for the more useful refrigerants.
pumps – Pressure relief devices and their associated piping – Methods
for calculation”, harmonized with 97/23/EC Directive, highlights the
possible causes of overpressure in a system and makes available to
users the instruments for pressure relief device sizing, among which
the safety valves.

Safety devices
Function of - Shell-and-tube horizontally liquid cooler fed with a thermostatic valve.
Isentropic - Refrigerant fluid R407C
Refrigerant Coefficient
C Compressor data
R22 1,17 2,54
R134a 1,12 2,50 - Bore 82,5 mm
R404A 1,12 2,50 - Stroke 69,8 mm
R407C 1,14 2,51 - Cylinder number 6
R410A 1,17 2,54 - Rotational frequency 1450 rpm
R507 1,10 2,48 - Clearance 4%

Calculation of minimum required discharge capacity of safety valve is e theoretical displacement of compressor is:
closely linked to the type of system where the valve is installed, with the
causes that may arouse the opening of safety valve, i.e.: 
V  0,0825 2  0,0698  6  0,00224 [m3]
- External heat sources. e minimum required discharge capacity shall 4
be determined by the following:
Maximum allowable pressure of the condenser, refrigerant side : PS =
25 bar
3600    A surf
Q md  [Kg/h]
h vap Set pressure of the safety valve installed on the upper shell section of
condenser : pset = 25 bar
-  = density of heat flow rate, it’s assumed to be 10 [kW/m2] Actual relieving pressure of safety valve, choosing one valve type 3030
- Asurf = external surface area of the vessel [m2] with an overpressure of 5%:
- hvap = heat of vaporization of liquid at po [kJ/kg]
 5 
- Internal heat sources. e minimum required discharge capacity shall p 0  p set   1    1  27,25 [bar ass]
be determined by the following:  100 

3600  Q h Working conditions of compressor corresponding to the relieving of

Q md  [Kg/h] safety valve:
h vap Condensing temperature: + 64 °C (27,25 bar abs)
Evaporating temperature: + 10 °C (6,33 bar abs)
with Qh = rate of heat production [KW]
ese conditions, settled in any case by the designer, are considered
- Excessive pressure caused by compressors. e minimum required the most unfavorable for the safety valve in consequence of functional
discharge capacity shall be determined by the following: defects as:
- Move mistake
- Non-working of automatic safety devices, set to operate before safety
Q md  60  V  n   10   v [Kg/h] valve.
It shall be excluded.
- Closeness the refrigerating system, the presence of flammable
with: substances in so large quantities to be able to feed a fire.
- V = theoretical displacement of compressor [m3] - Inside the vessel, the presence of a heart source.
- n = rotational frequency of compressor [min –1]
-10 = vapour density at refrigerant saturation pressure / dew point at
10 °C [kg/m3] Calculation of minimum discharge capacity
- v = volumetric efficiency estimated at suction pressure and discharge
pressure equivalent to the safety valve setting Prudentially leaving the vapour overheating at the outlet of the liquid
cooler out of account, the volumetric efficiency of compressor is:



and so the minimum required discharge capacity:

System description
Q md  60  V  n   10   v 
Compact refrigerating system designed to make refrigerated water and
consisting of:  60  0,00224  1450  26,34  0,83  4260 [Kg/h]
- open type reciprocating compressor.
- Water-cooled, shell-and-tube horizontally condenser with lower section with 10 = 26,34 [kg/m3], vapour density of R407C at saturation
of shell used as receiver. pressure / dew point at 10 °C

Safety devices
  D2
Vc  L [m3]
- D = rotor diameter [m]
- L = rotor length [m]

ØD TABLE 2: Dimensions and Weights of valves 3030


Dimensions [mm]
Catalogue Number [g]

ØD L Ch H1 H2 H3

3030/44C 38 38 28 44 115 159 780
3030/66C 38 38 28 44 115 159 780
3030/88C 50 56 40 58 158 216 1960


Safety valves type 3030 are guaranteed for reproducibility of


performance, this means that after the valves have operated,

open/close, the initial setting conditions are maintained.
Nevertheless it is advisable to replace valve 3030 once it has discharged
because during release, piping debris, as metal shavings or solder
impurities, can place on the valve gasket and then, inhibits the safety
valve from reseating at its originally conditions.
L As far as the installation of safety relief valves is concerned, the
fundamental points listed below shall be taken into account:
- Safety valves shall be installed near an area of the system where
vapours or gases are present and there is no fluid turbulence; the
position shall be as upright as possible, with the inlet connector turned
Sizing of minimum flow area of the safety valve downwards.
- Vessels, joined together with piping rightly selected by the manufacturer
Q md vo
and without any stop valve between them, may be considered as only
A c  3,469    one vessel for the installation of a safety valve.
C  0,9  K d po - e union between the valve and the equipment to be protected shall
be as short as possible. Furthermore, its passage section shall not be
narrower than the valve inlet section. In any case, EN 13136:2001/
4260 0,0104 A1:2005 Standard states that the pressure loss between protected
 3,469    154 [mm2]
2,51  0,9  0,83 27,25 vessel and safety valve, at discharge capacity, shall not exceed 3% of
the setting value, including any accessory mounted on the upstream
with: - In selecting the safety valve location, it shall be taken into account
- C = 2,51, corresponding to isentropic exponent k for R407C equal to that valve operation involves the discharge of the refrigerant fluid under
1,14, according to table A1 of EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard pressure, sometimes even at high temperature. Where the risk exists
- Kd = 0,83, certified coefficient of discharge for safety valve 3030/88 to cause direct injuries to the persons nearby, an exhaust conveying
- vo = 0,0104 [m3/kg], specific volume of overheating vapour upstream piping shall be provided, which shall be sized in such a way as not to
the safety valve during relieving. compromise valve operation. EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard
is value is referred to the following operating conditions, upstream states that this piping shall not generate, at discharge capacity, a
the safety valve: back pressure exceeding 10% of pressure po, for standard type valves,
- pressure po = 27,25 [bar ass] unbalanced.
- temperature To = 100 [°C] (precautionary temperature, settled in any To calculate the pressure loss either in the upstream line (between
case by the designer) vessel and safety valve) or in the downstream line (between safety
valve and atmosphere) refer to EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard,
Conclusion: the selected safety valve is the model 3030/88 with the Chapter 7.4.
following characteristics:
- certified coefficient of discharge, Kd = 0,83
- flow section, Ac = 298 [mm2]
- set pressure, pset = 25 bar

In case of single-screw compressor with injection of pressurized oil, the

theoretical displacement is:

Safety devices
Pressure loss in the upstream line Pressure loss in the downstream line
Calculation of pressure loss is given by: Calculation of pressure loss is given by:
p in A   A 
 0,032   c  C  K dr    p 1  0,064     c  C  K dr  p o   p 2 2
po  A in   A out 

with: with:
- Ac = minimum calculated flow area [mm2] - P1 = inlet pressure to downstream line [bar ass]
- Ain = inside area of inlet tube to valve [mm2] - P2 = outlet pressure to downstream line, equal to atmospheric pressure
- Kdr = Kd x 0,9, derated coefficient of discharge [bar ass]
- C = function of isentropic coefficient k - Ac = minimum calculated flow area [mm2]
-  = addition of pressure loss coefficients n of any component and - Aout = inside area of outlet tube to valve [mm2]
piping - Kdr = Kd x 0,9, derated coefficient of discharge
e coefficients n are relevant to: - po = actual relieving pressure, upstream the safety valve [bar abs]
- pipe elements loss, as connections and bends - C = function of isentropic coefficient k
- valves loss -  = addition of pressure loss coefficients n of piping
- loss along the pipe e coefficients n are relevant to:
and are listed in EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard, Table A.4. - pipe elements loss, bends
- loss along the pipe
Example: assume to install, on the condenser of the previous example, and are listed in EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard, Table A.4.
a safety valve type 3030/88, set to 25 bar, using a steel union with the
following characteristics: Example: assume to install a discharge pipe on safety valve type
- din = 28 [mm], inside diameter 3030/88 of the previous example, using a steel tube nominal size
- Ain = 616 [mm2] inside area 1.1/2”GAS with the following characteristics:
- L = 60 [mm], length - dout = 42,5 [mm], inside diameter
- Flush connection to the shell of condenser, with a broken edge - Aout = 1418 [mm2], inside area
From table A.4 it’s possible to have these data: - L = 3000 [mm], length
- 1 (inlet) = 0,25 - pipe bend 90° with bending radius R equal to three times external
- 2 (length) =  x L/ din = 0,02 x 60/28 = 0,043 diameter of tube
with  = 0,02 for steel tube
- T = 1 + 2 = 0,25 + 0,04 = 0,293 From table A.4 it’s possible to have these data:
Between safety valve and union it’s installed a shut-off valve type - 1 (bend) = 0,25
3033/88. - 2 (length) =  x L/ din = 0,02 x 3000/42,5 = 1,41with  = 0,02 for steel
e main characteristics of this valve are: tube
- dR = 20 [mm], inside diameter - T = 1 + 2 = 0,25 + 1,41 = 1,66
- AR = 314 [mm2], inside area
- kv = 20 [m3/h], kv factor Pressure loss in the downstream line is:
Pressure loss coefficient R of shut-off valve is given by:
 154 
2 p1  0,064  1,66    2,51  0,747  27,25   12  2,125 [bar ass]
 314  3
 1418 
R  2,592     10  0,64 p out 2,125  1
 20  

 0,041

e total pressure loss coefficient is : T + R = 0,933

e obtained value is admissible because lower than the value of 0,10
We remember the previous calculated flow area, the characteristics of forecast in EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard.
safety valve 3030/88 and refrigerant fluid R407C:
- Ac = 154 [mm2]
- Kdr = 0,83 x 0,9 =0,747
- C = 2,51

Pressure loss in the upstream line is:

pin  154 
 0,032    2,51 0,747   0,933  0,00656
po  616 

e obtained value is admissible because lower than the value of 0,03

forecast in EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard.

Safety devices


Valves series 3060 are safety devices according to the definition given in
Article 1, Point 2.1.3, 2nd dash of 97/23/EC Directive and are the subject of
Article 3, Point 1.4 of aforesaid Directive.
e valves above mentioned are standard type, unbalanced, direct-loaded
safety valves. Valve opening is produced by the thrust the fluid under pressure
exerts on the disc, when said thrust exceeds, under setting conditions, the
opposing force of the spring acting on the disc.
Valves are identified by means of:
- a model number formed of an alphanumerical coding that includes:
- in the first part the family identification (e.g. 3060/45C)
- in the second part the setting pressure, expressed in bars, multiplied by 10
(e.g. 140)
- an alphanumerical serial number.


Body: squared, obtained through die forging and subsequent machining. It

houses the following elements:
- the nozzle with flat sealing seat
- the disc guide
- the setting spring holder
- the threaded seat of the setting adjusting ring nut
In the body, above the disc guide, a small pressure relief duct is provided
through which the spring holder is put into contact with the output
Utilized material: EN 12420-CW617N brass.

Disc: obtained through bar machining and equipped with gasket, it ensures
the required sealing degree on the valve seat. e gasket is made in P.T.F.E.
(Polytetrafluorethylene), a material that, during valve estimated service life,
maintains a good strength and does not cause the disc to stick on the seat.
e disc is properly guided in the body and the guide action can never fail;
there are no glands or retaining rings that hamper the movement thereof.
Utilized material: EN 12164-CW614N brass

Spring: it opposes the pressure and the fluid dynamic actions and always
ensures valve re-closing after pressure relief.
Utilized material: DIN 17223-1 steel for springs.

Setting system: hexagonal head, threaded ring nut to be screwed inside

the body top by compressing the spring below. On setting completion,
the position attained by the ring nut is maintained unchanged laying, in the
threaded coupling, a bonding agent with high mechanic strength and low
viscosity features to make penetration thereof easier. e setting system is
protected against subsequent unauthorized interventions by means of a cap

Safety devices
nut that is housed into the brass body and is fixed in this seat with an edge designed:
calking operation. - Refrigerating system and heat pump components, for instance: condensers,
liquid receivers, evaporators, liquid accumulators, positive displacement
SCOPE compressor discharge, heat exchangers, oil separators, piping.
(reference: EN 378-2:2008 Standard)
Use: protection against possible overpressures of the apparatuses listed - Simple pressure vessels
below, with regard to the operating conditions for which they have been (reference: 87/404/ EEC Directive)

Fluids: the valves can be used with:

- Refrigerant fluids, in the physical state of gas or vapour, belonging to Group
2 according to the definitions of 97/23/EC Directive, Article 9, Point 2.2
(with reference to 67/548/EEC Directive of June 27th, 1967).
- Air and nitrogen
(reference: 87/404/EEC Directive)


In conformity with the provisions of Article 15 of 97/23/EC Directive the

following information are reported on the valve body.
- Manufacturer’s mark, address and manufacture country
- Indication of flow direction
- Max allowable pressure
- Set pressure
- Allowable temperature range
- Production date
- Serial number
e following data are stamped on the cap:
- EC marking and the identification number of the notified body involved in
the production control phase
- Valve model
- Flow section
- Kd discharge coefficient


97/23/EC Directive requires that pressure equipment, in which permissible

limits are reasonably likely to be exceeded, shall be fitted with suitable
protection devices, for instance safety devices such as safety valves. Such
devices shall prevent pressure from permanently exceeding the max allowable
pressure PS of the equipment they protect. In any case, a short pressure
peak limited to 10% of admissible maximum pressure is permitted.
As to the selection and sizing of the suitable protection device, users shall

TABLE 3: General Characteristics of valves 3060

Catalogue Number 3060/23C 3060/24C 3060/33C 3060/34C 3060/45C 3060/36C 3060/46C

Inlet male 1/4” NPT 1/4” NPT 3/8” NPT 3/8” NPT 1/2” NPT 3/8” NPT 1/2” NPT
Outlet male 3/8” SAE 1/2” SAE 3/8” SAE 1/2” SAE 5/8” SAE 3/4” G 3/4” G

Inlet connection wrench torque (min/max) [Nm] 10/15 10/15 14/20 14/20 21/30 14/20 21/30

Flow Diameter [mm] 7.0 9.5 10.0

Flow Section [mm ] 2

38.5 70.9 78.5

Discharge Coefficient "Kd" 0.63 0.69 0.63 0.69 0.45 0.92 0.93

PS [bar] 55

TS [°C] - 50 / + 150

Set Pressure Range [bar] 9 / 50

Overpressure 10 % of set pressure

Risk Category according to PED IV

Safety devices
refer to the specific product and sector standards. possible causes of overpressure in a system and makes available to users
EN ISO 4126-1: 2004 Standard: “Safety devices for protection against the instruments for pressure relief device sizing, among which the safety
excessive pressure – Part 1: Safety valves”, harmonized with 97/23/EC valves.
Directive, specifies general requirements for safety valves irrespective of the For sizing of safety valves series 3060 see the previous chapter of safety
fluid for which they are designed. valves series 3030.
EN 378-2 : 2008 Standard “Refrigerating systems and heat pumps – safety
and environmental requirements – Part 2: Design, construction, testing, VALVE INSTALLATION
marking and documentation”, harmonized with 97/23/EC Directive, provides
a general outline of the protection devices to be adopted in refrigerating Safety valves type 3060 are NOT guaranteed for reproducibility of
systems and their features (par. 6.2.5). It also indicates the criteria for performance, this means that after the valves have operated, open/
the selection of the device suitable to the type and sizes of the system close, the initial setting conditions are NOT maintained. en it is
component to be protected (par. 6.2.6). necessary to replace valve 3060 once it has discharged.
EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard “ Refrigerating systems and heat For installation of safety valves series 3060 see the previous chapter of
pumps – Pressure relief devices and their associated piping – Methods safety valves series 3030.
for calculation”, harmonized with 97/23/EC Directive, highlights the Utilized material: EN 12164-CW614N brass.




TABLE 4: Dimensions and Weights of valves 3060

Dimensions [mm]
Catalogue Number Weight [g]
ØD L Ch H1 H2 H3
3060/23C 21.5 35 20 33.5 46.5 80 180
3060/24C 21.5 35 20 33.5 46.5 80 195
3060/33C 21.5 35 20 33.5 46.5 80 195
3060/34C 21.5 35 20 33.5 46.5 80 195
3060/45C 24.5 39.0 23 37 52.5 89 240
3060/36C 30 40 27 37 59.5 96.5 360
3060/46C 30 40 27 40 59.5 99.5 380

Safety devices


We would like to remember to our customer that the running of

pressure equipments and pressure assemblies is excluded by the scope
of Directive 97/23/EC but it‘s regulated in compliance with national
regulations of Member States of European Communities.
We think that these regulations, actually on updating with the
Competent Bodies of all the states to avoid conflicts with the ESR of
PED, could provide for periodical checks on the pressure equipments
and assemblies.
Any intervention for periodic checking or replacement of an installed
safety valve becomes very difficult if the protected vessel is not
equipped with a shut-off valve.
e shut-off valves series 3033 and 3063, installed between vessel
and safety valve, allow removing the valve for periodic checking or
replacement without blowing off all the refrigerant from a section of
the system. ese valves can be used with the same fluids foreseen for
safety valves series 3030 and 3060, in particularly:
- Refrigerant fluids, in the physical state of gas or vapour, belonging to
Group 2 according to the definitions of 97/23/EC Directive, Article 9,
Point 2.2 (with reference to 67/548/EEC Directive of June 27th, 1967).
- Air and nitrogen
(reference: 87/404/EEC Directive)

Castel supplies to its customers the valves series 3033 and 3063
in open position and the ball spindle is protected by means of a cap
screwed to the body and sealed with lead to it. Any closing intervention
on the valve forcedly causes the tampering of the seal and then these
interventions shall be performed exclusively by:
- staff authorized to work on the system
- public servant of a Competent Body
ese persons will be responsible for the next valve reopening and the
new cap sealing with their own lead.

e main parts of these valves are made with the following materials:
- Hot forged brass EN 12420 – CW 617N for body
- Hot forged brass EN 12420 – CW 617N, chromium plated, for ball
- Steel, with proper surface protection, for the spindle.
- P.T.F.E. for seat ball gaskets
- Chloroprene rubber (CR) for outlet seal gaskets
- Glass reinforced PBT for cap that covers the spindle.

Safety devices

VALVE 3030/..

BALL VALVE 3033/..



VALVE 3060/...

BALL VALVE 3063/...




TABLE 5: General Characteristics, Dimensions and Weights of valves 3033, 3063

TS [°C] Dimensions [mm] Risk Category
Catalogue Designed for Kv Factor [bar] Inlet connection wrench
Weight [g] according to
Number valve [m3/h] torque (min/max) [Nm]
min max ØD A C L H1 H2 H3
3060/23C 1/4"
3063/22 2.5 7 78 58 39.5 77.5 155 10/15 500
3060/24C NPT
3060/33C 3/8"
3063/33 5 10 78 58 39.5 77.5 155 14/20 530
3060/34C NPT
3063/44 5 -50 +150 55 10 78 58 44.5 84.5 162 21/30 560 Art. 3.3
3060/46C 1/2"
3033/44 3030/44C 10 13 101 73 59 100 245 21/30 710

3033/88 3030/88C 20 20 1" NPT 107 77 72 123 323 50/65 1070

Safety devices


e changeover device type 3032 is a service valve for dual pressure

relief valves that allows using one valve while isolating the other from
the system. is device allows the user to work on the isolated valve,
for periodic checking or replacement, while the system is completely
operative and the other valve is in service.
N.B. : each safety valve placed on a changeover device must have
sufficient capacity to protect the vessel alone.
Valve type 3032/44 is supplied with:
- Two female threaded connections 1/2” NPT with swivel nut, code
Castel 3039/4
- two O-Ring
ese components ensure the perfect alignment of two safety valves
e valves series 3032 can be used with the same fluids foreseen for
safety valves series 3030 and 3060, in particularly:
- Refrigerant fluids, in the physical state of gas or vapour, belonging to
Group 2 according to the definitions of 97/23/EC Directive, Article 9,
Point 2.2 (with reference to 67/548/EEC Directive of June 27th, 1967).
- Air and nitrogen
(reference: 87/404/EEC Directive)


e valve 3032 is designed so that it is never possible to close off

both ports at the same time, excluding all the two safety valves. Under
working conditions, the shutter must be clamped against one of the
two seats of the valve, front port or back port, in order to ensure
always full discharge to the corresponding safety valve. Intermediate
positions of the shutter are not acceptable in order not to affect the
operation of both safety valves. e valve ensures a pressure drop
perfectly compatible with the safety valve operation under conditions
of discharge of saturated vapour as well as overheated vapour.
e main parts of these valves are made with the following materials:
- Hot forged brass EN 12420 – CW 617N for body
- Steel, with proper surface protection, for the spindle.
- Chloroprene rubber (CR) and aramidic fibers for gland seal
- Chloroprene rubber (CR) for outlet seal gaskets
- Glass reinforced PBT for cap that covers the spindle.

Safety devices

B 3039/4






L3 3032/64
B 3032/66


L1 L2

TABLE 6: General Characteristics, Dimensions and Weights of valves 3032

TS [°C] Dimensions [mm] Risk

Catalogue Designed for PS Inlet connection wrench Category
Factor Weight [g]
Number valve [bar] torque (min/max) [Nm] according to
[m3/h] min max D A B H1 H2 L1 L2 L3 PED
3032/33 2.5 13 3/8” NPT 3/8” NPT 117 45 33 91 50 14/20 775
3032/44 3.3 13 1/2” NPT 1/2” NPT 117 45 33 91 50 21/30 775
3032/64 3030/44C 9.0 17.5 3/4” NPT 1/2” NPT 95 52 48 133 80 32/45 1750
-50 +150 55 Art. 3.3
3032/66 3030/66C 9.0 17.5 3/4” NPT 3/4” NPT 95 52 48 133 80 32/45 1750
1” 1”
3032/88 14.5 22.0 120 71 66 185 110 50/65 3200
3032/108 20.0 31.0 1. 1/4” NPT 123 74 66 185 110 60/80 3200

Safety devices

Unions series 3035 allow assembling safety valves series 3030 and
3060 or shut-off valves series 3032, 3033 and 3063 close to the
pressure equipments to protect, set up in a refrigerating system.
ese unions are designed for installations according to the following
two ways:
3060 - Make a copper tube jointing the pressure equipment to the union, fit
the end of this tube into the solder connection of the union and then
make a capillary brazing.
- Drill the inner/outer pipe close to the pressure equipment (if possible
make a collar on the pipe), put the end of the union into this drill and
then make a braze welding.
e unions series 3035 are machined by brass bar EN 12164-CW614N


Copper tube

TABLE 7: General Characteristics, Dimensions and Weights of unions 3035

Connections Dimensions
Catalogue Number PS [bar] Weight [g]
Ø [mm]
3035/2 1/4” 12 18 33 21 58

3035/3 3/8” 18 22 36.5 26 90.5

3035/4 1/2” 22 28 44 32 165
3035/6 3/4” 28 35 51 40 255
ØD 3035/8 1” 35 42 72 45 364
3035/10 1.1/4” 42 54 67 55 613

Safety devices

1/2" NPT


1/8" NPT



1/2" NPT

GENERAL DESCRIPTION is a conventional domed type (forward acting) where the bursting
pressure is applied to the concave side. e discs are designed and
Bursting disc safety devices 3070 are safety devices according to the tested, according to the requirements of EN ISO 4126-2:2003
definition given in Article 1, Point 2.1.3, 2nd dash of 97/23/EC Directive Standard, to burst at an established pressure. is pressure is called
and are the subject of Article 3, Point 1.4 of aforesaid Directive. specified burst pressure, quoted with a coincident temperature and
Safety device 3070 is a non-reclosing pressure relief device where the with a performance tolerance. e disc is manufactured with a sheet of
bursting disc is sensitive to the differential pressure and it is designed material of calibrated width, Nickel, contained in a copper ring case.
to burst at a specified pressure.
Safety device 3070 are identified by means of:
- a model number formed of an alphanumerical coding that includes: SCOPE
- in the first part the family identification (e.g. 3070/44C)
- in the second part the setting pressure, expressed in bars, multiplied Use: protection against possible overpressures of the apparatuses
by 10 (e.g. 140) listed below, with regard to the operating conditions for which they
- a serial number for lot production. have been designed:
- Refrigerating system and heat pump components, for instance:
condensers, liquid receivers, evaporators, liquid accumulators, positive
CONSTRUCTION displacement compressor discharge, heat exchangers, oil separators,
Bursting disc holder: it is the body of the device, manufactured in two (reference: EN 378-2:2008 Standard)
half parts screwed together, that holds the bursting disc in the proper
position. e two half bodies are obtained through bar machining; the Fluids: the valves can be used with:
lower body houses the inlet connection, while the upper body houses - Refrigerant fluids, in the physical state of gas or vapour, belonging to
the outlet connection and two service pressure 1/8”NPT. Group 2 according to the definitions of 97/23/EC Directive, Article 9,
Bursting disc: e bursting disc contained into the safety device 3070 Point 2.2 (with reference to 67/548/EEC Directive of June 27th, 1967).

Safety devices
TABLE 1: General Characteristics of rupture discs 3070 from permanently exceeding the max allowable pressure PS of the
equipment they protect. In any case, a short pressure peak limited to
Catalogue Number 3070/44 10% of admissible maximum pressure is permitted.
Inlet male 1/2” NPT e bursting disc safety device 3070 may be used either as sole pressure
relief device or in conjunction with a Castel safety valve (types 3030 e
Connections Outlet female 1/2” NPT 3060). e combination disc plus valve prevents the refrigerant leakage
Service 2 x 1/8” NPT through the safety valve and the total loss of refrigerant after the disc
burst. is combination may be also equipped with a proper pressure
Inlet connection wrench torque (min/max) switch to detect if the valve has discharged.
e bursting pressure of the safety device 3070 is affected by the
Flow Diameter [mm] 12 operating temperature of fluid contained into the equipment to be
Flow Section [mm2] 113
protected. e specified bursting pressure Pb, stamped on the body, is
the nominal bursting pressure at the coincident temperature of 22 °C: At
PS [bar] 55 higher operating temperatures the nominal bursting pressure is reduced
TS [°C] - 50 / + 150
while at lower operating temperatures the nominal bursting pressure is
increased. Refer to table 1 for temperature adjustment factors of Pb.
As to the selection and sizing of the suitable protection device, users
shall refer to the specific product and sector standards.
Bursting Pressure Pb [bar] EN ISO 4126-2: 2003 Standard: “Safety devices for protection against
excessive pressure – Part 2: Bursting disc safety devices”, specifies
general requirements for design, manufacturing, inspection, testing,
certification, marking, packaging of bursting disc safety devices
from 14 up to bar +/- 15 % EN ISO 4126-3: 2006 Standard: “Safety devices for protection against
Pb tolerance
from 24 up to28 bar +/- 10% excessive pressure – Part 3: Safety valves and bursting disc safety
devices in combination”, harmonized with 97/23/EC Directive, specifies
Coincident temperature Ta 22 general requirements for design, application and marking for a product
-50 °C 1,13 assembled from the in-series combination of safety valve and bursting
-35 °C 1,12 disc safety device.
-25 °C 1.10 EN ISO 4126-6: 2003 Standard: “Safety devices for protection against
-10 °C 1,03 excessive pressure – Part 6: Application, selection and installation
-0 °C 1,03 of bursting disc safety devices”, gives guidance on the application,
Correction factor of Pb
for Ta ≠ 22 °C
22°C 1.00 selection and installation of bursting disc safety devices used to protect
40°C 0.99 pressure equipment from excessive pressure
60 °C 0.97 EN 378-2 : 2008 Standard “Refrigerating systems and heat pumps –
80 °C 0.95 safety and environmental requirements – Part 2: Design, construction,
100 °C 0.94 testing, marking and documentation”, harmonized with 97/23/EC
150 °C 0.93 Directive, provides a general outline of the protection devices to be
Max operating pressure 75 % Pb adopted in refrigerating systems and their features (par. 6.2.5). It also
indicates the criteria for the selection of the device suitable to the type
Risk Category according to PED IV
and sizes of the system component to be protected (par. 6.2.6).
EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard “ Refrigerating systems and heat
pumps – Pressure relief devices and their associated piping – Methods
MARKING for calculation”, harmonized with 97/23/EC Directive, highlights the
possible causes of overpressure in a system and makes available to
In conformity with the provisions of Article 15 of 97/23/EC Directive users the instruments for pressure relief device sizing, among which
the following information are reported on the bursting disc holder. the safety valves.
- Manufacturer’s mark
- EC marking and the identification number of the notified body involved SIZING OF BURSTING DISC DEVICES DESIGNED TO DISCHARGE
in the production control phase GAS OR VAPOUR AT CRITICAL FLOW (REF. . EN ISO 4126-6:
- Valve model 2003)
- Flow section
- Indication of flow direction For the definition of critical flow see the chapter of safety valves series
- Bursting pressure 3030. A bursting disc safety device, which discharges to atmosphere,
- Performance tolerances works in critical flow.
- Coincident temperature to bursting pressure e bursting disc device designed to discharge gas or vapour at critical
- Production date flow must be sized as follow:
- Lot number
Q md vo
A c  3,469   [mm2]
97/23/EC Directive requires that pressure equipment, in which
permissible limits are reasonably likely to be exceeded, shall be fitted - Ac = minimum flow area of bursting disc [mm2]
with suitable protection devices, for instance safety devices such as - Qmd = minimum required discharge capacity of bursting disc [kg/h]
bursting disc safety devices. Such devices shall prevent pressure

Safety devices
-  = bursting disc coefficient of discharge - Vessels, joined together with piping rightly selected by the manufacturer and
- po = relieving pressure. [bar abs] without any stop valve between them, may be considered as only one vessel
- vo = specific volume of gas or vapour at relieving conditions po e To, for the installation of a safety device.
meaning with To fluid temperature at valve inlet, settled by the user or - e union between the combination and the equipment to be protected shall
by the designer. [m3/kg] be as short as possible. Furthermore, its passage section shall not be narrower
- C = function of isentropic coefficient k. To calculate C and to find the than the valve inlet section. In any case, EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard
values of k and C for the more useful refrigerants, see the chapter of states that the pressure loss between protected vessel and combination, at
safety valves series 3030 discharge capacity, shall not exceed 3% of the setting value, including any
accessory mounted on the upstream line.
- In selecting the safety device location, it shall be taken into account that
EN ISO 4126-6:2003 Standard establishes different values for the its operation involves the discharge of the refrigerant fluid under pressure,
coefficient of discharge “” depending on the nozzle entry configuration sometimes even at high temperature. Where the risk exists to cause direct
where the bursting disc is mounted. e following cases are shown in injuries to the persons nearby, an exhaust conveying piping shall be provided,
the aforesaid Standard, Par. C.2.2.1: which shall be sized in such a way as not to compromise device operation. EN
- In case of an internally protruding branch/nozzle:  = 0,68 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard states that this piping shall not generate,
- In case of a flush branch/nozzle whose inlet is not of hydrodynamic at discharge capacity, a back pressure exceeding 10% of pressure po, for
configuration:  = 0,73 standard type valves, unbalanced.
- In case of a branch/nozzle with rounded or chamfered inlets To calculate the pressure loss either in the upstream line (between vessel and
(hydrodynamic configuration):  = 0,80 safety valve) or in the downstream line (between safety valve and atmosphere)
refer to EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard, Chapter 7.4.
Calculation of minimum required discharge capacity of bursting disc
safety device is closely linked to the type of system where the valve is
installed, with the causes that may arouse the opening of safety device,
- External heat sources
- Internal heat sources
- Excessive pressure caused by compressors
For the calculation of minimum required discharge capacity in these
three cases see the chapter of safety valves series 3030


4126-3: 2006)

e combination is an installation which comprises a bursting disc safety

device installed within five pipe diameters before the inlet of a safety valve.
e combination of a specified safety valve with a bursting disc device is
characterized by a combination discharge capacity factor “Fd”. According to EN
ISO 4126-3: 2006 Standard the coefficient “Fd”.is the ratio of the average of
coefficients of discharge “Kd“ of combination, determined by the combination
tests, to the certified coefficient of discharge “Kd“ of the sole safety valve.
As a alternative to testing to determine the “Kd“ factor of the combination, the
same standard permits the use of a default combination discharge capacity
factor of 0,9, value quite lower than the one obtained from testing. en to
size a combination, safety valve /3030 or 3060) with bursting disc safety
device (3070), follow the calculation indicated in the chapter of safety valve
3030, but multiply for 0,9 the certified coefficient of discharge “Kd“.


e bursting disc safety devices must be replaced once they have

discharged. Device 3070 is a sealed component with not replaceable
bursting disc; when the disc discharges it is necessary the replace all
the device.
Max operating pressure of equipment to be protected shall be no
more than 75 % of burst pressure of safety device 3070, to avoid
disc damages o leakage. If operating pressure exceeds 85 % of burst
pressure, safety device 3070 should be replaced immediately.
As far as the installation of bursting disc safety devices and combination
devices is concerned, the fundamental points listed below shall be taken into
- Safety devices shall be installed near an area of the system where vapours
or gases are present and there is no fluid turbulence.

Safety devices


Fusible plugs series 3080/.C and 3082/.C are safety devices according
to the definition given in Article 1, Point 2.1.3, 2nd dash of 97/23/
EC Directive and are the subject of Article 3, Point 1.4 of aforesaid
According to the definition given in Point 3.6.4 of EN 378-1:2008
Standard, fusible plug is a device containing material that melts at a
predetermined temperature and thereby relieving the pressure.
Castel has resolved to classify fusible plugs series 3080/.C and 3082/.C
in the Category of Risk I therefore fixing their use, as protection devices,
on specific pressure equipments, proper to the same Category of Risk I,
in compliance with Annex II, Point 2, of 97/23/EC Directive.
In consequence of this choice, fusible plugs series 3080/.C and 3082/.C
cannot be used, as sole protection devices, on pressure equipments
proper to Categories of Risk higher than first.


e body of the fusible plug is an NPT plug drilled with a taper hole. A
predetermined quantity of fusible alloy, with checked melting point, is
poured inside this hole.
e parts of the fusible plugs are made with the following materials:
- Brass EN 12164 – CW 614N, hot tinned, for the plug
- Eutectic alloy with several components, cadmium free, for the fusible


Use: the fusible plugs are basically used to protect the components in a
refrigerating system or heat pump against possible overpressures, with
regard to the operating conditions for which they have been designed,
in case of an excessive external heat source, such as fire (point
of EN 378-2:2008)
Fluids: the fusible plugs can be used with refrigerant fluids belonging
to Group 2 according to the definitions of 97/23/EC Directive, Article 9,
Point 2.2 (with reference to 67/548/EEC Directive of June 27th, 1967).

TABLE 8: General Characteristics, Dimensions and Weights of fusible plugs 3080 and 3082

Maximum Wrench Risk

Flow Flow Melting PS
Catalogue NPT working Hexagonal Torque Category
Diameter Section Kd Point [bar] Weight [g]
Number Connections temperature Key min/max according
[mm] [mm2] [°C] (1)
[°C] [Nm] to PED

3080/1C 1/8” 4.9 18.8 12 7 / 10 11

3080/2C 1/4” 5.7 25.5 10 / 15 23
79 68 42 17
3080/3C 3/8” 8.5 56.7 14 / 20 39
3080/4C 1/2” 9.3 67.9 22 21 / 30 76
0.91 I
3082/1C 1/8” 4.9 18.8 12 7 / 10 11
3082/2C 1/4” 5.7 25.5 10 / 15 23
138 127 30 17
3082/3C 3/8” 8.5 56.7 14 / 20 39
3082/4C 1/2” 9.3 67.9 22 21 / 30 76

(1) : alla massima temperatura d’esercizio

Safety devices
- Ac = minimum flow area of fusible plug [mm2]
In conformity with the provisions of Article 15 of 97/23/EC Directive - Qmd = minimum required discharge capacity, of refrigerant, of fusible
and of Point 7.3.3 of EN 378-2:2008 Standard the following data are plug [kg/h]
reported on the hexagonal nut: - Kdr =derated coefficient of discharge of fusible plug, equal to 0,9 x Kd
- EC marking - po = pressure upstream the fusible plug, inside the equipment to be
- Manufacturer’s logo protected [bar abs]
- Max allowable pressure PS - vo = specific volume of gas or vapour at relieving conditions po e To,
- Melting point [m3/kg] (To is the fluid temperature at plug inlet, settled by the user or
by the designer)
- C = function of isentropic coefficient k (as measured at 25 °C, see
INSTALLATION Section 7.2.3, EN 13136:2001/A1:2005) calculated from:
k 1
If a fusible plug is mounted on a pressure vessel or any other part
2 k 1
which it protect it shall be placed in a section where superheated C  3,948  k 
refrigerant would not affect its correct function. Fusible plug shall k1
not be covered by thermal insulation. Discharge from fusible plugs shall
take place so that persons and property are not endangered by the Per l’individuazione dei valori di k e C per i più comuni fluidi refrigeranti si
released refrigerant. (point. of EN 378-2:2008) rimanda al capitolo relativo alla valvole di sicurezza serie 3030.
EN 378-2:2008 Standard, harmonized with the 97/23/EC Directive, La valutazione della minima portata di scarico richiesta al tappo
establishes that a fusible plug shall not be used as pressure relief fusibile è strettamente connessa alla causa primaria che può provocare
device on vessels containing refrigerants proper to A2, B1, B2, A3 e B3 l’intervento del tappo fusibile, cioè la sorgente di calore esterna. La
groups. e same Standard establishes that a fusible plug shall not be minima portata richiesta si determina con la formula:
used as the sole pressure relief device between a refrigerant containing
component and the atmosphere for systems with a refrigerant charge
3600    A surf
larger than 2,5 kg of group A1 refrigerant (ex. R22 ; R134a ; R404A ; Q md  [Kg/h]
R407C ; R410A ; R507). h vap
FUSIBLE PLUG SELECTION -  = density of heat flow rate, it’s assumed to be 10 [kW/m2]
- Asurf = external surface area of the vessel [m2]
97/23/EC Directive requires that pressure equipment, in which - hvap = heat of vaporization of liquid at po [kJ/kg]
permissible limits are reasonably likely to be exceeded, shall be fitted
with suitable protection devices, for instance safety devices such as EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 also establishes that the following values for
fusible plugs. Such devices shall prevent pressure from permanently Kdr shall be the maximum used depending on how the pipe between the
exceeding the max allowable pressure PS of the equipment they vessel and the fusible plug is mounted on the vessel:
protect. In any case, a short pressure peak limited to 10% of admissible - flush or flared connection: Kdr = 0,70
maximum pressure is permitted. - inserted connection: Kdr = 0,55

As to the selection and sizing of the suitable protection device, users

shall refer to the specific sector or product standards.
EN 378-2:2008 Standard “Refrigerating systems and heat pumps –
safety and environmental requirements – Part 2: Design, construction,
testing, marking and documentation” provides a general outline of the
protection devices to be adopted in refrigerating systems and their
features (par. 6.2.5). It also indicates the criteria for the selection of the
device suitable to the type and sizes of the system component to be
protected (par. 6.2.6).
EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 Standard “ Refrigerating systems and heat
pumps – Pressure relief devices and their associated piping – Methods
for calculation”, harmonized with 97/23/EC Directive, highlights the
possible causes of overpressure in a system and makes available to
users the instruments for pressure relief device sizing, among which
the fusible plugs.

SIZING OF FUSIBLE PLUGS (REF. EN 13136:2001/A1:2005)

As the fusible plugs discharge to atmosphere, they always work in

critical flow (to know the definition of critical flow, see the chapter of
safety valves series 3030).
e fusible plugs must be sized as follow:

Q md vo
A c  3,469   [mm2]
C  po
Safety devices

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