The Enemy October 10 2022

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he nem
Peas SudensiicRA Buck
himesname Sai Zhenzhu
Beim im hmeica Jume 21292, died
Masch 6. 1973
hemL h e stey h Snim
Canlict hat individualhac m lifs i
wa Td secie he cnmtlict bihen
Mia mhisent 9dlmiss e Humamism vs,
PAeudo Natiemallim
Snhis stoy Dx. sadao tek: and
Hana dre cagE in aLonhlict Shold
ethi s7 Shald'we Áoaauand himanilg
in us? Shauld ue be nedienaliatie
o c a e l s a IAnd oluima dtana

goao umann Y LOMwt_ a a

e titizem, MauLannet bu a qad
ecto. el . e pAAreusilE Ger ayhm
2. Anthe hemi Leuic iuns_baMall
he eeol migE
dimesint bu- Lol a the t m
Lame So nLo whae
LwelaoR, e n anL a n u
uw-_a he Aame lace
| Date

3 h Enemy Peal S. BuckS eemet

emA war She is tolking aaert
ed dlaatautun Aa ipust
nwrkimd asa hele
methn heme hu ebion brisos
Ad nastaily alausoe Kumidistis,rcaa
ih a DAisome a.
in Hha Apg. tis piuneod sac tiLs Hhat

osLd shald_wrk teuaros hawima

ucziiau he i hus gLlia
e eisiblu imuuicehumiioliens a l
keth sides

H hamo q ha Chuel paliciy makens

ho insist'm w Aimply h'Aalie
h ego. Chldamw md a m mIM
e pshso to belelds t aecasu
ha i nahunalisticc
i paiomalisho ? By Rline anatu
noM d i n g sae Ha qwajn.
H dilema a u a do paeple olo
hae a Amdtiimc usine
o faosenal etnics Sherla
Page No.

- pohemieraL etics uetickAa ya

musl Aane n o mod,
ic basl_S woild
anshhen meme sui inlld towasds

uiiad celLc o imu

Atechacy anddictatosp
lokima honisis k Amo assasins e
n gRill f a cau i anmasit
iusasd blee_dimee.
DY Sadao's ehhacA
A u i h e Talks alout 1 bains and
aNd aotzed that Lames_thin _ and
A rumds ws_a a Und omd ge Cahhe
escap f m t u n l s we ER e
CnaeA Kg liinitatia Lik
H comtsalUnasacles Sadas ulo
eeuall Lanquess fhis kind tagE
bis psesenional
has nany ppoiinGws ane h e , he.
suds i e gmuichon and_dLA
H is msilme_Aspued m lile
Angew adLehsthapp, maued ond
has kics. l te aduent pnsme
chomse hp
boied Aihefe
V i e baind
Date _
6alh hushaud_ and ui jb terw i n
alL Lanusiow oel
mma. cerhit ao
bocaae COlicted
A fhu time wmn.
a n aind Japan Ghd
mecA ane ol wa Lsifh 2ocath and
saldd the ba a dector e haulol
A be a parsidtic? His bataie.bism euive
ihim to ba Lete 0Dp Chuil pAJmdicad
and oarkles ta Ld Amenica
halel Aa leoe he man
dnd pus im bacR b he Asa.
LnN Conjlic 6 DY. Sadas
isheahnelyr Lanteyed. thhaq man
iosheA and wAB, h ilg u
he oin ,'pulsine a AmiicAns
ahe a l amemca ase_g Anemu ec

ducoign and A0ihue thining

ahuman Asei Suc
tAaineed possm sha fhiaRn, dikhetuH
t l s masks. HedseA Aae a

Aama inkolihesoutlg
Dr. &adao pas o enke
Sopurho He taRes m a ehae woild
AAAng n CMema a
Caels hod ke czuld
i m die amd he Atans
a ns
Page No.


Dsina h
c_alls Tan
Lom m

C h My 4sind Ldicle is ivi cal
a h E am 9 datn
P eupied_uith t
sio ing OAm

Aend hephen ,ate

Lhlict a d a kind
eshesesed-d Lash Dr Sadao
humaniim eanlA
h tzLamet

naL ta a bu 9 cahno da d nas

a Ka 4 neb a Cemplk man He
KAul nehouuh barawn u a huu

He aaakd him TLakA bim au-

imultaheauslyu baliid- in im i
und a_uta
LMLLAA and l s sam
wauld Auhe94aH. H Aands 'uw
i Covithanand dBA ne caM h
SeNas oppeiLgn, Becaus
ntasd bacauAl i i bAsgiA
ics_he buh his dldsem mamld
i s hepdatim _atstaRe
h i s humaniwmo icw maku
t bau thse Aals nighs Lsahing b
'alarsns. H b omenid b i jdes
ha AA mos
Page No.
bhu br h
aMasin, and aphastty

lneo na commtta a hime. He

haahady Sued a L o t
i nAail olils escoping m ter
Pean S BR heauhflk J charaky

a b l e i a ochie uehes Jave

uma His humeiim odnes s
eas AALN seaprihilik a
Ho is na has- se de ne mad
Asper_g LOunty s a s sut hon
as Leunh and Hhe
mankol mada e e
ane waeeiae s
od Amigh
t h a F O

Ceneiel Tokimay clgpacka.


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