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Eros and Psyche

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Eros and Psyche EROS: (chuckles) forgive me mother.

What I
NARRATOR: In a far, mountainous kingdom, mean to say is just ignore her, she’ll end up
a king had three daughters. While his eldest two dead soon anyway
daughters were as beautiful as any mortals APHRODITE: Perhaps you’re right, but my
could be, the youngest seemed to radiate with anger cannot be dispersed by waiting. Eros, I
immortal light—a goddess among women. Her need you to strike her with one of your arrows,
name was Psyche, and many said she was as make her fall in love with a horrid man.
beautiful as Aphrodite herself. And so began Embarrass her!
Psyche’s troubles. EROS: (sigh) yes, mother.
APHRODITE: (angrily) Eros! Eros! APHRODITE: Thank you for being such a
NARRATOR: In the cloud-built halls of good boy Eros. Now go, make momma proud
Olympus, the Goddess of Love was pacing the EROS: Yes, yes, whatever mother (Eros starts
floor. She called for her young son Eros, whose leaving)
magical bow and arrows could create love in APHRODITE: Be safe Eros, momma loves
any heart. you! (Blows him a kiss)
EROS: (annoyed) Mother! What’s the EROS: (smiles forcefully)
matter? NARRATOR: Up on a hill, Eros looks down on
APHRODITE: (distraught) my son, I have Psyche chit chatting with her two sisters
horrible news. Those miserable mortals! EROS: (widened eyes) Holy Zeus, she’s
EROS: (concerned) what have they gorgeous.
done, mother? NARRATOR: This was the first time Eros got
APHRODITE: They have committed the worst a good look at the so called new goddess of
crime imaginable! beauty. In less than a second, Eros fell madly in
EROS: (angry) Tell me, and we will love.
make them pay for it! EROS: No, I cannot fall in love, she’s a mortal!
APHRODITE: I can barely utter the words. (Sighs) gods, what do I do?
But they have declared that a mortal princess—
EROS: Yes? NARRATOR: Eros was panicking, but when
APHRODITE: Is as beautiful as I am. he glanced at his quiver of arrows, as if out of
EROS: (pause) that’s it? (Laughs) I instinct, he stabbed himself with one of them
thought it was something terrible. and looked directly at Psyche. Now no one can
APHRODITE: (angry) Eros! You don’t stop his love for Psyche
understand? I am the Goddess of Beauty. Meanwhile
Goddess! Do you know what that means? No SISTER ONE: (snottily) who wouldn’t want a
one’s looks can rival my own! Especially not a strong juicy Spartan as a husband?
mortal’s! PSYCHE: (tiredly) they’re too aggressive.
EROS: Mother, you are a goddess, SISTER TWO: (chuckles) well how about that
maybe try acting like one? Spaniard? He’s a good papi (winks)
APHRODITE: (furious) YOU DARE SPEAK TO PSYCHE: I don’t need a heated argument
ME LIKE THAT?! about meat every damn night!
mindless chattering)
PSYCHE: SHUT UP! Can we please talk ZEPHYR: Good morning child, I am
about this another time? (Gets up and leaves) Zephyr, the west wind, and I have been tasked
SISTER ONE & SISTER TWO: (both sigh) to bring you to your husband. Come, we must
beauty always lands on the underserving. waste no time.
NARRATOR: Psyche walked on with no NARRATOR: Zephyr carried Psyche across an
destination. Eros followed not far behind, he ocean of wonder, a valley of fear, and a field of
was obsessed with her, there’s no turning back. excitement. They landed in front of a temple.
But, Eros was not the only deity to lust over ZEPHYR: You are home child. Your
Psyche. husband awaits you inside, enter if you dare.
HYMEN: You will be mine, only mine PSYCHE: (shakily) thank you for bringing
(devilish chuckle) me here. (Enters)
PSYCHE: My beauty is a curse! (Suddenly NARRATOR: The temple was so dark and
stops) cold, Psyche started to regret agreeing to be
HYMEN: Greetings, my bride (grabs her dragged here.
and Psyche suddenly falls asleep) mine… EROS: Welcome my love. Come to the sound
NARRATOR: Hymen was in for the biggest of my voice. I will protect you, you are now
shock in his life, as Eros appeared behind him home my love.
and beat him to an inch of his life PSYCHE: (slowly goes to the voice and
EROS: DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH HER! SHE’S falls into the arms of Eros)
MINE AND MINE ALONE NARRATOR: At that moment, Psyche felt
NARRATOR: Just as Eros was about to warmth and comfort. She finally found the love
deliver the killing blow, he was stopped by of her life. Days passed and they never got tired
Zephyr, the west wind. of each one’s touch. It was not all good though,
ZEPHYR: Eros! That’s Hymen! You are as Psyche was conflicted about having a
forbidden to kill another god, let alone strike husband whom his face she had never seen.
one! PSYCHE: Why must you hide from me?
EROS: I-Zephyr? When did you get here? Wh- Are you worried you might be too hideous for
what have I done? (Looks down on the battered me to love you truly?
ZEPHYR: (sighs) I was sent by your EROS: No! I cannot tell you why, for it is
mother to make sure you did your job. You forbidden by my moral code!
obviously failed, but I understand why. Do not PSYCHE: WHAT MORAL CODE!? That’s
worry young god, I shall keep my lips sealed. unfair! You know very well who I am yet you
But…you need to flee now. I shall take care of keep yourself hidden!
the mortal. Leave now Eros! EROS: (insulted) ENOUGH! We shall continue
NARRATOR: Eros flew away, looking back at this tomorrow, my head aches.
his love. Zephyr carried her away to a PSYCHE: You…fine!
mountaintop where he stayed with her until she NARRATOR: They both stomped away from
awoke. each other, furious. Psyche though had come
PSYCHE: (slowly waking up) Where… up with a plan. While her husband was sleeping,
who… (Puzzled as she looked at Zephyr) she took an oil lamp into their room to finally
see his face
PSYCHE: Hehe…I finally get to see how APHRODITE: The only way you can have her
gor- (shocked) back my son, is to regain your honor. Have a
NARRATOR: Psyche was shocked to see that proper duel with Hymen here.
her husband was Eros, the god of love EROS: I… (Deep breath) I accept. For my love.
EROS: (awoken) Psyche no! HYMEN: (laughs hysterically) LET THE
NARRATOR: Eros tried to cover up but the BATTLE COMMENCE!
oil lamp suddenly broke, wounding Eros with NARRATOR: Suddenly, the grounds changed.
hot oil. Eros was in an arena with two men by him.
PSYCHE: (gasp) my love! Are you hurt? Gladiators. Hymen stood at the opposite side of
EROS: Leave me! Now that you know who I am the arena, glaring intently at Eros with pure
we cannot love anymore. Mortals and gods rage.
should never be together, I’m sorry Psyche. HYMEN: Give me your all! (Charges at
NARRATOR: Before she could argue, Eros Eros)
flew away in sadness. Psyche broke down EROS: (screams) for Psyche!
sobbing. Then, she felt a cold hand caress her NARRATOR: The battle was fierce, their
back and neck. weapons wore out, their armor was useless,
HYMEN: I have you once again Psyche. and their knuckles bled as they beat each other
Now no one could keep us apart (chuckles and with utmost rage.
takes Psyche away) PSYCHE: (shakily) Eros’ losing…
NARRATOR: Months passed and Eros NARRATOR: Hymen was not as noble as a
returned regretting ever leaving his love, only to warrior, he desired Psyche more than anything,
find she had been married to Hymen, the god of driving him to cheat. He pulled out a dagger and
marriage. stabbed Eros in the abdomen. Golden ichor
EROS: Psyche! My love I’m sorry! Why must flowed down the wound as Eros fell to his knee
you insult me by marrying him? EROS: Hymen! It is forbid- (punched)
PSYCHE: It wasn’t my choice…your HYMEN: DO I CARE!? PSYCHE IS MINE
mother forced me to AND MINE ALONE!
APHRODITE: (suddenly appeared) you’ve NARRATOR: Aphrodite was in shock, but her
disobeyed me my boy, this is proper anger acted out. She obliterated Hymen and
punishment for your immature behavior. rushed towards her son with Psyche by her son.
HYMEN: (chuckles) and it was the best PSYCHE: Eros! (Sobbing as she lay by her
punishment ever. Psyche never had a better side)
time in her life (pulls her closer to him) APHRODITE: My son! I’m sorry…forgive me.
PSYCHE: Eros help me! (Slaps him hard NARRATOR: Both of the women mourned
and runs towards Eros) over Eros’ dying body, but as Psyche announced
APHRODITE: (grabs her hair) do not even her undying love for Eros, his eyes opened as he
think about it. caressed her cheek.
EROS: (furious) LET HER GO! (Runs towards EROS: I’ll never leave you my love.
HYMEN: (jabs Eros hard) stay where you
are before I beat you senseless.

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