28 ElZayedAlurrfi

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italian journal of pure and applied mathematics – n.

33−2014 (307−318) 307



Elsayed M.E. Zayed1

Khaled A.E. Alurrfi
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Zagazig University

Abstract. In this article, we apply the homogeneous balance method to find the exact
solutions of some nonlinear evolution equations in mathematical physics, namely, the
Kaup-Kupershmidt equation, the Ito equation, the Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon equation,
the Lax equation and the Sawada-Kotera equation. These equations have wide appli-
cations in quantum mechanics and non linear optics. The efficiency of this method for
constructing these exact solutions is demonstrated.
Keywords: the homogeneous balance method, nonlinear evolution equations, exact
AMS Subject Classifications: 35K99, 35P05, 35P99.

1. Introduction
When a nonlinear evolution equation is analyzed, one of the most important
question is the construction of the exact solutions of that equation. Searching for
exact solutions of that equation plays an important role in the study of nonlinear
physical phenomena. Nonlinear wave phenomena appears in various scientific and
engineering fields, such as fluid mechanics, plasma physics, optical fibers, biology,
solid state physics, chemical kinematics, chemical physics, geochemistry and so
on. In the past several decades, exact solutions may help to find new phenomena.
Many powerful methods for obtaining these exact solutions are presented, such as
the inverse scattering transform [1], the Hirota method [3], the truncated Painleve
expansion [9], the Backlund transform [1], [15], the exp-function method [20], [21],
the simplest equation method [10], the Weierstrass elliptic function method [7],
the Jacobi elliptic function method [13], [14], the tanh-function method [18], the
(G0 /G)-expansion method [22], the modified simple equation method [5], [25],
the homogeneous balance method [8], [16], [17], [26] and so on. To realize these
Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected]
308 e.m.e. zayed, k.a.e. alurrfi

methods, one applies some special functions, then exact solutions read as a finite
series in these special functions.
The objective of this article is to demonstrate efficiency of the homogeneous
balance method for finding exact solutions of some nonlinear evolution equations
in the mathematical physics, namely, the Kaup-Kupershmidt equation, the Ito
equation, the Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon equation, the Lax equation and the Sawada-
Kotera equation. This article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give the
description of the homogeneous balance method. In Section 3, we apply this
method to five nonlinear evolution equations indicated above. In Section 4, phy-
sical explanations of our obtained solutions are given. In Section 5, conclusions
are given.

2. Description of the homogeneous balance method

Suppose we have a nonlinear evolution equation in the form

(2.1) F (u, ut , ux , uxx , ...) = 0,

where F is a polynomial in u(x, t) and its partial derivatives in which the highest
order derivatives and nonlinear terms are involved. In the following, we give the
main steps of this method [8], [16], [17], [26]:

Step 1. Using the wave transformation

(2.2) u(x, t) = u(ξ), ξ = kx + ωt,

to reduce equation (2.1) to the following ODE:

(2.3) P (u, u0 , u00 , ...) = 0,

where P is a polynomial in u(ξ) and its total derivatives, while k, ω are constants
and 0 = d/dξ

Step 2. We suppose that equation (2.3) has the formal solution

(2.4) u(ξ) = an Q(ξ)n ,

where an (n = 0, 1, ...N ) are constants to be determined, such that aN 6= 0, and

Q(ξ) is the solution of the equation

(2.5) Q0 (ξ) = Q2 (ξ) − Q(ξ).

equation (2.5) has the solution

(2.6) Q(ξ) = .
1 ± eξ
the homogeneous balance method and its applications ... 309

Step 3. We determine the positive integer N in equation (2.4) by considering

the homogeneous balance between the highest order derivatives and the nonlinear
terms in equation (2.3).
Step 4. Substitute equation (2.4) into equation (2.3), we calculate all the neces-
sary derivatives u0 , u00 , ... of the function u(ξ). As a result of this substitution, we
get a polynomial of Qi , (i = 0, 1, 2, ...). In this polynomial we gather all terms of
same powers and equating them to zero, we obtain a system of algebraic equations
which can be solved by the Maple or Mathematica to get the unknown parame-
ters an (n = 0, 1, ..., N ), k and ω. Consequently, we obtain the exact solutions of
equation (2.1).

3. Applications
In this section, we apply the homogeneous balance method to find the exact
solutions of the following nonlinear partial differential equations:

3.1. Example 1. The Kaup-Kupershmidt (KK) equation

This equation is well known [6], [11], [23], [24] and has the form
(3.1) ut + 20u2 ux + 25ux uxx + 10uu3x + u5x = 0.
Let us now solve equation (3.1) by using the homogeneous balance method. To
this end, we use the wave transformation (2.2) to reduce equation (3.1) to the
following ODE:
(3.2) ωu0 + 20ku2 u0 + 25k 3 u0 u00 + 10k 3 uu(3) + k 5 u(5) = 0.
Balancing u(5) with u2 u0 yields N = 2. Consequently, equation (3.2) has the
formal solution
(3.3) u = a0 + a1 Q + a2 Q2 ,
where a0 , a1 and a2 are constants to be determined such that a2 6= 0. From
equation (3.3), we get

(3.4) u0 = (Q − 1)Q (a1 + 2Qa2 ) ,

(3.5) u00 = (Q − 1)Q [(−1 + 2Q)a1 + 2Q(−2 + 3Q)a2 ] ,
£¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¤
(3.6) u(3) = (Q − 1)Q 1 − 6Q + 6Q2 a1 + 2Q 4 − 15Q + 12Q2 a2 ,
¡ ¢
(3.7) u(4) = (Q − 1)Q[ −1 + 14Q − 36Q2 + 24Q3 a1
¡ ¢
+2Q −8 + 57Q − 108Q2 + 60Q3 a2 ],
¡ ¢
(3.8) u(5) = (Q − 1)Q[ 1 − 30Q + 150Q2 − 240Q3 + 120Q4 a1
¡ ¢
(3.9) +2Q 16 − 195Q + 660Q2 − 840Q3 + 360Q4 a2 ].
310 e.m.e. zayed, k.a.e. alurrfi

Substituting (3.3)-(3.8) into (3.2) and equating all the coefficients of powers of
Q(ξ) to zero, we obtain

(3.10) −k 5 a1 − ωa1 − 10k 3 a0 a1 − 20ka20 a1 = 0,

31k 5 a1 + ωa1 + 70k 3 a0 a1 + 20ka20 a1 − 35k 3 a21 −

− 40ka0 a21 − 32k 5 a2 − 2ωa2 − 80k 3 a0 a2 − 40ka20 a2 = 0,
− 180k 5 a1 − 120k 3 a0 a1 + 170k 3 a21 + 40ka0 a21 − 20ka31 + 422k 5 a2
+ 2ωa2 + 380k 3 a0 a2 + 40ka20 a2 − 240k 3 a1 a2 − 120ka0 a1 a2 = 0,
390k 5 a1 + 60k 3 a0 a1 − 245k 3 a21 + 20ka31 − 1710k 5 a2 − 540k 3 a0 a2
+ 1000k 3 a1 a2 + 120ka0 a1 a2 − 80ka21 a2 − 280k 3 a22 − 80ka0 a22 = 0,
− 360k 5 a1 + 110k 3 a21 + 3000k 5 a2 + 240k 3 a0 a2 − 1310k 3 a1 a2 + 80ka21 a2
+ 1080k 3 a22 + 80ka0 a22 − 100ka1 a22 = 0,
(3.15) 120k 5 a1 − 2400k 5 a2 + 550k 3 a1 a2 − 1340k 3 a22 + 100ka1 a22 − 40ka32 = 0,

(3.16) 720k 5 a2 + 540k 3 a22 + 40ka32 = 0.

Solving the system of equations (3.9)-(3.15) by using the Maple or Mathematica,
we obtain

Case 1.
k5 k2 3k 2
(3.17) ω=− , a0 = − , a1 = , a2 = −a1 .
16 8 2
The solution of equation (3.1) corresponding to (3.16) is
· ¸
−k 2 3k 2 2 k k5
(3.18) u1 (x, t) = + sec h x− t ,
8 8 2 32

· ¸
−k 2 3k 2 2 k k5
(3.19) u2 (x, t) = − csc h x− t ,
8 8 2 32

Case 2.

(3.20) ω = −11k 5 , a0 = −k 2 , a1 = 12k 2 , a2 = −a1 .

The solution of equation (3.1) corresponding to (3.19) is

· ¸
2 2 2 k 11k 5
(3.21) u3 (x, t) = −k + 3k sec h x− t ,
2 2

· ¸
2 2 2 k 11k 5
(3.22) u4 (x, t) = −k − 3k csc h x− t .
2 2
the homogeneous balance method and its applications ... 311

3.2. Example 2. The Ito equation

This equation is well known [4], [23], [24] and has the form:

(3.23) ut + 2u2 ux + 6ux uxx + 3uu3x + u5x = 0.

Let us solve equation (3.22) by using the homogeneous balance method. To this
end, we use the wave transformation (2.2) to reduce equation (3.22) to the fol-
lowing ODE:

(3.24) ωu0 + 2ku2 u0 + 6k 3 u0 u00 + 3k 3 uu(3) + k 5 u(5) = 0.

Balancing u(5) with u2 u0 yields N = 2. Consequently, equation (3.23) has the

formal solution (3.3). Substituting (3.3)-(3.8) into (3.23) and equating all the
coefficients of powers of Q(ξ) to zero, we obtain

(3.25) −k 5 a1 − ωa1 − 3k 3 a0 a1 − 2ka20 a1 = 0,

(3.26) 31k 5 a1 + ωa1 + 21k 3 a0 a1 + 2ka20 a1 − 9k 3 a21 − 4ka0 a21 − 32k 5 a2
−2ωa2 − 24k 3 a0 a2 − 4ka20 a2 = 0,
(3.27) −180k 5 a1 − 36k 3 a0 a1 + 45k 3 a21 + 4ka0 a21 − 2ka31 + 422k 5 a2
+2ωa2 + 114k 3 a0 a2 + 4ka20 a2 − 63k 3 a1 a2 − 12ka0 a1 a2 = 0,
(3.28) 390k 5 a1 + 18k 3 a0 a1 − 66k 3 a21 + 2ka31 − 1710k 5 a2 − 162k 3 a0 a2
+267k 3 a1 a2 + 12ka0 a1 a2 − 8ka21 a2 − 72k 3 a22 − 8ka0 a22 = 0,
(3.29) −360k 5 a1 + 30k 3 a21 + 3000k 5 a2 + 72k 3 a0 a2 − 354k 3 a1 a2
+8ka21 a2 + 282k 3 a22 + 8ka0 a22 − 10ka1 a22 = 0,
(3.30) 120k 5 a1 − 2400k 5 a2 + 150k 3 a1 a2 − 354k 3 a22 + 10ka1 a22 − 4ka32 = 0,
(3.31) 720k 5 a2 + 144k 3 a22 + 4ka32 = 0.

Solving the system of equations (3.24)-(3.30), using the Maple or Mathematica

we obtain
5k 2
(3.32) ω = −6k 5 , a0 = − , a1 = 30k 2 , a2 = −a1 .
The solution of equation (3.22) corresponding to (3.31) is
· ¸
−5k 2 15k 2 2 k 6k 5
(3.33) u1 (x, t) = + sec h x− t ,
2 2 2 2
· ¸
−5k 2 15k 2 2 k 6k 5
(3.34) u2 (x, t) = − csc h x− t .
2 2 2 2
312 e.m.e. zayed, k.a.e. alurrfi

3.3. Example 3. The Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon equation (CDG)

This equation is well known [2], [23], [24] and has the form:
(3.35) ut + 180u2 ux + 30ux uxx + 30uu3x + u5x = 0.
Let us solve equation (3.34) by using the homogeneous balance method. To this
end. we use the wave transformation (2.2) to reduce equation (3.34) to the fol-
lowing ODE :
(3.36) ωu0 + 180ku2 u0 + 30k 3 u0 u00 + 30 k 3 uu(3) + k 5 u(5) = 0.
Balancing u(5) with u2 u0 yields N = 2. Consequently, equation (3.35) has the
formal solution (3.3). Substituting (3.3)-(3.8) into (3.35) and equating all the
coefficients of powers of Q(ξ) to zero, we obtain
(3.37) −k 5 a1 − ωa1 − 30k 3 a0 a1 − 180ka20 a1 = 0,
(3.38) 31k 5 a1 + ωa1 + 210k 3 a0 a1 + 180ka20 a1 − 60k 3 a21
−360ka0 a21 − 32k 5 a2 − 2ωa2 − 240k 3 a0 a2 − 360ka20 a2 = 0,
(3.39) −180k 5 a1 − 360k 3 a0 a1 + 330k 3 a21 + 360ka0 a21 − 180ka31
+422k 5 a2 + 2ωa2 + 1140k 3 a0 a2 + 360ka20 a2 − 450k 3 a1 a2
−1080ka0 a1 a2 = 0,
390k 5 a1 + 180k 3 a0 a1 − 510k 3 a21 + 180ka31 − 1710k 5 a2
−1620k 3 a0 a2 + 2010k 3 a1 a2 + 1080ka0 a1 a2 − 720ka21 a2
−480k 3 a22 − 720ka0 a22 = 0,
(3.40) −360k 5 a1 + 240k 3 a21 + 3000k 5 a2 + 720k 3 a0 a2 − 2760k 3 a1 a2
+720ka21 a2 + 1980k 3 a22 + 720ka0 a22 − 900ka1 a22 = 0,
(3.41) 120k 5 a1 − 2400k 5 a2 + 1200k 3 a1 a2 − 2580k 3 a22
+900ka1 a22 − 360ka32 = 0,
(3.42) 720k 5 a2 + 1080k 3 a22 + 360ka32 = 0.
Solving the system of equations (3.36)-(3.42) using the Maple or Mathema-
tica, we obtain
Case 1.
(3.43) ω = −k 5 − 30k 3 a0 − 180ka0 2 , a1 = k 2 , a2 = −a1 .
The solution of equation (3.34) corresponding to (3.43) is
· ¸
k2 2 k (k 5 + 30k 3 a0 + 180ka0 2 )
(3.44) u1 (x, t) = a0 + sec h x− t ,
4 2 2
· ¸
k2 2 k (k 5 + 30k 3 a0 + 180ka0 2 )
(3.45) u2 (x, t) = a0 − csc h x− t ,
4 2 2
where a0 is an arbitrary constant.
the homogeneous balance method and its applications ... 313

Case 2.
(3.46) ω = −k 5 , a0 = − , a1 = 2k 2 , a2 = −a1 .
The solution of equation (3.34) corresponding to (3.46) is
· ¸
−k 2 k 2 2 k k5
(3.47) u1 (x, t) = + sec h x− t .
6 2 2 2
· ¸
−k 2 k 2 k k5
(3.48) u2 (x, t) = − csc h2 x− t .
6 2 2 2

3.4. Example 4. The Lax equation

This equation is well known [12], [23], [24] and has the form:
(3.49) ut + 30u2 ux + 20ux uxx + 10uu3x + u5x = 0.
Let us now solve equation (3.49) by using the homogeneous balance method. To
this end, we use the wave transformation (2.2) to reduce equation (3.49) to the
following ODE:
(3.50) ωu0 + 30ku2 u0 + 20k 3 u0 u00 + 10k 3 uu(3) + k 5 u(5) = 0.
Balancing u(5) with u2 u0 yields N = 2. Consequently, equation (3.50) has the
formal solution (3.3). Substituting (3.3)-(3.8) into (3.50) and equating all the
coefficients of powers of Q(ξ) to zero, we obtain
(3.51) −k 5 a1 − ωa1 − 10k 3 a0 a1 − 30ka20 a1 = 0,
(3.52) 31k 5 a1 + ωa1 + 70k 3 a0 a1 + 30ka20 a1 − 30k 3 a21 − 60ka0 a21
−32k 5 a2 − 2ωa2 − 80k 3 a0 a2 − 60ka20 a2 = 0,
(3.53) −180k 5 a1 − 120k 3 a0 a1 + 150k 3 a21 + 60ka0 a21 − 30ka31
+422k 5 a2 + 2ωa2 + 380k 3 a0 a2 + 60ka20 a2
−210k 3 a1 a2 − 180ka0 a1 a2 = 0,

(3.54) 390k 5 a1 + 60k 3 a0 a1 − 220k 3 a21 + 30ka31 − 1710k 5 a2

−540k 3 a0 a2 + 890k 3 a1 a2 + 180ka0 a1 a2
(3.55) −120ka21 a2 − 240k 3 a22 − 120ka0 a22 = 0,
(3.56) −360k 5 a1 + 100k 3 a21 + 3000k 5 a2 + 240k 3 a0 a2 − 1180k 3 a1 a2
+120ka21 a2 + 940k 3 a22 + 120ka0 a22 − 150ka1 a22 = 0,
(3.57) 120k 5 a1 − 2400k 5 a2 + 500k 3 a1 a2 − 1180k 3 a22
+150ka1 a22 − 60ka32 = 0,
(3.58) 720k 5 a2 + 480k 3 a22 + 60ka32 = 0.
314 e.m.e. zayed, k.a.e. alurrfi

Solving the system of equations ( 3.51)-(3.57)using the Maple or Mathematica,

we obtain

Case 1.

(3.59) ω = −k 5 − 10k 3 a0 − 30ka20 , a1 = 2k 2 , a2 = −a1 .

The solution of equation (3.49) corresponding (3.58) is

· ¸
k2 2 k (k 5 + 10k 3 a0 + 30ka20 )
(3.60) u1 (x, t) = a0 + sec h x− t ,
2 2 2
· ¸
k2 k (k 5 + 10k 3 a0 + 30ka20 )
(3.61) u2 (x, t) = a0 − csc h2 x− t ,
2 2 2

where a0 is an arbitrary constant.

Case 2.

7k 5 k2
(3.62) ω=− , a0 = − , a1 = 6k 2 , a2 = −a1 .
2 2

The solution of equation (3.49) corresponding (3.61) is

· ¸
−k 2 3k 2 2 k 7k 5
(3.63) u3 (x, t) = + sec h x− t ,
2 2 2 4
· ¸
−k 2 3k 2 2 k 7k 5
(3.64) u4 (x, t) = − csc h x− t .
2 2 2 4

3.5. Example 5. The Sawada-Kotera (SK) equation

This equation is well known [19], [23], [24] and has the form:

(3.65) ut + 5u2 ux + 5ux uxx + 5uu3x + u5x = 0.

Let us solve equation (3.64)using the homogeneous balance method. To this end,
we use the wave transformation (2.2) to reduce equation (3.64) to the following

(3.66) ωu0 + 5ku2 u0 + 5k 3 u0 u00 + 5k 3 uu(3) + k 5 u(5) = 0.

Balancing u(5) with u2 u0 yields N = 2. Consequently, equation (3.65) has the

formal solution (3.3). Substituting (3.3)-(3.8) into (3.65) and equating all the
coefficients of powers of Q(ξ) to zero, we obtain
the homogeneous balance method and its applications ... 315

(3.67) −k 5 a1 − ωa1 − 5k 3 a0 a1 − 5ka20 a1 = 0,

(3.68) 31k 5 a1 + ωa1 + 35k 3 a0 a1 + 5ka20 a1 − 10k 3 a21 − 10ka0 a21 − 32k 5 a2 = 0
−2ωa2 − 40k 3 a0 a2 − 10ka20 a2 = 0,
(3.69) −180k 5 a1 − 60k 3 a0 a1 + 55k 3 a21 + 10ka0 a21 − 5ka31
+422k 5 a2 + 2ωa2 + 190k 3 a0 a2 + 10ka20 a2
−75k 3 a1 a2 − 30ka0 a1 a2 = 0,
(3.70) 390k 5 a1 + 30k 3 a0 a1 − 85k 3 a21 + 5ka31 − 1710k 5 a2
−270k 3 a0 a2 + 335k 3 a1 a2 + 30ka0 a1 a2
(3.71) −20ka21 a2 − 80k 3 a22 − 20ka0 a22 = 0,
(3.72) −360k 5 a1 + 40k 3 a21 + 3000k 5 a2 + 120k 3 a0 a2 − 460k 3 a1 a2
+20ka21 a2 + 330k 3 a22 + 20ka0 a22 − 25ka1 a22 = 0,
(3.73) 120k 5 a1 − 2400k 5 a2 + 200k 3 a1 a2 − 430k 3 a22
+25ka1 a22 − 10ka32 = 0,
(3.74) 720k 5 a2 + 180k 3 a22 + 10ka32 = 0.
Solving the system of equations (3.66)-(3.72) using the Maple or Mathematica,
we obtain

Case 1.
(3.75) ω = −k 5 − 5k 3 a0 − 5ka20 , a1 = 6k 2 , a2 = −a1 .
The solution of equation (3.64) corresponding (3.73) is
· ¸
3k 2 2 k (k 5 + 5k 3 a0 + 5ka20 )
(3.76) u1 (x, t) = a0 + sec h x− t ,
2 2 2
· ¸
3k 2 k (k 5 + 5k 3 a0 + 5ka20 )
(3.77) u2 (x, t) = a0 − csc h2 x− t ,
2 2 2
where a0 is an arbitrary constant.

Case 2.
(3.78) ω = −k 5 , a0 = −k 2 , a1 = 12k 2 , a2 = −a1 .
The solution of equation (3.64) corresponding (3.76) is
· ¸
2 2 2 k k5
(3.79) u3 (x, t) = −k + 3k sec h x− t ,
2 2
· ¸
k k5
(3.80) u4 (x, t) = −k 2 − 3k 2 csc h2 x− t .
2 2
316 e.m.e. zayed, k.a.e. alurrfi

4. Physical explanations of our obtained solutions

Solitary bell-type waves have been obtained. In this section we have presented
some graphs of these solutions by taking suitable values of involved unknown pa-
rameters to visualize the underlying mechanism of the original equations. Using
mathematical software Maple or Mathematica, the plots of some obtained solu-
tions of equations (3.1), (3.22) and (3.34) have been shown in Figs. 1-3.

2.0 -5 2.0
1.5 1.5
0.0 -10

1.0 1.0
-2 -2

0 0.5 0 0.5

2 2
0.0 0.0

Figure 1: The plot of the solutions (3.17) and (3.18), when k = 1

2 2.0 2.0

0 -10
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
-2 -2

0 0.5 0 0.5

2 2
0.0 0.0

Figure 2: The plot of the solutions (3.32) and (3.33), when k = 1

the homogeneous balance method and its applications ... 317

1.1 -5 ´ 108
1.5 1.5
1.0 -1 ´ 109
1.0 1.0
-2 -2

0 0.5 0.5

2 2
0.0 0.0

Figure 3: The plot of the solutions (3.44) and (3.45), when a0 = 1, k = 1

5. Conclusions

The homogeneous balance method presented in this article has been applied to the
nonlinear Kaup-Kupershmidt equation, the nonlinear Ito equation, the nonlinear
Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon equation, the nonlinear Lax equation and the Sawada-
Kotera equation for finding the exact solutions of these equations which attract the
attention of many authors. On comparing this method with the other methods,
we see that the homogeneous balance method is much more simpler than these
methods. Also we deduce that the homogeneous balance method is direct, effective
and can be applied to many other nonlinear evolution equations.


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Accepted: 09.07.2014

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