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Pressure-Reducing Valves For Water Systems, Shipboard

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An American National Standard

Designation: F 1370 – 92

Standard Specification for

Pressure-Reducing Valves for Water Systems, Shipboard1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1370; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope B 61 Specification for Steam or Valve Bronze Castings5

1.1 This specification covers self-contained, globe style, B 62 Specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal
pressure-reducing valves for use in water systems of shipboard Castings5
installations. These valves are limited to discharge pressure B 148 Specification for Aluminum-Bronze Sand Castings5
settings of 200 psig (1379 kPa) and below. B 150 Specification for Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar, and
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded Shapes5
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for B 637 Specification for Precipitation Hardening Nickel Al-
information only. loy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High-
1.3 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the Temperature Service7
tests portion, Section 8, of this specification: This standard B 689 Specification for Electroplated Engineering Nickel
does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, Coatings8
associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this F 467 Specification for Nonferrous Nuts for General Use9
standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices F 468 Specification for Nonferrous Bolts, Hex Cap Screws,
and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior and Studs for General Use9
to use. F 593 Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap
Screws, and Studs9
2. Referenced Documents F 594 Specification for Stainless Steel Nuts9
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2.2 ANSI Standards:10
A 125 Specification for Steel Springs, Helical, Heat ANSI B1.1 Unified Screw Threads
Treated2 ANSI B1.12 Class 5 Interference, Fit Thread
A 193 Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel 2.3 ISA Standards:11
Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service3 S75.01 Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves
A 194 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for S75.02 Control Valve Capacity Test Procedure
Bolts for High-Pressure and High-Temperature Service3 2.4 Federal Specifications:12
A 231 Specification for Chromium-Vanadium Alloy Steel QQ-B-637 Brass, Naval: Rod, Wire, Shapes, Forgings, and
Spring Wire4 Flat Products with Finished Edges (Bar, Flat Wire, and
A 276 Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Strip)
Bars and Shapes2 QQ-C-390 Copper Alloy Casting (Including Cast Bar)
A 313 Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel QQ-C-465 Copper-Aluminum Alloys (Aluminum Bronze)
Spring Wire4 (Copper Alloy Numbers 606, 6014, 630, 632M, and 642);
A 689 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars for Rod, Flat Products with Finished Edges (Flat Wire, Strip,
Springs2 and Bar) Shapes, and Forgings
B 21 Specification for Naval Brass, Rod, Bar, and Shapes5 QQ-N-281 Nickel-Copper Alloy Bar, Rod, Plate, Sheet,
B 26 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sand Castings6 Strip, Wire, Forgings, and Structural and Special Shaped

1 7
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-25 on Ships Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.04.
and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.13 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.05.
Piping Systems. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.08.
Current edition approved Feb. 3, 1992. Published November 1992. Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.05. Floor, New York, NY 10036.
3 11
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01. Available from Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society, 67 Alex-
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03. ander Dr., Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
5 12
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.01. Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.02. 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F 1370 – 92
QQ-N-286 Nickel-Copper-Aluminum Alloy, Wrought 3.1.3 hydrostatic proof test pressure—the maximum test
(UNS N05500) pressure that the valve is required to withstand without
QQ-N-288 Nickel-Copper Alloy and Nickel-CopperSilicon damage; valve operation is not required during application of
Alloy, Castings this test pressure, but the valve must meet all performance
QQ-S-763 Steel Bars, Wire, Shapes, and Forgings, Corro- requirements after the pressure has been removed.
sion Resisting 3.1.4 lockup pressure—the outlet pressure delivered by a
QQ-S-766 Steel Corrosion Resisting Plate, Sheet and Strip pressure-reducing valve when the flow is reduced to zero;
QQ-W-390 Wire, Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy lockup pressure is always greater than set pressure, and in
TT-P-645 Primer Paint, Zinc Chromate, Alkyd Type actual practice it may vary with the specific valve design,
2.5 Military Standards and Specifications:12 tolerances, method of sensing downstream pressure, and piping
MIL-V-3 Valves, Fittings, and Flanges (Except for Systems configurations.
Indicated Herein), Packaging of 3.1.5 nominal pressure—the approximate maximum pres-
MIL-S-901 Shock Tests, H.I. (High Impact), Shipboard sure to which the valve will be subjected in service under
Machinery, Equipment and Systems, Requirements for normal conditions.
MIL-F-1183 Fittings, Pipe, Cast Bronze, Silver-Brazing, 3.1.6 set pressure—the downstream pressure that the valve
General Specification for is set to maintain under a given set of operating conditions (that
DOD-P-15328 Primer (Wash), Pretreatment (Formula No. is, inlet pressure and flow); the valve should ideally be set at
117 for Metals) (Metric) downstream pressure approximately equal to the midpoint of
MIL-F-20042 Flanges, Pipe and Bulkhead, Bronze (Silver the set pressure limits (defined in 3.1.7).
Brazing) 3.1.7 set pressure limits (set pressure adjustable range)—
MIL-C-20159 Copper-Nickel Alloy Casting (UNS No. the range of set pressure over which the valve can be adjusted
C96200 and C96400) while meeting the specified performance requirements.
MIL-F-24227 Fittings and Flanges, Cast Bronze, Silver
Brazing Suitable for Ultrasonic Inspection 4. Classification
MIL-B-24480 Bronze, Nickel-Aluminum (UNS No. 4.1 Valves shall be of the following types and pressure
C95800) Castings for Seawater Service ratings, as specified (see Section 5 and 6.1.21).
MIL-S-81733 Sealing and Coating Compound, Corrosion 4.1.1 Type I—Pressurized spring chamber, and
Inhibitive 4.1.2 Type II—Unpressurized spring chamber.
MIL-STD-167-1 Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard 4.2 Pressure Ratings—Valves shall have nominal inlet pres-
Equipment (Type I—Environmental, and Type II— sure ratings of 150 or 250 psig (1034 or 1724 kPa), or as
Internally Excited) specified (see 6.1.21).
MIL-STD-248 Welding and Brazing Procedure and Perfor-
mance Qualification 5. Ordering Information
MIL-STD-278 Welding and Casting Standard 5.1 Ordering documentation for valves in accordance with
MIL-STD-798 Non-destructive Testing, Welding, Quality this specification shall include the following information, as
Control, Material Control and Identification, and Hi-shock required, to describe the equipment adequately.
Test Requirements for Piping System Components for 5.1.1 ASTM designation and year of issue,
Naval Shipboard Use 5.1.2 Valve specification code (see 6.1.21),
2.6 Other Publications:12 5.1.3 Quantity of valves,
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) 5.1.4 Set pressure required,
2.7 Drawings:12 5.1.5 Set pressure limits, if not listed in 7.1.4,
803-1385946 Union Bronze, Silver Brazing WOG for UT 5.1.6 Face-to-face dimensions for valves, if not listed in
Inspection Table 1,
803-1385947 Flanges, Bronze, 700 PSI WOG for UT In- 5.1.7 Regulation accuracy required, if other than as given in
spection 7.1.5,
5.1.8 When a choke feature is required (see 6.1.2),
3. Terminology 5.1.9 When tailpieces and nuts are required (see 6.1.15),
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: Descrip- 5.1.10 Capacity requirement of valves, if not listed in Table
tions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 2 (see 7.1.6), and
3.1.1 accuracy of regulation—the amount by which the 5.1.11 Supplementary requirements, if any (see S1 through
downstream pressure may vary when the valve is set at any S4).
pressure within the required set pressure limit and is subjected
to any combination of inlet pressure, flow demand, and 6. Valve Construction and Coding
ambient temperature variations within the specified limits. 6.1 Valves shall incorporate the design features specified in
3.1.2 design pressure and temperature—the maximum pres- 6.1.1 through 6.1.21.
sure and temperature the valve should be subjected to under 6.1.1 Materials of Construction—Materials shall be as
any condition; these are the pressure and temperature upon specified in Table 3. All materials shall be selected to prevent
which the strength of the pressure-containing envelope is corrosion, galling, seizing, excessive wear, or erosion where
based. applicable. Cadmium plating is prohibited.

F 1370 – 92
TABLE 1 Face-to-Face Dimensions, in. (mm), 61⁄16 (1.59)

Flanged End Union End Flanged End Union End

Size, in. (mm) 150 and 250 psig

150 psig 250 psig 400 psig 700 psig 400 psig 700 psig
(1034 and 1724
(1034 kPa) (1724 kPa) (2758 kPa) (4826 kPa) (2758 kPa) (4826 kPa)
0.25 (6.35) 71⁄4 77⁄8 77⁄32 77⁄8 77⁄32
0.37 (9.40) 71⁄4 (184) 77⁄8 (200) 79⁄32 (185) 79⁄32 (185) 79⁄32(185)
0.50 (12.7) 71⁄4 (184) 77⁄8 (200) 79⁄32 (185) 61⁄2 (165) 61⁄2(165) 79⁄32 (185) 79⁄32 (185)
0.75 (19.05) 73⁄8 (187) 77⁄8 (200) 71⁄2 (191) 71⁄2 (191) 71⁄2(191) 8 (203) 8 (203)
1.00 (25.4) 73⁄8 (187) 8 (203) 71⁄2 (191) 81⁄2 (216) 81⁄2 (216) 83⁄4 (222) 83⁄4(222)
1.25 (31.75) 715⁄16 (202) 811⁄16 (221) 85⁄32 (207) 9 (229) 9 (229) 91⁄2 (241) 91⁄2 (241)
1.50 (38.1) 83⁄4 (222) 91⁄2 (241) 831⁄32 (228) 91⁄2 (241) 91⁄2(241) 10 (254) 10 (254)
2.00 (50.8) 10 (254) 103⁄4 (273) 107⁄32 (260) 111⁄2 (292) 111⁄2(292) 117⁄8 (302) 117⁄8 (302)
2.50 (63.5) 107⁄8 (276) 113⁄4(298) 13 (330) 13 (330)
3.00 (76.2) 115⁄8 (295) 121⁄2(318) 14 (356) 14 (356)
3.50 (88.9) 115⁄8 (295) 125⁄8(321)
4.00 (101.6) 131⁄2 (343) 141⁄2(368) 16 (406) 17 (432)

TABLE 2 Minimum Required Valve Cv for Types I and II, 150 and 250 psig (1034 and 1724 kPa) Rated Valves with 5 to 30 psig (34 to
207 kPa), 25 to 60 psig (172 to 414 kPa), and 50 to 100 psig (345 to 689 kPa) Set Pressure Adjustable Ranges

5 to 30 psig (34 to 207 kPa) 25 to 60 (172 to 414 kPa) psig 50 to 100 psig (345 to 689 kPa)
Size, in. (mm) Set Pressure Adjustable Range Set Pressure Adjustable Range Set Pressure Adjustable Range
Set Pressure, psig (kPa)
10 (69) 20 (138) 30 (207) 30 (207) 45 (310) 60 (414) 60 (414) 80 (552) 100 (689)
0.25 (6.35) 0.7 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.7
0.37 (9.40) 1.4 1.8 2.0 1.2 1.4 1.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
0.50 (12.70) 2.5 3 3.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.75 (19.05) 3 3.5 4 2.5 3 3.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
1.00 (25.40) 4 5 6 3 4 5 2.6 3.3 4.0
1.25 (31.75) 5.5 7.5 9 5 7 8.5 3.5 4.5 5.5
1.50 (38.10) 7 10 12 6.5 9.5 11.5 5.0 6.0 7.0
2.00 (50.80) 15 20 25 12 17 22 11 13 15
2.50 (63.50) 30 35 40 25 30 35 24 27 30
3.00 (76.20) 45 50 55 40 45 50 35 40 45
3.50 (88.90) 55 60 65 50 55 60 45 50 55
4.00 (101.60) 70 75 80 65 70 75 60 65 70

6.1.2 General Requirements—Valves shall be self- pressures for the pressure-containing envelope (body, spring
contained, spring-loaded, direct-operated, pressure-reducing housing, and bottom cap) shall be as specified in Table 4. The
valves incorporating a balanced valve element. Reduced pres- design temperature (see 3.1.2) is also given in Table 4.
sure (not to exceed 200 psig (1379 kPa)) shall be sensed by a 6.1.4 Body Passages—Body passages shall produce gradual
diaphragm and compared with a reference spring load. Any changes in flow direction so as to reduce any effects of
force imbalance shall be transmitted directly to and positively concentrated impingement and 90° turns. In portions of the
reposition a single-seated valve element to limit the set point valve subject to velocity increases and flow direction changes,
error within the limits specified in 7.1.5. Type I valves shall be such as immediately downstream of the seat, the 90° impinge-
valves in which the spring chamber in combination with the ment against the walls at close range shall be avoided. The
body and bottom cap forms a pressure-containing envelope body cavity downstream of the seat shall present a high angle
capable of withstanding the full hydrostatic proof test. These (70 to 90°) of incidence to the issuing jet. At points at which
valves shall be specified for special applications in which it is direct impingement at close range does occur and cannot be
necessary to contain the line media in the event of a failure that eliminated, the section thickness shall be increased substan-
subjects the spring chamber to full inlet pressure. The spring tially to provide adequate material to withstand the additional
chamber assembly need not be leakproof; however, it shall erosive effect.
contain line media at hydrostatic proof test pressure without 6.1.5 Diaphragm Construction—The main diaphragm shall
structural failure and shall limit external leakage to a small be clamped between flanges on the body and spring chamber to
seepage (in drip form) past the adjusting screw threads and ensure a leaktight flange seal. The flange faces shall have
spring chamber joint. Type I valves shall also incorporate a sufficient width, and all edges in contact with the diaphragm
choke feature on the poppet to limit capacity in the event of a shall be properly chamfered or rounded to prevent cutting or
diaphragm failure, where specified (see Section 5). Type II tearing of the diaphragm. The valve and diaphragm shall
valves shall be valves in which the spring chamber does not withstand a pressure differential across the diaphragm of twice
form part of the pressure-containing envelope. the highest set pressure or 200 psig (1379 kPa), whichever is
6.1.3 Pressure Envelope Rating—The nominal inlet (see greater, for Type I valves. For Type II valves, this pressure
3.1.5), design (see 3.1.2), and hydrostatic proof test (see 3.1.3) differential shall be as follows: For valves of sizes up to 2 in.

F 1370 – 92
TABLE 3 List of Materials

Name of Parts Material

Body and bottom capA Valve bronze, Specification B 61, QQ-C-390, Alloy C92200.
Copper-nickel, MIL-C-20159, Alloy C96400.
Gun metal, QQ-C-390, Alloy C90300.
Nickel-aluminum-bronze per MIL-B-24480.
Spring chamber (Type I valves) Same as for body and bottom cap.
Spring chamber (Type II valves) Same as for body and bottom cap plus: Brass, QQ-B-637.
Aluminum, Specification B 26.
StemB Nickel-copper alloy, QQ-N-281, or QQ-N-288.
Nickel-copper-aluminum alloy, QQ-N-286.
Guide bushingsB Nickel-copper-silicon alloy, QQ-N-288, Comp D; or Nickel-copper-aluminum QQ-N-286.
Seat ring Nickel-copper alloy, QQ-N-281, or Nickel-copper-silicon alloy QQ-N-288, Comp D.
Springs not subject to line media 300 series stainless steel per Specification A 313; QQ-S-763, QQ-W-390; Nickel-copper alloy, QQ-N-281; Nickel-copper-
aluminum, QQ-N-286; Nickel plated steel per Specifications A 125, A 231, or A 689 plated to Specification B 689, Type 1,
Class (x) 125.
Specification B 637 (UNS N07500).
Metallic parts subject to line media Nickel-copper alloy, QQ-N-281, QQ-N-286, or QQ-N-288.
Copper-nickel, MIL-C-20159, Alloy C71500.
Valve bronze, Specification B 61, QQ-C-390, Alloy C92200.
Aluminum-bronze (cast: QQ-C-390, Alloy C95800; forged: QQ-C-465, Specification B 150, Alloy C63200). Specification
B 148, UNS
C95800, Specification B 150, UNS C63200.
Metallic parts not subject to line media Same as above, plus: CRES (300 and 400 series), QQ-S-763, QQ-S-766, Specification A 276.
Naval Brass, QQ-B-637, Specification B 21.
Nickel plated steel per Specification A 125, plated to Specification B 689, Type 1, Class (x) 125.
Bronze, Specification B 62.
Diaphragm Synthetic fabric reinforced nitrile or fluorocarbon rubber or other materials when specified (see Section 5).
Nonmetallic seals
Disc insertC and static seals Nitrile or fluorocarbon rubber or other materials when specified (see Section 5).
Dynamic seals Nitrile or fluorocarbon rubber or other materials when specified (see Section 5).
Bolting QQ-N-281, QQ-N-286, Specifications F 467, F 468.
Specifications F 593, F 594, A 193, and A 194 (stainless steel 300 series).
When threaded parts made of nickel-copper alloys, such as seat ring, guide bushings, and so forth are screwed into a bronze body, the threads on these parts as well
as the mating threads in the body shall be given a corrosion-inhibitive coating (polysulfate chromate elastomer) per MIL-S-81733 to minimize the galvanic and crevice
corrosion of threads.
The guiding surfaces on the stem (guide posts) and the guide bushings shall have a minimum hardness differential of 50 Brinell hardness numbers. The softer of the
two guiding surfaces shall have a minimum hardness of 200 Brinell.
Hardness of the disc insert is to be Shore 75 65.

TABLE 4 Design and Test Pressures and roundness requirements for all surfaces that establish main
valve alignment shall ensure parallel disc/seat contact and free
Nominal Inlet Hydrostatic Proof Design
Pressure Rating,
Design Pressures,
Test Pressure, Temperature,
valve movement without sticking or binding in the assembled
psig (kPa) valve. The valve shall be designed so that these alignment
psig (kPa) psig (kPa) °F (°C)
150 (1034) 150 (1034) 225 (1551) 165 (74) requirements are maintained with interchangeable parts and
250 (1724) 250 (1724) 375 (2586) 165 (74) under any additive tolerance (stackup) condition without re-
400 (2758) 400 (2758) 600 (4137) 165 (74)
700 (4826) 700 (4826) 1050 (7239) 165 (74) quiring machining after assembly of the body and bottom cap.
The bottom cap/body joint shall ensure, by positive means,
proper alignment of the lower guide bushing to ensure repeated
(50.8 mm), it shall be twice the highest set pressure or 375 psig correct reassembly. The bottom cap shall be located by body
(2586 kPa), whichever is greater; for valves of sizes over 2 in. guiding, that is, a close tolerance fit between machined
(50.8 mm), it shall be twice the highest set pressure or 300 psig diameters on the body and bottom cap rather than depending on
(2068 kPa), whichever is greater. There shall be no damage or studs or bolts for location. Where the bottom cap/body joint is
degradation to the performance capabilities of either the valve of flanged construction, proper parallel alignment of the lower
internals or the diaphragm. However, in no case shall the guide bushing shall be ensured by metal-to-metal takeup of at
diaphragm be required to withstand a pressure differential least a portion of the flange faces, which shall be machined
greater than the nominal inlet pressure rating of the valve. true. The finish of the guiding surfaces shall have a roughness
6.1.6 Valving Element Construction—The stem shall be of height rating (RHR) of 32 or better. The guiding surfaces shall
one-piece construction and be top and bottom guided. The not be used as sealing surfaces.
valve disc shall be retained on the stem with a threaded retainer
6.1.7 Valving Element Balance—The valve element shall be
using a prevailing torque–locking feature. The disc shall
incorporate a resilient seating insert that shall be readily completely pressure balanced when in the seated position. The
replaceable on all sizes. Guide bushings shall be provided in dynamic seal shall be accomplished by use of either a
the body and bottom cap and shall have a minimum thickness diaphragm or a fully retained U-cup or O-ring. Where a U-cup
of 0.060 in. (1.52 mm). Concentricity, parallelism, squareness,

F 1370 – 92
or O-ring is used, the surface moving against the seal shall 6.1.14 Accessibility—Adjustment and repair of the valve
have a finish of RHR 16 or better and shall not be used for shall be possible without removal from the line.
guiding the stem. 6.1.15 End Connections—Valve ends shall be in accordance
6.1.8 Seat Ring—A replaceable threaded seat ring (or a with the applicable documents listed in Table 5. The valve end
piston chamber for valves with the cage construction design) connection type shall be as specified (see Section 5 and 6.1.21).
shall be provided so that it can be replaced with hand tools (see Unless otherwise specified in the ordering information (see
6.1.18) and does not require machining after assembly. The Section 5), valves with union-ends shall be supplied with the
seat ring shall shoulder against the body to provide a positive male threadpieces only, without the tailpieces and the union
pressure-tight joint in which the threads are not used to seal. nuts. Flanges and union-end thread pieces shall be cast or
Where a nonmetallic sealing element is used, a precision- forged integral with the valve body. Inlet and outlet connec-
dimensioned gland or cavity shall be provided in either the tions shall be of the same size and pressure rating.
body or seat ring to ensure proper and controlled retention of 6.1.16 Face-to-Face Dimensions—Face-to-face dimensions
the sealing element. for valves shall be in accordance with Table 1. Face-to-face
dimensions for valves not covered in Table 1 shall be as
6.1.9 Bolting Requirements—The spring chamber/body
specified (see Section 5). For union-end valves, the face-to-
flange and bottom cap/body flange (if applicable) shall be
face dimension is defined as the distance between the parallel
secured by one of the following methods:
faces of the threaded ends of the valve body.
(1) Bolts threaded the entire length and fitted with a nut on 6.1.17 Body Configuration—Valves shall have globe con-
each end. Threads on bolts and nuts shall have a Class 2 fit in figuration with in-line inlet and outlet ports. Pressure lines,
accordance with ANSI B1.1. including the reduced pressure sensing line, shall be internally
(2) Tap-end studs with a Class 5 interference fit at the tap end ported in the body.
and a Class 2 fit at the nut end. The fit shall be in accordance 6.1.18 Special Tools—Special tools shall not be required for
with ANSI B1.12. installing or removing the valve from the pipe line. Special
(3) Hexagonal head bolts or cap screws. tools may be furnished for servicing valve internals if it can be
The bearing surfaces of nuts and bolts and their respective demonstrated that use of the special tool saves labor or time.
mating surfaces on the valve shall be cast or forged smooth and Special tools are defined as those tools not listed in the Federal
true or be finish-machined. The bottom cap/body joint may Supply Catalog.12
have either a flanged construction, in accordance with the 6.1.19 Painting—Except for the case of aluminum alloys,
above, or a threaded construction. A properly retained gasket or painting of the external surfaces of nonferrous metal castings,
O-ring shall be provided to seal against external leakage. pipings, or other parts is not required. Parts made of aluminum
6.1.10 Spring Construction—Springs shall not be fully alloys shall be given one coat of pretreatment per DOD-P-
compressed under any normal operation or adjustment of the 15328, Formula 117, and one coat of primer per TT-P-645,
valve. Spring ends shall be squared and ground. Formula 84.
6.1.20 Welding and Brazing—Welding and brazing shall be
6.1.11 Set Pressure Adjustment—The set pressure (see
performed in accordance with MIL-STD-248 and MIL-STD-
3.1.6) shall be adjustable with the valve under pressure. The set
pressure shall be increased by the clockwise rotation of the
6.1.21 Valve Specification Coding—Basic valve design fea-
adjusting device. The adjusting device shall be provided with a
tures shall be specified and recorded using the valve coding
locknut and cap or other suitable means to guard against an
system shown in Fig. 1. The valve specification code contains
accidental change in set point. Set pressure shall be adjustable
six fields of information, which describe the construction
through a range of not less than 75 to 125 % of the mid-range
features of the valve. These six fields are each further assigned
set pressure with the installed spring without replacing any
their respective codes per Tables 6-10.
internal parts (see Section 5).
6.1.12 Threads—Threads shall conform to ANSI B1.1. 7. Performance Requirements
Provisions shall be incorporated, where necessary, to prevent 7.1 All valves shall meet the following requirements:
the accidental loosening of threaded parts. Bolting shall gen- 7.1.1 Springs—Springs shall not exhibit a set in excess of
erally have a Class 2 fit, in accordance with ANSI B1.1. The the calculated allowable set (see S1.1.3).
material, hardness, finish, and clearances of mating threaded 7.1.2 Hydrostatic Proof Test—The pressure-containing en-
parts shall prevent galling of the threads. Pipe threads shall not velope shall withstand internal hydrostatic pressure of 1.5
be used for main connections, but they may be used for times the design pressure (see Table 4 and S1.1.4).
low-stressed internal parts, such as attachment of a pitot tube.
When required in Table 3, threads shall be coated.
TABLE 5 End Connections
6.1.13 Interchangeability—Parts having the same manufac-
turer’s parts numbers shall be directly interchangeable with Nominal Pressure Rating,
Union End Flanged End
each other with respect to installation and performance without psig (kPa)
requiring selection or fitting. In no case shall parts for a given 150 (1034) MIL-F-1183 MIL-F-20042
valve be physically interchangeable or reversible unless such 250 (1724) MIL-F-1183 MIL-F-20042
400 (2758) MIL-F-24227 MIL-F-20042
parts are also interchangeable or reversible with regard to 700 (4826) 803-1385946 803-1385947
function, performance, and strength.

F 1370 – 92
7.1.5 Accuracy of Regulation—Unless otherwise specified
(see Section 5), the valve shall provide an accuracy of
regulation (see 3.1.1) per the following: The downstream regulated pressure shall not deviate
beyond the values listed in Table 11 when the flow through the
valve is increased from zero to the rated capacity. The downstream regulated pressure deviation from
the set pressure shall not exceed 0.5 psi (3.45 kPa) for every
10-psi (69-kPa) change in upstream pressure when the up-
FIG. 1 Valve Coding System stream pressure is changed at the same flow rate condition.
7.1.6 Capacity Requirements—The minimum required
TABLE 6 Valve Type Code valve flow coefficients (Cv) for Type I and II valves, based on
the accuracy of regulation specified in 7.1.5, shall be in
Valve Type Code accordance with Table 2. The minimum required capacity for
Type 1 1 valves not listed in Table 2 shall be as specified (see Section 5).
Type 2 2 Valves shall meet the specified capacity required, or any
intermediate capacity requirement, while maintaining the regu-
lated pressure within the accuracy limits specified in 7.1.5,
TABLE 7 Valve Size Code without instability and within the vibration requirements of
Size, NPS Code Size, NPS Code Size, NPS Code 7.1.7.
0.25 A 1.00 E 2.50 J Capacity Calculation—Calculation of the valve
0.37 B 1.25 F 3.00 K flow (Cv) shall be performed from test data (test calculations
0.50 C 1.50 G 3.50 L
0.75 D 2.00 H 4.00 M shall be in accordance with ISA S75.01 and tests in accordance
with ISA S75.02) based on the following equations for turbu-
lent flow:
TABLE 8 End Connection Code flow
Cv 5 (1)
Fp=inlet pressure – minimum delivered flow pressure
Type of End Connection Code
Union ends (NPS 2 and under) U where:
Flanged ends F Fp = piping geometry fac-
tor (Fp = 1.0 when
pipe reducers are not
TABLE 9 Valve Body Pressure Rating Code
flow = US gal/min of water
Nominal Pressure Rating, psig (kPa) Code
at 60°F (16°C),
150 (1034) 1 inlet pressure = psig, and
250 (1724) 2
400 (2758) 4 minimum delivered flow pressure = the set pressure, mi-
700 (4826) 7 nus allowable pres-
sure deviation permit-
ted, psig.
TABLE 10 Set Pressure Range Code For example, a 11⁄2-in. (38-mm), Type II, 150-psig (1034-
kPa) rated valve with a 150-psig (1034-kPa) inlet water supply
Set Pressure Range, psig (kPa) Code
pressure and set at 20 psig (138 kPa). The valve delivers 125
5 to 30 (34 to 207) A gal/min when the minimum regulated downstream pressure
25 to 60 (172 to 414) B
50 to 100 (345 to 689) C drops to 15.5 psig (107 kPa) (that is, 20 psi (138 kPa) less 4.5
As specified X psi (31 kPa); note that Table 11 permits a deviation of 4.5 psi
(31 kPa) in the regulated pressure).
TABLE 11 Accuracy of Regulation
7.1.3 Seat Tightness—The pressure increase after lockup
Allowable Variation in Downstream
(see 3.1.4) on the downstream (or regulated outlet) side of the Set Pressure, psig (kPa)
Pressure, psi (kPa)
valve shall not exceed 10 % of the set pressure or 2.5 psi (17.24
0 to 10 (0 to 69) 2.5 (17.24)
kPa), whichever is greater, over a 15-min period (see S1.1.5). 20 (138) 4.5 (31.03)
7.1.4 Set Pressure Limits—Unless otherwise specified (see 30 (207) 6.0 (41.37)
45 (310) 7.75 (53.43)
Section 5), the set pressure (see 3.1.7 and Table 10) shall be 60 (414) 11.75 (81.01)
adjustable within the standard set pressure ranges of 5 to 30, 25 80 (552) 14.5 (99.97)
to 60, and 50 to 100 psig (34 to 207, 172 to 414, and 345 to 689 100 (689) 12.5 (86.19)
150 (1034) 18.5 (127.55)
kPa). If required, more than one spring may be used to 200 (1379) 25.5 (175.82)
accomplish this.

F 1370 – 92
125 TABLE 12 Qualification Test Outline
Cv 5 5 10.8 (2)
1=150 2 15.5
Inspection Requirement Test Method
This satisfies the minimum requirement listed in Table 2 for
Spring 7.1.1 S1.1.3
a 11⁄2-in. (38-mm) valve set at 20 psig (138 kPa). For set Valve body and diaphragm hydrostatic 7.1.2 S1.1.4
pressures between those listed in Table 2, the minimum proof
required Cvshall be obtained by linear interpolation. Seat tightness 7.1.3 S1.1.5
Set pressure limits 7.1.4 S1.1.6.1
7.1.7 Vibration—The valves shall be resistant to Type I Accuracy of regulation 7.1.5 S1.1.6.1
environmental vibration in accordance with MIL-STD-167-1. Capacity 7.1.6 S1.1.6.2
There shall be no resonant frequency from 0 to 33 Hz and no Vibration MIL-STD-167-1 7.1.7 S1.1.6.3
Shock 7.1.8 S1.1.7
degradation of valve performance when excited in this fre-
quency range (see S1.1.6.3).
7.1.8 Shock—The valve shall retain its set performance 9.1.2 Pressure rating,
capability and suffer no structural damage or permanent 9.1.3 Manufacturer’s name or trademark, and
deformation after shock testing in accordance with MIL-S-901 9.1.4 Flow direction arrow.
and MIL-STD-798 (see S1.1.7 and Section 5). 9.2 Identification Plates—An identification plate of
corrosion-resistant metal shall be attached to the valve and
8. Tests shall list the following:
8.1 Each production valve shall pass the tests outlined 9.2.1 Manufacturer’s name,
below: 9.2.2 Valve specification code,
8.1.1 Hydrostatic Proof Test—Pressurize the pressure- 9.2.3 Set pressure range, and
containing envelope with water to the hydrostatic proof test 9.2.4 Manufacturer’s model or part number.
pressure specified in Table 4. Hold for a minimum of 3 min,
depressurize, and pressurize again for 3 additional min to 10. Quality Assurance System
verify conformance with Table 12. 10.1 The manufacturer shall establish and maintain a quality
8.1.2 Seat Tightness Test—With water applied to the valve assurance system which will ensure that all the requirements of
inlet, at pressure equal to the nominal rating of the valve, set this specification are satisfied. This system shall also ensure
the valve lockup at the midpoint of the set pressure range. that all valves will perform in a manner similar to those
Measure the downstream pressure increase in a 15-min period representative valves subjected to original testing for determi-
in a dead-ended volume not exceeding 100 diameters of nation of the operating and flow characteristics.
downstream piping to verify conformance with Table 12. 10.2 A written description of the quality assurance system
that the manufacturer will use shall be available for review and
9. Marking acceptance by the inspection authority.
9.1 Body Markings—Valve bodies shall be permanently 10.3 The purchaser reserves the right to witness the produc-
marked to show the following information: tion tests and inspect the valves in the manufacturer’s plant to
9.1.1 Nominal size, the extent specified on the purchase order.


One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall be applied only when specified by
the purchaser in the inquiry, contract, or order. Details of applicable supplementary requirements shall
be agreed upon in writing by the manufacturer and the purchaser. Supplementary requirements shall
in no way negate any requirement of the specification itself.

S1. Initial Qualification Testing of that type and rating covered by this specification (see
S1.1.1.1). Detailed engineering drawings of the test valve and
S1.1 Qualification tests shall be conducted at a laboratory
assembly drawings of all sizes of that type and rating shall be
satisfactory to the customer and shall consist of the examina-
submitted with the test valve.
tion and tests outlined in Table 12 and specified in S1.1.1
S1.1.1.1 Valves of other sizes may be tested upon specific
through S1.1.7. Acceptance criteria shall be as given in Table approval by the customer. The use of only one valve size for
12. qualification of a type and rating in accordance with this
S1.1.1 Qualification Test Sample—A sample valve shall be specification applies only where the test valve is representative
submitted for each type and rating for which qualification of the basic design features of all sizes of the type and rating
approval is desired (for sample size(s) required for shock for which qualification is desired. The customer reserves the
qualification, see S1.1.7). Qualification approval, based on the right to determine which variations are significant enough to
examination and test of the sample, will then apply to all sizes require separate qualification testing.

F 1370 – 92
S1.1.2 Examination Before Testing—Upon receipt of the meet these requirements, it shall be given a visual and
qualification test sample, the sample valve(s) shall be disas- dimensional examination (S1.1.2) to determine the cause.
sembled and examined visually and dimensionally to deter- S1.1.6 Composite Test—The sample valve which has passed
mine conformance with the requirements of this specification the seat tightness test shall be installed in a test setup that
and complete dimensional conformance to the detailed engi- incorporates an accurate means of monitoring the flow rate and
neering drawings. pressures at the inlet and outlet of the valve. This test setup will
S1.1.2.1 Upon satisfactory completion of the examination facilitate establishment of set pressure limits/accuracy of
specified in S1.1.2, the valve(s) shall be tested as specified in regulation, capacity, and vibration response.
S1.1.3 through S1.1.7. S1.1.6.1 Set Pressure Limits/Accuracy of Regulation—This
S1.1.3 Spring Test—The spring from the disassembled test shall be conducted in two parts:
sample valve shall be examined visually and dimensionally as (1) Measure the downstream pressure at the minimum and
follows: maximum of the set pressure range by applying an inlet
pressure equal to the nominal valve rating and varying flow
S1.1.3.1 The free spring length shall be measured and an
from lockup to full flow to lockup. The droop characteristics
allowance of 0.010 in. (0.254 mm) each per inch of free spring
(fall off in the downstream pressure) shall be determined by
length calculated. Fraction of inches of free spring length shall
following the procedure in The downstream pressure
be prorated and added to the calculations for allowance.
variation shall not exceed the values listed in Table 11.
S1.1.3.2 The spring shall be fully (solidly) compressed and (2) Adjust the set pressure at the mid range of the set
released. pressure adjustment range of the spring. These set pressures
S1.1.3.3 Ten minutes after release, the spring shall be shall be 20 psig (138 kPa) for the 5 to 30 psig (34 to 207 kPa)
measured again. spring, 40 psig (276 kPa) for the 25 to 60 (172 to 414 kPa) psig
S1.1.3.4 The spring shall not exhibit a set in excess of the spring, and 75 psig (517 kPa) for the 50 to 100 psig (345 to 689
allowance calculated in S1.1.3.1. kPa) spring. Keeping the flowrate constant, vary the upstream
S1.1.4 Valve Body and Diaphragm Hydrostatic Proof Test— pressure from (10 + set pressure) psig to (110 + set pressure)
Sample valve body and valve diaphragm hydrostatic tests shall psig and measure the downstream pressure. The downstream
be performed to test the strength and soundness of the pressure shall not vary by more than 5 psi (34 kPa).
pressure-containing envelope. No structural failure, permanent S1.1.6.2 Capacity Requirements—Following the above, the
deformation, damage to seating surfaces, or external leakage valve capacity shall be tested. It shall conform to the require-
(except a slight seepage (in drip form) from the spring chamber ments of 7.1.6.
assemblies in Type I valves) shall be acceptable. A visual and S1.1.6.3 Vibration—The valve shall be vibration tested with
dimensional inspection is required after testing (see S1.1.2). the nominal inlet pressure rating applied to the inlet port and
S1.1.4.1 Type I Valve Pressure-Containing Envelope—The the valve set at approximately the midpoint of the set pressure
hydrostatic test pressure shall be 1.5 times the nominal inlet range. Performance requirements are set forth in 7.1.7.
pressure or design pressure. Table 4 contains a listing of S1.1.7 Shock Test—Sample size(s) for shock qualification
hydrostatic proof pressures. Valve internals shall be removed testing shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-798. The valve
for the test. shall be subjected to the high-impact mechanical shock re-
quirements for Grade A, Class I of MIL-S-901 to determine its
S1.1.4.2 Type II Valve Pressure-Containing Envelope—This
resistance to high-impact mechanical shock. The shock test
test shall be performed as above, except that the body/spring
shall be performed with the nominal hydrostatic pressure
chamber shall be blanked off.
applied to the inlet port. During impact, an instantaneous,
S1.1.4.3 Type I and II Valve Diaphragm Test—The inlet port reversible pressure excursion is allowable. After the test, the
shall be blanked off and the outlet section of the valve valve shall be subjected to a visual and dimensional check
hydrostatically pressurized to create a pressure differential in (S1.1.2) and the tests described in 8.1.1 and 8.1.2. The valve
accordance with 6.1.5. The valves shall be pressurized for 2 shall meet the requirements of 7.1.8.
min, depressurized, and pressurized again for 2 min. The valve
shall be examined at completion in accordance with S1.1.2. S2. Examinations
S1.1.5 Lockup Pressure Test (Seat Tightness Test)—The S2.1 Lot—For the purpose of sampling, all valves of the
sample valve shall be installed in a test setup that incorporates same type and size offered for delivery at one time shall be
an accurate means of monitoring pressures at the inlet and considered a lot.
outlet (regulated flow) of the valve. The outlet piping shall be S2.2 Sampling for Visual and Dimensional
arranged so that it shuts off while in a flooded state with no air Examination—A random sample of valves shall be selected
binding (entrapment) for approximately 100 pipe diameters from each lot as shown below and shall be examined as
downstream of the valve. With hydrostatic pressure equal to specified in S2.3 and S2.4. The failure of any valve in a sample
the rated nominal inlet pressure of the valve applied to the to pass the examination specified in S2.3 and S2.4 shall be
inlet, the valve shall be set to lockup at the midpoint of its cause for rejection of the lot.
pressure range setting. The pressure increase after lockup on
Lot Size Sample Quantity
the closed downstream (or regulated outlet) side of the valve
shall not exceed 10 % of the set pressure or 2.5 psi (17 kPa), 2 to 25 1
whichever is greater, over a 15-min period. If the valve fails to 26 to 65 2

F 1370 – 92
66 to 180 3 include provisions to ensure that the latest applicable drawings,
Over 180 4 design calculations, specifications, and instructions, including
S2.3 Visual Examination—A visual examination shall be all authorized changes, are used for manufacture, examination,
made of the sample valves selected in accordance with S2.2 to inspection, and testing.
verify conformance to the requirements of this specification. S4.6 Purchase Control—The manufacturer shall ensure that
S2.4 Dimensional Examination—A dimensional examina- all purchased materials and services conform to specified
tion shall be made on the sample valves selected in accordance requirements and that all purchase orders include complete
with S2.2 to verify conformance with the approved master details of the material and services ordered.
drawing. S4.7 Material Control—The manufacturer shall have a
S3. Packaging and Marking Requirements system for material control that ensures that the material
S3.1 Preservation, Packing, and Marking—Valves shall be received is properly identified and that any required documen-
individually preserved Level A or commercial, packed Level A, tation is present, identified as to the material, and verifies
B, C, or commercial as specified (see 5.1.11), and marked in compliance to the specified requirements. The material control
accordance with MIL-V-3. system shall ensure that only the intended material is used in
S3.2 Cushioning, Dunnage, and Wrapping Materials: manufacture. The manufacturer shall maintain control of the
S3.2.1 Level A Preservation and Levels A, B, and C material during the manufacturing process by a system that
Packing—Utilization of all types of loose-fill materials for identifies the inspection status of the material throughout all
shipboard use is prohibited. stages of manufacture.
S3.2.2 Commercial Preservation, and Packing—When S4.8 Manufacturing Control—The manufacturer shall en-
loose-fill type materials are used for cushioning, filler, and sure that manufacturing operations are conducted under con-
dunnage, all containers (unit, intermediate, and shipping) shall trolled conditions using documented work instructions. The
be marked or labeled with the following information: manufacturer shall provide for inspection, where appropriate,
“CAUTION for each operation that affects quality or shall arrange an
Contents cushioned, etc., with loose-filled material. Not to be appropriate monitoring operation.
taken aboard ship. Remove and discard loose-fill material S4.9 Quality Control Plan—The quality control plan of the
before shipboard stowage. If required, recushion with polyure- manufacturer shall describe the fabrication operations, includ-
thane foam, or transparent flexible cellular material.” ing examinations and inspections.
S3.3 Cushioning, filler, dunnage, and wrapping materials
S4.10 Welding—The quality control system shall include
selected shall have properties (characteristics) resistant to fire.
provisions for ensuring that the welding conforms to specified
S3.4 The valve CID/APL number shall be stamped on the
requirements. Qualifications of the welders shall meet the
valve name plate.
appropriate standards, and the qualification records shall be
S4. Quality Assurance made available to the inspection authority if required.
S4.1 Scope of Work—The written description of the quality S4.11 Nondestructive Examination—Provision shall be
assurance system shall include the scope and locations of the made to use nondestructive examination, as necessary, to
work to which the system is applicable. ensure that materials and components comply with the speci-
S4.2 Authority and Responsibility—The authority and re- fied requirements. Nondestructive examinations shall be autho-
sponsibility of those in charge of the quality assurance system rized by their employer or qualified by a recognized national
shall be clearly established. body, and their authorizations and qualification records shall be
S4.3 Organization—An organizational chart showing the made available to the inspection authority if required.
relationship between management and the engineering, pur- S4.12 Nonconforming Items—The manufacturer shall es-
chasing, manufacturing, construction, inspection, and quality tablish procedures for controlling items not in conformance
control groups is required. The purpose of this chart is to with the specified requirements.
identify and associate the various organizational groups with S4.13 Heat Treatment—The manufacturer shall provide
the particular functions for which they are responsible. These controls to ensure that all required heat treatments have been
requirements are not intended to encroach on the right of the
applied. Means should be provided by which heat treatment
manufacturer to establish, and from time to time to alter, the
requirements can be verified.
form of organization the manufacturer considers appropriate
for its work. Individuals performing quality control functions S4.14 Inspection Status—The manufacturer shall maintain a
shall have a sufficiently well-defined responsibility and the system for identifying the inspection status of materials during
authority and the organizational freedom to identify quality all stages of manufacture and shall be able to distinguish
control problems and to initiate, recommend, and provide between inspected and non-inspected material.
solutions. S4.15 Calibration of Measurement and Test Equipment—
S4.4 Review of the Quality Assurance System—The manu- The manufacturer shall provide, control, calibrate, and main-
facturer shall ensure and demonstrate the continuous effective- tain inspection, measuring, and test equipment to be used in
ness of the quality assurance system. verifying conformance to the specified requirements. Such
S4.5 Drawings, Design Calculations, and Specification calibration shall be traceable to a national standard, and
Control—The manufacturer’s quality assurance system shall calibration records shall be maintained.

F 1370 – 92
S4.16 Records Maintenance—The manufacturer shall have a current copy of the written description of the quality
a system for the maintenance of inspection records, radio- assurance system. The manufacturer’s quality assurance sys-
graphs, and manufacturer’s data reports that describe the tem shall provide for the inspection authority at the manufac-
achievement of the required quality and the effective operation turer’s plant to have access to all drawings, calculations,
of the quality system. specifications, procedures, process sheets, repair procedures,
S4.17 Sample Forms—The forms used in the quality control records, test results, and any other documents as necessary for
system and any detailed procedures for their use shall be the inspection authority to perform its duties in accordance
available for review. The written description of the quality with this supplementary requirement. The manufacturer may
assurance system shall make reference to these forms. provide for such access by furnishing the inspection authority
S4.18 Inspection Authority—The manufacturer shall make with either originals or copies of such documents.
available to the inspection authority at the manufacturer’s plant

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
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of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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