•A small zip lock bag with water(for Isis crying)
•Fake knife/sword
•Stick (for grampama to walk
•2 Sword (for seth and Hours to fight)
•Red ribbon (to wear on isis)
Box for Orisis
Judge stick for the court scene
Narrator: (Jennifer) One day there was a king called Osiris, Osiris
had ruled and everyone was kneeling to king Osiris. However his
brother Seth, was very jealous and wanted to be king
(Scene 1 notes- Isis and Orisis is on middle, Hooman next to Osiris bowing,
Seth is around the pillar, bowing Orisis for wishes.)
Seth: That’s not fair. I should be king, I’m the better one! Wait.. I have a
great idea!
Narrator: (Jennifer) Seth had a plan, he was going to throw a party. And his
plan was to make a box, whoever can fit inside the box gets to keep the
box. Little did they know, only Osiris can fit in the box
(Scene 2 notes- A scene with a disco scene with the music and as they
surrounded, the music stopped. Song- Never Give you up 10seconds. All
the cast dance. Thoth out whenfinish)
Seth: Everyone gather around! whoever fits in the box, gets to keep the
(devil smile)
Isis: ME!! LET ME TRY!! OH DAnG iT! I can't fit! I ate too much corn ,
cheese with butter!
Ra: Hey! Let me try! uuh! Oh no! I can't fit! I am your grandfather!
(old granpama voice)
Osiris: (SCREAMS)
(Scene 3 notes- Osiris is acting as a tree and Isis has wings on her hand.
Narrator (Jennifer): Osiris floats in the Nile river lands at Boris and turns
into a tree. Isis turns into a bird and flies over Egypt, to find her dear
husband, Osiris.
Isis: Oh my dear husband where are you? I miss you so much! WHERE IS
(finds Osiris in pilar)
(in confusion)
Ra: what happening out here i can't see properly i have bad eyesight
Narrator (Anfield): Seth cut Osiris into chunks of 14 body parts and threw
them across Egypt, then Isis turns into a bird to find osiris. After that
Isis,Horus,nephthys was finding osiris body parts around Egypt.
Isis:NOOO! My husband!
Horus:hurry we need to get the body parts or they will all disappear (getting
body parts)
Ra:I revied you but I’m sorry you can only live for one day but I can make
you king of the underworld if you want too?
Isis: Oh YeAh
Scene 4
Narrator (Anfield): Isis asked Ra to heal Osiris but Ra can only heal Osiris
for one day but made him king of the underworld after when that happened
Horus grew and was gonna have revenge on Seth.Then Thoth had
Horus:Seth you killed my father and now I will take revenge on you and kill
you!(pulls out sword/knife)
Thoth:Woah Woah Woah! Stop Arguing (shouts) you two, come with me to
the Court of Law.
Thoth: Okay! I am the judge. Who is guilty? Horus, you can say what was
happening with Seth now?
Horus:He killed my father because he wanted to be king! Look he has a
knife and blood on him which means he killed my father!.
Seth: I’m not guilty! I’m just better! than my stupid brother
Narrator (Ploy): who do you think it is? Seth and Horus fighting, who is
Ra :you should go on the boat that holds the sun for EVER
Narrator: Horus becomes king and everyone bowing to Horus. happily ever
after! except for Seth,because he’s holding the sun
Ra: Probably