I.OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed,
additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative
Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons.
Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the basic concepts and underlying theories of electrical installation and maintenance.
B. Performance Standards The learner independently demonstrates common competencies in electrical installation and maintenance as prescribed by TESDA
Training Regulations.
C .Learning Competencies/ 1. Explain basic concepts in electrical installation and maintenance Select electric and hydraulic tools (TLE_IAEI9-12ET-Ia-e-1)
Objectives (Write the LC code for 2. Discuss the relevance of the course Maintain electric and hydraulic tools (TLE_IAEI9-12ET-If-j-2)
each) 3. Explore career opportunities in electrical installation and
D. Objectives 1. Determine the origin of electricity. 1. Identify and describe the functions of electric and hydraulic
2. Value and explain the importance of electron theory. tools.
3. Identify the sources of electricity and the principles and operations 2. Familiarize the parts of electrical power tools.
of each source. 3. Explain the operating principles of electrical power tools.
4. Develop the prior knowledge of the students with regards to 4. Value the importance of proper storage and maintenance of
fundamentals of electricity. electrical tools.
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
(Obj. 3. Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking
Approach: Differentiated Instruction, ICT Integration, Scaffold
A. Reviewing previous Review on the principles and Review on the sources of Review on the different Review on the different tools
lesson or presenting the theories of electron and the history electricity in the Philippines sources of electricity and the used in installing electrical
new lesson of electricity. and around the world types of mechanical power to wiring.
form electrical energy.
Quiz Name that Tool
Quiz Direction: Name the tool in
the picture and give its use
and function.
1. 2.
3. 4.
B. Establishing a purpose Recall the definition of electricity. Give the students the meaning Ask the students on what tools Ask who among the students
for the lesson Tell the students that there is still of the conservation of energy. and equipment used in encountered accident.
underlying question behind it. Ask them examples of energy. installing and building wiring.
When and where did it
Do they know how to properly happened?
use them?
How about in doing electrical
What are the ways to maintain jobs, did they experience or
their functionality? witness accidents?
C. Presenting Where do you think charges come Are you familiar with these Tools are defined as Electrical work is not an easy
examples/instances of the from? pictures? implements used to modify task. It is highly recommended
new lesson How do charges travel? Can you identify the types of raw materials for human use. that you must check all the
Where do electricity come from? mechanical power in the Tools can be considered as tools, instruments and
pictures? extension of the human hand equipment before using. Use
thereby increasing its speed, them according to their
power, and accuracy. specification. Avoid using
defective hand tools and
Efficiency of the work, equipment to avoid accident.
high quality of the work, speed
of accomplishment and
accuracy are the advantages
of using power tools. These
advantages depend on three
factors such as availability and
sufficiency of the materials,
(Obj. 3. Apply a range of experience and skill of the
teaching strategies to workers in their respective
develop critical and creative fields and tools and equipment
thinking, as well as other of good quality.
higher-order thinking skills.)
strengths, interests, and
D. Discussing new concepts Discussion of the sources of Discussion on the Discuss on the different Discuss the different materials,
and practicing new skills electricity. mechanical power to tools and equipment used tools and equipment in
#1 electrical energy. in electrical installation and electrical installation and
maintenance. maintenance.
Choosing Electrically
Multiple Choice: Read each
statement carefully. Then,
write the letter of the correct
answer before each number
on the space provided. Use
capital letter only and no
F. Developing mastery Attraction by a charge object POWER-FUL Activity 1 Identification: Read the
(Leads to Formative Supplies and Materials Directions: Match the type of Finding Tools statement carefully and
Assessment 3) sources of electricity in identify what is being
Small pieces of paper Column A with their Direction: Identify the described or defined. Write
Comb corresponding descriptions in electrical tools shown in the your answer on the space
Dry woolen cloth Column B. Write your answer picture. Write your answers provided.
Balloon on a sheet of paper. on your notebook/journal.
Wall 1. This is used for gripping,
Dry fine sand Column A 1. holding, cutting electrical wires
1.Friction and cables and even small
Working Drawing 2.Chemical action nails. Usually used by linemen
3.Heat action 2. in doing heavy tasks.
4.Light action 2. Used for cutting and holding
5.Piezo-electricity fine wires. This can reach tight
6.Mechanical action space or small opening where
7.Magnet 3. other pliers cannot reach and
8.Magnetic induction used in making terminal loops
9.Thermoelectricity of copper wires.
10. Pressure 3. This has a cross tip
4. resembling a positive (+) sign.
Column B It is used to drive screws with
a. two metals bounded cross slot heads.
COMB together in junction by 4. This tool is used in driving
BALLOON thermocouple process 5. or pounding and pulling out
b. electricity produced by nails.
Procedure rotating machine 5. This tool is used to cut
1. Put the tip of your comb c. electricity generated by metal or plastic pipe.
near the small pieces of paper. rubbing two materials 6. 6. Is a device inserted to a
What happened? d. electricity produced by convenience outlet to conduct
2. Rub your comb briskly with batteries electric current? A flat cord is
a dry woolen cloth. e. a process of photo- attached to it on one end and
3. Put again the tip of your electricity (Obj. 3. Apply a range of the other end is connected to a
comb towards some tiny f. an action of squeezing or teaching strategies to current consuming instrument
pieces of paper. What stretching crystal develop critical and creative or appliance.
happened to the tiny pieces of g. imaginary lines along which thinking, as well as other 7. This is a circuit protective
paper? Compare your the attraction or higher-order thinking skills.) device that automatically
observation with the second repulsion of a magnet act blows and cut the current
step. h. a body having the property when an overload or short
4. Rub the inflated balloon with of polarity and of circuit happens.
the woolen cloth. attraction and repulsion found 8. This is a rectangular shaped
5. Put the balloon against the in the nature. metallic or plastic (PVC)
wall. Why did the balloon stick i. potential difference appears material in which flush type
on the wall? Do you think the across the faces convenience outlet and switch
same will happen without of quartz when squeezed are attached.
rubbing the balloon? j. electricity generated by heat 9. Are electrical materials used
6. Rub the balloon with the action. as the passage of wires for
woolen cloth again. protection and insulation.
7. Hold the balloon over very (Obj. 3. Apply a range of 10. Are used to attach metallic
dry fine sand. What happened teaching strategies to or non-metallic conduit to the
to the sand as you brought the develop critical and creative junction or utility boxes.
balloon near to it? What kind of thinking, as well as other
electricity was produced when higher-order thinking skills.) (Obj. 3. Apply a range of
you rubbed two materials of teaching strategies to
different kind? develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills.)
Steps Remarks /
First Step
Second Step
Third Step
Forth step
Fifth step
Sixth step
Seventh step
H. Making generalizations Directions: Choose the letter of the Tell the students the Drawing Tools : True or False
and abstractions about correct answer. Write your answer importance of the different Directions: Write TLE if the
the lesson in your notebook. types of energy. Direction: On your statement is correct and write
1. The following are the sources of notebook/journal, draw at least TVL if the statement is
energy EXCEPT: Ask them enumerate the 10 different tools and incorrect. Write your answer
A. fossil fuel B. nuclear reaction C. equipment used in electrical on your notebook/portfolio.
mechanical power used to
sun D. transformer wiring installation. Write the 1. Ensure that the heat gun,
2. Which is a nonrenewable source form electrical energy or correct functions below each guard and attachments
of energy? electricity. drawn tool. (Including handle) are
A. fossil fuel B. solar energy secure and correctly fitted.
C. tidal energy D. wind energy (Obj. 6. Use differentiated, (Obj. 6. Use differentiated, 2. Keep fingers, hands and
3. Which is non-conventional developmentally appropriate developmentally appropriate power cords clear of the tip the
source of energy? learning experiences to learning experiences to heat gun (heat
A. fossil fuel B. gasoline address learner’s gender, address learner’s gender, gun tube or nozzle).
C. hydroelectric power needs, strengths, interests, needs, strengths, interests, 3. Examine the power cord,
D. solar energy and experiences.) and experiences.) extension lead, plugs, sockets
4. The power plant found in Bataan and power outlet
is an example of ____________. for possible damage.
A. nuclear power plant 4. Disconnect the drill from
B. geothermal plant the electrical supply when
C. hydroelectric power plant installing the bits.
D. fossil fuel- fired plant 5. Clamp stock so it will not
5. What source of energy is utilized move during the drilling
in Ilocos Norte? operation.
6. Before drilling, turn the drill
on to see if the bit is centered
and atplace.
7. Never grind with the
portable disc grinder in an
area withflammable
materials or combustible
A. fossil fuel gases.
B. solar energy 8. Never lay the portable disc
C. tidal energy grinder down until the disk
D. wind energy stopped rotating.
9. Never disconnect the hose
(Obj. 6. Use differentiated, when it is under pressure
developmentally appropriate 10. Keep the electrical cords
learning experiences to address and extension cords out of the
learner’s gender, needs, way work when
strengths, interests, and grinding.
experiences.) 11. All tools can be used as
12. Chisel is an example of
boring tools.
13. Light tools and equipment
should be placed at the lowest
part of
the cabinet shelf.
14. Tooth cutting tools should
be sharpened as often as
15. Tools and equipment must
be stored according to their
VI.REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
(Obj. 11. Monitor and evaluate learner progress and achievement using learner attainment data).
A .No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover which
I wish to share with other
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