CPM20CV Data Sheet
CPM20CV Data Sheet
CPM20CV Data Sheet
Typical Composition
C Cr Mo W V
The wear and corrosion resistance of 20CV make it an excellent candidate to replace 440C, where increased wear is a
primary concern. It can replace D2 or other tool steels in applications where improved corrosion resistance is also of
The CPM process results in a finer, more uniform carbide distribution imparting improved toughness and grind ability
to high alloy steels. The CPM process also allows the design of more highly alloyed grades which cannot be produced
by conventional steelmaking.
Typical Applications: Plastic injection and extrusion feed screws, non-return valve components, pelletizing equipment,
gate and nozzle inserts, industrial knives, slitters, and cutters, long-wearing specialty cutlery, injection molds and
inserts, wear components for food and chemical processing, bearings, bushings, valves, rolls and gear pumps.
Mechanical Properties
Hardness (1) Wear
HRC Heat
CPM 20CV 58 (A) 35/40
CPM 20CV 55 (B) 35/40
CPM 20CV 58 (C) 3/4
CPM 20CV 59 (D) 3/4
1.) A=Hardened 2050°F (1120°C), double tempered 500°F (260°C).
B=Hardened 2050°F (1120°C), double tempered 1025°F (550°C).
C=Hardened 1900°F (1040°C), double tempered 400°F (204°C).
D=Hardened 1850°F (1010°C), double tempered 600°F (315°C).
CONVENTIONAL STEEL CPM STEEL 3.) Crossed-cylinder adhesive wear test (higher number=better wear resistance)
This data sheet is for informational purposes only. Alloy characteristics are subject to change due to chemical composition and/or
processing. We do not certify the material’s suitability for specific applications.
Corrosion Resistance Thermal Treatments
Corrosion tests measure the amount of material lost to corrosion. Annealing
Therefore, lower numbers indicate better corrosion resistance. Heat to 1650° F (900°C), hold 2 hours, slow cool at a maximum rate of 25°
F (15°C) per hour to 1100° F (595°C), then furnace cool or cool in still air to
Corrosion Test Results (1) in mm/year room temperature
Boiling 10% Dilute Aqua- Annealed Hardness: Approx. BHN 277
Acetic(2) Regia(3)
Stress Relieving
CPM S90V 9/17 102/117 Annealed Parts: Heat to 1100-1300°F (595-705°C), hold 2 hours, then
440C 29 109 furnace cool or cool in still air.
D2 267 411 Hardened Parts: Heat to 25-50° F (15-30°C) below original tempering
Notes: temperature, hold 2 hours, then furnace cool or cool in still air.
(1)Lower numbers indicate better corrosion resistance. All grades heat
treated to about HRC 56/58. Corrosion resistance depends strongly on heat Hardening
treated condition and specific environment. Results should be used as a Austenitize: 2100-2150°F (1150-1175°C), hold time at temperature: 20
qualitative comparison only. minutes.
(2)24 Hrs. Quench: Salt quench, interrupted oil quench, positive pressure gas
(3)5% HNO3-1% HCI (nitric + hydrochloric acids) at 24 °C. quench or air cool at a minimum cooling rate of 150°F/min (80°C/min) to
below 1000°F (540°C). Cool to below 125°F (50° C) before tempering. For
Relative Corrosion Rates optimum vacuum heat treatment response, a minimum 4 bar gas quench
(Lower numbers indicate better corrosion resistance) is recommended.
Temper: Double temper at 400-750° F (200-400°C). Hold for a minimum of
400 400 BOILING ACETIC 2 hrs. each temper. For optimum stress relieving and dimensional
S90V stability, S90V may be double tempered at 1000-1025° F (540-550°C), but
300 300
tempering above 800°F (425°C) may result in some loss of corrosion
440C 440C resistance. A freezing treatment may be employed between the first and
200 D2 200 D2
second tempers, if desired. Freezing treatments should always be
followed by at least one temper.
100 100 PLEASE NOTE: Tempering between about 800 and 1000°F (425 and 540°C)
is not recommended. All martensitic stainless steels suffer from
embrittlement when tempered in this range.
0 0
Tempering Temperature
400°F-800°F Best corrosion resistance & wear resistance
Impact Toughness 800°F-1000°F AVOID THIS RANGE (Embrittlement)
CPM S90V offers higher impact toughness than 440C at comparable 1000°F-1025°F Stress Relieving and Dimensional Stability
hardnesses. Aim Hardness: HRC 56/59
50 Size Change: +0.03 to +0.05%
Size change shown is for a fully martensitic microstructure.
The presence of retained austenite may reduce the net growth. When
40 9V tempering at 400-750°F (200-400°C), freezing treatments may be
necessary to minimize retained austenite.
Machinability and Grindability
D2 Due to its high vanadium carbide content, the machinability and
440C grindability of S90V will be slightly more difficult than that of D2 or 440C.
Similar grinding equipment and practices are acceptable. SG type alumina
wheels or CBN wheels have generally given the best performance with the
CPM steels.
CPM, 3V, S30-V, CPM 154, 154-CM, 15V, S90V, S110-V and S125V are registered trademarks of Crucible Industries LLC