No. A Grounding IN: OF FOR Stations
No. A Grounding IN: OF FOR Stations
No. A Grounding IN: OF FOR Stations
D. L. Garrett K. A. Wallace
The r e i 1 j o i n t s were assuned t o be e i t h e r perfect- The t o l e r a b l e touch and step voltage were calcu-
l y conducting or t o t a l l y non-conducting. E a c h r a i1 lated using equations 16, 18, 19, and 20 i n accordance
section was assuned t o be e i t h e r p e r f e c t l y insulated from with IEEE Std 80-1986 [11 with the following assunptions:
the s o i l or t o be i n good contact with the s o i l (essen-
t i a l l y , half-buried). The person was assuned t o be i n one equivalent radius o f foot = 0.08111
of the following three positions when a t a r a i l j o i n t , as separation distance o f feet = 1m
shown i n Figure 2: uniform s o i l r e s i s t i v i t y = 100 ohm-m
surface cover r e s i s t i v i t y = 3000 ohm-m
1) Standing across a non-conducting r a i l j o i n t , with surface cover thickness = 0.15111 ( 6 in)
one foot on each r a i l .
This r e s u l t s i n a metal-to-metal f a u l t clearing time = 0.5s
step voltage between the feet.
For cases with a foot on the r a i l r o a d track, the foot
2) Standing with one foot on a r a i l section with the resistance was ass& t o be n e g l i g i b l e f o r that foot.
other foot on rock or s o i l one meter away (perpendicular)
from the r a i l . This r e s u l t s i n a metal-to-surface step With the track omitted, the g r i d current was
voltage between the feet. chosen so that the m a x i m touch voltage w i t h i n the g r i d
was j u s t below the t o l e r a b l e touch voltage.This resulted
3) Standing with one foot on rock or s o i l adjacent i n worst case r e s u l t s f o r touch and step voltage analysis
t o a r a i l and the other foot on rock or s o i l one meter near the track, while l i m i t i n g the f a u l t current t o a
away (perpendicular) from the r a i l . This r e s u l t s i n the r e a l i s t i c value f o r which a safe g r i d design was obtained.
usual step voltage condition. For a g r i d current o f 2245 anperes, the m a x i m computed
touch voltage was 540 volts, while the t o l e r a b l e touch
voltage i n the substation was computed as 562 volts.
ACROSS RAILROAD As described previously, the j o i n t s o f the r a i l -
road tracks were considered t o be e i t h e r conducting or
EXPOSED TO TRANSFER non-conducting. Working i s o l a t i o n j o i n t s and corroded or
POTENTIALS BETWEEN separated j o i n t s were considered as non-conducting j o i n t s .
THE TWO TRACKS Shorted i s o l a t i n g j o i n t s and e l e c t r i c a l l y connected j o i n t s
i n good condition were considered as conducting j o i n t s
GROUND FAULT with n e g l i g i b l e resistance.
The three main categories o f cases f o r the study
were as follows:
2. Tracks h a l f - b u r i e d i n earth
FOOT ON TRACK, ONE 3. Tracks h a l f - b u r i e d i n earth and the section j u s t
PERSON WITH BOTH outside the substation (section 2) removed
EXWSED TO THE These cases are varied by connecting and not
DIFFERENCE IN connecting the tracks t o the substation grounding grid,
SURFACE adding and deleting i s o l a t i n g joints, and considering the
POTENTIALSOF THE other j o i n t s conducting or non-conducting. The r e s u l t s of
the study are shown i n the following tables and discussed
Figure 2 Hazardous Voltages at Typical R a i l J o i n t
RESULTS The study of t h i s case began with the track not
connected t o the grid, but remotely grounded a t some point
1. R A I L S INSULATED FROM THE SOIL: (perhaps, a t a grounded track switch, s i l t e d - o v e r track,
etc.). I s o l a t i o n j o i n t s uere then a s s d a t points T 2
A t the time o f the track's construction, the r a i 1s and T 3 o f Figure 1. Next, the track was considered con-
would be e f f e c t i v e l y insulated from the earth by cross nected t o the ground g r i d end remotely grounded beyond a
t i e s and crushed rock, and would not need t o be included d i s t a n t non-conducting j o i n t (beyond the f i f t h r a i l set-
i n the modeled grid, unless the r a i l s were bonded t o the tion). Then, i s o l a t i n g j o i n t s were again assumed a t
grid. This w w l d be an ideal case that would be d i f f i c u l t points T 2 and 73. The voltages a t the points of concern
t o obtain and maintain; however, i t nas a good s t a r t i n g during f a u l t conditions f o r these four cases are con-
point f o r t h i s c-rative study. tained i n Tables l A , IB, l C , and 1D.
The study o f t h i s case began with the track not 28-5 TRACK 460 509 20 63 166 215
connected t o the g r i d and discontinuous a t some remote CONNECTED TO GRID,
point, with the remote track assuned p e r f e c t l y grounded ISOLATING JOINTS AT
(i.e., a t remote earth p o t e n t i a l ) . Isolat-ing j o i n t s were T2 AND T3
then added a t points T2 and T3. Then, a l l j o i n t s were as-
s& t o be non-conducting due t o poorly conducting 28-6 TRACK 1144 470 143 68 41 215
j o i n t s . These three conditions were then repeated with CONNECTED TO GRID,
the track Connected t o the substation grid. The voltages ALL JOINTS
a t the points o f concern during f a u l t conditions DISCONTINUOUS
TABLE 2C RAI L S HALF-WRIED I N EARTH are contained i n Tables 2A, 28, 2C, and 2D.
2C-6 TRACK 1601 708 238 118 360 164 The next condition assuned a l l o f the r a i l j o i n t s
CONNECTED TO GRID, were non-conducting t o determine the impact on the voltage
ALL JOINTS levels a t the points of concern. A person simultaneously
D I SCONT INUWS touching the r a i l and a grounded substation structure uas
subject t o the same reduced voltage as i n the previous
case (Case 2A-3). The r a i l - t o - s o i l step voltages along
TABLE ZD RAILS HALF-BURIED I N EARTH the track were below the tolerable voltage, except near
SIRFACE-TO-SURFACE STEP VOLTAGES ALONG TRACK the substation (Case 28-3). The voltages across the
j o i n t s decreased from levels exceeding the tolerable
TOLERABLE voltages as the distance between the substation and j o i n t
STEP VOLTAGES STEP increased (Case 2C-3). The surface-to-surface step v o l t -
ALONG TRACK (V) VOLTAGES ages along the track were well below the tolerable step
(SOIL-TO-SOIL) ALONG TRACK voltage (Case 2D-3).
Next, the previous three conditions were repeated
20-1 TRACK NOT 124 213 259 162 267 u i t h the track connected t o the substation ground grid.
CONNECTED TO GRID, For these cases, the r a i l acted l i k e an extension of the
DISCONTINUWS AT g r i d t o lower the GPR. With the track connected t o the
REMOTE POINT grid, the touch voltage between the g r i d and the track was
eliminated (Case 2A-4). The r e i 1-to-surface p o t e n t i a l
2D-2 TRACK NOT 26 7 40 39 267 increased with increasing distance from the substetion and
CONNECTED TO GRID, was well above the t o l e r a b l e a t a l l points f o r t h i s
ISOLATING JOINTS AT example (Case 28-4). A person standing across a non-
T2 AND 73 conducting r a i l j o i n t would be subject t o the f u l l GPR
(Case 2C-4). The s o i l - t o - s o i t step voltages outside of
20-3 TRACK NOT 69 14 5 6 267 the substation along the track were above the tolerable
CONNECTED TO GRID, voltages f o r some distance, due t o the g r i d p o t e n t i a l
ALL JOINTS being transferred along the r a i l (Case 2D-4).
U i t h i s o l a t i n g j o i n t s a t points T2 and T3, the
2D-4 TRACK 549 608 649 381 267 touch voltage between the g r i d and r a i l was again zero,
CONNECTED TO GRID, because the r a i l was bonded t o the g r i d f o r t h i s case
REMOTELY GROUNDED (Case 2A-5). A person with one foot on the track and one
BEYOND NON- foot o f f would be subject t o a voltage above the tolerable
CONDUCTING JOINT, along the isolated r a i l section between points TZ and 13,
but below the tolerable elsewhere (Case 26-51. A person
20-5 TRACK 28 7 40 39 267 standing across the i s o l a t i n g j o i n t s would be subject t o
CONNECTED TO GRID, transfer p o t e n t i a l s well above the tolerable, even though
ISOLATING JOINTS AT the i s o l a t i n g j o i h t s were assuned t o be i n good condition
T2 AND T3 f o r t h i s case (Case 2C-5). The s o i l - t o - s o i l step voltages
along the track were well below the t o l e r a b l e (Case 2D-5).
2D-6 TRACK 70 14 5 6 267
CONNECTED TO GRID, To represent an extreme case, the next cases
ALL JOINTS assumed a l l of the r a i l j o i n t s were non-conducting, u i t h
DISCONTINUOUS the r a i l bonded t o the grid. The touch voltage between
(Case 2A-6). The r a i t -
the r a i l and g r i d uas a g a i n zero TABLE 38 RAILS HALF-BURIED IN EARTH
to-surface step voltages along the track imnediately RAIL-TO-SURFACE STEP VOLTAGES ALONG TRACK
outside the substation were above the tolerable, but
decreased r a p i d l y t o values below the tolerable a t points TOLERABLE
away from the substation (Case 28-6). The r a i l - t o - r a i l STEP VOLTAGES STEP
voltage across the non-conducting j o i n t s was well above ALONG TRACK (V) VOLTAGES
the tolerable a t points near the substation, but eventual- (RAIL-TO-SURFACE) ALONG TRACK
l y f e l l below the tolerable as distance from the substa- DESCRIPTION 13 14 15 16 ( V I SOIL
tion increased (Case 2C-6). The s o i l - t o - s o i l step
voltages were well below the tolerable a t a l l points (Case 38-1 TRACK NOT 305 22 60 161 215
38-2 TRACK NOT 172 132 67 41 215
I n the l a s t cases, the section o f track j u s t CONNECTED TO GRID,
outside the substation uas removed and the above touch and ALL JOINTS
step scenarios uere repeated. I n general, a l l touch and DISCONTINUOUS,
step scenarios resulted i n s i g n i f i c a n t l y lower voltages TRACK 2 REMOVED
with t h i s r a i l section removed, as shoun i n Tables 3A, 38,
3C and 3D. 38-3 TRACK 306 22 60 161 215
U i t h the track not connected t o the grid, one o f TRACK 2 REMOVED
only three cases ( f o r t h i s exanple) which resulted i n
voltages above the tolerable was the rail-to-surface step 3B-4 TRACK 172 132 67 41 215
voltage j u s t beyond the removed r a i l section (Case 38-1). CONNECTED TO GRID,
The other cases were across the f i r s t non-conducting j o i n t ALL JOINTS
beyond the removed r a i l section with a l l r a i l j o i n t s DISCONTINUOUS,
assuned non-conducting, regardless o f whether or not the TRACK 2 REMOVED
r a i l s were connected t o the g r i d (Case 3C-2). These re-
s u l t s were due t o the magnitude o f the potentials induced
on the modeled r a i l sections between points T3 and T6,
which would, i n r e a l i t y , depend on the effectiveness o f
the r a i l ' s contact with the s o i l and the length o f track TABLE 3C RAILS HALF-BURIED I N EARTH
before a discontinuity were encountered. These voltages, TRANSFER VOLTAGES BETEEN RAILS
then, would be higher o r lower than the reported values
f o r d i f f e r e n t assumptions. TRANSFER VOLTAGES
U i t h the track bonded t o the grid, the only two (RAIL-TO-RAIL) STEP
cases which resulted in voltages above the tolerable were DESCRIPTION TE 13 14 15 VOLTAGE C V l
the two scenarios j u s t discussed, above (Cases 38-3 and
3C-4). These r e s u l t s were also dependent on the model f o r 3C-1 TRACK NOT NA NA 0 0 215
the r a i l and, thus, would be higher or lower f o r d i f f e r e n t CONNECTED TO GRID,
assumpt ions. TRACK 2 REMOVED
Q a v i d l a n e Garrett (S '75 M '76) was born i n Birming-
ham, A1 on January 10, 1954. He received the B. S. and M.
S. degrees i n Engineering from the University o f Alabama -
Birmingham i n 1976 and 1978, respectively.