01 2019 IJTI Chabibullah CementAdditive
01 2019 IJTI Chabibullah CementAdditive
01 2019 IJTI Chabibullah CementAdditive
Technology applications in the concrete mix is growing very rapidly in this modern era to obtain
concrete results with characteristics that are environmentally friendly and non-toxic. Bioconc is
innovation in developing green technology with the insertion of a micro-gap or slit gradation
mycelia microbe as a micro-filter to mengoptimalkanatau reduce the amount of cement concrete
on the concrete mix in total will increase the efficiency in the concrete and reduce the material
components of the most expensive in the concrete, the cement. in job mix additive Bioconc
require R%, ie a reduction factor of cement that will determine how the dose of cement and
dose additive Bioconc, and therefore to seek R% require some percentage of reduction factor of
cement optimum ranging from the concrete Normal, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%.⁵ +
31271x⁴ - 4709x³ - 233.1x² + 79.66x + 22:18, concrete quality obtained from normal concrete
with fc '= 20 MPa generate optimum value reduction of cement amounted to 28.869%.
Volume 2 Number 2 March 2019
Bioconc treat mixed concrete by inserting a space gap between fine aggregate and
coarse aggregate were biyasanya filled Portland cement as a bonding agent, so that
will reduce the amount of cement needed.
Volume 2 Number 2 March 2019
2001). Mikrobakteri used Bioconc enzyme, which is a product made from Bioconc
organik.Enzim material is environment-friendly products, non-toxic, and safe for
humans and other living creatures. Bioconc enzymes can also increase the
compressive strength, reduce the weight of the cement, and reduce shrinkage cracks
(Basoeki Makno, 2001). Microbes work "aerobic" and optimal work at room
temperature 30 ° C, and will be dormant when in a room with a temperature of 60 ° C
and above. Likewise, when are diruang without supply of oxygen, the microbes will be
dormant or "sleep", as long as the packaging, before it is used. Shortly after these
microbes are released (out of the packaging to be mixed into the concrete mix), then
the microbes multiply rapidly and produce mycelia quickly to concrete, to fill the gap
gradation which is usually filled with cement paste, so that the cement content is
reduced. Along with the gap being filled mycelia gradation by microbes, the surface
area increases tied to the cement paste (coupled with the microbe mycelia) which is
correlated to the quality of concrete (concrete strength). When the concrete hydration
process reaches a temperature of 60 ° C, the microbes will be dormant, and when the
setting time of concrete has been achieved, and the supply of oxygen to the microbes
have been isolated, the microbes will be dormant (Basoeki Makno, 2001).
The characteristics of the microbes mycelia (Basoeki Makno, 2001):
- The diameter of between 5μm s / d 10 μm - Length between 5μm s / d 30 μm
- Growth speed sd 10,000,000 125,000,000 per day
- Temperature survival for life is the temperature of the room s / d 60 ° C that
occur in the process of setting concrete 1 hour (2 hours setting time of concrete
with concrete transportation process assuming 1 hour, so stay 1 hour process.
- Reduce heat - Menginsersi concrete gradation gap usually filled the cement
- Reduce shrinkage cracks, indicated the pattern of cracked concrete when done
crushing concrete cube test as a comparison photo cube with treatment and
without treatment.
After laboratory tests on the materials used, made with standard concrete mix design
according to ISO 7656-2012 in Table 1 below:
Volume 2 Number 2 March 2019
Here is the composition of the normal plan per m3 of concrete constituent material
Cement : 349 kg / m³
Water : 214 kg / m³
coarse aggregate : 935 kg / m³
fine aggregate : 875 kg / m³
Bioconc : 500 ml /m³
Volume 2 Number 2 March 2019
Volume 2 Number 2 March 2019
kuat tekan
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
The statistical analysis used seek optimum levels of cement reduction factor for
compressive strength of concrete is the rank of polynomial regression analysis. In this
study, the variable (x) is a free variation reduction factor of cement and the dependent
variable (y) is the compressive strength of concrete. Rank regression analysis are
presented in the following figure:
Volume 2 Number 2 March 2019
25 kuat
y = -51171x5 + 31271x4 - 4709,2x3 - 233,19x2 + tekan)
10 79,669x + 22,181
5 R² = 0,9926
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
From the graph above unknown polynomial regression equation squared as follows:
f (x) = -51171x⁵ + 31271x⁴ - 4709x³ - 233,1x² + 79,66x + 22.18
= 79.66 - 466,2x - 23545x 125084x ^ 2 + ^ 3 - 555855x ^ 4
with R² = 0.992
x1 = -0.0683559
x2 = 0.086832
x3 = 0.181725
x4 = 0.288685
Based on a graphic image 2, the calculation of the rank of polynomial regression
equation, it can be inferred by knowing the results of the optimum percentage reduction
factor Bioconc cement additive additions that can add concrete power amounted to
28.869%. So generated in this study are looking for optimum cement reduction factor
(R%) is equal to 28.869% or equal to 30%.
1. From the results of the test laboratory material fineness modulus of fine
aggregate 3, specific gravity (SSD) 2.36 g, absorption (absorption) 1.22% water,
moisture or water content of 1.69%, and coarse aggregate density (SSD) 2, 56
gr, absorption (absorption) of water 1.8%, dry weight of 1522 g, 19 mm aggregate
size, moisture or water content of 0.4%. Mix in the design calculations for normal
concrete admixture1 m³ of his matches are 214 water, 349 kg of cement, coarse
aggregate 935 kg wet, wet dry aggregate 875 kg. And Job Mix Bioconc cement
reduction factor there are several variations ranging from 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%,
20%, 25%, 30%, 35%.
Volume 2 Number 2 March 2019
2. From the results of the compressive strength test to look for cement reduction
factor an average of three samples with a variation of 0% at 22.16 MPa, 5% at
25.27 MPa, 10% at 25.46 MPa, 15% of 25.28 MPa, 20% of 24.52 MPa, 25% at
26.23 MPa, 30% at 26.88 MPa, and 35% of 20.18 MPa. Calculation of polynomial
equations rank test results pressf (x)= -51171x⁵+ 31271x⁴- 4709, x³ - 233,1x² +
79,66x + 22.18 with derivatives
f '(x)= - 255,855x⁴ + 125084x³ - 14127x² - 466.2 + 79.66And R ² = 0.992 then
obtained x1 = -0.0683559, x2 = 0.086832, 0.181725 = x3, x4 = 0.288685.So the
results of this research to get the percentage of cement optimum reduction
factor amounted to 28, 869% or 30% to increase the compressive strength of
concrete with the addition of additive Bioconc.