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Academic Year 2023

Marine Safety With the Concept Of Sustainable Development

Working Group No 10

1. Bintang Amartya Pradira Student ID Number 202269027

2. Frisgil Tarang Student ID Number 202269026
3. Dominikus K Kamorjanan Student ID Number 202269031

Department of Naval Architecture

Faculty of Engineering
Pattimura University

1. Title of the assignment : Marine Safety With the Concept Of Sustainable

2. Scope of Maritime Field : Environment

3. Team Leader :
a. Full Name : Bintang Amartya Pradira
b. ID Number : 202269027
c. Study Program : Naval Architecture
d. Department : Faculty of Engineering
e. e-mail address : [email protected]

Member 1.
a. Full Name : Dominikus Kanisius Karmomjanan
b. ID Number : 202269031
c. Study Program : Naval Architecture
d. Department : Faculty of Engineering
e. e-mail address : [email protected]

Member 2.
a. Full Name : Frisgil Tarang
b. ID Number : 202269026
c. Study Program : Naval Architecture
d. Department : Faculty of Engineering
e. e-mail address : [email protected]

Ambon, 28 April 2023

Seen and approved,
Lecturer of English Course Team Leader,

Dr. Ir. Wolter R Hetharia, M.App.Sc Bintang Amartya Pradira

NIP: 19620813 198903 1 003
Member 1

Dominikus Kanisius Kamorjanan

Member 2.

Frisgil Tarang

In the name of God, the beneficent and merciful. All praise is merely to The Mightiest God,
the lord of the worlds, for the gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enable me to
accomplish this script. This paper entitled “Marine Safety With the Concept Of Sustainable
Development”, is submitted to fulfill the assignment of English Languange at the Department
of Naval Architecture of Engineering Faculty, University of Pattimura.

In arranging this paper, the writer truly get lots challenges and obstructions but with help of
many individuals, those obstructions could passed. Writer also realized there are still many
mistakes in process of writing this paper.

Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process of
writing this paper. hopefully God replies all helps and bless you all. The writer realized that
this paper still imperfect in arrangement and the content. Then the writer hope the criticism
from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper. Last but not the least
Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about samantics major.

Ambon, 28 April 2023

The sea is one of the important assets owned by the Earth. Apart from being an abundant
source of biodiversity, the sea also provides various benefits for human welfare such as food,
transportation, energy, and tourism. Unfortunately, ocean health is currently experiencing
various challenges and problems. Humans also take part in the damage to the sustainability of
life in the sea. So with this background, we took the writing of "Marine Safety With the
Concept Of Sustainable Development". With this writing, we hope to provide an
understanding to readers so that readers can contribute to the sustainable development of the
sea for a better future. At this writing we use qualitative research methods. Qualitative
research is research conducted to seek meaning, understanding, understanding of a
phenomenon, event, or human life in a natural, contextual and comprehensive setting or
setting. With this research, we hope to be able to save ocean health in the next 20 years

I.1. Background
The sea is one of the important assets owned by the Earth. Apart from being an abundant
source of biodiversity, the sea also provides various benefits for human welfare such as food,
transportation, energy, and tourism. Therefore, maintaining the health of the ocean is essential
to ensure the survival and well-being of humans in the future.

Marine resources in Indonesia have a very high level of biodiversity. This is evidenced by
Indonesia's designation as the largest Marine Mega-Biodiversity in the world. Indonesia has
about 8,500 species of fish, 555 species of seaweed and 950 species of coral reef biota.
Thirty-seven percent of fish species in the world can be found in Indonesia and some of these
fish species have high economic value. Fish with high economic value such as tuna, skipjack,
shrimp, mackerel, snapper, squid and reef fish such as grouper, baronang and lobster. As for
the potential of marine capture fisheries of around 6.5 million tons / year, brackish water
aquaculture fisheries reach 2.9 million hectares and marine aquaculture potential reaches
12.55 million hectares

Unfortunately, ocean health is currently experiencing various challenges and problems. Some
of them are marine pollution, climate change, overfishing, habitat destruction, and
irresponsible fishing. All of these issues have an impact on the sustainability of marine
ecosystems and the health of people who depend on the sea.

Marine pollution is the most common and frequent problem. Marine pollution can come from
natural sources such as coastal erosion or man-made chemicals such as industrial waste and
plastic waste. This pollution damages the marine environment and also impacts the health of
humans who consume contaminated fish and seafood.

Climate change is also a serious problem for ocean health. Global warming causes an increase
in ocean temperatures, an increase in ocean acidity, and increase in the intensity of storms and
sea waves. All of these factors can threaten the survival of many types of marine life.

Overfishing is another problem affecting ocean health. This activity can significantly reduce
fish populations and disrupt the marine ecosystem as a whole. In addition, if not carried out
wisely and responsibly, these activities can damage marine habitats and threaten the survival
of fish and other species.

However, as was done by some fishermen, in exploiting marine and fishery resources, large-
scale exploitation often occurs but does not consider environmental sustainability aspects. The
problem is that the methods used so far are often contrary to the principles of responsible
fisheries management. Concretely, as traditional fishermen, they have caught fish in ways that
are prohibited by law. One part of the prohibition contained in the law is fishing activities
carried out by fishermen by destroying fish resources and their ecosystems such as fish
bombing, use of cyanide poison, anesthesia, and use of fishing gear such as trawlers and
exploiting protected marine habitats.

Of the various problems above, it is not only caused by nature that we cannot prevent.
However, humans also take part in the damage to the survival of life in the sea. So with this
background, we took writing about "Marine Safety With the Concept Of Sustainable

I.2. Objective
Based on the background taken, we have some purpose there are :
1. Inform the reader about impact of damaged ocean health.
2. Inform the reader how to solve problems about ocean health.
3. Inspire readers to follow marine safety with the concept of suistanable development

1. Tata Kelola Kelautan Berdasarkan Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management Untuk
Pembangunan Kelautan Berkelanjutan, Vol XV
In this literature, it is explained about the importance of marine management and how
the benefits provided from the arrangement of marine space management.
2. Potret Awal Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development Goals) di
The literature explains the goals and objectives to be achieved by the Indonesian
government. In addition, it is accompanied by data needed to achieve these goals
3. Manajemen Strategi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Maritim Di Indonesia
The literature explains the management of maritime resources and their
implementation in the life of the nation and state
4. Marine Pollution Problems and Remedies by Cambridge University
The literature explains Marine pollution is a global problem in several senses.
5. Marine Oil Spills—Oil Pollution, Sources and Effects
This literature explains the adverse impacts of marine oil spill have been
documented in various aspects.
6. Threatened Reef Corals of the World.
This literature explains hylogenetic approach on all reef corals of the order
Scleractinia to identify, first, the most endangered coral lineages, and second,
evolutionary patterns associated with extinction probability and various threats

III.1 Real Problems

Marine problems such as marine pollution, overfishing, destruction of marine habitats, etc.
caused by humans such as dumping garbage in the sea, waste disposal in the sea, the use of
tiger trawls, the use of bombs in fishing, oil spills into the sea, accidents of ships loaded with
non-oil mines at sea, etc. have a real impact on the environment.

On the Isle of Harris, Scotland, England found a sperm whale stranded with plastic waste in
its stomach weighing 100 kilograms. Nets for catching fish, mines, ropes, bags and plastic
cups were among a number of items found inside the animal. [1]

In Ambon there is a phenomenon where piles of garbage stretch as far as 500 m in the middle
of the sea. This is very sad where garbage pollutes and damages the marine ecosystem. [2]

In the sea waters of Batu Gong, Southeast Sulawesi, a barge with a cargo of nickel sank,
polluting the sea. One of the lecturers of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, Halu
Oleo Kendari University stated, if the location of the shipwreck of a barge containing nickel
ore has an oil spill, there will be 3 dangers or impacts, namely for humans, biota and the
environment. "For humans, there will be irritation and respiratory problems because oil
appears on the surface. For marine biota, it will be damaged, especially coral reefs in these
waters and fishermen's activities will also be disrupted," he said. [3] stated, if the location of
the shipwreck of a barge containing nickel ore has an oil spill, there will be 3 dangers or
impacts, namely for humans, biota and the environment. "For humans, there will be irritation
and respiratory problems because oil appears on the surface. For marine biota, it will be
damaged, especially coral reefs in these waters and fishermen's activities will also be
disrupted," he said. [3]

On August 19, 2022, the team approached the waters of Loh Letuho within the TNK area. At
around 09.14 WITA, there was an explosion sound and a burst of water was seen due to the
explosion of a fish bomb. This fish bombing occurred in Labuan Bajo. The bombing damaged
coral reefs. [4]
Plastic pollution is one of the biggest causes of climate change. This is explained in a paper
published in the journal Science of The Total Environment titled "The fundamental links
between climate change and marine plastic pollution." Basically, plastic is made from
materials like ethylene and propylene derived from Fossil Fuels which ultimately (when
exposed to sunlight) increases the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. But when
this plastic is dumped into the sea, the result is actually damaging to the environment. [5]

From these various news, it can be concluded that humans contribute to the cause of threats to
marine safety. Nature gives us everything, but we destroy it because of greed. So there is a
need for sustainable development strategies for marine safety

III.2. Solution
Marine Development must basically pay attention to the marine environment as a whole,
including coastal areas, because the marine environment is an important component in
supporting the life of the global system and a positive asset of itself for opportunities by
sustainable development.

To deal with this problem requires synergy and understanding from various parties. The
government is unable to carry out the development of marine safety without the support of the
community and vice versa. There are several things that need to be considered in dealing with
this problem, such as the habit of the community to litter, lax regulations regarding
environmental empowerment, etc. However we need to resolving caused and impact so we
hope it can break the cycle that can damaged our ocean. In addition, it is necessary to carry
out continuous evaluations so that the effectiveness in implementing marine safety strategies
in a sustainable development manner is maximized.

Firstly, people's habit of throwing garbage carelessly can be overcome by establishing a waste
bank and socializing the manufacture of waste recycling so that it can become a new business
opportunity. In addition, the government is obliged to help promote products from recycled
waste so that there will be economic sustainability that benefits various parties. The
government also needs to regularly provide understanding to the public about the importance
of protecting the environment. The government must also take part in forming regulations
regarding restrictions on the use of single-use materials that are difficult to decipher.
Second, the use of trawls, fish poison and fish bombs can be overcome by enforcing stricter
regulations. The government needs to strictly supervise. However, the sea area and inadequate
supervisory authorities reduced the effectiveness of the new, stricter regulations. So that the
community is needed to help with the supervision. The government can provide assistance to
fishermen, both technologically and financially. In addition, socialization was carried out
regarding the latest technology in helping fishermen so as to increase fishermen's production.
This is expected to help the economy and eliminate fishermen's desire to use prohibited
technologies such as trawling, fish poison, etc. Apart from that, to maintain the number of
fish, it can be done by measuring fish based on quotas.

Third, the disposal of waste and the operation of mining ships in the sea need to be closely
monitored. Companies are required to have strict SOPs in running their business, thereby
minimizing accidents that cause environmental damage. Every company is required to have
good waste management.

Another factor to consider is to deal with problems that have occurred such as marine
pollution due to garbage, destruction of marine habitats and ecosystems, etc. can be done in
various ways. For garbage, you can use "Seabin" technology. Seabin is a tool that can
automatically suck up trash carried by ocean currents into a trash bucket [6]. For mineral
spills, biotechnology can be used. The application of biotechnology in the environmental
sector, or what is called gray biotechnology, can be used to deal with environmental pollution,
both pollution that occurs in soil, water, air, or sediment. Through the selection of
microorganisms and the right methodology, environmental pollution can be overcome.
Besides being friendly to the environment, gray biotechnology is also relatively cheaper than
using chemicals [7]. Damage to coral reefs can be done by grafting or transplanting corals.
Coral transplantation plays a role in accelerating the regeneration of damaged coral reefs or to
build new areas of coral reefs that did not exist before[8]. It is hoped that the government can
provide support by procuring technology and supporting these various activities so that the
sustainable recovery of marine health will be more effective.

By resolving the causes and impacts that have occurred, it is hoped that this can break the
cycle that damages our health and threatens the safety of our oceans. Nature provides
everything for us so it is our obligation to protect and preserve it.

The conclusion of the paper "Marine Safety With the Concept of Sustainable Development" is
that ensuring safety in the marine environment must be pursued with a sustainable approach.
Maritime safety should not be overlooked in the pursuit of sustainable development. In this
context, it is important to consider factors such as environmental protection, economic
sustainability, and social justice.

The implementation of the concept of sustainable development in maritime safety policies and
practices will ensure long-term protection of valuable marine resources. This involves the use
of environmentally friendly technologies, proper waste and pollution management, and efforts
to minimize negative impacts on marine ecosystems.

Furthermore, human safety must also be a top priority in the context of sustainable maritime
safety. This includes strict monitoring and maintenance of safety standards, adequate training
for maritime personnel, and the development of infrastructure that supports safe operations at

Through this approach, maritime safety can be integrated with the principles of sustainable
development to achieve a balance between environmental protection, economic sustainability,
and social justice. This will ensure that human activities at sea can continue without
compromising human safety and environmental preservation.

In order to achieve these goals, collaboration between governments, the maritime industry,
and civil society is also crucial. This collaboration allows for the adoption of appropriate
policies, the development of innovative technologies, and high public awareness of the
importance of sustainable maritime safety.

By combining maritime safety with the concept of sustainable development, we can ensure
that valuable marine resources are preserved, and future generations can enjoy the benefits
offered by a safe and sustainable ocean.

[1] BBC News. Sampah 100 kilogram dalam perut paus sperma, dari jaring ikan, tas sampai gelas
plastik,, accessed on 29 April 2023

[2] Muslimin Abbas. Heboh Fenomena Alam di Laut Ambon Ternyata Sampah Menumpuk 500
ternyata-sampah-menumpuk-500-meter, accessed on 29 April 2023

[3] Kiki Andi Pati. Jangkar Putus, Kapal Tongkang Karam, Tumpahan Biji Nikel Cemari Laut,
tumpahan-biji-nikel-cemari-laut?page=all, Accessed on 30 April 2023

[4] Leo Wisnu Susapto. Gunakan Bom Di Labuan Bajo, Nelayan Terjerat Pasal Berlapis,,
Accessed on 1 May 2023

[5] Wawan Setiawan. Polusi Plastik Menjadi Salah Satu Penyebab Terbesar Perubahan Iklim,
terbesar-perubahan-iklim, Accessed on 1 May 2023

[6] Kompasiana. Seabin Teknologi Pembersih Laut. Adakah di Indonesia?,
permbersih-laut-adakah-di-indonesia, Accessed on 1 May 2023

[7] Adi Permana. Bioteknologi untuk Solusi Pencemaran Lingkungan Akibat Tumpahan Minyak,
akibat-tumpahan-minyak, Accessed on 4 May 2023

[8] KKP. Pedoman rehabilitasi terumbu karang (sclerectinia),,
Accessed on 4 May 2023

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