Mapping Forest Fire Risk at A Local Scale-A Case Study in Andalusia (Spain)
Mapping Forest Fire Risk at A Local Scale-A Case Study in Andalusia (Spain)
Mapping Forest Fire Risk at A Local Scale-A Case Study in Andalusia (Spain)
NIM : 082001700059
Kelas : TL-A
Mata Kuliah : Metode Penelitian
Dosen Pengampu : Dr. Ir. Dwi Indrawati, M. Si
Artikel 1
Judul Mapping Forest Fire Risk at a Local Scale—A Case Study in Andalusia
Topik Land Management
Sumber Jurnal
Tujuan Forest fires are a critical environmental problem facing current societies,
Penelitian with serious repercussions at ecological, economic and personal safety
levels. Detailed maps enabling identification of areas liable to be affected
is an indispensable first step allowing different prevention and protection
measures vis-à-vis this kind of phenomenon. These maps could be
especially valuable for use in land management and emergency planning
at a municipality scale.
Metode To estimate this sort of flexible term (mid/short-term) risk maps, two
kinds of factors have to be considered, namely static and dynamic. In the
case of natural hazard elements, static or fixed factors are (i) slope
gradient and (ii) combustible type, while for the more time-dynamic factor
(iii) moisture stress of the vegetation was chosen.
Kesimpulan The amount and diversity of variables that directly or indirectly influence the
outbreak and behaviour of fire, as well as the difficulty of modelling many of
these variables (especially those associated with human behaviour), make it
hard to design a fire risk model that is able to generate sufficiently reliable
The fire hazard mapping obtained enables, on the one hand, the
identification and localisation of areas with higher hazard on a long/ medium
term basis that allows local authorities to improve their capacities for
planning fixed anti-fire infrastructures (watch towers allocation, firebreaks
construction). On the other hand, it shows the spatial variability of the
hazard on different dates in a specific year (the year 2013 in this study),
clearly reflected in the short-term hazard mapping for the study period.
In spite of the unknown causes of these specific forest fires, it can be
observed that most of the fire perimeters include areas of high hazard level
from where outbreaks of fire can take place; thus, in a first approximation,
these areas should be considered in incoming fire prevention planning.
In the case of risk maps, they should be considered in future fire emergency
plans, as they outline sectors of main and scattered settlements, as well as
transport and power infrastructures that could likely be affected by wildland
Artikel 2
Judul Noise Events Monitoring for Urban and Mobility Planning in Andorra la
Vella and Escaldes-Engordany
Topik Noise Pollution
Sumber Jurnal
Tujuan This paper presents a preliminary analysis considering both the Signal-to-
Penelitian Noise Ratio (SNR) and the duration of the ANEs to evaluate their presence in
urban areas in the three different locations in Andorra la Vella and Escaldes-
Metode To conduct the recordings, a ZOOM H4n digital recorder was used. The
sensor was placed on a tripod at a height of 1.5 m and with an inclination of
45◦ , and the tripod was placed 5 m from the targeted area to be recorded
and 2 m from any wall behind the device, as can be observed in Figure 2.
This methodology was applied for the three recording locations taking into
account particularities from each location, but maintaining the criteria for all
recordings during the two days.
Kesimpulan These first monitoring campaigns permitted us to explore the potential of
measuring noise pollution in different areas of the city to better understand
urban dynamics during a given day, in order to plan deeper studies
considering also the meteorological conditions throughout the year. The
recording campaign should be expanded throughout the year to obtain data
from different meteorological conditions. One of the goals of the Andorran
Government and the municipality of Escaldes-Engordany is to create a
system of real-time monitoring and data integration of different sources of
information to inform about the urban dynamics such as traffic and
pedestrian patterns, energy consumption, environmental pollution among
First, the inclusion of this kind of information in the integral “single-view”
system of the city can help us to better understand the most important
drivers and their dynamics that lead to an increase in noise pollution.
Second, these data analyzed together with different sources of information
can provide relevant results to design more suitable policies, measures and
urban interventions to reduce noise pollution in the areas where a higher
number of citizens and tourists are exposed to, and can help in the objective
from both the government and the municipality, to increase the
environmental quality and the welfare of these groups.
Artikel 3
Judul Water Footprint (ISO 14046) in Latin America, State of the Art and
Recommendations for Assessment and Communication
Topik Water Management
Sumber Jurnal
Tujuan The objectives of this project were: (1) To scale knowledge, networking and
Penelitian generate leadership through exchanges among 43 professionals from 14
Latin American countries; (2) to develop recommendations to improve
coherence in the quantification, verification and communication of the water
footprint in the region; and (3) to structure and publish the
recommendations, available tools/methods and key challenges in open
access guidelines.
Metode The study methods could be best described by a mixed method with
emphasis on qualitative methods or QUAL.
Kesimpulan Water footprint assessment of products with life cycle perspective in Latin
America is a relatively recent practice, from 2011. However, in recent years
there is a growing effort in the region to consolidate the water footprint as a
strategic water management tool, and an important number of studies have
been carried out; 40 studies were identified in this research. A large number
of these studies (31 studies) focused on agricultural products or the agrifood
sector; therefore, one important recommendation derived from this study is
to strengthen the current work in this sector, through the development of
coherent data and impact assessment methods.
One main area of concern in this work was to provide recommendations
regarding the quantification of the potential environmental impacts.
Therefore, a main outcome of this research was the recommendation of the
impact assessment methods to use for the freshwater scarcity, availability,
ecotoxicity and eutrophication impact categories. Also, another relevant
point was to consider the type of product being assessed when selecting to
include or exclude impact categories; and to pay attention to the needs of
the intended audience, for example category midpoints were recommended
to audiences where there is a need to conserve the objectivity and scientific
robustness of the impact categories assessed.