1950 3 Eng
1950 3 Eng
1950 3 Eng
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We often refer to our airwork with the general term airmanshiP . It and
discipline are so closely interwoven as to become almost indistinguishable .
One begets the other and a high standard of discipline is always accompanied
by a high standard of airmanship .
I have reviewed our flying accidents during the past summer and regret
to say that the majority of them have been the result of pilot error and can be
traced back to poor discipline . Premature undercarriage retractions, dis-
obedience of briefing orders, running out of fuel, low flying, approaching
with undercarriage retracted and avoidable taxYing accidents are all occasions
which strain our resources to the utmost and which on numerous instances
have caused the RCAF considerable embarrassment .
(W .A . Curtis )
Air Marshal
Chief of the Air Staff
During an authorized low level formation flight at 300 feet above
all obstacles, one of the pilots broke formation, descended and accord-
ing to witnesses flew so low he had to raise the wings of his aircraft in
order to get over the trees . He was also seen to complete a slow roll
at an altitude of approximately 100 feet . Shortly after the pilot was
This was the outstanding taxying accident for the quarter . Dam-
seen to dive his aircraft within a f ew feet of the surface of a lake, pull
age amounted to $6000 .00 .
up to about 150 feet, and commence another roll . The roll ended dis-
astrouslywith the aircraft crashing into the lake . Both the pilot and Two other collisions occurred which raised the dollar cost for
passenger were killed . Harvard taxying accidents this quarter to almost $ 10 , 000 .00
ON 9T J Ajj SED 0
* No . 1 -- PILOT ERROR
Engine Handling
Taxying and Landing Hazards
- Slush and Water
- Icy Strips
- Blowing Snow
- Snow-Banks
Snow Clearance
Ski Conversion
Flight Planning
ACCIDENT PREVENTION PAYS DIVIDENDS : The pilot rounded out too soon and too low causing the star-
board flap to collide with a fence post .
An outstanding example of the results of an
intensive safety campaign was the FTS Station Cent- The pilot made a low approach at low airspeed . During the
ralia feat of flying 3868 accident-free hours during round out the aircraft stalled and the starboard wing struck
the month of August . the runway . The wing had to be replaced .
The pilot landed with the flaps in the "up" position . Sub- The cause of the engine ceasing to function was attributed to
sequentharsh use of brakes caused both tires to blow out . rear bearing failure . This was brought about by oil starvation caused
Luckily damage was not severe when the aircraft swung off by the rear metering pump being set so low that insufficient oil was
the runway. The accident is featured on page 1 . supplied to the bearing .
The pilot retracted the wheels too soon on take-off and EO 05-10A-7A, Section 2, Item PP15, outlines the procedure
scraped the runway . Both drop tanks and the underside of when alterations are made to the settings of metering pumps .
the fuselage were damaged . 10
The following cases of materiel failure occurred during this
Shortly after take-off the starboard long range tank fell from quarter :
the aircraft . The pilot flew out to sea, jettisoned the port long range
tank and returned to base . Radio compass dynamotor burned out filling cockpit with
smoke . Successful landing completed .
As the starboard tank could not be found it was impossible to
determine whether faulty installation or materiel failure was re- The bolts holding the starboard oleo leg in place sheared
sponsible for the loss of the tank . on landing . Inspection disclosed that the undercarriage
collapsed because a high carbon steel bolt had been installed
* No . 3 -- BIRD TROUBLE in place of a high tensile steel bolt . Further investigation
alsobrought to light that both types of bolts were stamped
Two occasions arose of Vampires striking birds during flight . with the same part number . Neither Unit maintenance per-
Damage in one case was serious . sonnel nor the pilot were to blame for this one .
* No . 4 -- FORCED LANDING During a patrol at 10,200 feet engine failure occurred . The
pilot displayed excellent skill in carrying out a wheels-down
Rapid deterioration of weather conditions over base, with fog forced landing on the parent aerodrome . Inspection dis-
forming to a height of 200 feet, resulted in one of the pilots returning closed that the fuel pump was inoperative as a result of
from an interception exercise being unable to align his aircraft with failure of the centre gear cluster . The engine was removed
the runway . He had insufficient fuel to proceed to an alternate and for shipment to the contractor .
was ordered to look for an opening in the fog and carry out a wheels-up
forced landing . Complete severing of the brake cable atthe ferrule attached
to the pilot's hand control caused the braking system to be-
The pilot completed a successful forced landing and was un- come inoperative and resulted in the aircraft overshooting
injured . The aircraft however was seriously damaged and ihe accident the end of the runway .
was categorized as a "B" crash .
Excessive wear on the canopy operating lever locking pin
Annual overhaul of the Station's GCA equipment at this time was caused the pin to disengage during flight . As a result the
instrumental in the accident occurring . canopy blew completely open and cracked in two places .
The pilot was able to effect a safe landing .
The canopy problem is still unsolved . This one disintegrat-
Severe vibration accompanied by a steady rise in rear bearing ed at 31,700 feet . The pilot returned to base successfully .
temperature necessitated another forced landing . The pilot did an
excellent job of landing the aircraft wheels down without further dam-
age on an unused airstrip .
No . 7 -- WHAT - NO GAS?
During a formation landing, No . 3 aircraft swung and damaged
a wing tip .
I On routine flight at normal cruising settings the engine cut
suddenly and excessive vibration developed . The pilot carried out a
successful forced landing with a minimum of damage to the aircraft .
It's not hard to imagine the look of chagrin on the Chief Instruct- Whentaxyingout to commence a night take-off, the pilot taxied
or's face when helearned that this student had failed to switch over to into an unmarked hole in an area under construction . Replacement of
a full tank before commencing a forced landing practice . the starboard wing was required .
The student forgot his cockpit check and as a result the RCAF Flying control were at fault this time in that the area under con-
had another "A" category crash on its hands . struction was not properly marked .
Further examination indicated that the break had been progres-
sive and that the engine had been operating for a considerable time with
the exhaust rocker housing partly cracked .
Both the starboard oleo leg and starboard wheel had to be re-
placed .
Remember - It can happen to anyone'.
According to the witnesses the run was made over the station
0 at approximately 400 feet . The pack and parachute were seen to leave
the rear door of the aircraft and immediately become entangled in the
starboard elevator . The aircraft, out of control, (lived into the ground
at an estimated angle of 45 degrees, exploded and burned .
* No . 16 -- FUEL STARVATION All nine personnel on board were immediately killed and the
aircraft was completely destroyed .
During approach to land, at an altitude of approximately 100 feet
The reviewing authorities were of the opinion that the accident
and one hundred yards from the end of the runway, the aircraft sudden-
ly swung to port . was due partly to the members of the crew not having sufficient, if
any, experience in handling parachute packs for dropping and due also
to the inherent dangers that exist when supply dropping is attempted
The captain opened all throttles fully, called for wheels and flaps
up and endeavoured to keep the Lancaster airborne . However, even from the side door of the Lancaster aircraft .
with full right rudder and aileron he was unable to maintain direction-
al control and was forced to close the throttles and crash land to the They recommended that supplies should only be dropped from
left of the runway . The resultant "write-off" is shown on the front bomb-bays of Lancaster aircraft, and if a role is visualized whereby
cover of this issue . Para rescue personnel will be required to drop from
then consideration should be given to removing the tail gun turret and
Subsequent investigation disclosed that the fuel selectors had utilizing its space in the extreme tail to provide a safe exit for both
been on No . 2 tanks at the time of the crash . The investigation also P ara rescue personnel and supply dropping .
brought to light that there was no fuel remaining in the No . 2 and No . 3
* No . 18 -- SWING ON TAKE-OFF
port tanks and that the port engines had failed as a result of fuel star-
vation .
The third Lancaster write-off for the quarter was caused by
At the time of the crash there were still at least 1000 gallons the aircraft swinging on take-off and running into rough ground beside
of fuel on board approximately 475 of which were. in the port No . 1 tank . the runway .
The primary cause of the accident was assessed as mismanagement of
the fuel system . A contributing cause was the unserviceability of the The investigation on this accident is not complete at date of
pilot's fuel gauge for the No . 2 port tank . The captain was also crit- writing .
icized for not exercising sufficient supervision over his crew .
don the aircraft and move ashore in the dinghies . briefed his crew on ditching or emergency procedures .
Statistics record that during the past three years the highest
quarterly accident rate of each calendar year has occurred during
the first quarter .
A special effort is required towards keeping everyone "Safety
Conscious" during this period .
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\\~\ .,. "CrashComment" has now completed its
\\\\~\,\\\\\\\ firstyear of publication . The Editors would like
to take this opportunity to thank our readers for
their suggestions and critici~sms . These, where-
ever possible, have been utilized in an effort to
increase the value of the magazine . Further
comments are welcome and should be addressed
to CAS, AFHQ Attn : AIB .