Euro Concrete Spec Eng
Euro Concrete Spec Eng
Euro Concrete Spec Eng
EFNARC wishes to gratefully acknowledge all the contributions and comments made
by the users to the 1993 Final draft and to the extensive work undertaken by the
members of its Technical Committee. EFNARC wishes to acknowledge with thanks
the work undertaken by Simon Austin, Loughborough University in the preparation of
this Edition of the Specification.
Although care has been taken to ensure, to the best of our knowledge that all data and information
contained herein is accurate to the extent that it relates to either matters of fact or accepted practice or
matters of opinion at the time of publication, EFNARC assumes no responsibility for any errors in or
misrepresentation of such data and/or information or any loss or damage arising from or related to its
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without prior
permission of EFNARC.
10. TEST METHODS................................................................................................. 11
10.1 Test panels........................................................................................... 11
10.2 Compressive strength and density........................................................... 11
10.3 Flexural strength and residual strength.................................................... 12
10.4 Energy absorption class (plate test)........................................................ 14
10.5 Modulus of elasticity.............................................................................. 15
10.6 Bond strength ....................................................................................... 16
10.7 Permeability.......................................................................................... 16
10.8 Frost resistance.................................................................................... 16
10.9 Determination of fibre content ................................................................. 16
11. QUALITY CONTROL............................................................................................ 17
11.1 General ................................................................................................ 17
11.2 Preconstruction tests............................................................................. 18
11.3 Quality control....................................................................................... 18
12. HEALTH AND SAFETY........................................................................................ 20
This specification deals with concrete or mortar which is pneumatically placed onto a surface. The term
sprayed concrete covers both wet and dry processes.
Sprayed concrete can be categorised according to application as follows:
a. Structural
b. Supporting rock and excavation
c. Short-term support
d. Surface improvement
e. Repair
The following standards are referred to in the specification. However, any subsequently published or
revised European standard (EN) should always take preference over standards referred to herein. The
hierarchy of authority is EN standard, ISO standard, National standard.
EN 197 Cement; Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
EN 206 Concrete - Performance, production, placing and compliance criteria
EN 450 Fly ash for concrete - Definitions, requirements and quality control
EN 934-2 Admixtures for concrete, mortars and grouts - Part 2: Concrete admixtures -
definition, specification and conformity criteria
EN 934-5 Admixtures for concrete, mortars and grouts - Part 5: Sprayed concrete admixtures -
definition, specification and conformity criteria
EN 934-6 Admixtures for concrete, mortars and grouts - Part 6: Sampling, quality control,
evaluation of conformity and marking and labelling
EN 1008 Mixing water for concrete
EN 1504 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures
EN 1542 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Test
methods - Measurement of bond strength by pull-off
EN 4012 Testing concrete - Determination of compressive strength of test specimens
EN 6275 Testing concrete - Determination of density of hardened concrete
EN 6784 Testing concrete - Determination of static modulus of elasticity in compression
EN 7031 Testing concrete - Determination of the depth of penetration of water under pressure
EN 7034 Testing concrete - Cored specimens - Taking, examining and testing in compression
EN 10080 Steels for Reinforcement of Concrete. Weldable, ribbed reinforcing steel B 500.
Technically delivery conditions for bars, coils and welded fabric
EN 10138 Pre-Stressing steel, Part 1 - Part 5
ASTM C 666 Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing
ASTM C 672 Scaling Resistance of Concrete Surfaces Exposed to Deicing Chemicals
ASTM A 820 Specification for Steel Fibres for Fibres-Reinforced Concrete
SS 137244 Betongprovning - Hårdnad betong - Frostresistens
Note: Some of these EN standards are in preparation.
Sprayed concrete is a mixture of cement, aggregate and water projected pneumatically from a nozzle
into place to produce a dense homogeneous mass. Sprayed concrete normally incorporates admixtures
and may also include additions or fibres or a combination of these.
Wet process is a technique in which cement, aggregate and water are batched and mixed together prior
to being fed into a purpose-made machine and conveyed through a pipeline to a nozzle where the
mixture is pneumatically and continuously projected into place. The mixture normally incorporates
admixtures and may also include additions or fibres or a combination of these.
Dry process is a technique in which cement and aggregate are batched, mixed and fed into a purpose-
made machine wherein the mixture is pressurised, metered into a compressed air stream and conveyed
through hoses or pipes to a nozzle where water is introduced as a spray to wet the mixture which is then
projected continuously into place. The mixture may also incorporate admixtures or additions or fibres or
a combination of these.
Layer is a term used for a discrete thickness of sprayed concrete, built up from a number of passes of
the nozzle and allowed to set
Rebound losses are part of the overall production losses and consist of material which, having been
sprayed through the nozzle and struck the surface, does not adhere.
Nozzle is the equipment through which the mix is discharged; it consists of a pipe with a mixing unit
into which constituents are injected. With the dry process, water and any liquid admixtures are added;
with the wet process, liquid admixtures and pressurised air are added.
Binder is the total amount of cement and cementitious addition in the sprayed concrete.
Fibre reinforced sprayed concrete is primarily made of cements, aggregates and discrete reinforcing
fibres. Fibres suitable for reinforcing concrete and mortar have been produced from steel and organic
polymers. Glass and carbon fibres have also been used in mortar matrices.
Materials shall fulfil the general requirements given below. Specific requirements for materials for
sprayed concrete are given in Section 5.
4.1 Cements
Cements shall comply with the requirements of EN197or alternatively with the national standards
or regulations valid in the place of use of the sprayed concrete. Only cement with established
suitability for sprayed concrete applications shall be used.
4.2 Aggregates
Aggregates shall comply with the requirements of the national standards and regulations valid in
the place of use of the sprayed concrete and shall be appropriate to the requirements of the
4.5 Fibres
4.6 Admixtures
Admixtures for concrete and sprayed concrete shall comply with the requirements of EN 934-2
and EN 934-5 respectively, and sprayed concrete admixtures with Appendix 1, or with the national
standards or regulations valid in the place of use. For their sampling, evaluation of conformity,
marking and labelling they shall comply with EN 934-6.
4.7 Additions
4.7.1 General
The most commonly used additions in sprayed concrete are fly ash, ground granulated
blastfurnace slag and silica fume. These additions shall comply with the relevant European
standards or national standards or regulations valid in the place of use of the sprayed
4.7.5 Pigments
The inclusion of pigment shall comply with European standards or national standards or
regulations valid in the place of use of the sprayed concrete.
5.1 General
The concrete mix including cement, aggregates, water and any admixtures, additions or fibres
shall be selected to satisfy all the performance criteria for the fresh and hardened concrete.
5.2 Cement
The minimum cement content for a particular environmental condition shall be as required by
Section 6.4 and EN 206.
5.3 Additions
The contractor is allowed to add an approved cementitious material as described in Section 4.7
within the limits given in Table 5.3.1 unless otherwise directed by the client or the client's
representative. Addition of pigment should comply with the requirements of EN 206.
Cement additions may also be specified as a cement replacement, but must not exceed the
relative proportions given by Table 5.3.1.
Table 5.3.1: Maximum level of additions (by weight)
5.4 Aggregates
The gradation curve should normally be in the shaded area given in Figure 5.4.1, the finer region
being more suitable for dry mixes (although a high proportion of particles ,< 0.25 mm can lead to
dust problems without adequate pre-dampening). It is the responsibility of the contractor to
choose the most suitable grading for the process and materials available.
For dry mixes the natural moisture content in the aggregate must be as constant as possible and
should not be more than 6%.
5.5 Admixtures
Admixtures for shall comply with EN 934-5 or Appendix 1 of this specification (for sprayed
concrete) or EN 934-2 (for concrete). Other admixtures shall be permitted provided that they
comply with the general requirements stated in Table 1 of these standards and Table 1 of
Appendix 1. Full account should be taken of their effect on the finished sprayed concrete and
there should be sufficient data about their suitability, including previous experience with such
materials. Records concerning details of the performance of such admixtures shall be maintained.
5.6 Fibres
Fibre reinforcement shall be specified preferably by the fibre reinforced sprayed concrete’s
performance requirements (or alternatively by the type and amount in the sprayed concrete).
Different fibre types may require different amounts to reach the same performance levels.
The length of the steel fibres shall not exceed 0.7 of the internal diameter of the pipes or hoses
used unless a test has proven that longer fibres can be sprayed without blockage.
Fibres shall be stored in accordance with the suppliers recommendations.
5.7 Consistence
The concrete consistence required for wet spraying depends on the type of conveyance and the
application procedure. For a given cement content and w/c ratio the consistence can be adjusted
by admixtures added at the mixing plant or on site.
6.1 General
To produce a durable concrete, which protects the reinforcing steel against corrosion and
withstands satisfactorily the environmental and working conditions to which it is exposed during its
lifetime, the following factors shall be taken into consideration:
a) choice of suitable constituents, containing no harmful components, or those which may
interact unfavourably;
b) choice a concrete composition that satisfies all specified performance criteria.
7.1 General
The Designed Mix approach is the preferred method of mix specification for dry process sprayed
concrete because it produces a better defined and more consistent end product than the
Prescribed Mix approach.
• toughness
• early strength
• maximum strength
• permeability
• water absorption
• bond to substrate
• The velocity and spraying distance shall be the optimum for maximum concrete adherence
and compaction.
8.3 Curing
Sprayed concrete shall be cured in accordance with the recommendations set out in EN 206 or
any other method which has been shown to allow continuous hydration of the cement over the
curing period.
Curing agents which impair bond shall not be used where a further layer of sprayed concrete is to
be applied. Field tests of the bond between layers shall be carried out prior to commencement of
work if any other type of curing agent is used.
If necessary, the curing agent shall be removed by water jetting, grit blasting or a similar process,
before application of the next layer.
Table 9.1.1: Compressive strength classes for sprayed concrete (EN 206)
To determine that the concrete meets the requirements to compressive strength, the in situ
strength requirements given in Table 9.1.2 shall be met, which are based on a 50 mm diameter by
100 mm long core and include a 0.85 reduction factor to allow for effects of insitu coring.
The values in Table 9.1.2 are average values from 3 samples at 28 days. No single value shall be
below 75% of the required strength.
If applicable, the compressive strength development shall be specified by compressive strength
tests at agreed concrete ages. If the influence of the site conditions on the strength development
has to be taken into account, special curing conditions for the specimens shall be agreed.
For test methods refer to Section 10: Test Methods.
Table 9.2.1: Flexural strength
The average flexural strength of three beams shall be equal to, or above, the required class value
given in Table 9.2.1. No single beam shall be lower than 75% of the class value. For test method
refer to Section 10: Test Methods.
9.3 Toughness
9.3.1 General
The toughness of the material is either specified by residual strength class (from a beam
test) or energy absorption class (from a plate test). These will not give values that are
For testing methods refer to Section 10: Test Methods.
Figure 9.3.1: Residual strength classes
Deformation class Beam deflection (mm) Residual stress (MPa) for strength
1 2 3 4
0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5
Low 1 1.3 2.3 3.3 4.3
Normal 2 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
High 4 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5
9.4 Modulus of elasticity
When the modulus (in compression, tension or bending) influences the designed capacity or
required behaviour of the structure, the in-situ modulus used for the structural design shall be
verified. If there are any requirements for thermal expansion or shrinkage this should be specified
by the designer.
For test method refer to Section 10: Test Methods.
The values given in Table 9.5.1 are average values from 3 samples at 28days. No single value shall
be lower than 75% of the required value.
9.7 Permeability
When water-tight sprayed concrete is required the maximum value of penetration in accordance
with EN 7031 shall be 50 mm, and the mean average value shall be less than 20 mm.
Alternatively, water-tightness can be determined by measuring water permeability. Sprayed
concrete is considered water-tight when the coefficient of water permeability is less than 10-12
Sprayed concrete in environmental exposure class Highly aggressive is normally used when
water-tight concrete is specified.
When applicable, the requirement to gas permeability shall be specified by the client and
preconstruction tests shall be carried out.
Alternatively the compressive strength can be determined from cubes cut from sprayed test
panels. The minimum dimensions shall be 60 x 60 x 60mm and the samples shall be tested in
accordance with EN 4012.
The density shall also be determined by weighing the sample in water and air in accordance with
EN 6275 (water displacement method).
Normal testing ages shall be 7 and 28 days.
The test report shall contain:
• test specimen identification
• moisture condition of the test specimen
• test specimen dimensions
• curing conditions and age at test
• maximum load and compressive strength (to nearest 0.5MPa)
• test specimen density (to nearest 10kg/m³)
• appearance of the test specimen (if unusual)
• remarks (if any)
Figure 10.3.1: Cutting and orientation of beams from the sprayed concrete
The arrangement for testing shall be as shown in Figure 10.3.2 and shall be so that it is
possible to measure bending deflections (i.e. net of support settlement) at the midspan of
the beam. The deformation rate of the midspan of the beam shall be 0.25 +/- 0.05 mm per
minute until a deflection of 0.5 mm. After this point the rate of deflection can be increased
to 1.0 mm/min. The load-deflection curve (deformation at midspan) shall be continuously
The stiffness of the testing machine shall be such that the test shall be real deflection
controlled. The supports and loading points of the testing machine shall all be rounded with
a radius of 10 - 20mm. The test shall be finished when a midspan deformation of 4 mm is
10.3.2 Determination of flexural strength
The flexural strength shall be estimated from the load-deflection curve (Figure 10.3.3) as
follows. The initial straight line portion of the curve shall be determined, based on data up
to 50% of the peak load, and a line drawn parallel at a horizontal offset of 0.1 mm midspan
beam defection. The flexural strength shall be calculated from the first peak load (P 0.1 )
achieved up to and including the point at which the 0.1 mm offset line intercepts the
load/deflection curve (see Figure 10.3.3). The flexural strength shall be calculated as an
equivalent elastic tensile strength:
flexural strength (in MPa) = P0.1 x L / b x d²
where P0.1 is defined above (in N)
L is the span (450 mm)
b is the actual beam width (nominally 125 mm)
d is the actual beam depth (nominally 75 mm)
The report shall contain:
• type of the testing machine
• specimen identification
• test specimen dimensions
• curing conditions and age at testing
• rate of deformation
• load-deformation curve including flexural stress values for the specified deformation
class deflections
• deformation class and residual strength class
The plate shall be produced from a sprayed panel by levelling the panel at a thickness of 100mm -
0/+10mm, immediately after spraying. The sloped edges of the panel shall be sawn off when the
plate is prepared in the laboratory. The prepared plate shall be stored in water for a minimum of 3
days immediately before testing and kept moist during testing.
The load-deformation curve (Figure 10.4.2) shall be recorded and the test shall continue until a
deflection of 25mm is achieved at the centre point of the slab.
From the load-deformation curve a second curve shall be drawn giving the absorbed energy as a
function of the slab deformation (Figure 10.4.3).
The toughness requirements are given as a specified energy absorption at a certain deflection.
Figure 10.4.2: Example of load-deformation curves
• test specimen dimensions
• curing conditions and age at testing
• rate of deformation
• load-deformation curve including maximum load
• estimated modulus of elasticity
Fig. 10.6.1: Examples of core pull and direct tension testing arrangements for bond strength
10.7 Permeability
The testing shall be done in accordance with EN 7031.
11.1 General
The production of sprayed concrete shall be subject to quality control procedures. Quality control
is defined as a combination of actions and decisions taken in compliance with specifications and
checks to ensure that the specified requirements are satisfied.
There are 3 classes of control:
I Minor control
II Normal control
III Extended control
The choice of control class shall be at the discussion of the designer, based on type of project
and consequence of failure.
There are no special requirements for the organisation of the work in control classes I and II. In
control class III there shall be a organigram for each project with a quality assurance engineer,
dedicated to quality control.
Table 11.3.1: Frequency of control testing
1. SCOPE .............................................................................................................. 23
2. REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 23
3. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................... 24
3.1 Wet concrete basic mix and dry concrete basic mix................................. 24
3.2 Sprayed concrete admixture................................................................... 24
3.3 Sprayed concrete accelerating admixture ................................................ 24
3.4 Thixotropic admixture............................................................................. 24
3.5 Hydration control admixture.................................................................... 24
3.6 Sprayed concrete bond improving admixture ............................................ 24
3.7 Identification.......................................................................................... 24
3.8 Performance ......................................................................................... 24
3.9 Compliance dosage ............................................................................... 24
3.10 Recommended range of dosage.............................................................. 24
4. REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 24
4.1 General requirements............................................................................. 25
4.2 Performance requirements...................................................................... 25
5. REFERENCE SPRAYED CONCRETE .................................................................. 26
5.1 Constituent materials............................................................................. 26
5.1.1 Reference cement ................................................................... 26
5.1.2 Reference aggregate................................................................ 26
5.1.3 Mixing water ........................................................................... 27
5.2 Reference sprayed concrete mixes for conformity testing .......................... 27
5.3 Mix proportions ..................................................................................... 27
5.4 Production of reference mix for laboratory testing...................................... 28
5.5 Application procedure ............................................................................ 28
5.5.1 Equipment .............................................................................. 28
5.5.2 Spraying test panels................................................................ 28 Laboratory moulds................................................................... 28 Spraying process of control mix panel....................................... 28 Spraying process of test mix panel ........................................... 28
6. TESTING PROCEDURE....................................................................................... 28
6.1 General ................................................................................................ 28
6.2 Laboratory conditions............................................................................. 29
6.3 Determination of setting time .................................................................. 29
6.3.1 Non-accelerating admixtures .................................................... 29
6.3.2 Determination of setting time for sprayed concrete containing acceleration
admixture ............................................................................... 29 Constituent materials............................................................... 29 Preparation of reference cement paste ...................................... 29 Test procedure........................................................................ 29 Test report .............................................................................. 29
6.4 Determination of compressive strength .................................................... 29
6.5 Tensile bond strength between layers and at interface with substrate ......... 30
7. DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ....................................................................... 30
7.1 General ................................................................................................ 30
7.2 Testing ................................................................................................. 30
7.3 Quality control....................................................................................... 30
7.4 Declaration of conformity by the manufacturer .......................................... 30
8. MARKING AND LABELLING ................................................................................ 30
This appendix defines and specifies requirements, reference mixes and test methods for sprayed
concrete admixtures.
Provisions governing the practical application of these types of admixtures in the production of sprayed
concrete, i.e. requirements concerning composition, mixing, spraying, curing etc. of sprayed concrete,
are not part of this specification. For such provisions reference should be made to EFNARC Specification
for Sprayed Concrete or any national standards or regulations valid in the place of use.
This appendix incorporates dated or undated references and provisions from other publications. These
references, mostly normative, are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are
listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent approved amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications apply to this appendix. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred
to applies.
EN 196-3 Methods of testing cement - Part 3: Determination of setting time and soundness
EN 196-6 Methods of testing cement - Part 6: Determination of fineness
EN 197-1 Cement - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria - Part 1: Definitions and
EN 206 Concrete - Performance, production, placing and compliance criteria
EN 480-1 Admixtures for Concrete, Mortar and Grout; Test Methods - Part 1: Reference
concrete and reference mortar for testing
EN 480-2 Admixtures for Concrete, Mortar and Grout; Test Methods - Part 2: Determination of
the setting time
EN 480-6 Admixtures for Concrete, Mortar and Grout; Test Methods - Part 6: Infrared analysis
EN 480-8 Admixtures for Concrete, Mortar and Grout; Test Methods - Part 8: Determination of
the conventional dry material content
EN 480-10 Admixtures for Concrete, Mortar and Grout; Test Methods - Part 10: Determination of
water soluble chloride content
EN 934-2 Admixtures for Concrete, Mortar and Grout - Part 2: Concrete Admixtures -
Definitions, Specifications and Conformity Criteria
EN 934-6 Admixtures for Concrete, Mortar and Grout - Part: Sampling, quality control and
evaluation of conformity
EN 1008 Mixing Water for Concrete - Specification and Tests
EN 1542 Products and Systems for the Protection and Repair of Concrete Structures; Test
Methods - Pull off test
EN 4012 Testing concrete - Determination of compressive strength of test specimens
EN 4109 Testing concrete - Determination of consistency - Slump test
EN 7034 Testing concrete - Cored specimens - Taking, examining and testing in compression
EN 9812 Testing concrete - Determination of consistency - Flow test
EN 29000 Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in design, development, production,
installation and servicing
ISO 780-1979 Liquid chemical products for industrial use - Determination of density at 20oC
ISO 1158 : 1984 Plastics - Vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers - Determination of chlorine
ISO 4316 : 1977 Surface active agents - Determination of pH of aqueous solutions - Potentiometric
DIN 1048-2: 1991 Testing methods for concrete - Hardened concrete in structures and components
ZTV-SIB 90 “Regulation for bond testing of surfaces and layers” issued by the Federal Ministry of
Traffic, Germany (1990)
Note: Some of these EN standards are in preparation.
For the purposes of this appendix, the following definitions apply:
3.1 Wet concrete basic mix and dry concrete basic mix:
• Wet concrete basic mix - wet concrete before the spraying process.
• Dry concrete basic mix - dry concrete mix prior to the addition of water and before the spraying
3.7 Identification:
A procedure to characterise an admixture and to check its batch-to-batch uniformity by
measurement of its homogeneity, colour, relative density, dry material content and pH value and
recording its infrared adsorption spectrum.
3.8 Performance:
Ability of an admixture to be effective in its intended use without detrimental effects.
All the admixtures defined in this specification shall conform to the general requirements given in Table 1
and the appropriate performance requirements given in Tables 2 to 5. Other types of admixtures meeting
the requirement of EN 934-2 shall also be deemed to meet the requirements of this specification.
The aggregate addition shall be calculated from the aggregate’s relative density. Aggregates shall
be used either in an over dry condition, to remove any moisture content variation, or their moisture
content shall be determined and the mix proportion corrected accordingly. In case of dispute, oven
dry aggregates shall be used.
1 Additionally a water-reducing plasticising admixture or a high range water-reducing superplasticising admixture may be
added to the mix to produce a pumpable consistency of no less than 100 mm slump in accordance to test method ISO
The water content of liquid concrete admixtures shall be taken into account in the water/cement
ratio when determining batch weights.
5.5.1 Equipment
The wet process machine2 shall have an output capacity of 0.5m3/h. The dispensing unit for
the admixture shall have an accuracy of ± 0.5% of the recommended dosage. The
admixture shall be incorporated as recommended by the manufacturer.
6.1 General
All tests shall be carried out on both the control mix (reference mix without admixture) and test
mix (reference mix with admixture).
6.5 Tensile bond strength between layers and at interface with substrate
The preparation and procedure for tensile bond strength shall comply with the relevant
specification of EN 1542 or ZTV-SIB 90. (The latter includes specification for the preparation of the
sprayed concrete for this test).
7.1 General
This procedure is intended for the approval of a sprayed concrete admixture.
7.2 Testing
Testing has to be carried out by the manufacturer to prove the conformity of sprayed concrete
admixture requirements in order that it fulfils all the general requirements given in Table 1 and the
appropriate performance requirements given in Tables 2 to 5.
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