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Probability Theory: Concept of Probability, Random variable,

Statistical averages, Correlation, Sum of Random Variables,
Processes, Power spectral density, Multiple random processes
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:s

S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers Year of

B. P. Lathi, “ Modern Digital and Analog Communication System” 2011
Oxford University Press – 3rd Edition
Simon Haykin , “Communication Systems” John Wiley & Sons 2009
Inc, 5th Edition
W. Tomasi, “Electronic Communication Systems” Pearson 2003
Education, 5th Edition
Taub Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems” TMH, 2nd 1986

1. Subject Code: EL-304 Course Title: Power System Analysis

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 0 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight : CWS: 15 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits : 4

6. Semester : VI

7. Subject Area : DCC

8. Pre-requisite : EE-101/102, EL-205, EL-303

9. Objective : To familiarize the students with the methods/

techniques for analysing a power system during
normal operation and under faulted conditions.

10. Details of Course:

Unit Contents Contact

No. Hrs
1. Review of Power System Components: Synchronous machines,
transformers, transmission lines, one line diagram, impedance and 08
reactance diagram, per unit system
2. Load Flow Analysis: Introduction, nodal admittance matrix analysis

3. Economic Operation of Power Systems: Input-output
characteristics of thermal and hydro plants, Optimum generator
allocations without and with transmission losses, calculation of
penalty factors, incremental transmission loss, transmission loss

4. Symmetrical Faults:
5. Concept of bus impedance matrix and Zbus building procedure, Use
of Zbus in computation of short circuit currents, Selection of circuit 09
breakers, Use of current limiting reactors
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers Year of

1. A. Bergen and V. Vittal, Power Systems Analysis, Pearson 2002
Education Asia, Second Edition
2. Glover J. D., Sarma M.S. and Overbye, T. J. “Power System 2011
Analysis & Design”, 5th Ed., Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Grainger J. J. and Stevenson W.D., “Elements of Power System 2008
Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
4. Kothari & Nagrath, “Power System Engineering” Tata Mc. Graw 2006


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