SINTN Op Plan Final4
SINTN Op Plan Final4
SINTN Op Plan Final4
Exploring and Promoting Innovation to Understand, Protect, and Repair the
Brain and Spinal Cord
Executive Summary
The major goal of the Stanford Institute for Neuro-Innovation and Translational Neurosciences (SINTN) is to
rapidly advance our understanding of normal brain and spinal cord function at the molecular, cellular and neural
circuit level, and to elucidate the pathological processes underlying malfunction of the nervous system following
injury or neurologic and psychiatric diseases. SINTN will pioneer techniques to probe and manipulate nervous
system function with the aim of accelerating the translation of these new discoveries into novel therapeutic
approaches that improve the quality of life for patients with disorders of the brain and spinal cord.
SINTN will pursue these goals by creating technological innovations and targeting research areas that offer
the opportunity for fundamental shifts in our understanding of normal brain function and in the treatment of
pathological brain function. Through the establishment and support of specific initiatives, programs and cores, the
institute will foster a culture of collaboration among leading basic, translational and clinical neuroscientists, who
together will revolutionize the study and treatment of brain disorders.
The institute will pursue its goals in five specific areas of neuroscience:
Neural Plasticity and Repair (NPR)
Neurodegeneration and Regeneration (NDR)
Neurobiology of Cognitive and Developmental Disorders (NCDD)
Neuroengineering (NE)
Neuroscience and Society (NS)
SINTN will administer and facilitate these initiatives by: (1) establishing and supporting specific, interdisciplinary
research programs and centers; (2) providing key core facilities (Imaging Core, Behavioral Core, Gene Vector
Core); (3) providing seed funding for high-risk, innovative projects; (4) providing funding for graduate students
and postdoctoral fellows; and (5) supporting seminar series, symposia and retreats.
translational research in the operating room, to clinical trials of new therapeutics. It will continue to pursue
the many ongoing projects aimed at unlocking the mysteries of PD and exploring state-of-the-art treatments.
Laboratory studies exploring the basic mechanisms of deep brain stimulation (DBS) using sophisticated techniques
that combine light-sensitive ion channels and fiberoptic light guides, have led to fundamental insights into the
connections and function of the neural circuits that malfunction to cause PD. In Stanfords OR as laboratory, local
electrical recordings during DBS have revealed abnormal oscillations in the 20-30 Hz frequency band, which are
hypothesized to play a major role in the genesis of Parkinsonian symptoms. With the seminal development of the
Parkinsons in a Petri dish model, cultures of skin cells derived from Parkinson patients can be made to exhibit
Parkinsonian characteristics, allowing experiments that would be impossible to perform in patients or animals. In
the clinical arena, Stanford will soon begin trials of a gene therapy protocol for Parkinsons treatment, introducing
a specific gene into subthalamic nucleus neurons with an adeno-associated viral vector, thus producing inhibition
in this area, which is usually overactive in Parkinsons disease.
Investigate the basis of normal and abnormal movement, specifically focusing on Parkinsons disease,
emphasizing multiple levels of analyses: from molecules to cells in culture, to circuits composed of
networks of neurons, to patients in the operating room and in the clinics.
Develop novel therapeutic interventions using preclinical models, applied engineering techniques and
methods of computational neuroscience.
Participate in pilot studies and multi-center trials of novel treatments, such as electrical and optical
stimulation, gene therapy, and stem cell transplantation.
rewarding properties of drugs of abuse. In addition, we will explore the circuits that mediate the craving that
patients experience when they no longer have access to their favorite drug or medication.
A major strength of this program is that results from animal and human studies can be directly compared. As the
neural circuit plasticity that mediates pain and addiction is being elucidated, Stanford investigators will also be
exploring novel approaches to prevent or reverse these changes. The ultimate aim of this program is to translate
these research findings into more effective and tailored treatments for pain and addiction, and into early therapeutic
interventions that will prevent their very occurrence.
Develop accurate rodent and human models of chronic pain syndromes and addiction.
Use the animal and human models, along with studies in patients, to better understand the molecular
events and neural circuit plasticity that lead to the development of chronic pain and addiction.
Apply new scientific discoveries to develop innovative treatments for these disorders in animal and
human models and translate those experimental treatments into therapy for patients.
Neurodegeneration and
II. Neurodegeneration and Regeneration
Diseases such as spinal cord injury, macular degeneration, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), stroke, Alzheimers
disease, and Huntingtons disease are caused by the degeneration of specific cells in the brain and spinal cord.
Advances in molecular genetics and cell biology have revealed some of the detailed pathophysiological processes
underlying the loss of neurons in these devastating brain disorders, thus opening the door for possible therapeutic
interventions. This initiative will support research on furthering our understanding of the molecular and cellular
mechanisms that cause neurodegeneration, as well as efforts to develop approaches that will both prevent
degeneration and promote regeneration.
Overall Strategic Goals:
Support basic research on understanding the acute and chronic mechanisms underlying
neurodegenerative disorders.
Develop novel methods to prevent damage to the brain and spinal cord resulting from degenerative
Pioneer innovative strategies to regenerate and repair the central nervous system and restore neurologic
function after injury and during neurodegenerative disorders, using human stem cell transplantation,
small molecules and neuroprosthetics.
Stanford Partnership for Spinal Cord Injury and Repair
Spinal cord injury (SCI) can cause catastrophic disability. But it also offers unique opportunities for research. SCI
affects over 2 million people worldwide, including at least 250,000 in the United States. The cost to our nations
economy from spinal cord injury is well over $9.7 billion, while the full human cost is beyond calculation:
education, career, marriage, and independence are disrupted and sometimes never restored. In addition, many
other patients suffer spinal cord dysfunction related to degenerative spine disease, spinal cord demyelination
(such as multiple sclerosis), spinal tumors and vascular malformations.
Through the establishment of the Stanford Partnership for Spinal Cord Injury and Repair, SINTN will provide
a broad base for collaboration in this area by promoting interactions between preclinical research and clinical
development of novel therapies. Its specific tasks are to advance understanding of the mechanisms underlying
damage to the spinal cord, to accelerate development of novel methods of repair, to explore innovative strategies
of the visual system and the treatment and prevention of childhood visual disorders, including congenital cataract,
strabismus, amblyopia and reading disorders. SINTN scientists and clinicians make fundamental discoveries and
translate them rapidly toward diagnosis and treatment in order to ameliorate vision loss and prevent blindness.
The prevention of blindness starts with an appreciation for the neurons, circuits, and physiology that underlie
vision. Basic science research in vision at Stanford tackles issues such as developmental patterning of the eye and
visual circuitry, synaptic plasticity of the visual pathway, retinal and visual processing, visual object recognition
and reading, and visual-motor integration. Clinician scientists study mechanisms of disease including infection,
inflammation, ischemia, genetic abnormality and aging. They utilize state-of-the-art tools for both investigation
and therapeutic intervention of vision loss, including gene modification, stem cell implantation, imaging of ocular
and brain visual structures with functional brain imaging, as well as modern tools of physics, chemical engineering,
retinal prosthesis and nanotechnology. The goal is not only knowledge, but the translation of knowledge into
devices, diagnostic procedures and therapeutic approaches that will treat and prevent blindness.
Delineate the basic cellular mechanisms and brain systems underlying vision.
Understand the genetics and etiology of visual dysfunctions using techniques ranging from genomics to
Identify and develop effective treatment approaches to diseases that affect any components of the
visual system, utilizing pharmacology, microsurgery, prosthetics, regenerative medicine, and other new
Neurobiology of Cognitive
and Developmental
III. Neurobiology of Cognitive and Developmental Disorders
The development of the brain is one of natures most remarkable accomplishments, involving a complex array
of genetic mechanisms that are modified by environmental influences during infancy and childhood. When
neurodevelopmental processes go awry, brain disorders ensue. These brain disorders routinely involve deficits
in many different cognitive functions, ranging from problems with learning and memory to deficits in social
cognition and the ability to recognize and interpret normal social cues. Among the most common of such cognitive
and developmental disorders are autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), which affect 1 in 150 children. Additional
related disorders include Down syndrome, Rett syndrome and Fragile X syndrome, all of which share clinical
features with ASDs. Advances in human molecular genetics have identified mutations in individual neuronal
genes that predispose children to ASDs or, in the case of Fragile X and Rett syndromes, cause the disease. The
major goal of this SINTN initiative is to take advantage of these genetic findings and delve deeply into the
detailed mechanisms that underlie cognitive/developmental disorders with the goal of developing and testing
novel, more efficacious treatments. The combination of Stanfords outstanding basic neuroscience community
with its outstanding clinical investigators, all of whom are focused on understanding the biological mechanisms
that lead to cognitive and developmental disorders, makes Stanford uniquely positioned to make rapid progress
in this critical research area.
This initiative will bring together a diverse group of outstanding neuroscientists working on multiple levels of
investigation. Genetic analyses of patients have already led to the identification of mutant gene products that
are associated with various cognitive and developmental disorders. These genetic findings, in turn, lead to
the development of animal and cell-based models that are actively being studied at Stanford using innovative
basic science approaches, including electrophysiology, structural and functional imaging, molecular/genetic
manipulations and behavioral assays. A complementary and equally important on-going effort involves using
state-of-the-art techniques to obtain skin cells from patients, turn those cells into neurons, and study the problems
these neurons have in forming synapses and circuits. By comparing normal and diseased brains in both model
systems and humans, we will delineate disease pathophysiology and identify novel targets for the development
of better drug treatments.
Overall Strategic Goals:
Achieve a detailed understanding of the mechanisms underlying the neural circuit dysfunctions that are
responsible for cognitive and developmental disorders using both animal models and human studies.
Identify potential novel drug targets for the treatment of these disorders.
Develop and test new therapies.
Down Syndrome Research Center
The incidence of intellectual disability is about 1-2% in western countries. In about three-fourths of these
individuals, one of several hundred single gene disorders is the cause; the remainder is due to chromosomal
abnormalities, malnutrition, fetal alcohol exposure or brain injury. One of the most common, Down syndrome,
has been found in 1 of every 700 live births. Although there has been a profound interest in finding potential
treatment strategies to improve the quality of life for individuals afflicted by these disorders, few if any treatments
have emerged. This is largely due to lack of a coherent understanding of basic cellular, molecular and systemic
changes in neuronal circuitry, and of the mechanisms of synaptic plasticity which underlie the acquisition,
storage and processing of information in these disorders. The Stanford University Down Syndrome Research
Center will use its partnership with SINTN to build strong interdisciplinary collaborative research programs
aimed at advancing our understanding of the mechanisms causing intellectual disabilities in individuals with
Down syndrome, identifying commonalities with related neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders,
developing strategies to normalize behavioral and cognitive function, and translating these discoveries into viable
therapies that can improve the quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
The partnership with SINTN and the process of finding solutions to intellectual disabilities will engage and support
an expanding community of neuroscientists and clinicians focused on issues of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Consortiums of basic neuroscientists will work on a variety of topics relevant to the neurological, behavioral and
cognitive impairment associated with Down syndrome. This work will include the development of animal models
of Down syndrome, the analysis of the changes in neuronal circuits and synaptic plasticity mechanisms associated
with the emergence of cognitive impairment during early stages of brain development, as well as the age-related
loss of brain function in the third decade of life, which is linked to the appearance of early onset Alzheimer-like
pathologies. Similarly, groups of translational neuroscientists will work to develop relevant biometrics for rapid,
reliable assessment of cognitive function and the evaluation of potential therapeutic strategies. A core animal
facility will provide investigators with a reliable source of genetically defined mouse models of Down syndrome
to accelerate research programs and facilitate the generation of new animal models. Finally, working closely with
clinical faculty, the partnership will foster translational programs that will evaluate the effectiveness of treatment
strategies designed to normalize hypotonia, sleep disturbance, cognitive and psychiatric related disorders and agerelated dementia in individuals with Down syndrome.
Support basic research on reliable animal models to understand the mechanisms underlying reduced
cognitive function.
Develop non-invasive biometrics for the assessment of cognitive function, and therapeutic strategies that
can lead to a recovery of function.
Conduct clinical trials.
that contribute to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Despite the identification of many susceptibility genes,
little is known about possible neural mechanisms or pharmacological treatments. A coordinated effort is needed
to explore the pathological links between mutations in identified autism susceptibility genes and alterations in
neuronal physiology, neural circuits and behavior. A network of scientists and clinicians at Stanford are making a
coordinated effort to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms of autism and to generate relevant preclinical
animal models to facilitate the understanding and treatment of this devastating disorder.
Stanford scientists will take several approaches to understand the neural circuit dysfunctions that cause autism.
Taking advantage of the discoveries involving the genetic causes of autism, the researchers will generate animals
expressing the same genetic abnormalities and study them at the molecular, cellular, circuit and behavioral levels.
Such animal models provide a unique way of connecting defects in genes with defects in neuronal circuits and
behavior, and will provide important clues as to how genetic abnormalities lead to faulty brain development and
maladaptive brain functions. Secondly, Stanford scientists have developed a new approach for acquiring skin
cells from children with autism and converting them into neurons. This method is allowing scientists, for the
first time, to study neurons from patients with neurodevelopmental disorders in a controlled laboratory setting so
that flaws in how those cells behave and wire together can be studied and corrected. Thirdly, Stanford scientists
are directly studying patients with autism spectrum disorders using state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques
combined with genetic analysis and treatment protocols. This will allow findings from the preclinical studies using
animal models and neurons generated from patients skin cells to directly influence studies of brain function in
patients. Thus, Stanford is uniquely positioned to use comprehensive, multidisciplinary approaches to furthering
our understanding of the neurobiological basis of autism spectrum disorders. This will lead to the development of
novel hypotheses and therapeutic approaches, which will also be tested in clinical trials at Stanford.
Develop novel approaches for understanding autism pathophysiology, such as studying the role of
specific mutations, generating novel animal models, and creating neurons from patients skin cells.
Elucidate the molecular, cellular and circuit defects in animal models of autism and in the patientderived neurons, and use this information with that obtained from human studies to find new
pharmacological therapies.
Test novel therapies in animal models and use the results to initiate clinical trials.
IV. Neuroengineering
Major advances in molecular biology and bioengineering, combined with improved understanding of how neural
circuits mediate behavior, has made it possible to manipulate brain function in ways that were unimaginable as
recently as a decade ago. This initiative encompasses a range of programs with the common goal of developing
innovative techniques and strategies for manipulating brain circuits in the human brain therapeutically to alleviate
the symptoms and suffering caused by brain disorders. The methodologies used will vary across a broad spectrum
of approaches, ranging from the expression of genetically encoded ion channels activated by light to braincomputer interfaces, to the use of neural stem cells for replacing damaged tissue. While therapeutic intervention
will continue to be a mainstay of treatment for many brain disorders, SINTNs support of neuroengineering
programs promises to help revolutionize how we treat brain disorders while also providing tools with which we
can continue to improve our understanding of how neural circuits mediate brain functions.
Overall Strategic Goals:
Promote the development and application of novel methodologies for the manipulation of neural circuit
activity in the intact brain
Apply these methodologies therapeutically in patients
Brain-Computer Interfaces
Millions of people suffer from paralysis due to neurological injury and disease. Christopher Reeve was a prime
example, as he suffered an upper spinal cord injury and was never again able to walk, move his arms, or even
speak clearly. Despite substantial research focused on repairing damaged neural cells, there remains no meaningful
way to help these patients. Over the past few years an alternative approach that effectively bypasses the injury
has been developed and significantly advanced at Stanford. By reading out electrical activity from hundreds of
neurons in the brain, and using mathematical algorithms to convert this brain activity into control signals, it is
possible to guide prosthetic arms to help restore movement and computer cursors to help restore communication
and interaction with the world. These revolutionary new medical systems are termed Brain-Computer Interfaces
(BCIs), Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs), or cortical neural prostheses.
To date, this research has been conducted primarily in animal models. We are currently poised to rapidly move these
exciting new medical systems into human clinical trials. The major objective is to provide a patient who is losing
the ability to communicate with a computer that can be controlled by thought alone. This system will convert the
neural impulses associated with the desire to move the arm into keyboard strokes and mouse movements, thereby
restoring the ability to communicate and interact with the world. In numerous laboratory experiments, Stanford
scientists have demonstrated innovations such as accurate decoding of movement intent and the ability to move a
computer cursor by thought control more quickly than an arm could move. We are in an ideal position to turn this
world-record performance in the laboratory into real-world gains for paralyzed patients.
Perform the first long-term human brain-computer interface implant on the West Coast.
Implement proven laboratory protocols to provide world-record performance for computer cursor
movement and typing.
Develop next-generation systems for interfacing brain signals to computers.
Support theoretical work for design of novel strategies in energy deposition to neural tissue for
therapeutic neuromodulation purposes (ultrasound, radiation, light, TMS, RF).
Develop and test new energy delivery reagents and hardware with intact-tissue systems (e.g. cultured
neurons or tissue slices) in order to map stimulus space and refine devices.
Support preclinical testing and validation of key new depth-targeted energy modalities, with suitable
readouts (temperature, electrical activity, MRI BOLD, calcium, voltage, or behavior).
Lead the development of clinical trials at Stanford to implement new neuromodulation technologies with
rigorous scientific justification, beginning with proof-of-principle studies (e.g. motor cortex activation or
inhibition) and moving rapidly to disease circuit targeting.
or other regenerative cell types. The ultimate goal of this translational research is to apply new discoveries to
patients. Indeed, Stanford scientists working in collaboration with industry partners have already demonstrated
that human neural progenitor cells can be produced in culture, cryopreserved, and safely implanted into the brains
of stroke patients. Although this past study was designed primarily to test safety and feasibility, ongoing studies
are examining the improvements observed in some patients to determine if stem cells can contribute to improved
motor, sensory or cognitive function. Additional applications are being developed for patients with spinal cord
injuries, Parkinsons disease, radiation-induced brain damage, fetal brain damage, and many other conditions.
By combining sophisticated, state-of-the-art basic science approaches to understanding the basic biology of stem
cells with strong translational and clinical research, this program will lead the way in the application of stem cell
biology to efficacious therapeutic interventions.
Perform experimental neurotransplantation studies to determine the most effective cell type for
transplantation in a given disease or injury, the optimal timing and location of transplantation, and the
mechanisms of neurologic recovery after transplantation.
Apply novel molecules, proteins, drugs, anti-inflammatory agents, growth factors and other agents
to enhance the survival and beneficial effects of endogenous or transplanted neural stem cells in
experimental models of CNS disorders.
Undertake bridging studies to translate these novel experimental concepts to clinical trials and ultimately
to establish a new era in cell-based clinical therapies for disorders of the CNS.
Neuroscience and
V. Neuroscience and Society
The initiatives and programs sponsored by SINTN promise to produce abundant new knowledge on brain function
and novel ways of manipulating brain function. Because the brain mediates all human behavior, the intellectual
and technical output of SINTN has the potential to profoundly influence many areas in society ranging from
the practice of medicine and the law to our understanding of the basis of social cooperativity and conflict. It is
therefore imperative that SINTN sponsor an initiative that will attempt to place the latest advances in basic and
clinical neuroscience into the broader context of society. Indeed, modern neuroscience research sponsored by
SINTN has the potential to change our understanding of human nature itself, and the way human beings within
complex societies interact.
Overall Strategic Goals:
Explore and define the potential societal impact of new findings and methodologies in neuroscience.
Provide constructive feedback to private and government agencies regarding how new findings and
methodologies in neuroscience should be viewed and used.
Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE)
Although medical and cognitive sciences have been highly successful both in understanding the pathologies
of the human mind and in developing treatments, until recently, neuroscientists have largely avoided dealing
with complex behaviors such as moral cognition and those linked to altruistic behavior and compassion. In part,
this has been due to the difficulty of objectively measuring and quantifying complex brain mechanisms. It has
been postulated that such behaviors involve the interconnection and integration of many neural circuits located
in diverse locations within the brain. For example, it is known that there is an integration of contextual social
knowledge within the prefrontal cortex, social semantic knowledge within the anterior and posterior temporal
cortex and basic emotional and motivational behavior within the cortico-limbic system.
To understand scientifically why it is that humans behave in a compassionate or altruistic manner, or in contrast
why they sometimes do not, requires a unique collaboration across a variety of disciplines, collaborations between
those who study the brain using objective measures and those who study the mind using first-person subjective
observation (such as Buddhism and other contemplative traditions, which have a long history of investigation
into the nature of mind). Only recently has it been possible to envision a robust interface between these two
investigative approaches. Building ever stronger bridges between these investigative traditions, CCARE will
create a multi-disciplinary environment whereby compassion and altruism studies are supported and legitimized
within the broader scientific community. CCARE participants will include neuroscientists performing human
brain imaging studies, cognitive psychologists, neuroeconomists, contemplative scholars and philosophers.
Research will draw from varied disciplines from etiological approaches that look at evolutionary roots to the
neuroscientific study of the brain mechanisms, and from philosophical and contemplative perspectives to cognitive
and social psychology as well as neuroeconomics. Through such diverse research methods, CCARE will strive to
gain a deep understanding of compassion and its associated human behaviors in all its richness.
Use rigorous scientific methods to define the neural basis for compassion and altruistic behavior, and
support collaborative research on compassion and altruistic behavior among a variety of disciplines,
both nationally and internationally.
Create tools to potentiate feelings of compassion and altruism inindividuals.
Disseminate research findings on an international scale using a number of media forums.
Institutional Elements