012 Chapel Island - v4
012 Chapel Island - v4
012 Chapel Island - v4
What hiking trips have you taken part in?
What hiking trips would you recommend in Aragón?
VIDEO [0’00-5’34”]
Watch the beginning of the BBC documentary series Walks of Life, with an aim to show viewers
astoundingly beautiful places around the UK which should be discovered on hiking trips. In this clip, the
reporter walks up to Chapel Island, in the Lake District. Watch the video an answer the questions.
4. Why should visitors only attempt the crossing with the help of a guide?
6. What was Jennifer, the guide, unprepared for when the reporter took off her socks?
9. Apart from getting stranded on the island, what other danger did people face on their walk?
As I advanced, all that I saw or felt was gentleness and peace. Upon a small and rocky island near, a fragment
stood the low remains of a dilapidated structure, once a Roman chapel, where the vested priests said Matins
at the hour that suited those who crossed the sands with ebb of morning tide.
Work out the meaning of the words and expressions in bold, all of which have come up in the video.
1. sheep farming and shell fishing
2. never been to The Lakes before
3. he explores how his feelings for this area and he describes the journey the reporter is about to take.
4. if you take the wrong path the incoming tide might surprise you
5. it's rather wet and some of the water’s deep.
6. the sight of my nail varnish
7. it’s a short cut to avoid the long walk (round the headland), + provides a refuge from the rising tide.
8. to go to the weekly market (at Ulverston) (to sell their wares).
9. drowning
The conditions for the walk aren’t precisely enticing. = appealing, extremely attractive
With the ebb of the tide, the sea gradually drew back, revealing more of the beach. = water is at a lower level, low tide, the tide
is out; opposite = flood, high tide, the tide is in; ebb and flow of the political scene = a frequently changing situation
It offers a landscape that ranges from forests to hills to shifting sand dunes. (=changing the shape very frequently)
(=metaphorical: shifting sands of fashion, politics)
The great outdoors is definitely not my natural habitat. (=all outdoor space, especially wild places used for recreational
activities such as hiking or camping; nature)
They played the match on a soggy field. (=wet and soft, especially in an unpleasant way; cornflakes, cereal, sandwich, ground)
A headland is surrounded by water on three sides. (=a narrow piece of land that sticks out into the ocean, a promontory)
Machado was quite taken with Soria for a while. (=like very much)
After the strike, another plane was sent to Manchester to fly the stranded passengers to London. (=unable to leave somewhere
because of a problem such as not having any transport or money)
As they don’t know what to do with their money, they’ve built a Gothic folly in their garden. (=A folly is a small tower or other
unusual building that is built as a decoration in a large garden or park, especially in Britain in former times. + a stupid, foolish
action, idea, etc.)
This is just a sham Gothic facade. (not real but claimed to be real, eg. a sham marriage, jewellery = fake)
‘estuary: the part of a large river where it becomes wide and flows into the ocean
Thus far: until now, so far
Stretch of sand: area, continuous length of land or water
Bay: an area of the coast where the land curves inward; cove /ou/ = small bay
Dilapidated structure: very poor condition
Vested priest: clothed in ecclesiastical clothes (robe, stole)
If water overwhelms a place, it covers it suddenly and completely.
Treacherous tides: extremely dangerous, especially because it changes quickly in bad weather conditions + no loyalty
Varnish: liquid to protect furniture, nails
Refuge = shelter
Wares: small products for selling, especially in a market or on the street. = goods
Stick out: stand out, is noticeable, easy to notice
Marshland: ground near a lake, a river, or the sea that often floods and is always wet. (marisma, pantanal)
Priory: a building where monks or nuns live, work, and pray
Chapel: small church + A chapel is a part of a church which has its own altar and which is used for private prayer.
Be on call: to be available in case you are needed at work, especially as a doctor, maintenance work