Pathfit 1
Pathfit 1
Pathfit 1
Body Composition - refers to the percentage of fat, water, bone, muscle, skin, and other
lean tissues that make up the body.
Muscular Endurance – ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert force
consistently and repetitively over a period of time.
Muscular Strength – body’s ability to lift and move objects.
Cardiovascular Endurance – ability of your heart, blood vessels, and lungs to supply
oxygen rich blood to working muscles during physical activity for a prolonged period of
Cardiorespiratory Endurance - ability to perform large muscle, dynamic, moderate to
high intensity exercise for prolonged periods.
Flexibility - ability to move your joints through a complete range of motion without pain
or restriction.
BMI - key index relating a person’s body weight to height. (a higher BMI score usually
indicates higher levels of body fat)
Balance - ability of an individual to maintain their line of gravity within their base of
support. It can be classified into static and dynamic.
Coordination - It is the ability to use the senses, such as sight and hearing, together with
body parts in performing motor tasks smoothly and accurately.
Power - It is the rate at which one is able to exert maximal force.
Agility - defined as “a rapid whole-body movement with change of velocity or direction
in response to a stimulus”.
Speed - ability to perform a movement within a short period of time.
Reaction Time – the amount of time it takes to a stimulus.
Learning about the Six Dimensions of Health can help a person choose how to make wellness
a part of everyday life. Wellness strategies are practical ways to start developing healthy
habits that can have a positive impact on physical and mental health.
1. Physical - Body size and functioning; recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy
foods, and adequate sleep; avoiding unhealthy habits.
2. Social - developing a sense of connection, belonging, and sustained support system; having
positive relationships.
3. Intellectual - Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and
skills; being open-minded.
4. Emotional - Coping effectively with life and expressing emotions in an appropriate manner.
5. Spiritual - Having a sense of purpose and meaning in life; establishing peace, harmony, and
balance in our lives.
6. Environmental - Occupying pleasant, healthy, and safe environments that support wellbeing;
positively impacting the quality of our surroundings (including protecting and preserving