9 Tle Bread and Pastry Q1 W1 Revalidated
9 Tle Bread and Pastry Q1 W1 Revalidated
9 Tle Bread and Pastry Q1 W1 Revalidated
What is this module all about? This self-learning module is designed for high school students
to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes to perform the tasks related to specialization in Bread
and Pastry Production.
After reading and accomplishing this module you are expected to acquire the following
● Understand Occupational Safety and Health Procedures.
● Give an overview and background in bread and pastry production.
● Demonstrate an understanding of baking ingredients, components, and nutritional qualities.
Before starting this module, I want you to prepare yourself, free from distraction for you
to appreciate and enjoy the lessons and activities on this self-learning module. Read and
understand the instructions below to fully attain the purpose of this module.
1. Read and follow instructions carefully indicated in each activity.
2. Perform all the activities provided in each lesson.
3. Let your teacher/guardian assess your answer in every activity.
3. Enjoy studying.
1 LO 1.1 Hazard and Risk Identification and
Occupational hazards are environmental factors or stress that cause sickness or impaired
Facial mask – a barrier to airborne contamination during sneezing, coughing and talking
Aprons – reduce the risk of contamination and help maintain cleanliness.
Gloves – reduce risks of contamination.
Potholder – protects against burns when taking hot items on top of the stove.
Activity 1: Directions: Copy the table below on a piece of paper. List down 10 hazards found
in your kitchen. Then, write the possible harm caused by the hazard.
Hazard Harm Caused
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.
Activity No. 2
Directions: Complete the table below by providing possible risks caused by workplace hazards.
Then, write the safety measure to be applied.
Workplace Hazard Risk Safety Measure/Action
1. Hot oven top
2. Standing for a long period of time
3. Improper lifting
4. Clogged wirings
5. Spills on floor
I. Matching Type: Match the hazard in Column A with the Risk in Column B.
Column A Column B
1. Awkward working position a. cut
2. Poor Lighting b. back pain
3. Broken equipment c. Trip
4. Open wire d. Poor eyesight
5. clogged wire e. electric shock
Directions: Write reflective learning about the things that you have learned from the lesson:
Hazard and Risk, Identification and Control, and Good Manufacturing Practices.
Answer the following questions honestly, critically, and creatively based on your personal
learning experiences.