English The Portrait of A Lady

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T lasbra a lady
-Kakwank Sngh
Qushion and Auwes.
B2 ThAe Aheasens uh the authos
4ping to he ily askod: qsandmothes was distubed_whon kestaaled
Ay Thaulhoss_aradmolhes waa
dishuked_uhn he was adonilted ta t
uy Athad betalue it ueated a Ail
im a schoo hetueen. Haen a she lould notacbnoa
icndly ska_was not-kapu ahauk he wutun suenuy
Hon kouidd to himbhe uas nut ablu to help ad euglish educa
hiy uih ho Vaaons anup
pAR MokeDvts Ahe was_disappinked uih the maic
wkih aukdinq to hz weAL_asotiaked wuih hakoklorsonugiuan
ard btga
ta kiia
nally she was also uwokled that Mo keathing al pd
ruAwaa impasted in e nglish aediun ok Hne holy SUhip
Q1hAwAus in uhih the authos's qaudraokhes sgeut hu dau alerk
eya The 4kanelnothes_had a veyhuy dau_as he uAed hkauphinsel!erupizdlau
pinnig tno whezl tona upkuina to éveniugy by Aeiig hu phäns and.
ling the beadshor hosasy Dusi healteanno e would{oed Hhe
bpalno dos hal an hous whih wd h bé ho happizak Hne hel hau

ag.The odd uay în wkid fe autot qandnoes d beheved jut efpseshe did
Aus a Aathe authog &huned on abAnad Aaelomathas u elatd
undh apah hey hagpines Bkegatherel He unsen l n eigkkou
hoad and stauked singfng honeianing wasisu healao
btastedbeakng andldataura_whih etbatks Ea wad Sle Aell

Aik: Huas he only elay in hes le that sha had. onited fo phay l
Rext mosadng,altu he doctoka ukit who beteved taak she ukuld.a
VEAdoonkhe paoulainedthak he end wyual: Sh Saiol hatsn
Duly ahew haus Remainud beloteHoe do of has oat chagtua,dheu
Aoing th waste anyhmendflki4 _aulh nths.Wih lhak sha lau ar
tilh h
ully in hu tA, onutanty paaiing tulkrg he beacls oher Aodasy
otoe o an he tbyauy i r m hot tids hTrtgoa.
The way in lyhich tispkous expaekied Hhuia doksouw Whei h
Quketk yandaoher dieel
gy kn he authog and hisselakives enthued whse he gaaroknothers
dead bady uwas.kepd,tay all weeteaply alyeczn kethkta
Sand's spassou_uLs siti a10urd ei body n te Alecs
eenazd aaik hey_had collected Hals o jayasilanktik
to the Leuing alananakhes. Tuydidt soake anyhaise noda
And bsead Lkumbsgåven fo fhen ky he aulhok moines
Onehe hedy_uwas nkia fos Chemakion Hhay {lew auny gu
H onkadasil Huey hud aahrd here'#mausa he
deruise a Ve V dkisc psiend4
08 7he auhhott qnndmohes was lyiou Peson
na The arandmothuA uwas aim believer in god She was always buy
pAaying hu lips novel Lonatanbly in audible_PAayes hes hand
DesL alwae bwy telqg the beudl ef hes Aasay whie Radulirq
the autho fah schod estymaning ghe weuld kinq hepiayei4 n
a monotoháus bay inq 3ona_wdy dn ihehope tnak He aukhoh uw
e Able o monncaizehim. hile Hhe auho[ uas ak the chool,
sheuwed to Raad the hol siphasss_iuuide the bene One Hhy
mevtd to he uity and te auho? wasbuuk toan exalish nediun
hndl, she kund i-veydishabing haki did nottiach anytrarg
ahou Cads e h hdy saihusu Even ia hy aut few hous he B

Aik bhe deidad to ptay salhu n talk o.hes family mombeu

Thsaaieuk ke lle she koralued aneziaenely devoted ad seliqius-

Pauhe a phoo/Pie e koneere_as leving ard ingrtnta he
ails aHa permon_uwhih make Hum Endeurlng.
3Fatasene hou.demaktn/pain pawkiry aih bis/hen
8 Dxadbe he vauiouuphases oAalatkionship bekuten haerandmahsn aed
Ans1he selakionshin
kekoG2A Haqradmbhoand heagrandson tan e diide
w Hhsn_diakinctive phales
hdmikahian and laiendskip- Dsing hig thillhood days h gundhn=
phmsund Heuultos 2AL_ in 2achohes'scempany_Lonstudy Sh
Lwed n weake kiu up,get him sandyfs Athol, anompanyhimtosehed
Read him all hiyaMads_atnd hlped hin.inhis lesona fheie uasa
S/Aong_Lannaadeste behuRen thekwo ham and he anhosadeud
hnoa be shanglas he calted huas a uintes Landuape h to nan
tain,an paisepueuhite sesenihy bieahing peace and
i)Gaouinq_ distang One theauthos ancd his grandmotar Ahipbel,
to the ty kke (oamon_link betoeon he twa q hem was bioken
Theautho uau adoited h amendish mdiun sthool and Btastrd omn
uking_by a Athodl busyHene bhe coul! not aucmany him-Sha
Luwnt ake n holp kim in his lseau anymokebezaue a was
tvaht waeAn stienuard engliaheduakton. Hoseaues whay skeq4c
o Kroue Hrak he uias Aeeivirg mut lsonsshe shoues hu

disappeintavmat in 4 silonk dis appkoval, distunuing 1hena kup

i)Pistant_Relahon- When the authos wenk toftha univessity ha

link s theis tsindskip uas ánapped as he uwas Páauiduk'uihhi
BunAom hiy handly spuk anytirne in kach ohhesa copan ompany
andthe arahnothu saigred to hes lontliness by spendin h
enhi'ka das spinnin he utheel, uuting he PAayess, elling He
bea _ hes hosasy and leedtng thekpayuous Howeue, he qaoue
dltani He uhdal bond lave and altechion alusays Bamain
the bsnse and nava dininshe d aktall

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