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1. Why should managers practice diversity in the Hospitality and Tourism industry?

Because in hospitality, workers as well as guests and travellers come from all over
the world from various walks of life, If someone can’t handle ethnic and cultural
diversity, being around people with various gender identities and sexual orientations,
being around people who speak different languages, or not knowing how to
accommodate employees, guests, and travellers with varying abilities, hospitality is
definitely not the industry for them.

If having a diverse staff bothers someone as a manager, surely you won’t be able to
assist or accommodate diverse guests and travellers.

2. How might teamwork impact on the management of diversity in the hospitality and
tourism industry?

In the hotel sector, teamwork could generate a productive team environment,

which is crucial for a successful organisation. A successful team is built on the
foundation of communication, cooperation, and teamwork.

3. How does human resource management impact workplace diversity in the hospitality
and tourism industry?

They are able to achieve this because their personnel is an accurate reflection of
their clientele. By fostering an inclusive atmosphere, it can focus on the elements that
inspire employees, lower absenteeism, and boost productivity.

4. How can training in diversity help develop an inclusive workforce?

It can encourage positive behaviours and attitudes, which are crucial for
establishing and upholding a respectful, inclusive work environment, while also raising
employees' awareness of unconscious bias and other barriers to diversity and inclusion.

5. In what ways can LGBT employees be discriminated at work in the hospitality and
tourism industry?

The person who is part of the LGBT might get discrimination from their co-
workers, and it would be a challenge for them to work if someone around them is getting

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discriminated against because of their gender identity. The person might get
mistreatment or maybe get fired from their job. In my opinion, it's not their fault that
they're part of the LGBT, and all they wanted was to accept them despite their gender
identity. They wanted to feel that they were an ally by their side who will protect them
when someone tries to be harsh on them.

6. What types of pressure might LGBT workers face in their jobs in the hospitality and
tourism industry?

I think the pressure that LGBT employees might experience in the workplace in
the hospitality industry is that there might be hostile individuals, and it might be a
pressure for them to confront it or not because it could affect their jobs and they might
be fired.

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