16 MN CR 5
16 MN CR 5
16 MN CR 5
16MnCr5 All
General Information
16MnCr5 is an alloyed case hardening steel used for e.g. mechanical engineering components.The steel can be M-treated in order to optimize the
For additional Heat Treatment Data, please visit the Heat Treatment Guide.
Similar designations
Chemical composition
Variant Cast Weldability C% Si % Mn % P% S% Cr % Ni % Mo % V%
CEV 0.69max Min 0.14 0.15 1.05 - 0.015 0.85 - - -
234K IC
Pcm 0.36max Max 0.19 0.35 1.30 0.020 0.025 1.10 0.20 0.10 0.100
Mechanical Properties
Variant Condition Format Dimension [mm] Hardness
+U All formats 24 < 190 230 HB typical
234K +A All formats 24 < 190 207 HB typical
+FP All formats 24 < 190 140-187 HB
Rp0.2 * Reh, ** Rel
Transformation temperatures
Temperature °C
MS 430
AC1 734
AC3 827
Hardness [HRC]
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Distance [mm]
Contact us
Would you like to know more about our offers? Don´t hesitate to contact us:
Via e-mail: [email protected]
Via telephone: +46 8 622 1300
For more detailed information please visit http://www.ovako.com/en/Contact-Ovako/
The information in this document is for illustrative purposes only. The data and examples are only general recommendations and not a warranty or a guarantee.
The suitability of a product for a specific application can be confirmed only by Ovako once given the actual conditions.The purchaser of an Ovako product has
the responsibility to ascertain and control the applicability of the products before using them. Continuous development may necessitate changes in technical
data without notice. This document is only valid for Ovako material. Other material, covering the same international specifications, does not necessarily comply
with the properties presented in this document.