21st Century Literature Activity

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21st Century Literature


Assessment 1: Characterize Me!

Direction: Complete the table below by writing the characteristics of the following literature during the Pre-Spanish

Legends (Alamat) Folk Songs (Awiting The Epic Age (Epiko) Folk Age
 Pre-Spanish legends are  Folk songs are one of the  A long narrative poems  The folktales are shaped
fictitious narratives which oldest forms of in which a series of by the thoughts and the
explain the origin of things, Philippine literature that heroic achievements or actions, the aspirations
places, or names. The early emerged in the pre- events, usually of a hero, and fears of a people.
Filipino customs are also Spanish period. These are dealt with at length Often the outline of a
depicted in them as it songs mirrored the early  Regardless of their place story and sometimes
entertains the people during forms of culture. Many of or century of origin, even the characters are
gatherings and occasions. these have 12 syllables. epics share common to several
 Legends are a form of prose the characteristics that characters (epic and
common theme of which is  Example of Folk Songs distinguish them from folklore). – Its aim is to
about the origin of a thing, 1. Kundiman less ambitious forms of entertain.
place, location or name. The 2. Kumintang o literary expression.
events are imaginary, devoid of Tagpay 1. Length and
truth and unbelievable. 3. Ang Dalit o Imno Structure. The most
 Is a genre of folklore that 4. Diana notable
consists of a narrative featuring 5. Soliraning characteristic of an
human actions perceived or 6. Talindaw epic poem is its
believed both by teller and 7. hele or uyayi- sheer length. ...
listeners to have taken place lullaby; 2. Historic Setting and
within human history. 8. harana-serenade; Sweeping Scope. ...
 Most Filipino legends during 9. ambahan- 3. The Epic Hero. ...
the Pre-Spanish period talks Mangyan; 4. Presence of the
about the creation of the world, 10.kalusan-Ivatan; Supernatural.
explain phenomena that the 11.tagay-Cebuano
ancient Filipinos couldn’t
fathom, tells of incredible love
stories and acts of heroism, Popular Folk Songs
and guides our ancestors about Example of an Epic
how they should live their lives. 1. Bahay Kubo (Folk 1. Lam-ang- Ilocano;
Song) You didn't 2. Hinilawod- Panay;
1. Legend of Makahiya; have a Filipino 3. Kudaman-Palawan;
2. Legend of Pasig River childhood if you 4. Darangen-
can't sing the Mindanao
Top 10 Famous Legends in the Bahay Kubo
Philippines song! ...
1. Alamat ng Pinya 2. Sitsiritsit,
2. Alamat ng Pilipinas Alibangbang.
3. Alamat ng Saging Chitchiritchit… ...
4. Alamat ng Ampalaya 3. Paruparong Bukid
5. Alamat ng Mangga (Folk Song)
6. Alamat ng Sampaguita 4. Paruparong Bukid
7. Alamat ng Lansones (Field Butterfly) ...
8. Alamat ng Rosas 5. Tinikling Song. ...
9. Alamat ng Bayabas 6. Katakataka (Folk
10.Alamat ng Butiki Song)
1. Pre-Spanish Literature is characterized by Legends, Folk Tales, The Epic Age, and Folk Songs.
- Folk Songs and Folk Tales emerged mainly from pre-Spanish writings. This oldest form of Literature also dealt with
stories of The Epic Age.

2. The Propaganda Movement (1872-1896) was spearheaded mostly by the intellectual middle-class like Jose Rizal,
Marcelo del Pilar, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Antonio Luna, Mariano Ponce, Jose Ma. Panganiban and Pedro Paterno.
- During conducting the Propaganda Movement, among a group of middle-class intellectuals, the three best leaders who
emerged were Jose Rizal, the famous journalist Marcelo del Pilar, and Lopez Jaena.

3. In the American Regime, Americans influenced Filipino writers to write using the English language. English as a
medium of instruction was introduced in the schools as the intellectual language of education.
- In the American Regime, it was mandatory to use English for writing, teaching and instructing. This statement is true.

4. In the Period of Activism, campus newspapers were written to show their protest. They held pens and wrote on
placards in red paint the equivalent of the word MAKIBAKA (To dare!).
- Gradually the people entered into the Period of Activism. In this period, most newspapers and reports were written to
showcase and encourage protest.

5. Period of the New Society poems dealt with patience, regard for native culture, customs, and the beauties of nature
and surroundings.
- After the Period of Activism, the Filipino people welcomed the New Society. Here the poets and authors were patient
about using their words for encouraging their traditions, and native customs, and embrace nature.

6. The period of the Third Republic was romantic and revolutionary

- The Third Republic Period introduced poems and writings that were fiercely revolutionary. This period was solely for
the romantics and revolutionaries. Authors and poets no longer were scared to criticize the policies of the government.

7. Post EDSA I noticed in the new Filipino songs, in the newspapers, in the speeches, and even in the television
- Post EDSA it became clear through various newspapers, and Filipino songs, that the common people had got back
their lost freedom.

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