Sentinel For Applications in Agriculture
Sentinel For Applications in Agriculture
Sentinel For Applications in Agriculture
ISPRS-GEOGLAM-ISRS Joint Int. Workshop on “Earth Observations for Agricultural Monitoring”, 18–20 February 2019, New Delhi, India
Mario A. Gomarasca1,*, Antonella Tornato2, Daniele Spizzichino2, Emiliana Valentini2, Andrea Taramelli2,§, Giuseppe Satalino3,
Massimo Vincini4, Mirco Boschetti5, Roberto Colombo6, Livio Rossi7, Enrico Borgogno Mondino8, Luigi Perotti9, Walter Alberto9,
Fabio Villa9
Summer School Director, Italian Remote Sensing Association (AIT) & CNR-IREA Milano, [email protected]
ISPRA, Rome, Italy,§IUSS, Pavia, Italy,3CNR IREA Bari, Italy,4CRAST-UNIPC, Piacenza, Italy,5CNR IREA Milano, Italy,
DISAT-UNIMIB, Milano, Italy,7e-GEOS SpA, Rome, Italy,8DISAFA-UNITO, Torino, Italy,9IMAGEO srl Spin-off, Torino, Italy
The European Union and the European Space Agency (EU/ESA) have promoted since 1998 (Baveno Manifesto*) the GMES
Programme (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), nowadays called Copernicus ( In the
agriculture domain, the use of Copernicus Sentinel imagery and its services are providing several new opportunities. The knowledge
of fundamentals of Earth Observation/Geographic Information EO/GI, namely Geomatics, for the development of innovative
strategies for professional skills adequacy and capacity building, supporting Copernicus user uptake, becomes mandatory
(Gomarasca, 2009). The target is to help bridging gaps between supply and demand of education and training for geospatial
sector ( The innovative and strategical novelties are the complete free access to Sentinel time series imagery
and digital image processing software “Sentinel toolboxes” such as SNAP (Sentinel Application Platform) for different
environments (Windows, Mac, Unix). The paper introduce topics as crop mapping and monitoring, biophysical parameters,
phenology and yield estimations, through several concluded or ongoing international projects such as: ERMES -FP7
(, Busetto et al. 2017) and SATURNO (, Nutini et al.,
2018) devoted to the regional agricultural monitoring. As conclusion, SNAP software for image processing of Sentinel data was
demonstrated and tested together with Earth Engine software for specific vertical agriculture applications. The topics reported in
this paper have been part of the Summer School ‘Sentinel for Applications in Agriculture’ supported by the Copernicus
programme, several scientific associations (AIT, ASITA, EARSeL - European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories),
the European Erasmus+ project EO4GEO, University Departments and Geo-Information Companies.
future Expansion and Next Generation Sentinels. The other product. This product needs to be pre-processed before its use,
fundamental pillar of the programme are the six cross cut following a typical chain of pre-processing that includes:
thematic services: Land monitoring, marine environment, calibration, co-registration, multi-looking and geocoding. This
Atmosphere, Climate Change, Emergency Management and pre-processing can be performed by using the Sentinel-1
Security. The Copernicus Programme is designed and operates Toolbox (S1TBX), which consists of a collection of processing
to make available to several public and private user tools, data product readers and writers, embedded into the
communities trusted and quality multi-source products and SNAP common architecture
services. The engagement of Member States takes place in the ( The
frame of the National User Forum, and is characterized by some crop classification by using Sentinel-1 data is a specific
common denominators: coping with the European and national problem of data classification. A wide literature is available
obligations, facilitating and sustaining the scientific and concerning classification methods in general (e.g. supervised or
technologic innovation to realize downstream services and unsupervised) and crop classification methods from SAR data
societal benefits through the National Space Economy and in particular (Oliver and Quegan, 1998). What have to be taken
Policy. Finally, since the development of operational services into account is that crop classification accuracy depends not
has to be user-driven oriented, the criteria for Sentinel evolution only on the specific method used but also on various factors
are: such as:
• consolidated user needs: Copernicus Core users • level of data pre-processing (speckle filtering, multi-
require additional observational capacity, temporal filtering, …);
• gap analysis: new mission taking into account • SAR features used (backscatter coefficients, single-
synergies with other missions and the pool of dual polarization, multi-temporal data, …);
current/novel products. • type of crops (winter-summer crops, small stem
• technological readiness: the mission could be realized crops, broad leaf plants, …);
within the timeframe 2025-2030. Detailed criteria for • number of crops.
application/technology/in-situ. A comprehensive overview of the results achievable by means
• affordability: mission can be realized with realistic of supervised approaches as applied to multi-polarized and/or
assumptions on available budgets to meet multi-temporal SAR data can be found in Skriver et al., 2011,
requirements effectively or efficiently. where the importance of the polarizations (e.g. VH and VV)
and of the use of multi-temporal SAR data for improving the
1. Description of the activities and discussion crop classification accuracy are illustrated. Their main
drawback is that the classification methodology is data driven
1.1 Sentinel-1 for agriculture (i.e., training fields sampled on the investigated site are
required); therefore, the classifier performance is normally
The potentiality of Sentinel-1 for crop mapping comes from the space and time dependent. As an example, a winter crop map
sensitivity of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data to crop obtained from multi-temporal Sentinel-1 images acquired in
structure and vegetation water content. Although optical 2015 over the Apulian Tavoliere (Southern Italy) is given in
sensors (e.g. Sentinel-2) are well suited for agricultural Figure 1. The map identifies seven soil/crop classes and it has
applications, the use of Sentinel-1 can offer an additional and been obtained by a classification procedure of seven multi-
complementary source of information for crop mapping, as temporal VV and VH Sentinel-1 pre-processed images (at
Sentinel-1 SAR images: i) are not affected by cloud cover, ii) approximately 100m pixel resolution) acquired during spring
have a global coverage, and iii) have a frequent temporal 2015 and by using the Maximum Likelihood classifier. The
revisit. The Sentinel-1 constellation has been designed to overall accuracy of the map, evaluated over a testing data set,
acquire high resolution dual-polarized C-band SAR data with a achieves 85%. As can be observed, the majority of the
temporal gap of 6 days. This is achieved by using two satellites agricultural area is covered by cereals, i.e. wheat, barley and oat
(i.e. S-1A and S-1B) sharing the same orbit plane with a 180° crops.
orbital phasing difference. The C-SAR instrument on-board can
operate in four exclusive acquisition modes (i.e. i) Strip map Sentinel-1 data have a good potential to identify agricultural
(SM), ii) Interferometric Wide swath (IW), iii) Extra-Wide crops due to its sensitivity to crop structure and vegetation
swath (EW), and iv) Wave mode (WV)), with different water content. This potential can be exploited to get crop maps
resolution (down to 5 m) and coverage (up to 400 km). The with a good classification accuracy (e.g. 85%) by using multi-
obtained acquisitions are made available as SAR products with temporal and dual polarization (VV and VH) Sentinel-1 data.
different level of processing and resolution (e.g. level-1 SLC,
level-1 GRD) 1.2 Sentinel-2 for agriculture
Sentinel-2 constellation is built to analytically acquire high-
1/overview). SAR products can be searched and downloaded by
resolution, multi-spectral images with a high revisit time
means of the Copernicus Open Access Hub
globally. The constellation is composed by two (Sentinel-A and
( Among them, the most used
B) polar orbiting satellites space out at 180° visible in Figure 2.
product for agricultural applications is the IW Level-1 GRDH
The Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) is the sensor carried as
DVS = 0, emergence DVS = 1, tillering DVS = 1.3, flowering the SNAP VI processor, and used to apply crop-specific LAI-
DVS = 2, and maturity DVS = 4) and to compute seasonal VIs empirical relationships in band math. LAI, CCD and LCD
metrics (e.g., length of the vegetative and reproductive phases). estimates can be also obtained by using the SNAP Biophysical
processor (Figure 4), employing a neural network (NNT)
algorithm developed by INRA tailored for Sentinel-2 and
trained using radiative transfer simulations from PROSPECT
and SAIL RT models. Differences between empirical and RTM
inversion-based estimates as implemented within SNAP for the
two crops can be evaluated and critically discussed based on the
capability to integrate prior crop-specific information, (e.g.
average leaf inclination, taxonomy) critical for the accuracy of
the estimation. While such capabilities are limited in the current
release of the SNAP Biophysical processor, crop-specific
empirical relationships of Biophysical parameters vs. VIs can
be easily used in SNAP for empirical estimates of LAI, CCD
and LCD.
Figure 4. Examples of Phenological estimates at field level for a Beside the temporal estimation of biophysical parameters, high-
case study rice farm in Lomellina (North of Italy, Pavia temporal resolution Sentinel 2 VIs Time-Series (TS) can be
province, latitude 45°15’ N ± 1.5’, longitude 8° 34’ E ± 2’, 112 used for yield assessment and to extract key phenological
m ± 15 m a.s.l.). Cultivated varieties (a) with different sowing metrics at the field level.
dates (d) and phenological estimates @ 10 m resolution:
Phenological metrics that can be obtained include the onset of
tillering (b), flowering (c), maturity (e) and season length (f).
greenness (start of season), time of peak VI, maximum VI, rate
of green-up, length of season, rate of senescence and time-
In figure 4. the variability of the crop condition in few integrated area under the curve, a metric that can be used for
kilometers according to cultivated varieties and agro-practices, yield forecast. Similarly, to the inversion of RT models current
in European context, is shown. It is therefore evident how SNAP release incorporates basic tools for simple TS analysis.
parcel level information is needed to characterized and monitor
such a complex condition. Estimates performances were
assessed both exploiting field observation and modelling results
(see Boschetti et al. 2018 for details). Differences between
reference and EO estimates at flowering phenological stage
(DVS 2) range between – 15 to 10 days, in the majority of the
cases differences are comprised within 5 days and the RMSE is
about 6.5 days. The preliminary test conducted in this study
highlights how time series of decametric data can contribute to
parcel-scale crop monitoring providing new insights on crop
management practices, including information on cultivated
varieties. This information can push towards crop modelling Figure 5. LAI estimate by using the SNAP Biophysical
application for yield estimation at field scale and first test have processor
been conducted to assess contribution in assimilation
framework (Gilardelli et al., 2019). Three multi-temporal Sentinel 2 part of images, corresponding
to Piacenza province portions, geographically starting from
1.4 Crop monitoring: biophysical parameters, phenology ‘Tadini Centre Locality Gariga di Podenzano Italy, towards
and yield south up to Emilian Apennines mountains are shown in Figure
The analysis of high-spatial and temporal resolutions Sentinel 2 5. The images, all acquired in 2018 (February, April, July),
data is a powerful tool for crops monitoring. At the field level have been already processed and have been using for the
the estimation of crops’ key biophysical parameters (Leaf Area Common Agricultural Policy Controls (CAP) in Italy; the band
Index - LAI, Leaf and Canopy Chlorophyll Density – combination 8-11-4 (near infrared, short infrared, red) is the
respectively LCD and CCD) can be addressed by Empirical best, by literature and in operation, for agricultural monitoring
relationships with Vegetation Indexes (VIs) or by the inversion and crop groups detection. Due to the different resolutions,
of Leaf and canopy radiative transfer (RT) models short IR has 20 m pixel vs 10 of NIR, the CAP procedure
(PROSPECT+SAIL) suggests to do not apply the more correct pan sharpening
SNAP provides the opportunity to apply and compare both method, which offers a better geometry (smoothing) but a
methods (i.e. empirical VIs’ relationships and inversion of RT worse spectral signature maintenance. This data set has been
models) for the estimation of biophysical parameters from used for train the capability of the multi-temporal information
Sentinel 2 data. Many VIs sensitive to LAI, CCD and LCD can of Sentinel 2 (72 possible yearly acquisitions in south Europe)
be obtained at 10 or 20 m resolution using SNAP band math or to identify the crop phenological phases as additional
information for the detection of ‘cultivation groups’ by spectral concerns the quality of a measure (or of an intervention) and
signatures. not exactly the way the problem is faced. It can be said that,
ordinarily, people retain that technological approaches are more
1.5 European CAP precise (and intelligent) than traditional one, generating this
great misunderstanding.
The Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) of European Union
To make “technological forestry/agriculture” a “precise” one, a
needs a verified money distribution to 8 million of EU farmers.
great work has still to be done concerning the entire expected
Remote sensing geomatics applications allow to manage and
workflow: improvement of users’ consciousness of both data
control the single distributed subsidies overall the EU28 (27
and tools is the main challenge to ensure that PFF could be
next years) agricultural holdings.
adopted at farm/forest company level. In particular,
Remote Sensing and the geomatics science have been multispectral remote sensing from imaging systems is expected
accompanying and explaining the main purposes of this policy, to heavily support this process. Recently, three facts have
the regulation evolution along the years, in parallel with the determined an exponential and sudden acceleration of remote
technology improvement, both in terms of resolution/spectral sensing technology transfer to PFF: a) the availability of open
bands and satellite acquisition capacity. Particular focus is now access data archives of native and pre-processed global datasets
assigned to Sentinel data new contribution, not only for (e.g NASA Landsat and MODIS, ESA Copernicus Sentinel
improving the efficiency of the existing approach and data, etc.); b) the introduction into the market of low cost
methodology but, as often happens, for providing the base and systems for image acquisition (i.e. RPAS, Remotely Piloted
the technical support of the new EU regulations: passing from Aerial Systems) equipped with multispectral and thermal
“controls” at sample level to “monitoring” for the entire sensors; c) software development, that greatly has improved the
continental agro-environmental territory which will be applied degree of automation in data processing. Commercial players
in Europe after 2020. This different method, due to the Sentinel have been the firsts that approached the technology transfer,
constellation availability, open to a continuous monitoring of forecasting great income opportunities, especially in the
each agronomic parcel, along the different phenological seasons agricultural context; this, generally, occurred with no care about
in Europe. Obviously, this new systematic approach can be the appropriate scientific consciousness; the high level of
suggested and applied for other international automation, given by software improvement, encouraged this
applications/replications, even at regional level. trend. Surprisingly, traditional remote sensing experts initially
did not participate to technology transfer. Consequently, this
RPAS light devices (more diffused, especially for their major business-based approach is now showing some limitations
feasibility in authorization) are continuously growing in mainly related to operators’ unconsciousness about some
applications and in popular awareness, even for agriculture technical aspects that are needed to make results and deductions
management and precision farming. However, at the important reliable (Mondino, 2017). This is not a negligible issue,
and satisfactory results (geometrical and thematic), must be especially when quantitative measures are required to drive
always associated the corresponding limitations in terms of agronomic/forest interventions. The current moment is crucial:
working time and costs (management and SW). Several official scientists have still not answered all the questions concerning
experiences have given an overview of the capability, through properness and effectiveness of remote sensing to the
operational tests performed. For instance, the Italian Ministry of operational compart (Borgogno-Mondino, 2017). Moreover,
Agriculture asked and paid specific application trials aimed at consistency of RS costs with those required by these at-low-
evaluating the pasture graze ability, the soil erosion, the crop income sectors is not still demonstrated, nor the actual benefits
species distinguishing, the vineyard NDVI evolution, etc., with that this technology can provide at farm/forest company level.
the goal to demonstrate when a benefit/cost balance can justify Geomatics scientific community is therefore called to support
the light RPAS use. Generally, the above ratio appears positive this transitory phase by:
when specific or complicate detections are requested, while for a) testing sensors and tools providing information concerning
simple crop or land use analysis or updating the relative costs proper ranges of their usability;
(devices, software and working time) seem too high for b) transferring to users and sensors/sw producer’s knowledge
justifying the methodology against the traditional rapid field and skills about metric and spectral issues related to RS;
visits. c) proposing and formalizing operational standards for both
technology and data processing.
1.6 Agriculture and Precision Farming
Among a great variety of unanswered questions, the following
Precision Farming and Forestry (PFF) are, nowadays, well ones seem to require particular attention in this technology
sounding keywords for everyone involved in forest and transfer phase:
agronomic practices. Nevertheless, at the state of the art, the a) how can automate data (free) processing to generate reliable
same concept would be better addressed to as “Technological spectral indices time series? Exploitation of all the available
Forestry/Agriculture”, being technology the most relevant issue auxiliary information is expected to filter out bad observations
that strongly characterizes this type of approach, making it at pixel level;
different and, probably, “advanced”, in respect of more
traditional practices. Precision is something different: it
Sentinel-3 is primarily an ocean mission, however, the mission 1.8 Drone survey and data elaboration
is also able to provide atmospheric and land applications. The
mission provides data continuity for the ERS, Envisat and This section is dedicated to illustrate the potentiality of drone
SPOT satellites. Sentinel-3 makes use of multiple sensing survey as support tool for agriculture and precision farming.
instruments to accomplish its objectives; SLSTR (Sea and Land Nowadays UAV-RPAS-Drone instrument is a powerful a tool
Surface Temperature Radiometer), OLCI (Ocean and Land to produce high resolution orthophotos and high resolution
Colour Instrument), SRAL (SAR Altimeter), DORIS, and Digital Elevation/Surface Models (DTMs and DSMs). An
MWR (Microwave Radiometer). An interesting future unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as drone or
development of space observation is the combination between RPAS, is an aircraft without a human pilot aboard. UAVs are a
Sentinel 3 and FLEX in a tandem mission (Figure 6). The component of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS); which
ESA’s FLEX mission aims to provide global maps of include a UAV, a ground-based controller, and a system of
vegetation fluorescence, which can be converted into an communications between the two parts. Topographic modeling
indicator of photosynthetic activity. These data would improve data processing is becoming more accessible and more widely
our understanding of how much carbon is stored in plants and used due to recent advances in digital photogrammetry methods
their role in the carbon and water cycles. FLEX will be the first and UAV-Drone instruments. Nowadays classic aerial
space mission designed to observe fluorescence by using a photogrammetry survey is often replaced by Structure from
novel technique measuring the main part of the chlorophyll Motion (SfM) techniques, where the non-metric camera is
fluorescence spectrum that originates from the core of the mounted on a UAV, and many photographs taken vertically or
photosynthetic machinery. Sun induced fluorescence will be slantwise towards the ground. The SfM workflow generates,
measured with a high-resolution imaging spectrometer first of all, 3D models in arbitrary object coordinates and the
acquiring data in the 500–780 nm spectral range, with a precision of the model depends on image quality/quantity and
sampling of 0.1 nm in the oxygen bands (759–769 nm and 686– on the 3D reconstruction algorithm. Moreover, the cartographic
697 nm), while red edge, chlorophyll absorption and PRI absolute accuracy of the final orthophoto and DSMs depends on
(Photochemical Reflectance Index) will be computed at 0.5–2.0 the accuracy of the coordinates used in the georeferencing
nm. FLEX mission will orbit in tandem with Sentinel-3 of the process. Commonly a complete drone survey includes a first
Copernicus constellation. Taking advantage of Sentinel-3's step with area selection and drone system selection and setup, a
optical and thermal sensors will lead to an integrated package of second step that includes the flight plan definition and target
measurements to assess plant health. With the Sentinel-2 positioning; the third step is the outside Drone flight including
satellites also in orbit, there is a unique opportunity of using this the GNSS target survey and final step is dedicated to data
data synergistically from all three missions for vegetation export and elaboration through Structure for Motion
studies. Sentinel-3 instruments OLCI and SLSTR provide the photogrammetric software (Agisoft Photoscan
needed atmospheric information, as well as contribute to in order to obtain Digital Surface Model and
retrieve vegetation information (LAI, chlorophyll) useful for the high resolution orthophoto of the surveyed area.
interpretation of the fluorescence signal.
observed data. Moreover, the platform is free to use, and every Environment Volume 187, 15 December 2016, Pages 102–118
user owns the personal scripts and can decide whether to
publish or keep them private. Fundamental is the
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