TDCS Effects On Brain Network Properties During PH
TDCS Effects On Brain Network Properties During PH
TDCS Effects On Brain Network Properties During PH
Received: 11 March 2020 / Revised: 5 June 2020 / Accepted: 26 June 2020 / Published online: 4 July 2020
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020
Brain neural networks undergo relevant changes during physiological aging, which affect cognitive and behavioral functions.
Currently, non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), are proposed as tools
able to modulate cognitive functions in brain aging, acting on networks properties and connectivity. Segregation and integration
measures are used and evaluated by means of local clustering (segregation) and path length (integration). Moreover, to assess the
balancing between them, the Small World (SW) parameter is employed, evaluating functional coupling in normal brain aging and
in pathological conditions including neurodegeneration. The aim of this study was to systematically investigate the tDCS-
induced effects on brain network proprieties in physiological aging. In order to reach this aim, cortical activity was acquired
from healthy young and elderly subjects by means of EEG recorded before, during, and after anodal, cathodal, and sham tDCS
sessions. Specifically, the aim to exploring tDCS polarity-dependent changes in the age-dependent network dynamics was based
on a network graph theory application on two groups divided in young and elderly subjects. Eighteen healthy young (9 females;
mean age = 24.7, SD = 3.2) and fifteen elderly subjects (9 females; mean = 70.1, SD = 5.1) were enrolled. Each participant
received anodal, cathodal, or sham tDCS over the left prefrontal cortex (PFC) in three separate experimental sessions performed
1 week apart. SW was computed to evaluate brain network organization. The present study demonstrates that tDCS delivered in
PFC can change brain network dynamics, and tDCS-EEG coregistration data can be analyzed using graph theory to understand
the induced effects of different tDCS polarities in physiological and pathological brain aging.
young and older adults [5, 25], the tDCS-induced effects at a network graph theory application on two groups of young
network level in physiological aging brain remains to be de- and elderly participants.
fined. A better understanding of the neural changes induced
by tDCS at cortical network level should precede the assess-
ment of its effects at behavioral and cognitive levels [2]. Material and methods
Starting from the well-established role of the prefrontal cortex
(PFC) in executive functions, working memory abilities, and Participants
speed of information processing, PFC could be considered an
ideal cortical target for evaluating the capability of tDCS to induce Eighteen healthy young (9 females; mean age = 24.7 years,
functional connectivity changes in brain aging. SD = 3.2) and fifteen elderly adult participants (9 females;
Considering that oscillatory activities in neural systems mean age = 70.1 years, SD = 5.1) participated in the present
play a key role in orchestrating brain functions and that study. All recruited subjects were right-handed, as evaluated
tDCS may be used to interact with brain oscillations and af- using the Edinburgh handedness inventory test (Oldfield,
fects in polarity-dependent manner specific cortical connec- 1971). Moreover, all participants reported no previous history
tivity patterns [14, 29], we used a network approach to eval- of neurological or psychiatric disorders and had no metal im-
uate age-dependent brain connectivity changes induced by plants. Individual written informed consent was obtained, and
different tDCS polarities. the study was approved by a local ethical committee.
At general level, recent methods based on network science Experimental procedures conformed to the Declaration of
were developed to evaluate brain connectivity changes. The Helsinki and received prior approval by the Ethical
brain tends to be modeled as a complex combination of net- Committee of IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio,
works by the network science; in mathematical words, a net- Fatebenefratelli. The tDCS protocols were performed in ac-
work is defined by a set of nodes and links between pairs of cordance with safety guidelines procedures [1].
nodes. Physiologically, the brain regions could be represented
by the nodes, while the connections by the links [9] and the Data and code availability statement
connections that can be established between neuronal assem-
blies are the result of segregation and integration processes, as The data adopted by the authors comply with the requirements
mathematically revealed by local clustering (segregation) and of the institute and comply with institutional ethics approval.
path length (integration). Usually, a high degree of local clus- The data that support the findings of this study are available
tering (segregation) and long-distance connections from the corresponding author on request.
(integration) characterizes the network topology of the cere-
bral connections. A model of network organization, the Experimental design
“Small World” (SW) concept, was introduced allowing for
an optimal balance between global integration and local spe- Each participant received anodal, cathodal, or sham tDCS
cialization [32]. The architecture at the base of the brain func- over the left PFC in three separate experimental sessions per-
tional connectivity could be modeled by means of this ap- formed 1 week apart. The order of tDCS sessions was ran-
proach [4], in order to correlate it with behavior (i.e., task- domized and counterbalanced among participants. During
performance). This helps to evaluate if patterns of functional each session, the EEG signals were recorded before (5 min)
connectivity between brain regions reflect the organization of and after (5 min) tDCS, whereas an additional EEG recording
more-or-less strongly connected networks based on the phase was performed for the entire tDCS session (13 min). During
coherence of oscillatory firing synchronizations between the experiment, the participants were seated on a dedicated,
adjacent/remote neuronal assemblies, as shown by their EEG comfortable armchair in a Faraday-cage, sound-proofed room.
activity in a milliseconds time frame [7, 28]. Moreover, they were instructed to keep their eyes open, avoid
Within this theoretical framework, the present study aims blinking, and to look at a stationary fixed point in the center of
to systematically investigate the tDCS-induced effects on a computer screen. The participants were blind to the tDCS
brain network properties during physiological aging. At this conditions. Figure 1 shows the experimental protocol.
aim, EEG activity was acquired from healthy young and older
adult participants before, during, and after anodal, cathodal, EEG recordings and preprocessing
and sham tDCS applied over PFC. In order to explore online
polarity-dependent changes in functional connectivity, a net- Electroencephalographic recordings were performed with a
work approach was used to assess how the tDCS affects the standard montage (Easycap, GmbH, Brain Products) from
brain network, by the evaluation of the SW parameter. 31 electrodes positioned in accordance with the 10–20
Specifically, our aim to explore tDCS polarity-dependent International System (Fp1, Fp2, AF7, AF8, F7, F3, Fz, F4,
changes in the network dynamics during aging was based on F8, FC5, FC1, FC2, FC6, T7, C3, Cz, C4, T8, CP5, CP1, CP2,
CP6, P7, P3, Pz, P4, P8, PO7, PO8, O1, O2), acquired with a Italy) through two conductive-rubber electrodes. The active
0.1–1000-Hz band-pass filter and digitized at a 5000-Hz sam- (anodal or cathodal) electrode (area:16 cm2) was placed over
pling rate. The midfrontal (Fpz) electrode was used as the the left PFC (in correspondence with F3 position on the EEG
ground one. The online reference for all electrodes was the cap), whereas the other electrode (50 cm2) was fixed extra-
right mastoid electrode (M2), while the left mastoid electrode cephalically on the right arm. For the active condition, the
(M1) was used only offline in order to re-reference the record- current was delivered with an intensity of 1.5 mA for
ings to the average of the two mastoids. Two different chan- 13 min, with a ramping period of 8 s both at the beginning
nels with vertical and horizontal montages monitored the eye and at the end of the stimulation. For sham tDCS, the current
movement. The impedances between skin and electrode were was delivered only for 10 s at the beginning and at the end of
lowered below 5 KΩ. the stimulation time. The terms “anodal” and “cathodal” refer
Data were analyzed by means of scripts from EEGLAB to the polarity of the electrode placed over the left PFC.
(Swartz Center for Computational Neurosciences, La Jolla,
CA), a toolbox of Matlab (Math Works, Natick, MA) soft-
ware. The EEG signals were band-pass filtered from 0.2 to Functional connectivity analysis
47 Hz through a finite impulse response (FIR) filter and down-
sampled to 512 Hz sampling rate. The imported data were The exact low-resolution electromagnetic tomography
fragmented in 2-s duration epochs, and muscular, cardiac, (eLORETA) software was used to carry out EEG functional
ocular, and other types of artifacts were inspected. The proce- connectivity analysis [15, 16, 27, 28]. The eLORETA algo-
dure was the following: (1) an EEG expert reviewed the data, rithm is a linear inverse solution for EEG data without local-
discarding manually the epochs with evident artifactual activ- ization error which is able to provide sources under ideal
ity or with aberrant waveforms, and (2) an independent com- (noise-free) conditions [18]. eLORETA software, in accor-
ponent analysis (ICA) was lastly performed on the 2-s epochs dance with the EEG potential distribution of the scalp, was
to complete the detection and rejection of artifacts using the used to compute a discrete, three-dimensionally (3D) distrib-
Infomax ICA algorithm, which is implemented in the uted linear, minimum-norm, weighted, inverse solution. The
EEGLAB. ICA is a blind source decomposition algorithm weights used in eLORETA enable to localize exactly the
which enables to separate statistically independent sources sources, a property that is necessary to test point sources,
from data acquired from multiple channels. This method is yielding images of the current density with exact localization,
considered as particularly efficient in separating blink and even if with a low spatial resolution (i.e., there is a high cor-
ocular movement artifacts from EEG data. The EEG expert relation between neighboring neuronal sources).
visually inspected the components and, if artifact contamina- Brain connectivity was evaluated by means of eLORETA
tion was found, they were manually rejected. software in 84 regions to obtain a topographic view of the
entire brain, placing the center in the available 42 Brodmann
tDCS areas (BAs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
The direct current stimulation was delivered by a battery- 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47) in the left and right cerebral
driven electrical stimulator (Brain Stim, EMS, Bologna, hemispheres.
To estimate the electrical brain activity that is used to in- was carried out using the Brain Connectivity Toolbox (BCT,
vestigate cerebral-functional connectivity, the regions of inter-, a software instrument that
est (ROIs) are needed. The electric neuronal activities of all was adapted with the Matlab scripts developed in our
voxels belonging to each cortical ROI are averaged in order to laboratory.
get a single signal for each of them, as computed with On the brain networks, the SW parameter was evaluated,
eLORETA. For each brain hemisphere, the intracortical since it measures the balance between global integration and
lagged linear coherence among the eLORETA current density local connectedness of a network, providing a picture of brain
time series of the 84 ROIs, extracted via the method of “all network organization. The ratio of the normalized clustering
nearest voxels” [19], was evaluated between all possible pairs coefficient and the normalized path length constitutes the
of the 84 ROIs for all the seven independent EEG frequency small-worldness measure [22]. Before performing the small-
bands of delta, theta, alpha 1, alpha 2, beta 1, beta 2, and world measurements, a data normalization (i.e., relativization)
gamma (2–4 Hz; 4–8 Hz; 8–10.5 Hz; 10.5–13 Hz; 13– was applied. The clustering coefficient and the characteristic
20 Hz; 20–30 Hz; 30–45 Hz respectively) for each condition path length values were divided by the mean ones obtained by
and participant. the average measure of each parameter in the EEG frequency
Considering the definition of the complex valued coher- bands of each participant, in order to obtain individual mea-
ence between the two time series x and y in the frequency sures. As we computed from weighted networks, it was com-
band ω—that is based on the cross-spectrum given by the plicated to evaluate disgraphs with the same number of con-
variance and the covariance of the signals—the lagged linear nections (all connections were available) and nodes; thus, we
coherence computed in the frequency band ω is computed decided to employ relative values within each frequency band
according to the equation that follows [19]: [3, 21, 30].
Graph theory parameter analyses In young, Duncan-planned post hoc testing showed lower
values in theta (p < 0.000022) band, and higher values in al-
Both the ANOVAs (Fig. 2) for the evaluation of the SW in pha 2 band (p < 0.008954) during anodal tDCS with respect to
Young and Older adults showed statistically significant inter- sham stimulation. Duncan-planned post hoc testing showed
actions (young: F(24, 408) = 2.2962, p = 0.00057; older also lower values in delta (p < 0.000713) and theta
adults: F(24,360) = 2.8435; p < 0.00002) between stimulation (p < 0.000039) bands and higher values in alpha 1
(anodal, cathodal, sham), time (pre, during, post), and fre- (p < 0.005393) and alpha 2 bands (p < 0.001567) during cath-
quency band (delta, theta, alpha 1, alpha 2, beta 1, beta 2, odal tDCS with respect to sham stimulation.
and gamma) factors. While considering older adults, Duncan-planned post hoc
The post hoc tests showed no significant differences in pre testing showed lower values in delta (p < 0.001617) and theta
and post condition, probably also due to the long time distance (p < 0.028757) bands and higher values in alpha 2 band
passed after stimulation [31], while several differences were (p < 0.003434) during anodal tDCS with respect to sham stim-
found during the stimulation, as reported in the following ulation. Duncan-planned post hoc testing showed also lower
paragraphs. values in delta (p < 0.000308) band and higher values in alpha
Regarding the low-frequency bands, it is affirmed that, Funding information This work was partially supported by the Italian
Ministry of Health for Institutional Research (Ricerca corrente) and for
in a waking state, these EEG rhythms are poorly repre-
the project GR-2011-02349998.
sented, as if alpha and delta rhythms are in a state of
“reciprocal inhibition” [21]. Furthermore, it is well Data availability The data will be available upon request.
known that spontaneous oscillations in the delta frequen-
cies in almost all recorded neurons are generated in case Compliance with ethical standards The data adopted by the
of functional or anatomical disconnection of damaged authors comply with the requirements of the institute and comply with
cortical regions [12]. The found SW decrease in the institutional ethics approval.
low-frequency bands could reflect a sort of structured
behavior consisted of a functional inhibition and an in- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
crease in activity. The opposite is true for the alpha band.
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