Asme B18.2.1 1996

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1. ASME 818.2.1 ;s a standard developed through the procedures of
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 818.2.1;s under
the jurisdiction of ASME Standards Committee 818 and is the di-
rect responsibility of its Subcommittee 2.

2. In 1991 several revisions were proposed that ultimately were ap-

proved for inclusion in this edition of the standard including:

improved definition of a full body versus a reduced body

dimensions which should be certified to assure product fit,

form and function

deletion of the term "finished hex bolt"

- included a weight table and countersunk center hole size by

drill designation

- added a table for maximum grip gaging lengths and minimum

body lengths for heavy hex screws and cap screws

- removed the heavy hex structural bolt and included it in a new

standard ASME 818.2.6, page E-11. The askew bolt still in
818.2. 1 is also included in this book in Section E, since its
primary use is in structural steel applications.

3. The limits of size of all dimensions of hex cap screws and heavy
hex screws fall completely within those for hex bolts and heavy
hex bolts, respectively. It Is frequently economically feasible for a
supplier to substitute hex cap screws or heavy hex screws, par-
ticularly in sizes 314 in. and smaller with lengths 6 in. and shorter,
when hex bolts and heavy hex bolts, respectively, are ordered. Such
substitutions at the supplier's option are considered acceptable.

4. ASME 818.2.1-1996 is repri nted with theperm;ssion of Its publisher,

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park A venue,
New York, NY 10016-5990, U.S.A.

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute C- 1

8 18.2.1


1.1 Scope Options, where specified, shall be at the
discretion of the manufacturer, unless otherwise
1.1.1 This standard covers the complete gen- agreed upon by the manufacturer and the pur-
eral and dimensional data for eight product types chaser.
of inch series sq uare and hex bolts and screws
recognized as American National Standard. Also 1.4 Terminology
included are appendixes covering thread runout
sleeve gages, gaging procedure for checking bolt As used in this standard, the term ~ I ong
boW or Mlong screw" means a bolt or screw of a
and screw straightness, grade markings for steel
bolts and screws, fonnulas on which dimensional diameter-length co mbin ation which is not
threaded for full length, and the term "short boW
data are based, and a specification to assist in
or "short screw" means a bolt or screw of a di-
identifying a product as being a screw or a bolt.
It should be understood, however, that where ameter-length combination which is required to
be threaded for full length.
questions arise concerning acceptance of prod-
uct, the dimensions in the tables shall govern body length (La): the distance measured paral-
over recalculation by formula . Heavy hex struc- lel to the axis of the bolt or screw from the
tural bolts, formerly covered in AN SI B18.2. 1, underhead bearing surface to the last scratch of
are now covered in ASME B18.2.6. thread, or, for rolled threads, to the top of the
extrusion angle. Where speCified, the minimum
1.1.2 The inclusion of dimensional data in this
body length (La min) is a criterion for inspection.
standard is not intended to imply that all of the
products described herein are stock production grip gaging length (L G ): the distance measured
sizes. Consumers should consult with manu- parallel to the axis of the bolt or screw from the
facturers concerning lists of stock production underhead bearing surface to the face of a
sizes. noncounterbored, noncountersunk standard GO
thread ring gage assembled by hand as far as
1.1.3 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws pur-
the thread will permit. The maximum grip gag-
chased for government use shall conform to this
ing length (La max) is a criterion for inspection.
standard and to any additional requirements
specified in the purchase order or contract. See point fength: the length from the pointed end to
ASME B18.24.1 for a part identification number- the first fully fanned thread at major diameter as
ing system (PIN Code). determined by the distance that the point enters
into a cylindrical NOT GO major diameter ring
1.2 Dimensions gage (reference Gage, ASME B1 .2).
All dimensions in this standard are in thread fength: the length from the extreme point
inches, unless otherwise stated, and apply to of the bolt or screw to the last complete (full fonn)
un plated or uncoated product. When plating or thread . For bolts and screws in this standard,
coating is specified, the finished product dimen- other than lag screws, the nominal thread length
sions shall be as agreed upon between supplier (L,.) is a reference dimension intended for calcu-
and purchaser. lation purposes only.
Symbols specifying geometric character-
istics are in accord with ASME Y14.SM , Dimen- transition thread length (V) : Ihe length which
sioning and Toferancing . includes the length of incomplete threads, the

C- 2 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute


extrusion angle on rolled threads, and tolerances the series specified in the notes on respective
on grip length. Where specified, maximum tran- dimensional tables as documented in American
sition thread length (Y. max) is a reference di-
mension intended for calculation purposes only.
For definitions of other terms relating to
fasteners or component features thereof used
in this standard, refer to American National Stan-
dard, Glossary of Terms for Mechanical Fasten-
National Standard. Unified Inch Screw Threads
(UN and UNR Thread Form), ASM E B1.1, page
A-33 . Unless otherwise specified, size limits for
standard external thread Class 2A apply prior to
coating. The external thread allowance may thus
be used to accommodate the coating thickness
ers, ASME B18.12, page N-1 . on coated parts, provided that the maximum
coating thickness is no more than one-fourth of
1.5 Referenced Standards the allowance. Thus, the thread after coating is
subject to acceptance using a basic Class 3A
Titles and sources of availability of ASTM size GO thread gage and a Class 2A thread gage
and SAE standards referenced in this standard for either minimum material or NOT GO. Where
are given on page N-3B. external thread has no allowance, or allowance
must be maintained after coating, and for stan-
dard internal threads, sufficient allowance must
2, GENERAL DATA be provided prior to coating to assure that fin-
ished product threads do not exceed the maxi-
2.1 Heads mum-material limits specified. For thread Class
3A, Class 2A allowances in accordance with
2.1.1 Width Across Flats. The width across ASME 81 .1 should be applied whenever pos-
flats of head shall be the overall distance mea- sible.
sured perpendicular to the axis of product be-
tween two opposite sides of the head in accor- 2.3.1 Th rea d G ag i ng . Unless otherwise
dance with the notes in respective dimensional speCified by the purchaser, dimensional accept-
tables . ability of screw threads shall be determined
based on System 21 , ASME B1.3M, page A-
2,1.2 Head Height . The head height shall be 63, Screw Thread Gaging Systems for Dimen-
the overall distance measured parallel to the axis sional Acceptability - Inch and Metric Screw
of product from the top of the head to the bear- Threads (UN, UNR, UNJ, M, and MJ).
ing surface and shall include the thickness of
the washer face where provided . 2.4 Body Dia meter

The body diameter minimum/maximum

2.2 Bo lt or Screw Length
limits of each of the eight products included in
The bolt or screw length shall be the dis- this standard are defined in each of the respec-
tance measured parallel to the axis of product tive applicable tables. Unless otherwise speci-
from the bearing surface of the head to the ex- fied by the purchaser, the body style supplied
treme end of the bolt or screw, including point if shall be full-size body.
the product is pOinted.
2.5 Finish
2.3 Thread s
Unless otherwise speCified , bolts and
Threads on all products except lag screws shall be supplied with a plain (as pro-
screws shall be Unified Standard Class 2A of cessed) finish , unplated, or uncoated.

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute C-3


2.6 Workmanship 2.9 Quality Assurance

I Bolts and screws shall be visually, with-

out magnification, free from burrs, seams, laps,
loose scale, irregular surfaces, and any defects
affecting their serviceability.
When control of surface discontinuities
is required, the purchaser shall specify conform-
Unless otherwise specified, products
shall be furnished in accordance with ASME
818.18.1, page M-5, and ASME 818.18.2, page
M-11, as noted in·Para. 2.10.

2.10 Dimensional Characteristics

ance to ASTM F788/F788M, Surface Discon-
tinuities of Bolts, Screws, and Studs, Inch and Products shall conform to the dimensions
Metric Series, page 8-190. indicated in the respective tables. Unless other-
wise specified, the following provisions shall
2.7 DeSignation apply for inspection of dimensional characteris-
tics. The designated characteristics defined
Bolts and screws shall be designated by within the notes of each product table shall be
the following data in the sequence shown: prod- inspected in accordance with ASME 818.18.2.
uct name, nominal size (fractional or decimal For nondesignated characteristics, the provisions
equivalent) ; threads per inch (omit for lag of ASME 818.18.1 shall apply. Should a non-
screws); product length (fractional or two-place deSignated dimension be determined to have a
decimal equivalent); material, including specifi- variance, it shall be deemed conforming to this
cation where necessary; and protective finish , if standard if the user, who is the installer, accepts
required. See the following examples: the variance based on fit, form , and function con-
siderations. Where verifiable in-process inspec-
tion is used in accordance with ASME 818.18.3,
page M- 19, or ASME 818.18.4M, page M-33,
Square Bolt, 318-16 le 1-1/2, Steel, Zinc Plated the final inspection level sample sizes of those
Hex Cap Screw. 1/2-13 x 4 , ASTM A354 Grade BD respective standards shall apply.
Hex Lag Screw, 0.75 le 5.00, Steel
2.11 Pointed Products

Unless otherwise specified, bolts need

2.8 Identification Symbols not be pointed. The presence of a point is to
reduce the possibility of damage to the leading
2.8.1 Grade Symbols. Each of the eight prod- threads and promote assemblability with a
ucts included in this standard shall be marked in tapped hole or nut. See respective table notes
accordance with the applicable specification for for point requirements .
its material, mechanical, or performance require-
ments. 2.12 Countersunk Center Holes

2.8.2 Source Symbols. Each of the eight For parts which require machining, it may
products included in this standard shall be .be necessary to provide support with a counter-
marked in accordance with the applicable speci- sunk center hole. When agreement is estab-
fications for its material, mechanical, or perfor- lished between manufacturer and purchaser, the
mance requirements to identify its source (manu- drill size and depth shall be in accordance with
facturer or private label distributor). Appendix D, unless otherwise specified.

C- 4 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute


© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute C-5

HEX BOlTS 6 18.2.1


I LQ--i-See NOTE 11 25·

i---L,,--I-lSeeNOTE 11
Bolt With I - - - L - --I
Reduced Diameter
Cut Thread Rolled Thread

Tab le 1 Dimensions of Square Sotts

E F G H R L,
Threa d Length
Nominal Size fo r Bo lt
FuU-5lze Wid th W~ th Lengths
o r B asic: Hea d Radius
Prod uct Bo dy Ac ross Across
Height of Fillet 6 1n .
D iameter
Diame ter F ~" Corners 0 ..,
.nd 61n.
Mu Min Basic M" . 'n Mox Mln Basic Mu . 'n M" Mln Nom No m

114 0.2500 0.260 0.237 3/8 0.375 0.362 0.530 0.498 11/64 0.188 0.156 0.03 0.01 0.750 1.000
5/16 0.3125 0.324 0.298 112 0.500 0.484 0.707 0.665 13i64 0.220 0.186 0.Q3 0.01 0.875 1.125
3/8 0.3750 0.388 0.360 9/16 0.562 0.... 0.795 0.747 114 0.268 0.232 0.03 0.01 1.000 1250
7/16 0.4375 0.452 0.42 1 518 0.625 0,603 0.884 0.828 1_ 0.316 0.278 0.03 0.01 1.125 1.375
112 0.5000 0.515 0 .482 3/. 0.750 0.725 1.06 1 0.995 21164 0.348 0.308 0.03 0 .01 1250 1.500
518 0.6250 0.642 0.605 15116 0.938 0.906 1.326 1.244 27164 0A4. 0.400 0.06 0.02 1.500 1.750
3/' 0.7500 0.768 0.729 1-118 1.125 1.088 1.591 1.494 112 0.524 0.476 0.06 0.02 1.750 2.000
7/8 0.8750 0,895 0.852 1-5116 1.312 1.269 1.856 1.742 19132 0.620 0.568 0.06 0.02 2.000 2.250
1 1.0000 1.022 0.976 1-112 1.500 1.450 2.121 1.991 21132 0.684 0.628 0.09 0.Q3 2.250 2.500
1·118 1.1250 1.149 1.098 1-11/1 6 1.688 1.631 2.386 2..239 314 0.780 0.720 0.09 0.03 2.500 2.750
' · 1/4 12500 1.2n 1.223 1-718 1.875 1.812 2.652 2.489 27132 0.876 0.812 0.09 0.03 2.750 3.000
1.Ji8 1.3750 1.404 1.345 2·1116 2.062 1.994 2.917 2.738 29/32 0.940 0.872 0.09 0.03 3.000 32 50
1·112 1 .5000 1.531 1.470 2·114 2.250 2.175 3.182 2 .. . . 1 1.036 0.964 0.09 0.03 3250 3.500
16. 18 6.7 3 3.17 17 11

NOTES TO TABLE 1: (4) Bearin g Surface. A dre seam across the beanng sur·
face is permissible. Bearing surface shall be perpendicu-
(1) Surfa ce Condition. Bolts need not be finished on lar 10 the axis of the body within a tol erance of 3 deg for 1
any surface except threads. In. size and smaller, and 2 deg for sizes larger than 1 In.
(2) Top of Head . Top of head shall be luti lorm andcham- Angularity measurement shalt be taken at a location to
fered with the diameter of chamfer circle being equal to avoid interference from a die seam. Special bearing sur·
the maximum width across flats, within a tolerance of mi- face finishes may be provided as agreed between pur·
nus 15 percent. chaser and manufacturer.
(3) Head Taper, Maximum width across fiats and across (5) True Position of Head. The axis of the head shall be
corners shall not be exceeded. No tran sverse section located at true JX)Silion with respect to the axis of the body
through the head between 25 percent and 75 percent of (determined over a distance under the head equal 10 one
actual head height. as measured from the bearing surface, diameter) within a tolerance zone having a diameter equiva-
shall be less than the minimum width across fiats and lent 10 6 percent of the maximum width across flats, re-
across corners. gardless of feature size.

C-6 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

18.2.1 [
6 ~ _ _- - - '

(6) Body Diameter. Any swell or fin under the head Of Nominal thread length, L" is a reference dimensIon
any die seam on the body shall not exceed the basic bolt Intended for calculation purposes only. Nominal thread
diameter by the following:

length equals twice the basic thread diameter plus 0.25 in.
for nominal bolt lengths up to and including 6 in., and twice
0.030 In. for sizes up to 1/2 in.
the basic thread diameter plus 0.50 In. for nominal lengths
0.050 in. for sizes 518 and 3/4 in. over 6 In.
0.060 In. for sizes over 3/4 In. to 1· 114 In,
(12) Incomplete Thread Diameter. The major diameter
0.090 in. for sizes over 1-1/41n.lo 1·112 In.
of incomplete thread shall not exceed the actual major di·
The diameter of the unlhreaded length on boils which ameter of the full form thread.
are threaded for full length shall not be less than the mini- (13) Threads. Threads, when rolled, shall be Unified Inch
mum pitch diameter of the thread nor greater than the coarse, fine, or 8 thread series (UNRC, UNRF. or 8 UNR
maximum body diameter, E max, specified In Table 1. Series), Class 2A Threads produced by other methods
(7) Reduced DIameter Body. Bolts may be obtained In may be Unified Inch coarse, fine. or 8 thread series (UNC.
reduced diameter body style. These shall have 8 body UNF, or 8 UN Series). Class 2A. Acceptability of screw
diameter of not less than the minimum pitch diameter of threads shall be determined based on System 21, ASME
the thread and not exceeding the minimum body diameter, B1 .3M, page A-63. Screw Thread Gaging Systems for 0/·
mensiona/ Acceptabllity-lnch and Me/n·c Screw Threads
E mln, shown in Table 1. Any swell or fin under the head or
any die seam on the body shall not exceed, E min, by the (UN, UNR. UNJ, M, and MJ).
following: ( 14) Identification Symbols. Identification marldng sym-
bols on ball heads shall be raised or Indented at the
0.030 in. for sizes up to 112 fn. manufacturer's option, unless otherwise specified. The
0.050 in. for sizes 5/8 and 3/4 in. marking shall be In accordance with the requirements of
0.060 In. for sizes over 3/4 In. to 1·1/4 In. Para. 2.8. Markings shall be legible to the unaided eye
0.090 in. for sizes over 1-1/4 in. to 1-1/2 in. with the exception of corrective lenses. When raised, the
height of the marking may not exceed 0.015 in. over the
(8) Point Unless otherwise specified, bolts need not be specified maximum head height for bolts 518 In. and smaller.
pointed. For bolts larger than 518 in., the marking may not project
(9) Straightness. Shanks of bolts shall be straight within more than 0.030 In. over the specified maximum head
the following limits al MMC. For boils with nominal lengths height. When Indented, the depth of the marking shall not
up to and Including 12 in., the maximum camber shall be reduce the load-carrying capability of the fastener.
0.006 in. per inch (O.OO6L) of bolt length . For bolts with (15) Material. Unless otherwise specified, chemical and
nominal lengths over 12 in, up 10 and Including 24 In., the mechanical properties of sleel bolts shall confOOTl to ASTM
maximum camber shall be 0.008 in. per inch (o.OOaL) of A307, Grade A, page 8-90. Other materials and grades
bolt length. A typical gage and gaging procedure for check- shall be as agreed upon by manufacturer and purchaser.
ing bott straightness Is given In Appendix 11. (16) Nomi nal Size. Where specifying nominal size in deci·
(10) Length Tolerances. Bolt length tolerances are given mals, zeros preceding the decimal and in the fourth deci-
in Table 10. Tolerances for nonpolnted products shall ap- mal place shall be omitted.
ply, (17) Dimensional Conformance. Unless otherwise speci-
(11) Thread Length, The length of thread on bolts shall fied, square bolts shall have the following characteristics
be conlrolled by the grip g8ging length, La max. Inspected to ASME 818.18.2, page M-l1, to the inspec-
The maximum grip gaging length, as calculated and lion levels shown:
rounded to two decimal places for any bolt not threaded
full length, shall be equal to the nominal bolt length minus Characteristic Inspection Lev el
the nominal thread length (l a max = l nom - L,.). For bolts
which are threaded full length, La max defines the Thead, C
unthreaded length under the head and shall not exceed Width across corners C
the length of 2.5 times the thread pitch for sizes up to al"ld Head I'elgl1 C
including 1 in ., and 3.5 Umes the thread pitch for sizes Grip length C
Visual C
larger than 1 in. It shall be used as the criterion for inspec-
All bolts of nominal lengths equal to or shorter than
the nominal thread length, ~, plus a length equivalent to If verifiable in-process inspection Is used, see Para. 2.10.
2.5 times the thread pitch for sizes up 10 and including 1 (18) Addi tional Requi rements, For additional re·
in., and 3.5 times the thread pitch for sizes larger than 1 In. quirements, see Section 1, Introductory Notes, and Sec-
shall be threaded for full length. tion 2, General Data.

( © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute C-7


I++i-H H

I L. --I-See NOTE 11

I---L. -../--See NOTE"

Bolt With I----- L
Reduced Diameter
Cut Thread Rolled Thread

Table 2 Dimensions of Hex Bolts

Nominal Size
• L,
Thread length
Full·Slze Width Width
or Basic Head Radius for Bott l engths
Body Acros s Across
Product Holghl of Fillet
Dlametor Flats Corners 61n. and OverS
Shorter In.
Mu Mln Basic Mu Mln Mu Min Basic Mu Mln Mu Mln Nom Nom
11. 0.2500 0260 0.237 7116 0.438 0.425 0.505 0.484 11/64 0.188 0.150 0.03 0.0 1 0.750 1.000
511. 0.3125 0.324 0.298 1/2 0.500 0.484 0.577 0.552 7132 0.235 0.195 0.03 0 .01 0.875 1.125
3J8 0.3750 0.388 0.360 9/1. 0.562 0.544 0.650 0.620 114 0.268 0.226 0.03 0.01 1.000 125<)
7/16 0.4375 0.452 0.421 518 0.625 0.603 0.722 0.687 19/64 0.316 0.272 0.03 0.01 1.125 1.375
1/2 0.5000 0.5 15 0.482 3/. 0.750 0.725 0.866 0.826 11/32 0.364 0.302 0.03 0,01 1.250 1.500
518 0.6250 0.642 0.605 15/16 0.938 0.906 1.083 1.033 27/64 0.444 0.378 0.06 0.02 1.500 1.750
31. 0.7500 0.768 0.729 '·118 1.125 1.068 1.299 1.240 1/2 0.524 0.455 0.06 0.02 1.750 2.000
7/8 0.8750 0 .895 0.852 1..s116 1.312 126' 1.516 1.447 37/64 0.604 0.531 0.06 0.02 2.000 2250
1 1.0000 1.022 0.976 1+112 1.500 1.450 1.732 1.653 '3/64 0.700 0.591 0.09 0.03 2250 2.500
H18 1.1250 1.1 49 1.098 ' +11/16 1.688 1.631 1.949 1.859 31. 0.780 0.658 0.09 0.03 2.500 2.750
H/4 1.2500 1.277 1.223 ' +718 1.875 1.812 2. 165 2.066 27/32 0.876 0.749 0.09 0.03 2.750 3.000
1-3/8 1.3750 1.404 1.345 2·1/16 2.062 1.994 2.382 2.273 29f32 0.940 0.810 0.09 0.03 3.000 3.250
1·112 1.5000 1.531 1.470 2·114 2.250 2.175 2.598 2.480 1 1.036 0.902 0.09 0.03 325<) 3.500
1-3/. 1.7500 1.785 1.716 2-518 2.625 2.536 3.03 1 2.893 1-5132 1.196 1.054 0.12 0.04 3.750 ' .000
2 2.0000 2.039 1.964 3 3.000 2.900 3.464 '.306 1-11132 1.388 1.175 0.12 0.04 4.250 ' .500
2·1/4 22500 2.305 2.2 14 3.J/8 3.375 3.262 3.897 3.719 1·112 1.548 1.327 0.19 0.06 4.750 5.000
2·112 2.5000 2.55' 2.461 3-314 3.750 3.625 4.330 4.133 1·21(32 1.708 1.479 0.19 0.06 5250 5.500
2·3/4 2.7500 2.827 2.711 4·118 4.125 3.968 4.763 4.546 , ·13116 1.669 1.632 0.19 0.06 5.750 • .000
3 3.0000 3.081 2.961 4-1/2 ' .500 4 .350 5.196 4.959 2 2.060 1.815 0.19 0.06 625<) 6.500
3·1/4 3.2500 3.335 3.210 4·7/8 4.675 4 .712 5.629 5.372 2-3/16 2.251 1.936 0. 19 0.06 6.750 7.000
3-1/2 3.5000 3.589 3.461 5-1/4 5.250 5.075 6.062 5.786 2.5J16 2.380 2.057 0.19 0.06 7250 7.500
3-3/. 3.7500 3.858 3.726 5-516 5.625 5.437 6.495 6.198 2·1(2 2.572 2.241 0.19 0.06 7.750 8 .000
• 4.0000 4.111 3.975
• • .000 5.800 6.926 6.612 2·11116 2.764 2.424 0.19 0.06 8250 8.500
16. 16
." 2. 3 2.3, 17 3.17 11

NOTES TO TABLE 2. corners shall not be exceeded. No transverse section

(1) Surface Condition. Bolts need not be finished on any through the head between 25 percent and 75 percent of
surface except threads. actual head height, as measured from the bearing surface,
(2) Top of Head. Top of head shall be full fonn and cham· shall be less than the minimum width across flats and
fered with the diameter of chamfer circle being equal to the across comers.
maximum width across flats, within a tolerance of minus 15 (4) Bearing Surface. A die seam across the bearing sur-
percent. face is pennisslbte. Bearing surface shall be perpendicu-
(3) Head Taper. Maximum width across flats and across lar to the axis of the body within a tolerance of 3 deg for 1

C- 8 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

1996 l~ ____________
In. size and smaUer, and 2 deg for sizes larger than 1 In.

larger than 1 In. It shall be used as the criterion for Inspec-

Angularity measurement shall be laken at a location 10 tion.
avoid Interference from a die seam. All bolts of nominal lengths equal to or shorter than
(5) True Position of Head . The axis of the head shall be the nominal thread length, ~, plus a length equivalent to

located at true posiUon with respect 10 the axis of the body 2.5 times the thread pitch for sizes up to and including 1
(determined over a distance under the head equal to one in .• and 3.5 times the thread pitch for sizes larger than 1
diameter) within a tolerance zone having a diameter equiva- in., shall be threaded for full length.
lent to 6 percent of the maximum width across flats, re- Nominal thread length, '-r ,
Is a reference dimension
gardless of feature size. intended for calculation purposes only. Nominal thread
(6) Body Diameter. There may be a reasonable swell or length equals twice the basic thread diameter plus 0.25 in.
fin under the head or die seam on the body not to exceed for nominat bott lengths up to and induding 6 in .• and twice
the basic bolt diameter by the following: the basic thread diameter plus 0.50 In. fOf nomlnal tengths
over 6 in.
0.030 in. for sizes up to 1/2 in.
(12) Incomplet e Thread Diameter. The major dIameter
0.050 in. for sizes 516 and 314 in.
of incomplete thread shall not exceed the actual major di-
0.060 In. for sizes over 314 in. 10 1-114 in.
ameter of the full form thread,
0.090 In. for sizes over 1-1/4 in. to 2 in.
(13) Threads. Threads, when rolled, shall be Unified Inch
0.120 in. for sizes over 2 in. to 3 in.
coarse, fine, or 8 thread series (UNRC, UNRF, or 8 UNR
0 .190 in. for sizes over 3 in.
Series), Class 2A, page A-33. Threads produced by other
The diameter of the unthreaded length on bolts which e
methods may be Unified Inch coarse, fine, or thread se-
are threaded fOf fun length shall not be less than the mini- ries (UNC, UNF, or 8 UN Series). Class 2A. Acceptability
mum pitch diameter of the thread nor greater than the of screw threads shall be determined based on System
maximum body diameter, E max, specified In Table 2. 21. ASME B1.3M. page A-63. Screw Thread Gaging Sys-
(7) Red uced Body Diameter. 80lts may be obtained In tems for Dimensional A cceptability-Inch and Metric
reduced diameter body style. These shall have a body Threads (UN, UNR, UNJ, M. and MJ).
diameter nol less than the minimum pitch diameter of thread (14) Identification Sy mbols. Iden\if1C8tion marking sym-
and not exceeding the minimum body diameter, E min, bols on bolt heads shall be raised or indented at the
shown in Table 2. Any swell or fin under the head or any manufacturer's option, unless otherwise speCified. The
die seam on Ihe body shall not exceed, E mln, by the fol- marking shall be in accordance with the requirements of
lowing: Para . 2.8. Markings shall be legible to the unaided eye
0.030 in. for sizes up to 1121n. with the exception of corrective lenses. When raised, the
0.050 in. fOf sizes 518 and 3/4 tn. height of the marking may not exceed 0.015 in. over the
0.060 in, for sizes over 3/4 in. to 1-114 in. specified maximum head height for bolts 518 in. and smaller.
0.090 in. fOf sizes over 1-114 In. 10 2 In. For bolts targer than 518 in .• the marking may not project
0.120 in. for sizes over 21n. to 31n. more than 0.030 In. over Ihe specified maximum head
0.190 in. for sizes over 3 In. height. When indented. the depth of the marking shall not
reduce the load-carrying capability of the fastener.
(8) Point. Unless otherwise specified , bolts need not be .f (15) Material. Unless otherwise specified, chemical and
pointed. mechanical properties of steel bolts shall conform to ASTM
(9) Straig htness. Shanks of bolts shall be straight within A307, Grade A. page B-90. Other materials and grades
the following limits at MMC. FOf bolts with nominal lengths shall be as agreed upon by manufacturer and purchaser.
up to and including 12 In., the maximum camber shall be (16) Nom inal Size. Where specifying nominal size in deci-
0.006 In , per inch (0.006l) of bolt length . For boils with mals, zeros preceding the decimal and in the fourth deci-
nominal lengths over 12 in. up to and including 24 In., the mal place shall be omitted.
maximum camber shall be 0.008 In. per inch (0.OO8l) of (17) Dlmenslonat Conform ance. Unless otherwise speci-
bolt length. A typical gage and gaging procedure for check- fied, hex bolts shall have the following characteristics In-
ing bolt straightness is given In Appendix It. spected to ASME 818.18.2. page M-11, to the inspection
( 10) Length Tolerances. Bolt length tolerances are given levels shown:
in Table 10. Tolerances fOf nonpoinled products shall ap-
ply. Characteristic Ins pection Level
(11) Thread Length. The length of thread on bolts shall C
be controlled by the grip gaging length, Lc; max. Wldttl across corners C
The maximum grip gaging length, as calculated and Head hBlgtt C
rounded to two decimal places fOf any bolt not threaded Grip 1e~1tl C
full length, shall be equal to the nominal bolt length minus Visual C
the nominal thread length (La max = L nom - '-r).
For bolts
If verifiable in-process inspection Is used , see Para . 2. 1O.
which are threaded full length, LG max defines the
(18) A dd ltlonal Requirements. For additional require-
unthreaded length under the head and shall not exceed
the length of 2.5 times the thread pitch for sizes up to and ments, see Section 1, Introductory Notes, and Section 2,
including 1 in., and 3.5 times the thread pitch for sizes General Data.

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute c 9


[__________H_E_A_VY 618.2.1


La·_I- See NOTE 11 See NOTE 11
Bolt With
Reduced Diameter
Cut Thread Rolled Thread

Table 3 Dimensions of Heavy Hex Bolts

Nominal Size
• L,
Thread Length
Fu ll-S ize Width Width
or Basic Head Ra dius for Bolt l engths
Body Acros s Across
Pro d uct Height o f Fillet
Diameter Flats Corners 61n. and 0",
Diameter Shorter 61n.
M" Mr" Basic M" Min. M" Mr" Basic M" Mr" Mu Mr" Na m Nom
'/2 0._ 0.515 0.482 7,. 0.875 0.850 1.010 0.969 11132 0.304 0.302 0.03 O.Ot 1250 ,.500
"" 0.6250
3/4 0 .7500
7,. 0 .8750
0 .378
' .500
, ' .0000 1.022 0.976 ,..,. 1.625 1.575
' .660
1.876 1.796
43/64 0.700
0.591 0.09
0.03 2.250 2.500
I ·MI 1.1250 1.149 ' .098 1-13/16 1.8 12 1.756 2.093 2.002 3/4 0.780 0.658 0.09 0.03 2.500 2.750
1-1/4 1.2500 1.277 ' 223 2 2.000 1.938 2.309 2.209 27f32 0.876 0.749 0.09 0.03 2.750 3.000
,.". 1.3750 1.404 1.345 2-3116 2.188 2.11 9 2.526 2.416 29132 0.940 0.8 10 0.09 0.03 3.000 3.250
1-112 1.5000 1.531 1.470 2.,,. 2.375 2.300 2.742 2.622 , 1.036 0.902 0.09 0.Q3 3.250 3.500
,.JI4 1.7500 1.785 1.7 16 2·3/4 2.750 2 .662 3.175 3.035 ' -5132 1.196 1.054 0.12 0.04 3.750 4.000
2 2.0000 2.039 ' .964 30' ,. 3.125 3.025 3.608 3.449 1-1 1132 1.388 1.175 0.12 0.04 4250 4.500
2·1/4 22 500 2.305 2.214 3-112 3.500 3.388 4 .041 3.862 1-112 1.548 1.327 0.19 0.06 4 .750 5.000
2· 1/2 2._ 2.559 2.461 307,. 3.875 3.750 4 .474 4.275 1-21132 1.708 1.479 0.19 0.06 5250 5.500
2.J14 2.7500 2.827 2.711 4·114 4250 4 .112 4.907 4 .... 1-1 3/ t6 1.869 1.632 0.19 0.06 5.750 6.000
3 3.0000 3.081 2.961 4-518 4.625 4 .475 5.340 5.102 2 2.060 1.8 15 0.19 0.06 6250 6.500
S ..
16, 18 6.7 2. 3 3, 17 17
NOTES TO TABLE 3: (4 ) Bearing Surface. Adle seam across the beanng sur-
(1) Surface Condition. Bolts need not be finished on any face Is permissible . Bearing s urface s hall be perpendicu-
surface except threads. lar to the axis of the body within a toleran ce of 3 deg for 1
(2) Top of Head . Top of head shall be fu ll ronn and cham- In. size and smaller, and 2 deg for sIzes larger than 1 in.
fered with the diameter of chamfer circle being equal 10 the Ang ularity m easurement sh all be ta ken at a location to
maximum width across fiats, within a tolerance of minus 15 avoid Interference from a die seam .
percent (5) Tru e Pos itio n o f Head. The axis of the head shall be
(3) Head Taper. Maximum width across flats and across cor- located a l true position w ith respect to the axis of the body
ners shall not be exceeded. No tran sverse section through (determined over a distance unde r the head equal 10 ooe
the head between 25 percent and 15 percent of actual head diameter) within a loIerance zone having a diameterequiva-
height. as measured from the bearing surlace, shall be less lent 10 6 percent of I he maximum width ac ross flats, re-
than the minimum width across flats and across corners. gardless of feature size.

C-10 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute


(6) Body Diameter. Any swell or fin under the head or In .• and 3.5 times the thread pitch for sizes larger than 1 in.
any die seam on the body shall not exceed the basic bolt shall be threaded for full length.
diameter by the following: Nominal thread length, L" Is a reference dimension
0.030 in. for sizes up 10 1/2 In.
0.050 In. for sizes 518 and 314 in.
0.060 in. for sizes over 3/4 in. to 1-1/4 In.
0.090 in. for sizes over 1-1 14 In. to 2 in.
0.120 In. for sizes over 2 In. to 3 In.
The diameter of the unlhreaded length on bolts which
Intended for calculatJon purposes only. Nominal thread
length equals twice the basic thread diameter plus 0.25 in.
for nominal bolt lengths up to and including 6 in., and twice
the basic thread diameter plus O.SO in. for nominal lengths
over 6 in.
(12) Incomplete Thread DIam eter. The major diameter
of incomplete thread shall not exceed the actual major di·
are threaded for full length shalt not be less than the mini· arneler of Ihe full form thread.
mum pitch diameter of the thread nor greater than the (13) Threads. Threads, when rolled, shall be Unified Inch
maximum body diameter, E max, specified In Table 3. coarse. fine, or 8 thread series (UNRC, UNRF, or 8 UNR
(7) Reduced Diameter Body. Bolts may be obtained In Series), Class 2A, page A--33. Threads produced by other
reduced diameter body style. These shall have a body methods may be Unified Inch coarse, fine, or 8 thread se·
diameter not less Ihan the minimum pitch diameter of the ries (UNC, UNF, or 8 UN Series), Class 2A. Acceptability
thread and not exceeding the minimum body diameter, E of screw threads shall be determined based on System
min, shown In Table 3. Any swell or fin under the head or 21, ASME B1 .3M, page A-63, Screw Thread Gaging Sys·
any die seam on the body shall not exceed, E min, by the terns for DImensional Acceptability-lnch and Metric Screw
following: Threeds (UN, UNR, UNJ, M, and /rAJ) .
(14) Identification Symbols. IdentJfication marking sym·
0.030 In. for sizes up to 1/2 In.
bols on ball heads shall be raised or Indented at tha
O.OSO in. fOf sizes 518 and 3/4 in.
manufacturer's option , unless otherwise specified . The
0.060 In. for sizes over 3/4 In. to 1·114 in.
marking shall be in accordance with the requirements of
0.090 in. for sizes over 1·1/4 in. to 2 in.
Para . 2.8. Markings shall be legible to the unaided eye
0.120 in. for sizes over 2 In. to 3 in.
with the exception of corrective lenses. When raised. the
0.190 in. for sizes over 3 in.
height of the marking may not exceed 0.Q15 in. over the
(8) Point. Unless otherwise specified, bolts need not be specified maximum head height for bolts 518 in. and smaller.
pointed. For bolts larger than 518 In., the marking may not project
(9) Straightness. Shanks of bolts shall be straight within more than 0.030 in. over the specified maximum head
the following limits at MMC. For bolts with nominal lengths heighl When Indented, the depth of the marking sha11 not
up to and including 12 In .• the maximum camber shall be reduce the Ioad-carrying capability of the fastener.
0.006 in. per inch (0.OO6L) of bolt length. For bolts with (15) Material. Unless otherwise specified, chemical and
nominal lengths over 12 in. up to and Including 241n., the mechanical properties of steel bolts shall conform 10 ASTM
maximum camber shall be 0.008 In. per Inch (O.OO8l) of A307, Grade A. page S-90. Other materials and grades
bolt length. A typical gage and gaging procedure for check· shall be as agreed upon by manufacturer and purchaser.
Ing bolt straightness is given In Appendix 11. (16) No m inal Size. Where specifying nominal size In deci-
(10) Length Tolerances. Bott length tolerances are given mals, zeros preceding the decimal and In the fourth deci·
In Table 10. Tolerances for nonpointed products shall sp. mal place sha11 be omitted.
p~. ( 17) Dim ensional Confo rm ance. Unless otherwise speci.
( 11) Thread Length. The length of thread on bolts shall fied , heavy helt bolts shall have the following characteris·
be controlled by the grip gaging length, la max. !lcs inspected to ASME B18.18.2, page M-11 , to the in·
The maximum grip gaging length, as calculated and spectlon levels shown:
rounded to two decimal places for any bolt not threaded
full length, shall be equal to the nominal bolt length minus Characterlallc Inspection Level
the nominallhread length (La =
max L nom - L,). For bolts
Threads C
which are threaded full length. La; max defines the
Widltl across corners C
unthreaded length under the head and shall not exceed
Head helgtt C
the length of 2.5 times the thread pitch for sizes up to and Grip lengltl C
including 1 In.• and 3.5 times the thread pitch for sizes VIsual C
larger than 11n. It shall be used as the aiterion for Inspec-
tion. If verifiable In·process Inspection is used, see Para. 2.10.
All bolts of nominal lengths equal to or shorter than (18) Addltlonal Requirem ent s. For additional require·
the nominal thread length. L" plus a length equivalent to ments. see Section 1, Introductory Notes, and Section 2.
2.5 times the thread pilch for sizes up to and including 1 General Data.

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute C-11


~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ J 818.2.1


7 (NoTE 7

VU~ L .--++ See NOTE 9

-1-+ 'Se. NOTE 9
~,~_Jt~."::~ see NOTE 9
See ~
Cut Thread NOTE 3 Rolled Thread

Table 4 Dimensions of Hex Cap Screws

E F G H J L, Y
Thre ad Length Runo ut
Nominal Size for Screw Tran a~ of
W~th Width W ra nch-
or Basle
Pro duct
Across Across
He ight
I,. l ength. 00, Bearing
Thread Su rface
Diameter Flats Com era Height 6 1n .
.nd 0"" Length FlM
6 1n.
S hanar
Mu Mln BaSic Mu Mln Mu Mln Basic Mu Mln Mln Nom Nom Mu Mu
114 0.2500 0.2500 0.2450 7116 0 .436 0.428 0.505 0.488 5132 0.163 0.150 0. 106 0.750 1.000 0250 0.010
5116 0.3125 0.3125 0.3065 1/2 0.500 0.489 0.577 0.557 13164 0.211 0.1 95 0.140 0.875 1.125 0.278 0.011
318 0.3750 0.3750 0.3690 9/16 0.562 0.551 0.650 0.628 15164 0.243 0.226 0.160 1.000 1.250 0.312 0.012
7116 0.4375 0.4375 0.4305 518 0.625 0.61 2 0.722 0.698 9132 0 .291 0272 0.195 1.125 1.375 0.357 0.013
1/2 0.5000 0.5000 0.4930 3/4 0.750 0.736 0.866 0.840 5116 0.323 0.302 0215 1250 1.500 0.385 0.014
9116 0.5625 0.5625 0.5545 13116 0.812 0.798 0.938 0.910 23164 0 .371 0.348 0250 1.375 1.625 0.411 0.01 5
518 0.6250 0.6250 0.8170 15/16 0.938 0.922 1.083 1.051 25164 0.403 0.378 0.2S9 1.so0 1.750 0 .455 0.011
3/4 0.7500 0.7500 0.741 0 1·1/8 1.125 1.100 1.299 12 54 15132 0.483 0.455 0.324 1.750 2.000 0.500 0.020
718 0.8750 0.8750 0.8660 1·5/16 1.312 1265 1.516 1.465 3.... 0.563 0.531 0.378 2.000 2250 0.556 0.023
1 1.0000 ' .0000 0.9900 H I2 1.500 1.469 1.732 1.675 39164 0.627 0.591 0.416 2250 2.500 0.625 0.026
H18 1.1250 1.1250 1.1140 1·11/16 1.... 1.631 1.949 1.859 11116 0.718 0.658 0.46 1 2.500 2.750 0.714 0.029
H I4 12500 12500 12390 1·718 1.875 1.812 2.165 2.066 25132 0.8 13 0.749 0 .530 2.750 3.000 0.7 14 0.033
1-318 1.3750 1.3750 1.3630 2·1/16 2.062 1.994 2.382 2273 27132 0 .878 0.810 0.569 3.000 3250 0.833 0.036
1·112 1.5000 1.5000 1.4860 2·1/4 2.250 2.115 2.598 2.480 1-5/16 0.974 0.902 0.640 3250 3.500 0.833 0.039
1-3/4 1.7500 1.7500 1.7380 2-518 2.625 2.538 3 .031 2.893 1-3132 1.134 1.054 0.748 3.750 4.000 1.000 0.046
2 2.0000 2.0000 1.9880 3 3.000 2.900 3.464 3.306 1·7132 1263 1.175 0.825 4250 4.500 1.11 1 0.052
2·1 f4 2.2500 22500 2.2380 3.375 3262 3.897 3.719 1.423 1.327 0.933 ... 5.000 1.11 1 0.059
2·112 2.5000 2.SOOO 2.4880
3-3/4 3.750 3.625 4.330 4.133 '''''
,., 7132 1.583 1.479 1.042 ... 5.500 '250 0.065
2· 314 2.7500 2.7500 2.7380 4-118 4 .125 3.988 4.763 4.546 1·11/16 1.744 1.632 1.151 ... 6.000 1.250 0.072
3 3.0000 3.0000 2.9880 " ' /2 4 .500 4.350 5.196 4.959 1·7/8 1.935 1.815 1.290 ... 6.500 1.250 0.079
15, 17 6 2, 16 2
••• 9 , 10 3

NOTES TO TABLE 4 : (2) Wrenching Height. J . Wrenching height is a distance mea-

(1) Top of Head . Top of head shall be full form and cham· sured from the bearing surface up the side of the head at the
fered . with the diameter of chamfer circle being equal to the corn ers. The width across corners shall be within specified timits
maximum wid th across flats within a tolerance of minus 15 per· for the full wrenching height.
cent. (3) Bearing Surface. Bearing surface shall be flat and washer

C- 12 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

1996 [___________H_E_X_C_A_P_S_C_R_E_W

faced. Diameter of washer face shall be equal to the maxi· (a) a continuous radius tangent to the underhead
mum width across flats within a tolerance of minus 10 per- bearing surface and mlnJmax shank diameter E, min (min

cent. pitch diameter) to E max, whose value shall be no less
Thickness of the washer face shall be not less than R mln as specified in Table 4A or
than 0.0 15 In. nor greater than 0 .025 in. for screw sizes (b) a continuous or multiradius curve tangent to the
314 in. and smaller, and nolles5 than 0.015 in. nor greater underhead bearing surface at a point no greater than one-
than 0.035 in. for sizes larger than 314 in. Measurement of half E. max from the axis of screw, and tangent to the max'"
washer face diameter shall be laken at a height of 0.004 mum shank diameter, E max at a distance not exceeding
in. above the bearing surface. L, max from the bearing surface.
Circular runout of the bearing surtace, with respect to No radius In the multi radius curve shall be less than
the axis of the body, shall be within the FIM limits specified. R min specffied In Table 4A (see Fig. 2).
Measurement of FIM shall be made as close 10 the periph- where: E max - E mln
ery of the bearing surface as possible while the screw is l,max=' ,
held in a collet Of other gripping device al a distance of one 2
strew diameter from the underside of the head.
(4) True Position of Head. The axis of the head shall be E, mln = Minimum specifi ed pitch diameter of coarse
located at true position with respect to the axis of the body thread: UNC - 2A
(detennined over a distance under the head equatto one E. max = Maximum fillet transition diameter (see Table
diameter) within a tolerance zone whose diameter is equlva· 4Al.
lent to 6 percent of the maximum width across fiats. re· =
E,. min E. max - 0.5 (E. max - E, minI
gardless of feature size.
(5) Fillet. Two styles of head·tc>-shank fillets are provided FlIIet shall lie wllhin
for long screws in lengths longer than the maximum lengths this envelope ----::l-~_

specified in Table 48. Style 1 will be supplied unless Style
2 Is specified by the purchaser.
Style 1 Is a continuous radius in accordance with the
maximum·minimum limits for R shown In Table 4A. E,
Style 2 has an elliptical shape defined as a smooth.
multiradius, concave curve tangent to the underhead bear·
lng surface at a point no greater than ooe.half of E. max or
less than one· half of E. min from the axis of the screw; and
tangent to the shank at a distance from the underhead
bearing surface within the limits specified for L•. No radius
in the fillet shall be less than R min (see Fig. 1 and Table Fig, 2 Underhead Fillet for Short Screws
4Al· Threaded Full Length
For short SQ"8WS threaded full length (Table 48), the
fillet shall be a smooth, concave curve lying within the en·
velope established by either: (6) Body Diameter. The diameter of body, except for a
length equal 10 l max under the head, shall conform to
the limits for E given in Table 4. The diameter of Ihe
unthreaded length on short screws which are threaded fOt
Style 2 full length shall not be less than the minimum pitch diam·
Fillet Style 1 eter of the thread nor greater than the maximum body dj·
ameter, E max, specified In Table 4 (see Fig. 2).
;r (7) Point . Point shall be chamfered or rounded at
manufacturer's option from approximately 0.016 in. below
the minor diameter of the thread. The first full formed thread
at major diameter is located at a distance no greater than
2 limes the pitch measured from the end of the screw.
This distance Is 10 be detennlned by measuring how far
the point enters into a cylindrical NOT GO maJor diameter
ring gage (reference Gage, ASME 61 .2, page A-80).
(8) Length Tolerances. Scfew length tolerallCes are
given in Table 10. Tolerances for pointed products shall
Fig. 1 Underhead Fillet for Long Screws apply.

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute c 13

....... ~--------------------------------- ~----~

that the screw will meet the gaging requirements set forth
in Appendix 1. In addition, screws of nominal lengths over

10 in. Ihrough 12 In. shall be straight within a maximum
camber of 0.006 In. per inch (O.OOOL) of screw length; and
screws of nominal lengths over 12 In. through 24 in. shall
be straight within a maximum camber of 0.008 in. per Inch
(0.OO8L) of screw length when checked by the gage and
gaging procedure given in Appendix 11.
(12) Threads. Threads, when rolled, shall be Unified Inch
coarse, fine, or 8 thread selies (UN RC, UNRF, Of 8 UNR
Series), Class 2A, page A-33. Threads produced by other
methods shall preferably be UNRC, UNRF. Of 8 UNR, but
at m anufa cturer's option, may be Unified Inch coarse, fine ,
Fig. 3 La Maximum and Le Minimum for a
or 8 thread series (UNC, UNF, or UN series), Class 2A.
Acceptability of screw threads shall be determined based
Short Screws Threaded Full Length
on System 2 1 ASME B1 .3M, Screw Thread Gaging Sys-
tems for Dimensional Acceptabf/ity-lnch and Metric Scraw
(9) Thread l ength. The length of thread on screws shall Threads (UN, UNR, UNJ, M, and MJ),
be controlled by the gnp gaging length, lo max and body (13) Identificatlon Symbols, IdentifICation marking sym-
length. L8 min. bols on screw heads shall be raised or indented at the
Long screws not threaded full length of diameters manufacturer's option, unless otherwise specified. The
through 1-1 /4 in. and lengths through 10 in. are specified marking shall be in accordance with the requirements of
in Table 5. For short screws threaded full length , La max Para . 2.8. Markings shall be legible to the unaided eye
and L, mln are given in Table 46 (see Fig. 3). with the exception of corrective lenses. When raised, the
Fordiameter4ength combinations not included in Table height of the marking may not exceed 0,0 15 in. over the
48 or Table 5, the maximum grip gaging length, l (l max for specified maximum head height for screws 5/8 in. and
long screws which are not threaded full length, as calcu- smaller. For screws larger than 518 In ., the marking may
lated and rounded to two decimal places, shall be equal to not project more than 0.030 In. over the specified maxi-
the nominal screw length minus the nominal thread length mum head height. When Indented, the depth of the mark·
(~ max = l nom - L,-). It shall be used as the criterion for ing shall not reduce the load canying capability of the fas-
inspection. tener.
Nominal thread length. Lr , Is a reference dimension ~ (14) Material. Unless othelWise specified, chemical and
intended for calculation purposes only, which represents - r mechanical properties of steel screws shall conform to
the distance from the extreme end of the sa-ew to the last ASTM A307, page B-90, ASTM A449, page B-97 ASTM
complete (full fonn) thread. Nominal thread length equals A354 Grade BD, page B-139, Of SAE J429, page 8-79.
twice the basic thread diameter plus 0.25 In. for nominal Other materials and grades shall be as agreed upon by
screw length up to and Including 6 in., and twice the basic manufacturer and purchaser.
thread diameter plus 0.50 in. fOf nominal lengths over 6 in. (15) Nominal Size. Where specifying nominal size In deci-
Body length, L. min, is the distance measured paral- mals, zeros preceding the decimal and in the fourth deci-
lel to the axis of screw from the underhead bearing sur- m al place shall be omitted .
face to the last scratch of thread or to the lop of the extru- (16) Dimensional Conformance. Unless otherwise speci-
sion angle. For diameter-length combinations not included fied , hex cap screws shall have the following characteris-
in Table 48 Of Table 5, the minimum body length. ~ min, tics inspected to ASME B18.18.2, page the in·
as calculated and rounded to two decimal places, shaH be spection levels shown:
equal 10 the maximum grip gaging lenglh minus the maxi-
mum tran sition Ihread length (La min = La max - Y maxI. I1 Characteristic Inspection Level
shall be a criterion for inspection.
Transition thread length, Y max is a reference dimen- TlYeads C
sion equal to five coarse (UNC) pitches and intended for Width across comers C
calculation purposes only. It Includes the length of incom- Grip length C
Screw length C
plete threads, the extrusion angle on rolled threads, and C
tolerances on grip length.
(10) Incomplete Thread Diameter. The major diameter
of Incomplete thread shall not exceed Ihe actual major di- If verifiable In-process inspection is used, see Para. 2.10.
ameter of the full form thread. (17) Addltional Requirements, For addilional require-
(11 ) Body Position and Screw Straightness. The align- ments, see Section 1, Introductory Notes, and Section 2.
ment and straightness of the thread and body shall be such General Data .

C- 14 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

,-------/'996 ~ _ _ ~

Style 1 Style 2

Fig. 1 Underhead Fillet for Long Screws Fig. 2 Underhead Fillet for Short Screws
Threaded Full Length

Table 4A Dimensions of Underhead Fillets

long Screws Long and Short Screws
IFI9 · 1 ) Short Screws IFI9· 2)
Nominal Size E, L. R E. L,
or Basic
Product Fillet Radius Fillet
Fillet Fillet
Diameter Tran sftlon of Transitio n
length length
Fillet Diameter

Max MI. M.. MI. Max Min Max Max

1/4 0.2500 0.300 0.280 0.087 0.043 0.025 0.015 0.300 0.043
5116 0.3125 0.362 0.342 0.087 0.043 0.025 0.015 0.362 0.045
3J8 0.3750 0.425 0.405 0.087 0.043 0.025 0.015 0.425 0.048
7/16 0.4375 0.468 0.468 0.087 0.043 0.025 0.015 0,488 0.052
112 0.5000 0.550 0.530 0.087 0.043 0.025 0.015 0.550 0.053
9/16 0.5625 0.652 0.602 0.157 0.078 0.045 0.020 0.652 0.075
5/8 0.6250 0.715 0.665 0.157 0.078 0.045 0.020 0.715 0.078
3/' 0.7500 0.840 0.790 0.157 0.078 0.045 0.020 0.840 0.081
7/8 0.8750 1.005 0.955 0.227 0.113 0.065 0.040 1.005 0.105
1 1.0000 1.190 1.120 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 1.190 0.140
1-118 1.1250 1.315 1.245 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 1.315 0.146
1-1 /4 12500 1.440 1.370 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 1.440 0. 146
1-318 1.3750 1.565 1.495 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 1.565 0.154
1-112 1.5000 1.690 1.620 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 1.690 0.154
1-3/4 1.7500 1.940 1.870 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 1.940 0.166
2 2.0000 2.190 2.120 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 2.190 0.173

2·1/4 2.2500 2.440 2.370 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 2.440 0.173
2· 112 2.5000 2.690 2.620 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 2.690 0.183
2-3/4 2.7500 2.940 2.870 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 2.940 0.183
3 3.0000 3.190 3.120 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 3.190 0.1 83

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute C-1S

[ B18.2.1
~ _ _ ~ '----./1996

I Table 48 La Maximum and Le Minimum Limitations for

Short Screws Threaded Full Length
Fo. Fo.
Nominal l, Nominal
Product M••
l, L"
Size or Product M• • Mln
Basic Lengths Lengths
Produ ct
All Coarse Fine 8 All
Diameter Less Than Greater l ess Than
Thread IUNC) IUNF) IUN) Thread
or Equal to Than or Equal to
Series Thread Th read Thread Series
1/4 0.500 0.075 0.500 1.125 0.125 0.089 ... 0.043
5/16 0.625 0.083 0.625 12 50 0.139 0.104 ... 0.045
318 0.750 0.094 0.750 1.375 0.156 0.104 ... 0.048
7116 0.875 0.107 0.875 1.625 0.179 0.125 ... 0.052
1/2 1.000 0.115 1.000 1.750 0.192 0.125 .. . 0.053
9 /16 1.125 0.125 1.125 2.000 0208 0.139 ... 0.075
518 1.250 0.136 1.250 2.125 0.227 0.139 ... 0.078
314 1.500 0.150 1.500 2.500 0.250 0.156 ... 0.081
718 ... ... ... 2.750 0.278 0.179 ... 0.105
1 ... ... ... 3.000 0.312 0.208 .. . 0.140
1-118 ... ... ... 3.500 0.357 0.208 0.312 0.146
1-1/4 .. . ... ... 3.750 0.357 0.208 0.312 0.146
1-318 ... ... ... 4.250 0.417 Q.208 0.312 0.154
1-112 ... ... ... 4.500 0.417 0.208 0.3 12 0.154
1-3/4 ... ... ... 5.125 0.500 ... 0.312 0. 166
2 ... .. . ... 5.750 0.556 ... 0.312 0.173
2- 1/4 ... ... ... 6.500 0.556 .. . 0.312 0.173
2-1f2 .. . ... ... 7.125 0.625 .. . 0.312 0.183
2-3(4 ... . .. ... 7.625 0.625 ... 0.312 0.183
3 .. . ... ... 8.125 0.625 ... 0.312 0.183

See Notes 1 2 5 3 4

(1) Tabulated values are equal to 2 times the basic product diameter.
(2) Tabulated values are equal to 1.5 times the coarse thread (UNC) pitch.
(3) Tabulated values are equal to 2.5 times the thread pitch.
(4) Lw min equals fitlet length, t, max, as given in Table 4A.
(5) Longest screw threaded full length.

C- 16 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

1996 [__________H_E_X_C_A_P__

Table 5 Maximum Grip Gaging Lengths , and Minimum Body Lengths, La.

... for Hex Screws and Hex Screws

'" rN'
OB 1·1/4

L, L,


, ...

' -314

4 .1/2

• .JI<

6-1/4 I,·" I,., I,,,, I"" I", I,,,, I"" I"" 1


GENERAL NOTE: Screw lengths above thick black. line are fully threaded. For longer lengths, see Note (9) fO( hex cap screws or for
heavy hex screws.

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute C- 17




See NOTE 5

~NO'rE7 7

-I-t :See NOTE 9

~,,~Jt~~~ See NOTE 9
Se. ~
Cut Thread NOTE 3 Rolled Thread

Table 6 Dimensions of Heavy Hex Screws

E F G H J I, Y

Threa d Circula r
Le ngth for Runou t
Nominal Size
o r Basic: Body
Width W~th
Wrench. Scraw
l engths
tion 0'
Bearin g
Product Diameter
Across Across
in. Thread Surface
Diamete r Flats Comers Heig ht 6 In.
0", l e ngth FiM
6 In.

Mu Min Balk Mu Min Mu Min Buk:: Mu Min Mi n No m Nom Mu Mu

112 0.5000 0.5000 0.482 7/8 0.675 0.850 1.010 0.969 5116 0.323 0.302 0.215 1250 1.500 0.385 0 .016
5/8 0.6250 0.6250 0.605 1· 1/16 1.062 1.031 1.227 1.175 25164 0.403 0.378 0.269 1.500 1.750 0.455 0 .019
31. 0.7500 0.7500 0.729 '·114 1250 1212 1.443 1.383 15132 0.483 0.455 0.324 1.750 2.000 0.500 0.022
7/8 0.8750 0.8750 0 .852 1·7116 1.438 1.394 1.660 1.589 3..... 0.563 0.531 0.378 2.000 2150 0.556 0.025
1 1.0000 1.0000 0.976 1-5/8 1.625 1.575 1.876 1.796 39164 0.627 0.591 0.416 2.250 2.500 0.625 0.028
1-1/8 1.1250 1.1250 1.098 1-13/16 1.812 1.756 2.093 2.002 11/16 0.718 0.658 0.461 2.500 2.750 0.71 4 0.032
1-114 11500 11500 1.223 2 2.000 1.938 2.309 2109 25132 0.813 0.749 0.530 2.7SO 3.000 0.714 0.035
1-3/8 1.3750 1.3750 1.345 2-3116 2.188 2.119 2.526 2.416 27132 0.878 0.810 0.569 3.000 3150 0.833 0.038
1-1/2 1.5000 1.5000 1.470 2-3/8 2.375 2.300 2.742 2.622 15/16 0 .974 0.902 0.640 3.250 3.500 0.833 0.041
1-3/4 1.7500 1.7500 1.716 2-3/4 2.750 2.662 3.175 3.035 1-3132 1.134 1.054 0 .748 3.750 '.000 1.000 0.048
2 2.0000 2.0000 1.964 3-1/8 3.125 3.025 3.608 3.449 1-7132 1.263 1.175 0 .825 4150 ' .500 1.11 1 0.055
2-1/4 2.2500 21500 2.214 3-1l2 3.500 3.388 4.04 1 3.862 1-3/8 1.423 1.327 0 .933 --. 5.000 1.111 0.061
2.5000 2.5000 2.46 1 3-7/8 3.875 3.750 4.474 4.275 1-17132 1.583 1.479 1.042 --. 5.500 1.250 0.068
2.7500 2.7500 2.711 4-1/4 .250 4 .112 4.907 4.688 1-11116 1.744 1.632 1.151 --. ' .000 1.250 0.074
3 3.0000 3.0000 2.961 .-5/8 4.625 4.475 5.340 5.102 1-7/8 1.935 1.815 1290 --. 6.500 1.250 0 .081
15. 17
• 2 16 2 9 9. 10 3

NOTES TO TABLE 6: (3) Bearing Surface. Beanng surface shall be fiat and washer
(1) Top of Head . Top of head shall be full to"" and cham- fa ced. Diameter of washer face shall be equal to the maxi-
fered with the diameter of chamfer circle being equal to the mum width across flats within a tolerance of minus 10 percent.
maximum width across flats, within a tolerance of minus 15%. Thickness of the wa sher face shall be not less than 0.015
(2) Wrenc hing Height, J . Wrenching height is a distance in. nor greater than 0.025 in. tOf screw sizes 314 in. and smaller,
measured from the bearing surface up the side of the head at and nolless than 0.0 15 in. nor greater than 0.035 in. for sizes
the corners. The width across comers shall be within the speci- larger than 3/4 in. Measurement of washer fa ce diameter shall
fied limits for minimum wrenching height be laken at a height of 0.004 in. above the bearing surface.

C- 18 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

818.2.1 (
\ . - 1 1 9 9 6 ~_ _~

Circular runoul of the bearing surface with respect 10

the axis of the body shall be within the FIM limits specified.
Measurement of FIM shall be made as close 10 the periph-

ery of the bearing surface as possible whlle the screw Is
being held in a collet or other gripping device at a distance
of one screw diameter from the underside of the head.
(4) True Position of Head. The axis of the head shall be
located at true position with respect to the axis of the body
(determined over a distance under the head equal to one
diameter) within a tolerance zone having a diameter equiva-
lent to 6 percent of the maximum width across flats, re--
gardless of fea ture size.
(5) Fil let. Two styles of head-la-shank fillets are provided
for long screws In lengths longer Ihan the maximum length Fig. 5 Underhead Fillet for Short Screws
specified in Table 68. Style 1 will be supplied unless Style Threaded Full Length
2 Is specified by the purchaser.
Style 1 is a continuous radius in accordance with the
maximum-minimum limits for R shown in Table 6A.
Style 2 has an elliptical shape defined as a smooth, mum shank diameter, E max al a distance not exceeding
mulUradius. concave curve tangent to the underhead bear- 4 min from the bearing surface. No radius In the curve
ing surface at a point no greater than one-half of Ea max shall be tess than R mln, as specified In Table 6A (see Fig.
not less than one-half of Ea min from the axis of the screw 5).
and tangent 10 the shank at a dislance from the underhead (6) Body Diameter. The diameter of body. excepl for a
bearing surface within Ihe limits specified for La. No ra- length equal to La max under the head, shall conform to
dius in the fillet shall be less than R mln (see Fig. 4 and the limits for E given in Table 6. The diameter of the
Table 6A). unthreaded length on short screws which are threaded for
For short screws threaded full length (Table 68), the full length shall not be less than the minimum pitch diam-
fillet shall be a smooth, concave curve lying within the en- eter of the thread nor greater than the maximum body di-
velope established by either: ameter, E max. specified in Table 6. Hot forged screws
(a) a continuous radius tangent la the underhead may have a reasonable swell under the head provided the
bearing surface and minlmax shank diameter, El (mln pitch straightness requirement, Note (11), is met.
diameter) to E max whose value shall be no less than R (7) Poi nt. Point shall be chamfered or rounded at
mln as specified in Table 6A; or manufacturer's option from approximately 0.016 In. below
(b) a continuous or multiradius curve tangent to the the minor diameter of the thread. The first full formed thread
underhead bearing surface at a point no greater than one at major diameter is located at a distance no greater tha.n
half E max from the axis of screw and tangent 10 the maxi- 2 times the pltch measured from the end of the screw. ThiS
• distance is determined by measuring how far the point
enters Into a cylindrical NOT GO major diameter ring gage
(reference Gage. ASME 81 .2, page A-tlO).

Style 2 where: '" mal( _ E min

Fillet Style 1 4 max ='" 2
El mln = Minimum specified pitch diameter of coarse thread
E. E (UNC)

E max =Maximum fillet transition diameter (see Table


Eta min = Ea max - 0.5 (Ea max - E, min)

(8) Length Tolerances. Screw length tolerances are

given In Table 10. Tolerances for pointed products shall
Fig. 4 Underhead Fillet for Long Screws apply.

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute c 19


~ ~-----------------------------------------------

(9) Thread length . The length of thread on screws shall Series), Class 2A in accordance with ASME Bl .1, page
be controlled by the grip gaging length, lo max and body A-33. Threads produced by other methods shall prefer-

length, ~ min. For long screws threaded full length of ably be UNRC. UNRF, or 8 UNR, but at manufacturer's
diameters through 1·1/4 10. and lengths through 10 in., the option, may be Unified Inch coarse, fine, or8 thread series
values for l a max and La min are specified In Table 5. For (UNC, UNF, or UN Series), Class 2A. Acceptability of screw
short screws threaded full length, le max and L. min are threads shall be determined based on System 21 of ASME
given in Table 68 (see Fig. 3). Bl.3M, Screw Thresd Gaging Systems for Dimensionsl
For diaTmller-length combinations not included in Table Acceptability, page A-63.
68 or Table 5, the maximum grip gaging length, l a max. (13) Identification Symbols. Identification marking sym-
for long screws which are not threaded full length, as cal· bols on screw heads shalt be raised or indented at the
culated and rounded to two decimal places, shall be equal manufacturer's option. unless otherwise specified. The
10 the nominal screw length minus the nominal thread marking shall be in accordance with the requirements of
length (La max ::: L nom - 1,). It shaH be used as the crite- Para . 2.8. Markings shall be legible to the unaided eye
rion for inspection. with the exception of corrective lenses. When raised, the
Nominal thread length. Lr. is a reference dimension height of the marking may not exceed 0.0 15 in. over the
Intended for calculation purposes only. It represents the specified maximum head height for screws 5/8 in. and
distance from the extreme end of the screw to the last corn· smaller. For screws larger than 518 In .• the marking may
plete (full form) thread. Nominal thread length equals twice not project more than 0.030 in. over the specified maxi-
the basic thread diameter plus 0.25 In . for nominal bolt mum head height. When indented, the depth of the mark·
lengths up to and including 6 in., and twice the basic thread Ing shall not reduce the load carrying capability of the fas-
dlameler plus 0.50 In. for nominal lengths over 6 in. tener.
Transition thread length, Y max, is a reference dimen- (14) Material. Unless otherwise specified. chemical and
sion equal to five coarse (UNG) pitches and is intended for mechanical properties of steel screws shall conform to
calculation purposes only. It indudes the length of ioco"... ASTM A307. page 8-90. ASTM A449, page 8-97, ASTM
plete threads. the extrusion angle on rolled threads, and A354 Grade BD, page 8-1 39, or SAE J429 page 8-79.
the tolerances on grip length. Other materials and grades shall be as agreed upon by
Fordiameter-Iength combinations notlnduded in Table manufacturer and purchaser.
5 or Table 6B, the minimum body length, as calculated (15) Nom inal Size. Where specifying nominal size in deci-
and rounded to two decimal places, shall be squallo the mals, zeros preceding the decimal and In the fourth deci-
maximum grip gaging length minus the maximum transi- mal place shall be omitted.
tion thread lenglh (La min = ~ max - Y max). It shall be (16) Dimensional Conformance. Unless Otherwise speci-
used as the criterion for inspection. fied , heavy hex screws shall have the following character-
( 10) Incomplete Thread Diameter. The major diameter Istics Inspected to ASME B18.18.2, page M-11 , to the in-
of incomplete thread shall not exceed the actual major di- spection levels shown:
ameter of the full form thread .
(11) Body Position and Screw St raIghtness. The align- Characteristic InspectIon Level
ment and straightness of the thread and body shall be such
that the screw will meet the gaging requirements set forth ThreadS C
in Appendix L In addition. screws for nominal lengths over Head helgtt C
10 in. through 12 in. shall be straight within a maximum Grip IerYJtl'i C
Screwlanglh C
camber of 0.006 In. per inch (0.006L) of screw length; and
Vlstal C
screws of nominal lengths over 12 In. through 24 in. shall
be straight within a maximum camber of 0.008 in. per inch
(0.008L) of screw length when checked by the gage and if verifiable In-process Inspection is used , see Para. 2.10.
gaging procedure given in Appendix 11. (17) Additional Requirements. For additional re-
(12) Threads. Threads, when rolled. shall be Unified Inch quirements, see Section 1, IntroduClory Notes, and Sec-
coarse, fine. or 8 thread series (UNRC, UNRF. or 8 UNR tion 2, General Data.

C-20 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

818.2.1 (
1996 ~_ _~

Style 1 Style 2

Flllel shall lie within
Ihls envelope ----:~-,.~
Fig. 4 Underhead Fillet for Long Screws Fig. 5 Underhead Fillet for Short Screws
Threaded Full Length

Table 6A Dimension s of Underhead Fillets

l ong Screws Long and Short Screw s
(Fig. 4) Short Screws (Fig . 5)

Nomin al Siz e E. L R E. L,
or Basic •
Prod uct Fillet Radius Fillet
Fillet Fillet
Diameter Transition of Transition
l e ngth l e ngth
Diameter Fillet Diameter

Ma. Mln Mu Mln Ma. Mln Mu Ma.

112 0 .5000 0 .550 0.530 0.087 0.043 0.025 0 .015 0.550 0.053
5/8 0.6250 0.71 5 0 .665 0. 157 0 .078 0.045 0.020 0.715 0.018
3/4 0.7500 0.840 0.790 0.157 0.078 0 .045 0.020 0 .840 0 .081

7/8 0.8750 1.005 0.955 0.227 0.113 0.065 0.040 1.005 0.105
1 1.0000 1.190 1.120 0.332 0.166 0.095 0 .060 1.190 0.140
1·118 1.1250 1.315 1.245 0 .332 0.166 0.095 0.060 1.315 0 .146
1· 1/4 12500 1.440 1.370 0.332 0 .166 0 .095 0.060 1.440 0.1 46

1-318 1.3750 1.565 1.495 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 1.565 0.154
1-112 1.5000 1.690 1.620 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 1.690 0.154
1-3/4 1.7500 1.940 1.870 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 1.940 0.166
2 2.0000 2.190 2.120 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 2.190 0 .173

2-1 /4 2.2500 2.440 2.370 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 2.440 0.173
2·1/2 2.5000 2.690 2.620 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 2 .690 0.183
2-3/4 2.7500 2.940 2.870 0.332 0.166 0.095 0.060 2.940 0. 183
3 3.0000 3.190 3.120 0.332 0.166 0.095 0 .060 3.190 0 .183

© 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute C-21

~ ~__________________________________________~ ' -___

I Table 6B Lo Maxim um and Le Minimum Limitations for

Short Screws Threaded Full Length
Fo. Fo,
Nominal Nominal L, Nominal l, L,
Size or Product Max Product MIX Mln
Basic Lengths Lengths
All Coarse Fine 8 All
Clameter Less Than
Less Less Than
or Equal to (UNC) (UNF) (UN) Thread
Than or Equal to
Series Thread Thread Thread Series

' /2 1.000 0.192 1.000 1.750 0.192 0.125 ... 0.053

5IB 1.250 0.227 1.250 2.125 0.227 0.139 ... 0.078
314 1.500 0.250 1.500 2.500 0.250 0.156 ... 0.081

, 7/8 .. .
. ..
0 .105
10118 ... .. . ... 3.500 0.357 0.208 0 .312 0.146
101 /4 ... ... . .. 3.750 0.357 0.208 0 .312 0. 146

' ·318 ... ... ... 4.250 0.411 0.208 0.312 0.154
10112 ... ... . .. 4.500 0.41 7 0.208 0.312 0 .154
1·3/4 ... .. . ... 5.125 0.500 ... 0.3 12 0.166
2 ... ... ... 5.750 0.556 ... 0.312 0.173

2·1 /4 ... ... ... 6.500 0.556 ... 0 .312 0.173

2-1/2 ... . .. ... 7.125 0.625 ... 0.312 0. 183
2-3/4 ... ... ... 7.625 0.625 ... 0.3 12 0.183
3 ... ... ... 8.125 0.625 ... 0.312 0.183

See Notes , 2 5 3 4
( 1) Tabulated values are equal to 2 times the basic product diameter.
(2) Tabulated values are equal to 1.5 times the coarse thread (UNC) pitch.
(3) Tabulated values are equal to 2.5 times the thread pitch.
(4)L. min equals fillet length. 1., max, as given In Table 6A.
(S) l ongest screw threaded full length.

C-22 © 2003 Industrial Fasteners Institute

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