A Research Paper
A Research Paper
A Research Paper
especially in an age where all role-players are aware of their rights. School-
as managers, are expected to be able to creatively build the team free from
(Donovan, 1993) and exists on all levels (Green, 1984; Marion, 1995).
in all types of higher education institutions on all levels (Brown, Martinez and
Daniel, 2002; Green, 1984; Haas, 1999; Harmon, 2002; Marion, 1995; Pepin,
found out that academic department chairs, in 23 land grant universities used
that divergence management was the most often identified skill in leadership
grudges among the teachers and some of the school administrators. This
scenario has challenged the divergence management and team building skills
a. Competition;
b. Collaboration;
c. Compromise;
d. Avoidance; and
e. Accommodation
a. Shared goals;
b. Interdependence;
c. Commitment; and
d. Accountability
school management.
The result of the study would serve as a reference material for school
building. The result of the study would increase their level of understanding
Moreover, policy makers can use the study to come up with informed
When work attitudes of teachers are disclosed through the result of this
hand, the team building competence will be delimited to the following; shared
principals and teachers who will answer the research instrument or the
March 2022.
Definition of Terms
Divergence Management Skills – it refers to the skills needed to identify and
take a lose-win approach and forfeit their own wants for those of the other
party involved.
Shared goals-
Divergence Management
interactions. Landau and Landau (2001) state that divergence exist in all
normal, natural, necessary and the problem is not the existence of divergence
organizational cultures and managing change. Linking the organization and its
Rasberry and Lemoine (1986) note certain steps within the realm of
because people cannot be rational and act in a thinking mode when their
emotions are overruling their logic. A cooling off period may be used to
ensure that all parties involved in the divergence are not consumed by their
in private and keeping all the relevant parties calm and utilized a flexible or
behavior. This included obtaining all sides of the story before proceeding to
act, keeping the relevant parties calm and responding in a polite manner
(Water, 2000).
for limited rewards in the form of promotions or raises Divergence may also
resolution strategies.
divergence. The five divergence handling styles identified stem from the work
of Blake and Mouton (1964) and their notion of the management grid.
Five management styles were later modified into five divergence handling
members, faculty, students, four year universities, high schools, and many
other groups. These interactions create situations for divergence to arise, and
expand and escalate. Destructive divergence has been found to lead to uncivil
and performance (Brown & Sumner, 2006). Researchers have stated that
furthermore, acts of incivility in the workplace are increasing (Buhler et. al.,
move away from their own thoughts to obtain unity (Janis, 1982).
divergence is cited as a critical task for leaders (Green, 1984 and Pritchard,
(Adams, 2006). Recent studies showed that leaders spend between 20%
(DuBrin, 2004 and Thomas, 1992) to 40% (Stanley and Algert, 2007) of their
incidents are described as acting with disregard for others in the workplace, in
(2005) reported that workplace incivility and divergence are negatively related
decreases. Likewise, Cortina et.al (2001) finds that workplace incivility led to
review on incivility.
focus on each others' differences (Glasl,1982, 1994; Zapf and Gross, 2001)
and in which the weaker party is gradually stigmatized in his or her role as a
divergences at work and the way divergences are managed by the parties
the divergence management styles may boost versus weaken the relationship
Being a target of bullying by contrast, will most likely develop from less
bullying, unresolved divergences belong to the top five most indicated causes
many bullying incidents showed a poorer social climate with more divergences
These results align with Ayoko and colleagues (2003) who, by means
predicts workplace bullying and with Baillien and De Witte (2009) who
observe that bullying among Belgian employees was predicted by a high
(i.e. more overt, visible forms of aggression, such as being cursed at). In a
the target’s perspective. Drawing on the Three Way Model (Baillienet et. al.,
explain that a team has a common goal or purpose where team members can
team is its focus toward a common goal and a clear purpose (Hauge et al.,
motivation and job satisfaction, and found that few teachers were upset with
left alone. Only those who were high growth teachers enjoyed the chance to
work with their peers. They conclude that teachers are not trained in
identified the areas needing the most improvement and then introduced
Community and curriculum teams were established. The end results showed
gains in all the areas deemed important. These diverse findings indicate the
1900. Her study is divided into three-time period. The first period, 1900 to
1950 resulted in the discovery of the value of teams. The second period, 1950
supervisors, and workers. The third period, 1970 to the present, has resulted
solving productivity and quality problems. Dana (2001) explains that in any
type of school change there is a need for administrators who are effective
consensus builders, since several driving forces must be addressed. The first
area is school restructuring. A second area is the trend in states such as New
York and Kentucky toward mandating involvement with parents and the
major corporations which have shared team-building practices with the school
district. The last area is that of taxpayer revolt. School budgets will not be
He further notes that team building is cost effective and necessary to meet
these demands. He suggests that several strategies must be taught for teams
spent initially on team building pays off when decisions must be made.
Johnson (2003) notes that activities and exercises in team building are
designed to develop synergy and trust. The facilitator, leader, and team
members get to know one another in a playful, informal way. Joseph Juran
Foley (2001) has broken team building into a seven step process.
These steps are cyclical in nature. The first step is to provide a positive
that of recorder. The third step is to establish the goals of the team. The
eliminating barriers such as job titles. The fifth step is to develop procedures
for action. The sixth step is to develop a system of decision making. The last
putting together a team and selecting a team leader. This team will make
suggestions and ask questions. Keyser (2003) states that a team is a small
purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves
mutually accountable. In addition, regular communication, coordination,
members creating an environment where they are all willing to contribute and
how they work together and plan changes which will improve their
Dyer (1977) traces roots of team building, as a concept for organizational and
cites the work of McGregor (1960) and Likert (1961) in identifying the
Much of the research literature indicates that the concept of team building is
Teams and teamwork help to promote deep learning that occurs through
Accommodation Effective School
Shared Goals
Research Locale
North District specifically the San Luis National High School, Baugo Integrated
principals and teachers who will answer the research instrument or the
December 2022.
Research Design
This study will use descriptive approach which will find out the
Caraga North District in the province of Davao Oriental. In carrying out this
design. Descriptive research design will be used when the study focuses at
the present condition within a period of time and the purpose is to find new
Wallen and Hyun, 2013; Calmorin & Calmorin, 2007; Birion & De Jose, 1998).
particular control over the factors that may affect the population