Shuttering of Column, Beam, Slab
Shuttering of Column, Beam, Slab
Shuttering of Column, Beam, Slab
Risk / Residual
Sl. Additional Control
Activity Source / Existing Control Measures Impact Risk / Action By
No Possible People at Measures
Situation / Level Impact
Outcome risk
Material Worker/ Site
1.maintaining good
handling Improper Slip –trip helper Engineer
1. housekeeping 1 4 L L
(loading / Access and fall
2. proper material stacking
1. Emergency lighting Site
arrangements must be Engineer
Poor Worker/ provided. /
Slip –trip helper
illuminatio 2. Proper supervision must 1 4 L . L P&M
and fall
n be ensured that workers do
not work in poor
Workers 1. All sharp edges must be Site Engg
Sharp Wear & tear checked /
/ 1 3 L
edges 2. PPe’s like gloves and safety L Safety engg.
helpers boots must be used.
1. Manual handling must be
WRULD’s Workers reduced.
Manual 2. Weight must be lifted Site Engg.
/ / 1 3 L L
handling closer to the body.
Back pain helpers 3.Training must be given to /
workmen Safety Engg
Transportat Workers 1.Not exceeding the Loading engineer
Uneven Toppling of
2. ion of / limit 1 3 L L /
ramp/road vehicle
material helpers 2.Adequate supervision P&M
1.Collision Site
with object engineer
2. Collision
1.Competentcy and Fitness of Traffic
with man 1.Separate walkway for
the driver Engineer
Rash 3. Rash pedestrian and vehicle
2. Driving within the speed /
driving driving movement
Workers limit SHE
/ 2 3 H 2.Bank’s men or helper L
4.Fall of TM / Helpers 3. PUC certificate and NOC of Engineer
over while reversing
in the pit the vehicle
speeding 3.Use of Reverse horn
5. Soil 4. Driver having valid driving
while reversing
Collapse license
_______________________ __________________
PM / CM / Section In-charge EHSO