72-A Switched-Capacitor Three-Phase ACAC Converter
72-A Switched-Capacitor Three-Phase ACAC Converter
72-A Switched-Capacitor Three-Phase ACAC Converter
A Switched-Capacitor Three-Phase
AC–AC Converter
Telles B. Lazzarin, Member, IEEE, Romero L. Andersen, Member, IEEE, and Ivo Barbi, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—This paper proposes a bidirectional three- implemented successfully in chips [3], initially in the range
phase direct ac–ac converter, with only capacitors and of ultralow power, but have shown potential to be used in the
switches in its power circuit and with its operation based power range of inductive converters [4].
on the switched-capacitor principle. The converter presents
fixed gain, it keeps the frequencies of the output and input
Currently, the number of topologies that use this principle
voltages equal, and it operates in open loop with constant is increasing, and the SC is already employed in high power
switching frequency and duty cycle. The main advantages dc–dc converters for electric vehicles, photovoltaic applica-
of the proposed converter are the absence of magnetic tions [5], and circuits to balance charges in batteries [6].
elements in the power circuit, the higher efficiency, the Multilevel inverters have also been presented in the literature
higher power density, the higher specific power, the lower with series–parallel SC connections [7], different modulation
cost, and the fact that it can convert ac–ac voltages within
a wide frequency range, including dc voltage. Therefore, it methods [8], and hybrid topologies [9]. Other studies in the
is suitable to replace the conventional three-phase auto- SC field include associating coupled inductors with SC [10]
transformer in industrial, commercial, and residential ap- and modular converters [11] for high gain, as well as resonant
plications, and it can be designated as a magnetic-less converters with zero voltage switching (ZVS) [12] and phase-
three-phase solid-state autotransformer. The principle of shift interleaving [13].
operation, a qualitative and quantitative analysis, the de-
sign methodology, and a fabricated example are described
SC power converters (SCPCs) are composed only of capaci-
in this paper. In order to verify the converter in the labo- tors and switches, with no magnetic devices, and thus, they can
ratory, a prototype with the following characteristics was achieve a significant size reduction and increased efficiency in
designed and fabricated: 6 kW, 1.35 kW/kg, 380/110 V, and relation to the conventional converters. SCPC can also regulate
switching frequency of 100 kHz. The measured efficiency the output voltage, by changing the duty cycle, similarly to
at rated power was 96.3%, and other relevant experimental conventional power converters. Furthermore, the behavior of
results are reported herein.
SCs can be described as that of simple equivalent circuits [14],
Index Terms—AC–AC converter, switched capacitor (SC), which help to evaluate the impact of SC parameters on effi-
three phase. ciency [15]. Sometimes, these equivalent circuits can be used to
I. I NTRODUCTION represent subcircuits of a bigger SC system [16], [17], making
the analysis easier. In spite of the importance of these simple
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Fig. 1. Proposed three-phase bidirectional SC ac–ac converter in step-down configuration. (b) Gate drive signals and (c) practical implementation
of a bidirectional switch using two MOSFETs and its model.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Ivo Barbi. Downloaded on June 20,2022 at 02:22:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Ivo Barbi. Downloaded on June 20,2022 at 02:22:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
D · Ts ≤ 5 · τ (5)
(1 − D) · Ts ≤ 5 · τ. (6)
A. Specification
The delta–wye connection was chosen to verify the proposed
three-phase ac–ac converter. Hence, design specifications were
defined with the objective of simulating the converter and
implementing a prototype as follows:
1) Po = 6000 W output power;
2) vL = 380 V input line-to-line voltage;
3) vo = 110 V output line-to-neutral voltage;
4) fi = 60 Hz frequency of ac voltage;
5) η > 95% expected efficiency;
6) P F > 0.92 input power factor (capacitive).
The proposed ac–ac three-phase converter is designed to
Analysis of the equivalent circuit allows simple equations operate in PC mode, with low equivalent resistance (Req ) and
to be found, which are employed to examine and design the high efficiency. This requires that fs τ ≥ fs τcrit and D ∼ = 0.5.
proposed three-phase ac–ac converter. These equations are Thus, in an appropriate design, the duty cycle is set close to
shown in Table III, and they provide important information on 0.5, the capacitor is calculated according to the desired power
the three-phase ac–ac converter. The input power, output power, factor, the switches chosen have a low conduction resistance
and loss equations have been previously multiplied by three to (RDSon ), and the switching frequency is defined so as to
represent the entire circuit based on the per-phase version. The maintain fs τ higher than fs τcrit and to obtain a high efficiency.
variable f in the equations is the frequency of the input voltage. Furthermore, the switching frequency (fs ) has to be feasible for
practical implementation. The design methodology is based on
the equations given in Table III, and the component values are
B. Operation Modes of SC Converter shown in Table VI for a delta–wye connection. In the following
A SC converter can operate in three different modes, which sections, the choice of the components and switching frequency
are defined by the charge of the SC. These modes are complete and an analysis of the results are discussed.
charge (CC), partial charge (PC), and no charge (NC) [17],
[18]. The operation in PC and NC modes leads to both higher B. Capacitance Calculation
efficiency of the converter and lower current peaks in the The capacitors C1 to C9 are calculated to attend the specifi-
capacitors and switches. Therefore, these operation modes are cation of the power factor. Hence, based on the equations for the
preferred. reactive power and the power factor in Table III, the maximum
The NC mode usually requires a high operation frequency capacitance Cp is defined by
and large capacitances, and the advantages in relation to the PC
mode are not significant. Hence, the suggested mode for the 1 Pi2
Cp ≤ · − Pi2 ≤ 95 μF. (9)
SCs of the converter in Fig. 1 is the PC mode [21]. 6 · v m · π · fs
2 F p2
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D. Switching Frequency
The choice of switching frequency defines the fs τ value of
the converter and, consequently, the values of Req , Rs , and η.
The aim is to select the switching frequency which will provide
a high efficiency. Therefore, by applying the values of C and
Ron in the efficiency equation in Table III, the theoretical
efficiency of the ac–ac converter can be calculated for the
switching frequency selected, as shown in Fig. 6. This curve
demonstrates that the converter is most efficient between 80 and
110 kHz. Furthermore, employing the values of C and Ron in
(8), the minimum frequency for the converter to operate in PC
mode is given by
Fig. 7. Photograph of the prototype (specific power: 1.35 kW/kg).
2 · Ron · C
A. Verification of the Proposed Converter
This value verifies that the converter must operate in PC
mode to obtain a high efficiency. Thus, the switching frequency A prototype of 38 0 V/110 V/6 kW was built to verify the
selected was 100 kHz, as identified in the figure. At this point, operation of the proposed converter (see photograph in Fig. 7).
the expected efficiency is 97.1%. The main specifications and components used in the prototype
are presented in Table V. The specific power obtained for the
prototype was 1.35 kW/kg.
E. Parameters of Equivalent Circuits
The experiments were carried out with D = 0.4 (10% of
The definition of the values of C, Ron , D, and fs allows the deadtime), and the converter was fed by an ac power supply. As
parameters for the equivalent circuits to be calculated, as shown the converter provides a significant level of power, the inductive
in Table IV. input filter was added. The frequency of the current ripple was
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Ivo Barbi. Downloaded on June 20,2022 at 02:22:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 11. Proposed converter in delta–wye configuration, with resistive Fig. 13. Proposed converter in delta–wye configuration, with no load
load and with 380 V @ 60 Hz of input line-to-line voltage: Output line-to- and with 380 V @ 16.66 Hz of input line-to-line voltage: Input line-to-line
neutral voltages VRN , VSN , and VT N and line-to-neutral current IRN . voltage VAB and output line-to-neutral voltages VRN , VSN , and VT N .
Fig. 12. Line-to-line voltage VAB and line current IA in one input of
Fig. 14. Proposed converter in delta–wye configuration, with no load
the proposed converter.
and with 380 V @ 400 Hz of input line-to-line voltage: Output line-to-
neutral voltages VRN , VSN , and VT N .
The line input current IA and the input line-to-line voltage
VAB are seen in Fig. 12. The power factor for rated power was
0.969. The line voltage leads from the line current at 1 ms
(approximately 21.6◦ ), which is expected for the capacitive
circuit (in a resistive circuit, the line voltage leads from the line
current at 1.36 ms or 30◦ ). The input current of the proposed
topology presents a ripple at 100 kHz (characteristic buck), and
thus, a small L filter of 5 μH was added, which was sufficient to
filter the high frequency and provided a sinusoidal waveform.
The input current THD was 179% without the L filter (value
typical in one converter with a characteristic buck), and it was
6.6% with the L filter.
The converter was tested at different frequencies to verify
this characteristic, and some results are shown in Figs. 13 and
14. These waveforms show the input voltage VAB and the out- Fig. 15. Proposed converter in delta–wye configuration, with 380 V
put voltages VRN , VSN , and VT N for input voltages of 380 V @ @ 60 Hz of input line-to-line voltage and a balanced resistive load:
Efficiency test.
16.66 Hz (see Fig. 13) and 380 V @ 400 Hz (see Fig. 14). The
efficiency and the static regulation were the same for all fre- Experimental curves were obtained for the efficiency, regu-
quencies, and the power factor decreased with an increase in the lation, and power factor, all of them with a balanced resistive
frequency. These results were as expected and were in agree- load. The experimental and theoretical efficiency curves are
ment with the equivalent circuit of the converter seen in Fig. 5. plotted in Fig. 15, and the experimental curve shows that,
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Fig. 16. Proposed converter in delta–wye configuration, with 380 V Fig. 17. Proposed converter in delta–wye configuration, with 380 V @
@ 60 Hz of input line-to-line voltage and a balanced resistive load: 60 Hz of input line-to-line voltage and a balanced resistive load: Output
Efficiency test in rated power for different switching frequencies. voltage regulation test.
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are related to the weight, volume, and absence of magnetic VII. C ONCLUSION
elements in the power circuit, which provides high gains in
specific power and density power. One disadvantage is the cost A three-phase magnetic-less ac–ac static power converter
since, currently, an autotransformer costs around 0.32 p.u. of based on the SC principle has been proposed and studied.
the total cost of the prototype. However, there is a tendency for The following conclusions can be drawn from the theoretical
the cost of copper to increase and of silicon to decrease. Thus, analysis and the experimental results reported in this paper.
the proposed converter is an attractive option to replace the 1) The proposed static power converter employs only capac-
autotransformer in applications where the weight and volume itors and switches.
have to be reduced. 2) The converter is able to supply power to any kind of load,
In the literature, there are attractive options for ac–ac power balanced or not, of any power factor, including nonlinear
converters that could perform the function of the proposed load.
converter, with the most traditional being the matrix converter 3) The converter operates in open loop with constant switch-
(MC). The MCs started with the conventional MC (CMC) pro- ing frequency and duty cycle.
posed by Venturini and Alesina in 1980 [23], which is a direct 4) The signal power stage is simple and inexpensive.
ac–ac converter. The most important characteristics of MCs are 5) The converter is bidirectional, and thus, it can operate as
as follows [23]–[25]: 1) generation of load voltage with arbi- a step-down converter (static gain of 0.5) or a step-up
trary amplitude and frequency; 2) a simple and compact power converter (static gain of 2), and in both modes, only one-
circuit; 3) sinusoidal input and output currents; 4) operation half of the high-side voltage is applied to the switches and
with unity power factor; and 5) regeneration capability. MCs the capacitors.
are usually employed in applications where the generation of 6) The circuit can operate within a wide range of frequen-
an output voltage with arbitrary frequency is required; how- cies, including dc voltage.
ever, they could also be employed for constant frequency. The 7) The proposed ac–ac converter offers fixed gain, and it
proposed converter has a different conception and operation does not change frequency; thus, it appears to represent
principle in comparison to MCs, but nevertheless, as the CMC a potential solution to replace the conventional three-
presents a similar structure (number and type of components), phase autotransformer in the range of 0.5–100 kVA
quantitative and qualitative comparisons between the proposed and can be considered as a magnetic-less solid-state
converter and the CMC are shown in Tables VII and VIII. autotransformer.
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vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 3329–3340, Jul. 2013. tronics Society and the Power Electronics Institute of the UFSC.
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